IXcellerate is planning to put $260M to work over in Russia. Over the next five years they plan to move beyond their single Moscow One Datacentre in Moscow and either build or buy four more facilities. [Read more →]
Metro Bytes: WANRack, TIM, Open Fiber, Zayo
February 6th, 2019
Here’s a quick rundown on some metro fiber news worth noting: [Read more →]
Int’l Bytes: IX Reach, Avelacom, Orange
February 5th, 2019
Three interesting items touching on three continents: [
Farice Plans Another North Atlantic Cable
February 4th, 2019

The Telecommunication Fund of Iceland and the submarine cable operator Farice have kicked off a new project. The two have signed an agreement to work on a new cable system between Iceland and the British Isles, tentatively called IRIS. [Read more →]
RCom Finally Files for BK
February 4th, 2019
For over a year India’s Reliance Communications has hovered on the brink, negotiating with those it owes money and those who might buy its remaining business units in order to come up with a pathway to survival. Over the weekend they finally ran out of dancing room and filed for bankruptcy protection in Mumbai, and this time it may be for good. [Read more →]
TelePacific Makes a Deal, Will Go Public
February 1st, 2019
The telecom and internet infrastructure world has a new public company. TPx, previously known as TelePacific, has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Pensare Acquisition Corp, which currently trades under the ticker WRLS. [Read more →]
Friday Roundup: DataBank, Orange Business, Megaport
February 1st, 2019
Time to catch up on what I might have missed while on the road this week: [Read more →]
Where WANs Fall Short in Supporting VoIP and How SD-WAN Can Help
February 1st, 2019
This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Bruce Wirt, E.V.P, Chief Development Officer of Telesystem
If you travel frequently, you’ve probably relied more than once on the likes of Google Maps, Apple Maps and Waze. These tools provide unique utility, insofar as they can both predefine [Read more →]
Everstream Announces Massive Midwestern Buildout Plans
January 31st, 2019
After consolidating and integrating several fiber assets up in Michigan, Everstream has moved onto its next project and it’s definitely not a minor one. The Midwestern fiber network operator announced plans on Wednesday to invest $300M in new fiber builds across the region. [Read more →]
Hargray Buys DFS
January 30th, 2019

There was an interesting fiber M&A down in the southeast this morning. Hargray Communications has made its second deal of the month with an agreement to acquire Dark Fiber Systems in Jacksonville. [Read more →]
Tuesday Bytes: Sparkle, FirstLight, Huawei
January 30th, 2019
I’m on the road this week down at Metro Connect in Miami. If you’re there also, don’t hesitate to say hello. In the meantime, here are a few news bytes from different corners of the industry to keep track of: [Read more →]
Five Business Cases that SD-WAN Will Boost in 2019
January 29th, 2019
This Industry Viewpoint was authored by David W Wang
When talking about cost savings for enterprises or revenue streams for service providers from SD-WAN, we typically focus on existing MPLS service replacement or supplement. Many enterprise clients hope SD-WAN can help them to “pay less for more” of today’s network solutions. [Read more →]
Google, CenturyLink Said to Eye Zayo
January 28th, 2019
The rumors have been circulating over the weekend that both Google and CenturyLink have shown interest in bidding for Zayo. But should we believe them? [Read more →]
BT first global telco to win nationwide licenses in China
January 28th, 2019
This article was authored by Dylan Bushell-Embling, and was originally posted on telecomasia.net.
UK-based BT has announced it has become the first overseas telecoms operator to secure nationwide telecommunications licenses in China. [Read more →]
Colo Bytes: QTS, Colo Atl, SEIMITSU, Hargray
January 25th, 2019
Three interesting bits of colo news worth noting before everyone heads home for the weekend: [Read more →]
Installation of Indigo Cable System Now Complete
January 25th, 2019

Yet more capacity will soon be coming online between Australia and Singapore. The Indigo consortium announced today that it has completed the installation of both legs of the new cable system. [Read more →]
Int’l Bytes: Hawaiki, PacketFabric, Infinera, Telstra, HGC
January 24th, 2019
A few international items to check in on, all with roots in APAC. [Read more →]
Colt Heads Down Under
January 24th, 2019

Colt’s APAC reach is expanding to include a new continent. They have announced plans to extend the Colt IQ Network southward into Australia for the first time. [Read more →]
Wednesday Roundup: 123Net, Cascadia, EdgeConneX, DataGryd
January 23rd, 2019
Four interesting bits of infrastructure expansion news from four metros worth taking a look at one fiber, one fixed wireless, and two datacenter: [Read more →]
Reality and dreams of mobile finance
January 23rd, 2019
This article was authored by Jouko Ahvenainen, and was originally posted on telecomasia.net.
“M-Pesa is a great example of how money goes to the mobile, and telcos have a great opportunity to be banks in the emerging economies.” “Telcos are going to challenge banks in the emerging markets when services go to the mobile.” I have heard these sentences many times [Read more →]
DE-CIX Interwire to Take On More of India
January 22nd, 2019
A year and a quarter after DE-CIX and Interwire formed a joint venture to build an IX in Mumbai. Today that JV revealed plans to expand to other major Indian markets, hoping to build upon the company’s success at Mumbai IX. [Read more →]
VIRTUS Unveils Major UK Expansion
January 22nd, 2019
The UK-based data center provider VIRTUS has announced some big new expansion plans this week. Over the next two years the company intends to build not just one or two new data centers, and not three or four either, but five new facilities in the London metro area. [Read more →]
Colo Bytes: Chayora, NJFX, eStruxture, Digital Realty
January 22nd, 2019
Four bits of colo and related news worth noting from the start of the week: [Read more →]