Where Cogent Is – Europe

September 14th, 2008

Following up on my Cogent-North America post, let’s now look at Cogent’s European assets.  Once again one is able to derive the total buildings, Cogent-owned datacenters, and neutral datacenters for each city they serve.  With no further ado, here are their top 20 markets by number of lit buildings: [Read more →]


Where Cogent Is – North America

September 13th, 2008

Continuing in my series looking at metro assets and lit buildings, I took a look at Cogent.  If you’re willing to keep clicking, their website yields plenty of information – buildings, addresses, and whether each is a neutral or Cogent-owned datacenter – the rest I assume to be enterprise buildings for the sake of analysis.  For this post, let’s save [Read more →]


Fiber Maps, Lit Buildings, and Disclosure

September 12th, 2008

After his return from a trip, Dan Caruso found my Zayo Lit Buildings post and kindly offered avenues for more information should I be interested.  Who knows, I might!  He also asked how Zayo’s public maps and data stack up compared to others, and I thought about it and voila it turned into a blog post.  After all, I’ve looked at all of them, all I had to do was put them side by side – so I took the data I had on [Read more →]


Rackspace Reports Q2

September 12th, 2008

Rackspace Hosting, which IPO’d in August, released its Q2 earnings today.  I guess when you are a new listing, they relax the SEC reporting requirements as you settle in, considering how Q3 will be over in just a few weeks.  The market was unimpressed by Rackspaces’s results just as it was unimpressed by its IPO, but I think they just don’t understand the business. [Read more →]

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Global Crossing On the Prowl?

September 11th, 2008

At the Jefferies conference on Tuesday, Global Crossing was unflaggingly optimistic about its growth prospects.  Economic headwinds or not, they flat out refused to back off from their guidance and said things remain good.  Controversial?  Perhaps, but the most interesting comment came in response to a question on consolidation opportunities: [Read more →]


Bits and Pieces

September 11th, 2008

Lots of interesting but small stuff to comment on today, so let’s go through them: [Read more →]

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Level 3 Finally Pulls Its MPLS Together

September 10th, 2008

After what seemed like ages, Level 3 today announced that it has finally consolidated its many data services onto a best of breed MPLS platform.  There was a time, all of Q4/07 actually, when the company stopped selling ethernet private line entirely because they couldn’t provision it at all, let alone slowly.  When they started the integration, most of these services were [Read more →]


Zayo Buys #10?

September 10th, 2008

Zayo gave a presentation at the Jefferies investor conference yesterday, in which it discussed yet another acquisition made recently – yes, since Columbia Fiber Solutions just a couple weeks ago.  Who was it?  Well, they didn’t put a name on it, they only described it as [Read more →]


Which IP Network Will Enter the CDN Biz Next?

September 9th, 2008

So far, there are four IP network providers which have entered the CDN business.  AT&T has its own offering whose effect remains hard to gauge.  Level 3 bought Savvis’s CDN assets and has made lot of noise lately.  Internap bought VitalStream and Reliance Globalcom partnered with them.  Yesterday, Tata unveiled its new CDN and increased its ties with BitGravity.  That makes [Read more →]


TW Telecom Sees More Softness Coming

September 9th, 2008

TW Telecom today filed an 8-K with the SEC, warning that economic weakness may be spreading and may affect their growth in the near term.  As readers may recall, I spent some effort trolling through the earnings reports for Q2 looking for signs that network providers are feeling economic pressure.  A few saw pressure, most seemed ok but cautious, and a couple just shrugged it off.  Well, TW Telecom was one of those that [Read more →]


Tata Enters CDN Space Via BitGravity

September 8th, 2008

I suppose after Reliance Globalcom made its deal with Internap, it was inevitable that its erstwhile Indian rival Tata Communications would respond.  Today Dan Rayburn reports that Tata has in fact made its move.  Simultaneously investing $11.5M in BitGravity and launching its own CDN network based on BitGravity’s technology, I’d say they have called Reliance’s bluff and raised them a bit.  Tata and BitGravity were already allied, having partnered back in April, so this move should come as no big surprise. [Read more →]


Zayo's Lit Buildings Footprint

September 8th, 2008

After messing around with Level 3’s public information about its lit buildings, I decided to look at  another company that also provides nice quantities of information about its lit buildings: Zayo Bandwidth.   Zayo, one of Dan Caruso’s companies, also provides detailed maps of its extensive regional and metro fiber plus an on-net building list, and it is possible to glean [Read more →]


Google's Data Center Barges

September 7th, 2008

Over on Data Center Knowledge there is a nice article detailing Google’s plans for datacenters floating out at sea.   The speculation is based on a patent for a water-based datacenter that Google just updated in the last week or two.  I have to say, the idea is really, really fascinating.  Here are some thoughts: [Read more →]


Where Level 3 Wholesale Is

September 6th, 2008

Last week I posted a summary of where Level 3’s enterprise footprint is concentrated, this week it is the wholesale footprint – again gleaned from the new Level 3 interactive map.  From their breakdown, I count as their wholesale footprint all wireless switching centers, neutral colocations, carrier hotels, and local central offices.  This is the more traditional Level 3 footprint and [Read more →]


Connecting the Dots on Traffic

September 5th, 2008

We’ve heard many tidbits relating to internet traffic growth lately, let’s connect a few of the dots.  Cogent says traffic growth has really slowed, Global Crossing is seeing triple digits, and the rest see no substantive change in how many bits are on their network.  Akamai says they’re seeing less traffic, Limelight disagrees.  All in all, [Read more →]


Telecom Ramblings Forum is Born

September 5th, 2008

With the apparent sudden death of the InvestorVillage message boards, I have been pushed to action.  In that poll I ran just a few days ago, the top suggestion was discussion forums, and so I thought what the heck.  I mean, even if nobody shows up I still get to mess around with my website and I just love doing that.  And yet, there was no urgency at first. [Read more →]


Ciena Reports: Q3 Was Fine, Q4 Won't Be

September 4th, 2008

Ciena reported earnings this morning.  Revenues and EPS were both pretty much as expected, at $253.2M and $0.37.  However, the company gave guidance for their fiscal Q4 of just $190-210M, some 20-25% below what the street was expecting, or at least what was listed on yahoo finance as the analyst consensus.  The company gave [Read more →]


Level 3 to Stream the Paralympics

September 4th, 2008

They were the backup provider for the Olympics themselves to Limelight, but for the encore they are the primary provider.  In a press release by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC)  today, it emerged that Level 3 will be streaming the Paralympic games, also being held in Beijing and starting on Saturday.  But this time it’s for free. [Read more →]


Telegeography Says Traffic is Still Growing

September 3rd, 2008

In a new article today, Telegeography says the internet grew at a 53% clip over the last twelve months.  That’s a solid rate, although it is down a bit from last year’s 61%.   It certainly doesn’t match up with the slow growth rates Cogent has been reporting lately, but nor does it match up with the much higher rates Global Crossing has been reporting.  It probably falls in line with what Level 3 has been saying about traffic. [Read more →]


Global Crossing Back in the Colo Biz?

September 3rd, 2008

So they really meant it…  In late 2007 and early 2008, Global Crossing said they were going to leverage Impsat’s hosting and colocation business in an expansion to Europe, and today’s PR suggests they are having some success.  Of course, Global Crossing was last seen in the colocation and hosting business back in October of 2000, when they sold their GlobalCenter division to Exodus at the end of the bubble.  For those keeping score, Exodus then went bankrupt within a year, got bought by C&W USA, which in turn [Read more →]


How the Internet Works

September 3rd, 2008

Ars technica put out a fantastic article yesterday on the structure of the internet.  Discussions of transit and peering and the business models that are built out of them can get hairy very easily, what this article does is explain why networks do what they do in very clear, down to earth language.  The do a very good job on one topic that frequently eludes even the techs amongst us:  [Read more →]

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MLB Online Content On the Rise

September 2nd, 2008

Business Week has a nice article on how MLB is taking advantage of the internet nowadays.  With the Olympics and the conventions going on, the content world has almost been ignoring little things like MLBAM (Major League Baseball Advanced Media).  But as we leave those behind, the World Series looms as possibly the next big CDN event.  I particularly liked this quote: [Read more →]

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THUS Finally Gives In

September 2nd, 2008

Cable and Wireless has finally won its battle to take over network operator THUS in the UK.  C&W originally bid £1.65 and was rebuffed.  They raised their bid to £1.80 and were rebuffed again, but this time they held their ground.  The THUS board said they were worth more like £2.52, and tried mightily to drum up other interested parties.  But in the end only C&W was sitting at the table.  By mid August C&W had managed to roll up [Read more →]

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