Internet infrastructure and networks change so much, and the media reports on them are so sketchy, that it can be hard to really keep up with who does what and where they do it. Paid services like those of Telegeography make a good living off of that ambiguity, but sometimes we don’t need that much power. Simple, centralized repositories of public information like the metro fiber provider list I have been keeping and the CDN provider list Dan Rayburn keeps are a way of keeping track of a sector independent of the media and PR spin our world runs on nowadays. Therefore, I will be adding additional lists here on Telecom Ramblings for the subjects I care about. Today I am posting a listing [Read more →]
Happy Easter
April 12th, 2009
My 10 year old daughter returns with a new self-programmed holiday card, we will return to your regular programming tomorrow.
Alabama Senate Deregulates Landlines
April 11th, 2009
AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) won a victory yesterday in the deep south, they managed to convince the Alabama Senate to pass a bill ending regulation of phone services, both for home and business. Apparently, it was being filibustered by one state sentator, Bobby Singleton, but he stepped out of the chamber and they pounced and approved it 19-8. Sort of a Mr. Smith goes to Washington moment, but with a bathroom break. What does it mean? If it becomes law, landline rates will be deregulated just like wireless and voip. The argument was that since AT&T has lost 10% of its landlines in the state to those services, sufficient competition exists and landlines were at a disadvantage. [Read more →]
Vandals Target AT&T Fiber
April 10th, 2009
Tens of thousands of people in the Santa Clara area lost connectivity today, with fiber cuts in two locations. Apparently, however, this was not the work of the usual wayward backhoe nor did any earthquake or other natural disaster strike. Vandals seem to have actually opened two manholes, gone in and cut multiple fiberoptic cables of AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings). It’s no laughing matter, as evidenced by the $100K reward being offered by AT&T to catch the perpetrators. [Read more →]
Global Crossing Makes Its Pitch For Stimulus Funds
April 9th, 2009
In a release yesterday, glbc staked out its position regarding the federal stimulus money that will be funneled into improving broadband access. The company wishes to help “by expanding its world-class fiber optic network to support ‘middle-mile’ facilities that connect rural last-mile broadband providers to the Internet backbone.” Of course, Global Crossing’s network is not itself geared toward offering broadband access to consumers, nor even to reaching rural areas that happen to fall along it without help. Their point is that a national fiber backbone is nevertheless an integral part of the process, and they stand ready to [Read more →]
Why Cisco Is Building a CDN
April 9th, 2009
According to Dan Rayburn, Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO, news, filings) is out in the market buying third party datacenter space. Why? To build its own content delivery network. If one wants to compete with one’s customers, you would think last month’s very public entrance into the server market with its new Unified Computing System would suffice. But now they are considering taking on Akamai as well? What gives? Actually, there’s a perfectly logical reason. [Read more →]
Qwest Raises $750M, Has a Window Opened?
April 8th, 2009
Today q announced they have raised $750M, selling $810.5M in 8.375% notes due 2016, priced at about $0.925 on the dollar. They had originally planned to raise just $300M, but apparently there was much more demand for the paper than anyone anticipated. When coupled with the recent $220M expansion of its senior secured debt by Level 3 Communications (NYSE:LVLT, news, filings) on Monday, one has to wonder if the credit deep-freeze is over or at least melting just slightly here and there. [Read more →]
Fiber Valuations: Riding the Tide
April 8th, 2009
In response to my post Fiber Valuations – April 2009, a reader who goes by the moniker Homer made an interesting comment:
you might want to add an extra column with a measure of “% increase in value of common stock per unit increase in EV/EBITDA multiple”… this delta measure would tell your readers which stocks would benefit the most from a recovery of valuation multiples towards historical “normals”… equity investors would see where they would get the most leverage in such a recovery
Homer’s point is that the rise and fall of the market’s valuations of fiber-based telecoms does not translate into parallel stock price movements [Read more →]
Australia’s Broadband Bombshell
April 8th, 2009
In a surprise attack on Telstra’s dominance of the Australian telecom market, the Australian government announced a new initiative to bring 100Mbps FTTH to everyone. Well, 90% anyway with the rest needing wireless or satellite presumably because they are out in the outback or close enough. The network will be purely wholesale and no private owner will control more than 20%. The government will own 51% while the network gets built over the next 7-8 years, by which time the government will have sold its share. The total price tag? [Read more →]
SEACOM, Interoute to Hook Up
April 7th, 2009
SEACOM, the new undersea cable that will soon run the length of Africa’s east coast and connect to South Asia and Europe, has signed with Interoute for direct connectivity to Europe. SEACOM has been making news lately, as they bring fiber ashore along the routes to places that have never had such connectivity. Their website claims 93 days to completion, which suggest it will be in service sometime this summer. To connect with Interoute, they will land in Marseilles, France. Interoute has been looking southward quite a bit lately, adding undersea cable connectivity to [Read more →]
RCN Metro Hooks Up Lafayette
April 7th, 2009
RCN Metro, the metro and regional fiber subsidiary of RCN Business (NASDAQ:RCNI, news, filings), announced today that they have built a new ethernet circuit for Lafayette College. Lafayette needed diverse connectivity, preferably to New York to the east rather than over its existing routes to Philadelphia to the south. RCN’s regional fiber through the area via utility rights of way rather to the east where everyone else has assets; I believe the fiber in question came from its Neon acquisition a few years ago. [Read more →]
Fiber Valuations – April 2009
April 7th, 2009
Every quarter I like to take a look at where the sector stands in terms of its valuation of fiber assets. One of the major metrics used to compare valuation amongst competitive telecoms is the ratio between Enterprise Value and EBITDA, or EV/EBITDA, which incorporates the company’s debt and ignores depreciation and amortization. The latter are of course real costs, but they tend to be hard to compare against each other due to the distortions introduced over the last 10 years in the sector. The economic environment of course has become so toxic, that the market value of the corporate debt in the sector is generally below par, and for accurate comparison that discount must be applied to its EV. I have compiled the following list, which seeks to calculate (or estimate where necessary) the current EV/EBITDA ratios for publicly traded, competitive, fiber-based telecoms. With no futher ado, here is the current spreadsheet: [Read more →]
Level 3 Pulls Another $220M Out of its Hat
April 6th, 2009
In yet another financial transaction that few thought possible in this environment, Level 3 Communications (NYSE:LVLT, news, filings) has waved its magic wand and added $214M to its coffers. The money comes via a second tranche for its senior secured credit facility, the balance of which previously stood at $1.4B and will now be $1.62B. The interest will be at LIBOR+8.5% with a floor of 11.5%. When interest rates go up, as they surely will, this rate will of course not look so cheap. However, the money will help to further reduce the pressure on the company from debt maturities over the next few years. [Read more →]
TheJuice Updates his LVLT Model for 2009
April 6th, 2009
[TheJuice blogs about his financial models and projections for telecom companies, most frequently about Level 3 Communications. If you have something to share on Telecom Ramblings, contact the webmaster]
Hello All. Attached are my updated models for Level 3 Communications (NYSE:LVLT, news, filings).
The first is my sense as to the numbers for the 2009. Nothing special here, I’ve modeled a dip in Q1 and then we dig our way out [Read more →]
AT&T & CWA Play Chicken
April 4th, 2009
Tonight, the current contract between AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) and the Communications Workers of America expires, and I don’t think anyone really expects the two sides to agree to a new one before it does. After all, that’s what deadlines are for right? (Just ask the FCC.) Yep, we all get to watch yet another game of union chicken, and yet doesn’t it feel a bit scripted? We get to watch them posture over tired old issues, then blame each other for not playing nice both before and after the inevitable short strike of a few days or hours, and finally [Read more →]
More on the Potential Sale of Qwest Longhaul
April 3rd, 2009
Wow! I now hereby take the possible sale of the q longhaul network seriously. Why? Well, unlike all other such M&A rumors over the last year, this time the buzz generated was incredible – Telecom Ramblings had its biggest traffic day ever, and the audience came largely from within the industry itself. That doesn’t mean it is true obviously, but it does mean that a heck of a lot of people who may know things are taking it seriously, so I will too. So today let’s look at a few other details. [Read more →]
Brady Rafuse to Take Over At euNetworks
April 3rd, 2009
Level 3 alumni and blogging neighbor Brady Rafuse has a new gig lined up. He will be taking over as CEO at euNetworks. Brady of course headed Level 3’s European operations for years, a move into a CEO position in the same market is a natural step forward. Good luck Brady! No word yet on whether his blog will continue in its present form, but perhaps he will take a page from former colleague Dan Caruso amongst others and make his blog into a valuable communication tool, the voice of euNetworks? [Read more →]
Who Might Buy Qwest Longhaul?
April 2nd, 2009
According to several sources, q is actively seeking a buyer for its longhaul network. I’ve lost track of how many times this has been rumored over the last 5 years, is it an even dozen yet? But anyway, the rumored price is in the $2-3B range, and although it isn’t clear just how much of Qwest would be part of such a deal it surely isn’t doing over $2B in revenues, nor is that part likely to have EBITDA above the 10-20% range. Hence, the EV/EBITDA ratio for such a sale would probably be well above current market valuations. Let’s take a look at the potential suitors in some detail: [Read more →]
OpenRange, Level 3 Team for Rural WiMAX
April 1st, 2009
In an interesting announcement this morning, Open Range Communication will be leveraging the extended on-net services of Level 3 Communications (NYSE:LVLT, news, filings) to provide WiMAX to rural communities. Open Range has a bundle of funding ready to go, $100M from JP Morgan and another $267M in subsidized government loans. Level 3 will be providing the networking infrastructure for their effort to hook up 500 communities in 17 states. WiMAX has always seemed to me to have the clearest potential where its wide range comes into play, in other words for rural areas it seems like a [Read more →]
Internap Cuts 10%
April 1st, 2009
As almost anyone might have expected, Internap Network Services (NASDAQ:INAP, news, filings) last night announced that 10% of its workforce will be looking for work. These days, new management nearly always means layoffs, and with Eric Cooney taking over from Jim Deblasio as CEO two weeks ago it was just a matter of time. In this case, it is mainly back office staff positions and apparently several senior management positions. Those management guys were probably leaving anyway, but the positions won’t be re-filled I guess. The cost savings will be approximately $5M annually, and the company will take a $1.2M charge in the 2nd quarter for severance and such. [Read more →]
Level 3’s Crowe Achieves Enlightenment
April 1st, 2009
Kathmandu, Nepal: Sources within Level 3 indicate that CEO James Crowe has moved his office to an undisclosed monastery somewhere deep in the Himalayas, and has become a Buddhist monk. This news finally lays to rest the simmering speculation regarding his trips to Asia over the past few years, where it is now clear he has been seeking both spiritual and technological enlightenment. His duties at Level 3 remain unchanged and he will be melding his own new inner Qi with telepresence equipment from Cisco in order to conduct business in Broomfield remotely. He can now walk anywhere on the Level 3 corporate campus as a fully independent and lifelike hologram. [Read more →]
Limelight Opens a New Front Against Akamai
March 31st, 2009
Limelight Networks (NASDAQ:LLNW, news, filings) has entered the small object delivery and website acceleration market with a new product called LimelightSITE. Dan Rayburn has a great summary of the new product and where it fits. Basically this is a well defended bastion of Akamai (NASDAQ:AKAM, news, filings) – the cash machine on which its margins really hinge. To challenge Akamai here implies that Limelight is feeling increasingly confident, and it seems as if Akamai can do little more than play defense. That’s the price of being king of the hill, there is nowhere new to climb but there are plenty of ways to go down. On the other hand, it’s not exactly a bad problem to have. [Read more →]
Profile: Hibernia Atlantic Comes Ashore – Part 2
March 31st, 2009
In part 1 of this profile, we looked at Hibernia Atlantic from the outside. Here we get to hear from the company directly. I had the opportunity to talk with Eric Gutshall, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Eric has been with Hibernia Atlantic since its early days when it was little more than a mostly empty cable and a business plan, and has been an integral part of its development.
TR: Where does Hibernia Atlantic see demand coming from in 2009? [Read more →]