Juniper’s Q1: Hello From the Bottom?

April 24th, 2009

Router specialist Juniper Networks (NASDAQ:JNPR, news, filings) reported earnings after the bell yesterday, and met  expectations with revenues of $764M and adjusted earnings of $0.17.  Ugly?  Definitely, but ugly was entirely expected.  The question in everyone’s minds is whether the telecom equipment makers have hit bottom.  The sector is famously sensitive to economic trends due to the capex intensive nature of tech businesses.  When their customers even think about sneezing, equipment vendors are already running a fever.  But it works the other way too, the rebound can be similarly powerful. [Read more →]

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Trenching Your Own Fiber

April 24th, 2009

I ran across this interesting bit over on TelephonyOnline that came out of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show this week.   Norwegian triple play provider Lyse Tele has a unique way to do FTTH. They build fiber to the curb, then usually just give the customer instructions on how to connect the house itself.  That’s right, the customer gets to dig his own trench, and 80% of their 130K customers have done it this way in exchange for a discount. Given the personal stake one then puts into the build, it’s understandable that churn rates are subsequently very low. [Read more →]


IPhone Sales Beat Out Wireline Losses at AT&T

April 23rd, 2009

Telecom’s 800 metric ton Gorilla AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) reported earnings this morning, and apparently someone forgot to tell them about this ‘worst recession since Hoover’ thing.  Riding the back of 1.6M iPhone activations, they earned $0.53 per share, some 5 cents higher than expected despite revenues of $30.6B checking in lighter than the expected $31.1B.  No doubt analysts and the media will consider the latter more important since it is in the ‘correct’ direction.  Overall, AT&T managed a nice quarter despite the economy, though I’d hate to see [Read more →]

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Equinix Strides Easily Into Q2

April 23rd, 2009

Colocation specialist Equinix (NASDAQ:EQIX, news, filings) shrugged off the effects of the economy and posted some nice results.  Revenues of $199.2M met guidance and were up 4% sequentially and 26% over this quarter last year.  EBITDA of $91.4 was above guidance of $86-88M, leading to a minor raising/tightening of full year guidance from $365-385M to $370M-385M.  Revenue and EBITDA for Q2 are projected to be $206-210M and $92-94M, respectively.  Equinix had started the year somewhat cautiously due to the difficult economic conditions, but it seems to have a very good handle on things.   [Read more →]

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Conterra: A Window Into Wireless Backhaul – Part 2

April 22nd, 2009

In part 1 of this profile, I gave my own impressions of Conterra and its approach to the market.  Now let’s hear from the company directly.  I had the opportunity to talk with Stephen Leeolou, CEO and Chairman of Conterra Telecom Services.  Prior to Conterra, Mr. Leeolou co-founded and acted as COO then CEO of Vanguard Cellular Systems from 1982-1999 until selling it to AT&T for almost $2B.

TR: How has the economic crisis affected Conterra’s sales pipeline and the wireless backhaul industry in general?

SL: We have just [

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Conterra: A Window Into Wireless Backhaul – Part 1

April 22nd, 2009

In this profile, Telecom Ramblings looks at the wireless backhaul provider Conterra Telecom Services.  I have traditionally been partial toward fiberoptic networks of course, but fiber does have its imitations and I am rapidly becoming interested in hybrid fiber/wireless networks.  When you get outside the main metro loops yet still need more bandwidth than copper can ever offer, that’s where providers like Conterra step in to fill the gap.  They design, build, and operate the wireless middle mile and last mile links of hybrid fiber-wireless metro networks, with over 6000 [Read more →]

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Infinera Trudges Through the Storm, Reports Q1

April 22nd, 2009

Everyone has long expected an ugly first quarter from telecom equipment providers, the only question really was whether it was worse than expected.  Today we heard from DWDM specialist Infinera (NASDAQ:INFN, news, filings), which basically reported in-line with expectations.  Revenue of $66.6M were down from $86.2M in Q4, a hefty drop but one everyone knew was coming since that’s what happens in the equipment space when carriers slash capex to the bone in a recession.  Adjusted gross margins fell to 31% from 36% in Q4, and the adjusted net loss was $0.19.  Some news reports call that a miss by $0.02, but predicting EPS for Q1 was always a dubious prospect at best.  Frankly I’m amazed [Read more →]

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AT&T Unveils Managed Private CDNs

April 21st, 2009

Telecommunications giant AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) was one of the first network providers to enter the CDN business, but it has also been one of the quietest.  That changed today with their announcement of Private Content Distribution Services, or AT&T PCDS for short.  What makes a ‘Private Network’ CDN different from the CDNs we usually talk about?  Apparently, it lives behind the corporate firewall.  This offering is for enterprises seeking to distribute content not to the consumer, but to its own constituent parts.  The content in question would be things like [Read more →]

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XO: A Valuation Model

April 21st, 2009

[This is an anonymous guest post by Homer. The author is a denizen of the the message boards on InvestorVillage and is long XOHO. Do you want a turn at the microphone?]

The Basic Model:

The VALUE of the common equity of a firm is the value of the residual claim on the assets. For most ongoing concerns this is equal to the present value of future cash flows minus net liabilities. Thus, we need to look at three variables: [Read more →]


Tata Scores TV5MONDE CDN Deal

April 21st, 2009

Tata Communications (news, filings) announced today that they have been selected by TV5MONDE to stream live events via the internet.  TV5 is a global French-speaking broadcast network, that reaches 180M households from some 200 countries and has programming that originates on three continents.  The global nature of its viewership is undoubtedly the driving force behind this deal, as most content delivery networks remain heavily focused on the US.  Tata’s network, which is comprised of the former Teleglobe and Tyco Global Network assets, and the CDN services they have been building on top are more geared toward wider international distribution.  No doubt the assets in and around Quebec helped some.   [Read more →]

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Level 3 Boosts Managed Video Services

April 20th, 2009

In a PR today, Level 3 Communications (NYSE:LVLT, news, filings) announced that it has enhanced its video offerings to include managed video network services for broadcasters.  The new service enables both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint broadcast video delivery between locations over Level 3’s network, with dynamic allocation and prioritization of bandwidth.   This marks another major step in the integration between Vyvx, which Level 3 acquired from WilTel three years ago, and Level 3’s longhaul and metro fiber capabilities. [Read more →]

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NuVox Looking to Get Hitched?

April 20th, 2009

Kelly Teal over on the xChange blogs is hearing rumors of a merger between NuVox and PAETEC (news, filings) or between NuVox and One Communications.  A couple months ago, NSP Strategist mentioned that NuVox had refinanced its debt and was looking to buy something, also mentioning One Communications.  NuVox is a privately held CLEC with annual revenues above $500M, but beyond that little is known about their financial situation.  Their network map shows extensive assets throughout the southeast and lower midwest.

While these rumors have NuVox in the buyers seat it sounds to me as if NuVox is the one [Read more →]


US Longhaul Fiber Maps

April 20th, 2009

Following up on last week’s international network map compilation, I will now look at USA longhaul fiber networks.  The problem I ran into immediately was where to draw the line.  How extensive must the assets be to be on this list versus one of more local providers?  There are of course a limited number of truly national backbones, but there are others like [Read more →]


Weekend Roundup

April 18th, 2009

Q1 earnings season starts in earnest next week of course, if we are lucky it will be a long parade of remarks that boil down to ‘Yes it was bad, but it wasn’t that bad!’  How’s that for setting the bar low?  It’s sitting on the ground so try not to trip over it ok guys?  🙂  In the meantime, here are a few tidbits I’ve been catching up on. [Read more →]

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What the Cloud Can Learn from VoIP

April 17th, 2009

Imagine a technology that promises to revolutionize the way a whole sector works.  It will make what we do now cheaper and more scalable, and it will enable new capabilities across a wide spectrum of technologies.  It will disrupt and revolutionize the way the industry does everything, although nobody is quite sure exactly how it all will really play out.  Everyone wants a piece of it, from large existing corporations all the way to one person basement startups, and it seems as if each one thinks the opportunities are boundless and unplundered.  Whatever happens, the technology is real and important and change really is on the way.  That might describe cloud computing today, but it also described where VoIP was 5 years ago in early 2004.  If we look at what happened to VoIP, can we intuit anything about what might happen to the cloud?  [Read more →]


The SEC Finally Goes After VoIP Inc

April 17th, 2009

Long after it was clear that VoIP Inc was swirling down the drain for good, the SEC has finally stepped in to sniff around.  What it found will surprise only those who weren’t watching at the time.  The SEC says that through 2004 and 2005 executives of the company cooked the books, inventing revenues to make it look like they were doing better than they were.  Well, ok that is a bit surprising, because their reported revenue numbers never looked the least bit healthy, and their costs were even worse – you’d think if someone is going to cheat they might as well cheat enough to win or at least to look viable.  [Read more →]

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AT&T, Tata Take Aim at Africa

April 16th, 2009

These days, so many telecom eyes seem to be trained on Africa.  AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) announced today that they have signed an agreement with South African based Telekom, in which the two networks will basically just interconnect and promise to talk about more stuff later.  What stuff? Just about everything from wholesale voice to telepresence seems to be on the agenda, at least someday.   It’s hard to envision a big market for telepresence in Africa when we have little more than dreams of one in the US and Europe.   But if they mean it, real value could come out of the relationship one day.  Telekom has dreams of becoming a truly [Read more →]

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On YouTube’s Transit Costs

April 16th, 2009

Over on his Communications blog, Brough Turner took a swing at Credit Suisse’s analysis of YouTube last week.  Credit Suisse had said that YouTube’s 2009 revenues would be about $240M whereas its costs would be $711M – which would be a spectacularly bad business to be in by anyone’s measure.  However, they somehow came up with the number of $360M for third party bandwidth costs.  Brough’s point is that this is ridiculous, as it discounts the common practice of peering to reduce costs.  He’s correct about this, Google’s scale gives them all sorts of bargaining power with internet backbones.  That financial firms don’t really understand the economics of peering isn’t surprising.  Heck, few people really do.  However, Credit Suisse should have known [Read more →]


Digital Realty Sells $260M in Convertible Debt

April 15th, 2009

Digital Realty Trust (NYSE:DLR, news, filings), which specializes in datacenter facilities, design, and management, raised $260M today.  The notes will pay 5.5% interest and are convertible at $43, 20% above where the stock currently trades.  As pricing goes it’s not like a few years ago where money was growing on trees, but neither is it terribly bad.  This follows unexpectedly successful money moves by Level 3, Qwest, and Frontier over the last few weeks, and it implies that indeed the credit markets have melted a bit at the edges. [Read more →]

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The Pressure On Tiscali Grows

April 15th, 2009

Italian controlled ISP Tiscali staggered under another blow today when its accountants refused to sign off on the final 2008 numbers.   When you tally up all the things that are going wrong for Tiscali, it looks pretty grim.  They are desperately trying to refinance debt amid this economic storm, and have been trying to sell off their UK division.  But nobody is willing to pay the $500-600M they want or simply need for it, a sale to BSkyeB having already fallen through.  Refinancing right now is all but impossible, and you know it’s not going well when interest payments get suspended.  Banks don’t make standstill agreements unless the alternatives are far worse.    We’ve seen this story a few times already this year at Nortel and Charter, will Tiscali be the next victim of the recession?  [Read more →]


Skype Now Headed for IPO?

April 15th, 2009

Ebay announced today that it plans an initial public offering for Skype in 2010.  This at least makes it unequivocally clear that Ebay is looking to divest itself of the internet voice phenomenon.  CEO John Donahue effectively admitted that they never should have bought it in the first place with this quote:

But it’s clear that Skype has limited synergies with eBay and PayPal. We believe operating Skype as a stand-alone publicly traded company is the best path for maximizing its potential.

In other words, it used to be a standalone company and it still ought to be a standalone company, Ebay paid far too much based on synergies that just weren’t there and never will be.  But an IPO?  I seriously doubt it will get that far.  [Read more →]

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Telecom and the Cloud

April 14th, 2009

There was an article the other day by Jeffrey Kaplan on Seeking Alpha, asking the question “Can Telcos Dominate the Cloud Computing Industry?”  The question was prompted by a blog post from an AT&T exec.   My gut reaction to that title was “Hell no”.  There are good reasons why few if any telecom carriers are in the dedicated server business, and why there is a huge difference between telco colocation and carrier neutral colocation.   Processing bits and transporting bits are very, very different businesses; only a company like AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) that never saw a vertical it didn’t like would think they fit together well. [Read more →]


Skype’s Founders To Return?

April 13th, 2009

Over the weekend, the NY Times revealed that the dynamic duo of Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis may be about to buy Skype back again.  When they sold it to Ebay in 2005 for what eventually amounted to $3.1B, it had 53M users.  Now, they hope to buy it back for around $1B when it has 405M users. Om Malik says Ebay should take the offer, and I tend to agree – it’s time for Ebay to admit they aren’t the right owner and never were.  You have to hand it to Zennstrom and Friis, they sold high and might soon buy back low.  Perhaps this is the turning point for them, where they see value in the running of a business rather than in creating it.   Or perhaps it is just that Joost is looking less and less disruptive, whereas Skype now has the scale to really do something and little real competition.   If it happens, the question then will become: just what do they intend to do with it? [Read more →]

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