Radiation fears clouded Japan quake cable repairs
September 23rd, 2011
AboveNet Powers Amazon, Builds Into DuPont Fabros’ SC1
September 23rd, 2011
abvt has built fiber into the new Santa Clara facility of Dupont Fabros Technology (NYSE:DFT, news, filings), SC1. Their new IP POP at the site fits with the company’s aim to be ‘datacenter neutral’, meaning if it’s a datacenter within in their footprint then they’re probably already in it or planning on building out to it. When both phases have been completed, SC1 will have 176,000 squre feet of raised floor space and 36.4MW of available power. This is the second announcement of new fiber to the facility, as Layer42 [Read more →]
PAETEC Hooks Up Fort Detrick
September 22nd, 2011
PAETEC (news, filings) offered up another government win today. They have been awarded a five year contract serving the bandwidth needs of Fort Detrick. The services provided will include voice, Ethernet, and secure internet access, and is valued at [Read more →]
Terremark’s NAP of Amsterdam Opens For Business
September 22nd, 2011
Terremark (news, filings) [a subsidiary of Verizon (NYSE:VZ, news, filings)] followed up its expansion down in Brazil with the opening of a new NAP in a more traditional location. The NAP of Amsterdam starts out with 25,000 square feet of space, with another 50,000 square feet on adjacent land for future expansion. It is located within the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Area, with direct connectivity to AMS-IX. [Read more →]
LightSquared Floats Another GPS Solution
September 22nd, 2011
As promised just last week, LightSquared has offered up a solution to the problem of interference with high precision GPS applications for its proposed LTE network buildout. They have signed an agreement with Javad GNSS to develop simple, affordable filters which will need to be implemented on the affected GPS devices. A few dozen prototypes are expected to be available in just two weeks followed by mass production. Assuming of course, that the FCC and the GPS industry are satisfied. [Read more →]
Alcatel-Lucent Launches VDSL2 With Vectoring
September 22nd, 2011
Telecommunications equipment giant Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE:ALU, news, filings) became the first to launch VDSL2 Vectoring Technology commercially. That’s significant because it brings the capacity of copper above 100Mbps to a distance of 400m. That’s real [Read more →]
Gores Buys Alpheus, To Combine with First Communications
September 21st, 2011
Of course, the moment I say that M&A seems to have dried up, the universe conspires to prove me wrong. Alpheus Communications has found itself a private equity buyer. The Gores Group has signed an agreement to purchase the company, which it intends to merge with another fiber operator it owns: First Communications. Financial details were not disclosed, though I’ll pass on any if I come across them later. [Read more →]
Fiber Valuations Have Taken A Q3 Beating
September 21st, 2011
The third quarter has not been a fun one for investors in US competitive network operators, despite the fact that operationally the sector continues to do just fine. Below I’ve cribbed a static relative valuation plot of EV/EBITDA(ttm) from my Competitive Telecom Trends pages, the final datapoint of which reflects current stock prices as we approach the end of the third quarter: [Read more →]
Network Bytes 9/21: Sidera, Integra, Earthlink, Mammoth, 360Networks
September 21st, 2011
A quick look at several interesting items from competitive network operators: [Read more →]
Datacenter Roundup 9/20: Dupont Fabros, Interxion, Primus, Microsoft
September 20th, 2011
Several interesting items from the data center side of things today: [Read more →]
Interoute Buys Another Cloud Provider
September 20th, 2011
Pan-European network operator added some more cloud services to its portfolio today with the purchase of Quantix. Based in Nottingham, Quantix offers cloud-based database management for Oracle and SQL, as well as other services via their Nimbus-Q cloud platform. Interoute will add them to their enterprise-focused ICT portfolio, and expand the customer focus beyond Quantix’s current [Read more →]
A Subsea Map of Maps
September 19th, 2011
As longtime readers know, I’m a sucker for maps. So when someone puts together an interactive compilation of connectivity covering virtually every active or planned undersea cable on the planet, I take notice. The folks over at Telegeography did that earlier today, combining their extensive database with some really nice and lightweight javascript mapping software [Read more →]
China Telecom, Huawei Build New Cable to NZ
September 19th, 2011
That Chinese telecommunications companies are becoming more aggressive is certainly nothing new, but this case is a bit intriguing. China Telecom and Huawei have teamed up to build a new submarine cable between Australia and New Zealand, or more specifically Sydney and Auckland. The new cable will cost just under [Read more →]
Qwikster Jujitsu
September 19th, 2011
If you haven’t already heard, the internet is afire with the amazingly ordinary news of a mere re-branding. Netflix’s DVD-by-mail offering will now be called Qwikster. And I’m going to swim against the tide here and call Reed Hastings a genius. [Read more →]
Time to Stick a Fork in AT&T/T-Mobile
September 19th, 2011
Yes, I know that AT&T could still win in court, or that they could find some magic formula of divestments that would let them eek their way through. But in practical terms, I think we may have passed over the hump of reasonability. Winning this battle may come at too high a cost, whether it be in changes to the deal, bridges burned along the way, or more importantly [Read more →]
P&TLuxembourg Goes 100G With Help From Alcatel-Lucent
September 16th, 2011
P&TLuxembourg has established a 100Gbps IP connection between Frankfurt and Luxembourg with the help of equipment giant Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE:ALU, news, filings), giving them a huge low latency pipe into the key bandwidth market and financial center. The buildout lets Alcatel-Lucent answer yesterday’s [Read more →]
Congress Pulls Wireless Into Mud-Wrestling Pit
September 16th, 2011
There’s nothing quite like an election year to spice things up. Two different congressional forays into the wireless business came to light yesterday, one from each party and both leave one wishing Congress had something better to do. Oh wait, actually it has a long list of things it isn’t actually willing or able to do. But I digress. [Read more →]
Energy Worries Render Moore’s Law Redundant
September 16th, 2011
This article was authored by Michael Carroll, and was originally posted on telecomasia.net.
I came across an interesting article in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s newsletter outlining how Moore’s Law is now largely redundant because attention is switching from processing power to [Read more →]
Infinera Goes Multi-Terabit
September 15th, 2011
In an announcement that investors will welcome, Infinera (NASDAQ:INFN, news, filings) today formally unveiled its next generation of PICs based on coherent 100Gbps technology. Each DTN-X PIC will support 5x100Gbps of traffic, ten of which can be linked up to behave as a single 5Tbps virtual switch. It will have OTN switching built in as well as MPLS, and is being positioned as [Read more →]
Tata Moves ICR and IVR To the Cloud
September 15th, 2011
Indian telecommunications giant Tata Communications (news, filings) has launched a new cloud-based service. They’ve moved both Intelligent Call Routing and Interactive Voice Response onto a cloud infrastructure. The call center industry can use them for routing and distributing calls to their locations around the world. The solution features [Read more →]
Level 3 Takes On College Sports
September 15th, 2011
The Vyvx division of Level 3 Communications (NYSE:LVLT, news, filings) is making progress in the college sports market. They announced today a new service aimed at bringing their professional sports broadcast services to universities, entitled Vyvx VenueNet Lite. It uses a university’s existing fiber infrastructure for connectivity across campus. That eliminates the [Read more →]
Musing Beyond 100G
September 15th, 2011
Gazettabyte has an interesting piece about where the next boost in bandwidth is going to come from now that 100G is making its way into production networks. They detail the efforts of a European research group, called MODE-GAP, looking for ways to multiply the total capacity of an optical fiber by another 100. If we can put 10Tbps on a single fiber now and perhaps 20-25Tbps in a few years, then [Read more →]
EdgeCast Adds Transparent Caching
September 14th, 2011
EdgeCast’s focus on enabling content delivery for telecommunications providers took on a new dimension today. In a deal with transparent caching technology specialist PeerApp, they have created a joint CDN solution that addresses both managed and unmanaged content streams. [Read more →]