Here’s a quick rundown of some other news across the industry from this week: [Read more →]
Int’l Roundup: Teliasonera, Integra, IX Reach, Epsilon, Colt
March 19th, 2014
Here’s a quick rundown of news from the international front this week: [Read more →]
Chicken? Let’s Play a Game!
March 19th, 2014
On Level 3’s blog yesterday, the topic was “chicken” as it relates to traffic interconnection, net neutrality, and the last mile. The chicken part was in relation to the game Level 3 says some last mile operators are playing when it comes to upgrading their interconnections with other network operators. It’s a nice analogy that reminds us all how easy it would be for runaway egos to bust the internet these days if we let it. [Read more →]
Goodbye Reliance Globalcom, hello Global Cloud Xchange
March 18th, 2014

The global networking arm of India’s Reliance Communications has unveiled a new look, and it’s not a minor makeover. Reliance Globalcom has rebranded and relaunched as Global Cloud Xchange, the “world’s first true cloud ecosystem”. [Read more →]
A New Submarine Cable Build for Level 3
March 18th, 2014

With its earnings now in the black at last, Level 3 Communications clearly has found some new flexibility with its capex. Today they announced plans to build new fiber under the waves for the first time in many years. No, not transatlantic or transpacific, but rather down where all the action has been lately for them in Latin America. [Read more →]
Foust Leaves Digital Realty Trust
March 18th, 2014
There was some unexpected management turnover yesterday in the data center REIT world yesterday with the news that Michael Foust has left the CEO role at Digital Realty Trust. He has been succeeded by the company’s CFO/CIO Bill Stein, at least in the interim. A search will soon begin for a permanent successor. [Read more →]
Metro Bytes: FirstLight, Integra, UNSi, COMLINK
March 18th, 2014
With Comptel underway in Las Vegas, there’s a bunch of metro and regional network news to take a quick look at already this week: [Read more →]
Ono! Vodafone Spends Some Cash in Spain
March 17th, 2014
Ono…Oh no, get it? Ok, no more puns I promise. But Vodafone has kicked off the week with an expected spending spree down in Spain. Sources around the globe are saying that the UK-based operator has in fact succeeded in its not-so-secret bid to purchase the Spanish cable operator Ono for €7.2b (about $10B). [update: it’s official, here’s the press release] [Read more →]
In Snowden’s Wake, US Throws the World ICANN’s Bone
March 17th, 2014
At the end of last week, the NTIA finally gave in to the rest of the world after nearly two decades of dithering. They have announced they will give up control of ICANN next year. That’s the folks who run the world of domain names we have long used to find our way around the internet without having to memorize raw IP addresses. [Read more →]
Friday Bytes: Peak, Telx, TNCI, Fairpoint
March 14th, 2014
Time for a quick look at other news from this week that I hadn’t gotten to: [Read more →]
With Buyers Not Yet at Hand, Cbeyond Churns Ahead
March 14th, 2014
It’s been a bit over four months since Cbeyond announced it would be looking at strategic alternatives, and checking on just where that process is was at the top of the market’s list with their Q4 report yesterday. But the news is that there is no news on the inorganic front, and may not be for a while yet. [Read more →]
Switch Teams With Sawiris to Take Las Vegas’s Supernap Global
March 13th, 2014
The Canadian government may be a bit wary of Egyptian money in the stalled Allstream deal, but for Las Vegas’s Switch SUPERNAP it’s an opportunity. According to an announcement today, they have teamed with Naguib Sawiris’s Accelero Capital and Orasocom TMT Investments in a new joint venture that will replicate the model they’ve perfected in Sin City around the world. [Read more →]
No Need for Acquisitions as Level 3 Snags Two Contracts
March 13th, 2014
This week we’ve heard about how Level 3 CEO Jeff Storey told investors at a Deutsche Bank event what they already knew even if they weren’t aware of it. That’s the simple fact that M&A is an option but not a necessity for Level 3’s success anymore. [Read more →]
Fiber M&A: Wave Rolls Up More Fiber in the Pacific Northwest
March 12th, 2014

We have another bit of fiber consolidation to report today. Up in the Pacific Northwest, Wave Division Holdings has struck again with the acquisition of Capacity Provisioning Incorporated (CPI). [Read more →]
Your new favorite SDN-related forum: OSO
March 12th, 2014
This article was authored by John C. Tanner, and was originally posted on
ITEM: California-based SDN start-up vendor Vello Systems has launched a new industry forum to encourage adoption of open-source optical solutions in data center and enterprise networks. [Read more →]
Wednesday Bytes: Ciena, Sovernet, RST, Alianza
March 12th, 2014
Here’s a quick mid-week roundup of some recent news: [Read more →]
Integra Goes Inorganic, Buys ProTel
March 11th, 2014
Out west, Integra has made itself a deal, acquiring Utah-based ProTel NetWorks. Protel’s main focus is managed voice and UC systems for enterprises. They maintain a close partnership with the cloud communications provider Mitel, which itself recently merged with Aastra. [Read more →]
Level 3’s Federal Team Lands Northrup Grumman
March 11th, 2014
Level 3 Communications has picked up the network services piece of a federal contract. The defense contracting giant Northrup Grumman has picked them to support the US Air Force’s Distributed Mission Operation Network, or DMON. [Read more →]
ADVA Powers Colt’s 100G Plans, Buys Oscilloquartz
March 11th, 2014
Two announcements from the European vendor this morning, the first being a substantial 100G deployment and the other an acquisition. [Read more →]
To Win Friends, SoftBank’s Son Promises War
March 11th, 2014

After regulators threw cold water on the very idea of a Sprint/T-Mobile US merger, Softbank’s chairman has apparently called in a big gun to make the case more forcefully — himself. And he’s not mincing words, promising Charlie Rose that he would make war against the AT&T and Verizon near-duopoly if allowed to make the deal he clearly wants to make. [Read more →]
Windstream to Deploy 100G Backbone Via Infinera
March 10th, 2014
Windstream is putting Infinera’s DTN-X and its 500G super-channels to work on a new long-haul backbone deployment. The expanded intercity capacity will help Windstream keep pace with growth in mobile data, cloud services, and of course all that video traffic hitting broadband networks. [Read more →]
Another Traffic Deal for Netflix, But Abroad This Time
March 10th, 2014
It was pretty clear that Netflix’s traffic agreement with Comcast wasn’t going to be its last deal with the last mile. But the next provider it seems to have done a deal with isn’t one of the usual suspects. According to reports out of Norway, Netflix has done some sort of deal with Telenor to gain better service. [Read more →]
Alcatel-Lucent, NEC to Build SEA-ME-WE 5
March 10th, 2014

Plans for the SEA-ME-WE 5 submarine cable system have moved another step forward, with two companies contracted to do the heavy lifting. The consortium has tapped the Franco-American giant Alcatel-Lucent and its Japanese cousin NEC to build the system, with each taking responsibility for different segments. [Read more →]