Wednesday Bytes: Integra, Digital Realty, 21Vianet, Equinix

August 20th, 2014

The end of August is generally a time where news is at low ebb in this sector, but here’s a quick look at a bunch of other items that have come out in the first half of this week: [Read more →]

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Viatel Lands €125M For Expansion, Shopping List

August 19th, 2014

Since it became part of the Digiweb Group, I have wondered Viatel’s pan-European duct and fiber network might serve as a platform for European M&A.  Today that possibility took a big step toward reality with the raising of a financial war chest and a declaration of intent to use it. [Read more →]


Industry Spotlight: Bjarni Thorvardarson on Hibernia Express

August 18th, 2014

In July, Hibernia Networks breathed new life into its plans for a new transatlantic cable, dubbed ‘Hibernia Express’.  I’d heard that the project was back on track, but the company had kept quiet after it had to suspend work with Huawei a year and a half ago.  With us today to further break that silence is Hibernia Network’s longtime CEO, Bjarni Thorvardarson. [Read more →]

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Vendor Roundup: Ericsson, Juniper, ADTRAN, Huawei

August 18th, 2014

Here are a few quick takes on news from equipment vendors around the world this monday morning: [Read more →]

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Ramblings Jobs: Walker, Logix

August 17th, 2014

Three new job listings are up over on the Ramblings Jobs Board this weekend, two from Walker and Associates and another from Logix. [Read more →]

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VoLTE superior to 3G, OTT voice?

August 15th, 2014

This article was authored by Dylan Bushell-Embling, and was originally posted on

Voice over LTE technology can provide a superior user experience to both 3G circuit switched (CS) voice and VoIP services such as Skype, finds a study by Signals Research Group (SRG). [Read more →]

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Friday Bytes: 365, Zayo, HE, XO, CyrusOne

August 15th, 2014

It’s Friday, and it’s August.  So it must be time for a quick roundup of the other telecom and internet infrastructure news from this week before you get ready to mow the lawn. [Read more →]


Industry Spotlight: Dave Temkin, Co-Founder and Chairman of Open-IX

August 14th, 2014

Over the past two years or so, Open-IX has been making waves in the business of peering and interconnection.  We have seen several independent exchanges get off the ground, building out exchange fabrics across multiple data center providers.  With us today to talk about what Open-IX is trying to accomplish and what progress they have been making is the organization’s Co-Founder and Chairman, Dave Temkin.  Dave also happens to be the Director of Network Architecture and Strategy over at Netflix. [Read more →]


Cisco Under Siege

August 14th, 2014

John Chambers doesn’t seem to be having as much fun as he used to, at least if Cisco’s earnings report is any indication. While the company met or beat expectations for its fiscal Q4, the news otherwise couldn’t have been fun to read. [Read more →]


Ridgemont Moves Into Cross River Fiber

August 13th, 2014

Private equity money found another metro fiber home this morning, as Ridgemont Equity Partners has announced a deal to acquire a majority stake in Cross River Fiber.   The company’s current management, led by CEO Vincenzo Clemente, will continue to hold a substantial stake in the company, and will keep on doing what they’ve been doing — just with more resources to do it with.  [Read more →]


PEG Builds 100G Ethernet from Dallas to Jackson

August 13th, 2014

The wireless backhaul specialist PEG Bandwith is putting resources into its intercity links. This morning they announced a new, more direct 100G Ethernet route between Dallas, Texas and Jackson, MS. [Read more →]

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Oops! I Guess 512,000 Wasn’t Enough

August 13th, 2014

Every now and then, some obscure limitation in some corner of the hardware or software that makes up the internet manages to take the whole thing down. The story is always the same: someone long ago thought that the number X was much more than there could possibly ever be a need to use, and boy were they wrong. [Read more →]


Thinking Phone Acquires Whaleback

August 13th, 2014

The VoIP/UC side of the industry has been very dynamic lately, seeing both organic and inorganic activity on the uptick for several years.  Yesterday there was a bit more of the latter variety.  Thinking Phone Networks has announced the acquisition of Whaleback Managed Services. [Read more →]

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Tuesday Roundup: Calix, Grande, Telstra, iiNet, Bulletin

August 12th, 2014

Here’s a quick roundup of some other interesting news already out this week: [Read more →]

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tw telecom Launches In Philly

August 12th, 2014

With a launch yesterday, tw telecom has taken its network expansion campaign to Philadelphia at last. It’s a brand new market for tw telecom, starting to fill in what had long been perhaps the biggest hole in the company’s national coverage — the entire state of Pennsylvania. [Read more →]


Consortium Launches FASTER Transpacific Cable

August 11th, 2014

According to Capacity, a consortium of six companies has launched an effort to build a new transpacific cable system, called FASTER (as if anyone would call a cable ‘SLOWER’? haha). The cable will cost some $300M, and will put six fiber pairs capable of 60Tbps between the US west coast and Japan. [Read more →]


Wheeler Challenges Verizon on Network Optimization

August 11th, 2014

In a move that seems to have caught everyone by surprise, the FCC’s Tom Wheeler has taken aim at Verizon Wireless’s network optimization plans for LTE. It’s a bit puzzling, as network neutrality itself is still in regulatory and legal limbo in the USA. And even if it wasn’t, the wireless has generally been pretty [Read more →]


Cost Cutting Is Not Enough

August 9th, 2014

This industry viewpoint was authored by Prayson Pate, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice-President of R&D, Overture, and first appeared on Overture’s company blog.

One of the big drivers for Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is reducing CapEx and OpEx. While attractive and perhaps necessary, cost cutting is not enough to [Read more →]

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Delivering enterprise agility – how the CE services market will top $50bn in 2015

August 8th, 2014

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Kevin Vachon, COO of the MEF.  

Increased enterprise agility and a dramatic boost to user productivity are promised by the latest wave of dynamic CE services now coming to market – a market set to grow by several percentage points in size to over $50bn globally in the next five years. [Read more →]

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Zayo Moves Into Two Data Centers

August 8th, 2014

Two data center facilities are getting some new connectivity from Zayo: a recently reborn one in New York City, and one that hasn’t even opened yet down in Houston. [Read more →]

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Friday Bytes: Level 3, FirstLight, Comcast, Equinix, CyrusOne

August 8th, 2014

Here’s a quick roundup of other interesting news from this week: [Read more →]

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Lumos Keeps Spreading Its Fiber, Hooks Up Two More Data Centers

August 8th, 2014

Lumos Networks announced connectivity into two significant data centers this week as it posted its second quarter 2014 earnings.  They’ve been expanding on multiple fiber fronts lately, but with offsetting trends from legacy services holding down their overall revenues. [Read more →]

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Cogent Gives a Big Boost To Its Dividend

August 7th, 2014

Cogent has been raising its dividend every quarter since it started returning cash to shareholders, but this quarter saw the biggest boost yet.  In terms of their quarterly numbers, revenue and earnings per share came in lighter than expected, while EBITDA and margins were stronger than anticipated. [Read more →]