Data Bytes: CyrusOne, Net Access, Broadview, 365DC, Faction, Interoute

June 30th, 2015

Time for a quick roundup of data center and cloud news from the past few days: [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: Hurricane Electric CEO Mike Leber

June 29th, 2015

The internet backbone market has long been one of the toughest neighborhoods in telecom.  One network that has withstood every storm that has come at the industry over the past 20 years is Hurricane Electric.  Hurricane Electric operates a global IP backbone as well as two data centers in its home market of Fremont, California, and has been at the forefront of the rollout of IPv6.  With us today to share his perspective is the company’s CEO and founder, Mike Leber. [Read more →]


Ramblings Jobs: Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority

June 28th, 2015

After a few lean weeks, we have a new job listing on the Ramblings Jobs board from Virginia. [Read more →]

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Secure Shell Key Management in the Wake of Open Source Vulnerabilities

June 26th, 2015

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Matthew McKenna, chief commercial officer, SSH Communications Security

Telecoms rely on online capabilities to provide the customer service and offer the experiences that customers now expect. Customers can pay their bills online, take satisfaction surveys on their mobile devices and upgrade their plans on the company website. To ensure [Read more →]

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Friday Bytes: MBC, Allied Fiber, OneNeck, Limelight, DE-CIX

June 26th, 2015

TGIF.  I’ll be back in full force on Monday after a week on the road out here in sunny California.  In the meantime, here’s a bit more catchup after a busy week: [Read more →]

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Whither Goest Colt?

June 25th, 2015

Following up on last week’s bid for the remainder of Colt it doesn’t already own, Fidelity confirmed this week that it won’t be increasing its bid despite the view of independent directors that it undervalues the company. So what happens next? We wait to see if another bid emerges, and then we find out what Fidelity really wants. [Read more →]


Int’l Roundup: Level 3, Orange Business, GlobeNet, Telstra

June 25th, 2015

Here’s a set of quick-takes on some of the interesting news from the international front this week: [Read more →]

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5G will be 20 Gbps, except when its 10 Gbps, or whatever

June 24th, 2015

This article was authored by John C. Tanner, and was originally posted on

As you may have read this week, the ITU announced that it’s officially outlined its vision and roadmap for the overall goals, processes and timeline for 5G development. [Read more →]

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Colo Bytes: Cologix, SFR, 365, Sabey, VIRTUS

June 24th, 2015

I’m on the road this week on the west coast, which is slowing down my writing a bit for those wondering.  Lots of news today from the world of colocation & cloud.  Here’s a quick rundown. [Read more →]

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How BYOD Is Altering the Field Data Collection Landscape

June 23rd, 2015

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Michael Gundling, Vice President of Product Marketing at TerraGo

In many industries, the mission-critical work happens outside the office walls. For example, when there’s a service outage, utility companies find themselves on the clock as they dispatch field crews to restore essential services. Electric, gas, water and other companies in the public sector are continually challenged to reduce [Read more →]

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Vendor Roundup: Coriant, Xtera, Infinera, Transmode, MRV

June 23rd, 2015

Next, here’s a roundup of some vendor news that’s worth a look: [Read more →]

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Metro Bytes: Zayo, Fatbeam, Enventis, Birch

June 23rd, 2015

I’m a little behind this week, posting from the road in California.  Here’s a quick update on some metro news from this week: [Read more →]

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Altice Pivots Back to France, Bids For Bouygues

June 22nd, 2015

After entering the US cable market with the purchase of Suddenlink and feinting toward TW Cable, Altice made its next big move this morning — in France. They’ve submitted a bid for the French telecom Bouygues Telecom, which operates the #3 wireless network there. [Read more →]


Industry Spotlight: VoIP Logic CEO Micah Singer

June 22nd, 2015

Voice was once the only thing telecom did, but is now just one of many types of data communications connected over endpoints that are now more often mobile and wireless than not.  The Voice over IP revolution started well over a decade ago, but it was really just the tip of an iceberg of communications over IP.  With us today to offer his perspective on the world of VoIP, Hosted PBX, and Unified Communications is the founder and CEO of VoIP Logic, Micah Singer.  [Read more →]

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Fiber M&A: Colt Gets An Offer From Fidelity

June 19th, 2015

Over in Europe, another pan-European fiber operator just might leave the public markets and go private. Colt has received an offer from its majority shareholder, Fidelity, for the 37.6% of the company it doesn’t already own. The price tag of £569m sent Colt’s stock up 20% today in London. [Read more →]


Friday Poll: The US Telecommunications Regulatory Environment Is…

June 19th, 2015

For this month’s Friday poll, let’s talk about regulators.  Between the resurrection of net neutrality, the collapse of the Comcast/TWC deal, this week’s AT&T fine for limiting unlimited bandwidth, and a host of smaller items, the US regulatory system has been rather visible in the first half of 2015.  I’m curious what our readers, who are among the most informed people on the subject there are, think.  Are regulators today doing too little, too much, or just enough?  [Read more →]


Is the Shift from Supply to Demand Driven Industry Pushing out Smaller Players?

June 19th, 2015

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Patrick Lincoln, Director and Founder of SolutionIP

With the spread of fast mobile and superfast fibre broadband, increased online streaming and mounting dependence on cloud and VoIP, demand for telecoms is growing at a startling rate. Yet some have argued that the telecommunications network is arguably not keeping pace with rising demand and that a supply imbalance has occurred that favours [Read more →]

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Thursday Roundup: Interoute, CityFibre, FiberLight, FirstLight

June 18th, 2015

For this Thursday morning, a cloud footprint expansion, some fiber buildout news, and two executitve appointments in metro fiber worth noting: [Read more →]

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AT&T Gets Slapped by FCC, Verizon Scolded by NYC

June 18th, 2015

The telecommunications giants are in the regulatory doghouse this week it seems, with both AT&T and Verizon taking some heat. [Read more →]

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Colo Bytes: IO, QTS, Box, GCX, CyrusOne

June 17th, 2015

Here’s a quick rundown of some colo and cloud news from the week so far: [Read more →]

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Comcast In the Hunt For T-Mobile?

June 17th, 2015

When Comcast gave up on its plans to purchase TW Cable in the face of regulatory opposition, I speculated about a few of its options for inorganic growth. One of them was to pivot to wireless and buy T-Mobile. But I wasn’t really serious — I was just covering all the exits, as it were. However, according to a German magazine today, Comcast actually is in the hunt and it might even have the inside track. [Read more →]

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Allied’s First Leg Now Complete

June 16th, 2015

Allied Fiber formally reached the end of its first major buildout of conduit and fiber today with the launch of their Southeastern network.  The news comes just a tad over five years since the company first unveiled its plans for a new kind of national dark fiber infrastructure public. [Read more →]


Tuesday Bytes: Colo Atl, GTT, NYI, Towerstream, Level 3

June 16th, 2015

Here’s a quick roundup of infrastructure news from around the USA early this week: [Read more →]

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