A clutch of regional fiber projects to catch up on from around the country: [Read more →]
DataBank to Build New Campus in Culpeper
November 15th, 2023
Data center development in northern Virginia is never done. DataBank said this week that it will be building a major new campus a bit further southwest of the DC area than the main clusters of Ashburn. [Read more →]
Bell, FirstLight Light Some Triversity Between Canadian, NJ
November 15th, 2023
Bell Canada has tapped FirstLight Fiber to help deploy new connectivity options between the Canadian hubs of Toronto and Montreal and the NY metro area, and more specifically Secaucus NJ. The three new routes will support speeds up to 400G, each terminating in Equinix’s Secaucus data center campus. [Read more →]
Industry Spotlight: Nextivity’s Stephen Kowal on Coverage, Public Safety, Private Networking
November 15th, 2023

As the 5G revolution rolls on, coverage specialists like Nextivity are seeing more room to run in the enterprise space and beyond. Maintaining coverage everywhere within an enterprise location is key to using the next generation of automation and connected device technologies. The range of communications tasks that can be called ‘critical’ is only going to grow from here. Nextivity and others are actively preparing for that future. With us today to tell us about Nextivity’s approach and the company’s plans for the future is Stephen Kowal, Chief Commercial Officer. [Read more →]
Int’l Bytes: EXA, LINX, CMC Networks, Arelion
November 14th, 2023
A new CEO plus several new expansion projects from international service providers: [Read more →]
Boldyn Makes a Deal For EDZCOM
November 13th, 2023
Last week ended with some interesting consolidation in the area of private wireless networks. Boldyn Networks has announced an agreement to acquire EDZCOM from Cellnex, which is their private networks business unit. EDZCOM’s team will help Boldyn flesh out its depth in Western Europe and set the stage for growth across the region. [Read more →]
Industry Spotlight: Skywire powered by Xchange with CEO Doug Turtz
November 13th, 2023

New York City is one of the biggest commercial markets in the world, but it has long been one of the most difficult places to build infrastructure. Manhattan is one thing, but few providers have historically been brave enough to venture out to the other boroughs like Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx in force. With us today is Doug Turtz, who took over at Skywire and Xchange Telecom earlier this year. Rebranding under the moniker ‘Skywire powered by Xchange’, the company is gearing up to take its hybrid fixed-wireless and fiber approach to a wide swath of underserved destinations around the metro area. [Read more →]
How operators and application developers can overcome roadblocks to telecom network APIs
November 10th, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Mikko Jarva, Head of Portfolio & Architecture, Network Monetization Platform at Nokia
With 5G deployments now widespread in many markets, telecom network providers are ushering in a new era to enable the building of new and improved software applications that enrich the network experience of business customers and consumers while generating new revenue streams. [Read more →]
Thursday Roundup: Cyxtera, DataBank, CoreSite, Astound, Thrive
November 9th, 2023
Two items of M&A, one expansion, and an ecosystem partnership: [Read more →]
euNetworks Forges Faster Path to Euronext
November 8th, 2023
Over in western Europe, euNetworks has made some new investments into its low latency connectivity between key financial exchanges. They are now claiming to deliver the lowest latency to the Euronext exchange from both London and Frankfurt. [Read more →]
DISA Taps Lumen For Fiber Backbone
November 8th, 2023
Lumen has won another significant federal contract, building upon the success. They will be operating and maintaining the fiber backbone of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). [Read more →]
Int’l Bytes: DE-CIX, Arelion, Ciena, Nokia, Gcore
November 7th, 2023
Two from Mexico and three from Europe: [
Metro Bytes: Comcast Business, Ritter, SiFi
November 6th, 2023
Three bits of last mile connectivity news to start the week: [Read more →]
AI for the Telecoms Contact Center: Think Marathon, not Sprint
November 3rd, 2023

By Matt McConnell, CEO of Intradiem
The current incarnation of AI is the biggest tech breakthrough since the Internet. So far, we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. [Read more →]
Colt Takes Over Lumen’s EMEA Biz
November 2nd, 2023
Colt and Lumen have completed their previously announced deal. For the price of $1.8B, Lumen’s business in Europe, Middle East, and Africa is now officially part of Colt. [Read more →]
Wednesday Bytes: Arcadian Infracom, DataBank, Alianza, Verizon, Vantage
November 1st, 2023
Some fiber, some data center, some wireless, and some voice: [Read more →]
Regional Roundup: DFN, LightRiver, 123NET, WANRack, Empire, GPC, Vero Fiber
October 31st, 2023
A large set of regional upgrades and expansions of note as we end October: [Read more →]
Industry Spotlight: Mike Jonas Takes the Helm of LightRiver
October 30th, 2023

LightRiver has long labored behind the scenes of network design and deployment for service providers across the industry. With the rise of automation and software-driven infrastructure, they have begun to move deeper into the actual operation and maintenance of those networks as well. With us today to talk about the company’s approach to the ever-moving target of network infrastructure design and operation is newly minted CEO Mike Jonas. [Read more →]
Friday Bytes: LightRiver, DFN, Telxius, HE
October 27th, 2023
Several expansion projects of note that were announced this week: [Read more →]
Security in the Cloud: SD-WAN, SASE, and Staying Ahead of Threats
October 27th, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Simon Waller at Epsilon Telecommunications
The cloud has revolutionised the way the world works, seamlessly connecting more people and businesses to the online world than ever before. [Read more →]
Shentel to Acquire Horizon Telcom
October 26th, 2023

Fiber network consolidation hasn’t been as prevalent as it was a few years back, but it’s still out there. And this week we saw a deal for a significant amount of infrastructure in the Midwest. Shenandoah Telecommunications has announced an agreement to acquire Horizon Telcom. [Read more →]
California Turns to Lumen for the Middle Mile
October 26th, 2023

Lumen announced the win of a significant chunk of state government dollars yesterday. California’s Department of Technology has awarded Lumen more than $400M to build out open-access middle-mile connectivity across the state. [Read more →]
Google Takes On the South Pacific
October 25th, 2023
One of the harder routes to generate viable plans for has always been the long distance between North America and Australia. Now finally taking direct aim at the problem, however, is Google, which announced plans for the South Pacific Connect initiative today in a blog post, as the company is wont to do. [Read more →]