The pan-European bandwidth infrastructure provider euNetworks has been putting resources to work in France. This morning they launched their dc connect service in Paris, which joins Frankfurt and London. [Read more →]
The pan-European bandwidth infrastructure provider euNetworks has been putting resources to work in France. This morning they launched their dc connect service in Paris, which joins Frankfurt and London. [Read more →]
Here’s a quick wrap-up of some news that’s worth a look: [Read more →]
The third quarter came out fine for Akamai, but the company’s stock is taking a beating in the premarket because fourth quarter guidance wasn’t what anyone was hoping for. Revenues of $551 were slightly above expectations, while adjusted earnings per share of $0.62 was four pennies ahead. [Read more →]
Infinera posted its third quarter numbers late yesterday, giving the market another positive surprise. Non-GAAP revenues of $232.5M and earnings per share of $0.22 were both well ahead of both guidance and analyst projections. The company’s stock price has responded well in the pre-market, up over 13% and back over the $20 mark where it was after Q2 earnings, which were also a positive surprise. [Read more →]
With nearly a full year on the books for Level 3’s purchase of tw telecom, the market is looking for both integration savings and better growth prospects going forward. In the company’s Q3 results, we saw some more of the integration savings, and while growth isn’t shifting gears yet the upward trend is still intact. They also announced the deconsolidation of their Venezuela business as of the end of Q3. Here are Level 3’s numbers in some context: [Read more →]
Regulatory headlines out of Europe today are a bit contradictory. The European parliament has passed network neutrality regulation by a vote of 500-163, enshrining the concept in law continent-wide alongside a nice crop of loopholes that have opponents up in arms. [Read more →]
Several interesting vendor items that are worth a look from the start of the week: [Read more →]
It’s time for a quick roundup of news from the start of the week: [Read more →]
The New York Times put an article out on Sunday looking at increased Russian naval interest in the world’s submarine cables. The worry is that anyone with a submarine fleet could take down the world communications net for extended periods quite easily with a few simultaneous cuts in deep water. How seriously should we take the idea? [Read more →]
After a decade-long drought, the second of two transatlantic cables is nearing completion. AquaComms’ new AEConnect cable system will hook up Long Island with the northwest coast of Ireland, with its existing CeltixConnect cable providing an extension on to the UK and London. The cable is expected to be ready for service by the end of this year. I caught up with AquaComms CTO Tom McMahon earlier this month to find out how the project has been going so far. [Read more →]
We have two new listings over on the Ramblings Jobs board this weekend. [Read more →]
Here’s a Friday rundown of some contract and M&A news items from this week: [Read more →]
Here’s a quick look at some interesting items from around the world today: [Read more →]
Huawei Marine said this morning that it has been selected to do the construction for another transatlantic cable. Unlike Hibernia Express and AE Connect, this one is much further south. If complete, the Cameroon-Brazil Cable System will connect South America and Africa. [Read more →]
Three bits of news from the data center space, and one fiber buildout project: [Read more →]
Yesterday, Level 3 put another new product out there for the enterprise marketplace. But this one leverages other people’s networks, specifically LTE wireless networks. [Read more →]
The datacenter and interconnection provider Cologix has announced its tenth acquisition, moving into the New York metro area for the first time. They will be acquiring Net Access, which operates 200K square feet across three facilities in northern New Jersey. [Read more →]
The dark fiber startup USA FIBER announced plans for a new fiber route this morning that will bypass Washington DC between Ashburn and various locations in Maryland. The route will cross the Potomac via a unique route, presumably to the north and west of the nation’s capitol, but they aren’t yet saying exactly where. [Read more →]
Here’s a quick roundup of some network news on three continents to start off Tuesday: [Read more →]
Rumors that Windstream was looking to sell off its data center and cloud arm proved to be correct this morning. The hybrid ILEC/CLEC has entered into an agreement to sell its Hosted Solutions division to TierPoint for $575M in cash. [Read more →]
Two interesting metro wins by vendors, a big pipe for rural Illinois, and some action over in Italy: [Read more →]
Back in March, CenturyLink adopted Cyan’s BluePlanet platform and embarked on a rollout of SDN and NFV within its network. Soon thereafter, and probably not coincidentally, Ciena bought Cyan and merged it into its own virtualization efforts. CenturyLink today reiterated and expanded its network overhaul plans. [Read more →]
This article was authored by Stefan Hammond, and was originally posted on telecomasia.net.
Big data is often associated with big retailers. Build a customer database, then push out info (and special deals) that appeals to specific, pre-determined tastes. [Read more →]