Working Together to Fight the Newest Cyber Threats

November 14th, 2016

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Bill Ballmer, ADVA Optical Networking

5 five essential strategies for safeguarding data as it moves between sites

Today’s networks are more at risk than ever before. Data is most susceptible when it’s in motion [Read more →]

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Veterans Day Roundup: Interoute, PS LIGHTWAVE, Calligo

November 11th, 2016

It’s been quite a couple of weeks in the world of internet infrastructure.  Here’s a quick look at some other news I didn’t get to initially from the last few days: [Read more →]

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Drones advancing towards the future

November 11th, 2016

This article was authored by Lachlan Colquhoun, and was originally posted on

A look at the telecoms industry news around the world this week reminds us that drone technology is coming fast, and is likely to be a valuable part of the infrastructure mix by the next decade. [Read more →]

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euNetworks Sees Steady EBITDA Rise

November 10th, 2016

The European network infrastructure provider euNetworks posted its third quarter earnings numbers today, which is awfully nice of them seeing as they’re privately held these days.  After a big Q2 in which they had a bit of extra euTrade revenue during a migration, they held most of those gains and saw EBITDA keep marching upward.  Here are their numbers in some context: [Read more →]

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Trump and the AT&T-Time Warner Deal

November 10th, 2016

The presidential elections haven’t intruded on telecom and internet infrastructure too much, but there was that one moment just a few weeks ago.  Before AT&T and Time Warner even officially announced their deal, Donald Trump made an unsolicited declaration of opposition, calling it too much power in too few hands.  Now that he has won, should we take that threat seriously? [Read more →]


Lumos Finds a Target, to Acquire Clarity

November 10th, 2016

The autumn M&A parade is still marching on by. Yesterday, while I was travelling, Lumos Networks made its first inorganic move in quite a while, announcing the acquisition of Clarity Communications Group. [Read more →]

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GTT Strikes Again, to Acquire Hibernia Networks

November 9th, 2016

The autumn M&A season in telecom and internet infrastructure is still popping. This morning we have another key announcement to look at: GTT has agreed to acquire Hibernia Networks for $590M. [Read more →]

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Wednesday Bytes: Global Capacity, BSO, Megaport

November 9th, 2016

I’m on the road on Wednesday at MEF16, so if I check in late on something big you know why. In the meantime, here’s a quick rundown on some other news from yesterday worth a look: [Read more →]

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Canada Slowed Zayo’s Revenue, But EBITDA Rose Anyway

November 8th, 2016

Zayo reported its fiscal Q1/2017 earnings this afternoon.  Revenues checked in light at $504.9M, slowed down by lower numbers from the Allstream assets in Canada they are currently integration.  But Zayo found cost savings to more than compensate, turning in higher EBITDA and earnings per share a penny above expectations.  Here are their numbers in some context: [Read more →]

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Int’l Bytes: Telia, Hibernia, Orange Business, Tata, AT&T

November 8th, 2016

Five bits of news from international carriers, with three new PoPs and two datapoints of SDN and NFV progress. [Read more →]

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Zayo Acquires Another Data Center

November 8th, 2016

Zayo revealed a purchase of its own yesterday, acquiring a data center. In this Autumn flurry of M&A, it’s a relatively small move. But it finally puts a Zayo colo facility in a market they have been targeting: Silicon Valley.  [Read more →]

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Windstream, EarthLink to Combine

November 7th, 2016

Another M&A rumor has come true.  This morning Windstream and EarthLink followed through on their talks and announced plans to merge their businesses, seeking safety in scale and synergies. [Read more →]

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Level 3 Expands Ethernet Platform in 15 European Markets

November 7th, 2016

With the reality of the CenturyLink transaction a long ways off yet, Level 3 today announced an Ethernet expansion over in Europe.  Following through on plans announced earlier this year, they have taken their Metro 2.0 Ethernet solution into 15 additional markets, giving them 42 in all where they can offer Carrier Ethernet 2.0 services.   [Read more →]

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CenturyLink Sells Its Data Centers

November 4th, 2016

And the week in M&A is still going on.  CenturyLink this morning followed up its announcement to buy Level 3 Communications with another one selling its data centers and colo business to private equity. [Read more →]


The Latest Rumor: Windstream, EarthLink Talking Merger

November 4th, 2016

It’s been quite a week, and it may not be over yet.  Reuters has a report out this morning that Windstream and EarthLink are talking about a transaction, citing people close to the discussions. [Read more →]


Poll: How Do You Feel About the CenturyLink/Level3 Deal?

November 4th, 2016

We haven’t done one of these in a while, since the Verizon/XO deal was announced actually.  This week saw the blockbuster announcement that CenturyLink will be buying Level 3 Communications.  Readers of Telecom Ramblings make up perhaps one of the most informed audiences when it comes to telecommunications and internet infrastructure.  What are your impressions?  Choose up to three adjectives from the list: [Read more →]

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Network Bytes: FirstLight, Subcom, C&W, Telefonica

November 3rd, 2016

Here’s a quick rundown on other news from this week, including a regional fiber win, some submarine cable action, some carrier Ethernet, and a virtualized router deployment: [Read more →]

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GTCR to Buy Inteliquent, Combine With Onvoy

November 3rd, 2016

The private equity firm GTCR is adding to its carrier voice empire.  They will be purchasing publicly-held Inteliquent for $23.00 per share, which works out to a total purchase price of about $800M.   [Read more →]

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Vendor M&A: Broadcom Buys Brocade

November 2nd, 2016

The world of network gear saw some M&A this morning, as Broadcom announced a deal to acquire Brocade Communications Systems.  The deal will see the communications chipmaker expand its presence in data storage products.  Broadcom is paying $12.75 per share, which works out to some $5.5B. [Read more →]


Global Backbone Picks Zayo for Canadian Reach

November 2nd, 2016

While its larger Colorado cousin is busy dancing the merger tango, Zayo’s Canadian acquisition of last year continues to pay off in the form of new business.  Yesterday they revealed another contract leveraging the Allstream assets up in Canada. [Read more →]


Windstream Delivers Fiber for DISA

November 2nd, 2016

Windstream finished off some government work this week.  The Arkansas-based service provider says it has completed construction and delivery of custom network solutions for the Defense Information Systems Agency, or DISA.  [Read more →]


Crown Castle Makes Another Fiber Move, Buys FPL Fibernet

November 1st, 2016

As the lone tower company that has been making fiber acquisitions, Crown Castle had been relatively quiet over the last year or so since acquiring Sunesys a year ago and 24/7 and Access Fiber before that.  They are quiet no more, however, as today the company announced an agreement to buy FPL Fibernet from NextEra Energy. [Read more →]

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A Few Followup Thoughts on the CenturyLink/Level3 Deal

November 1st, 2016

A day after the CenturyLink/Level 3 deal was hatched, it’s time to start to count a few chickens.  Fair warning:  I’m going to ramble a bit. [Read more →]