On the metro fiber front, Wilcon is planning a significant amount of new infrastructure out in California. The company is expanding its fiber reach in order to serve the backhaul needs of small cells in downtown Los Angeles. [Read more →]
On the metro fiber front, Wilcon is planning a significant amount of new infrastructure out in California. The company is expanding its fiber reach in order to serve the backhaul needs of small cells in downtown Los Angeles. [Read more →]
The next transpacific cable system appears to be approaching the finish line. SEA-US has had two announcements over the last day or two detailing the progress of the buildout of the necessary infrastructure. [Read more →]
This week, a new cloud-centric network operator has launched. PacketFabric aims to bring more of the flexibility and provisioning ease seen in cloud computing into the world of networking and interconnection via an SDN-powered, Ethernet-based connectivity platform. With us today to shed some light on the new company’s initial offerings and its plans for the future is CEO William Charnock, who has previously led networking over at both LimeLight and SoftLayer. [Read more →]
Over the weekend, Level 3 Communications took its security capabilities in the Far East to a new level. They have opened a set of new scrubbing centers throughout the region capable of mitigating Distributed Denial of Service attacks. [Read more →]
Straight Path Communications has settled with the FCC in its dispute over the usage of the spectrum it has been sitting on. There’s good news and bad news in there for Straight Path. [Read more →]
Next week we get a new president, and along with that will come a new FCC and a new regulatory regime. But that’s next week, and this week the current Democratic majority on the FCC is apparently making the most of its microphone while it still has the floor. [Read more →]
Here’s a quick rundown on some of the other news from this week that’s worth a quick look: [Read more →]
Colt is planning something we haven’t seen too often from international operators. They are investing an expansion of the company’s metro fiber footprint in the Far East. [Read more →]
This article was authored by Lachlan Colquhoun, and was originally posted on telecomasia.net.
2017 is only weeks old and the deals are starting already.
One which caught my eye is in Vietnam. There, we see mobile payments company Fortumo partnering with [Read more →]
It’s time for a quick roundup on news from vendors from the last few days that’s worth a look: [Read more →]
While last week’s M&A polls will remain open for some days more, the trends are pretty clear. Telecom Ramblings readers seem more sure than usual about the direction of M&A ahead of us in 2017, and for the most I think the picks are quite sensible. [Read more →]
It may have been the holidays, but GTT certainly didn’t waste any time when it came to finishing off its purchase of Hibernia Networks. Yesterday, exactly two months since the date of the announcement, they announced its closing. [Read more →]
With its combination with Level 3 still working its way through the regulatory process, CenturyLink is still out there making inorganic moves. Today they acquired SEAL Consulting, which specializes in the implementation of SAP solutions. [Read more →]
Zayo has found another customer for for the dark fiber in its extensive inventory. A ‘major U.S. telecommunications company’ has selected the Boulder-based fiber operator for a dark fiber link between the New Orleans, Louisiana and Memphis, Tennesse metro areas. [Read more →]
This Industry Viewpoint was contributed by David W Wang
The fundamental concept of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is to make the content distribution or broadcast points of presence (POPs) closer to the end users who request for data or video content online. Such network closeness of content serving would reduce the [Read more →]
This article was authored by Networks Asia staff, and was originally posted on telecomasia.net.
Equinix is collaborating with Facebook and the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) to deploy and test Voyager, the Facebook-designed packet optical switches, inside two of its IBX data centers. [Read more →]
The owner of the Los Angeles carrier hotel fixture One Wilshire has plans to expand further north. GI Partners announced yesterday the acquisition of KOMO Plaza up in Seattle. [Read more →]
We started off the week considering the likely consolidation targets among US fiber networks in 2017. Now let’s flip the question around and ask who the likeliest buyers are. Who do you think is going to be shopping for network assets this year? [Read more →]
As promised over the summer, Oak Hill Capital Partners has completed its acquisition of Oxford Networks. At the same time, they have taken the company and merged it with their other fiber holding in the area, FirstLight Fiber. [Read more →]
AT&T today revealed more about its plans to bring bigger bandwidth to the consumer market, and it’s looking like less and less fiber will be doing the job. Meanwhile, they will be trialing 5G delivery of DIRECTV NOW in the first half of 2017 to residential subscribers over a fixed wireless 5G connection in Austin. AT&T also has 5G over millimeter wave in trials with business customers, also in Austin. [Read more →]
After the slow holiday news season, I was curious what new initiatives the new year might start off with and who might be driving them. It turns out driving was the right verb there, and the question of who is a whole lot of folks. Starting yesterday afternoon, there has been an interesting set of interrelated announcements by a suite of big companies in and around cars and the internet of things. [Read more →]
As holiday weeks go, the end of 2016 was pretty quiet in telecom and internet infrastructure. Here’s a quick look at some news from around the world worth noting: [Read more →]
2017 is finally here, and that means it is time to take the pulse of M&A in the world of network operators once again. Let’s start off with who Telecom Ramblings readers think are the most likely targets of consolidation. Which network operators do you think are most likely to get bought this year? This is going to be a whole new game, given the deals for XO, EarthLink, Electric Lightwave, Hibernia, Level 3 and others in 2016. [Read more →]