Category: 'Wireless'

June 18th, 2012  

The FCC Prepares to Voluntarily Chase a Wild Goose

June 13th, 2012  

Verizon Embraces the Shared, Big, Dumb, Valuable Pipe

June 11th, 2012  

No Longer Majority Owner, Sprint Reclaims Clearwire Voting Shares

June 7th, 2012  

Vodafone, Telefonica Pool Their UK Networks

May 18th, 2012  

Zayo Takes Fiber-to-the-Tower Campaign to Phoenix

May 18th, 2012  

When train engineers talk telco

May 14th, 2012  

LightSquared Prepares to Face the Music

May 11th, 2012  

Leapfrogging Makes No Sense In India Today

May 8th, 2012  

Carlos Slim’s America Movil Makes KPN an Offer

May 4th, 2012  

Indian Spectrum Scandal Taints All It Touches

April 30th, 2012  

LightSquared’s Falcone to Step Back From the Front Lines

April 25th, 2012  

iPhone Helps Boost Sprint’s Subscriber Adds

April 23rd, 2012  

Monday Bytes 4/23: Fibertech, Sparkle, Level 3, Telx, SegTel

April 20th, 2012  

Friday Poll: How Real Is the Spectrum Crisis?

April 20th, 2012  

Looking For the Spectrum Crisis

April 19th, 2012  

Verizon Kicks Off 2012 With Solid Quarter

April 17th, 2012  

Metro Bytes 4/17: XO, Fiberlight, Zayo, Tower Cloud

April 12th, 2012  

Level 3 Enables Free Mobile VoIP, Lands in Africa

April 5th, 2012  

For LightSquared, a Dance With The BK Rumor Mill

April 4th, 2012  

NFC payments a solution seeking a problem

March 27th, 2012  

On Spectrum and Wireless Backhaul Bottlenecks

March 22nd, 2012  

A Tampa Wireless Win For FiberLight

March 16th, 2012  

Sprint Flushes LightSquared Deal as Clearwire Poaches a Wholesale Partner

March 8th, 2012  

GSMA bans CBOSS from next MWC

March 2nd, 2012  

FCC Dashes Dish’s Spectrum Plans, For Now

February 29th, 2012  

Teliasonera Plants Anti-NetNeutrality Flag at MWC

February 29th, 2012  

MWC: CEOs assess cloud damage

February 27th, 2012  

Sprint Aborts MetroPCS Bid, Raises Cash

February 24th, 2012  

The OTT opportunity

February 23rd, 2012  

T-Mobile Plots LTE, Asks FCC to Stop Verizon’s Spectrum Grab

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