Category: 'SDN'

April 5th, 2019  

Int’l Bytes: Colt, SES, Fibernoire, Netnod

March 29th, 2019  

Becoming an SD-DP Service Provider (Part II) – A Brief Case Study on Exponential-e, Ltd.

March 28th, 2019  

Becoming an SD-DP Service Provider (Part I) – A Brief Case Study on Exponential-e, Ltd.

March 20th, 2019  

Wednesday Bytes: STI, EdgeConneX, Colocation Northwest, Dispersive

March 15th, 2019  

The API Economy Gets a Boost from 5G

March 13th, 2019  

Int’l Bytes: Sparkle, NEC, Toyota Tsusho, Airtel, IX Reach

March 12th, 2019  

Tuesday Roundup: GCX, Zayo, Orange Business, Nokia

March 11th, 2019  

Industry Spotlight: LightRiver’s Travis Ewert on Network Automation

March 6th, 2019  

Wednesday Bytes: Epsilon, ADVA, Cisco, Batelco

March 5th, 2019  

Juniper to Acquire Mist

February 22nd, 2019  

SDN is here to stay – Do you have an SDN validation strategy in place?

February 1st, 2019  

Friday Roundup: DataBank, Orange Business, Megaport

February 1st, 2019  

Where WANs Fall Short in Supporting VoIP and How SD-WAN Can Help

January 29th, 2019  

Five Business Cases that SD-WAN Will Boost in 2019

January 15th, 2019  

Windstream Unifies Its Enterprise Portals

January 11th, 2019  

To Get More from SD-WAN, Add a Data Analytics Platform

January 10th, 2019  

Thursday Bytes: Colt, EllaLink, EXFO, 365 Data Centers

January 7th, 2019  

Implementing software-defined networking (SDN) based traffic steering model for video on demand (VoD) services

December 28th, 2018  

Building the Case for Enterprises Consuming SD-WAN as a Service

December 17th, 2018  

2019 – The Year for SD-Digital Platform (SDDP)

December 12th, 2018  

Int’l Bytes: Telia, Orange, ZY4, DT, Huawei

December 5th, 2018  

Network Roundup: GTT, Epsilon, NJFX, PacketFabric, Colt

November 30th, 2018  

Friday Roundup: Telia, Juniper, Huawei, Arvig

November 21st, 2018  

Industry Spotlight: Jerzy Szlosarek on Epsilon’s SDN Journey

November 16th, 2018  

The Cloud is a Key Driver for SD-WAN

November 15th, 2018  

Thursday Bytes: Windstream, ROOT, Hughes, Onecom

November 14th, 2018  

Telefonica, IBM Apply Blockchain to International Voice

November 14th, 2018  

Vendor Roundup: Ciena, Cisco, Juniper, Calix

November 7th, 2018  

Wednesday Roundup: LightRiver, CenturyLink, DataGryd, NYI, Teridion

November 7th, 2018  

Introducing “Software Defined WAN for the Digital Age – A Bold Transition to Next Generation Networking”

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