Category: 'Metro fiber'

May 4th, 2010  

Level 3 Earnings Preview: Q1/2010

May 3rd, 2010  

May Metro Bites: Intellifiber, Alpheus, Fiberlight

May 2nd, 2010  

First Communications Enhances Low Latency Offerings

April 29th, 2010  

Fiber Roundup: Fiberlight, 360Networks, Hibernia, Tinet, Lightpath

April 25th, 2010  

Zayo Raises $250M, Expands in Houston, Chicago, Memphis, Atlanta

April 22nd, 2010  

Level 3 To Manage Video for ABC News, Mobilize Gulf Coast

April 21st, 2010  

A Couple of Wins for TW Telecom

April 21st, 2010  

FiberTower Picked to Support MetroPCS’s LTE Buildout

April 15th, 2010  

Industry Spotlight: FiberLight’s Mike Miller

April 14th, 2010  

More Metro Fiber For Sale: NSTAR

April 11th, 2010  

A Few Proposed Round 2 Stimulus Projects

April 9th, 2010  

Integra Raising $770M

April 8th, 2010  

IPR Chooses Abovenet, More On the Way

April 8th, 2010  

Fiber Valuations Update, and a New Home For My Charts

April 7th, 2010  

Optimum Lightpath Introduces Low Latency Service

March 30th, 2010  

Lightower Continues Its Expansion

March 29th, 2010  

More Metro Fiber M&A: Fibertech For Sale

March 28th, 2010  

Competitive Telecom Trends: EBITDA-Capex/Revenue

March 26th, 2010  

Competitive Telecom Trends: Capital Expenditures

March 25th, 2010  

To Build Out LTE, Verizon Selects… Everybody?

March 24th, 2010  

Zayo Buys AGL Networks

March 24th, 2010  

EBITDA Margin Trends for Competitive Telecoms

March 23rd, 2010  

Relative Revenue Growth for Competitive Telecoms

March 22nd, 2010  

Eh? RCN Metro Expands to Toronto

March 17th, 2010  

TW Telecom Closes Offering, Pulls Fiber to MaximumASP

March 15th, 2010  

Monday Roundup: GTT, GTS, Pangaea, XO

March 15th, 2010  

Abovenet Launches Low Latency Transatlantic Connectivity

March 14th, 2010  

M&A Journal: AGL’s Metro Footprint Sold?

March 11th, 2010  

Industry Spotlight: AboveNet’s Bill LaPerch

March 10th, 2010  

Zayo Advances in Ann Arbor, Denver

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