Category: 'Metro fiber'

October 1st, 2010  

M&A Journal: How About TW Telecom and Global Crossing?

September 29th, 2010  

Online Video May Be Flying, But Infrastructure?

September 28th, 2010  

Regional Bytes 9/28: VisionNet, Level 3, Abovenet, Alpheus

September 24th, 2010  

M&A Journal: Where Is Big Fiber?

September 23rd, 2010  

M&A Journal: Thus Far in 2010 – Can You Name Them All?

September 20th, 2010  

Abovenet Crosses the English Channel

September 16th, 2010  

Qwest Brings Fiber to Two Denver School Systems

September 16th, 2010  

GTS Central Europe Swallows Dial

September 15th, 2010  

Industry Spotlight: Sidera Networks’ New CEO Mike Sicoli

September 14th, 2010  

More Fiber M&A: Lightower Takes Out Lexent

September 14th, 2010  

More Fiber Bytes: Integra, Zayo, Deltacom

September 13th, 2010  

Zayo Chalks Up Steady Growth In Its Fiscal Q4

September 13th, 2010  

Metro Fiber Roundup 9/13: euNetworks, XO, US Signal

September 13th, 2010  

PAETEC Buys Not Just Intellifiber, but Cavalier Too

September 9th, 2010  

Goodbye RCN Metro, Hello Sidera Networks

September 7th, 2010  

XO Expands Metro Presence in Los Angeles

September 6th, 2010  

Alpheus Lights Up Three New Metro Markets

September 2nd, 2010  

euNetworks Takes London-Frankfurt Down Another Notch

September 1st, 2010  

euNetworks Lowers Another Latency Bar

August 31st, 2010  

Ridgemont Buys Into Midwestern Fiber Operator UPN

August 30th, 2010  

Andrews Air Force Base Contract Goes To tw telecom

August 27th, 2010  

ABRY Completes RCN Acquisition, Separates RCN Metro

August 26th, 2010  

FiberLight Takes Aim at Charlottesville

August 26th, 2010  

Fibertech Finds Its Buyer

August 24th, 2010  

Relative Valuations For Competitive Telecoms – Q2/2010

August 24th, 2010  

EBITDA Margin and Cash Flow Trends for Competitive Telecoms – Q2/2010

August 24th, 2010  

Revenue and Spending Trends For Competitive Telecoms – Q2/2010

August 23rd, 2010  

Oppenheimer’s Fiber Infrastructure Panel

August 19th, 2010  

Telecom Ramblings Jobs: Zayo

August 19th, 2010  

Thursday Roundup 8/19: FiberLight, Paetec, and 2 for Level 3

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