Category: 'Metro fiber'

January 26th, 2012  

Thursday Roundup 1/26: Zayo, GTT, Optimum Lightpath, QTS, C7

January 20th, 2012  

Friday Roundup 1/20: Integra, GTLT, COLT, Zayo

January 18th, 2012  

Wednesday Roundup 1/18: XConnect, Zayo, Level 3, Savvis

January 17th, 2012  

tw telecom Wins GSA Contract, Targets Cloud

January 13th, 2012  

M&A Poll Followup: XO Again Of Course

January 12th, 2012  

Vendor Update 1/12: ADVA, Infinera, MRV, BroadSoft

January 11th, 2012  

Lightower Takes 100G to Market

January 9th, 2012  

Industry Spotlight: Optimum Lightpath’s Dave Pistacchio

January 6th, 2012  

More Fiber M&A: Neo Telecoms Takes Out MIT

January 5th, 2012  

About Those Likely Buyers

January 5th, 2012  

Network Roundup 1/5: Lightower, Integra, BT, and AT&T

December 27th, 2011  

Building Additions Accelerated in 2011

December 23rd, 2011  

Ramblings 2012 Predictions: Less Fiber/CLEC M&A

December 21st, 2011  

John Scarano Resurfaces at euNetworks

December 21st, 2011  

Network Roundup 12-21: Sprint, Zayo, Earthlink, CBeyond

December 19th, 2011  

Level 3 Helps CENIC, CVIN Build Out

December 16th, 2011  

Reviewing US Fiber M&A in 2011

December 15th, 2011  

Clinica Sierra Vista Hooks Up the tw telecom Way

December 14th, 2011  

Metro Bytes 12/14: tw telecom, Zayo, Earthlink

December 13th, 2011  

Integra Makes O’Hara’s CEO Role Official

December 9th, 2011  

Ramblings Jobs: Two More at Sidera Networks

December 9th, 2011  

Friday Roundup 12/9: Alpheus, Telarus, Atlantic Metro, Cavalier

December 9th, 2011  

On Acquiring or Being Left Behind

December 8th, 2011  

AboveNet Joins Fiber’s Buyback Bandwagon

December 7th, 2011  

Metro Bytes 12/7: Sidera, Integra, Zayo

December 6th, 2011  

More Fiber M&A: HickoryTech Acquires IdeaOne

December 2nd, 2011  

Zayo Closes 360Networks Deal, Goes Transcontinental

December 2nd, 2011  

Friday Metro Bytes 12/2: Fibertech, Integra, PAETEC, US Signal

December 1st, 2011  

Revenues, Margins, and Capex for Competitive Network Operators

November 30th, 2011  

Global Roundup 11/30: Pacnet, euNetworks, Interoute, Allstream, Neotel

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