Category: 'Mergers and Acquisitions'

January 30th, 2019  

Hargray Buys DFS

January 28th, 2019  

Google, CenturyLink Said to Eye Zayo

January 16th, 2019  

Metro Bytes: FirstLight, Hargray, Colo Atl, eStruxture

January 15th, 2019  

Macquarie to Acquire Bluebird, Swap with Uniti

January 15th, 2019  

Lumos and Spirit Are Now Segra

January 14th, 2019  

SummitIG brings in SDC

January 8th, 2019  

Element Critical Enters Chicago

January 7th, 2019  

About Those M&A Polls…

January 3rd, 2019  

Who Are the Most Likely Strategic Buyers of US Networks in 2019?

January 2nd, 2019  

Poll: Which US Networks Are Most Likely to Be Acquired in 2019?

January 1st, 2019  

Windstream Unloads the EarthLink Consumer Biz

December 31st, 2018  

A Few Predictions for 2019

December 28th, 2018  

2018 M&A Review: International Edition

December 27th, 2018  

2018 M&A Review: North American Networks Edition

December 26th, 2018  

Looking Back on My 2018 Predictions

December 21st, 2018  

SSE Enterprise Telcoms Sells 50% Stake to Infracapital

December 19th, 2018  

RCom, GCX Back in Limbo After Spectrum Sale Nixed

December 19th, 2018  

Arvig Buys Windstream’s Minnesota, Nebraska Fiber

December 18th, 2018  

Telstra Buys a Chunk of Southern Cross

December 17th, 2018  

DataBank Moves Into Indianapolis, Acquires LightBound

December 17th, 2018  

Vodafone AU-TPG merger facing rejection

November 30th, 2018  

Altice Sells Half of SFR FTTH to Private Equity

November 30th, 2018  

Friday Roundup: Telia, Juniper, Huawei, Arvig

November 28th, 2018  

H5 Moves Into San Antonio

November 26th, 2018  

Monday Bytes: Zayo, Sparkle, Congruex, LINX

November 20th, 2018  

Private Equity Takes a Look at Zayo

November 9th, 2018  

News Press & Gazette Buys Nebraska Data Centers

November 7th, 2018  

Wednesday Roundup: LightRiver, CenturyLink, DataGryd, NYI, Teridion

November 5th, 2018  

EdgeConneX Acquires Its Way Into Eastern Europe

November 3rd, 2018  

ResurgenceIG Buys Strome Fiber Holdings

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