Category: 'Internet Backbones'

April 3rd, 2014  

What Might an Independent IP Backbone Buy With $200M?

March 31st, 2014  

Turks Take Internet Censorship Closer to the Mainstream

March 25th, 2014  

Akamai Nabs Telefonica for Global CDN Alliance

March 25th, 2014  

Competitive Telecom Trends, Spring 2014 Update

March 21st, 2014  

The Struggle Over Interconnection and Peering Heats Up

March 19th, 2014  

Int’l Roundup: Teliasonera, Integra, IX Reach, Epsilon, Colt

March 19th, 2014  

Chicken? Let’s Play a Game!

March 18th, 2014  

Goodbye Reliance Globalcom, hello Global Cloud Xchange

March 18th, 2014  

A New Submarine Cable Build for Level 3

March 18th, 2014  

Metro Bytes: FirstLight, Integra, UNSi, COMLINK

March 13th, 2014  

No Need for Acquisitions as Level 3 Snags Two Contracts

March 11th, 2014  

Level 3’s Federal Team Lands Northrup Grumman

March 6th, 2014  

Int’l Bytes: euNetworks, SSE Telecoms, Tata, STC

March 5th, 2014  

For Networks, Has Consolidation’s Fever Broken?

March 4th, 2014  

Colo Roundup: Windstream, Viawest, 1102 Grand, Interxion

March 3rd, 2014  

Teliasonera Charges Into the Persian Gulf

February 26th, 2014  

Network Bytes: Cogent, UPN, Zayo, FiberLight, Pacnet

February 23rd, 2014  

Netflix Signs Peering Deal With Comcast

February 20th, 2014  

Another Dividend Boost For Cogent to End 2013

February 19th, 2014  

More Int’l Bytes: Pacnet, Level 3, TSIC, TDC

February 19th, 2014  

Most Likely Network Buyers and Sellers Poll Wrapup

February 14th, 2014  

Friday Bytes: GTT, Level 3, Integra, US Signal, Global Capacity, GTS

February 5th, 2014  

Level 3 Pulls Off a Strong Q4

February 3rd, 2014  

Earnings Preview: Level 3 Aims For Black

January 31st, 2014  

Tata Communications For Sale?

January 21st, 2014  

Hibernia Supplies Dark Fiber For Cogent’s Irish Expansion

January 20th, 2014  

Int’l Roundup: Reliance, Pacnet, Huawei Marine, DT

January 20th, 2014  

Level 3 Serves Internet Localization to TM

January 17th, 2014  

Friday Bytes: 123, MRV, NTT, HE, Global Capacity

January 16th, 2014  

Int’l Bytes: Pacnet, Versatel, Teliasonera, Cologix, Xtera

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