Category: 'Industry Viewpoint'

May 4th, 2015  

Is it cheaper to build or buy a fiber network? It depends.

April 17th, 2015  

High Speed Ethernet Evolution: The Business Case for 1Gigabit and Beyond

April 10th, 2015  

Faster Than the Data Curve: Accelerating the Network

April 9th, 2015  

From Fiber to the North Pole

March 6th, 2015  

Let’s Dockerize VoIP

February 20th, 2015  

DNS 2.0 – Evolving to Meet the Needs of Today’s Distributed Applications

February 12th, 2015  

Top Business Telecom Networking Trends in 2015

January 22nd, 2015  

The connectivity landscape in 2015: 3 changes to expect

December 30th, 2014  

NFV Shakes Up Service Providers’ Revenue

December 26th, 2014  

Three Telecom Trends to Ring in the New Year

December 10th, 2014  

OTT – If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

November 26th, 2014  

Ensuring SDN and NFV Performance for a Future-Proof Network

November 21st, 2014  

The Debate Continues Around BYOD

November 13th, 2014  

How Mature Is Your Network – And Is It Ready for SDN and NFV?

October 27th, 2014  

Metro Cloud – a growing opportunity for high speed data centre interconnect

October 24th, 2014  

Accelerating Performance in Preparation for the 100G Era

October 3rd, 2014  

A network that does the routine thinking, so you are free to innovate

September 26th, 2014  

Net Neutrality and CDNs – No level playing field anymore

August 21st, 2014  

Testing for wholesale Ethernet services

August 9th, 2014  

Cost Cutting Is Not Enough

August 8th, 2014  

Delivering enterprise agility – how the CE services market will top $50bn in 2015

August 4th, 2014  

Back to the Future with Push-to-Talk

July 22nd, 2014  

The Internet of Things Demands a New Storage Approach

June 13th, 2014  

Desktop as a Service: The Workspace of the Future Is Here

May 26th, 2014  

The data insight archaeologist: realizing the value of hidden insights

May 22nd, 2014  

Elevating the Data Center: Implementing a Successful All-Flash Strategy

May 5th, 2014  

How Are Cloud Computing Advances Enabling BYOD Policies?

April 25th, 2014  

BYOD: Risk & Reward for Telcos and Their Clients

March 26th, 2014  

A New Approach to Real-Time Big Data Analytics in a Telecom Environment

January 7th, 2014  

Allied Fiber’s CEO Applauds WSJ’s Coverage on Internet Giants’ Push to Control the Pipes of the Internet

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