Articles by Rob Powell

About Rob Powell

Founder and Chief Editor of Telecom Ramblings. Software engineer by profession, chemical engineer by education, blogger by inclination.
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October 8th, 2008  

The Buffett Factor Revisited

October 7th, 2008  

Verizon Loses VoIP Patent Case

October 7th, 2008  

The Insanity Rages On

October 6th, 2008  

ITC^Deltacom Upgrades

October 6th, 2008  

Datacenter Sector Still Seems Solid

October 5th, 2008  

Wireless at 10Gbps

October 4th, 2008  

Fiber as an Economic Hedge

October 2nd, 2008  

CDN Pricing Implications

October 2nd, 2008  

The Financial Crisis and Internet Infrastructure

October 1st, 2008  

Abovenet Shows a Profit

October 1st, 2008  

On Imminent CDN Consolidation

September 30th, 2008  

Pacnet Rising in the East?

September 30th, 2008  

Zayo's #11: Citynet Again

September 29th, 2008  

XOHM Goes Live in Baltimore

September 29th, 2008  

Caruso Challenges Ramblings

September 28th, 2008  

A Few Additions To My Blogroll

September 27th, 2008  

Another Political Event for Level 3

September 26th, 2008  

NTT's Broadband 'Cap'

September 26th, 2008  

On the Prospects of 40G and Other Stuff

September 25th, 2008  

Merrill and Level 3 Unwind the Hedge

September 25th, 2008  

FCC's Newest Deadline Approaches

September 24th, 2008  

Level 3 Expands in Canada

September 24th, 2008  

Global Crossing and CDN?

September 23rd, 2008  

Level 3 Wins at Bostwick Labs

September 23rd, 2008  

Global Crossing Snags a CFO

September 23rd, 2008  

Comcast's Congestion Management

September 22nd, 2008  

In Europe, VoIP is Taking Over

September 22nd, 2008  

Releasing the Value in Skype

September 21st, 2008  

Cogent, Self Promotion, and the Mirror Image

September 20th, 2008  

Cogent Takes the Street

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