Articles by Rob Powell

About Rob Powell

Founder and Chief Editor of Telecom Ramblings. Software engineer by profession, chemical engineer by education, blogger by inclination.
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September 11th, 2009  

Level 3 and Google? A Baseless Yet Immortal Rumor

September 11th, 2009  

The Air Force Seems to Like TW Telecom

September 10th, 2009  

Pigeon Shows African ISP How It’s Done

September 10th, 2009  

Zayo Now the Proud Owner of Fibernet Telecom Group

September 9th, 2009  

Two More Data Centers for Equinix

September 8th, 2009  

Switch & Data Reels in $100M

September 8th, 2009  

Africa’s Bandwidth Puzzle

September 8th, 2009  

DT, FT Seek to Join Forces for UK Wireless Market

September 8th, 2009  

Global Crossing Looks to Raise $650M

September 7th, 2009  

Telefonica, China Unicom Exchange Hugs

September 6th, 2009  

Amidst Pressure, Level 3 Continues to Push CDN

September 3rd, 2009  

In Search of a Better Vonage Rumor

September 3rd, 2009  

Ciena Shows Some Muscle

September 3rd, 2009  

AT&T Looking to Buy Leap? Vonage? Are you kidding?

September 2nd, 2009  

Qwest Picks Alcatel-Lucent for 100G

September 2nd, 2009  

Anchors Away at Infinera

September 1st, 2009  

Vonage Lands On the iPhone

September 1st, 2009  

EBay Finally Sells Skype

September 1st, 2009  

David Ross Group to Manage Gulf Bridge Cable Project

September 1st, 2009  

Savvis Unveils Project Spirit

August 31st, 2009  

Calix Raises $100M to Meet Stimulus Demand

August 30th, 2009  

Zayo Aims For Stimulus Funds, In Quantity

August 29th, 2009  

Trouble spending $7.4B? Naaah

August 27th, 2009  

The Puzzle of Rural Broadband

August 27th, 2009  

AlcaHuaweiLu? Not Gonna Happen

August 27th, 2009  

360Networks Makes Pitch for Stimulus Funding

August 26th, 2009  

China Telecom, Reliance to Build India-China Link

August 25th, 2009  

What’s Going On With Vonage?

August 25th, 2009  

Level 3 Makes Its Case For Stimulus Funds

August 24th, 2009  

Help Me Build a List of Asia/Pacific/Australia Network Maps

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