Articles by Rob Powell

About Rob Powell

Founder and Chief Editor of Telecom Ramblings. Software engineer by profession, chemical engineer by education, blogger by inclination.
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January 26th, 2012  

Thursday Roundup 1/26: Zayo, GTT, Optimum Lightpath, QTS, C7

January 25th, 2012  

Orange Tries Some Net Neutrality Jujitsu

January 25th, 2012  

NTT Enters Indian Datacenter Market Via Netmagic

January 24th, 2012  

Clearwire Preannounces, Plans Debt Sale

January 24th, 2012  

Verizon Toes the Line, Except for Non-cash Pension Stuff

January 24th, 2012  

Interoute, Bezeq Boost Bandwidth Via JONAH

January 24th, 2012  

Network Roundup 1/24: MegaPath, Riverside, Zayo, Savvis

January 23rd, 2012  

DT, Lattelecom Plan New Fiber Route

January 23rd, 2012  

Tata Sells Juniper the Rights to a Bit of BitGravity

January 23rd, 2012  

M&A Journal: Reliance’s IPO Plans for FLAG

January 20th, 2012  

FBI Takes Down MegaUpload, With Cogent in the Crossfire

January 20th, 2012  

Friday Roundup 1/20: Integra, GTLT, COLT, Zayo

January 20th, 2012  

New Cable Planned by ASSC-1

January 19th, 2012  

Does Icahn Have Plans For LightSquared?

January 19th, 2012  

Google Finds FTTH Is Harder Than It Looks

January 19th, 2012  

Apparently SOPA Is a Tad Unpopular

January 19th, 2012  

LightSquared Says GPS Tests Rigged

January 18th, 2012  

Wednesday Roundup 1/18: XConnect, Zayo, Level 3, Savvis

January 18th, 2012  

More Arctic Fiber: Polarnet

January 18th, 2012  

Poll: What To Do About SOPA?

January 17th, 2012  

Undersea Roundup 1/17: Southern Cross, Hibernia, GlobeNet, GBI

January 17th, 2012  

tw telecom Wins GSA Contract, Targets Cloud

January 17th, 2012  

Busy Days for Huawei Marine

January 16th, 2012  

Around the World 1/16: Atrato, KDDI, C&W, Arctic Fibre, Level 3

January 16th, 2012  

Equinix, Neutral Tandem Ally For Ethernet Exchange

January 13th, 2012  

M&A Poll Followup: XO Again Of Course

January 13th, 2012  

Ramblings Jobs: Sidera Networks

January 12th, 2012  

Vendor Update 1/12: ADVA, Infinera, MRV, BroadSoft

January 12th, 2012  

M&A Poll: Which US Network Operators Will Be Bought in 2012 (Pick 3)

January 11th, 2012  

A Big Federal Victory for Level 3?

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