Articles by Rob Powell

About Rob Powell

Founder and Chief Editor of Telecom Ramblings. Software engineer by profession, chemical engineer by education, blogger by inclination.
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October 5th, 2012  

Network Bytes 10/5: tw telecom, Level 3,, Cross River, Zayo

October 5th, 2012  

Inteliquent Declares Special Dividend, Names CFO

October 4th, 2012  

Sprint Preparing Counter Offer For MetroPCS

October 4th, 2012  

Spread Lowers NY-Chicago Latency Yet Again

October 4th, 2012  

Poll: Your Opinion About the T-Mobile/MetroPCS Deal?

October 4th, 2012  

Colo Roundup 10/3: Equinix, Viawest, Cologix, C7, Sentinel

October 3rd, 2012  

T-Mobile/MetroPCS: Done Deal

October 3rd, 2012  

Akamai Expands in Latin America

October 3rd, 2012  

M&A Down Under for Level 3?

October 3rd, 2012  

T-Mobile USA Prepares to Pounce on MetroPCS

October 2nd, 2012  

Network Bytes 10/2: Zayo, Internet2, AT&T, Verizon

October 2nd, 2012  

Vendor Roundup 10/2: ADVA, Cisco, Juniper

October 2nd, 2012  

CenturyLink Starts, Stops Refinancing Offer

October 1st, 2012  

Level 3 Boosts Security Offerings, Prices Refinancing

October 1st, 2012  

Maine’s 3 Ring Binder Goes Live

September 30th, 2012  

CenturyLink Said to be Eyeing tw telecom

September 29th, 2012  

Ramblings Jobs: Two From Lightower

September 28th, 2012  

Alcatel-Lucent to Build Ghana a Network

September 28th, 2012  

Vodafone’s Not Kidding Around On the C&WW Integration

September 27th, 2012  

Data Bytes: Internap, IO, FiberMedia, Stackpop, Global Capacity

September 27th, 2012  

Australia’s NBN Threatens to Build Its Own Cable to the USA

September 27th, 2012  

Equinix Brings Southern Cross Into Sydney IBX

September 27th, 2012  

MegaFon, Lattelecom, and DT Open New Route to Russia

September 26th, 2012  

Wednesday Roundup 9/26: Ritter, Integra, Earthlink, Level 3

September 26th, 2012  

Poll: Is Data Center Energy Usage a Problem?

September 26th, 2012  

WSJ: Cellphones Eating Family Budgets

September 25th, 2012  

Network Roundup: Optimum Lightpath, Hibernia Atlantic, Level 3

September 25th, 2012  

Turk Telekom Looking for Fresh M&A

September 25th, 2012  

Data Bytes 9/25: AMS-IX, DE-CIX, Savvis, Equinix, tw telecom

September 25th, 2012  

TeliaSonera Comes To Its VoIP Senses

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