Articles by Rob Powell

About Rob Powell

Founder and Chief Editor of Telecom Ramblings. Software engineer by profession, chemical engineer by education, blogger by inclination.
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March 15th, 2013  

Euro Metro Bytes: Geo, euNetworks, Akado, Vodafone, Orange

March 15th, 2013  

Batelco Considers Buying a Piece of Reliance Globalcom

March 15th, 2013  

tw telecom Wins Some Southern GRITS

March 14th, 2013  

Reliance Globalcom Takes Transatlantic Cable to 100G

March 14th, 2013  

Equinix Opens New Seattle IBX

March 14th, 2013  

CDN Roundup: EdgeCast,, Level 3, CDNetworks, Akamai

March 13th, 2013  

Fiber M&A: Fatbeam Acquires Its Way Into Tacoma

March 13th, 2013  

CyrusOne to Build Texas IX With Infinera’s DTN

March 13th, 2013  

FCC, FTC In Hand, MetroPCS/T-Mobile Deal Faces Shareholders

March 13th, 2013  

Metro Bytes 3/13: Alpheus, Sunesys, Windstream, UNSI

March 12th, 2013  

Pacnet to Invest in New Singapore Data Center

March 12th, 2013  

Around the World: Scilly, Wateen, ITPC, Teraco, SEACOM

March 11th, 2013  

DukeNet Bursts Out of the Carolinas

March 11th, 2013  

PEG Bandwidth Plans 1500 Cell Site Expansion

March 11th, 2013  

Level 3 Secures Some Venezuelan Chickens

March 11th, 2013  

Touring the European Fiber Landscape: Scandinavia & the Baltics

March 8th, 2013  

Colo Bytes: SubTropolis, CyrusOne, Colo Atl, Telx, Interxion

March 8th, 2013  

Ciena Punches Its Way to an Unexpected Profit

March 7th, 2013  

Inteliquent Reports, Looks to Regain Footing in 2013

March 7th, 2013  

Level 3’s Crowe to Leave After 2013

March 7th, 2013  

Industry Spotlight: Epsilon’s Irwin Fouwels on Interconnection, Local Access

March 6th, 2013  

Network Roundup: Hibernia, AMS-IX, XO, 24/7, Earthlink

March 6th, 2013  

Is the Video CDN Business Really That Flawed?

March 6th, 2013  

The Verizon/Vodafone Rumor Just Won’t Die

March 5th, 2013  

Zayo Lights Chicago-Memphis Route With 100G

March 5th, 2013  

Savvis Expands Its Slough Footprint

March 4th, 2013  

Metro Bytes 3/4: UPN, Fatbeam, Southern, TelePacific, Earthlink

March 4th, 2013  

GBI Adds Terrestrial Route to Europe

March 4th, 2013  

Touring the European Fiber Landscape: UK & Ireland

March 3rd, 2013  

A New Kid Enters the NYC-Ashburn Longhaul Neighborhood

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