Articles by Rob Powell

About Rob Powell

Founder and Chief Editor of Telecom Ramblings. Software engineer by profession, chemical engineer by education, blogger by inclination.
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April 15th, 2014  

Industry Spotlight: 24/7 Mid-Atlantic Network’s Sean Baillie

April 14th, 2014  

Int’l Bytes: Equinix, PCCW, Vodafone, Telecom Italia

April 14th, 2014  

Poll: Should the US Give Up ICANN Oversight?

April 11th, 2014  

Friday Bytes: MBC, Ciena, Lumos, Data Foundry, Consolidated

April 11th, 2014  

Security Being Insecure, the Heart Bleeds

April 11th, 2014  

TelePacific, AT&T Complete the IP/Ethernet Interconnection Tango

April 10th, 2014  

The Public Comcast/TWC Case Is Largely Irrelevant in the End

April 10th, 2014  

Int’l Roundup: Vodafone, Hibernia, Softbank, Orange

April 9th, 2014  

UPN to Build New Midwestern Intercity Fiber Route

April 8th, 2014  

Data Bytes: Equinix, CyrusOne, EdgeConnex, tw telecom, RCN

April 8th, 2014  

Masergy Boosts Security With Global DataGaurd Buy

April 7th, 2014  

A CDN For Hibernia

April 7th, 2014  

Cloud, 4K Ultra HD Video For Level 3

April 7th, 2014  

Fiber to 39.3% of Commercial Buildings, Not Too Shabby

April 4th, 2014  

New Cash, New Expansion Plans for XO

April 3rd, 2014  

Metro Bytes: Integra, EdgeConnex, SSE Telecoms, Comcast, FirstLight

April 3rd, 2014  

Streamlining, Juniper to Lay Off 6%

April 3rd, 2014  

What Might an Independent IP Backbone Buy With $200M?

April 2nd, 2014  

Int’l Roundup: Orange, Vodafone, GTT, Equinix

April 2nd, 2014  

Zayo’s Latest Big Expansion: Northern California

April 1st, 2014  

Metro Bytes: Sunesys, Neo, Zayo, Pinpoint

April 1st, 2014  

Data Centers Work Out a New Renewable Energy Source

March 31st, 2014  

AT&T: Who Needs Vodafone, There’s Stock to Buy Back!

March 31st, 2014  

On Transit and Middlemen

March 31st, 2014  

Turks Take Internet Censorship Closer to the Mainstream

March 28th, 2014  

Friday Bytes: Zayo, CenturyLink, Masergy, Orange

March 28th, 2014  

Soliciting Proxies, Charter Challenges the Comcast/TW Cable Merger

March 28th, 2014  

tw telecom Details Tennessee, California Expansions

March 27th, 2014  

Colo Bytes: Telx, Data Foundry, Interxion, CoreSite, Continuum

March 27th, 2014  

Colorado Springs Gets tw telecom’s Attention

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