Articles by Rob Powell

About Rob Powell

Founder and Chief Editor of Telecom Ramblings. Software engineer by profession, chemical engineer by education, blogger by inclination.
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December 5th, 2014  

Selling Some Stock, GTT Rebuilds Its Warchest

December 4th, 2014  

Zayo Buys Some Kansas Fiber From IdeaTek

December 4th, 2014  

Thursday Roundup: Infinera, AMS-IX, IIX, SummitIG

December 4th, 2014  

Industry Spotlight: Grant van Rooyen on Cologix’s Expansion

December 3rd, 2014  

Ciena Jumps Into NFV With Both Feet

December 3rd, 2014  

Wednesday Bytes: Level 3, Akamai, Verizon, Teliasonera

December 3rd, 2014  

Indianapolis Gets Some Zayo Small Cells

December 2nd, 2014  

BASELAYER to Split Off from IO

December 2nd, 2014  

Zayo to Build New Heartland Longhaul Route

December 2nd, 2014  

Centerbridge to Acquire IPC Systems

December 1st, 2014  

Euro Telco M&A Simmers On

December 1st, 2014  

As AT&T Backs Down, the Point Gets Lost Again

November 25th, 2014  

Tuesday Bytes: Hibernia, HE, Earthlink, Comcast, WOW!

November 25th, 2014  

Columbia Moves To Take euNetworks Private

November 24th, 2014  

Telefonica and BT Take a Spin Around the UK Dance Floor

November 24th, 2014  

Industry Spotlight: M/C Partners’ Gillis Cashman Looks Ahead

November 23rd, 2014  

Ramblings Jobs: Two From Conterra

November 21st, 2014  

Friday Roundup: Zayo, Level 3, Lightower, Transbeam, Pangaea

November 21st, 2014  

Streamlining for the Holidays at Windstream

November 20th, 2014  

GEN14 Vendor Bytes: CENX, Wedge, Fujitsu, Transition Networks, Ciena

November 20th, 2014  

Would You Enter a Clouded Leopard’s Den?

November 20th, 2014  

SummitIG Hands Virginia a New Intercity Route

November 19th, 2014  

Industry Spotlight: Level 3’s Jack Waters on Integration and Beyond

November 19th, 2014  

Int’l Roundup: NTT, KPN, Interoute, Vodafone

November 18th, 2014  

Tuesday Roundup: NTT, Equinix, EdgeCast, BTI Systems

November 18th, 2014  

Mitel Backs Off, Shoretel Shrugs

November 17th, 2014  

Lightower Polishes Off New Virginia Network

November 17th, 2014  

Level 3 Taps Debt Markets For Another Refinancing Move

November 17th, 2014  

FCC to AT&T: Err, What Fiber Roll-out Are You Pausing?

November 16th, 2014  

Ramblings Jobs: Southern Telecom

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