Articles by Industry Viewpoints

February 1st, 2019  

Where WANs Fall Short in Supporting VoIP and How SD-WAN Can Help

January 29th, 2019  

Five Business Cases that SD-WAN Will Boost in 2019

January 11th, 2019  

To Get More from SD-WAN, Add a Data Analytics Platform

January 7th, 2019  

Implementing software-defined networking (SDN) based traffic steering model for video on demand (VoD) services

January 4th, 2019  

The Connected Classroom

December 28th, 2018  

Building the Case for Enterprises Consuming SD-WAN as a Service

December 21st, 2018  

How Telcos are Fighting Customer Churn and Growing Revenue

December 17th, 2018  

2019 – The Year for SD-Digital Platform (SDDP)

December 14th, 2018  

Ethical E-Waste Disposal in the Cloud-Based Era

December 7th, 2018  

Building a Virtual Fiber-to-the-Farm Network

November 16th, 2018  

The Cloud is a Key Driver for SD-WAN

November 9th, 2018  

Why Telcos Are Still Moving to the Cloud

November 7th, 2018  

Introducing “Software Defined WAN for the Digital Age – A Bold Transition to Next Generation Networking”

November 2nd, 2018  

3 Common Misconceptions about GDPR and Data Processing for the Telecom Industry

October 26th, 2018  

The New Marseille: From Peering Point to International Content Hub

October 19th, 2018  

How does SD-WAN Fit into Enterprise’s Digital Transformation?

October 12th, 2018  

Public vs Private Cloud, a Cost Savings Showdown

October 5th, 2018  

How Low Can You Go? Three ways Telecoms Companies Can Improve Their Customer Effort Score

September 26th, 2018  

Signaling an End to an Era

September 14th, 2018  

SSAE16 vs. SSAE18: What’s The Difference?

August 31st, 2018  

How DSPs can overcome security threats with agility using intelligent RPA

August 24th, 2018  

Tale of the Tape – SD-WAN vs MPLS WAN

July 20th, 2018  

Virtual Network Function (VNF) onboarding is simply more than VNF Descriptor (VNFD) configurations

July 16th, 2018  

SD-WAN isn’t Just Another WAN

July 13th, 2018  

Training Options in Optical Communications

July 12th, 2018  

Unique Collaboration Between Oregon Trawlers and Tech Companies

June 29th, 2018  

Two Ways to Connect External Users to Cloud Apps: Direct Connect or Third-Party Gateway

June 28th, 2018  

SD-WAN and MMDC Make a Promising Bundle

June 15th, 2018  

Online Charging Systems (OCS) operations: Considerations for improving agility and efficiency

June 1st, 2018  

Get yourself an SDN: Salary Developing Network

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