I’m sorry, but did we really need to coin the term “Cupcake-Gate”… Apparently AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) went and gave gourmet cupcakes to the FCC, and I don’t mean just to a few commissioners. 127 dozen, or 1,524 cupcakes, worth about $3,700 in all landed on desks all over the agency. This was immediately seized upon by the interest group Public Knowledge, which apparently saw this as an opportunity to put on the Grinch suit that AT&T usually wears, and suggested improper gift giving in advance of the pending network neutrality rules.
That’s right, it’s the Homer theory of lobbying. “We simply will not let you build a toll… OOOH CUPCAKES!!” The sad thing is, it probably works sometimes. Faced with this evidence of dastardly intent, AT&T then playfully offered to send some cupcakes to Public Knowledge too, just to rub it in a bit regarding who is in the holiday spirit and who isn’t. If Public Knowledge had been more astute, they might have demanded a spot in AT&T’s cupcake box for some competitive sweets – proposing cupcake neutrality could help them just as much!
All of this leaves me scratching my head and asking one simple question, though. Where are my cupcakes? Am I not on the list? Do I need to write an indignant blog post? I could seriously use a gourmet cupcake right now. Wait, my wife just vetoed that. Never mind.
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Categories: Fun · Government Regulations
In all due respect, what percentage of the cupcakes did The Talmud receive?
Comical, in light of the fact that every December we get a letter from ATT indicating that you are not to provide a gift of ANY KIND to ANY employee. Do as I say apparently….
I have this Japanese friend who believes in “stirring pots” when things are heading in the wrong direction.
Apparently, so does James Q. Crowe. Good for him!