Vendor Bytes: Nokia, Infinera, Ciena, QuSecure

September 12th, 2024 by · Leave a Comment

Four items from four vendors, three in Europe and one in the US.

Nokia and OTE Group have been busy extending long distance transmission rates. In a new field trial in Greece, the two used Nokia’s 1830 PSI-M optical transport solution on OTE Group’s DWDM network. They achieved 800Gbps on a link of 2580km and 900Gbps on a link of 1290km as well as 1.2Tbps on a single channel over 255km.

Infinera picked up some intercity business over in Europe this week. Core-Backbone will be using their ICE6 800G coherent technology to upgrade their network, doubling capacity while reducing power consumption per bit. Routes included are Nuremburg-Munich, Nuremburg-Prague, and Hamburg-Düsseldorf. Built into the upgrade is the future option to boost speeds to 1.2Tbps.

Ciena’s Blue Planet division has won a contract just to the north in Denmark. TDC NET will be using their automation software to transform the company’s OSS. Blue Planet Inventory will be integrated into their next generation digital infrastructure with the help of Infosys. TDC NET has also deployed Ciena’s optical gear, so that integration probably won’t be too complicated.

The US Army has picked QuSecure for a Small Business Innovation Research project called “Enhanced Post-Quantum Cryptography Suite for Tactical Networks.” PQC algorithms are intended to be able to stand up to cryptanalytic attacks by quantum computers, something which gets closer every year. QuProtect is QSecure’s software platform targeting this problem, which is of course something of a moving target.

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Categories: Fiber Networks · Security · Software · Telecom Equipment

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