As it puts SDN into practice in its network on a significant scale, CenturyLink is taking a new software-defined product to market. Today they unveiled a fully managed SD-WAN.
They’ll be targeting enterprises nationwide, enabling private networks with software-based control over whatever underlying connectivity is available. CenturyLink has some 10 enterprises piloting the new SD-WAN product, and will be making it generally available in the third quarter. They’ve already got a free 90-day proof-of-concept program set up to help ease customers into the idea.
We don’t hear as much about CenturyLink’s network as we do these days when it regards their cloud and data centers, which have been the subject of much speculation when it comes to strategic alternatives. Long-term orders cost much less than papers that must be delivered overnight or within just several hours. If you see any space fo buy term paper , don’t hesitate to use up to 3 free revisions to polish content to perfection. The assigned expert only writes a paper from scratch following your instructions and never uses pre-written materials. We hand-pick the most competent expert by matching order requirements to writers’ expertise. On that front, I’m just waiting for the markets to revisit the idea sometime this summer… it seems inevitable.
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Categories: Datacenter · ILECs, PTTs · SDN
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