As one might have anticipated following Icahn’s final takeover and the appointment of CFO Laura Thomas as interim CEO, the company is now cutting expenses. That means downsizing, headcount reduction, layoffs, whatever you want to call it. It is not yet clear how extensive the event is, nor which departments have been most affected. But since the company is fully private now, I doubt they will be telling us anything officially.
Good luck to all those affected, whether directly or indirectly. The good news is that despite the difficult job market overall, the telecommunications and internet infrastructure sectors are pretty steady, and there are companies out there hiring. The bad news is that there will inevitably be others hitting the job markets over the next few quarters from the LVLT/GLBC integration.
At some point, Carl Icahn will surely realize that he really shouldn’t own a company like this. He doesn’t know how to make money with these assets, and hasn’t been willing to hire someone who does and give them the independence to do it. Actually, the simplest explanation for the current situation is that he knows it now, and is cleaning things up for a sale next year. On the other hand, perhaps Ms. Thomas has an extensive rejuvenation plan in mind – we shall see.
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Categories: CLEC · Metro fiber
The lay off hit Order Entry, CI Agents, Project Managers, Field Technicians, Activation Technicians, and Management and Senior Management. It doesn’t look like they are done.
Any idea how many in all?
No, not at this time.
Also finance got hit, unless you have frinds in high places.
I heard rumblings today that Level 3 may be looking to purchase XO. Has anyone else heard anything?
They’re too focused on integrating GC. I did, however, hear they are being actively shopped around.
I doubt it very much for three reasons. First, I think the integration of Global Crossing needs to be well on the road before they will make a big acquisition. Secondly, I don’t think L3 can do a cash deal for XO and I think Walter Scott would not want to do a stock deal because it would put that scumbag Icahn on the BOD. Thirdly, if the deal were put together now Icahn would have to pay off his former fellow stockholders even if he waited until the 1 year period expired to formally consumate a sale. He can shop the company around but if the sale process is substantially completed before the year is up simply waiting for the clock to run out wont let him escape having to share the proceeds with the people he stole XO from.
Ancell was kicked out at Centurylink for abysmal sales performance, against expectations. That was selling at a company who had an RBOC arm and a much bigger asset portfolio than XO’s “I wanna be a national player” hodge-pudge of regional assets. Icahn makes the brilliant move to bring a guy in who couldn’t shoot fish in a barrel, to lead the turnaround of a doomed commercial sales portfolio. Ancell and his “when Dove’s cry” sidekick have XO in a fatal nose dive, giving Joan Jett and the Blackhearts the keys to the kingdom, and in doing so sealing XO’s death sentence. They’ll leave Icahn with a set of assets he’ll get at best pennies on a dollar. Now losing the one leader remaining, with any clue, Don MacNeil, it’s a fitting ending for the big CI!
(robinsonbuckler @ yahoo. com) did a love spell for me about 3 days ago and the results came like miracle……
Rumors say about 400 total. At HQ in Herndon finance is getting hit hard. Anywhere there are overlaps betwen Carrier and Business Services is where the major reductions are taking place.
Word around the country is that most of the people that are getting cut today are the “necessary” people who work “behind the curtain” to keep the organizational operational, as well as some very, very obvious under performing salese people (already on plan).
The strange thing is that when you look at the organization as a whole, it has many under performing sales people and managers who don’t even pay for their own SGA, much less the SGA of non sales people. That said, to most clear thinking leaders, leadership would have considered making the following changes such as: collapsing NAS into the basic enterprise sales channel, or markets with multiple sales teams and reducing them to a single “super” team, etc.
Why this has not happend is that I believe managers (mid level and up) are looking out for their own personal interests; because if you collapse sales teams and sales channels, you also need to reduce the # of managers you need within the organization. So, instead of looking in the mirror at themselves, they look for others to be the fall guy/gal. The fact that Executive Leadership allowed it to play out this way tells me that they do not have leadership qualities to make tough decisions and right the company.
Finally, the one thing that I have learned at this organization is with all the former GC leaders that were brought on by Wagner is that to them (GC leaders now at XO) is that Politics trumps all!!!! What matters above all else is looking out for themselves, before focusing on results. Wagner may be gone, but the failed policies of the current (many former GC) leadership remain.
My prediction: Since leadership can’t make the tough, but necessary decisions to right the company; Icahn will make them for them. Likely in even more painful reductions, or ultimately breaking up the company and selling off the assets to the highest bidder.
Not true, they also RIFed sales people who they owe a lot of money to.
My sales were through the roof, but now they can hold my commissions for 6 months
Good bye to all of customer support folks. The only question is who will run faster, the remaining sales reps or the poor customers…”Our standard delivery interval has been changed from 30-45 days to 180 to 210 days”
400 is the number we are hearing at headquarters. Possibly with another 200 following shortly after. Finance has definitely been hit hardest. People that were laid off today get pay until November 3rd.
Supposedly there will be a meeting tomorrow afternoon to tell the remaining people they are safe.
If you thought productivity was low before, it’s in the negatives now!
More than 10%, definitely a substantial event if true.
Yes I was one of the many laid off today, I would like to thank Laura Thomas for assisting in my exit from the company. Go to Broadview Networks they offer better benefits and more competive pay from what I have heard, XO will burn into ashes in the coming year. I predict that I will have a job in 2 years but Ms Laura Thomas and her Croonies wont
Broadview…can you possibly write to and tell me more about Broadview…I was told to hit the road from XO last week like a bad habit.
Need to get working again…FAST!
What is the good and bad with Broadview? I don’t know much about there company.
Let’s play a game:
Screw One, Marry One and Kill One:
A. Laura Thomas
B. Oprah
C. Hilary Clinton
XO will continue to fail because Telecom is designed to fail. Mix into that the notion that America will sell out it’s own people to make a dime, and lie and claim to be patriots – XO gets what it deserves.
If the internal carnage being indicated on this board, is remotely close to accurate, while knowing that Carl Icahn is a devious man, but by no means a stupid man who would cut his nose off to spite his face, this company is SOLD American style! 🙂
Of course, a wiser man or woman might ask Enron Hubbard on this board for his opinion.
Enron? 🙂
Not sold. But prepping.
The overlaps betwen Carrier and Business Services is where the major reductions are taking place. The sales folks are getting more freedom in the field with pricing thus less need for finance to waste time crunching #’s and margins. Although – this is the new American way – more work to be done with less employees…USA will NEVER see unemployment at 5 or 6% – those days are LONG gone.
If you don’t vote for Ron Paul – then yes prepare to see America fold. It is just that simple.
I was there from 97-00 and left shortly before they declared BK. I still have hard feelings for Ackerman (now running GM Ha Ha) and Davis. They ruined the company and really started the downward spiral. All Icahn has done is proped them up to limp to this point. Without a buyer it’s going to get worse there before it gets better.
Seeing the recent layoff news brings back many of the hard feelings that have gotton better over time from when what Nextlink stock I had not sold went to zero.
Best of luck to those leaving and those still there.
400 right now, the layoffs will start again the first quarter of next year with many small markets shut down and skeleton crews remaining in the large cities. I’ve heard from a top exec that 25% of the workforce will eventually be downsized. Put a fork in Xo, they are done. Try running a National CLEC with less than 2000 people. Sales Comp plan was awful, they can’t install at all yet they cut many field techs and the care group, which was slashed, was overworked and burnt out. NAS group was a joke! Many high end VP types, especially those idiots that were brought in from Global Crossing were not affected which has enraged whats left of the work force. None of them are moving to corporate either which tells you the the place is gone when Icahn’s one year is up. Recruiting was outsourced, and having worked with that group for many years at Xo, they were some of best in the Industry.
The employee count in the system is down 347 today. The survivors are bitter and vengeful. I bet the top page hits on the XO network are monster and yahoo jobs.
I was one of the field tech who used to work for Alligence years ago when XO bought us. I was laid off during a customer install. An HR rep called me while i was talking to a customer to tell me i had been let go and i had 1 month left with the company. My boss did even know. Thats the kind of company XO is. I am sorry for all of those let go but there are jobs out there good luck!
Ugh that’s horrible! I couldn’t believe after all the blood, sweat and tears I put into XO I was laid off. I was out on a leave and was called telling me I was being laid off. It just amazes me that a company has no heart to do this right before the holidays. And we only get our crappy health insurance until Nov 4th! I’ve received so many emails from customers and former coworkers just in awe that I was picked to be laid off. I wonder if they really care about their employees below the VP level.
Old ALGX tech…so am I. The call the other day was just like when the owner of Allegiance told us all, “I will not sell Allegiance TElecom.” 2 weeks later…we were out on our arse…
I was on a call with a new VP today that indicated that this was Phase I of the realignment. Sounds like more to come. Does anyone know what other departments will be affected? Will there be any office closings?
Iveg, wherever you are located, it doesn’t matter, get your resume out, don’t listen to the smoke and mirrors that Thomas and Ortega are blowing up everyone’s back end. Most of the small markets, and by small markets, I mean anything that’s not a large major city is going to be shut down next year. Orlando was just shut down. GM’S are now running entire states temporarily until the cuts come in the first Q of next year. The game is finally over for Xo. Plenty of talented people will get picked up by Telco’s that plan on growing, unlike Xo.
Integra Telecom has jobs posted on it’s web site.
Seen that, I’ll have to apply for a position there. How stable are they right now? The must be doing good if they are hiring.Xo must be less than 20 people when they let me go in my department. I honestly feel sorry for the people there. They are such a small group, they are going to be working there asses off.
Per XO’s website, they posted some jobs in the past few days. I’m not sure how you lay off almost 400 people only to have new positions, not just sales, posted on your website!!!!!!!! WTF
Yeah I saw the samething on XO’s website this morning, guess the real reason for the layoffs is to cut pay and then hire new people for cheaper wage, yeah this sounds about right. I dont see my old job on there, then again I am glad I dont. Wouldnt want it back anyway, besides I might get laid off again in the first quarter of next year
Well a Sales Engineer makes more than my old position did that’s for sure! Yeah I don’t see mine either, and like you I wouldn’t apply!!!!!
Thanks for the news / tips everbody!
Good luck to those let go, and God bless the ones that think they have survived. (at least there is a severance this time but I don’t see it continuing in the future) Millionaires and billionaires create job but they can also call it when they get ready.
well when u bring in old GC management then you know you are doomed, they are still around @ level3 but I suspect hopefully not much longer, I was let go this year from GC, but I would never want to work again @ such a badly managed place and it sounds like XO is not much better
The funny thing is …. Most of the former GC now have several leadership positions …. Wonder if they were so bad why they put them in charge of more? Odd … Really.
xo is not “managed” its being driven by kamikazees (mgrs) – i was there 13+ yrs and became a casualty yesterday – this company is not built to survive and stay in business – its only fit for making a few $$$ and moving on to better pastures – i can personally attest to the fact that the mgt there is very short-sighted, selfish, and not talented at all – the good guys are forced out of there and this is just the beginning of the sinking of the Titanic – only 3 hours until she is fully submerged . . . .
Ha! No surprise when management spends their days playing ping pong, c ya
You reap what you sow. For all of you remaining folks who are anguishing about what you “had to do” on Thursday, get over yourselves and start searching.
I understand all of the negative comments and disresspecful people on this Blog are ripping XO and the Leadership we have at XO.
You are entitled to your opinion, but being a compassionate person for your brothers and sisters that have been impacted, would it KILL YOU to say something positive.
I am still employed at XO, and will not be the type of person, to make former colleagues feel worse. I had to let one of my team members to today. This was a guy with 3 kids and a wife at home. How do you think he feels, today? I can guarantee, one thing, the people at AT&T, and VZB had better ger ready, we are going to take your business away from you in 2012.
XO does have some challenges ahead and we will be back, as the changes being made will only bring the company closer, and will be ready for a great 2012.
“Treat people like you want to treated.
Please get over yourself if you think that for one instance you will be taking away business from ATT and Verizon, you must be a brain washed Laura Thomas drone. How can you even imagine this when 10 percent of ther work force has been thrown out including myself. Better what are you going to do when they let go of another 25 percent in the first quarter in 2012. Sorry to tell you this but your job might be in danger in 2012 just warning you.
These layoffs have driven the company apart from what I have heard. How can you bring the company closer when the people that survived are scared for thier jobs.
We cant say anything positive about XO. They have no redeeming qualities, no raises in how many years, have you even read the finer details about the health benefits. Only positive thing I can say about XO is they have given me a head start on finding a better opportunity.
If you still work there dont come on these boards and feed the same bullshit that the current regime feeds you, it doesnt work, it never will work. They are telling you this so that you dont jump ship when you really should prepare yourself for the next batch of layoffs.
Does anyone here know the offical company BS reason why they selected the people for the layoffs
I wish I knew why I was laid off. They didn’t give me a reason. I won’t miss my lack of raise and insurance going up every year. It still doesn’t make sense to me why I was picked over some of my teammates who ask the same questions over and over and just don’t EVER understand. I guess the more you kiss upper managements ass the better chances of you keeping your job are!
What?! This rah-rah stuff is appalling. Word is that the Three Stooges of execs are going to start a tour of dancing on coffins as soon as this week. Have they no shame?
No. They have none.
Your comment is hilarious. This sounds like another All Employee pep talk, morale builder. Are you brain dead or brainwashed!? Take business from AT&T and Verizon. You CAN’T be serious.
Being one of the few from the lay off to restructure. I highly doubt XO has a chance when it comes to the LEC. As a former employee and knowing someone else who use to work there, The wages are flat. The people from sales never contact the customer. The sales contact proceedures are terrible. When dealing with repair and some of the people over there you wonder why the repair call holds are 50+ minutes for a 24 hr ticket. And the health insurance deductible was terrible. But we had no choice in the say, since Ichan was behind that, and no changes in that area despite the concerns from people. Back end billing is behind in there work causing a stifle in the billing department from port outs. Oh yeah, XO is going to dominate the market. Yeah right, I don’t think so.
Despite the changes the people from the company were good to work for. I would like to see where they go with this as from this point. Is this a solid investment change for Ichan or, is he planning on selling it later on to some other company of interest?
I agree that while XO has had (and continues to have) its challenges, very positive movement is occurring.
The New XO, same as the old XO. What’s that saying about putting lipstick on a pig? What’s the point of starting an “evolution” if the foundational systems under it still are shit? You can’t build a house on quicksand.
The real reason is that know nothing Laura Thomas wanted the company at a certain number…..obviously for a pending sale. Every division was given a number to be at and that was it. Past Performance/Salary had no play in the RIF at all. Many of the top producing individuals in the company were let go. Yet, the Global Crossing Mgt stays, the same group that destroyed Xo. Awful sales comp plan, the worst benefits imaginable, zero raises in 4 years, 4 straight years of 4th quarter layoffs plus the worst mgt team in telco. This company has screwed it’s employees for years, they did everyone a favor that got downsized since most will wind up with a better job.
Regardless of the carnage that seems to be causing panic and grief among an employee base who has truly been emboldened by court dictated actions to use “fiber” that came from (3) for unintended original purposes, Carl Icahn is cutting the areas that will make the sale rapidly “synergistic” to its NEW OWNERS. Since this is (3) fiber originally, with a relatively small remaining “useful life,” I hope that buyer, “might as well be us!”
There are no guarantees in life for any of us. This is the WAY of CAPITALISM!
Anybody think this would be a good fit/buy for Earthlink? Would seem to bolster their network across the board, but moreso in the west.
It’s a good fit/buy for a half dozen companies, and yes Earthlink would be one of them. But I don’t think it’s for sale just yet.
Definitely not healthy enough for sale yet, but obviously the goal is to get it to that point.
No chance for Earthlink to make an offer. This is similar to the Windstream / Paetec fate … the business is already sold. A foreign PTT is going to take it 1 year 1 day from time of settlement from minority shareholders.
Oh yeah? Which PTT? 🙂
I’m hard pressed to name a PTT that is eager to buy US fiber assets at present…
I can’t tell you that … that would ruin the surprise! All kidding aside the PTT i am thinking about would be one that is looking to re-enter the NA marketplace from either Canada, South America and or Europe. there are several honestly that would be interested in doing so with enough money ….
“take business from ATT and VZB”? – what??!!?? Are you drinking Icahn brainwash kool-aid?!?!? Icahn is stripping this company for a sale, making a $$$ drinking boat anchor look like a v-8 speedboat, and getting ready to ax YOU in the process and you have the blindness to say “take biz from ATT & VZB”??? what do you say to such a blind, thoughtless comment??? (2) well established behemoths in Telecom (ATT VZB) and this $$$ sucking, Titanic (xo) who’s books have been in the RED ever since it’s been in existence??? that’s seriously laffable! Heck – Icahn used xo’s last year of being on the stock market purely for NOL writeoffs and they’re going to take biz from AT&T and VZB – LOL!!! ok – you can wake up now or when Icahn slaps you with the pink slip in a few weeks/months . .
Well put bubba. CI has used the nols since he to control of this ship. The ship is sinking , grab what you can and get to the life boat asap.
My bad my wife came in and had 20 questions this morn. Should read took control .
Anyone care to speculate on the impact the expiration of the Dark Fiber IRU’s and Transmission Regen/Repeater sites with L3 will have on possible bidders? If this suitor won’t be L3 then they will have an uphill battle to fight with L3 since they own all of the huts/regen sites. The acquisition by L3 of XO would make a ton of sense b/c it is more of a protection move and long term value creation/stabilizer action than not. Besides, no chance the CEO at Earthlink can acquire – CI isn’t listening to him. The only person he listens to is the fool running Frontier as they are apparently friends. Whats her name ?
Maybe they’ll liquidate (or do an aggressive Ch11)? Not usually a lot of stops after “buyout raider uses co for NOL’s”. Seriously, not sure Nextlink or Allegiance or XO have ever made any money for their owners. If you had a billion laying around, would you put it here? Recall that first time around, the CLEC’s and LH guys traded for .02 to .06 cents per dollar of “assets”.
Also, I haven’t looked at it, but if the post above is correct, XO would has costs & issues associated with their LH network, regens, etc. any further info?
At this point, I would think the value of the company is with the customer base, the people (well, it WAS with the people) and the local metro networks. The LH network may be controlled or owned by L3, but XO still has a ton of local fiber assets around the country, they carry a good amount of traffic on their network, and they have a ton of customers.
I’m really curious how the next year is going to go for XO (well, I guess we’re down to about nine months) until they get sold. How can they operate that network with the (apparent) skeleton crew that will remain? They had a difficult time before all the cuts! My guess is that they are going to look MUCH different at the time of sale versus 2010. Why would anyone stay there (unless you had no other choice) given the huge uncertainty of their destiny?
I heard a rumor that XO is looking to lay off entire sales teams in 15 markets. I’ve heard so far that Orlando and Atlanta are on that list. Does anyone know the others?
That would make cents. CI wants to make it all indirect sales. The money that man would save,WOW.
I worked at XO for a little over 5 years, and just recently left. Thank goodness I did. Even for those who didn’t get RIF’d it’s a horrible place to work. Management has the “be lucky you have a job” mentality. I’ve never seen a place with worse morale than XO… burn out city. Never once did I feel appreciated for working my rear off, and the pay/benefits are ridiculously sub-standard.
dan “go-go” Wagner speciality
cutting ppl
he should be the first fired
May 28, 2009 3:01 PM PrintText 7 Signs Your Company Is About To Crash
bookmarksMixxDiggRedditGoogle BookmarksTwitterLinkedIn(CBS) This commentary was written by Christopher Lochhead, a former technology executive who now works as a strategy advisor.
It went horribly wrong the second my bike hit the tree. As I flew over the handle bars, it was clear that my misjudgment was about to cause a lot of pain. Thanks to my Giro helmet, buddy Troy, and the E.R. team at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, CA., I made it through the crash with only a dislocated clavicle, bruised ribs, and torn ligaments.
Today, a lot of companies are crashing and their employees are similarly winding up getting tossed into the dirt. In fact, recent jobless data show a record 6.5 million people are now on assistance in the U.S. Clearly, it’s dangerous out there. But there is a way you stay ahead of the wrecking ball. Here are seven signs (learned the hard way) that your company is about to crash and how to avoid ending up in the “career E.R.”
1) Great People Are Leaving & Dumb People Are Staying
Great people build great companies. When you start to notice that more than a few great people are leaving, something is wrong. When a company’s best people start leaving, it sets off a chain reaction. Here’s what happens.
Great people (let’s call then “A-players”) love to work with other super talented A-players. They create a winning culture, which creates a winning company. Just like Michael Jordan who famously pushed his teammates to be their best.
Not so with B-players. They tend to hire, work with, and promote people who are less talented than them (“C-players”), in an effort make themselves look better and/or to feel superior. This behavior sets off a chain reaction of poor company performance. Which then rots the culture of a company. As the A’s leave and the B’s and C’s take over, one day you wake up and are working with a bunch of morons.
2) You Don’t Understand Your Company’s Strategy
Great companies have a game plan for winning. A plan that is clear and simple to understand. They can show you their strategy on one piece of paper and can explain it in about thirty seconds. Poorly run companies either don’t have or can’t articulate their strategy. If you can’t explain what your company does, why you matter, and what makes you different in 30 seconds, it’s mostly likely because your company does not have a strategy or your executives can not communicate it. Either way, it is a sign that you may be going over the handle bars.
3) Growing Slower Than Your Industry
Successful companies grow faster than their market does. This means they are expanding sales while taking market-share from competitors. For example, Apple has been growing its market share for the last few years as Dell has been shrinking. Every day customers vote with their wallets. Losing sales is a sign you may be working for a loser. If your industry is growing at five percent and your company is growing at two percent you are losing market-share. Over time, this will catch up with you sending you flying into the unemployment line.
4) Frequently Missed Targets
Most companies, especially in tough economies miss their targets from time-to-time. But, when a company misses its quarterly Wall Street earnings (or internal budget targets if your are a smaller business or privately held) frequently in a short period of time, it is a sign of more than a bad economy. It signals bad planning, bad forecasting, bad sales management, bad expense controls, or a company being badly beaten by competitors. No matter what the cause, this is a sign of weak executive management. And weak executives can destroy a strong company quickly. So if this is happening at your company, make sure you are wearing a helmet.
5) Repeated Layoffs
Many companies have done layoffs in this economy, but if your company is doing it regularly it is another sign of poor management. Most executive teams underestimate how much trouble they are in when things start going sideways. So when it comes time to cut expenses and people, they have often don’t go deep enough. Then, three to six months later they are forced to do another layoff. If this turns into a vicious cycle, you have incompetent management and probably an out of touch board of directors. Their ineptitude will cause more and more jobs losses. This will continue until your board-of-directors wakes up and lays off the real source of the problem: the CEO.
6) Running Out Of Cash
Cash is the life blood of every company. The cash a company generates tells you a lot about its health. A company’s cash position is also one of the purest metrics to track. It’s not subject to interpretation the way revenue, expenses, and earnings are. So pay close attention to it. If there is more cash going out than coming in every quarter, the bike ride ends badly for employees.
7) Poor or No Communication From Executives
If your executives are not communicating effectively with you and your co-workers it’s a warning sign. In tough times incompetent executives go into hiding. If and when they do communicate they do it in dumb `bizno-babble’ ways. To wit: “This quarter we experienced some negative earnings growth resulting from the current economic pressures and global mitigating circumstances. We expect to incur some challenges going-forward due to visibility issues and other macro-spending trends.” Etc. etc. If you don’t understand what they are saying, it’s because the executives don’t know what they are doing.
So if your company is showing some of all of these seven signs it is time to get proactive. You could start looking for another job now (most experts think it is easier to get a new job, while you are currently employed), wait to get a laid-off (and hope for a solid severance package), or wait it out in hopes that you company will get healthy. No matter what it is smart to raise your profile in your profession by attending industry events, getting to know some recruiters, and making sure you have up-to-date profiles on social networking sites like, and
Whatever you choose to do, do not wait until your flying over the handle bars to make a plan. If it looks like your company is about to crash, be proactive about weighing your options, make a decision, then take action.
Good luck and always wear a helmet!
Telecom Ramblings is required reading for telecom professionals along with their investors.
Powell has the Power! 🙂 Great network you manage here, Rob.
LOL! 7 ways point #1 so true – recently RIF’d from ox (glad Im gone) on to more $$$ projects) – “Which then rots the culture of a company. As the A’s leave and the B’s and C’s take over, one day you wake up and are working with a bunch of morons.” ……….that was sooooo the case at ox …….except the mgt was in the “D” class . . . . . . . . with VERY few exceptions – I could count on 1/2 of one hand the “good mgrs” that ox had left ……
Anybody know of what offices were shut down? Orlando is gone for sure.
I heard first hand that this round had 400 people in it, and they are slated to have two more rounds of 400 each, which will result in a 30% of their entire staff. The Order Entry, Customer Implementation and a lot of customer support relationed positions have been impacted.
The consolidation of numerous departments is going to be interesting. They got rid of the Finance teams for Business Services. Good luck waiting on special pricing for your customers.
No doubt they are hoping to be purchased. Perhaps sour grapes over the GC/L3 merger? I am glad that my 5 years is over. I left earlier this year. It was a good run though.
Well folks…those laid off must stick together. Please, if anyone knows of any good information ie: leads, info of other companies hiring, support channels…please post the info here or email them to me at (should say former xo employee but that was already taken, LOL) I’m not even joking when I say that I’ve got to get right back to work…4 mouths to feed and one on the way! I’m pissed but trying to move past this as fast as possible.
XO isn’t the only company doing these cuts – look at the rest of the country. The days of 5-6% unemployment are long gone. The new American Way is to put more work on people’s desk and streamline divisions.
It’s unfortunate but it is the way companies operate. XO is no different. Global Crossing and Level 3 will do it shortly. Windstream/Paetec will also do it. Word on the street Verizon is also “re-orging”. Trust me I keep my ear to the street as I have resources at all of these companies. Telecom is a bad industry to be in. If you are smart you will get out!!!!
Captain clec you are 100% on the mark. You will see other companies start to lay off soon as it nears the end of the year. Integra has re organized to a centralized model and they won’t need all of those repair centers in each state anymore. It’s too bad i spent 14 years in the telecom industry i have seen it’s ups and downs. These are some of the worst i have seen yet. I have a feeling the worst is not over.
can’t believe that it is 2011-12 and we are still surprised CLEC’s aren’t doing well and laying off people (sad, but a consequence of the fact that they don’t produce any value to share with employees or owners). i feel bad for the employees, but there are no good jobs left at blockbuster stores, either…
as the data monster continues to pull inefficiency out of overpriced telecom services (e.g., “minutes” and “PRI’s” and private networks), how can a CLEC possibly be successful? voice is an app. so is secure networks. so is the fax machine. all used to generate revenue vastly beyond costs to telco’s.
they used to sell “T1” and DS3 internet service for thousands per month… That SME internet service is now called a cable modem or wireless MiFi and available for $129 bucks/mo.
I challenge this board to identify one profitable CLEC that has a long term record of actual organic value creation….
And before we get to excited, please note that likely “best in class” CLEC is TWTC — and they have a 3.89% return on assets (according to Capital IQ). In most industries that is considered pointless and an unproductive use of capital.
you people are way off.
Dependable bandwidth costs more than 129 per month – businesses that need it know the difference between a $129 cable modem that slows down depending on traffic and a dedicated 10-20-50 or 100mg circuit.
And busineeses want that dedicated bandwidth is larger size more and more. T-1’s are now considered small and limiting. Customers want 10mg and above – you aren’t going to get that from your local cable company and cable modem. Cloud computing/video streaming – all the new ways businesses do business online require more and more bandwidth.
CLECS that can provide this access dependably can work.
The one thing that I have noticed is that private operators of systems seem to be doing quite well in offering fiber-based solutions to the SMB/SME market. I think if you looked at the On-Net Building statistics and actually were able to look at the financial data behind some of the private companies, you might be surprised at their success. Then again, ……..
It is hard to debate “price compression” on the voice and other services that XO and the other CLEC’s sell.
SME’s use cable and wireless all the time. Larger consumers have similar options: XO and the other CLEC’s used to get $8,000 for a DS-3 with IP. Now replaced by a few hundred dollar ethernet circuit. You can find a similar analysis from the T1 replacement up to the giant global private network (price compression, new technologies allow substitution, etc).
Also, the legal creation that is a CLEC is far from a sure thing – to my quesiton: instead of asserting that CLEC’s can work, can you name one that makes any reasonable return on its capital? Would it make sense to allow me to buy burgers at mcdonalds at a 15% discount and then open a C-MCDS ? would this busines likely succeed and expand?
Carl……your paranoia is showing
That’s funny! He once had a public blog and maybe still does, designed to show what a God given gift to shareholders and activist he was to end corporate tyranny, but when I had visited there to discuss the hypocrisy of xoHO dealings along with the mistreatment of minority owners, I was censored and banned by his point guards. The man is a curse from the other direction. imo
Laura Thomas, Ernie Ortega, and Rob Geller are making stops to XO locations all over the country to discuss the future plans for the company. I attended this meeting and came away liking what I heard. The plan is to make XO a leaner and meaner company and to get rid of legacy products that are no longer profitable. My big problem however is what in the world took so darn long to come to these conclusions? I hope the Titanic and be steered in time but it may be too little too late. Only time will tell. It is a scary time to work here not knowing what the future holds though. I’m putting my faith in God that he will take care of all of us.
Whatever those three say I would take with a grain of salt. I wouldnt trust them as far as I could throw them, they want to make XO leaner so that it will look more appealing to a buyer and Laura and her croonies get the buyout money they think they deserve. They dont want people jumping ship right now, so they have to go around and reassure people that the worst is over when its just started, more layoffs are coming next year so brace yourselves and be prepared.
Of course you are going to like what they say cause they rehearsed it over and over again to a point where they even started believing the BS they are shoving. I would start looking into other opportunities, even career change, telecom is not what it used to be
I think the plan of action is to make sure no one else leaves on their own, so the three stooges are going around the country to reassure people everything is ok. they are getting rid of legacey products cause the company that will buy XO already has something better and more profitable to begin with. The next phase will be more layoffs, that way the workforce is more leaner and payroll is cut to show atleast they are trying to make a profit. After that will come the purchase, whoever it will be, then watch as XO is shrunk down, depts and centers are closed as the new company wipes away any parts that resemble XO. Call me crazy but I doubt XO will be in existence in 2 to 3 years.
Don’t be a fool. XO is done – cooked. There will be more layoffs. They are preparing to sell, in pieces if best served.
Those three are spinning and just layed off 400 people.
Reports are two more rounds of 400 each again.
Find a new job now, while you can. Always easier to find a job while you have one.
Trust me on this – start looking. You’ll be glad you did a year from now.
Still at Xo, have you looked at the numbers lately for sales at Xo? One city sold 500 dollars, another nothng, very few are hitting quota. I would estimate that half of the top reps in the company are soon to be gone and many more will be gone by the 1st quarter of next year. Do you actually trust a former CFO who is now the CEO and downsized many of the best in the organization? Or a carrier guy who says we will fire you if you don’t do want we want? How about an IT guy who presides over a company that has had IT issues for years. Face it, after 8 years of Icahn, Xo can’t compete, prices are too high, comp plan offers little incentive to sell, the worst mgt team in telecom and now a bare bones care and install group that has been reduced to next to nothing. The only future Xo has is Icahn dumping it next year.
Has anyone gone on XO’s site and seen that the jobs they got rid of are now listed as new positions, cant wait to see my old job up there LMAO
Some HR requirement causes them to have to post the job after they lay it off – don’t know why. I was laid off early, before the 400, and was actually treated decently, to my surprise, as they gave me a few weeks to look for another job after telling me that they eliminated my position. Sitting there working away for a few weeks as a “lame duck”, then seeing my position posted was disconcerting but I was assured that it was something HR “had to do”; still odd when you see resumes pouring in from people applying for the position! Poor people out there out of work, thinking XO actually has a job to fill — they deceive insiders and outsiders!
I agree it is very upsetting, but all you can do is push forward and take what they gave you after the layoffs. Atleast they offered a severance this time around, the next time it happens who knows what they will do.
Yes I saw that too! So they lay us off just to hire other new people?!?! That is really shitty!!!! I worked my ass off for XO. I knew the products like the back of my hand. I saved a lot of customers from leaving XO. I had faith in XO, and then I get laid off only to see a few days later they are hiring for all kinds of potions that are higher paying than mine was. It makes no sense!
It never mattered to XO or the management how hard you worked. Look at the lousy raises we were give in the one time 2% bonus over the last two years. They were still giving managers huge bonuses while the company was having financial problems and example trips.
Laura is an idiot. Rob is a fool. Ernie is good.
Ha…They’re all idiots…Ernie too. Afterall…he wants everyone to “Drink the Kool-aid”…and well I’m not drinkin’ the Kool-Aid and am jumping ship asap.
He did have the nerve to utter “Drink the Kool Aid” at a meeting this week. Disgusting.
….Ernie is in way over his head. You can see it in his eyes. He’s as scared as everyone else as his Carrier group is disassembled.
At least an e-mail went out yesterday stating that the Presidents club trip was still a go. So thats a plus
Are you fn kidding me. They layoff 10 percent of the workforce and still keep these sales trips. Doesnt surprise at all. Wonder what they will do when they lay off another 400 or more in the first quarter next year
Pick up a sales bag and sell if you think it’s so easy. Otherwise shut the f! up. Sales without incentives is like selling cars without wheels …. You need them.
I would love to see you say shut the f up to my face. To bad the incentives are costing the company money, but hey if my bneing laid off kept your sales incentives then more power to you, just dont complain to me when you get the ax next year
What a typical sales response!!! You guys are funny!
You think sales happen due to meditation? Or b/c you think your good at an install ? Nope …. They happen because sales reps open up doors, sell and the company benefits. For that sales people get rewards ….. You don’t like it then grab a bag and give it a go. Or leave. But for goodness sake don’t be ignorant because you say things about sales you know nothing about
blah blah blah blah blah blah
I could sell you shit in a bag, asshole
1. That was totally uncalled for. Very unprofessional.
2. Yes, sales is what opens up the doors and gets the customers in. However, the average non-sales person would think having a job/getting paid would be the “reward”.
3. Most of the XO people truly do owe sales a giant debt of gratitude. If it wasn’t for cleaning up after sales (for things like, I dunno, SELLING PRODUCTS THAT DON’T EXIST, XO could probably cut Care/Repair staff in half, and that would costs us a lot of jobs.
4. Selling XO products probably has helped you finely tune your skills at selling shit in a bag.
The rude comment above was uncalled for …. For sure. That aside good sales people help create and sustain jobs for non sales teams like IT, Finance, Legal, HR, Care, Repair, Marketing, etc. To create attractive opportunities for good sales people to want to work for XO you need incentives like commission and trips. The rewards like the trips do motivate the sales teams to do well enough (insert sell more and create more jobs while getting paid) to perform at high success rates. That’s how sales feel rewarded. If you don’t like it pick up a bag and sell! Otherwise you have no clue.
Excellent points. A problem is that people who are not sales professionals don’t understand the mindset. Sales people are competitive, want to “win”, and have the personality type that needs these types of rewards for them to feel successful and fulfilled.
People who are in sales don’t understand NOT being like they are. It’s their personality traits that make them good at what they do, and I don’t think they relate to people whose brains aren’t wired for that kind of programming.
What NOBODY understands, particularly those in charge at XO, is that the entire thing is a giant team effort. Customers who have bought “shit in a bag” expect it to flush properly. If it doesn’t, they expect someone to fix it. If it doesn’t get fixed, they feel like they have been sold out, and they don’t care whose fault it is, it hurts XO.
If retaining the best sales people possible requires sending them to Hawaii or wherever, so be it. However, the people running the show should be smart enough to know how to properly handle these things. Company-wide emails to thousands of employees who are not only ineligible for these prizes, but also wondering if they will have employment and health insurance for their families in the coming months is the WRONG way to go. I don’t understand why that is so difficult. It’s not rocket science.
Someone needs to ask this, so I’ll volunteer. If you can sell “shit in a bag”, why are you bothering to work at XO of all places? People with those kind of skills should be working at places with solid futures and sound products. It is amusing that what appears to be an actual XO sales person claims to be able to sell “shit”. Sales people are good, enthusiastic, hard working, “go-getters”.. But not necessarily the brightest bulbs. “Say anything” may be a good philosophy for making a sale, but pretty dumb when defending your position in a failing company.
Here’s why the 3 Stooges are going around the country spilling “rah-rah propaganda – – to keep you snowed! LOL
They’re giving these “political pep-rally speeches” to keep the remaining rats-on-the-ship, so that they can collect their EXECUTIVE BONUSES prior to the Titanic fully capsizing!
Any word yet on the Windstream Paetec vote today?
Eerily quiet from the xo kool-aid drinkers . . . “Employee agrees not to disparage the Company, its officers and directors, Mr. Icahn, or Related Parties, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, in each case during and/or after his employment hereunder.” . .guess I’m in violation
Thanks Anony. I have friends at Windstream and they are saying mass layoffs on both sides are in the wind.
Between Windstream/Paetec and Level3/GC the total number of layoffs will likely be way more substantial than XO. Business as usual ,….
This must be the most active post yet ….. 92 and growing. Who would have thought?
Time Warner Telecom will eventually purchase XO and “the band will get back together” – ie the former XO folks @ TWTC will be managing their former colleagues. Look for it to go down sometime after Uncle Carl’s grace period to sell the company expires. I know Uncle Carl has a huge stake in Time Warner (cable company) – and TWTC is separate, but the synegies remain TOO STRONG. Book it – done deal.
Perfect. A ship of former XO fools acquiring another ship of fools. Sounds like a ship wreck to me.
Check out Cbeyond. Debt free, publicly traded on NASDAQ, and growing!
How can XO reduce another 800 people and still function? I heard there were some deparments that lost more than 10% .Don’t they have to pay out a severance package to all employees let go? Like 1 week for every year your there or something.
Anon – all these telecom companies have fat…walk around the work place – the people are on facebook, espn, twitter, linkedin, etc…PAETEC is the biggest fraud of them all. Wait until Windstream chops them down – it will make XO look like a day in the park!!!! Every telecom company takes an ass beating on this site…every dog has his day!!!!
They don’t want the company to function. They just need it to limp along until the big sale next year without losing too much customer base.
Some proof of this can be found in the lack of any public verification of exactly how many were cut. Not a tough question and yet I’ve not seen any number confirmed by XO. Likewise they also have not disputed any of the 200+ rumors that are being reported by others. If only 200 people out of 2,000 total (before the cuts) were let go, that’s big news. But if the rumored 300 or 400 people laid off is true, than that’s alarming.
I’ll agree there is always dead wood that needs to go, but there wasn’t THAT much excess head count that they could afford to lose even the low number of 200 without impacting the customers and thier ability to serve them well.
If this was part of a viable, competitive plan that they were proud of, then they would stand up in front of the world and own it. There’s a reason they aren’t talking.
Scott – It’s the American Way. It’s big business!!! Consolidation
captain clec says:
November 2, 2011 at 5:13 pm
Scott – It’s the American Way. It’s big business!!! Consolidation
captain clec,
Your above post is right on dead center!
We invested in Level 3 to take advantage of
consolidation opportunities in the telecommunications arena.
This has been in the master plan for over ten years.
at June 30,2002
by Mason Hawkins, Staley Cates, and John Buford
After the close of the quarter, the Partners Fund, together with Berkshire
Hathaway, Legg Mason, and Longleaf Partners Small-Cap Fund, completed a
private placement in Level 3 convertible notes. Although typically we neither
own corporate bonds nor do private placements, this was a compelling opportunity
that the Fund’s flexible policies allowed us to pursue and that we did not
want to forego. The ten-year notes position Longleaf ahead of the common
equity, pay a 9% cash coupon, and are convertible at any time to common equity
at $3.41 per share – a price that is under the stock’s current level, and is far
below the company’s growing intrinsic value.
Level 3 owns the best fiber telecommunications network in the industry.
Importantly, most of its competitors struggle with huge debt levels and further
significant capital expenditure requirements. Many are now in bankruptcy.
Customers are universally worried about their service providers’ reliability,
financial integrity, and ability to provision future needs. Level 3’s superior
network infrastructure, its servicing capabilities, and its capital resources position
the company to become the clear industry winner. As we said in the press release
announcing the placement, We invested in Level 3 to take advantage of
consolidation opportunities in the telecommunications arena. We believe these
opportunities are substantial. Level 3 is uniquely and competitively positioned,
and its management team, led by Jim Crowe, is most able.
Signed, O. Mason Hawkins
December 12-16th is XO Employee Appreciation Week! You really can’t make this crap up…
Greetings XO Employees,
As part of our strategic theme to help XO Become a Top 100 Workplaces Contender, we want to show all of you how much we appreciate your efforts. In August we told you that we were bringing back Employee Appreciation Day…but now we’re making it even bigger and better with Employee Appreciation Week!
During the week of December 12 there will be five days of festivities celebrating our appreciation for XO employees. Activities will include the following:
Casual Dress Week – throughout the week, feel free to dress casually and comfortably (simple guidelines will be provided)
XO Color Day – on Wednesday, December 14 wear company colors and XO Think Customer lapel pins which will soon be arriving at your location
Freedom Friday – on Friday, December 16 you’ll get to work an abbreviated schedule with early arrival or departure times to be arranged by your manager
Additional exciting activities will be arranged by local management.
Employee Appreciation Week is our way of showing you how much we appreciate what you bring to XO every day and we hope this celebration helps to continue building a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie among XO employees. If you have any questions, please contact your manager or your Human Resources Generalist.
Thank you!
THANK GOD I don’t have to sit n listen to or read this crap in my already over stuffed XO mail Inbox!
Thank you for sharing this…I needed a laugh…
To all my former co-workers…enjoy wearing your bright orange “XO colored” attire. I burned mine last week…surprised at just how fast that crap went up in flames!
This company is now a bad joke. Casual dress week? That certainly offsets the stagnant wages over the last 4-5 years. I am so glad that they give the freedom to wear company colors! That makes me feel better about losing good workers while inept management and useless brown-nosing underlings continue to destroy rather than create a company. Think Customer lapel pins certainly counterbalances triple workloads while they close the National Repair Centers and do everything BUT think customer. What exciting activities would my manager have in store for me? I can’t wait to see! Maybe more workload?
you should make the company enough extra money to pay for the Employee Appreciation Week effort
Now that is funny (in a painful way); but very accurate in pointing out the hypocrisy in the message.
This sounds like a scene from “Minority Report”. Must be the company Morale Officer encouraging the Grunts to run into enemy fire and hurry to get back in time for supper!
All this time, I can’t believe that I never knew how much my company appreciated me. Now that I’m given the ability to reasonably dress in business casual attire (within simple guidelines!), and get to leave work 15 minutes early one day in the near future, I certainly feel as though my company needs me, wants me to be happy, and appreciates me. Thank you, for letting me wear company colors on one day of freedom! God bless XO Communications.
Well given all the money they will save with the amount of people they let go I am sure they can now afford to do something nice for the people that are still there, its a shame that good people had to be let go so that XO can shadow what is really going on, preping the company for its sale.
I am not surprised that XO had reductions. Look around you in the telecom space – every telecom company has impacted employees or will impact employees. Level 3, Windstream, Centurylink, etc – the list continues. So why wouldn’t we expect XO to do it? Of course we would … if you feel otherwise you’re not in touch with reality.
All that said, what I am most surprised about is how clearly dysfunctional and inept the BOD must be. To let this company flounder for as long as it has two things are clear … (1) The BOD really isn’t a true BOD (2) Carl Icahn has something else in mind.
Anyways my heart goes out to all employee’s who have been impacted at all telecom companies not just XO. At the end of the day businesses have to make money. period.
The best part about being laid off is I dont have to sit in some town hall meeting with that a hole [censored], mister I am so funny and love to hear myself talk, see ya later Mike let me know how it feels to be unemployed when XO is sold
He’s a real piece of work.
Is she …
She’s [censored].
Shocking, XO is at it again… Postings are appearing on their website for jobs that were cut a month ago. Idiots.
Seriously would anyone want their old job back after what just happened, I guess if your really desperate you would I dont know if I would go back or not. Guess once my severance and unemployment run out I might consider it, but right now hell no. Probably get laid off again in a few months after you are back in the fold.
If you look at it from a perspective of a person in Michigan, you’d understand. An XO job, temporary as it might be, is still better than NO job.
Heard a rumor that XO may be letting most of its attorneys go and may back-fill the slots with temps:
That would ajctually be smart. Too many attorneys who treat the company like their personal country club. Never work, always taking liquid lunches, looking for ethic violations, etc. total waste of money.
Heard via the Rumor-Mill Dec 16 is another “let-em-go” day. Anyone else heard such?
I have not heard anything like that but then again it is XO and its the holidays, an extended company vacation is a great gift for Christmas dont you think. If anyone here was a CIA agent level 1 at Wyo, your job is back on XO’s website probably at a bargain
From what I have observed, XO is more likely to lay people off immediately after the holidays (mid January for instance). Don’t overspend for your holidays.
the 16th is last day for the several in HR (Recruiters)
HR doesn’t do a thing except c-block the good people trying to keep the company going. Good riddance.
Why are they creating a Customer Care Repair/Operations center in Georgia?
Look at the job description for Customer Care Director posted today. Is the Nashville center toast?
If you are so obtuse to not see the writing on the wall, START APPLYING ELSEWHERE NOW!
You don’t have to be obtuse to see it, you just need 50% of your brain cells functioning.
Doubt it. Care and Repair are in Saginaw and Dallas and Denver. Maybe they will consolidate into a whole new center and nix those three.
SAGINAW? Is there another Saginaw other than the one in Michigan? Because all research indicates that Saginaw, MI is a place to run from at full speed.
General Summary:
Expand an existing inbound Repair and Operations operation and create an inbound Repair and Operation center, and coordinate and streamline existing but distinct customer care models into one comprehensive functioning operation. (Customer Care Director posted 12/9/11)
The board is inept. They need to fire Laura, Geller. Such a disgrace.
Geller has always been a senile old fool, was surprising that he was put where he is.
Geller is a politician. Talks missives in parallels. Says one thing, actions are another, yet fails to deliver any value whats so ever. He along with Laura conspire to focus the company on an area that over time with TWC deep pockets, other cable MSO operators will ultimately lead to XO being overtaken and a failed entity.
Ernie’s actually not a good public speaker, however, he is cut from the right cloth and if given the option will be successful. Unfortunately he’s been given a few goose eggs since taking over as he has to support Gellers choice of leaders for SD, Care and Repair. Laura’s complicit with all of this and should be fired. She’s over her head. period.
New guy from GC running Access is in for a treat as he won’t get any support from his soon to be hater IT fan’s. Good luck with that xmas present.
worst company I have ever worked for. They talk about top 100 and they are bottom 100.
The company announces that it will give bonuses to anyone celebrating a 1, 5, 10, 15 year anniversary! You get nothing if you’ve been here for 12 years however. So someone here for 4 years will get a bonus next year and someone here for 12 will have to wait 3 years, assuming that they don’t spend all the money on neat vacations and Super Bowl tickets for the select few.
with the recent layoffs I am sure that my salary or old salary is going towards these bonuses so everyone celebrating an anniversary enjoy the money cause it might be the last time such a thing happens
All of this is a smoke screen to what is getting ready to happen at XO, stay tuned!
To everyone still working at XO make sure you have a box ready on the 16th, another round of layoffs are coming be prepared, dont know if they will over a severance this time around but hey its the holidays and XO is in the holiday spirit
No chance; it’s employee appreciation week. Can you imagine the pure amount of douche-baggery that would have to occur for them to fire people this week? If they do, the company would deserve some type of award.
Friday is “freedom Friday”at XO during Employee Appreciation week. Any chance XO fires 400 people on “Freedom Friday?”
People come on man, business is business. This is big business. For those of you posting crap about XO, you are really the ones that are fooled. Listen, I have been with XO for 10+ years, but even I know that this is business. THe model changes. All I have to do is make sure the everyone realizes I need to be ont he team (or lack of bette terms, to keep my job).
So listen, if you all think XO is a bad place to work, go fly a kite…… No other carrier is different. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS…..
Maybe you could shut yer yap and let people vent? People are going to be upset when they get laid off or watch it happen to a co-worker. If you haven’t been laid off yet, don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s because you’re too valuable. That is absolutely laughable. Dollars drive layoffs far more than who you are. The company model isn’t changing, it’s shrinking. Unless you are part of the inner circle deciding what gets amputated next, you’re vulnerable. Count your blessings and let those affected throw their stones.
Scott Sullivan is right to an extent. Unless you are in the inner circle of chronies under Laura and Geller you’re toast. They are not making decisions to help the company grow rather saving people who have no business being in the jobs they are in. Heck Laura’s over her head, lies to the board, sends smoke screens and has zero clue how to run a company.
Now i do agree w/ “Seriously People” to an extent … business is business and its not XO’s nor any other employer’s responsibility to give you a job. Its the responsibility of the company to try and make money. The problem, however, in “seriously peoples” argument is that the BOD has done nothing to give XO the best possible chance to actually make something of itself. So we’re left with people who are left that are trying to actually do something with nothing in hand. Its transparent and people know it thus the negativity on this board.
Oh … aren’t the ping pong tournaments a nice touch? Screw the employee out of health care but spend on ping pong tournaments. Whats next? A legal barrister at HQ?
Pancakes!! I want MORE PANCAKES! That’s the only reason I work there.
I’m not sure where you all are getting this information, but I have not heard of any layoffs today. Is the company going through changes? Yes. Have there been people let go. Yes. Is it sad? Yes. Will there be more layoff’s? Possibly. There are a lot of things that can happen to XO now that it’s private. People who stay with XO stay for many reasons but they are by far NOT stupid for staying. There are benefits working for XO that you may not get with other companies. Right now as the company goes through all these changes employees should just prepare for worst and hope for best. Employees who are unhappy with the company are free to find a job elsewhere. The company is far from perfect but it is a job.
You are stupid if you aren’t at least looking for options. Take your head out of the sand Ostrich Anon25.
When your CEO gts on an all employee call and says “layoffs are coming” you can’t help the emotion. Employees are pissed. Rightfully so as shes an amateur. And to boot they put geller in his role. Do business needs change? Yep. Should employees accept idiots in leadership roles? Nope. The good ones will leave. No doubt. The rest can’t leave so they’re stuck. Even worse.
No, no.. She didn’t say “Layoffs are coming”, she said “People will be affected”… Tried to be transparent but somehow still missed the target. Still closer than the idiots who ran xo into the ground from the start (Akner, Davis, Carl “let’s keep the stock price low” Grivner – et al), but still missed. At least we are all better off than poor Mr. Grivner, I’m sure living in that cardboard box in the cold weather can’t be pleasant.
Semantics but fair enough. Transparency can be admirable but in this case still I think executive officers have a responsibility to ensure both sales and revenue remains on plan regardless of being public or private. When you say people are going to be affected the employees are smart enough to know that means reductions and sales and revenue will suffer. I bet the sales numbers since her little brain fart are horrific …. Is that really leadership rising above her predecessors? I think not.
“little brain” being the key words there.
Excellent points, Mike. I would 100% agree if not for the fact that xo has had an “initiative” for management to be “more transparent”, and as stupid as it may have been from a practical standpoint, it was following the new template. Other people posting in this thread have referred to it all being “business”. Lest we forget there is such a thing as BAD business.
@Anonymous I appreciate transparency and wanting to be honest and open with the employees about where the company is as it relates to how dire things are, etc. I think you will agree, however, that judging by the results of her miscalculated actions she didn’t strike the right balance.
Say what you want about following a new template which under the right circumstances might be admirable … Ie. having the courage to stand up to the board and suggest the employees are the key to success as opposed to being fair game as sacrificial lambs. But to get on a call and say people will be impacted is really nothing more than “you all will be fired soon so hold on to your knickers”. Again, I am only commenting on how amateur like it was …. I guess that’s what you should expect with an “interim” CEO who at best is a controller not a CFO.
Amen, Mike. I assume she is “interim” because there will not be a “permanent”.
You all realize that the management at XO has and always will be mere puppets of Carl Icahn? Why would you complain about the inept management when they are just doing Ichans bidding? For those employees who have not started looking for a job elsewhere, you realize he will be selling the company very soon right. He has his coveted NOL’s now, which is the only reason he has been involved with XO.
I think everyone is referring to the on-hands call back in September? Anyone who’s been around to expects to be lied to by these people. The content of that call was chilling enough and it was made worse by the bumbling delivery. In 20 years of listening to these types of calls, I’ve never heard anyone lose control of a meeting that bad. I know you’re gonna lie to me…is it too much to ask that you at least do it well?
@Scott Sullivan – right you are. Right you are. bumbling idiots is right. And to boot Geller making his stupid jokes at the sake of employees. Amateurs. Period. No wonder Icahn is going to sell. He sees the ship of fools.
The better “all hands” was the brilliant delivery by the Idiot formerly known as Cromwell… “I’ve never been wrong, and I don’t plan to start now”.. And “drink the Kool Aid!”…. Have any of you shills had Cromwell bust through your wall dressed like a giant red pitcher promising refreshment and joy?
Cromwell? He’s not that bad…..clearly not as bad as Laura and mr ping pong Geller.
The theory of relativity once again prevails 🙂
TMZ has nothing on this POS web site! Talking about personal issues and name calling belongs on yahoo chat boards.
Bitter employees, that produced shit should have been laid off. Company was run like it was 2002.
Wow, that is HORRIBLY offensive.. Do you know the depth and skill levels and production of some of the people who were laid off? Let’s turn the personal issue on YOU, since you are clearly an idiot if you think that they only laid off dead weight.
excuse me but I made my number day in and day out not my fault that XO doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase stay in the red. Dont worry when they lay you off you will become familiar with the phrase up shit’s creek.
I think it’s pretty obvious that they know how to stay in the red. Have they ever been in the black?
LOL my mistake guess all the company provided time off has my brain turning into mush
Oh yeah.. Don’t forget you can leave 20 minutes early on Thursday. There’s your holiday bonus.
Let us all know how great it is at xo in 2014, you idiot.
To Anon, who said TMZ has nothing on this site…
Do you think most Top 100 companies have people talking smack about the company? I doubt it.
Wasn’t XO bankrupt in 2002?
Don’t throw rocks when you live in a glass house!
Or in a house made out of P’s of S, so to speak. Ah, the shills are so fun.
What happened to Toplishek? Is he gone like Wagner?
Toplisek is still here, Ernie Ortega lost any confidence that the employees had in him when he and Laura Thomas decided to keep all of the Global Crossing Mgt team-(minus Wagner) instead of cleaning house and sending them where they all belong……to the unemployment line. And they wonder why Xo’s top talent is leaving as fast as they can!
Sounds like a bitter ex employee.
Rob, you may want to retire this thread. It has served its purpose and is no longer of value.
Totally disagree. This story is just beginning. Even those of us still at XO know that. At least the ones who aren’t in denial.
Why would a writer “retire” an article that is still accumulating comments over two months later? Rob is thrilled, as any writer should be. This story obviously affected a lot of people. And it impacted many enough that they are still checking back here to see the latest and maybe even add their own two cents.
Sounds like a Manager at XO hoping that we will all turn our heads in a different direction, drink the XO Kool Aid and pretend that what’s going on at XO is not really happening. I agree, this story has legs and continues to grow. I don’t remember any artical like this where numerous people comment on it on a daily basis, when it was written a couple of months ago.
I think what keep this going is that alot people were affected by the company provided vacations on October 20, then people who are still there were given the reason why these people were let go. So you have people who one are very angry on one side and then on the other side you have people waiting for their own execution, dont worry folks in three years XO will be nothing more than a memory for those of us who want to remember working there.
3 Years? This turd will be sold off this summer.
Rob should have included an over under on when Laura would set up Ernie.
When is the next round of layoffs? What ever happened to the NAS group? I am sure most of them have left by now
I am willing to bet that the next round will come in the first quarter say end of jan to beginning of Feb. Say 250 to 300 people, maybe a severance, maybe but I doubt it.
No way. Not right now. It would be the death of Laura and Rob. They would lose all remaining shred of “possible” engagement by the employees.
Mr Smythe, I would put serious $’s that the layoff annon refers to will definitely happen. It has occurred every spring & fall since 2003 when Icahn bot XO. It’s Ground hog day for XO – they wont ever get out of that cycle because that’s the only way Icahn & his minions know how to improve EBITDA. Remember his most intellectual discussion/term is when he refers to XO’s product line as a “T-1 thing”
Mr Smythe better get ready for the funeral then cause its coming one way or the other its coming.
“T-1 thing” – LOL – that’s hilarious! And this guy owns the company – LOL – what does that tell his minions. . . ??!! LOL!
My spouse works at XO in Saginaw and saw half his department walked out in October. I’ve been following this post for news because he said it feels like a graveyard in there. Now all of a sudden I went to my doctor last week and was told our insurance was expiring on 12/31. Husband followed up with HR, who told him to call Blue Cross, who told him our benefits were up and had no more information for us. After reading this site, it’s hard not to put on my tinfoil hat and think that the expiring benefits are a bad sign, rather than just someone’s error. By any chance has this happened to anyone else?
I’m sorry, Worried Spouse, and I totally understand. But what you don’t realize is that most of the “leadership” in Saginaw is more worried about whether they have an office, or if they are allowed to park in front of the building so they can feel “important”. It is a ridiculous circus, and very few people (at least in the Saginaw location) care about anything other than their own egos. My advice is to go over the head of the “generalist” and contact the real HR person.
I would say not to worry. XO F’s with the insurance every year, always a change, sometimes for the better (as in preventative drugs being free), but more often for the worse for the average healthy person (we’re self insured! Poor us! What ever can we do?!?!). This was likely an anomaly due to your plan changing as of 1/1. I am sure you are still insured. I’d still check with someone higher up than the generalist who is likely spread way to thin to even process your question.
There were many notices given out to all employees regarding insurance. Insurance expires 12/31 every single year and you sign back up during open enrollment. Insurnace has changed for some areas changed this years. New cards were recieved last couple weeks. Insurnace is NOT gone. There is a company change but no loss of coverage. I have no idea what to think about what is going on in this company. Everyone should mind their p’s and q’s and if they are truely that unhappy or worried maybe it’s time to look for employment elsewhere. Current employees need to be very careful what they say on public sites as you can lose your job with no severance and possibly no unemployment for saying the wrong thing here. Even I may have said so much, but did not want current employees to panic thinking they did not have insurance. There is some writing on the walls everyone has their own interpretation of it. You can jump ship or hang on and see where this one takes you. No one is forced to work for this company. I hope for the employees sake there will be no more layoffs, but I see a lot of people here feel there will be and I’m sure that is scary for current employees who feel they have no where else to go.
You must be in mid – management. Good luck with all that in 2012.
I continue to be amazed at just how many posts this thread/story continues to generate. Clearly it struck a nerve …. One can only hope Icahn sells this dog so new owners can and will make something of it …. oh and fire the executive leadership team starting with Laura, Rob “fool” Geller, etc.
It most certainly would be fantastic if xo could become a great company rather than fold up the tents. But, we’re over a decade in, and it just doesn’t seem to happen, regardless of who is at the helm.
It starts and ends with Leadership of the company AND the board of directors.
I’ve been amazed at the staying power of this thread. It is clear that a lot of folks at XO have strong feelings about the current situation! FWIW, I have no current information about further layoff activity at all.
It’s just not a good situation. If this company had been bought back in 2004 by someone who knew the business then things would be very different today than what Icahn has wrought. But the cards have already been dealt. Good luck to everyone.
Rob I think current and former employees have very strong and mostly negative feelings about not only the company but the leadership as well. Many of us including myself are still left wondering why was I let go back in October instead of someone else, the shame is we will never find out nor accept whatever excuse the company gives for selecting these people.
If the current employees believe that they are safe and no more layoffs are coming they need to wake up and face reality. More layoffs are coming its an XO tradition like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Its the only thing this company is good at, laying good hardworking people off and oh yeah sending jobs overseas. I believe the layoffs will come soon and probably the same amount of people if not more than the last one in October.
I myself have started looking at other career possibilities, I dont really care at this point what my career maybe, I just dont want it to be telecom anymore.
I went to the last shareholder meeting to protest the way Icahn was stealing XO from the rest of us and in the process met several of the XO execs. What a bunch of toadies!!!! What do you call a group of toads anyway?
They are called assholes
Agreed – telecom – unless you’re in the “clique” is a goner for longtime careers – especially with IT (data) taking over those aspects of telecom that it inherently already owned in the 1st place. Job security (any career) is staying INDEPENDENT of being DEPENDENT on these money-making-machines-for-owners called C-O-R-P-O-R-A-T-I-O-N-S . . . OX is a goner – no room in the market for Johnny-come-lately-debt-driven companies that have to get rid of its “resource” (people) to try and show some sort of progress in its books and lack-luster managers who don’t have a clue . . . pathetic . . . best wishes to all
OX. Not just Bull.
I worked for Allegiance Telecom/XO for 10 and a half years. Needless to say, during my tenure there I dodged a lot of layoff bullets, but I couldn’t continue to show my support for a Company that didn’t know it’s a$$ from a hole in the ground. I left on my own..Found a better job in Telecom…XO is definitely the Titanic and I didn’t want to be the last rat off that sinking ship! I saw a lot of my honorary family members get laid off in October and it was a very sad day for me. I can only hope that the rest of my people there see the writing on the wall and make their way to the nearest life boats as expeditiously as they can….
Amen to that. You know what really irked me the most back in October, it wasnt the fact that I was getting laid off, it wasnt the fact of the timing of the layoff, but it was the fact that my manager and pretty much all the managers there didnt even offer any sympathy, not even a handshake to say good bye and good luck. Goes to show you that professionalism is dead at XO. Well to bad that these same managers will suffer the same fate as I did back in October, but one exception I will be working they wont.
I received a very cold goodbye as well; Basically a phone call saying “you’re affected, turn in your stuff by the end of the day”. I got a personal call from my immediate manager later, though, that was very nice and sincere. There are good people there in management, but the bad ones amplify the perception of how the entire company is.
What irks me is that, according to their website, over 160 jobs have been posted since 11/3. 160! Surely at least some percentage of the people let go could have been re purposed, particularly since many of the postings reflect jobs similar to the ones eliminated. XO has a history of cutting before measuring – ask anyone who remains in Denver – and anyone whose ever tried to build anything can tell you how well that turns out.
I worked for Allegiance Telecom too. Then XO bought us and i was laid off with a phone call from somone i didn’t even know! Even my manager had no idea i had gotten the phone call. after almost 3 years of contract work i finally found a company i enjoy working for. It will work out for all those who got let go.
@worriedXOspouse – if your husband is in Saginaw, tell him to cozy up to the crowd in the extreme Northwest corner of the building. Just don’t question who the seniorist of the sr managers is, and don’t provoke the most insecure jealous non sr manager. They could implode, and the death of the cliquity-claq may cause the whole place to collapse.
Exactly…no appreciation at all. When I turned my two week notice in, in Dec. of 2010, they actually were a little mad at me…Management wouldn’t talk to or acknowledge me after that. Nearly 11 years of my life I gave them and I didn’t get a goodbye, good luck or anything on my last day there. I only got glares out the corners of their eyes and I was actually kind of hurt behind it all…Oh well, life goes on, but XO surely won’t..not for too much longer anyway!
From what I understand, they have to post those eliminated positions as a legal measure for whatever reason. They are not really available…Maybe someone on here knows the legal reason why, but i’m not sure…
GTBG you are correctomundo – it’s a Cover-your-arse legal tactic in case someone wants to call them on it in a court-of-law – nothing “real” about it at all . . .
I’m not getting it.. Why is it “legal” to post a mirage, but not illegal to post something that already has a chosen internal candidate? I know for a fact that many of the “postings” were filled prior to being posted. Can anyone explain this law?
What does it matter. Those internal candidates will be laid off like we were, its only a matter of time before XO is a forgotten thought
It has nothing to do with BEING legal – it has to do with APPEARING legal, moral, ethical – which in fact they are none of the above. Remember – in America’s “legal” system – It’s not what is true, it’s what can be proved in the “courts” . . . they can prove all they “appear” to be doing in an ethical manner . . .
Does it just APPEAR that they are assholes, or are they actually assholes? Everything I have EVER read about them, from the Nextlink days onward, has been negative.
If it walks like an asshole, talks like an asshole, and smells like an asshole then………………..
I thought I saw a another post after this one, something about calling some managers out or employees as assholes, did someone delete that, [chop]
[ADMIN] Yes someone did. I try to keep out of comment moderation, but this fragment of conversation has gone over the top. I understand the anger out there, but if you want to make personal attacks of that sort against people by name then you’ll need to host your own website. Please tone it down.
HAHA right on brother. Dont worry the people who are still there will learn that XO is preparing to sell itself by mid summer and oh wait more layoffs will happen by mid Feb, another 300 people will be let go its a shame really.
Wow. Wish I hadn’t missed that nugget of truth, but the edit is understandable.
LOL – it’s a shame that a company has the reputation like this one – and it all comes from former workers on the inside – what does that tell ya . . .? There are people who work there who really rely on the check and this company plays with them like checker pieces . . . terrible. Needs to be put out of its misery, no doubt
Well from what I hearing XO might be put out of its misery this summer, but first, the annual spring lay off is coming around mid Feb, hope everyone still there is trying to get out and find another job while they still can.
Everyone here including myself still is very angry towards XO and its leadership and I completly agree with that feeling. Have you noticed the rah rah stuff has stopped on here, thank god, beginning to think that drug abuse was rampid there.
Something to keep in mind: Most of the people on here work in different markets/silo’s around the country. Implying that every manager at XO is an asshole is ignorant. You may work for an asshole, but that does not mean that all of them are the same. Let’s face it, most employees that go to a message board at this point are disgruntled/pissed. You keep coming back to this thread to see if there are more people piling on, to see if there are more people that feel the same way you do. It’s natural, it’s human nature. But let’s be honest, there are assholed at EVERY company. The one’s from XO are being called out more and more because they are an easy target and this is a sinking ship.
Keep something else in mind: Middle management has little to no power. They are given directives, provided the rules/constraints, etc. They don’t make policy. That doesn’t forgive basic, decent treatment of their employees (when they’re firing somebody). But they’re probably just as confused and scared as the rest of you. It starts at the top: Icahn. He has caused this. Then he hired the GXing folks and things really started going to crap.
I worked there for a while. Things were good there for a long time, great people and a decent, solid company. Somewhere around ’08/09 is when things turned for the worse. But make no mistake, the fault begins and ends with Icahn. He hired those clowns from GXing. He dictated the direction of the company (or lack thereof).
There are lots of good people there. Unfortunately, many are still refusing to at least START looking for another job, which I do not understand. I think the Assholes comment (unless it was from the one deleted) was directed at the top. There are probably better adjectives. Inept would be a good one.
Speaking for myself when I was laid off the first thing I thought of was ok how am I going to survive, how am I going to feed my family and take care of them, then within the first month and a half of being laid off the worries then turned into anger and hatred toward XO, its leadership and its senior managers, I come on these boards for one thing and one thing only, REVENGE.
I dont care if anyone on here sees this as not healthy, nothing would make me happier than to see the company that I spent more time and dedication with than my own family, to go down in flames (as it is now)and become nothing more than a faint memory for those who worked there. To those who still work there, find another job before you to suffer the same fate as I did, its not a question of if it will happen, but when.
Hope you enjoyed the employee appreciation week, that was only an attempt to curve the nerves and anger that is surging from current employees towards your suppossed leadership. Dont worry I am sure when you are laid off in mid February you will also recieve a severance like I did, well maybe, good luck to all
They were a lot of good people let go on October 20th too.
Currently looking at the debate and God help us if any one of these clowns get in the White House. We will never get another job. has released the 100 companies to work for in the United States. Do I even need to tell you what company is missing from that list.
In a related article CNN also released the bottom 100 companies to work for in the United States. Surprisingly XO Communications is number one on that list, guess the leadership figured it was easier on them to make it a bottom 100 company to work for.
“We’re #1″…..maybe not
What is the link to the worst companies?
I don’t see a story about the worst companies. XO has never been a great place to work, but certainly isn’t the worst. The bigger issue is that being a “Top 100” contender is identified as a core objective, yet they aren’t willing to do any of the things that emulate the companies that make the list.
not shocked one bit, I think the Top 100 crap was all about selling XO at a later date.
I remember when I first heard about making XO a top 100 company. I never had a harder time trying to keep myself from laughing in one of those “townhall meetings” with Dan Wagner. Everyone who attended that meeting came out of it the same way I did, pissing themselves with laughter.
They are all on a all hands call as we speak. Stand by.
Don’t leave us all hanging here… Was this an actual ALL Hands call, or was it the Cromwell version where only sales/retention are among the hands considered “all”, and he talks about never being wrong and drinking Kool-Aid! “OH YEAH!!”” (that was supposed to be the big kool aid guy crashing through the wall, not the Macho Man Randy Savage).
HA! Which one of these is Cromwell? Neither appears to be very smart.
Such a fool you are. That said who should expect anything from XO with its BOD prepping it for sale. Only news here is when it’s sold. Until then it’s just another dead carcass along side the road.
Oh do tell what this all hands call is about my gut say its new about the next round of layoffs coming in mid February
any update on the all hands call.
Yes. Another senior leader got pushed out. Simone Wu, EVP & General Counsel, resigned. Her replacement is a MORON.
That’s sad. Simone is quality.
It’s not Wilcox is it?
no. another moron. navid.
Good for her, if you are human you can’t sit by and watch or be a part of what is going to take place in the coming months . Good Luck Simone
Agreed. She’s quality ….
Dropping like flies. End is near.
Yeah I agree, if reality has not hit the current employees by now then I dont know what it will take for that to happen.
On Thursday, all Senior Manager positions in NAS accounts were notified that their positions were terminated. Regardless of success, all are eliminated.
George Ryan should have been fired a long time ago. Same for Dave Aninno …. Amateurs.
Alot of folks should have been fired but they were protected by HR and Directors.
Using names not associated with news stories, should NOT be allowed, regardless if warranted or not. The names mentioned above, do have families and, pouring salt in wounds is terrible.
Agree… Unless there is some egregious, business impacting situation, the truth is that everyone started out as an amateur, regardless of background.
The above statement being said, I don’t think I have ever seen so much anger directed at a single company/management team before, EVER. Makes a person really wonder what the heck is going on over there.
Huh….I wonder if George and Dave took those thoughts into consideration as they maligned every single person across all orgs who didn’t agree with their opinions ….
No it should be allowed. I like the fact that names are being mentioned on here, there are alot of people in that company that should be held accountable and are not. I dont care about these people’s families cause they did not care about mine when they laid me off in October.
I will pour salt into anyone’s wound I feel like. I feel no remorse for any senior manager, director, VP ETC, they will all get what they deserve in due time and I will enjoy that moment.
That’s an interesting take. Should people be held publicly accountable? How are slander and libel determined? Thought provoking.
Those guys you mentioned brought in Millions of dollars for XO and kept many of the unemployeed mentioned herein in their jobs. So take a long look in the mirror when you bad mouth the hand that had fed you. When the failed you lost your job.
Wow. Now i’ve heard everything. Those guys sold millions of dollars to customers who were in on their tricks by booking fraudulent orders, then getting their millions in commissions, then cancelling the orders on the other side. I’d bet you $1000 bucks of their hard earned money that supposedly saved all those jobs that 50% of the so called millions you state never materialized. Everyone knows that XO was a “bait and switch” shop for years and sales people stole from the company with no price to pay. Its why the neo fascist ethics guy is always on the rage looking for scumbag sales reps like “those guys above”.
I took a look in the mirror and liked what I saw. I didnt fail in kepping my job, XO failed to keep the job open, they failed to provide a good work place atmosphere, they failed to keep the company in the black. And they failed to keep many of us employed. So before you open your mouth, think before you speak.
Thats the thing …. it’s not XO’s responsibility to keep you employed. Its not their responsibility to give you a job. Its not their responsibility to make a work environment thats positive (though clearly its the smart thing to do!). It is XO’s responsibility to generate enough revenue and profit to sustain itself. Its also the responsibility of the BOD to ensure that the leadership team in place is empowered to be successful. The BOD has clearly failed by allowing the former and current leadership team to continue to make the same old mistakes. So before you speak think really about whats going on. XO was never designed to be profitable. XO was designed to be a profit shelter for its principle owner. The sooner you realize that the sooner you will realize you never had a chance. You’ve been living a lie for years ….
You’ve never owned a small business, have you…. Unfortunately there is a sliding scale as the size of a business increases. Your typical small business owner will tell you that they MOST DEFINITELY have a responsibility to their employees, on whose backs they are (hopefully) making a living. The larger a business is, the less the sense of responsibility. Apparently brain size decreases at the same rate, based on the moronic post above.
Only partly moronic. It is pretty obvious that XO was never created to be profitable. But the shame of that situation should not be put on the employees. Even rich guys should have a moral obligation. Dare to dream.
Employment to me is a contract. I as the employee agree to perform my daily tasks, arrive on time to work and take as little sick time as I can. You the employer agree to offer competive wages and health care, keep the business growing, offer promotions as needed, and keep your people employeed. On October 20, XO broke the contract I signed with them 4 years ago, wish I could sue them for breach of contract LOL.
I was let go in October after more than 9 years of service. My managers were extremely professional (Herndon) and though I was caught completely off-guard, I hope that XO survives and I want to thank XO for paying me a good salary for the past decade. If it’s true that the company is going under, I hope people start to look elsewhere for opportunities. There were some comments about job postings being bogus but one my best friends who was also laid off in October was rehired to his old position in Finance. But I believe the writing is truly on the wall with the resignation of M. Wu. She was a class act in the executive team and will be missed…
Big Papa – I think what they meant by “bogus” is that the decision on who to hire was made prior to posting – i.e., your friend was pegged for that job (a good thing – laid off employees SHOULD be the ones called back), but they posted it and made it look like an open opportunity for anyone qualified (a bad thing – why all the smoke and mirrors?).
We’re so close to being a Top 100 company to work for I can taste it.
What’s it taste like?
I still want to see this mythical list of the “bottom 100″… Does it exist, and is the only thing in the universe that Google has managed to miss? I think everyone expressing their thoughts is just fine, positive or negative. But making stuff up is just stupid. If there is such a list, let’s see it! Might be interesting to see who is on there.
I dont think such a list exists which is fine we all know where XO stand anyway, making it up is fun, just like the idea of making XO a top 100 company, now there is a mythical thought.
We get to wear jeans every day now. If that’s not top 100, then I don’t what is.
I get to wear sweat pants everyday, then again I dont work right since I was laid off in October
That could put your house on the list of the Top 400ish places to be unemployed!
My house is hiring at the moment
If someone posts that they now can sit around all day at home wearing low cut tops and tight short skirts, then we will know that XO has lost it’s funk.
Lost it Funk? Not yet ….
That makes it sound like there is at least a tiny bit of hope!
Those outfits are only reserved for most of the women who work at the Wyo office, I dont miss seeing the flab hanging out with bright colored shirts and plumbers crack visisble, ugh. Guess most of the ladies there have no idea what a dress code is
I think the funk comment was directed at a particular person with no sense of what is appropriate business attire, language, or overall professional behavior.
Meanwhile, in Saginaw, we have the opposite problem. There is so much cleavage about to pop out that you wonder about the laws of gravity. Naturally, drooling men everywhere. Great environment. No fudging way.
As an unfortunate individual who knows the “Funk” quite well, that is one talent-less entity. You know what clients care about, being taken care of AFTER the sale, not this “onboarding” crap. Somebody must have told this entity early on in it’s career that it was “something” (oh yeah, GBX execs…they’re Einstein’s!). But this entity has no grasp of reality as it is on the verge of decimating the team that’s been the only reason XO’s largest clients are still exactly that, XO’s largest clients. And after this action, those employees that are left will be set up for failure & those large clients will eventually bail.
Ernie, don’t you see this??? If you don’t, shame on you.
An actual employee who really cares about this company for the past 13 years
I think its clear that this “funk” entity you reference is not well respected. Is it possible, however, that this individual could actually be doing what they have been told to do …. taking costs out, restructuring, etc b/c the business requires it? Isn’t it possible that the CEO and other leaders like the COO guy are actually responsible?
The business really requires keeping the largest customers (i.e. top 1/3rd). So if Icahn’s plan is to increase the NOLs, then eventually liquidate, it makes sense & if so, yes, the talentless “funk” is just taking orders. But if he eventually wants to sell, losing large $$ accounts is insane. So maybe chap 7 is indeed his end game.
Ahh but therein lies the underlying issue. Laura, Rob want to focus on smb … move away from the enterprise, nas and strategic/carrier space. So why would they want to keep CSM’s if they don’t really care about the big customers?
Well you have to resort to whatever means are needed to sell XO products, showing cleavage is one way I guess for a customer to buy.
Saginaw is a Care Center. No face-to-face with customers. Lots of eyes-to-boobs between employees, though. Many a marriage has been wrecked in Saginaw.
Those cold, lonely Saginaw nights can be mighty long without a little companionship.
For what it’s worth, I am glad that this thread has subsided enough to mostly be complaints and vague gossip (true as some of it may be), because it means that nothing horrible is currently happening to the XO employee base. One thing that can without question be truthfully be said about XO is that things change so fast that often a change is made that is snuffed out prior to ever being introduced, to make way for a new change. Hopefully, for all still at the big OX, things have changed in a way that keeps everyone working for a while. However, looking forward to hearing what actually happens next.
Blood bath.
I worked at XO for 5 years, never got a raise, oh but wait I did get that cheap bonus last year. And dont get me started on the “heathcare plan” they offer (by the way I do smoke and never paid the smokers fee on the plan suckers). But it was nice of XO to contribute to the HSA account, which I took and used to buy food and clothes for my family (oops I said that out loud).
But the one thing that really pissed me off was a position a step higher than mine was being offered within my group but they never mentioned it in any meeting I attened nor did my manager say anything about until they gave it to another person, and no it was not on XO’s site for internal positions. Yes I am bitter and angry cant you tell
The HSA is very nice, I use it only for legit purposes (Don’t mess with the IRS). I don’t have a problem with what happened in the last part of your statement. Companies should be allowed to promote deserving individuals at will. What bugs me is when they want to promote an individual, but put on the charade of the posting/interviewing/etc just to give it to that person. As was mentioned somewhere above, smoke and mirrors.
who said u had to report the money you used to the IRS, sure it was used for one thing but I always say it is for another like an actual medical expense.
If they audit you, you have to account for it via receipts. Duh.
At least we know why YOU were let go.
Generally speaking I doubt XO would ever know if someone used the HSA for anything other than medical expenses. Besides the person sounds like the rest of us who were let go back in October, angry and wanting revenge.
My guess is that the number of disillusioned ex XO employees keeping this thread alive number less than 6. Get a life.
So much stupidity to address here and so little time. First of all, to the person who said they doubted XO would know if someone abused the HSA: Of course they wouldn’t, you idiot. XO doesn’t care. HSA is a government program, and is tax free money – they REALLY care about that. Hopefully for you, some bored IRS agent isn’t lurking around reading this board and deciding to track you down.
For the person who mentioned the 6 disillusioned ex employees, the way it looks is that many or even most of these posts are coming from disillusioned CURRENT xo employees, at least the ones whose heads aren’t still buried in the sand. I’d say if you are a current xo employee who isn’t disillusioned and is yet taking the time to read the hundreds of posts in this thread, it’s likely YOU who needs to get a life. Or maybe drum up some business for xo if you have so much extra time.
To the guy who stated, “My guess is that the number of disillusioned ex XO employees keeping this thread alive number less than 6. Get a life.”, eat Sh*t and die you scumbag. You have zero idea what it’s like at XO to those of us with a real work ethic who actually care about customers & the viability of the company.
Yeah, your reply might be something along the lines of, typical low-life, but you’d be wrong. I’m just one of many who actually gives a crap about the clients, many of who risk their careers to chose a provider that may save them a few $$s.
To put aside the anger and vulgarity for a moment, let’s define “disillusioned”:
“Disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed.”
Who of the way more than 6 people who were dumped in October should be anything less than disillusioned? Who that isn’t still at xo shouldn’t be disillusioned? There are many of us who have spent years eating up xo’s program du jour with a spoon, and I think anyone who is disillusioned has every right to be.
To return to anger momentarily, please don’t use a fancy if you don’t know what it means.
A lame put down from another no talent telecom “professional”. The industry, and XO, is full of them.
Excuse me, I was let go cause XO couldnt afford my salary anymore like most of the people who were let go back in October, before you open your dumb mouth maybe you should…… wait you just showed me you dont think at all with a comment like the one above.
Let’s give them credit for keeping the guy who doesn’t know the difference between “disillusioned” and “disgruntled”.
I will give a golf clap for keeping that guy
I will give a standing ovation to potential XO customers who are reading this crap and smartly investing their business elsewhere. All potential customers are headed for some serious pains in the neck over the next 12-18 months, regardless of what the morons who want to go to Hawaii are trying to push at them.
A trip to Hawaii???, is that the latest contest for our lovely sales group. Maybe if some of those rewards were eliminated, most of those who were laid off might still have a job.
Continuing to add insult to injury, in addition to the hundreds of posted jobs over the past few months, XO is now also hiring contractors to do some of the same jobs that were cut last year. Of course nobody has a crystal ball, but is this company capable of planning at all?
As Ron White once said you cant fix stupid
All you ex-XOers need to pull an OCCUPY XO. You don’t need to stand for this poor treatment anymore!
Seems it might be smarter for the current XOers to UNoccupy XO, posthaste.
Costs elimination underway prepping for sale.
Are you indicating that there is an actual buyer? Or are we back to searching for one.
look around you. there’s not a ton of available networks with so much service capability left for sale. Folks like earthlink, foreign ptt’s, domestic players like L3, Windstream, Frontier, all have a need to stay / remain competitive against VZ and ATT. If they don’t do something they won’t keep up. Size does actually mtter. These smaller, more niche players won’t survive if they can’t come together and gain critical mass.
Seems like an impossible business… Survival depends on creating a situation where it’s suddenly 1983 again and the government says “no way, Jose” and busts it all apart into a million pieces. It’s time to go back to carrier pigeon. They are easier to clean up after anyhow.
I love the idea of carrier pigeons. Lets utlize a carrier pigeon as opposed to to deliver data, LOL.
Carrier pigeons extinct due to power lines by year end.
Figures. It’s always the lines that are the problem.
YUP – they just eliminated OT for the entire operations team…..something is definitely up.
Q the Imperial March LOL
yeah – rumor has it some of the directors were mad because some techs made more than they did last year. nice to see how personal egos determine the direction the company takes……
Since when has a director at XO actually earned his or her salary, it must be hard to schedule all those townhall meetings every month with everyone trying to get out on thier lunch breaks at that time. I mean having to keep everyone awake is a feat that I am sure rivals climbing Mt Everest.
Contractors are cheaper , no benefits.
311 comments, must be a record for TR, true?
If it is a record, the fact that it’s about a puissant little company like XO really says something.
I’m thinking pissant… Amazing how to similar words can have such different meanings.
Yes, and them some.
Alright, I’ll be the one two not be cryptic and too be literal.
two = number 2
too = more than required, also/additionally
to = towards, into
Regarding the aforementioned funkin entity, regardless of what the orders from above may or may not be, there is a right way to carry them out, and a wrong way.
Even the most delicate, difficult situations can be handled with class and dignity. It just takes someone with a modicum of skill and integrity to deliver properly. Good leaders not only know how to do the hard stuff the right way, but strongly desire to do so.
Meanwhile, this just in: All XO-ers should prefix their titles with the word “interim”. Follow the lead!
The problem is the leadership from the top down to mid level managers is a big problem. You learn that after attending a few of those town hall meetings.
How XO is still around is beyound me. The unprofessionalism is the worst I have ever seen at any company I worked for. Just goes to show you that you cant respect others if you dont respect yourself first. Judging by some of the outfits on alot of the Wyo women, that is the case.
I have to **slightly** disagree with this statement, but my view is limited to my location. My observation is that the people at the top suck, as you indicated, the people in the middle (director level, for instance) are hard working folks trying to do right by their employees and their bosses (impossible task), and the lower management level people are beyond suck.
Most of the low level management people in my location are former Concentric Network Corp folks, and the culture at Concentric was a little weird. Most people, regardless of qualifications or experience, started at the bottom – it was just part of getting in the door. That instantly created an atmosphere of competition, which to a degree is naturally healthy, but has overall proven to be bad for XO.
Several posts up, someone mentioned questioning who is the “seniorist” (nice creation of a new word!) sr manager, and who was insecure, etc. It’s true. Since so many people started at the “bottom” it was a major dog fight for everyone to try to outshine each other, prove superiority, and ultimately succeed. Amazingly, nearly 20 years later, not only to many of these same people still remain in place, but the attitude does as well.
There have been arguments about who “deserves” an office, to the point of there once being a — perhaps mythical — list of who is next in line to get one (our location is 95% cubicles, wasn’t designed for much office space). There is competition about whose title is more important, who makes more money, and a fair degree of folks who have somehow become “best friends” with the folks one level above, appearing as though to be creating alliances that not only alienate the other mangers who aren’t “pals” with the folks the report to, but also give the cozy individuals that sense of superiority that they crave, which has been inbred since they day they arrived and regardless of experience/qualifications, were placed in a giant pool of people on the bottom with carrots being dangled from above.
Rambling done, I think that the middle management at XO is pretty good. The people running the show suck (whether they are doing as instructed or not), and the people at the bottom are more concerned with their position on the totem pole than anything else. Those mid level people are the only glue holding things together, and they deserve a tip of the hat if nothing else.
I’d like to add another cultural note to the above: The “superiority dogfight” has been just as much individuals doing things to make themselves shine as doing things to make everyone else look worse. It’s a major detriment to not be able to trust anyone.
Many current “career opportunities” are the same positions open as last year but now ALL have been updated with February posting dates. XO’s issues aside, it’s a tough economy and I would think they could have filled the positions by now, some of them are months old. Why the effort to make an old posting look current?
I can’t believe all these comments! Unbelievable.
I think maybe this is what happens when folks feel like their voices have been ignored for too long. It’s not just about the layoffs of course, it’s about the last 8 years of what could have been.
Rob, you have hit the nail on the head. Please allow me to pound it in a bit deeper.
Since the beginning, XO has been an extremely “dynamic” company, and I think that most people in today’s world accept that, particularly in this type of business. The problem is, for the past decade, each change has been hyped as something that will “take us to the mountain top”, and I think it’s clear that we’ve never been there – and yet are continually fed the “THIS new great thing is going to be THE ONE” line for so long that it’s worn out.
Regarding voices being ignored, this is 100% true. I am pretty sure that most people accepted that fact as part of the biz for many many years, but the company has spent the last 2-3 years promoting very aggressive programs relating to “XO Culture”, multiple surveys about ethics at XO, and also a survey about the culture of day to day life at XO in general.
The fact that so many things have gotten WORSE since these things (combined with the “top 100” initiative) is what I think has caused so many to boil over.
I truly believe that the majority of employees were more willing to accept that their opinions meant nothing over the more recent trend of so much attention being paid to “hearing our voices” and yet seeing results that reflect the exact opposite. We are not as dumb as the leadership team thinks. If anything, they did a better job of creating an illusion of caring prior to the active efforts to do so.
OX IS an “illusion” – current employees better milk it as much as they can while they can . . .
I cannot possibly disagree with this statement more. Current employees need to get their asses out of there, and not milk anything. There’s no guarantees of any form of severance, other than of course the things that are legally necessary, such as COBRA. Besides, does this company deserve to have loyal employees hang out to “milk it”? No. They deserve to be left in the lurch. For those of you who are in geographical areas where jobs exist (sorry Saginaw) get off your complacet butts and find something!
I have a big, huge, titanic announcement to make. All employees at the Wyomissing office will now be getting dunkin donuts coffee instead of the starbucks. As a former employee of that office who was laid off in October and who’s old salary is going towards the cost of this I would like to say YOUR FN WELCOME.
Given there is such terrible health care coverage for XO (and all Icahn owned companies) giving out better than average coffee is one way to help the company be a top 100 contender. LOL.
Don’t be alarmed. This is just “Interim” coffee.
One of the many reasons I was glad they laid off me back in October was that my family didnt have to be on that terrible health coverage anymore, oh dont worry my kids do have way better health coverage now. Terrible health coverage, no raises in god knows how long, bad management and leadership, laying people off but still giving out the sales trips and rewards…………..the list goes on and on sorry to say
It’s been said over and over. Sales people are a different (and unappealing to the rest of us) breed. Their self worth is so high that they don’t think that a solid pay/commission/benefits package is enough for their immense talents. They may be right. But XO’s sales force is not very talented (look at the numbers).
Anyone else notice the giant amount of job postings appearing on over the last few days? Questions include: Do they know what their plan is beyond, say, June? Do the people applying for these jobs know anything about what is going on at XO? And, most importantly, would one of these jobs be helpful to a candidate – most jobs are better than no job – or would a brief stint with XO be something to leave off the resume?
Interesting question. One would think that accepting a job at XO as an established professional either means there are no other jobs available where you are, or you just suck so much that nobody else will take you. Or it means that you have no experience at anything and XO is a place to start.
If anyone on here is thinking of applying to XO, please contact me before you do. I worked at XO for four years and was laid off back in October. I know the market is tough right now and hope is dim, but I think you need to know what you are getting into when working for a company like this. Please leave an email on this thread and we will discuss further.
I will gladly share what I know about applying with XO, from a couple of “less than ideal” opportunities. First of all “Project/Program Management” has a much broader meaning at XO than an most other employers. From my observation, this title at XO is 80% or more people that are actually what I’d call “Account Managers”, and deal with being the liaison between a customer and the install/techie people, so the customer has a person who speaks in layman’s terms to translate what is going on with their install and account in general (install times 180 days rumored, hope that isn’t true). “Project/Program Manager” has nothing to do with managing projects at all, but is just supervising the “Program/Project Management” people (semantics going on there)..
To try to explain in a nutshell – If you are a Project Management Professional, have PMP certification or other experience and credentials, do some research before applying for these openings. Your skills as a Project Management Professional are not right for the bulk of these jobs, although there are some that are true PM jobs. It’s more likely you will be assigned a group of “important” accounts to babysit and will not ever really use your skills as a Project Manager by definition.
I have noted that a few of the recent postings are much more honest about the actual duties than has been the usual with XO postings that normally lead to disappointment for PM professionals. If you want to be a high-end account manager, this is a good thing to apply for. If your true skill is managing projects with an end to end plan and schedule, milestones, postmortem, etc, then forget it. XO’s titling for their jobs is just plain weird.
For all you former employees gladly willing to share information about XO you should probably think twice about doing so as it would likely be a violation of your employee agreement.
Yeah well that is the beauty in being anonymous. We former employees will share whatever information we like. Screw the employee agreement XO is way to stupid to figure exactly who we are. I want to warn future employees and customers alike about XO before they even consider joining this company.
moron – they can trace you to your IP address when you post regardless of your anonymous status.
To Anon 7:44 PM: True as that may be, the question I have is why do you care?
I don’t.
Good, I guess. Not sure why you’re wasting your time then. Otherwise, I don’t see a lot of stuff on here that is giving away insider secrets, private info, or telling what the Colonel’s 11 herbs and spices are. From browsing through, it appears that if anything really bad was said, the site owner is stepping in and making edits as he sees fit.
Let them trace me then.
Thanks for the counsel, but my post was about failed attempts to get hired there, due to applying for jobs that weren’t what they seemed by their postings and a fairly odd recruiting process, so I think I’m covered. I’d be more worried about posting here if I was an actual xo employee, most particularly a CURRENT one, which you seem to be.
Just in case you all haven’t heard, XO will be laying off again…starting this week! yeah they have these folks working their butts off to get customer files updated and little do they know….they won’t have jobs after friday….here’s what’s really funny…some manager on the East Coast (who will remain nameless) for now…sent an email out to the Client Service Managers demanding that they have all of their customer files updates so another organization can take them over and this manager forgot to remove the part of the email thread that basically told the Client Service Manager they would be the ones getting laid off!! really??? is this how XO does it….unbelievable…..on top of these additional layoffs they are also raising the customers prices by 25%!!! Lets see how fast these customers start dropping…and yes you dumb Sales Reps….customers can and will leave while under contract…they been schooled by former XO employees. I say they get rid of all of the XO exec’s and good ole boys up top, get someone that knows how to run a company, have happy productive employees and be successful……wait a second…that would be too much like….RIGHT!!!
“Manager on the east coast”.. So that would either be the Bro or the Ho. My bet is on the latter. That’s just the kind of thing this “entity” would do.
Better watch before XO traces your IP information on here and figures who you are LOL
Seems like it would have to be something REALLY bad/slanderous/etc in order for that to happen. Their attorneys (do they still have any?) would have to first subpoena the host of this site, and if successful in obtaining an IP then go about tracking you down. My opinion, though I have been known to be wrong, is that they probably dismiss most of this banter. They don’t listen to what employees say directly, via town halls and surveys, so it would be hard to believe they’d be concerned about a forum on the internet.
i work at XO, 8 yrs now. the rate increase is only hitting TDM services, i.e., features on PRI and Intergrated Access. IA has not been sold for about 5 yrs. it’s all IP now. IP Flex pricing is not changing.
If you’ve worked at XO for 8 years and have yet to realize that you cannot believe a damn word they say, then I both admire your loyalty and pity your naivety. It is very easy to be sold a load of crap, particularly when you are dedicated to doing right by your employer. I hope you survive whatever is coming in the short term and find a good place to land long term.
new layoffs today, however with the new rules no benefits after the 15th which is the last day for the RIF.
What is XO coming to? I started when the company was in bankruptcy and it was better off than today.
Get out while the getting out is good!
I know how you feel, the good thing, the employment market is better. God bless you all that were let go today, it was not a good feeling on the 20th of October 2011. There are better companies out there.
Was there a severance package given?
Do you know what groups were hit?
CSMs and Admins
Any idea what departments were hit, how many, ETC.
they were given weeks of severance but no benefits after the 15th
Are we officially allowed to hate them now, without some crazy people stepping in to defend them?
Please I have hated XO ever since I started working for them four years ago. Arrogant sales groups, idiotic CIA agents, dumb OE department, not to mention to the managers that control these groups. There is alot to hate about XO, no raises in over 5 years, dont get me started on the health care. A monkey could work for XO.
Makes a person wonder.. Where are the customers? What would they think if they read all of this? What would they say in response?? XO Customers need to know. Products have always been sub-par, billing has always been a complete mess, and customer care has either been decent or horrible based on the program du jour.
Customers are the only ones who can make a true statement, and they need to do so by taking their $ elsewhere. That’s the only thing that will ever get the attention of The One Who Shall Not Be Mentioned (but owns the company). Take them down!
Additionally, does “The Funkin Entity” have some contingency plan up it’s sleeve, because it seems like it is doing a fine job at eliminating it’s own department.
AMEN!! But the USPS should definitely stay on board. USPS are a match made in Heaven! Both will be extinct, just a matter of which one closes up shop first.
What makes you think that Customers AREN’t reading all of this.
I AM A CUSTOMER. I joined my organization almost 2 years ago, and inherited my contracts with XO. I have been in the Telecom business, as well as used Telecom Service in my various roles in IT since before the Breakup of AT&T in 1984.
I can tell you in no uncertain terms, that XO is the WORST RUN COMPANY I have ever dealt with. Nothing works, not the websites to monitor my traffic, not the Online ticketing system that lets a customer create a trouble ticket, but then after hitting submit, can’t even get that system to show back the information that I put into the ticket. To Sales EXECUTIVES ( not the regular sales person) who sits in a meeting with me and my management and tells us that we are “Lucky to get the level of support” that we get, which we all feel (obviously) is crap.
I just sat on hold for over 45 minutes today, to report trouble and I then called in a second time, while still on hold from the first call, and got through in about 5 minutes…
This may sound like petty one-off types of issues, but I’m here to tell you, it is indicative of a company that has no real solid managment or WILLINGNESS to improve the quality of service. As such, XO will NEVER recoupe from the “funk” they are in, because the culture has been spoiled for far too long.
I haven’t found a Telecom company that I truly “like” ever, but there are some that are more tolerable than others. This whole attitude is pervasive in this industry because the “upper” management idiots just move from company to company, and eventually infect the whole industry.
I have worked in Distribution, Manufacturing, Hospitality/Restaurant chain managment, Telecommunications (CTO of a small Long Distance Reseller, who had to deal with the out and out crooks of WORLDCOM (our wholesale provide), to the banking industry and finally on to Healthcare, so I’ve seen a lot in my 30+ year carreer…and believe me when I tell you from a customer perspective…. we can’t wait to leave XO….
Has anyone seen the latest cut backs by other clecs lately? Has anyone seen the financial losses by these others? Has anyone seen how customers ARE voting with their dollars and using the great product portfolio that XO has? Cutbacks suck, but every carrier does it, has it, and the telco industry always will. It’s called business and I find it amusing that some folks are posting such idiotic comments who clearly have a business mind of a two year old but yet feel they are speaking intellectually on ths MB.
I don’t like this kind of “patriotism”, either. To try to address this post without being nasty, let me point out that whoever posted the March 3 1:56 PM post is missing the point. He or she is pretty much correct with what they said. Cutbacks suck, they are happening everywhere, etc. The reason people are ranting on here is because of how the place is run. Someone in a previous post mentioned that it was a better place to work during the bankruptcy than it is now. I think anyone at XO would agree if they were being honest. So, what’s the difference? Leadership. It’s being run poorly by people who are not respected. XO has had relatively strong leaders in the past, but now they do not, and that trickles down in ways that affect people personally, causing the kind of resentment you see here. It is always difficult to be let go from a job for business reasons. But it IS possible to come away with it thinking “This sucks, that was a great place to work, I wish I was able to stay”.
In the last 2 years or so, the leadership has become MUCH weaker, and it makes a big difference.
I just posted to a previous comment just before I read this one…
I AM one of the customers, and I can tell you that Customers are NOT flocking to XO because you offer a great portfolio of products. I’ve been doing this a long time… and if the products that XO offered actually worked, it might be worth it… but they don’t. My services have been more error prone here with XO’s services than at ANY other organization I have been with in my 30+ year career in IT. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that because you have a lot of “glossy’s” to hand out to customers”, or have provided fancy names to services… the word is out there, that XO products just don’t work… you don’t get what you pay for… that XO just sucks.
I will be extremely surprised to see XO around in 2 years time.
I Found this message board today because I started searching to see if XO has laid off it’s sales force and Repair team, because I can’t get either of them to respond to emails, or phone calls…
It’s very apparent to me that what is troubling XO is terminal.
HAHA another brainwashed, idiotic, Ichan follower coming to defend his master. Great product portfolio maybe but what happens after the install and turnup, sure most telco companies can give you a ethernet product, but its the elite companies that provide support after you sign the contract. This is where XO is a absolute failure. Maybe you should start planning your own exit before the ax hits you.
Re: Anonymous March 3, 2012 at 1:56 pm.
Figured it wouldn’t be long before some moron came in with something like this. So.. You’re saying that all CLEC’s are shitty places to work? Are you saying that all CLEC’s have VP’s who have an odd tendency to continue to eliminate their own departments?
Are you saying that all CLEC’s have a Saginaw, where success is based NOT on customer service, but who can show their floppy boobs and woo the management?
Are you saying that all CLEC’s have the amazingly ridiculous install times and repair fiascoes that take weeks to resolve?
If this is all true, than apparently CLEC’s are all shitty places to work. And, just so you know.. XO’s product portfolio isn’t that great. Furthermore, if you are Mr (or Ms.) XO, why not proudly put your name on your post? Maybe you’d get an extra floating holiday or some other bullshit for being such a stand up guy. Jerk.
Why not post your name? Debbie, Ernie, Hope – whomever you are defending XO-
I see promotions and prizes for trips and layoffs – where do you draw the line?
All the people you mention are way too professional to post anonymously here. Besides, at least one of them was part of the October cuts.
I agree that seeing the prizes and trips amid layoffs of this magnitude seems illogical and even hurtful on the surface. Unfortunately, they have to keep the business running until it’s time for whatever the final fate is going to be, and that includes trying to keep people working and hitting their goals. It sucks, but that’s just the way it is. 🙁
I’m sorry, but I’m still trying to understand why people continue connecting Sales prizes/incentives to layoffs/cuts. One has little to do with the other in this case. The cuts are being made to find efficiencies in the business. EVERY business does this. XO was just so poorly run for so long that there is an abundance of inefficiencies out there. XO is/was notorious for having way too much overhead. They have been spending way too much money for years, and has been poorly run for a long time.
Prizes/Incentives are there to motivate the sales force. This isn’t like 2001-03 when XO went Ch.13 and HAD to eliminate the prizes/incentives. The hard truth is the contracts that the sales folks are signing up right now, will almost certainly be around longer then the sales reps themselves. My guess is that most sales folks won’t even be around to collect on their President’s Club trip come next Spring when it takes place!
I’m not pro-XO. In fact, I’m an ex-employee. It’s a dysfunctional outfit, no argument there (we don’t know the half of it!) But if you don’t like it, then you have the power to leave. Get off these message boards and update your resume.
What in the h*** does portfolio have to do with profitability of a company?….Quite a bit – and OX’s portfolio SUX!
Just like its NON-profitability! Just look at it’s past SEC reportings before it was DELISTED (privatized to hide it’s gaping $$$-wound) – it’s NOTHING profitable about this BLEEDING STUCK PIG – period.
Quite simply explains why the “owner” has/is trying to unload this company that’s been nothing more than a tax write-off/shelter for wealthy nobles.
Just the facts, dear Watson, just the facts.
XO will be sold when Mr. Ichan doesn’t have to share the profits with the sharholders – in the summer of 2012.
All the brown nosers will be swallowed by perhaps Level 3 where they will find many ex-XO ites in high positions that have a good memory and will weed them out.
When Rehberger, Salustri etc.. left the company started it’s slow downhill turn but Mr. Icham will make money regardless…. watch out management the end is near!
It seems to me that the person who claims to be an ex-XO employee (but I believe is still there) is Wrong!
the layoffs are a result of lowering the bottom line to get to the # promised to Ichan, since the # can’t be achieved with sales – it is achieved with layoffs. Also there are so many layoffs so that one layoff won’t reach the magic # where the WARN act would kick in and they would be in trouble. Read up on the WARN act and get off the blog!
HAHA I love these boards. I am hoping the comment count goes on forever
I think it will go on as long as XO remains a hot mess. That seems like it will be the case until there is no more XO.
Do I get a prize for being post #400?
I have been at XO for over 11 years; nothing has changed; they just continue to make the same changes just at different time…..I think they call this re-inventing the wheel; I know Ernie has great vision of what he wants to do ( duplicate the carrier side) but they are all missing the big picture; 1. they need to get rid of the top heavy executives we have. why do we need VP’s reporting to VP’s etc… 2. Why don’t you hire some folks in the Repair Team that actually can trouble shoot and fix a customers issue. hire some folks that can communicate technical issues with the customers vs. leaving messages or not communicating with them at all. if you fix your repair team along with all of the sorry managers you have running it that would be half of your issues resolved. 3. find some sales folks that are hungry and believe in the product. You can’t sell what you don’t believe in. 4. Why do we have so many damm SE’s?? I know they are next in the layoffs along with ACSM managers and rightfully so. Why do we need all of these layers. 5. Pay people….give people some type of incentive to want to shine for you….and please that line of ” you should be thankful you have a job” no one’s falling for that crap any longer. 6. Get rid of some of these sales managers. Most of them have no clue to begin with . they don’t know the product and rely on their CSM’s ( who you have just laid off ) to do the work for them. 7. Why do we need GM’s if we have all of these top heavy executives? I still don’t know what these GM’s do……and someone made the comment a few post up about “The Funkin Entity” have some contingency plan up it’s sleeve, because it seems like it is doing a fine job at eliminating it’s own department.” Ms. Funkin must have another job lined up in XO because she is illuminating her own team which will eventually (very soon) be rolled up into OE/TC team; hell she couldn’t fix repair what makes any of you think she can fix or improve her existing team. Hell we are still waiting for that big plan she was going to roll out to us for repair…..waiting..waiting.. Ichan needs to just sell the company and move on. He has no clue as to what he’s doing and he’s got enough money to last a life time. Something to be said about being greedy. I predict I’ll be here a few more months if that long…they are laying off on this team as we speak…I can’t wait to see how this plays out. God giveth and he can taketh….and for those of you that think the customers don’t know….you need to take a look at how many customers we have leaving…!!
It may be worth considering that “The Entity” has some inside info about a pending acquisition, and can easily use it’s former pals from Global Crossing who are now at Level 3 to secure a good position. Perhaps it’s in it’s best personal interest to destroy XO.
Well I wouldn’t be surprised. “Entity” has tried too hard for too long to prove they can play ball with the big boys….I guess they’re trying to prove a point. but sooner or later some one will take a step back and see that “Entity” is smoke and mirrors just like the rest of the execs at XO. Karma’s a bitch….and when she comes full circle it bites hard…..I hope “Entity” is ready for the bite.
Reading all of this makes me wonder, does anyone like or respect this “entity”? Other than the one who I assume was mentioned as the “Bro” above. An executive who is neither liked nor respected is a recipe for disaster. Not that XO isn’t a disaster, because it either is one or is heading that way fast. But, even on the Titanic, I’m sure they didn’t keep the crew members who were despised and ineffective.
Absolutely not.
I presume that by “Absolutely Not” you are answering the question above regarding the respect of the entity. That being said, it looks like this entity is not going anywhere, so what has me completely confused is the sheer amount of our fellow XO-ers who either are too stubborn to keep their options open in terms of other employment, or are such dimwits that they think they are way too important to ever be “affected”.
To borrow a phrase from a 1980’s icon: “Whatcha gonna do when Funk-a-Mania runs wild on you?!”
Honestly who cares? She’s a loser.
The people whose lives are being affected care.
You’re damn right they care! “Affected” doesn’t even come close for many people. One of the identified “goals of management was to be more “Transparent”, yet they spent the better part of the last year — perhaps maybe even two years — telling us all that we’d be a Top 100 place to work, EBITDA was peachy keen, we had an executive team that was that was dedicated to the employees, yada yada. Let’s face it, everyone. This can’t work. If they are truly going to be transparent, everyone with half a brain will bail. So they need to be transparent about the fact that they CANNOT be transparent.
And as for “affected” lives, try more like “Completely Funked Up lives”, because many people believed in XO and lived their lives according to this trust. Talk to the person whose house is being repossessed or the father whose daughter cannot get the braces on her teeth that she needs heading into the toughest years. Then ask again, “who cares”. The only part of this statement that rings true is the part about Person X (aka Entity) being a loser.
There are other entities who deserve similar scorn, but the one continuously being brought up just goes out of it’s way to make it way too damn easy.
I care. And I also wonder about the entity and all the other entities who are responsible for this clusterfunk.
Maybe it’s just me, but as an ordinary worker bee type person (out of telecom now but, hey. Execs are execs), I wonder what makes these people tick. Wouldn’t be great if they kept journals that we could obtain? Remember how at the end of every episode of Doogie (funk) Howser, MD, he always typed in his thoughts on his computer regarding the happenings/mishaps of each episode? I don’t want to get caught up in the funky kicks going down in this particular city, but I’d love to know the thought of those running this show.
I apologize for my comment saying “who cares” …. I meant nothing by it other than to say in the entire scheme of things she really is a LOSER and you shouldn’t waste your efforts. I guess what followed was nothing short of a misunderstanding yet entertaining.
Totally a sad thing when anyone loses their job, but nothing is quite as sad as a bunch of “Bitter Betty’s” who take to message boards to attack people personally rather than on their results. If you all knew what the term “loser” meant, you’d stop attacking “the entity” and update your resumes and move on, because I can assure you that both XO and “the entity” have moved on without all of your anonymous a*ses. These are tough decisions for anyone to make, but they become easier when you see the character of some that were cut, which is clearly on display here. “The entity” has known more career success than anyone on this thread, and judging from some of the inane comments about how people dress, and comments of other types, assures me that this person can expect to have that trajectory continue. I wish those of you that were cut for decisions to move more towards a centralized model at lower cost, or to better align to the new sales regions success in your new ventures, and those of you who have turned your misfortune into venom directed at others nothing more than continued failure, and anger that eats you from the inside out.
The facts are that churn has never been better, and centralized churn on the lower end base has been the biggest single contributor tho those results. The facts continue with credits being more under control than ever as well. XO would be in a far worse condition, with many more cuts happening, or pending without this “entity” in place. And for those that want to claim that “the entity” couldn’t change repair, you should know that this person wrote the plan known as evolution which is changing it. It wasn’t current leadership. This “entity” will do the same for on-boarding, and take the remaining CSM’s from being well meaning, yet undisciplined transactional heroes, to an org that actually programs the experience for XO’s customers versus patting themselves on the back continually when it goes sideways and they point fingers at who they think caused the problem versus making sure it never happened to begin with.
Is that you Mike? Chivalry apparently isn’t dead.
This is funny! I still work for XO and all of this “onboarding” crap they have the CSM’s going through is a joke. First of all you have 3 teams doing the same job…again…they are dumping all of the sales responsibilities left and right. Not sure what they were thinking when they pulled this BS out of their hats…I guess the same thing they were thinking when they forced us to take all of this C3 crapola training that they have now told us to forget….the only way for XO to ever amount to anything is for Ichan to sell this place to someone who’s got a clue about the business. then that person needs to hire qualifed people to run each division vs. hiring all of his “buds” from the olden days. And as far as “the entity’s” 18 month evolution for repair…give me a damm break; if it takes you 18 months to fix repair you need to be RIFFED. Hire some folks and pay them to actually fix issues; hire some people with customer service skills and then hire a VP that’s not afraid to speak to a customer or respond to an email…so as far as I am concerned no one in the Central or East region has any faith she will do anything worth talking about….we are just waiting for the next RIF…and there is going to be one….
Lets hope she gets riff’ed.
How about a nice glass of shut the f up
Yep. It’s Mike. Nice to see you supporting your girl. Real classy.
I’m glad someone finally responded with some facts…. I agree with the above it’s really sad that people use this as a way to attack others. Time to move on folks…it’s called change!
It’s called bad management. “The Entitty” was moved out of the Repair Revolution with a few scant months of starting it out, then moved on to funk up another part of the company. Where are the “facts”. Show us! “The facts are that churn has never been better”.. How does another anonymous person posting here (while simultaneously bashing the other anonymous people) present this as “fact”? Just because you said so? Get real. People who still work at XO know this crazy train is going off the rails, and are just holding on for as long as they can. The 11:39 person at least tried to sound intelligent. But the 12:00 AM person is a complete moron if he/she/it read the above and truly thought “DAMN! What fabulous facts!”. Been drinking much Kool-Aid, have you?
Facts always get in the way of misdirected rage. Happens when people are “funkin” retarded. Chances are if you have been cut it was either a really tough decision that someone was forced to make in order to hit a target, or took pleasure in making because you sucked. Decide which category you fell into and move on. Or don’t, and keep posting stuff that those of us who are still employed can read when we take breaks.
Okay, Mr. Sanctimonious, what makes you think everyone spilling on XO in this space is unemployed? And judging by the profit that XO has shown over the past decade, maybe you should stop taking breaks and get to work.
Come on, BRO. Lay some facts on us!
This is rich (not referring to the monitory type of being rich, obviously). Do you honestly think that everyone who despises XO is a former employee, or even a current one? Would you care to provide some “Facts” of the numerous “stakeholders” who have been f&#$ed over since the great bankruptcy of the early 2000’s? This place has screwed a lot more people than the ones who work/have worked there. And it has apparently brainwashed others as well. Not sure what the angle is of defending XO. Usually, people don’t fight back unless a never has been hit.
Make that “nerve”.. We misguided raged people tend to take out our “rage” on our keyboards. And idiots.
I have no issues with people spilling on XO. What I have issues with are people who go after people personally, and anonymously on message boards. Spill all you want. I am quite sure that we’d agree on much more than we’d disagree on, but to attack individuals, or to claim that senior Exec’s are inept because they made a change that impacted you is nothing short of myopic. When you are not selling, you can only cut in two areas. Capex and $ associated with people. When folks are given these tasks to carry out, even the most inhuman never enter into them happily. I hope that everyone spilling is in fact employed, or heading towards employment. I wish no ill will on any of the impacted, other than those who are being cowardly bastards that are trashing people that they could never measure up to in real life. “message board tough guys” who all walked out the door quietly for their meager severance. If you were that forthcoming and had something to share, chances are you’d have shared it when termed.
During my next break I plan to check this board, and look up the word “sanctimonious”. Being able to use that in a sentence must ensure continuous employment.
Here’s the problem. Under “normal” circumstances for well run companies, these comments would be totally acceptable, perhaps even applauded. BUT, you cannot defend this company or any of the “entities”, because the end game is for YOU to be out of a job. Really. It is. Believe it. Take your head out of the sand, and spend your breaks find a job that will keep you and your family afloat.
Wow. Hot in the city tonight. Billy Idol reference for those too young to remember.
The Billy Idol comment was great, and that cat has not been employed since his cameo in “The Wedding Singer”.
But what you have to admire about “old Billy” is that you rarely suspect him of blogging anonymously about how bad Adam Sandler sucks for deciding to not make a sequel.
Congrats, of all the asinine things that have been said here, you have just topped them.
I love coming on here and reading the comments, and think to myself my god I used to work with these people.
For those of you still at XO you sure have a lot of time on your hands and perhaps if your comments are of a serious nature – just perhaps -you would put your name on them.
For those of you that are gone, thank your lucky stars!
The biggest issue at XO is the lack of good systems, and integration of the various systems that support all areas of the business. Can blame IT if you want to I guess, but it really comes down to lack of investment in the business, and throwing people continuously at problems versus providing the right amount of people the tools that they need to do their jobs effectively. Seems like this thread is more interested in blaming individuals, but I worked there, and the systems were the biggest problem from my vantage point. Lots of hard working people, trying to do the right thing, but the right thing is to invest in tools, and shrink the % of every dollar that they earn that they they are forced to spend on SG&A to try to accomplish their tasks. Someone mentioned Capex and people in an earlier post, and they were right. I hope the guy they hired over Telco can help as well, because it’s always been a huge gap for XO. Every $ they can save there will help immensely. I heard that this guy is excellent.
I hope everyone who has been impacted finds their way to something as good, or better, and wish everyone who is still there the best as well. I took it personally when I got hit for the first 3 days, and then got past it. None of this is ever really personal. It’s business. And it’s a really small circle in this business, so the one you attack today could be the one you need as a reference a year from now.
Good luck to all.
This was a very nice and pretty much accurate post. But, if everything I’ve seen on here is even 50% true, I think a reference from any of these people is something I’d avoid.
For what it’s worth, the pop culture references in this string have been pretty entertaining. So far, I see references to Brick House, Ozzy Osbourne, The Steve Miller Band, Billy Idol, Doogie Howser, and The Wedding Singer. Have I missed any?
Add in Hulk Hogan. I knew I missed something.
Bottom line – OX does not exist for you (with blindfolds on) to have a J-O-B. OX exists for one reason and one reason only – to make $$$ for the owner (s) – period. Nothing more – nothing less. So it is for every “corporation”. Corporations don’t exist for you to have a J-O-B – they exist to make M-O-N-E-Y for the owners……….You folks with blindfolds on will be in for a rude awakening in the coming months.
Taking out the sarcasm, the poster above is correct. Making the company “lean and mean” is a means to an end. And the end is not sustained profitability, it’s making a sale at a profit. That’s how the current owner has made his fortune, and there’s no reason to think it’s going to change now. I wouldn’t say to live in fear, but I would say to keep your options open.
OR: Everyone could just find another job and BAIL. They don’t owe you a job, and you don’t owe them your talents. Two way street. There would be a warped satisfaction to have all the talent jump ship, then the clowns in saginaw and their east coast dynamic duo could run the whole show!
I wonder what would happen if everyone or maybe 50 to 60 percent of the workforce just got up and left, grant it not in this economy, but you never know
That would be a spectacle that would be too good to be true. But, you’re right. In this economy, the employers hold the cards, and the employees are at their mercy. Makes me consider what would be going on right now at XO if the economy was strong, how would things be different than they are now?
This week the Human Resources team is meeting in Herndon for three days of fun and expensive air travel and expensive food and hotel – the same people who hand out layoffs to SAVE MONEy.
Think of it this way – they are saving a TON in Kool-Aid costs by just being able to make one giant batch.
More seriously, this is the kind of crap that should bother us all. I know I’m in the minority, but I think the sales rewards need to continue. They have to be there to retain the BEST sales people. If they take them away, then the best ones will go someplace that rewards them.
Otherwise, everyone else needs to tighten their belts. Stop sending unnecessary people to the “kick offs” eery year (Repair people? Really?), and forget any of the other unnecessary travel/gatherings/spending. If a meeting CAN be held on the phone, then it SHOULD be. Anyone know a provider who could make this happen?
Once again Q the Imperial March, DADADA, DA, DADA, DA, DADA. So long XO nice knowing you
Do you know something new that the rest of us don’t? Or just following the flow of the message thread?
Maybe I do know something, maybe I dont.
Congratulations, you have something in common with 100% of the people who run XO.
That’s unfair. His name might be Geller, in which case it’s an insult to the people who “maybe” know something.
Whoever wrote this should watch out for lightning strikes:
Wow. After years and YEARS of working at XO, I am ashamed to admit that I have never read that particular statement worded in such a succinct and insincere manner. Perhaps the Grand Funk Railroad should read this statement when starting each day and reading it again before going to sleep at night. This statement is plain! How can it be SO IGNORED?
Worn out. Just ground out another day here in what would be the armpit of the nation if not for Detroit and Flint, watching mis-management continue to shuffle around and use the best of their skills to position themselves as “important”.
I think I understand that XO keeps us here because it’s cheap to live here – hey, nobody else wants to, right? – But the question is with this horrible MI economy, how many true management professionals are looking for work, while we continue with this “home grown” group of morons whose priorities are all out of whack. After feeling important and superior, next on the list is going out to party with their seemingly unlimited vacation days with those who they are battling for supremacy with, and very last on the list — or perhaps not on there at all????—- is developing our groups to be better than we are. Management is a bit of a selfless job, and nobody here gets that AT ALL. The kicker is that these people have years of “management” experience to put on their resumes, so if XO goes away, some poor fool of an employer will hire them, and the cycle goes on.
Why doesn’t XO clean house here and bring in some professionals with no agendas? IS ANYBODY LISTENING?
AMEN! glad to no longer feel so alone, and also wonder with all the surveys and town halls if anyone ever has the balls to deliver the message. I haven’t, but I like working.
I am sure others would like to clean you out of XO. I would quit bitching about it and move on already.
This Jo4 person is pretty interesting. Putting the above post in layman’s terms:
Jo4 says:
“You’re an idiot. The town halls and surveys aren’t important to the people running the show. The “Top 100 companies to work for” aspirations are also not real. Your concerns about your welfare and security, and your day to day life aren’t important. If they are, we’d like to get rid of you.”
Paraphrasing done. Your few words speak volumes about XO culture way beyond my brief paraphrase. There are a lot of people who rely on their employers to not only provide their living (a given) but to be a good, positive, safe place to work — where input is valued, not scorned, where someone with concerns is not told to “STFU” (quoting another of your posts). These are PEOPLE. People like you are why XO does not and will not work. You should be cleaned out. Judging by the short but very telling posts you’ve made, it sounds like you are part of the problem, not the solution. Companies like XO need solutions, not additional problems. Straighten up.
It’s true, apart from one or two this is the worst management team ever
My gut reaction is to tell them all to go to hell. But what goes around comes around. Work hard, bide time, and whatever should happen to other people will happen. Nobody is as important as they think they are.
Then quit and stfu.
That person basically said keep your head down, do your job, and let things happen they way they will. Sounds like pretty good advice to me jo4. I hope everyone over there isn’t like you.
No one is listening because the awful Management team does not care. They will walk away with millions once this dump is sold. That’s what has the workforce up in arms along with Icahn bleeding the company dry for years. Just about everyone I know at Xo is trying to get out, unfortunately, not many telco’s are hiring right now.
Here is an idea? Let it go. You sound like a bunch of disgruntled ex or soon to be ex employees. No one likes it when you run salt in their wounds so hoping this place crashes or bitching about it is not going to change a thing. If you are still there and have a job be grateful because you never know when the show may fall. Grow up and show some class. If you were laid off I feel for you, if you are still there and are worried I feel for you but for God’s sake grow the F up and let it play out without being douche-bags about it.
First of all, you let it go. What do you have to gain by coming in and calling people douche-bags, other than helping prove the points made by the people who are bitching, likely about people like YOU. If you’re such a big fan of letting things go, you wouldn’t even be reading this shit. “Nada” is obviously a name to reflect your IQ. You fit right in. My guess is that you live in Saginaw, but there are idiots all over. And all XO employees are soon to be ex-employees. Here’s an idea – get used to that.
As for the poster who made the pointed remarks about the execs, which seems to have been deleted, that was pretty bold. But it’s also kind of like saying that “the sky is above us”, don’t you think?
XMplyees! The newest brilliant product offering! SELL SELL SELL!
Hey Nada, “Grow up and show some class.” Yeah and, “…grow the F up and let it play out without being douche-bags about it.” shows a lot of class on your part. Maybe these “douche-bags” have some pride in what was once a good company with lot’s of potential and are actually bothered about where Ichan and his under-qualified leadership team have taken it during the past 9 years. So if you’re an employee, it’s obvious you haven’t been with the company for more than a few years & if you’re not an employee, don’t judge. If you haven’t noticed, this string has been going on since last Oct and has actually evolved into a form well needed therapy (i.e. a place to vent frustration, concern & fear). And one last thing, nice of you to feel for those laid off and “worried” employees. I’m sure that means a lot to them.
Wow, no doubt. Has there ever been one paragraph written by one person that includes both saying “Grow up and get some class” and calling people “douche-bags”? Come on, Nada! Although, you may be management material. Do you like to camp?
Nada you must work for execs or never been treated like crap on a day to day basis. Come on down to the Central Region and let us give you a taste of our lives and let’s see if you still feel this way.
Again [snip. Editor: Please stop already.]
Lot of good long-term employees got axed, back in Oct. Company obviously preparing to sell.
I was one of those let go.
Ended up doing the same thing, better company, much happier. 10-fold busier.
Many weren’t as fortunate, good luck, keep looking.
XO had a nice run, but nothing nice about company now. It will be gone soon enough.
Said here before, but easier to find a job while you have one. Look NOW.
XO can’t continue on much longer, have to sell. Market share is fading away.
You bring up an excellent point. They never explained how they figured out who to let go. Anyone with a degree of integrity will admit that they let go a lot of good people, and kept a lot of sub-par performers. These layoffs @ xo are always weird, because they always seem to base who gets cut on the condition of where they are currently stationed. However, when there is not a layoff going on, they freely move people all over the *#$# place, without regard to skill set or desire, more about keeping warm bodies in necessary places. So, this begs the question.. Since they move people around like they are playing dodge ball, why don’t they move all the under-performers to the spots that are going to be cut prior to making reductions?
As for Jo4, we Hispanic people would call you HO 4, so pick a better name 🙂 Seriously, though, why would an actual xo employee come on here and make an ass of him/her self? It’s like saying “you all have said that we suck, so I’m here to strengthen that!”. Ho4 should just keep quiet, or hope that someone at xo tracks them down and “cleans them out”.
If you google telecomramblings, this is the first article that pops up. If any customers I mean smart customers of potential customers are seeing this, they must be shaking thier heads and laughing.
Unfortunately we customers do see this…and we are shaking our heads but we are not laughing. we are in stead planning our strategic exist. We have known for a while that XO is not worthy of our business and over the past 6 months the decision has been made to leave…so there are many customers that read this blog and we all say the same thing..can they be this corrupt?
Not only can they be, they are. Lots of the stuff you’ve read here is ranting, but all of the “dirt” is true. There ARE some very good people who work at XO. Unfortunately, none of them are in a position to make a difference. Customers like yourself are all part of the previously mentioned “end game” Get your money, get “lean” sell it off for profit, and then you guys are on your own. Don’t sign any contracts.
I Found this MB today… while looking to see if XO had laid off its entire workforce, because I can’t seem to find anyone who really wants to solve the issues that I, A CUSTOMER am having.
I’ve scanned all the posts, and TRUST ME… I’m not laughing, because it affects MY BUSINESS. Even though I inherited these XO contracts when I came to my company two years ago, I’m expected to provide excellent service to MY customers (my business and my managers) and XO’s COMPLETE inability to provide any type of service that is reasonable, reflects poorly on me. I can assure you that WE the customers that remain, are looking at ways to cancel our contracts. and are marking off the days on the calendar when these contracts expire, so we can put in place something we can attempt to stand behind.
XO’s has the WORST customer service of ANY Telecom I have experienced over the last 30 years of my career in IT/Telecom.
My company can’t wait to rid ourselves from this fantastic failure.
I am sorry for your poor experience, Anon Customer. But I am very glad you posted. Hearing from you gives some credence to what has been being said here for the last several months, and hopefully more will start coming forward. There are reasons behind the rants, and you are the unfortunate person who is at the bottom of the stream of garbage that starts from the top and works it’s way down, and there you are.
Oh my god seeing these customers posts on here just made my morning, I hope Carl “the idiot” Ichan is seeing the the mess he has created with this company. This really has made former employees like myself (let go back in October) take a deep breath and say I told you so. Current employees take it from me, once you are let go and the company closes you will find yourself in the same place I am, looking at jobs that will pay you maybe half of you are making right now XO, better save your pennies cause that rainy day is coming.
He doesn’t care. As has been stated previously, he cares about selling things for more than he paid for them. Do you honestly think he cares one bit about this poor customer? The customer is just a cog in the wheel, and will be dumped along with the rest of us.
Luckily, the customers will have opportunity to get something better, but as Anonymous Customer has astutely pointed out, most of telecom sucks, because it is in fact that the same people keep jumping from company to company. Unfortunately, the employees will end up simply dumped, end of story. Then, the owner will profit and move on to the next opportunity, the management will hop on over to whatever telecom will hire them, and the rest of us will fend for ourselves and hope for the best.
Running a business is about generating profit. The role of a BOD is to hire the right CEO who can enable the right programs (ie. business investments, capital improvements, organic and or inorganic initiatives, etc), guide leadership by challenging them to exceed by holding them accountable to results whose responsibility are focused on ensuring investors, owners, partners receive a return on their investment, as well as enable the CEO and or other leaders to hire/empower the right leaders by providing a balanced yet equitable view on compensatory market horizons.
Much of what you see above pertaining to employee and or customers concerns may be legitimate when a business is not executing and performing – results need to improve and cost velocity must be contained – this is true for any company. Unfortunately along the way the focus of the business and or the BOD isn’t always aligned with what employees believe should be and as such it becomes painful and obvious that there is a significant disconnect b/w employees viewpoints and that of the ELT and BOD.
That said the question I’d ask is not why the employees are raising their concerns and or venting their frustrations but why the BOD isn’t acting more expeditiously to finalize the path forward for the company – executives and employees. Or in the absence of hiring permanent posts like the CEO, COO, General Counsel, CIO, CFO and place interim employees in these roles has the BOD signaled their intent – albeit indirectly? If the BOD were truly serious about holding onto XO for some length of time they would want to … they have the responsibility to ensure a permanent CEO is hired, the CEO is able to hire permanent strategic leaders such as COO, Chief Legal Officer, etc and set about executing on investments that are inclusive of investing and or saving human capital …. human capital is after all the most important assets in some instances than the physical assets owned by the business.
So look carefully at what the future holds by evaluating what the BOD has done over the last few months. The picture becomes clearer to me … i just wonder why someone like a Dan Caruso over at Zayo or a Rolla Huff over at Earthlink and or a foreign PTT hasn’t stepped up to finalize the deal and forever change the course of the business positively.
Brilliant, Grant. Thank you for that intelligent, concise insight. I think it’s pretty clear where XO is headed. The wonder of it all is that more customers haven’t caught on. Not only is the CEO interim, so are all the customers, and everyone else who is unfortunately involved.
The Board of Directors at XO has very little, if any, influence on the direction of the company. Icahn controls the situation, the appointment of senior management and the timing of a sale. He owns it and he controls it and that has been the case since this thing emerged from bankruptcy. That’s capitalism.
Two points:
1) my summary above is how the process should work and potential alignment or lack thereof with said process.
2) in xo case BOD == Icahn.
I didn’t realize there was any other board other than mister icahn. Weren’t they shown the door?
right isnt that what happened when it went private
To the customers who have posted. Thank you for your feedback, it is perhaps the only thing that will make any difference. If you have concerns, email . She’s always willing to listen and help.
This is a joke. They might as well email Icahn or for that matter Thomas Edison for all the help they will get.
She’s handed out her business card with email and phone number to hundreds of us, saying to call or email any time there is an issue or concern. Are you suggesting that this was just lip service? Don’t make me lose my illusion.
Yep. It is lip service without a happy ending.
Well then everyone start calling and emailing! Pretense deserves at least a degree of annoyance. Why should they get to sleep well every night?
What makes you think that Customers AREN’t reading all of this.
I AM A CUSTOMER. I joined my organization almost 2 years ago, and inherited my contracts with XO. I have been in the Telecom business, as well as used Telecom Service in my various roles in IT since before the Breakup of AT&T in 1984.
I can tell you in no uncertain terms, that XO is the WORST RUN COMPANY I have ever dealt with. Nothing works, not the websites to monitor my traffic, not the Online ticketing system that lets a customer create a trouble ticket, but then after hitting submit, can’t even get that system to show back the information that I put into the ticket. To Sales EXECUTIVES ( not the regular sales person) who sits in a meeting with me and my management and tells us that we are “Lucky to get the level of support” that we get, which we all feel (obviously) is crap.
I just sat on hold for over 45 minutes today, to report trouble and I then called in a second time, while still on hold from the first call, and got through in about 5 minutes…
This may sound like petty one-off types of issues, but I’m here to tell you, it is indicative of a company that has no real solid managment or WILLINGNESS to improve the quality of service. As such, XO will NEVER recoupe from the “funk” they are in, because the culture has been spoiled for far too long.
I haven’t found a Telecom company that I truly “like” ever, but there are some that are more tolerable than others. This whole attitude is pervasive in this industry because the “upper” management idiots just move from company to company, and eventually infect the whole industry.
I have worked in Distribution, Manufacturing, Hospitality/Restaurant chain managment, Telecommunications (CTO of a small Long Distance Reseller, who had to deal with the out and out crooks of WORLDCOM (our wholesale provide), to the banking industry and finally on to Healthcare, so I’ve seen a lot in my 30+ year carreer…and believe me when I tell you from a customer perspective…. we can’t wait to leave XO….
Dear XO customers,
I left XO, because I was tired of failing you and putting my name on the line supported by a team of (albeit good people) inept individuals that have been stupid enough to continue working for a company that is obviously only a pawn in Uncle Carl’s greater plan.
That being said, Telecommunications as a whole has been ruined by the erosion of profit margins caused by the increased competition, but allowed by the technology changes. This resulted in continued cuts in customer care and service areas required to buoy the entire bottom line. Before all you B-school people scream how a free market econ and comp should drive a customer centric environment— Please, let’s all agree that this little dereg of telecom was NOT “free market”.
90% of all telecom customers will make a buying decision on the cheapest price. And I mean literally the lowest price, even if it is for a 2% reduction. This caused the reverse “Moore’s law type” price trends since the mid 90s. What do you expect when teleco’s have to cut care and repair to match these prices? Even T has done this several times.
Stop buying the cheapest bid, start paying more for better service, and start doing business with more than one carrier to create a daily sense of competition amongst them. I will never cease to amaze me when customers want Walmart pricing and expect Saville Row service.
Here here! As a happily employed telecom employee, I struggle with this a lot. My nameless company is not the least cost provider, but we do things quite well and have a track record to prove it… But half of all deals we go after are over before they begin because they are willing to go with a travesty like this company or Cogent or someone. Some end up coming back around after they experience what we tell them they will experience, but even then, many are still obsessing over the same issue of price. Not that its ireelevant in the slightest – but its a very short-sighted goal that companies continue to burden their IT orgs with as they go out hunting for network… so ask yourself – how is that bottom feeder Gig price working out for you as soon as you needed something?
What would be the price difference? At some point, wouldn’t everybody take the chance? The hard part for me to understand is the disparity in pricing for some of these circuits.
It’s simple. Everything costs more, and everyone is earning less. It falls right into XO’s model for keeping the employees and the customers enslaved.
I am routing for this thread to hit the 500 comment mark.
I hope you mean “rooting”. Also, please try a different name, because “dickisinya” will just cause EVERYONE – pro xo or anti xo – to not respect a word you say. Believe it. Even if you solved the meaning of the universe, people would look at your name and automatically say “this guy’s an idiot”.
That being said — Thank you Mr/Ms Customer for re posting in a place that might be seen by the knuckleheads running xo. I think you should come forward to XO with these complaints as a non-anonymous poster. They need people like you to be satisfied customers. I suspect that most of the others who feel the same way you do either don’t know about this forum or have simply given up.
I used to work at XO, that will tell you how much of a idiot I am. I think my IQ dropped a few points while I was there
LOL – that’s a prerequisite there . . if you don’t meet that IQ drop – you move on to greener pasture$$$$ . . .
Well I have not found the greener pasture as of yet, but I continue to search daily. To be honest I used to come on here for revenge on XO for what they did to me and my family back in October since they could no longer afford my salary they had to let me and alot of other people go.
Today this is the final time I will come on here and post on this message. I have better things to do than to read about a dismal company that can no longer keep its head above sea level. Being home is awesome, I can play with my kids, I can play golf whenever I want, I collect unemployment so I can feed my family, I can basically do the things I could never do if I was stuck in the office all damn day.
So I would like to thank XO and Carl Ichan (still an ahole) for letting me go and enjoy having the time off, and having the summer off. I have started looking into going back to school since yes the job market is tough but being educated can be the Ace up your sleeve. So to everyone here dont waste your time psoting on here, yes I am sure it releaves stress, but so does a round of golf, or hearing my kids laugh, or exercise, talking about a company like XO with its rep will only add more stress to your life.
Nice post & you make very good points. Enjoy the time & best of luck to you as XO disappears from your rearview mirror.
I wish the Senior Management and Owner of the Company (SMOC of XO) who are the cause for the layoffs during Oct2011, will be having lot of money and enjoy their life now.
But the sadness of the employees, who got laid off, will convert into evil and it will directly effect the SMOC in near future. They will suffer with health problems and unable to eat good food though they have lot of money with them. I also wish they will have lot of money but no good health and no good life and no good family life.
Bad luck to you SMOC…..all the employees who are laid off has blessings from God. But you? If there is really god exists, no blessings for you.. you will have tough time in future. Your health will go down automatically.
If you really need blessings from god and wanted good life as everyone, call back all the employees or give them more severance or help them who are in need. Realize your mistakes. We are all human beings. Just Think of it.
That comes off as a little creepy, bro.
Damn I love talk like that. I wish the same. F U, why should we wish you good health and happiness when the people u let go are struggling to find jobs and provide for our families. I dont wish anything good for XO, its VP’s, Its sales force, its mid level managment, anyone for that who works for XO. Dont worry when the company folds in a few short months all current XO employees including you frackers at the WYO office will know the pain I am going through right now
It was a little creepy/mean, but not totally unjustified. It’s difficult for any human being to be suffering at the hands of those who are still comfy and cozy, and at least outwardly not concerned with what they have done (perhaps inwardly they are suffering too).
That being said, I agree with the poster a few posts above.. For those of you who are still seeking work, try to enjoy it for what it is. I’ve been back to work now for several weeks, and am still adjusting to once again being under someone else’s control. Goes to show that there are silver linings where ever you try to look for them.
As for wishing them ill, it’s hard to wish them well. But, particularly on this Holy weekend, it’s good to remember that anyone at any time can repent, can be saved, and can enjoy a good, healthy life regardless of their previous misdeeds. For those of you still at XO, keep your options open, save your money (3 months of living expenses is a smart amount to save), and don’t count on anything. For those who are still looking, good luck and best wishes. For those who are still stuck in limbo, try to take whatever positives you can from it.
God bless you all.
All good. But they still suck.
Ironic that Hollywood is now coming out with a Three Stooges revival movie. One must wonder if it’s Laura, Ernie, or Gellar playing Curly. Skunk House is likely Shemp, present but not good enough to be a “real” stooge, and her boy toy is the unwitting passerby who inevitably gets smacked around by any and or all of the stooges.
The big orange OX is a hard company to dial in upon. You want to hate them, you want to see them drop the “next shoe”, and that’s just when they get quiet. Makes you wonder if LT has gained some actual control and has some sort of moral capacity, or if she’s just biding time, or waiting for instructions from “Jules White” (you Stooges fans figure it out). Either way, hopefully their eggs today were all rotten.
And hopefully the owner of this site grows a spine and stops editing. He seems like a stand up guy, certainly not a stooge, perhaps even a pseudo journalist, but yet intimidated. The last “edit” was posted by “anonymous”. I can understand we posters keeping our identity secret, but everyone knows who runs the show here. Seems pretty cowardly to me. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk. *SLAP*
Has anyone heard anything about a BT offer for XO Communications?
Other than comments on this site, not yet and honestly I’m skeptical of the idea although stranger things have happened.
I suspect this is bogus. Logically it does not make sense why he would sell now until he reaches the cutoff date where he would not have to pay the minority shareholders. Then again, given all the “interim” titles – Interim CEO, Interim CIO, Interim General Counsel, Interim CFO – logic would indicate a sale is imminent. Here’s an interesting scenario .. perhaps its an addition by subtraction deal with two players. A dark fiber operator looking to gain an increase in metro assets completing their metro needs and not needing a long haul network and a carrier like BT looking to acquire the long haul assets.
Wow, people are even attacking Robert Powell now on this thread. Apparently nobody is safe, even the guy who has provided the needed forum that has kept half of you off of mood stabilizing prescription meds since October is fair game.
Mr. Powell, I think you run a class operation, and it serves many great purposes. This particular thread would not be the clearest evidence of your site being put to good use. Personal attack after personal attack, when none of what happens at XO, or any other company for that matter is ever personal. Some of it is borderline slander.
For the rational posters, good luck. There are jobs out there, as I’ve been back at work since January. Don’t just look in telecom, as many of our collective skill-sets lend themselves to other verticals. I am working for a software development company. Get your resume done professionally, and get three versions of it done to tailor it to related verticals by making your skills more general, and less industry specific. It’ll be money well spent.
For the record I was not attacking Rob Powell but in the spirit of Quid Pro Quo offering a counter point. If i in any way offended him then I do apologize as that was not my intention whatsoever.
i left that nightmare and i found a great opportunity at charter communications. I worked in the NOC and the management is a joke. example my senior manager told me not to worry about T3 and T1 customers anymore. He only wants the NOC to worry about large business customers (1 gig and above). Then when the local market operation managers call to tell the NOC they have a bunch of customers complaining then its ok to look at the t3 (nice proactive attitude) also the NOC was the surveillance/first line. I voiced my concern asking him why turn our back on any customers and he said, “Do you want to mess with these small fries anymore?” that came from sr manager in the national operations center. I told him to send an email to our hard working sales force to let them know his new attitude toward these accounts and he said , “No way I am not gonna do that I will get fired. My policy is not hard coded yet” So here is a sr manager telling his first liners to ignore alarms that affect customer businesses because their bill is not enough money.
XO has always ran subpar since it changed it’s name from NEXTLINK. The previous comment is correct, there are jobs in other industries, if you can put up with the crap XO dished out you can work anywhere. Most jobs I had at XO I had to teach myself the job and the manager would get mad if asked for training, go figure. XO could have been an awesome place had Ichan not purchased it and it strived to get managers that “really” cared. People move on with your life, there is another purpose waiting for you. God Bless!
If I were to put money on it, I would say Earthlink is most likely to buy XO. They are already kicking the tires from what I am hearing….
Doubt it. EarthLink can’t get the required cash.
Rumor running around the office is deutchetelekom…,,,
I heard Earthlink Was looking at Integra Telecom.
Is there any money to be made in telecom, for anyone? Everyone is either for sale or buying, or sometimes both. Or buying, and then quickly going in to bankruptcy. How many more acquisitions can the industry sustain before the word “monopoly” starts being tossed around? If money is being made, who is making it?
As for XO, I am starting to wish that someone would just buy and put me out of my misery. It’s difficult to leave a job where the pay is decent, you feel comfortable with your co-workers and duties. And it’s equally difficult to sit in fear every day wondering what may or may not happen, and when. Second guessing kicks in.. What if I proactively find another job, it turns out to be miserable, and my old job at xo remains for years? It’s probably too volatile of an industry for me. I want to work someplace where I have a sense that the company will still exist in 10+ years. Probably not going to ever happen in telecom. 🙁
Oh, and I forgot to mention. There is no indication internally that anything is other than rosy. Maybe xo is really in for keeps? Who to believe?
Of course everything is rosy internally, do you really think that they would let the workforce know what is really going on?????!!!! If they did there would be a mass exodus. Trust me I thought everything was rosy to before they laid off in October. Bob Ferrilli (aka the Jersey Giggilo) would come down and hold a town meeting when I liked to take lunch and pat everyone on the back tell us how much install money the Central was making, and how much more we will make the following month and how much the Central was admired by Mike Langan, blah blah blah. So my point about my rant is if your IQ is any higher than the upper management dont believe everything they tell you.
Your last sentence summed up my question. What can be believed, and what can’t? Or in telecom is this just “the way it is”? Instinct is to look out for number one, but that isn’t much fun and doesn’t make working any easier .
Lots of people there are in denial. Everyone thinks they are the best until it happens to them, then they are incredulous. I know several people there who think that they are well on the way to long term success. Sorry, no advice. I wouldn’t know who/what to believe either. But I wouldn’t put any money on them.
Need a laugh . . .?
thanks for psoting this I needed a laugh. the only difference is they changed the logo, much like ATT became att, what a mgic trick right
Some of that footage (the guy in front of the motorcycle) is at least 5 years old. The usual BS.
This is right up there with the top 100 campaign, how did that work out did they even try????.
yes, this is the biggest joke in the world!
No the joke is people obsessing over a place they use to work.
Or anyone choosing Tony D as a username.
No the joke is that XO still exists and people like Tony D still work there. I dont obsess over XO just like to watch it sink like the Titanic
I don’t work there for starters. So my name is Tony what’s the bid deal Anonymous? At least I don’t obsess over people losing their jobs. You accomplish nothing with that. Grow up and grow a pair.
I couldnt agree more Tony. Obsessed is a nice way to describe a lot of these folks. The reality is that this person and others I’ve seen on this thread seem to be socially stunted. Wishing ill on others is not the way I was brought up. Take your lumps, regroup and move on. What goes around, comes around. I wouldnt be surprised if this person and some of the others have been let go many times in the past, with more in store. Their “the world owes me” view and ill will towards others will always keep them at the bottom of the heap.
Judging by these replies you to have no idea what many of us have been through, tony if you dont work at XO then dont even come on this thread. you must be working real hard at your job if you have the time to come on here and post, nice work ethic. Maybe this isnt the first time that some of us have been laid off, no the world doesnt owe me anything, and I hold no ill will to XO, but if any either one of you get laid off let me know how you feel then
Because I’m not putting down xo or the people that work there, you incorrectly assum that I have never been in your position. I have, twice. The difference is that I sucked it up, focused on what I needed to do, which was making sure my family was taken care of. In both cases, I found another position within 60 days. Obviously I dont expect that to happen for everyone. It not only involves dedication and perseverance, but luck as well.
If you think a company owes you “permanent” employment, you’re delusional. Go work for the county, thats as close as you’re going to get.
In the mean time, and this goes for the rest of the mean spirited folks on this string; grow up and grow a set. If you cant do it for your self, be a role model for your kids.
Blah blah blah. Look most of us here are trying to find another job with another company, some of us maybe come on here to vent, some may come on here to check on the old company, while others strictly come on here to bad mouth XO. I respect all aspects on this thread, I have looked into going back to school since it seems most jobs require education
You think XO is bad. It has nothing compare to my other work place. How would you like to work between 55 -65 hours a week more at month-end. Where you expect to work on Sunday even though you are a salary employee.
Where you get calls and expected to work on holidays, and your vacation. A vacation they discourage and penalize for taking.
Where you have people screaming in your face in front of others.
Yeah get back to me how bad XO is when that happens.
Trent Taylor just left to join Time Warner Cable, who is building a juggernaut by taking the top talent that is left over at Xo. Dan Wagner thought that there would not be a residual effect when he got rid of top producers like Dave Salustri. It had a reverse effect, most of Xo’s top talent thought that if they can get rid of the best here like Dave and bring in their no talent cronies, it can happen to me, thus, the talent exodus from Xo.
Sorry but I dont see how words like XO and talent can co-exist, there isnt much if any talent there.
There are those of us in the telecom world that have been waiting for XO to bite the dust for a while now. Frankly, I am looking forward to it. We find the employees that have worked there to be lower level in terms of skills and business accumen. I hope they hurry up and gut this pig.
I am beginning to think that by having worked at XO has hurt my chances of landing another job after I was laid off in October. Employers must look at my resume and said wait he worked at XO, NEXT.
Salustri left on his own. If you are going to bitch and cite history, you should at least examine the facts beforehand. Wagner may have made Dave feel as if leaving was the better option, but Dave resigned, and that’s a fact. Strange for this thread I know, but “facts” are something that you cannot only say are true, but that someone can verify are in fact true.
To Tony D – if you are so secure use your last name. Salustri did leave on his own but in essence he was forced to leave by those Global guys. With Dave a lot of talent has left leaving XO with fearful, disgruntled employees. How sad! I started at XO when they were bankrupt and there was a feeling of camaraderie which is not there anymore. If you find a job, wonderful and if you haven’t, keep trying and don’t let pessimists like Tony D. hold you down.
My last name is Demons so your point is?
point is if you dont work or have never worked at XO get the hell off this board. U dont know anything about what we as former or current employees have dealt with from this badly mis managed company
Then leave the place or STFU.
Tony your company must be making tons of money. Judging by the free time you have to post comments on this board you must be so busy that you dont have time for anything else but work and oh yeah posting on a board about a company that you dont even work for. Why do you care so much about what people think about XO on here. Surely your company must be tens times better than XO since you have not said a single word about it.
Take you own advice, Tony. Just STFU.
If there are any software engineers in this thread and if you have tough time getting interviews, create your profile in TekSystems. There are a lot of positions available in other companies, and there is not enough talent.
Get ready for that tier 1 call center position if you do. Excitement!
Dan Wagner has officially left XO. Let the healing begin.
Regarding the stupid video posted above, at least we now know that Laura believes that size matters.
Truly, though. How can they produce this stuff with straight faces? Everyone at XO, whether they will admit it or not, knows that Gellar is a stupid old fool. How he’s ended up in his current spot is a giant mystery.
As for the “new xo”. XO has a theme every year. In the last few years, it’s been “We’re all about the customer” (believe it or not, they made the hosts of all conference calls close each call by saying this), and “Think Customer”, among others. So, they changed the color to purple. Is that supposed to mean that it’s true this year?
Tony D — Maybe you should consider the enormous number of “stakeholders” who lost their asses on XO. From average Joe investor to the big guys, everyone – other than those named Icahn – has been screwed and taken to the cleaners. Are you telling me that shouldn’t be worthy of resentment? How much money did YOU lose at XO?
…….crickets chirping…….chirp………..chirp………guess Mr Tony D. has turned “cricket”…….???……..
Yet another rat has left the ship. Mike Toplisek is getting out while the gettin’s good.
BT buying XO. Heard it hear first
The rumor that an international carrier like BT, DT, Reliance, etc. would buy XO has been around for years. I will believe it when I see it…. Is that you, Tim? LOL
Mike (my laptop suddenly got stolen the night before you asked me about my ex-lieutenant allegedly padding expenses to pay for a fraudulently entered agreement for a corporate box at MSG) Toplisek? Good riddance!
Good reading in case anyone is interested
Toplisek approved MSG and when Icahn pushed back he “lost: pc with GC data on product and networks as well as coorespondence with MSG team and rolled others under the bus….nice to see after long battle that SC was validated and not found at fault…hope karma catches up with Mikey and GOGOGO Dannyunemployed
Totally agree with you, but SC was definitely at fault as well and knew what he was doing was wrong (allegedly padding expense reports to hide and pay the MSG bills), regardless of whether or not it was authorized by Toplisek. Glad all of this finally came out about all of these lowlifes!
Scott acted w/o authorization. That’s the truth.
I have noticed ex employees, current employees, and speculators post on this company for years. You all need to take a deep breath and move on to other things. If you lost your job that sucks and that is sad. I hope you get a better job with more security. If you are still there and satisfied or looking elsewhere I hope you achieve your goal. Way to much speculation and from what I have seen from the majority of past articles you are all wrong. Does that make you bad for posting about it? NO.’s time to let it go and move on. It’s time to pick a new subject. Just my 2 cents and I don’t mean to offend anyone.
Yes mom…..I’m sorry…..I’ll move on.
The title of the friggin’ article is “Layoffs hit XO”. Comments are naturally going to bend in that direction.
Write your own article. Something like “Things are really great at XO” and see if the comments are more to your liking.
Sheesh! ya gotta love these self-appointed topic sheriffs.
Toplisek scammed everyone whoe came to work for him and then left them hanging. Sellout.
Total bullshit. They made their own choices. He left for a better opportunity. Give it a rest.
Rob, please retire this thread. It has lost its usefulness. Signed: An XO employee laid off in the big October bang.
Agree I am tired of seeing this thread myself, time for all of us to move on. XO will be no more in 2 years
“I am tired of seeing this thread myself”
ummmm….stop clicking on it maybe?
The only reason someone would ask to have this thread “retired” is if they have some kind of personal interest in it going away, not because they are sick of it or think it’s lost it’s “usefulness”. If I were “an XO employee laid off in the big October bang” who has apparently gotten over it and moved on, this is the last thing I’d read every day.
If people are still talking, it must have some use!
Not really. The comments here are “useless”. Not insightful. Mostly hateful. They don’t advance any useful ideas. A lot of gossip and wishful thinking.
Why do I continue to look? New comments show up under recent comments on the home page. I guess it’s like crack. I can’t stop looking for the next XO train wreck. While I do find pleasure in those wrecks my drug counselor probably would advise that I ignore these.
I’ll try.
That is the Best. Comment. EVER.
So, you’re saying this thread should be “retired” because:
1. You can’t stop looking at it, and
2. You can’t even stop posting, having said yourself that the comments are “useless”
Hahahahah! XO should have kept you! You fit!
BINGO! Give the man a cigar. Putz.
If people are tired of “seeing” this thread, why don’t they just not come back day after to day to read it? No one is forced to read anything. It’s an old article so it’s not like is something popping up. You have to seek it out to come read it. So anyone that is tired of it quit reading it.
Icahn won’t be able to sell this dog for years. Xo has so many lawsuits against it that will take years to settle them. Toplisek hired Camorotti, another of the corrupt Global Crossing do nothings that ran Xo into the ground. And Toplisek gets another job in the Industry, amazing!
Where did Toplisek end up for his new gig?
He quit to become Snooki’s nanny
Where is WGJ’s comment….i mean Olen (blockhead) Scott….verbal hummers for his big boss Mikey T continue
What does the WGJ stand for? When will NAS be rolled back to the local markets – it just doesn’t work as a stand alone business unit.
Word is that there were more RIF’s today…
Any news on what groups were hit?
Some care reps and some technical resources in the VoIP repair center from what I’ve heard…. still trying to gather info.
And then there were three……LOL
I was let go today as well as 2 others in VoIP care/repair
Welcome to the club! Try not to lose too much sleep over it.
Tech sector is hiring, you’ll be glad this happened in a month or two.
still a hard pill to swallow after almost 13yrs. On to bigger and better things though.
This Blog is great…I love all the input and exchange which is a crucial aspect of a democracy. Corporate America unfortunately does not abide by those tenents. XO seems to be a company with a poor leadership and a bad culture.
“Bad” isn’t even close to the word for the culture. What is completely unfathomable is that not a single person in charge there realize it.
Concentrix must now be folded back into xo. Very sad for that team.
Concentric has always just been a brand name for various xo products, never spun off into a free standing entity.
Did funkhouser follow her hero toplisek?
If Funk leaves, the telco who employs her will go down quick, look at the track record of the Global Crossing Mgt team, Wags, Toplisek, Funk, Hobika, Cromwell managed to ruin both GC and Xo. Pity the co that hires that crew.
And yet someone WILL hire them. Strange world.
Grow some balls and send and email to them if you think they suck. womder XO has challenges…you all are some angry people…who like the blame game. Take some accountability. I don’t even know these people you name….but could not shut this down without saying…move on to something worth writing and reading.
What is the record for replies to a board, I am routing for 600 replies now
Anonymous, you say grow some balls? Balls gets you fired around here. If you never worked here, mind your own business, you don’t understand the culture at Xo. Wagner was famous for making employees who disagreed with him “Vanish” around here. Disagree with these folks and you automatically get a pink slip. One of the reasons why the employees here are so angry and looking to get out as fast as they can.
I am someone who works at XO, I agree that some leadership was weak, but I don’t agree on all the people above as bad leaders. I work in Care and Funk was the only person who took the time to understand our problems, she actually came to our center, sat with us all working tickets and then started work to help us all. The work we are doing has made our jobs so much better. She’s not a bad person she does care and works hard.
Global xsing never wnated funky, toplisek, wagner, cromwell, camaroti. Sad they found home at xo.
Part of what you say is correct. But, shuffling the work from the front end to the back end isn’t REALLY changing anything, it’s more smoke/mirrors and the illusion of better numbers. That being said, a new approach is always welcome in such a stale environment.
Another problem that someone mentioned above is that the systems are the foundation of the organization, and no amount of “evolving” is going to work if they don’t build on a solid foundation.
Good intentions? Possibly. Everyone who has run xo has had their own idea/plan/whatever, and yet not a dime has yet been made. Check back in when there are some $ statistics that look good (example: profit, a foreign concept).
LOL… he said “profit” and “xo” … He he he… uuh, isn’t that like an oxymoron … He he…lol…?
Darniit Beavis, shut your pie hole!
EarthLink, Inc. (NASDAQ: ELNK), a leading IT services and communications provider, today announced that Michael Toplisek has joined the company as Executive Vice President of IT Services.
That’s interesting.. I didn’t realize he was done ruining XO yet.
Culture destroyed the company. No one else.
I agree the work culture was and still is bad. I worked at the Wyomissing office and I couldnt believe how unprofessional alot of people were, esp some senior managers
Hmmmmmm….I didn’t know that “culture” was an individual LOL. The truth is that corporate culture is established by the leaders of a corporation and if the culture is rotten it is the direct result of bad or non-existent leadership. So Anonymous was actually correct. That is, as a VP at XO and part of the executive team, MT was one of a handful of so-called “leaders” directly responsible for the culture at XO.
I suspect its not that simple. Culture is something that takes years to establish .. it doesn’t happen over night. Add to that the fact that the BOD would appear by all accounts to have its interests aligned with Icahn and not that of the traditional shareholders (since Icahn is really the principal owner shareholder having taken it private) who would normally work towards revenue, profit and return on investments by way of dividends/long term growth valuation and in so doing establish a long term incentive plan to ensure the employees are commonly aligned to goals. When the BOD decided to bring in several new leaders back when it had some independent directors it appeared they wanted to establish to an extent a plan to identify key changes of the company and put it on the right path to achieve both cultural and operating transformation. Unfortunately long term incentives were never created and with the exception of an annual bonus tied to annual performance measurements it was pretty hard for the new leaders such as Toplisek to get people to think “long term” and instead they ran up against a culture that had all employees aligned to “short term” annual operating goals. When you have nothing to point employees to in outer years you are doomed for failure from the start. So while the new management team may have been unable to transform the legacy culture into changing the overall goals of XO over their limited tenure – 3.5 years – you have to look deeper at the real reason for failure. You have to ultimately look at Icahn himself and his lack of desire to really do anything with the business that is material in nature. Remember “actions speak louder than words” and in Ichans case his lack of actions around hiring a permanent CEO, establishing a meaningful long term incentive plan to grow the business over time, etc says it all.
That is hysterical!!! Cheeky little remark by some former GC employee. Yes, STT made John Legere permanent CEO and that genius failed to create any shareholder value during his 7.5 year post-bk tenure at GC until the day it was announced that he was selling the company at a price of $24/shr that was still 20% below the $30/shr price at which the company emerged from BK in Dec ’03.
In addition to his inability to create shareholder value he missed external guidance at least 4x in 7 years, and within 6month of emerging from BK, he embroiled GC in an access accrual debacle that required the company to restate earnings. (Keep in mind Mr. Legere took the company into BK in ’02 so it’s not as if he stepped in when they emerged from BK.)
Yes, creating a permanent CEO results in one thing — the CEO walking away with >60m unearned dollars that were gifted to him by an incompetent BOD I wouldn’t trust to oversee my 6 year old daughter’s lemonade stand.
As a former GC employee and now Level 3 employee I can tell you Legere did not cause the issues of taking the business into BK .. a poorly run management team prior to his naming of CEO put GC into that position. By the time he was placed into CEO role he inherited a company that had something like 5 or 6 CEO’s in 2 years and whose burn rate and expenses far exceeded the sales and revenue and therefore the business had no choice but to enter BK to survive … let alone employ people. I can tell you it was not pleasant and there were desperate times as we were operating under survival mode but one thing was for sure – John Legere defined a culture and you were on the bus or thrown off. Fast forward several years and there were numerous inorganic activities that we entertained … some we executed and some we chose not to. At the end of the day we built the best business possible given the fundamentals in the telecom sector. When you look at the eventual sale to Level 3 it was inevitable that GC would have to do something substantive or be taken out. In the end L3 came back after 3 or 4 prior discussions and made the principal owners (STT who owned 62.5%) of the company an offer that they believed was representative of the investment thesis they entered into back in the 2002 time frame. In the end Legere and team did the job required and Level 3 is benefiting as the deal satisfied two key requirements Level 3 had been looking to improve for years – intense focus on increasing EBITDA and FCF. Since the closing there was an increase in EBITDA, and FCF became accretive in 2013. From where I stand the Debt/EBITDA ratio, about seven before the acquisition, dropped based on the pro-forma data and based upon what i’ve seen QoQ the trend will continue down over time, further strengthening the balance sheet.
Grant, YOU ARE 100% correct, Legere wasn’t responsible for GC’s BK. WHY??? Because he was too busy being responsible for Asia Global Crossing’s (AGC) BK. Can’t have it both ways. He’s either responsible for GC’s or responsible for AGC’s. He was the first CEO of AGC and only left (when that ship was sinking) to become the CEO of GC. At GC he threw the company into BK while his former house AGC was going down in flames from the mess he created there.
As for being FCF positive, on what trailing 12 month year are we talking? Please don’t cite a single quarter of FCF as evidence. (Any company can be cash flow positive for a quarter.) And please don’t just use Cash Flow from Operations as GC notoriously played games with their working capital by delaying vendor payments, treating late payment charges as a finance expense impacting the cash flow from financing section and induced customers to pay early to goose cash position at year end. Not to mention the end of quarter dark fiber deals and OA&M buyouts to get cash up.
And what about the access accrual issue? He’s not responsible for that either? And how bout the multiple guidance misses?
He should change his name to Teflon John Legere because nothing seems to stick to him.
Love the input from WGJ (O. Scott) …when will you too be at Earthlink you hack?
Where are your classic comments…Mike hit it out of the park, gave 110%, went extra mile….go back to reading selling to Vito and your Donald Trump collection
To Anonymous – why is it when someone states the obvious that Culture destroyed the company you all jump to the conclusion it was Olen or Maria or Cromwell or Toplisek that destroyed the company? Why is it that you have nothing b/w your ears that can aid you in making intelligent, logical and thoughtful comments about a company that has been essentially done to itself what the BOD has asked it to do – focus on short term objective not long term growth, remove as much cost from the business while not retaining its employees (the good ones that is unlike yourself who clearly should be on a future RIF list), etc? How is it you always take a leap of faith? When will you ever grow up ….
Oh and BTW .. for the record .. this isn’t Olen … in case you were wondering. Its a person who knows what the real deal is. The real deal is Culture and bad leadership on ELT – (LT, EO and RG) have kept the company right where it is. standing still.
While I agree with your general message: That the real problem is, and always has been, Icahn (who controls the BOD). I still take issue with all the folks you just mentioned (DW, MF, MT, etc) for two reasons.
One, they lied to their employees. I don’t care what they were told to do, the bottom line is that they have been lying to their employees for years (about culture, goals, changes, the future, etc). Two, if they were being told to sacrifice long-term success for short-term goals then they knew “what time it was” the entire time and still stayed in their positions and with XO. It was their decision to work for a company that was positioning themselves for an obvious sale, and to mislead their employees in the process. So for that…they should understand the crap that’s going to be flung at them, and accept it as part of the role they played in the charade.
I’ll echo what many others have done…if you don’t like what’s going on (and I can’t imagine why you would) then you have the option of leaving. I put in a decade at XO and had some good times there, but I knew well enough when to jump ship (over a year ago).
To ex-XOer – lets take your arguments one by one and discuss them further in detail.
1/ Lying to their employees – So you say they lied to their employees? Can you please clarify exactly what they lied about? Did they lie about how good things were at XO? Did they lie about the nature for which the business was performing? Please clarify.
2/ Staying in their current positions knowing the future was short term focused – Here’s where it gets interesting. Folks like Wagner, Toplisek were brought in not by the former leadership team of Grivner and his chronies – most of whom are all now gone except Geller, Ernie and Laura. The team was brought in by Icahn and his board. That said they were provided with contracts locking them into place with specific clauses that prevented them from exiting for a specific period of time. Do you think its a coincidence that Wagner and Toplisek are now both gone? Their contracts were up, one chose to leave early by getting released, the other waited until his contract was up and exited.
3/ They knew the company was being positioned for sale – here’s the interesting thing … Icahn has received many offers in the past. He’s not a dummy .. its why he is worth the money he is. So clearly there have been many opportunities for the company to be sold … the same holds true for other businesses. For example several years ago when Dell was not doing well they were quietly shopping to see if they were worth more in a transaction or to go it alone? How about Paetec? Arunis shopped his company for almost the entire last 6 years. And GX was bought for one purpose to be sold eventually so why is it they could rally their employees? I will tell you … the board motivated the employees with competent leaders and attractive benefits, options, bonuses that were specifically oriented at future growth.
You see the folks you accuse of lying didn’t lie … they tried to come in a change a culture and company that hasn’t produced anything for years worth mentioning. Yes there are some extremely good people who work there but they held onto the hope that one day the business would be sold and they were positioned to be part of something larger.
In closing I am happy you made the move for yourself and presumably your family. Good on you. For the rest who are there they have to determine if they will survive or get the AXE. Either way the assets (fiber, network, elements, etc) are the only things that matter for Icahn as in the end he will harmonize the assets. So you need to determine if its worth the ride or if you want to get off. I know I am getting off … soon.
Anonymous, I appreciate your healthy and informative reply (its a change given the direction of this string). I’ll try to do the same.
1) These people did lie. Anytime they got up in front of the company or management team and gave one of their ra-ra speeches about the direction of the company and the goals, they were misleading folks. They had no intention of making XO into a true “player” in the industry. When Wagner explained the cuts he made here and there and tried to sell how it was best for the long term strategy of the company…he was lying. He conveniently left out the part that it enabled him to hit some short-term EBITDA numbers that rewarded him a bonus. Toplisek and his 2011 Comp Plan was a debacle and there were several half-truths in and around that process. IMO, telling the company that XO was seriously striving to become a Top 100 Places to Work is a lie. Nobody bought it, and I’m embarassed for those folks who tried to sell that to us. There were projects that had funding promises that almost always fell through. The list goes on. And I’m not going to even touch on the mini-drama’s that have discussed at nauseum already.
2) You make good points.
3) I think we can both agree that Icahn will sell this company. Why hasn’t he sold it yet? My assumption has always been that #1 He wanted those NOL’s #2 He wanted to take it private first #3 He is greedy #4 He is waiting until the Summer so the condition expires on the premium he must pay the minority shareholders. I’m not an insider…but I would bet the house that XO gets acquired in 2012.
Maybe more to your point, I can see why the execs would stick around waiting for something to happen, to be a part of something “bigger”. I think you are implying that it’s possible they were misled as well. My issue is that I think, even given the crazy circumstances and often-unknown agenda of Icahn, they could have handled the business much more effectively. Nobody trusts them, and when you lose the employees’ trust, you’ve lost their will, their loyalty, and their desire to work for more than just a paycheck.
XO and Icahn have proven over the last several years that their most valued asset is certainly not their people (contrary to most successful organizations), but the NOL’s, the network assets, and the employees’ inability to demand more out of their company (or exit).
In summary, you make some good points. Most support my primary assertion that Icahn ruined this company…not the execs. He didn’t buy XO to turn it into a real player (like Caruso is doing…or like L3 is trying to do). But the execs did little to nothing to effectively run the company during this “transitional phase”. I think most people’s animosity is aimed in the wrong direction. This sad story begins and ends with Icahn. He brought in those guys from knowing full well what their background was, and how they did over at GC.
Is this XO’s next owner?
Looks like it’s time to short some Earthlink stocks.
Looks like most of the life rafts have left the XO Titanic since I’ve heard of numerous people leaving including one of their most senior manager in the Denver office. Now there’s rumours of Level 3 again being interested in XO. What are the chances of XO being able to keep their remaining good folks so that they can at least look good to potential suitors or do those suitors even care about the people?
If someone were to buy xo, I would have to believe it could only be for the customer base and fiber. The systems are such a mess (none of the various companies acquired along the way were ever “integrated” system-wise), that without a strong integration plan xo would be a total monster to slay. Regarding their acquisitions, has anyone ever heard of “9 Net Avenue”?
No one wants XO’s customer base. They are mostly small customers that are pissed off and ready to leave anyway.
You all are the most uneducated individuals in telecom…Legere didn’t BK Asia GC, that’s not even possible in Asia….read about I work at GC/L3′ and reading this stuff about GC and leaders is so off base. Btw Funk was one of the most professional leaders at GC. Respected…by customers and the people, she is top notch….no ego, and totally engaged!
I agree with that – Funkhouser was well respected at GC both internally and externally. While many might not like her style, her results in Ops ans Sales were good.
I didn’t know the Funk wrote comments on this board until now.
Why, because somebody disagreed with your opinion?
It’s pretty easy to critique someone on a message board, as you’ve proven even an idiot can do it (see what I did there?). However, it’s a lot more difficult to state what you would do to change the support culture at XO. So, instead of obvious one liners, why not post a 100 day plan to improve the XO service. The challenge – it has to align with the SLTs plan, including the metrics Funkhouser’s measured by and the budget she is assigned.
I do not work at XO any longer, due to making an informed decision that my career goals weren’t being met. However, instead of scapegoating and passing blame on the Execs I decided to look elsewhere. It took 6 months of research, meetings and interviews. My advice is if you are unhappy at where you work and you can’t be an agent of change, then start looking elsewhere. It’s not easy but can be done.
You clever minx you, I did attempt to be “an agent of change”, but such was not accepted in the spirit offered, so I too left XO several months ago. Thanks anyway though for the career advise.
Asia global crossing was an american company, organized under american laws
It’s not only possible for them to file for chapter 11, it’s factual to say they did.
Why, because somebody disagreed with your opinion?
It’s pretty easy to critique someone on a message board, as you’ve proven even an idiot can do it (see what I did there?). However, it’s a lot more difficult to state what you would do to change the support culture at XO. So, instead of obvious one liners, why not post a 100 day plan to improve the XO service. The challenge – it has to align with the SLTs plan, including the metrics Funkhouser’s measured by and the budget she is assigned.
I do not work at XO any longer, due to making an informed decision that my career goals weren’t being met. However, instead of scapegoating and passing blame on the Execs I decided to look elsewhere. It took 6 months of research, meetings and interviews. My advice is if you are unhappy at where you work and you can’t be an agent of change, then start looking elsewhere. It’s not easy but can be done.
Rumor has it there is a RIF coming.
Well does this surprise anyone. I mean XO doesnt sell a good product, they cant keep any talent, from senior manager to interim CEO is a laughing stock, the only XO is good at is laying people off. Then again people found out about the layoffs way before October 20 so maybe XO isnt even good at that
Surprise. And how about that guy Geller getting IT back after he destroyed it!!! WTF is this leadership team doing?
doing exactly what icahn tells them to do – getting the ebitda as high as possible. that’s why they have interim; ceo, gc, cio & now an engineer is taking over ccs.
I work in Product Management and they tried to give it to someone else. Guess Geller got the job for the 2nd time the same way he got it the first time around. He was the last choice.
reduction in force (RIF)
Is funky at earthlink yet or begging to come back to lvlt.
Maria is still at XO driving the CSM organization to actually producing something.
Yeah, “Cromwell USA” they were previously worthless. They’ve only kept XO’s top customers from pulling up stakes for the past 9+ years. You’re either Maria or some uninformed hack who feels dependent on her allowing you to keep your income, because you’re definitely part of that team! Is this ML?
No, its not ML … unbelievably. Its hard for you all to potentially believe that Maria is doing a good job with the CSMs after the disasters she left previously in repair/care but its true. For once she’s doing something she’s actually ok at … mediocre to be exact. But even mediocre is stellar at XO given the lack of rigor and discpline in years prior in establishing teams.
You’re on crack. She’s a train wreck. Its just a matter of days before she gets shot. She destroyed Care/Repair. She is destroying CSM’s.
To eX-XOer – I could not respond to the last comment up top b/c the thread apparently reached its limit. So I hope you don’t mind but I am continuing my reply here. Please read and respond if appropriate.
On point 1 above specific to lying … Lets discuss this further. When Wagner or the former BSU LT was told by the BOD to meet the numbers required and agreed to the board at any costs … he had no choice but to streamline various teams whereby the impact was as minimal as possible. So while Wagner was required to take difficult but necessary actions much like other leaders in the business – Nocella, Ortega, etc – why is it that only Dan lied? If I follow your logic they all lied b/c Nocella, Ortega, Geller, Gold, Thomas, Grivner, Wu all were required to take headcount out and yet I don’t see you suggesting they misled their employees?
Specific to the 2nd item in point 1 above – comp plan debacle – As for the comp plan debacle … ok, i will give you the roll out was horrific. But Toplisek didn’t own the rollout … IT and Finance did. The underlying design was the right design for the business if the business needed to pay fairly and equitably on basic principals of any sales plan – pay reps on sales as well as base growth. The problem unfortunately is prior to Toplisek arrival XO reps enjoyed a luxury of being paid on the deal being booked and yet even if the deal fell apart and the customer cancelled the company lost out but the rep still got paid. In fact there were numerous instances where reps in BSU were being paid 500k+ long before Wagner and Toplisek arrived and guess what – their base of customers never grew from a revenue standpoint. How about them apples? How is it fair that a person in ops could bust their apples to work towards installation only to have the customer on repeated occassions cancel the order yet the rep was fat, dumb and happy laughing all the way to the bank? How is it that this behavior which again was all over XO prior to Wagners arrival was not frowned upon? Isn’t it actually the prior management indirrectly lying to its ops employee base and allowing this type of behavior? Honestly if Toplisek failed to do anything he failed to stand up and shout as loud as he could about the totally inept people running the company who if they had any working brain cells would have put a stop to this type of theft from teh company prior to his arrival. Fast forward to 2012 and the new comp plan roll out that Toplisek had nothing to do with is a horrific nightmare. Are you going to suggest Ernie and Don Macneill who have been mismanaging the entire comp plan scrap shoot are not also creating a debacle? I suspect today’s comp plan debacle is so bad its likely going to lead to all the decent, good reps walking out the door b/c they all seem to be in charge back owing the company thousands of dollars b/c that idiot savant lynda “daffy duck” finance leader has totally messed everything up. Talk about debacle … its a debacle with a capital “D”.
On point 3 – Assume for a moment Icahn is going to sell the company. Also assume for a moment that all he cares about are the assets as i suggested – fiber, network, NOLs, etc. If I were Icahn why would I allow anyone to put any money into the corp more so than the absolute necessity. Its only a matter of time before Icahn figures out IT as an example if a rediculous joke of wasted dollars being spent on absolutely zero innovation. Once uncle Carl figures this out he will squeeze more out of XO in so far as costs. In fact i suspect you could take out 1/4 of the IT org and not miss a beat and likely contribute more positively to the EBITDA targets the board has laser focus on now and in the past. So in the end I think the leadership team in place are in place b/c its the only place they can be Executive “C” level management. Icahn isn’t looking for strong, turn around leaders to take XO from its miserable existance to a future paved in success rather he’s looking for amateurs to ride this pony to the finish line. So you are right .. he is going to sell it …. but ladies and gentlemen … make no mistake about it … he’s going to milk it for as much as he can until he does sell it.
Fast forward now to Wagner and his chronies all being gone … who is lying to the XO employees now? How many ra ra speeches will there be “ladies and gentlemen”? How about these apples … XO is doing the same “XO shuffle” as usual marching to line up people to shoot in a RIF. Yep … a RIF right around the corner … and yet revenue is great! sales are great! Again, who is lying to whom and why aren’t we talking about these unethical leaders?
You have one thing right …. the employees are all but done with these ass clowns. Its only a matter of time before it implodes. The question is do we take bets on who gets shot next? With any luck Geller.
“Soylent Green” has been the underlying mgt theme since Icahn took control of the business in 2003. RIF’s twice a year were a cinch bet to insure Grivner’s $750K & Rehberger’s $500K bonuses. It was so transparent it was sickening, however that’s what Icahn wanted them to do from the beginning. Don’t touch any of his NOL’s with positive cash flow & misdirect the company so he could steal the remaining equity from the minorities. Grivner made over $12M in his tenure as a puppet for Icahn before CI ran him off. Icahn has the staying power to outlast everyone & he will. Read Predators Ball or any other book on Icahn – he eats his partners even ones blood related. The goat has been staked out for his feast which seems to be soon.
Right you are. Icahn is like an inveterate poker player in which Icahn rarely bluffs as an investor. Using his own words from a Forbes article recently read online “It’s a little like Dirty Harry, when the guy is sitting there with the pistol out, and he’s saying, ‘I’m not sure if I have the bullet or if this is your lucky day,’ but he’s going to pull the trigger,” Icahn laughs. “Sometimes there’s a question if a so-called activist will pull the trigger. But with us, they know we will if we have to.”
XO is his poker play. The “tell” is when he gets ready to sell it he will move out all management as he is doing. end is near folks.
“Ass clowns?” Only one guy I know uses that term – MD now at TWC.
Long live funky!!! I think she will do great as a csm! At earthlnk! Cromwell is next ceo of xo if he wears those cool shirts he has.
Cut it out. Maria is a fine leader who has the guts to change the place. I agree with a prior note posted earlier … only thing wrong with her is she hasn’t been successful at changing a culture that doesn’t want to be changed.
MD was an a$$clown himself. Always suggesting there was too much drama yet look how his big brother EO put him into a role and then shortly thereafter he quits. Talk about a$$clowns … the entire EO show is the a$$clown show. Fools.
You are an idiot
Charlie – perhaps i struck a nerve? Are you in fact Marc “a$$ clown” Dyman? Bet you are. How do you feel about making your former boss EO look like a total idiot by having you promoted … errr demoted from running half the country to a smaller region only to leave him high and dry looking stupid for having put you in that role to begin with? EO should have fired you when he was thinking about firing you but decided to be loyal and keep your shitty little act on board. You really showed him by sticking around only long enough to fu*k everthing up. nice work.
Nope, not Dyman.. But funny to see how bitter you are..
You must be one of the Superstars that Dyman had to let go!. nice work
you are right.. I am an idiot and I should find a new line of work.
@Charlie – first of all, I am not one of the folks let go by Dyman but judging from the talent he did jetison i probably would have made the same choices with the exception of a few. Regardless it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out in sales who to keep and let go … you give dyman too much credit if you think he thinks strategically … cuz you’re either selling or not … on a draw or not …. if you aren’t selling and you’ve demonstrated your inability to do so its fairly obvious who to help find a new career.
That being said I am not bitter at all. I am gainfully employed and chose on my own to exit XO. I will say, however, I am informed …. I found Marc to be a melo dramatic whining incapable inept radio silent leader who fits the mold perfectly to the “T” of his former boss EO.
I wish no one bad luck but I have to say judging how immature, irresponsible and reckless MD, EO and DA were with it shoudl not be a surprise to hear words of truth being commented on this thread.
The word on the street is a top level engineering leader is gone apparently after turning down the CIO job? Anyone have a details? Got the entire SE team in a tizzy? Whats the scoop? Any truth?
Hobika is gone. My advice don’t walk out unless you have a degree that will hold water,
Thanks to Mr. Obama, life is tough out there. Icahn is just doing what Icahn does best – make money!
Where did he go?
Nobody knows but I will tell you its a big loss. I’ve worked at XO for years and i can honestly say he really helped this company move forward. He really changed the perception of the SE team and project management team. XO will survive for sure but still a big loss.
Terrible loss. Terrible terrible terrible. What in the world were the LT team thinking letting someone like this leave? Are they insane? “Ladies and Gentlemen” there is going to be a “XO Shuffle” alright … its going to be the shuffle of all the talented SE’s who stayed at XO b/c of him leave ….. what a bunch of idiots.
I didn’t work with him directly but he is one of the smartest guys i’ve ever met. Maybe not so smart for having come to XO in the beginning but i honestly believe he thought he could change the place. In the end he likely realized he couldn’t change the destiny. Sad day at XO.
Obama? Telecom is a volatile industry and that’s been especially true over the past decade. The tax loopholes that Icahn is exploiting at XO exist because Wall Street enjoys a great ROI on its political contributions.
There are actually a couple of well thought out reads here the past week or so. True, the same idiots with the same axe to grind that you have to sift through, but clearly someone who actually knows what the he’ll he is talking about has decided to break the silence. Refreshing
FYI Windstream is cutting jobs big time today.. They have soooo much internal trouble and look like a bank everybody’s a VP
And the sky is grey! So what? Doesn’t change the fact that XO’s being run by morons.
Time to look for another career, Telecom is not the way to go, go back to school, get a degree, maybe become a trucker, there are alot of jobs out there for CDL’s
Does anyone on this post think that cromwell is the gretaest leader in telecom?
The problem with Cromwell isn’t that he isn’t capable of driving sales rather the fact that the company isn’t putting him or any other qualified leader in a position to succeed. Take the comp plan challenges this year … is there any wonder why a single good rep worth their weight in gold would want to put there best sales prospect forward knowing they might never get paid due to daffy duck ritzert and team fu^7ing it all up? How about the fact that XO doesn’t have a long term incentive plan, zero cash for retention other than a smattering of cash payments in lieu of retention which essentially amount to next to nothing after taxes cuz the company is too cheap to gross up the distribution to cover the tax on behalf of its employees. How about the crazy badness stuff that XO is doing to its customer base without them knowing aobut it? Why would any good rep sell anything at XO?
So you see Cromwell is actually quite fine or appears to be fine …. the company, however, doesn’t.
So just sat through a call w/ my new boss who replaced probably one of the BEST engineering leaders i’ve ever worked with and i was told to forget about the lack of good pay, lack of retention, lack of sales actually selling something where i might get commission, and to remember the key to retaining employees is making sure their jobs are interesting. Carl … are you stupid? The key to retaining good employees is about motivating them and one way you do that is making sure they know they are being treated equitably and not like a piece of meat that you think they are. Remember our former leader always tried to make sure people got paid as fairly as possible. At least Ernie “ladies and gentlemen” Ortega got that point and committed to following up and changing it. Carl you are a moron.
We need wagner or topplisek to come back and save xo from ruin. Or cammaroti and funky.
Hobika was ego maniac jackass… ” I am a hockey this and a hockey that”. Wake glad he’s gone..
Mr. Hobika is a humble and compassionate man. Those people who lack confidence in their own capabilities find the need to complain and make false statements about others in an effort to massage their own ego. Mr. Hobika is one of the most brilliant engineers working in telecommunications today and he is a proven leader that will step first into the thick of it before asking anything of another person and more often than not individuals under Mr. Hobika’s leadership will follow him to the frontlines willingly if not passionately because as a true leader he draws a balance between looking out for the best interest of his employees and ensuring that business objectives are met. He leads by example, holding himself to the highest level of ethical and moral standards. There are few leaders such as Mr. Hobika who can inspire an entire organization to strive to do their best and work to improve the bottom line of a company. There is no doubt that Mr. Hobika’s departure is a great loss for XO.
Charlie –
I suppose your name really isn’t charlie … just like I am using a different name to protect myself from those in leadership who would see this as a clear violation speaking out for Mr. Hobika … but I am going to do my best to refute what you say as professionally and respectfully as I can.
Ego maniac he is not. Is he driven? yes. Is he passionate? Absolutely. Is he knowledgeable? He is one of the most knowledgeable leaders i’ve every had the opportunity to work for. Is he afraid to speak his mind? No way … in fact perhaps this is the thing that got him into trouble … he spoke his mind often yet the culture at XO held him back.
Whats clear is business change … they all do. Sometimes they change for good reasons. Sometimes they change b/c they have to. Sometimes … just sometimes they change for all the wrong reasons. In Hobika’s case you can say what you want but he made the SE organization what it is today. He also stood up and embraced the project management team and helped them reach the next level. With his departure this change is terrible for those of us in his former org. He was very dedicated and supportive of his team. He stood up and took care of all of his folks almost as if it was the most important thing he could do. Yet he is now gone …
The only story i know is he was to be our next CIO. We were all sad to know he wouldn’t be our leader any longer yet we were all happy he was to take on the CIO role. Monday that all changed …. he wasn’t our CIO .. he left.
I don’t know why but we are all bummed as he was a great leader. Its just too bad … he is gone. Our loss. Where ever he is going they are benefiting … he will knock the cover off the ball.
Is hobika that guy with the big head who imploded at gx crossing? Where is he going? Earthlink or with gogogo wagner
I can say having worked at XO for 10 years before i was let go that there was no such thing as a Sales Engineering team and or a well defined project management team until Tom Hobika took over. In fact I’d offer that the SE function did not exist prior to his arrival but was rather a order entry type of function.
While I did not agree with my involuntary separation from the customer care organization I will tell you one thing I was fully in agreement of and it was having him taking on more responsibility over the last few years. Arguably you could say he put the product management organization on a path of “listening” to its primary customers more than ever, he opened a conduit of communication with the NOCs, he helped to foster stronger relationships with repair centers and helped to focus sales teams.
Mr. Hobika was well respected by all of us b/c he treated us with respect, he was knowledgeable and we all knew he would always do the right thing for XO. I’ve since found new employment but from where i stand i would say the only thing that would implode is the sales teams by losing such a strong leader.
He was the toughest SOB I ever worked for in my career but know this … he was also the fairest. Hobika drove us all hard but with respect and professionalism. He also always had our backs. Sucks he is gone … i have a ton of respect for him. To use his words “the rising tide lifts all ships” and I am here to tell you he definitely did so in a big way. Those that criticize him obviously didn’t know him or couldn’t make it under his leadership.
Mr. Hobika got the meaning of what a SE should be. Prior to his arrival we were a paper pushing organization that spent 95% of our time inside. Throughout his tenure he transformed not just the SE team but other teams by raising the bar. I was one of the lucky ones to watch this process from start to end and i can say XO is better because of it.
Mr. Hobika would only ask of us what he would ask of himself … something you expect in a leader. He wasn’t as one suggests above an ego maniac but rather a well informed, thoughtful, hard driving professional who ultimately helped to position XO for its journey into the mid market, enterprise and strategic accounts space.
I have no idea what the new leadership is doing, or where we are going, but one thing is for sure they do not understand the value of a SE. I am being told I have to now be a finance guy while designing solutions focusing around fat dumb pipes. Seems to me if all we are going to be selling is fat dumb pipes then there’s not much science to it …. just fat dumb pipes. Also seems to me that with this strategy we are well on our way to walking away from strategic customers and building a wholesale carrier business in the enterprise space. Doesn’t seem like a good fit for what we are trying to accomlpish.
If Hobika was so great, why was the turnover so high at Xo among SE’S? Didn’t half of the top SE”S at Xo bolt to Level 3? I do know he made all the SE’S get Cisco certified, and once they did, they left the Co.
Spoken like Mark “aka chief process officer” Sweeney. Go back to your prooooooooooccccceeeeeessssssss butt buddy.
I must say that watching this POS company implode and eat itself in slow motion is actually quite satisfying in that shaudenfreude sort of way.
Sad really.
It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion….I just can’t look away
I know isnt it awesome to watch this. Grab some popcorn and a beer and watch the show I say, reality TV at its best.
as teh XO sweepstakes begin who are the players and who is the likley winner. Level 3 is the favorite. Always think TW has to make a move, aggressive new comers like Earthlink maybe in play and interested.
My dark horse for this Centurylink. They lack tier 1 market metro loops and XO would be good fit anf fill out their footprints. billion in free cash flow would enable the purchase. data center biz and metro loops in nearly all us markets would compliment and make them stronger
Said it before, say it again: yes TW needs to make a move soon if they want to be taken seriously as anything other than a target themselves… but my god would that ever be a culture clash. Its pretty clear from this thread and elsewhere on this blog and the internets that XO is deeply, deeply dysfunctional, and that has to factor into any price that anyone plans to offer.
Despite there being plenty of good people that could get hurt, IMO the best bet anyone would have with this epic failure would be to gut the assets and leave the majority of the employee base, customers, and others behind. And all that does is reflect badly on the buyer, so…. good luck to the suitors.
Shaudenfreude? Hmmmm….only guy I know that uses that term is RK, now at Corelink. You and the others like MD need to clean up your “tells,” lest you be outed for who you are!
Case in point of ripping yourself apart from the inside: “some guy on the internet used a word thats too big for me, and I heard someone else say it before – therefore, it must be HIM, that rat bastard!!” Nice try, chump. I wouldn’t be caught dead at that company, then or now.
Shaudenfreude is more common than you think. Unfortunately it happens to be applicable for some watching XO right now.
RK is at Coresite.. not corelink
@Xo imploding – I can’t respond above since the thread got to long but I think its pretty simple. Hobika drove them all to get certified but he was unable to retain the SE’s b/c the company doesn’t offer retention. For those SE’s that were retained he was able to get them (present company included) stay bonuses. We aren’t supposed to talk about it publicly which is why I am responding anonymously but I know for a fact the budget was lmited and he had to respond with this with limited funds. So to answer your question while its true attrition rates increased over time the company failed to retain the employees. Its just that simple.
“XO Imploding Says: If Hobika was so great, why was the turnover so high at Xo among SE’S? Didn’t half of the top SE”S at Xo bolt to Level 3? I do know he made all the SE’S get Cisco certified, and once they did, they left the Co.”
Is funky still at xo or trying to work w fritzlo or rolla hoff. Funkee loves csms. She should poach level3 csms
Its just a matter of time b4 she’s shot or quits and goes back to Level 3. She’s got no life expectancy at XO any longer. Everyone knows it …. she’s a gone ….
I wish Rob had a “like” button.
Big rumor – cammarotti coming back to be ceo of xo. Any truth to that? He is going to make funky his secretary. Any insights?
She will smoke his cigar.
And they will party up a storm at the Garden in a superbox on Xo’s dime!
Its pretty clear that “Xo imploding” is a current XO employee who works in the Legal department and or NAS team or support team from marketing … by the informed nature of your comments and by the way in which you see things from the legal or marketing perspective.
There were only a few folks who knew the details of the MSG issue and candidly they were primarily the legal teams and NAS team support teams. I’d bet my bottom dollar that Xo imploding is Toke or Carrie … but time will tell i guess when XO takes legal action and you get snuffed out.
Regardless and despite what you want to believe the MSG box was all scotty “roid” cammo. He broke the rules and blatantly lied and took unauthorized action and he paid the price by first being let go and then secondarily having to hire an attoryney to represent him in the MSG action.
You are right about one thing … that Maria is just like Scott. A scared, self preserving, self promoting, boob job, trailer trash talking person from nj … she can’t help herself as she was born that way.
Anon, I am no longer an Xo employee, just repeating what my former co-workers tell me. And if you read these threads…..I know 200+ is a lot of reading, you will see that someone posted the Camorotti lawsuit for all to see on this board. I have heard that Corporate has moles everywhere, probably folks who were loyal Xo employees who got trashed when Wagner and his cronies fired everyone in favor of his GC buddies.
Questions—-If memory serves XO runs on the lvlt network. At the time of the lvlt /xo lawsuit the IRU was set to expire in 2018 . I believe there was an option available to extend the IRU .Does anyone know the terms of that option ?
During the recent lvlt/glbc acquisition period [prior to approval] , Icahn objected to the deal . He withdrew the objection . I assume Icahn got something from lvlt .Does anyone know what it was ?
My bet is that it had to do with the terms of the IRU !!
It seems to me that the IRU terms would be significant re any proposed sale of XO .
just wanted to say it was nice to see [names removed by editor] at the 11th annual Reading Phillies monday morning game.
“withdrew the objection ” now that is interesting . . .
Rumor has it that Icahn was pissed about the legal action that the leadership team led by Laura Thomas and Heather Gold undertook on behalf of XO to oppose the LVLT/GLBC acquisition. Bottom line XO got something but i think it might explain why Heather Gold left soon after.
Anonymous, you’re not even close. XO opposed the LVLT/GLBC merger simply as leverage to get a better peering deal with (3), which it did. And that had nothing to do with the Regulatory Witch being shown the door….
@Eponymous – anonymous is not totally wrong .. icahn was pissed about the action b/c it wasn’t cleared through his team first. Everything must go before the nyc team always which was not the case for the XO action against GC/L3. That aside the outcome of the action was better peering but wasn’t permanent as the agreement expires and will need to be renegotiated. Regarding Heather it was an opportunity for Laura to allow her to complete the Colombian necktie on herself and when she was done Laura was able to show her the door quite expeditiously. So while you think they two aren’t related they aren’t mutually exclusive. Its just politics …..
@ XO Insider – you are quite astute & in my opinion very acurate on all points. LT certainly controls the island now with voting control & with limited to no opposition in VA. NY on the other-hand as you correctly represent pull all of her strings as the puppet master. As long as she obeys the master she lives. Does anyone believe LT could get a legitimate CFO position in a company the size of XO much less an interim CEO? Icahn is & always has been the virtual captain of this ship. He is most definitely preparing this balance sheet for as high an EBITDA multiple sale as he possibly can. He has a home for the NOL’s & an asset stripped of as much cost as Icahnly possible – that my friend is stripped. Interim; CEO,CFO (yes LT was interim when Freiberg left) ,GC,CIO,COO, Pres CCS. The count down begins.
Place your bets everyone. XO is sold by the end of the summer or towards the end of the year, and who is the buyer, 5 bucks to enter the drawing.
not biting Carl…..
let me guess, you hold the cash?
Rumors are flying…the Funk deservedly gone soon. The entire company can only hope for such good fortune. Ernie & Laura, if you’re reading this, please stop drinking the Koolaid & say it’s so. If it is, you may then earn some respect from many.
Any truth to this? Where is she going? Rumor has it she’s personal friends with someone at L3 in HR at senior level who she has been talking to for sometime about going back.
We could only hope!
Funk and l3 chief hr officer, laurinda pang, formerly GC, are great buds
Is this Laurinda the same woman married to RVP of Central in sales? Steve P?
yes… [editor: let’s keep the tabloid gossip under control]
Piss poor leadership swapping back and forth between Level 3 and XO is a very sweet irony.
I read a lot of different posts on the ramblings. There are some of the most unprofessional people on this site. It’s a complete embarassment not to the people whose characters are attacked but for those writing such hateful things. Mr. Powell you should rip this down and show some people professionalism and some serious life lessons in acting like an adult. I never worked at XO but reading this tells me the people trying to help are “deemed” as bad….move on…this site is not for pople like you to be so hateful.
Thanks Maria. Now go back to jersey…….
First, calling BS on the “I never worked at XO”. Second, this is perfectly indicative of what happens in a certain part of the company (guess which one I’m referring to). Open your mouth with constructive feedback and you get slammed or eventually RIF’d for doing so despite XO’s open door policy. This is exactly why this string has long outlasted what would be considered a typical lifespan.
rumor has it Dean B got fired…any truth to that??
This thread slowed down. Has the steam finally vented?
I heard the #1 rep in Chicago quit? Any truth to this? When will the others take off?
Truth be known that the others might just stay on the sinking ship since the telecom job market is one of the worst industries right now, so many might be hoping that some how the ship rights itself. But the only way that could happen is when XO is bought and absorbed into another company, ironic that once that happens many jobs will be lost.
which is funny in a way (sadly) because if there were proper incentives and regulatory certainty, the infrastructure upgrades to our industry alone would be enough to propel the economy – in the bubble economy of the late 90’s I read once that upwards of thirty pct of the economy was connected to “information superhighway”-related projects
I am at earthlink so forget you people. I hate this thread. Concentric rules.
You sure are missed every day buddy. Ladies and gentlemen i didn’t realize how much trouble i’d be in when i convinced Laura to move Mike aside … that pissed him off and he left. Let me tell you we need him back to save him. Any chance you would come back ?
Heard more minor layoffs happened in service delivery.
At the WYO office about 2 to 3 weeks ago. Four circuit designers were let go. One from the central team and then three from the East. And once again the teams were combined into one unit.
A senior manager from the former XO One group got “RIF’d” yesterday too. I am certain that without his stellar leadership this company will be destined to fail within the next couple days.
Is XO still giving severance?
I doubt it
I was RIF’d a 2 years ago. They offered 2 weeks. They wanted me to sign a 10 page document before I even read it for the severance. In the document was “if you sign for the severance, you are agreeing to an 18 month non-compete” Typical XO
There were quite a few in the XO One group laid off
Is funk still at xo? Or with pang?
Who cares. She’s a loser.
Did the thread die?
Does anyone know the hard date that Icahn can sell without additional considerations to the previous minor shareholders?
This thread will never die!!!… I guess everyone found new jobs so couldn’t sit around complaining online all day. You’d have to be a loser to ever go to work for XO in the first place.
Well in the office I worked at (Wyomissing Pa), there were alot of them.
Langan named Chief Service Officer of Concentrics. Goes to show you nepotism paves the way for future success. Whats next? Maria being named Chief Experience Officer?
….why so hateful?
Who is being hateful? I am just pointing out the obvious. Honestly you are either his or her friend and or you have zero clue as to what a real, seasoned, polished executive should look like. One that doesn’t take every chance to insult customers and employees for fun.
Who ever believes that ML is a real executive must also have seen big foot, a unicorn, mermaid, these mythical figures are just like a real executive at XO, we have heard of them numerous times but never have nor ever will see them. I could never stand him or his jokes, tasteless jokes for that matter.
LOL. Best post of them all. Bravo!
Isn’t “whoever” and “Bigfoot” both spelled wrong in the above? Maybe your ass got fired for spelling.
Oh Mikey, don’t nitpick nor nit pick. Point is you deserve your status because nobody can BS or manipulate #s like you. More power to ya!
Um I wasnt fired, I was laid off since XO couldnt afford my salary no biggie to me, I have more time with my kids, more time to play golf, more time to just have fun
When XO says they can’t afford your salary, it is code for for “YOU’RE FIRED, WE FIND YOUR WORK WORTHLESS.”
Not true. If it were, they’d let go Funkbuster, Langanista and the entire C suite of clueless morons.
Yeah you keep thinking that, last time I checked anytime a company performs layoffs it is a cost cutting measure, hence the term cost custting, laying me off was a cost cutting measure since my salary was costing the company to much against its profit like the other 700 people nationwide they laid off, try taking economics 101 the next time you decide to open your mouth and talk about something you dont know S H I T about
XO is becoming irrelevant. They are losing top quality sales reps like the one recently from chicago who was a top selling rep for a very long time. The only good and capable GM’s (chicago, dallas, SF, etc) are all questioning the direction of the leadership and likely going to leave. It is really too bad honestly b/c the company was on the right track but appears to be disintegrating right before our very eyes. Good luck to all those that remain.
I am surprised they have lasted this long without losing more top quality folks.
Just CI’s $ that’s sustaining a ship with a gaping whole long enuff for the rescue ship (buyer) to arrive – nothing more…he’s a strategist…
Rumor has it market & staff reductions are taking place. Anyone know where?
Are you really surprised?
Does anyone really truly believe save for a few press releases the business is really in any better shape? On the contrary its lost significant enterprise valuation and is in a downward spiral trend.
Its clear this business is in trouble. Icahn is clearly holding out b/c he knows sooner or later someone will need a network with assets that XO possesses assuming the network IRUs for the long haul network don’t expire before he actually sells!!!
If icahn were serious about positioning XO for growth wouldn’t he put permanent leadership in place like say a permanent CEO, permanent CFO?
Couldn’t agree more: recent announcements amount to painting the deck of the Titanic so the chairs can be arranged better.
No new jobs posted since Aug 14th, and it was only one.
Unpaid $646.74 bill knocks out Lackawanna County phones. I bet Funky-buster was behind this one. How bad are the financials that you shut down a DA’s office for $647 ?!?! Now thats customer experience.
Published: September 14, 2012
Lackawanna County is blaming an oversight for the nonpayment of a $646.74 bill that left the district attorney’s office and the county visitors center without telephone service.
Service was restored at the visitors center on Glenmaura National Boulevard in Moosic on Wednesday afternoon and to the district attorney’s office on Spruce Street on Thursday after the treasurer’s office made the overdue payment to XO Communications LLC, county Chief Financial Officer Thomas Durkin said.
“It was a mix up about what was going to be paid and when it was going to be paid,” Mr. Durkin said of the delinquent bill. “The bill was overdue – there is no question about that.”
Commissioner Jim Wansacz said administration officials will investigate to determine why the bill was not paid and whether there is a better way of handling invoices.
But he was also none too pleased that a vendor would cut off the phones of two county agencies, and the district attorney’s office in particular, over the nonpayment of $600 and change.
“It is kind of ridiculous that a company would do this to a government agency,” Mr. Wansacz said, adding the county will be taking a look at its contracts with XO Communications.
Speaking later Thursday, XO Communications spokesman Chad Couser said the county was three months in arrears when the Herndon, Va.-based company pulled the plug on the service Tuesday.
It reactivated the phones Wednesday after the county forwarded the full amount due, which Mr. Couser said he believed was actually around $900.
“That is the policy. If you are overdue, you have to pay the full amount,” he said.
It was not immediately clear why it took until Thursday to get the phones in the district attorney’s office working again.
Mr. Durkin said he was initially told there was an internal software issue that the county had to fix but then was informed Thursday that XO Communications activated the wrong circuit for the district attorney’s office. Mr. Couser said he did not believe that to be the case.
Mr. Durkin said his office reviews invoices every week and selects which bills will be paid, with utilities receiving priority. For whatever reason, the XO Communications bill was missed.
“It was an oversight, and we are not happy about it,” he said.
First Assistant District Attorney Gene Talerico said anyone trying to reach the office during the shutdown obviously did not get through.
“The biggest issue is that the public knows it’s not the office being nonresponsive,” he said.
Your favorite target on this thread doesn’t own suspensions, Finance does. That’s the internal group whose approval we have to wait for prior to restoring service on the tickets that I work related to suspends anyway.
Government agencies have to pay their bills too. Try paying your taxes late and you’ll see how tolerant all levels of government are with your delinquency.
You people need to get lives. It’s step # 1 towards getting a job. I don’t know your mortal enemy well, but she seems to be pretty well thought of where i work, friendly to the troops, and I am just guessing that if a RIF ever did hit her, she wouldn’t be posting here, she’d be moving on to her next senior level position. Nothing says “I am still jobless” or “in a job earning much less than before” like continuing to attack your old boss. For folks who are so quick to point out faults in others, try looking in a mirror.
The saddest part about these posts is that many of us in Saginaw believe them to be from our former VP. Second guess, and possible accomplice is a former CSM leader from NY who was apparently so engaged that I never heard of her in my 10+ years here on the service side. I hope we’re wrong on the VP part, but it’s clear that these posters are jealous, bitter women, and the writing style and consistent messaging on the same topics, and target appear to be the same person/people trying to make it seem like a crowd. Sad and pathetic all around no matter who it is.
So funny. Everyone always knew who the primary drivers of these attacks were. I’d add the former inbound CARE Director in Saginaw to my suspects list as well.
Glad that someone finally called them out on their BS.
Would like to think that our former VP would not be posting here, but you never know. She seemed nice though when I did meet her, but she rarely visited my work site, as I am not in Saginaw. The CSM leader was [Name removed by admin] The folks who speculate on who is posting where I work think it’s her.
William Congreve said “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. He was brilliant, but died in 1769, and could never have anticipated what a few of these scorned women could do as a team using texts, emails, Facebook messages, and so on.
The previous posters are saying out loud what many internal to XO have been saying for months to a year. It comes down to who was hurt enough by the necessary actions taken in October, and by whom were they hurt, to have such personal motives to try and hurt someone on that level? When you think of it that way, the guilty parties become pretty clear, and to borrow a previously used word, pathetic. To direct anger at one person, or to wish failure on a company due to your exit is a form of mental and emotional instability.
Mike L … is that you? Chivalry isn’t dead after all. You who defend a person who is disingenuous, selfish, pathological liar and self promoting do not understand true leadership nor understand the value of such. True even such a person would not be able to control the performance a business thats been positioned for failure due to an owner who has no interest in investment so her shortcomings and the resulting effect is not totally her fault. Still … she’s a loser. plain and simple and those that rally behind an individual like her are also losers.
Funny to see that Powell’s editor, or Powell himself removed the reference above to the CSM leader who I seem to recall was a first name only reference, while he has allowed others to be roasted by first, last, and very specific nicknames that contain parts of their names. Apparently they are extremely selective editors at Ramblings. For those who missed the name reference,it was a former female CSM leader from NY whose name began with A, and sounded like “tawdry”. Since nicknames seem to be allowed, maybe that one fits for her.
She’s always a target on these trails… Sounds like pure jealousy to me and many others who speak of it. She is and has been great for XO, the centers are much better since evolution. And she started all that and had the first plan ever to fix our repair process. I’m waiting for next post to be you all blaming her for being easy on the eyes. Maybe you should write her parents instead of making her the problem there too. She may be the most down to earth person I have met as a VP.
Down to earth understates it. She’s selfless, has no ego, and has a vision of what she wants, but listens to everyone before taking action. While others (many on this trail blasting her who are now gone) ran from customer or internal problems, or took the blame others approach, she runs toward them, partners, and fixes them. Anyone who hates someone like that is really just projecting how much they hate themselves for not having what it takes to be like her.
I worked with the person you all hate twice in my career and have never had better support at both the point of sale, and during the life of accounts. I am currently at a competitor that I won’t name other than to say that if we were in the same building as you, and you occupied the second “level” of it, we’d be the “level” above you. Anyone who doesn’t like her is a zilch. If you don’t want her, we’ll take her, but be assured, no matter what happens at XO, or coward led message boards, that lady will land on her feet and succeed at whatever she does. She’s done it her whole career, and never stayed in the same box for long before going to fix new messes in other orgs.
I am glad that some people are speaking up now in her support. Employed folks have to remain anonymous on blogs, but what is keeping the real losers on this thread from identifying themselves? The answer is that it’s a small industry, and she’s not going anywhere but up in it, and the chances of you needing her one day are way up from her ever needing you. Hell, she apparently already proved that by showing you the door. You go Funk. We miss you.
Women are the biggest haters of other women. It limits their gender. They are 51% of the population, and cannot get a woman elected President. The ones that typically hate the most are the ones who are physical wrecks, bad at what they do, and threatened by the mere presence of someone who clearly outguns them. So they judge other women on style over substance. You see it in this trail on several occasions. Judging what she wears, words she says, etc. it’s all caddy woman nonsense. Not all women fall prey to it. Just those with no self esteem. She dresses fine, it just won’t fit your wide body, so get over it. She curses for sure, but big deal, so does every man in the company. Why is she held to a different standard? Instead of being a threatened hater, be an emulator. It might work for you. Start with a gym membership and work your way towards the effective use of curse words. If the suspects listed here are valid, stay in the gym for a long time. Whipping those frames back into shape will require lots of cursing for sure.
Let’s get her back to L3… Hell yeah! She would fix our customers here… Best I have ever seen in front of a customer when crap hits the fan!!!!! Come back Funk, the men and women here love you and love your passion!!!
OMG! I have together caught up on this thread. The gym comment just made me literally snort. I also agree with the theory that this is all women, and that by “all” I mean 2-3 people max. The suspects on the Saginaw list match mine perfectly. One of them had me fooled for years into thinking she was under manned for the task until it was proven to be a farce. The other was always clearly useless and negative. Her voice was also hard to get past. Whining incessantly with no solutions ever being offered is always easier to listen to in a lower pitch. Didn’t deal with her much, but always contemplated suicide/homicide when I had to. This thread has taken a brilliant turn.
The men and women at XO love her too. Just some bitter Betty’s who were asked to leave that have taken to blogging about it. Do folks here really believe that the old Repair VP could be part of this? I won’t even ask about AA, the former CSM leader, as she’s a total given.
The people that left were those either making too much money, too many waves or not liked by the bosses. Many mistakes were made in the process of elimination and for those who don’t understand the reaction of the ones who write hate messages – there are three things that affect people 1) loss of a partner 2) loss of a child and 3) loss of a job. Be kind to one another, pray for those that haven’t found jobs for in this economy they are suffering.
I am looking forward to October 20, my one year anniversary of layoff. Throwing a big party
Somebody had a very busy Sunday posting to this immortal string based on the time stamps. Anyone else think it’s simply one individual having a self-promoting exchange with herself? Maybe not, but just a thought.
I much more side with the bitter Betty theory of 1-2 women haters than I do with the theory that your collective obsession would spend time reading, or posting to this thread in her own support. With the support of senior leadership at XO, and having relationships with key customers, providers, partners that rival Nixon’s with the Chinese Government, so I am pretty sure that she doesn’t need to seek support or approval here. This thread, and related negativity was of internal interest and perhaps mild concern to folks when it first started. It’s the butt end of jokes now, but if it makes you feel better, we’re all glad it’s here for you. It gives folks like you some place to vent and spew hate that doesn’t involve semi-automatic weapons in a movie theatre. Thanks for keeping America safe Mr. Powell.
I work with Maria currently and would summarize her as motivated, passionate and does well in a sales environment though you do have to mind yourself around her b/c she’s not trusting. I think, however, when she was put into a repair role she was not effective in driving the right type of change from the ground up by fixing the root of the issues but she was effective at making the necessary changes from the top down – ie. removing a few people who current management wanted gone but under former management were not targeted as immediate concern. Her placement back into CSM leadership while it has been rocky is certainly a much better fit and the impact will be far better for XO as time will go on. No doubt in my mind that people are going back to the issues associated her time in repair as the flashpoint for the majority of her problems being discussed. Fortunately for her and for XO the company realized its mistake and moved her out of repair and back into a sales type of role which she is better suited for. Its just too bad the company hasn’t realized its mistake from half the management currently in place by firing them and putting more capable people in place to help the business along. Oh wait … someone above said Icahn has no intention of fixing the place b/c he has never truly hired a permanent anything (ie. interim CEO, interim CFO, etc).
I agree with the above as it relates to her in repair. She is at home in the CS role. But she trusts too much in my opinion.
I’ll add this. As a rep in this company, if there’s an opportunity I need to win, I’d take her to the close over anyone in the company. I’ve walked out of meetings to discuss issues where we’ve won business in it based solely on her establishing rapport. On new opportunities I’ll take her over any sales leader in the company. She says what it takes, and then backs it up once it’s sold. XO needs more people like her.
Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. She does no wrong. Right. If you believe that I’ve got some land in the artic to sell you.
Anyone have an update on the lawsuit pending against Ichan? When is the judge deciding on whether this will go to court?
A ruling is pending on defendent’s motionn to dismiss. If the motion is rejected by the judge there is the usual stipulated court order fixing deadlines on discovery.
Went the hell is the judge going to decide on this motion already? If Karama truly exists shareholders will finally get paid.
Other than some new attorney’s representing existing clients there’s not been anything new worth noting. You can always check the case status by visiting and signing up, searching on R2 and XO and then reviewing the documents.
Is this ship still floating?
Yeah, you dope.
It would appear more people are jumping off the ship. Rumor has it a top sales engineeer from the denver area left the business b/c of management ineptness. More sales people are looking to leave based upon the company not paying commissions b/c the lady who runs finance for sales is a MORON – you know who you are … talking with a lisp, complete idiot who doesn’t understand the business … aka elmer fudd to the rest of us on ernie’s leadership staff and sales staff. I don’t know what ernie see’s in you. You are a total moron – worse than funkybuster. XO would be a fine place to work if they did the following: 1) fired the CEO, President of sales, former CIO now responsible for network, 2) sold the company, 3) gave good benefits to workers to retain them, 4) paid commission instead of holding back on commission, etc.
And now, que ten more posts suspiciously ripping each other up deciding who it is: some chick who got fired and has an axe to grind or the former [fill in here]. once again, I LOVE seeing this company suck wind. piece of feces stain on the telecom industry, in my opinion and most other opinions as well.
Its really unfortunate that the board (aka icahn) doesn’t do more with this asset than whats being done. The network and some of the services would make a great addition to another provider in need of more robust assets to complement the current services. Its clear Icahn is sitting on XO until the right buyer comes along to pay him what he wants not what its worth. I had anticipated it would have happened by now. I now have zero confidence it will happen in the next 12 to 16 months though i am likely going to eat my own words.
tw telecom could redeem its recent sellout persona by going after the national backbone assets. You have to remember though, the rest of the company comes with it, which is what I figure most don’t want since its become so dysfunctional.
So it looks like this company quietly is racing towards irrelevance. Is the queen of funksterville still making changes to the business that add zero value? Ladies and gentlemen we are heading towards the mechanical advantage of zero on the watchful eye of the retard geller and ernie. Well done Laura. Well done ….
I heard another NAS guy quit. How long until Icahn sells this dog or breaks is apart a la Blue Star Airlines?
When does the hammer fall?
The hammer will fall soon. The “Sandy” has cost or will cost in revenue lost and wages paid but not worked. When there is a short fall XO cuts personnel. What else is new? Has it been a year since the last hammer fell? Have we survived? Ichan certainly has. The bad part is a lot of employees without an education have never bothered to obtain certifications or degrees confident that it will last forever. Nothing is forever or for sure except death and taxes…..
never, building not selling – see Netflix
in the future every billionaire will see the need for his own fiber network…….
Its our piggy bank. Icahn won’t sell. We don’t have to worry.
but its not “your” fiber- its L3’s – only thing you have is inner city stuff and some of that is “Leased” – so stop putting spin on “your” fiber
Nothing at this pig matters. We’ve lost all our great sales people. The leadership is a joke. The finance lady supporting Ernie is a turd. And the SE team is losing members. Sad really.
that’s the equivalent of saying I own this car I’m “leasing” – lol – man . . .
Heard a rumor going around that XO will give out raises, but not sure who or when how is this possible
The raises were supposed to have taken place in October. Unfortunately the management team decided to instead spend the money on executive retention bonuses to the top 40 – 50 people in the company. Not only did they give these fat, dumb and happy morons healthy salaries that they don’t deserve but they managed to convince the board that another company would actually want to high said morons. Seriously? What in the world is Icahn thinking. Giving retention bonuses to a group of folks who clearly aren’t capable of doing their jobs? They should have given it to the front line folks who keep the business in the game.
Why not give the execs a bonus? These guys/gals have somehow convinced enough “front line folks” to stick around the past year despite all the festering problems and continued ineptitude. Bravo to them!
You must be in mgmt.
As a former HRG (human resource generalist) working for XO i can tell you the above post is accurate. There was an extremely small set of individuals in 2011 who were issued such retention packages. In 2012 the program was expanded to include others as well but again was kept small (ie. less than 40). What is fundamentally upsetting and why i lilke others are no longer there is people have been made to pick up the additional costs of healthcare b/c our plans are some of the worst in the industry yet no one blinks an eye on the upper level management who gets paid extra dollars in bonuses and retention b/c they are “special”. Nice work Mr. Icahn. This is exactly the type of stuff you stand against in all of your reformed executive management talking points. Clearly you are nothing more than just a windbag with individuals like the “interim CEO” who are totally inept.
I worked at XO for 4 years didnt recieve one increase not one, with that being said I know people who worked there longer than I did and have not received a raise or bonus nothing. Glad I dont work there anymore
debbie is a joke
I love the fact that after a year this thread is still around. I can only hope that customer’s see this thread and realize they need to find a better service provider before I start making calls and bringing them over.
Word is that XO is now hitting their employees with a $25 “Fat Tax” surcharge if they deem you to be overweight, out of shape, etc. The criteria for determining who is considered to be hit with this “Fat Tax” is at the sole discretion of XO’s executives from what an employee enters in a survey. This will DEFINITELY make XO one of the TOP 100 Companies to work for!!!!!
is this even legal. This is a degrace if this is even remotely true. Anyone need anymore evidence at how bad a company this is to work.
I’d like to hear a current employee confirm this.
Level 3 is doing a health survey where if employees participate they receive $30 policy benefit savings per month. Employees must participate monthly and publish weight, etc to receive benefit. If an employee requires further analysis they would need to then participate in weight mgmt program.
I am a current employee. No, it is NOT true. XO has it’s issues like every other company, but that isnt one of them. Their overall health plan is criminal however. If you’re new to this string, believe about 1% of what you read. It’s great entertainment, that’s about it. I’ll also clear up another misconception. ALL employees that have not received a salary adjustment in 2011 or 2012 will be receiving a raise. It will vary, but from what I have been told, it will average out at around 5%. I’m sure that my facts will draw fire from the bitter pinheads on this string, but it is what it is.
Guess laying off alot of people has given XO the resources to pull off a stunt like raises. As one of the many who were laid off a year ago, I would like to say to those who will get the raises. YOUR FN WELCOME. Just think about all those still struggling to find work when you see that increase in your paycheck.
You’re right. I’ll be sure and line up my wife and kids tonight and let them know that I will not be accepting my salary increase out of protest for last year’s lay off. Just like you would do………….
If you are a current employee you are misinformed or trying to lead astray others. Non-exempt or hourly employees received a cash bonus in 2010 and 2011. Although exempt or salaried employees were promised one in 2011 it was another unkept promise. The insurance is the worst ever, however many in higher positions take insurance with their spouses so they are not affected by it. Bonuses or stay put bonuses were given to top people this year. Since most companies are self-insured weight is a problem. The $25 is a reality. Just saying….
I am, and I’m not trying to lead anyone astray. Go back and read my post again. I spoke to RAISES in 2011 or 2012, not BONUSES. One doesnt have anything to do with the other. And what does “many in higher positions” have to do with taking their wife’s insurance. The folks in the mailroom can be on their spouses insurance. In fact, it is an XO policy that if your spouse has insurance that will cover you, you MUST on their insurance. Clearly you need to get your facts straight
“In fact, it is an XO policy that if your spouse has insurance that will cover you, you MUST on their insurance.”
That sounds really odd. Is that really true? How do they enforce it?
XO does have that requirement in their employee handbook (all Icahn co’s do) it is so but not sure it’s legal or how it’s enforced. What happens if the spouses employer maintains the same policy? Guess the couple must then turn to the Obama care coverage pool. Go figure!
NOT TRUE. If your spouse is eligible for benefits through their employer, they are just not eligible to participate in XO’s group health plan. This is becoming very common practice at many major organizations.
the ‘raises’ to be delivered are not raises, they are salary adjustments. their is no merit this year.
RIF today – I got hit. Sucks to be me.
Where are the RIFs taking place?
Where are you at?
Several in Denver. Dallas was hit too. Heard it was company wide – I must admit I am particularly bitter these come right before the first raises in 3 years – but I will surely make much more than that difference when hired at another company.
Merry Christmas from XO. Someone hand me a twinkie.
Guess we know where the money is coming from for those raises right, please if anyone says they didnt see this coming must have had the wool pulled over and the lights turned off
Shameful on the part of Laura and Rob. They should be ashamed of themselves doing these rifs now.
Welcome to XO from someone laid off last October. I am surprised you could not see that writing on the wall. XO is not making money, come on stop believing the crap they say on those calls. I think the Nashville center will be closed at some point, Asurion has pretty much subleased the whole space. Don’t buy too much for XMAS.
I to was laid off last October, I worked there four years and they were laying people off then, talk about writing on the wall, I took naps during those calls, it was all a big circle jerk anyway. I dont think its shameful, its the nature of the business, XO has and never will make money, its shaping up to be what we all expected, XO will be sold in the spring, and will fade away,
And they say owners create jobs, yeah right.
This is obviously an attempt to save bonuses for the salaried employees. I got hit too and the timing shows how much they “care” about their employees. Just before the holidays….. yeah some of us were sacrificed so others could come in under budget and get their labor budget bonuses. Never mind that we have families and the economy sucks. Gotta be able to afford that new set of golf clubs……
As a former employee of XO I sympathize with your current situation. One of the reasons I am no longer there is b/c I did not believe management and a failure to understand the most important element of any successful and well run business is in fact acknowledging employees are a large part of the success. That doesn’t mean you can overstaff but for those on the payroll you really need to invest in them and treat them as a important asset. Clearly, the leadership team in place, is not interested in that rather their personal bonuses. What i find so interesting is that icahn allows it to happen since its clear his intent is to pretty the pig up before the slaughter ……
true words
Why is that when I hear or see the name Icahn I hear the Imperial March play from Star Wars
I bet the Netflix folks are thinking that right now.
LOL – that’s a gut one! Imperial march . . . low heavy breathing in background . . .(Vader) . . .
Toplisek and cammo need to come back and join forces with funkmaster.
Topliesk knows what he is doing unlike cammo and funk. The company would do well to wake up and hire some real execs.
its amazing how weak the management is from director on up across all orgs. they are left with the worst of the worst, goods ones have been fired or left because they dont fit with the misfits.
I hear they have a few strong ones left but they are being drowned out but shear stupidity of the top 3 morons. That said can anyone comment more on the RIFs and any additi
Latest is that they “un-rif’d” some people. This place is a hot mess.
As someone who has been un-riffed before – I would be curious about more details…
Who were the “un-ruffed”…and where?
Meant to say “un-riffed”…spell check challenged…
Gee wish they had un-riffed me last October
Are you not in better place now? Seriously curious – I know several who got riffed last Oct who now have similar jobs but with 10-15K higher wages.
Rumor is Cromwell is a star and will bring back xo to huge success. Anyone here same?
Star. Star drinker. LOL.
Is Cromwell the “Kool Aid” idiot? Sometimes I get my idiots mixed up.
R you joking? this is the biggest Scam since ENRON. the EXECs dont give a shit that the people on the front line of customer interaction have to keep explaining the non EXISTANT Customer Service on the repair side. Seems like the COLLECtions side is staffed well though.
Funny how this thread just keeps going. During this thanksgiving I am thankful that I was able to find another job after being laid off. it is my hope and prayers that those impacted by the leadership team during these difficult times are also able to find employment soon. I know it will be difficult and you question how a company can do this during thanksgiving and christmas but you will get through this. Stay strong. Its not your failure its theirs causing this as well as personal greed wanting their bonuses. Don’t spend any more time on it other than its business not personal.
I totaly agree with this statement above. I believe most if not all of us should just continue with our lives, find a job and move on. I was one of those who created thier own bad karma by wishing that XO would crumble and die. I will move on from this thread I am sure that we will hear about XO in the coming months, good luck to all
What a stupid statement. “most if not all”? So SOME people MIGHT be able to stop their lives? If I hear of someone ending their life because of XO, I will be sure to reflect on this post and rue the day that they didn’t listen to this wisdom.
I must say the following two things:
1) there are people in this world who rely upon companies like XO to make a living, pay their bills, help their families. Through no fault of their own the management, ownership has failed and as a result they are impacted. Some deal with such a significant life changing event fine while others deal with it in ways that perhaps you and I might not understand but regardless they have a deep, unfortunate, sometimes life altering experience that they may require assistance from. You sound like you can move on easily and i applaud you for that. Those that can not try to show a little more compassion – its not their fault that the management team and ownership has failed them.
2) this thread apparently will never die. Wow.
Will Cromwell save xo or not? Is Pook still there? Can they join forces and be heroes?
I hear the sales numbers are awful in the East. I also hear that the overall numbers are terrible. Its too bad … when will icahn sell this thing?
Rumor has it Josh-o-Ebertster left after a succesful SMB run. Bye bye to another sales leader …
Bye bye, but he was actually one of the “good guys” & aside from that, he really knew his stuff & was not the empty suit Cromwell is. In fact I believe Cromwell was threatened by Josh’s talents. He buried him in the now defunct SMB, Ernie’s ridiculous brainchild.
He was an idiot. So to was the hair brain idea of re-entering the SMB space. Cromwell had nothing to do with it as Ebert spung the SMB gig directly to Geller, Thomas and Ernie as a way to show his loyalty.
Total, colossal moron! Ebert was all about “me, me, me, me”. He did nothing and its amazing he has lasted this long. good riddance!
he is full of himself, always was. no way he would be a GM or RVP at any well run company
Hey, you guys want me to take another run at NAS?
Sorry bout that MSG Thing!
At this point you would do well for them and fit right in.
Anyone hear about org changes at lvlt? When will pang and funky reunite to do their dance?
In keeping with its holiday tradition, XO laid off a bunch of folks on Tuesday. I am told that several orgs were hit, including carrier product management and carrier finance. Merry f’in Christmas, huh?
Linda “daffy duck” Ritzert get it? If not too bad. She’s useless.
Anyone in the Dallas area?
Next Friday.
Remember the rich creates jobs….yeah right.
Needed to do layoffs to pay bonuses and cover salary adjustments. Move on people.
Need the cash to pay for my girlz!
Top 100 companies to be bent over by.
Is funkee at xo or with Pook and pang?
XO is a big joke. They are on a crash course to fail. The New York / New Jersey management is bringing down the moral. They are only interested in getting a bonus they can care less for the employee. Stuart couldn’t run a Cub Scout troop. He is the biggest loser. He is far from a leader.
The management here is terrible. What has happened in markets like Orange County, Nashville and Chicago are a result of poor management. The company’s management is a conglomeration of selfish “me” individuals that have no sales ability, envoke no loyalty and are best at kissing ass. Results are based on numbers and facts are facts. I am sad to see a company follow the titanic model, poor management leading idiots into certain peril while he talented leadership and successful reps left a year ago. The company needs to be sold to a promising company like TW or an Intl company like NT or Orange ASAP. Gordon Geko’s character from Wall Street is based on Icaahn, so prepare to see the company split up first with concentric and rest by metro assets and account base.
Funny. Not long ago folks felt the “former GC” leaders were the downfall of XO. Now the current NJ / VA leadership is failing. Alas the reality sets in. Icahn is the real issue. Enjoy what you asked for cuz you have it!
The only bad decision the former trio made was leaving. The folks like Laura, Geller and Ernie are all turds. That simple.
i never thought stuart was a bad guy, the real idiot is the south director
Does anyone think lvlt will buy xo to acquire top talents like funk and Cromwell?
r u kidding? they fired cromwell once already!
This thread is like the energizer bunny.
I hear more good people have left? Any one know details?
Dan Enright, former EVP at Level 3, brought in to help the leadership team resigned today. Clearly XO is in trouble. That makes Grivner, Wagner, Topliesk, Wu, Rehberger, etc. who’s next?
Who cares. XO is irrelevant.
XO may be irrelevant, but all of us relevant jerks still here have to deal with it.
At least those of us not in complete denial.
Rumors abound that Cromwell next CEO and Pook coo.
The new VP of Customer Care (Chris Smedley) is doing a fantastic job.
No offense to Mr Smedley, but what’s different?
Change takes time and begins at the top.
Agreed. But we’ve heard this for years as care leadership has changed while nothing else does. Just hope you’re right.
the top has proved it self of incapable of making solid decision that pay off in the long term. reorg after reorg with no measurable positive results. poor choices in management and lack of integrity.
Leadership is focused on themselves, not in helping the company…
The company needs Wagner back. And then make Cromwell CEO
NAS rvp left. Who is next?
Concentric has been blown up and reintegrated-go figure.
like some posted recently reorg after reorg after reorg with no positive results. been going on for years, anyone think management has a clue.
Current mgmt are not capable of change. Don’t expect much until a sale of the biz.
Why do great people like Brian Daniels leave xo? He was the greatest ever in telecom. Some say better than Scott cammo.
Anonymity provides false confidence to the weak minded and intellectually challenged 😉
More layoffs at XO this week and next. Stay tuned!
Good luck mofos. You all are getting canned next week. Bahhh hahahahaha.
Blockhead to Earthlink? hmm
Blockhead means who???
Who cares!
management in vegas this week coming up with new plan.
Who cares!
hes just providing info
only if its info that is the CEO getting fired, COO getting fired, Sales leader gets fired … who cares!!!! its all just musical chairs.
right there with you only I would like make the group broader and deeper.
Cromwell is king of vegas. Topper left xo high and dry after recruiting his prized girl funkee
Cromwell is a good man at heart. He is loyal, solid and ethical. Despite the fact that Maria is quick to jump sides from friends she is also someone who is good at heart but misunderstood. Maria tries hard and is good at customer facing jobs. Laura Thomas, Don Macneill are good people who are trying hard. If they were given more support from the board of directors they would do a better job. Geller, Sweeney are too difficult and the reason the company fails to progress forward. Rumor in the streets is they are gone in next few days.
Hundreds of people with good hearts who tried hard everyday to do their jobs have been RIF’d over the years, so go sell this load somewhere else.
Funky for president.
Good grief. Go do something worth while. This discussion is pointless.
Ok L. Stop protecting your girlfriend and start being a husband.
The two of them could work out of the Utah office, and then he could do both!
Pang needs to go to xo and rescue it
We heard that the ax is swinging today. Anyone know how many and where?
My hope is that those impacted if true are able to realize the business failed not their efforts.
heard rumor bonus will be paid 1st week march at almost 99% so I guess the business did good, just needed a few more heads to get 100%
Geller gone effective immediately.
Good riddance.
when can we expect that weasel Sweeneys resignation? Whats the over under he’s next to be fired. oh sorry “leave to pursue other interests”?
From the desk of Laura Thomas: Rob Geller to Leave XO
XO Employees,
I want to share with you that Rob Geller, Executive Vice President of Network and Customer Services, will be leaving XO Communications to pursue other interests. Although his departure will be effective immediately he will be available to assist us with transition related activities over the next 30 days.
Rob has made significant and numerous contributions to the success of XO for more than 10 years. Prior to being named Executive Vice President of Network and Customer Services, Rob held several executive leadership positions including Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer.
In light of Robs departure, I will make an organizational announcement within the next few days.
On behalf of XO we wish Rob the best.
More like a dis-organizational announcement.
On behalf of the employee base, we wish him to go to hell.
HA! Can we list out those “significant and numerous contributions to the success of XO for more than 10 years”
He caused significant and numerous pains in the ass for everyone he dealt with.
I am so glad that I no longer work for this disorganized organization.
It is Ordered that the Defendants’ motions to dismiss are granted in part, thereby dismissing the third and sixth causes of action in the Zheng Complaint and the third cause of action in the R@ complaint and it is further Ordered that the defendants’ motions for summary judgment are denied in their entirety and it is further ordered that the parties are to schedule a pretrail conference with the clerk to held no later than February 14, 2013
Now it will take another 8 years before we see any money from the scum bag Icahn.
I haven’t been keeping that close of tabs on XO, but still interested. What is the last post pertaining to?
Thanks Mike. Hopefully, sunlight and cash on the horizon.
Fantastic Strategy! The more people we can cut from the bottom, the more worthless senior managers we can save!
We lost 5 people from inbound care in Saginaw MI yesterday. Most of them have been here for a long time. My heart and prayers go out to them and their families.
I will say this: I have been with XO for over 13 years and this place has always helped me support my family during rough economic times. There are really good leaders here such as Trent Edwards, Mike Langan and especially Steve Nocella just to name a few. I have worked in several departments and learned alot over the years. Is this place perfect, no its not but i haven’t seen or heard of a work place that is.
I started in December of 2011 on the idea of having a long and successful career there at XO, but it just did not work out. There are still some very very good people there, but getting ANYTHING accomplished is almost impossible.
I really hope that the people there will see the writing on the wall, but as I am under a non compete, I can’t even warn them, or even call them.
I lost my position in November, and understand the need to downsize teams when the business is struggling, but when they let people go that are actually bringing in new logo’s and winning big business ($100K business), and then let these people go, it does not make any sense. Rumor has it that some of the people that are owed over 50K were let go so the management teams would not have to pay he commissions owed. Sounds like a law suit to me.
Also, when I was let go, we were not awarded the vacation time we had saved, so I lost $10K just on vacation time I had earner, but was waiting to take family on vacation. Also, received my separation packet THE DAY after it ended, and effectively had no benefits until I found a new role. Did not know that the benefits would not be given for the last month of the year. No one ever told us, but they kept taking my money every paycheck.
I guess what bothers me the most, is the fact that on this message board, people calling others very un-professional names like cheaters and calling women sluts, are just being made by people that are just bitter and classless. Grow up folks, everyone has feelings, and if they wanted to, they can find you if your still there, fire you. It happened in 2011. How they did this I don’t know, but know it has been done.
XO is a sinking boat ( not ship, they are too small to be a ship)
Mike Cromwell is a very good man as is Steve Pook, they are two dynamic leaders, but it is hard to lard sales professionals when you have none, and the ones you do have suck.
Olen Scott is also a great and dynamic leader. He just saw the writing on the wall…
Sales engineering is the worst part of the sales division, they are lazy and don’t know shit… In fact, I had one customer ask me to never ever bring a certain engineer back to their office. Says a lot about leadership, huh?
I had never posted here before, but just wanted to share my experience. Good luck to those left, you need it.
Former Senior Manager in sales with NAS.
Your comments are spot on correct! I can give examples of NAS reps who don’t perform, have 10+ years XO tenure, but are simply given a pass because they know someone or HR is not interested in fighting a battle. The SEs are actually very smart, however, are very lazy – they bascially try to find excuses or direct reps to a website – my favorite SE phrases “SE’s don’t do pricing” or “just look it up on Insite”or “you can check with access management”….
So the SEs are lazy because they didn’t want to do your job?
Nice try SE ! When better access or a build might be required and you go the SE for an overview of what local network is available and they tell you “check with access management” or “fill out a BD form”…makes you wonder…are they not a part of the team?? Can’t the SE be more consultative and provide a solution?? Oops, forgot, its XO ! transactional sales only ! churn ’em and burn ’em…
I have nothing to add to this thread. I just wanted to make a post to what might be the longest running message board topic of all time
Gary Breauninger and Steve Orlando complemented by mike Riddell need to take over. They are our only chance. Move over Cromwell and pooky.
Yeah, that’s what XO needs, three douche bags from L3. A totally laughable comment from some low performing order taker.
amen to that…you nailed it. There are some low and mid-level former GCers who have built this fantasy about how great Global Crossing’s management was. Of course there’s no shortage of investors that have quite a different opinion.
The thread that keeps giving on this companies total implosion and disarray. We even train our sales people to refer to this page when a potential customer brings up XO’s price point as a negotiating tactic. Brilliant!
For those who are not aware of that scum bag Icon’s intentions, refer to the trail that starts on February 13th. They only reason he owns this crappy company is for the NOL’s.
I am interested in XO, but am having a hard time finding out what is to happen on Feb 13, 2013.
Could someone please enlighten the people reading this thread?
He’s referring to the day that the former minority shareholders finally get their day in court against Icahn over the way they were squeezed out (and blatantly mistreated before then too).
You should start a lottery on when this thread passes 1K posts. March 1st is my entry.
A lottery would be pretty tough, because there’s no telling when xo will put forth a bunch of ridiculous crap, and when they will stay quiet for a while.
I have no more sympathy for people that are still at XO and are constantly worried about being laid off, keep posting here about how bad management is, can’t believe that they have no equity in the company, no future with the company and that there is no chance to advance with the company.
XO is telecom’s version of flipping burgers. Classic dead end job. the writing has been on the wall for years now. People still there are either top sales people killing the comp plan on one last wild run before the party ends, or mediocre folks scared of change, just happy to show up and do a half ass job. When I was there, the culture was one of “do enough to just get by”. STFU and go do something else……
any comments on the EVP and chief business intelligence officer
XO would be more likely to have a Chief Business Ignorance Officer.
What…new positions created in the midst of chaos?
Haven’t seen those…could someone elaborate?
Is Sweeney still around?
langan is chief intelligence business officer and nocella is EVP
now thats funny! for a guy who barely graduated highschool, no college degree to gain a chief business intelligence officer role is remarkable.
It’s actually not that funny when you look at XO over the years. Anyone with a degree of intelligence (or integrity) would not suit this role. Drones who can mindlessly carry out orders are what makes xo tick, so this makes perfect sense.
as long as he hangs on tight to the coat tails hes golden, no secret
We need barua and Breauninger to save this place.
Nobody can save this hot mess, somebody will buy this, then close off most of the offices sell off any value, leaving most of you without a job like I was back in 2011, start a new career if you can telecom is not a family supporting industry esp with a company like this one
Rob – Let us know once you get an update from the XO R2 trial that started today. Should be interesting.
For those of you who have the time read the following motion filed by the judge. Very telling …
Carl Icahn is a crook
Laura Thomas is now permanent CEO. Thats a great accomplishment. I think. I wonder how sales are?
I congratulate Laura on her successful promotion to permanent CEO. Regardless of what the future holds for XO, she has made some important management changes over the last several weeks and with any luck there will be more importnat changes to legacy thinking individuals who have stood in the way of progress for some time. I wish all of those still at XO the very best and hope for a strong 2013.
LOL…dog with fleas…
I was laid-off 10/2011. After 16 years, I got the hell out of telecom all together. Let’s face it, it is not 1998 and the world is coming to your door to buy network. Learn some new skills, go back to school and make something of yourselves. All telcos are all the same. Nobody cares if you can sell or provision a DS3 in 45 days. You are selling or supporting a commodity. Customers think of you as the electric company. If lights are on and you can sell at the cheapest price they are happy.
Im w u on that – ditto – lo’d 10/2011 – got totally out of telecom – back in school & glad for it . . . Life is Awesome- GTBGT (glad to be gone too) 🙂
rumor is ginny is out of a job and so to is sweeney. good riddance … you both have single handidly stood in the way of progress for 10 years. nice work mikey langan.
well good news. bonus paid out to management yesterday at over 100%. really good job by the management team running the company. to all of us with no raise, crappy healthcare, or those laid off………thanks for the contribution.
management bonus was 150%. It was to make up for a miss in their potential bonus from 2012. So while you were slaving away with no raise, minimum healthcare and taking in the arse for personal healthcare costs …. the good news is mgmt continues to be fat, dumb and happy. Outstanding!
Just sad, the rich continues to get richer. Those employees that are Republicans are okay with all of this.
I was FLOORED how bad XO’s healthcare was. Medicade is better.
Bullets flying again at XO… 2nd round of cuts in 4 months-CI might be getting ready or is it just that time of year. NY Supreme Ct pending decision on R2 case might be the pacing item.
rumor was around 150 last week from various parts – sales, sales engineering, product, IT, etc. Pig is getting lipstick.
OK here is a post made for CHAT room not he serious nature of Telecom Rambling.
How about Icahn/XO and Integra merge with the Integra leadership team running the new company. Similar product set, similar under perforing company with great assets.
Kevin Ohara has assembled a leadership that is big enough to manage an organization of this size with deep Level3/Centurylink experience in operations, sales,process developement etc.
Perhaps with a prvate company merger if Icahn ego could be placed in check this could become a successful company tht he cn monetize thru IPO over the next few years and finally go away.
Icahn/Xo seems to have needed a leadership team that is capable for a long time. Zayo/Caruso are simply not a company in the same business today but Integra/Xo ar ecomplimentary. What other big time telecom leaderhip is put there to handle the job then KOH and is all star leadership team
I left Integra for XO and as bad as XO is, Integra is ten fold worse. At least XO can build MPLS networks and owns some of their own fiber.
170 hit – the news of the day is that the HR Generalists who spoke to the people affected said ” the severance is a gift to you so no need to tell the unemployment people about it”. Lie to the government – why not? in XO’s culture of lies this is not reality it is a “gift”.
probably more stupidity than lie on the part of hr. the real failure in hr is the lack of integrity and willingness to stand up for those that were/are being railroaded by self serving management. Most places would not tolerate for fear of legal issues and good business practices.
Where are the cuts happening?
I have heard of some additional coming in mid-april.
After all these cuts, What’s the total headcount left at XO these days? And does anyone remember how many there were before October 2011?
Over 400
the total this time was 170 – left are 3100 back in October 2011 4500 back in 2002 before getting out of bankruptcy approximately 5200. WOWZA!
Don’t forget to add ALGX in 2004 that took the FTE count closer to 7K.
OK so 3100 left after October 2011. That sounds about right, although maybe a bit too low. Anyone know how many still work there now? I’ve kinda lost count how many cuts have been made since then.
RVP of Sales in East let go today. Rumor has it big shake up coming next 2 weeks in sales org. Top down ….
More than 6 weeks later and the big shake up is in full swing!
It’s sad to see such a promising company like XO go down in flames. It has always been the lack of great leadership for years. Just Sad!!
there wasn’t always bad leadership. unfortunately people were so worried about politics than production that they let the gift horse walk out the front door.
Cromwell is the greatest. He is top guy on LinkedIn. Great articles.
XO has been poorly run for years. People continue to speculate on why Icahn continues to hold on to this company. Tax break? They are not profitable and in some markets in the west, continue renew deals and count it as “new revenue” when it is far from the that. There are a lot of good people there working under lost leadership.
All I can say is I was lured away from an ILEC June 2011 because of a $87k base which is unheard of in teleco sales in the midwest. Once KI took complete control I was the first week layoff in Oct 2011. Turn over in sales is natural but since that time the top 4 people management positions at that time have all left for other companies, the 5 guys that I was hired with are gone, two sales eng’s are gone and 4 support staff are gone. XO is horrific and I have no idea how they stay in business. My bet is Karl is just waiting for that ILEC to make him an offer he can’t refuse. I sat for 2 weeks without a computer because it was sent to 2 different offices and they did not even have a back up I could use just to learn the intranet. I brought my own and surfed the web for 10 days.
Brilliant post XO No More! You say you took a job for $87k base and got laid off just 4 months later? That is such crap!
It just goes to show how messed-up XO is that they got rid of a high salaried salesperson when you took the initiative to bring in your own laptop to surf the internet for the first 10 days of a new job!! 2 whole weeks? You should have quit right then and there! Unbelievable!!!
How can a new sales person possibly start making sales calls without a laptop and, more importantly, without the chance to “learn the intranet”???? Any sales rep with a clue knows that you absolutely have to know the intranet before you can make a call to set-up a meeting. You definitely got screwed!
Or, maybe it just didn’t take them long to find out you have no idea how to jump in and start working to generate sales! If you sat around during the first 10 days at a new company (complaining the whole time no doubt), I have to believe that you didn’t do much after that either.
I’ll bet anything that you didn’t have a problem cashing those paychecks without your laptop. XO definitely made a bad decision letting you go. Sure they did. . . . More likely, you sucked at XO and will probably start posting comments about how the leaders at your current company are crap too as soon as they also figure out you suck and get rid of you too.
It’s fantastic comments like yours that just keep adding to the credibility of this blog. Unfortunately, it’s like a train wreck. You know how horrible it is, but you just can’t look away.
Wow, I came across this article by accident. Interesting reads. Cromwell is still around ha!
Anyone have any info on what is taking or has taken place at the Minneapolis office? Last I heard things were operating very poorly with a skeleton crew staff. The only noteworthy accomplishments that ever came from the Minneapolis branch were 3M, Thomson Reuters and colo for FICO. Not to mention bringing a SE with to help present a RFP was like bringing a crack head to a Six Sigma seminar. I wonder how the GC/L3 merger went through and how they are doing. Century Link (obviously being the ILEC) and TW Telecom have so many fiber lit buildings there is no way for other CLECs to compete in the Enterprise arena in Minneapolis. And good luck getting another telecom job with XO on your resume.
Zayo has has a ton of fiber in Minneapolis and surrounding areas. Some of this came from acquisitions, but most metro depth came from multiple FTT projects and a BTOP deal in Anoka County.
Nice attempt at sales asshat.
Cromwell is about to be fired. The plan is to replace him with some half wit externally. You go Ernie … you’re a total moron. If you could sell as good as you can bullsh$t you would be president.
What happened to their service activation and repair at XO. Before it was barely tolerable. Now it is downright deplorable. I had MPLS service and they screwed it up and took down my network, in the process of turning up my network, XO took down their own network as well telling me there was some problem with the ERX that removed service for most of the Southern CA area and their repair team screwed it up even worse. I used to deal with some VP guy named Langan and I ran into one of their ex-VP and he said the guy was a idiot and he didn’t deserve the job and only got there through “connections.” Good for him, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, right?
The folks at XO are good people. While you may not like Mike or he may rub you the wrong way there’s something to be said about putting a person in a roll whereby he can use his personal relationships to get work done. And thats what Langan has done. Isn’t that what Laura did when putting Ernie in charge of sales and marketing? Ernie was more widely respected though admittedly over his head when it comes to running a world class sales and marketing org when compared to Dan Wagner or Mike Toplisek but he had the respect of the teams and could use that to his advantage. I am convinced now, however, that Ernie failed … as his numbers are way off and big changes are coming.
Role not roll and ML is nice looking, gossips a lot and accomplishes very little.
Grow up – key people have left some quit, some let go because they were making waves and pointing out the obvious. Time to roll and look for another role!
you got that right. who are the key people who quit? who are the people who got let go because they made waves ?
Congrats Anon your comment #1000 on this perpetual string. Must be a Ripley’s record for sure..
even though he is not competent and has got along on fluff the real blame belongs to his boss. most would accept the job and money, it is the responsibility of management to make good decisions. looking around edison and SN’s organization its obvious decisions are based on personal relationships not qualifications. nothing new
My question is how is this burning hot mess still around, I know the economy is bad and jobs are limited, but I would still try to find something better.
this hot mess is still around giving Mr. Ichan a chance to make even more money first he puts the company on the market, gets money then pulls it back makes more money.
Mr. Ichan will stop when he finds some idiot to buy phony books and get more money.
when top people have left and only people who know people are left, it’s time to go!
More sales management departures coming!
There’s always hope!
No, I think they ditched her too. Can’t have all that dignity running around on the loose.
If they would just let strategies take the time to mature, I sincerely believe that they will work. Mike Cromwell is a good business leader, his problem is the TALENT he has working under him.
Every time they chart a new course, they are set back 12-18 months for it to be realized. My position WAS (Concentric) eliminated, but that is business. No bitter feelings, just need to stay the course!
-Is Cromwell a marked man?
-Will Ernie win the power struggle even-though he is WAY OVER his head?
-Will the operations/sales engineer leadership take there collective fingers out of there asses and instead of indicting sales actually support them?
-Will Sales be the only accountable department at XO?
-When will the XO cycle of firing turnover sales and letting the 90% of the company who are not sales another cycle of not supporting/performing? waiting for the next round of sales turnover.
Someone should piss on Cromwell and mark him.
Well someone knew something on April 23rd because today Cromwell was shown the door.
Worst kept secret at XO. Ernie is so WEAK. He is pathetic.
It would appear XO’s senior management is retooling and focusing on a carrier only sales model with the latest departure of Mr. Cromwell. I find it odd, however, how that approach will help drive enterprise valuation for a future sale.
Personally, i’ve heard they have a big miss on their revenue plan so if true its likely Cromwell was the guy who is being blamed for the miss even though the plan likely was not possible to achieve from the beginning.
what is the problem with XO sales?
– world class transport network
– best sales comp plan in the industry, $1.30 payout on the $1
– social media training and program for the reps
– challenger sales training program
maybe the problem is not with the sales leaders but the colleagues of those sales leaders who do not have the same accountability? field marketing, sales engineering, sales over-lay … colleagues who are quick to criticize sales but without quotas themselves.
well stated! the NYC plan was $100,000+ a month, shoved down the throats of the sales team. Currently hovering around 50% as is the rest of the enterprise branches.
You know what would fix this? A suite at Madison Square Garden!
Amazing – enough said. The blueprint for the newest sales VP even though the Rams need a new namesake for their training fac Gotta lose your own money
Do I still work here or did they lay me off? My alzheimers has kicked in and I cant recall.
Toplisek who hired Cromwell. Wags and funk and cammo need to all come back now and save xo. Toplisek will hire Cromwell. God save the queen!
the XO QUEEN sits in the NYC office, the most incompetent sales engineer in telecom, a cancer as a colleague who does nothing all day but walk in circles around the office gossiping, causing trouble and making it so unbearable for sales people to approach him/her it’s easier to ignore. The QUEEN is the what all is wrong with XO.
more departures to be announced, Ernie is cleaning house and appears writing off 2013 Enterprise …. will this strategy buy him more time?
NYC has a new GM, a Telestra women who was rumored to be in trouble there. Is she really an upgrade over the previous GM or is this change for the sake of change?
Cromwell to Earthlink? If I were a betting man…
i doubt it. Mike will end up somewhere else in a big role.
maybe he takes the GC crowd with him if they are not already running for cover.
This week, Network Access Management has been asked to find $5M more in savings. This is after their staff was cut in April. Also, at the beginning of the year they were given a bonus plan (aside from the corporate plan) where they get a percentage of everything saved after there initial corporate savings goal. Don’t you think they would have found every penny they could save already since the get a percentage of the overage? Not to mention, with limited staff there becomes an issue with how much work can be completed in a year, even if they are able to “identify” additional savings. How crazy is it to think they can realize an additional $5M with just 7 months left in the year? $5M … that’s about another 40 salaries that will have to be axed when they don’t get it. Oh, and that $5M will only go up as Sales continues to miss their targets. At least a real pig gives you bacon in the end.
And speaking of cuts, they need to start with Sales. You have regional sales VPs who have 3-4 regional sales directors rolling to them and these directors have 2 or 4 sales managers reporting to them. All the regional directors do is shuffle paperwork…what a huge waste. This top heavy scenario permeates the entire company. Cut some of those expensive director level positions XO and that will result in some real cost savings.
amazing any customer signs a contract here
Dont worry after Ernie’s latest moves there’s no way they will be able to land more customer deals to have contracts signed.
Is Pook gone
who runs field ops now
Sandy Coyne should run sales ops. She would kick some serious butt and whip some of those lollygaggers into place.
the only person that can save sales is Mark Saffell, Saffell turns everything into Gold. I am not sure why this guy is still there.
Give it a few weeks .. Saffell will volunteer to demote himself as soon as he saves sales! Never met a guy who voluntarily demotes himself as regularly as Mark.
As an aside, rumor on the street is Davide Salustri is coming back to run Sales for East Coast. Now the ship will definitely not sink!
Salustri would be absolutely nuts to leave TW Cable and go back to Xo. First off, it’s not the same company it was when he left and it’s gone downhill even more since then. Most of the long time top producers that were at Xo when Dave was there are now gone. The sales force is 1/2 of what it was when Dave was there and sales goals are not attainable, you got sales managers in the East pulling double duty as General Managers, reps hanging on while looking for another job. Xo can pay all the money in the world to reps but top producers won’t go there because of the churn and burn culture, company instability and dozens of previous layoffs.
Any changes happening over there? Rumors abound that there’s another big shake up?
CTO is gone !?!?!
Really? Nicklaus is out? Fired or resigned?
Well, he’s been removed from the website’s executive team already anyway…
Randy is an extremely smart individual. I am sure he left on his own accord and landed someplace where his value will be positive. In fact, if i were a better man, i’d say he would end up at CTL or Windstream as they have similar network challenges and his experience would bode well.
That aside, I think this is yet another example of the quick acceleration of XO losing terminal velocity and decreasing in value. Yes, you could say its being slimmed down for sale but that would have happened already IMO. When you lose a former CEO, former President, Former EVP General Counsel, former CMO, former leader of Product/SE’s/Project Management, SVP of Sales, VP of SMB Sales, COO, EVP of Engineering/Ops, etc etc etc its reflective of the state of the business and the loss of such significant institutional knowledge is not good.
From afar this is like watching a bad accident unfold. You just hope there isn’t a serious injury in the wreck though at this point it doesn’t appear that way. Confounding is Icahn and his overall plan.
not to mention just about all of those folks replace by weaker hands and now those weaker people will be appointing yet less qualified people
Amen. Rumor’s flying RVP of West to be shot this week. New RVP of East former RVP of East in NYC who left before he got let go a few years back. Funny what a train wreck this is.
Randy was very, very good for XO. A shame for XO, but hopefully good for him.
This post doesn’t seem to have an expiration date. LOL.
there is so much distrust and lack of respect towards management by people here and anger on the part of those let go that it probably wont end for a while
Laura should have fired Ernie when she fired Geller. She could do a lot for her credibility (or re-establishing). Instead, Ernie fired Cromwell. Protecting his own.
Laura should also fire [edit: keep it clean guys]. Then Laura should fire herself for messing with me!
distrust and lack of respect towards HR for sure. horrible org top to bottom.
that goes double for HR in the NE. do not trust.
yep. the whole NE is a problem. they let people, if they are in the “in crowd” get away with abuse and breaking any rule that would be grounds for dismissal anywhere. they cant be trusted even thru the hotline. upper management is aware of the abuses and has done nothing.
Grace is comming back word on the street to help the HR dept.
She has an MBA they said.
she is also the one who gave the names out of the employees who complained on the survey .
agreed. HR top to bottom is in the pockets of inept management.
I find this line of comments disturbing as my experience with Maureen Schaffer is she is a class act. Maureen always tried to do the right thing for not only the employee but also for the company. I never felt she compromised her integrity – not once. Was she guilty of perhaps covering for Gina’s ineptness knowingly? i am not sure … chances are she gave her the benefit of the doubt. But i can assure you she’s a class act.
glad for your experience. However schaffer and nash only did what they thought SN wanted not what was right. they presided over some of the most offensive, abusive behavior by management. they know EXACTLY what this mean and did nothing but play a shell game. berry was notified and nothing was done, so was the “ethics” dept. as someone commented earlier do not confide or trust anyone in HR or management. the result will be retaliation or loss of job. look at the surveys, no one trust HR or mgt!
If you are referring to [EDIT: egregious personal attack snipped]
not referring to that incident
If only XO had someone so diligent to snip out all the egregious shit they pull.
I find it funny that only Maria Funkhouser comments get removed. She must have threatened a lawsuit …. classy girl she is … doesn’t think her own actions negatively impact her. LOL.
On the contrary, I have had to intervene in at least half a dozen separate cases on this thread alone where folks stepped over the line from telecom/fiber/jobs/etc and into personal lives. I would prefer not to have to do so, so I’d appreciate it if everyone could please keep the Jerry Springer stuff on cable TV and not here.
its really quite amusing.
That is good, rational thinking. What is sad is that so much of this stuff actually could end up on Jerry Springer. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and yet still can’t believe everything that goes on. Stuff happens everywhere, but I have never worked at another place where it happens like it does at XO.
Is this the longest lasting and/or most vitriolic thread you’ve seen here?
I like it – this thread is like standing in lin at China-MArt and reading the tabloid covers – some truth mixed in w/a little fiction – funny thing is, if you can discern what’s true you’ll be more informed than the average person taking in their lame-stream corporate media misinfo keeoing them on their “soma”-high . . . keep this thread a goin!!
very unprofessional group lacking integrity right to the top.
I really don’t believe these comments….my experience has always been very positive with HR especially at the top. In the past couple years we can see we have an advocate for the employees…if you are that miserable go somewhere else and stop complaining…stop whining people you must have no confidence and can’t find another job. Go do some work… Help improve the place, if you have left the company then move on and stop being miserable. I think we have a good HR team especially when I talk to other people in other companies.
maybe you are part of the problem since you accept the present HR behavior. As far as an advocate, read the surveys and the see the distrust towards HR and management particularly in the NE. I’m not miserable and just maybe bringing up some of the discontent and issues is a way of improving the place, although no one is likely to look into it. Certainly accepting the behavior is not. Take off the rose colored glasses.
Prediction- MC replacment comming from L3.
Wow. thats impressive captain obvious. Considering the fact that Riddell resigned, communicated he was going to XO as SVP of sales, and would be coming from L3 to XO … how did you ever guess?
The riddler smokes Cromwell. Orlando needs to get to xo and then Anthony Christie. Pook rules.
Pooks pillow talk with his wife who is SVP of HR at Level 3 allowed Riddell’s depature to be the worst kept secret on the planet.
Org announcement today – Mike Riddel SVP of Enterprise Sales. RVP of West let go, pillow talk boy Pookster running West, Schaffer running Central, Davey “i never saw a deal i would like” Salustri soon to be announced. Bravo Ernie … you’re a rock star napoleonic icon in your own mind.
Should have been Pook’s job….he da’man !
No way…Nick is the he’s actually earned his stripes, he’s not a slippery POLITICO who’s done nothing like Pook the joke.
Nick is a fantastic leader. He deserves this shot and will likely capitalize on the opportunity successfully. You should know, however, what makes Nick successful in my opinion is not that he does it “the XO way” but continuously challenges the status quo and raises the bar. That’s not an XO thing … thats Nick’s thing and thats why Nick is and will be successful.
All the best to you Nick. You are a terrific leader and will do well. Congratulations.
over rated…..80/20 rule applies
You may feel that way … and its probably likely you’ve not had a good experience … but great leaders create great cultures and Nick always created a great culture for his teams in Chicago. He should have been the RVP in the central region originally but they got that wrong. He should have been the RVP in the East but they got that wrong. Third times a charm i am confident of that……
From the Desk of Ernie Ortega: New Leadership Structure for Sales Organization
Posted: 5/23/2013 10:14:00 AM | Category: Corporate News, Appointments/New Hires/Promotions, Carrier Sales,
From the Desk of Ernie Ortega, Enterprise Solutions
As our company continues to evolve and mature, changes are sometimes required to advance our evolution and progression. Over the past 18 months we’ve fundamentally changed the face of XO, implemented a new marketplace philosophy and are currently executing that strategy to achieve our vision of being the trusted, high value provider of Data and IP services. So today it brings me great pleasure to announce the new leadership structure of our Sales Organization which will help continue to drive XO to even greater achievements.
Reporting to me in this new structure are the following personnel:
Mike Riddell, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Solutions – Please join me in welcoming Mike to the XO family. Mike comes to us from a long, illustrious career with Level 3/Global Crossing/Frontier Communications. Mike will be responsible for all of Enterprise Solutions. Look for a separate announcement with a little more background on Mike coming soon.
Reporting to Mike are the following leaders:
• Steve Pook, Vice President, National Accounts & West Region. Steve will pull double duty on an interim basis until we implement the new sales structure. I also want to take this opportunity to communicate that Jim Ferguson has chosen to leave XO.
• Nick Shafer, Vice President, Central Region.
• TBA, Vice President, East Region. This will be announced soon.
• Shane McNamara, Vice President, Partner Channel.
• Geoff Wahl, Executive Director, Strategic Sales Organization
Maria Funkhouser, Vice President, Customer Experience
David Allen, Vice President, Carrier Sales
Don MacNeil, CMO and Chief Customer Operations
Mark Saffell, Vice President, Sales Operations
Rafael Visbal, Executive Director, Sales Engineering Enterprise
Carl True, Executive Director, Sales Engineering National and Carrier Sales
Please join me in welcoming Mike to XO.
Thanks and I’ll see you all in the field.
Is there some black coat secret society that requires former Global Crossing senior managers to work at XO before they go somewhere else? After all, it’s not as if Global Crossing was Google or Apple. It appears former Global Crossing sr. managers don’t fade away, they first pay their dues at XO.
(and I’m sure many many more not mentioned and yet to come)
congratulations XO, you’re now as good as global crossing.
(I was a former Global Crossing customer, they were barely as good but certainly no better than their peers. It’s nice to see XO setting its sights so high.)
How about a few more do nothing but move up quickly at Xo ex Global Crossing Flunkies:
Mark Murphy
Tom Guggino
Steve Pook
Mario Brown
Jay Herman
Tim Hallowell
Keep it Going! A special thanks to HR who looked the other way when top of the line Xo mgt were passed over or forced out in favor of the GC cronies!
Right. Because all of the former XO mgmt folks did such an outstanding job and showed growth QoQ for years prior to any of the above arriving on scene. B/c Geller didn’t run such a bloated, capex and opex heavy org that he was the classic case study of how to run an effective team. And b/c Mark Koppersmith did such an outstanding job at executing on access cost reductions that he lost his job for no good reason. Wake up, smell the reality of life – you’re all pathetic. Get a life. Grab a bag and start selling or shut the f%^k up. Or leave. Who cares. But for gods sake stop talking like you know shit. You don’t know shit.
Even if everything you say is true that doesn’t explain the apparent revolving door with Global Crossing. As noted above, it’s not like GC was Apple or Google. Why not mix things up, instead of the institutionalized GC absorbtion program that seems part of the culture there?
Field Services, Supervisor – Plymouth Meeting how much longer is this job going to be listed. its been out there a year. lol
another HR failure. what HR org would allow a defunct job to set out there for over a year. joke
It’s strategery. When cuts need to be made, and someone is on the list who they want to rescue, they can say “hey, we have this open req!” Or beyond that, having a hidden req just hanging out unnoticed (by most) can come in handy in other situations also.
wonder how many folks applied to this thinking they had a chance. Yep XO has very high standards and ethics.
Field Services, Supervisor – Plymouth Meeting posted 5/12
Does anyone know who this new guy is? What is he about?
Why did Ferguson leave?
XO does have someone to snip out the egregious crap and whitewash the situation, assuming it is the right group or person getting protected. they are called HR
Why did Jim Ferguson leave?
Why did Jim Ferguson leave?
Longest lasting to be sure… Vitriol isn’t the underlying motivation for the ongoing, widely read and widely contributed thread here: people can’t help to take a peek when they come upon a car accident, let alone a 120 car pile up, and in this case many certainly can’t look away when they’re the next car to get rear ended.
Ferguson didn’t quit he got #%~^ing fired! FACT!!
The VP of the west was a Cromwell gift. The guy, just like Wing, didn’t know their business or understand the bare minimums for being effective leaders. The goin in AZ was the same way, totally inept and unskilled.
All these new GC guys, we have to laugh, truly have NO IDEA what they’re walking into. The place is the worst it’s bcc in years, and that’s saying something. They want to “go up market” that’s the grand plan from the top down. They think any business here will resemble GC — HA! $40, $80, $100, $300, $700k billers to join the entourage of the three years dead club – current miserable customers stuck in terms with the impotent and inept “trusted IP and data provider” that is XO. They’re going to go through all the stages that accompany a personal tragedy an ultimately hit the ‘acceptance’ phase and then they’ll go follow their other freshly removed peers to go try to cook the same old recipe at the next telecom too stupid to try something new, different, and better out… Oh it is, and will be entertaining to watch. But again, JF was fired midstream without warning and without hesitation. Period.
I know Jim well. He is a great leader who holds people accountable and that’s precisely why he is no longer at XO. Jim was holding various leaders accountable and that is diametrically opposed to what Ernie’s style is. In the end XO get’s a little worse each time they lose strong, talented and capable leaders.
The problem isn’t that simple, however, since it really is more associated to the overall strategy of the company. There was a post many many months ago that stated the underlying issue with XO is the strategy of Carl Icahn and his intent of what he will do with the asset. If he intends to doing something transformationally then he would have long ago elected permanent leadership. He chose to do the exact opposite so that he could increase optionality. Given that most of the senior capable folks would likely not stay if the future is unclear – why would they b/c other companies would gladly recruit those individuals so that they could help build their futures.
Solve the icahn end state for XO and you will solve all the other issues happening at XO. Until then you have to know no one really has any influence in the business’ state than Ichan. Everything else is just speculation.
Maybe the disgruntled XO people can get their own website. Like XO Ramblings and spare the rest of us all of their constant, pointless grumbling. We get it- company sucks, managers suck and customers unhappy (well, those still left).
I don’t recall employees of every other crappy CLEC sitting around griping online. Get a job at a real company and move on !
we can do both. no need for you to come here if your annoyed. move on
Ernie says that Carl I. has a pocket full of dimes and all we have to do is tell him how to spend it!!!!!!!!!
LET’s go UP MARKET!!!!!
Is Riddell and cammo back?
One thing that set XO apart is the tenure of many of its employees. Take a look at the number of people there ten years plus. What you see is a large group of people who have put there best working years of their lives to date into XO only to see it wasted. There is nothing there for them. No equity, no loyalty from management, no continuity of business plans, ownership not seemingly interested in growth, outsiders coming in from bankrupt company to show them how to do it. No wonder the vitriol.
It always makes me a little irritated when people assume a company owes them something. People need to understand the days of corporations “taking care” of their employees are long gone. Why should XO be any different? Shame on those who believe they are entitled to something after long term employment. Pick yourself up and go get another job. It’s never something to celebrate when good people lose their jobs but it happens all the time.
It’s not that we think we’re owed something, it’s just we wish there was something to show for all our hard work. It’s like going back your 1st house. When you bought it, it was a fixer-upper. You worked hard to fix it up and have long since moved on. You’d like to be able to see it and see that your work still shines. Instead you go back and realize that the house is in just as bad of shape as when you moved in … all that work for nothing.
i might agree with you if executives when forced to leave received as little as rank and file employees did when forced to leave. However, when executives get a lump sum equal to 1-3 years salary plus bonuses as severance and rank and file employees get 1-3 months — no bonus — something stinks.
Maybe you can tell me why the days of “taking care” of failed executives (or for that matter successful ones who have been amply rewarded for their performance already) are NOT long gone.
that is a great point. there are so many execs at xo who have had failed policies, poor results, lied, promoted and saved friends rather than do what is right its astounding. i realize CI dosent think of xo all day but does anyone think he is aware, maybe a mail to him is next. its hard to think a guy so successful would allow this. why dosent he put one of his own in place in Herndon and clean the place out.
Really? It’s because it’s a write off dummy… You don’t know that. The people who are still there or were laid off and are still complaining on this thread are the real losers.
wow thats a great answer a hole. with all your knowledge of the inside workings of CI you must be at the right hand. go away
its kool – I like this thread – its like standing in line at the China-Mart checkout and reading the tabloids covers – some truth mixed in w/a little fiction . . . funny thing about it is – just reading the covers and discerning what’s true will put you ahead of those who follow the lame-stream corporate media and are fed a bunch of !#$#@ to keep them on the “soma” high . . .
I do not understand why these cats from GC, L3 etc. come here if they know that they will be shown the door in 24 months?
Perhaps b/c they keep drinking the same coolaid as the rest of you XO’ers who think the future is bright and the sky is blue. As Grant Lewis stated above, it doesn’t really matter who is there b/c icahn is in total control. So if you like to have your future be unclear, overshadowed with risks and shitty healthcare, no long term equity and zero chance of a severance when the place is sold … have fun.
Does funk still work at xo?
who cares!
More layoffs coming soon!
No doubt the remaining under performing reps. The Riddler is cleaning house…..
One can only hope he sends the incompetent managers packing who hired those reps too.
i guess HR is busy drawing up their “favorites” list.
Not “layoffs”.. “RIGHT SIZING”!. Trimming the fat, properly allocating resources, strategic positioning!
Hey, it’s worked every other time, right?
just depends what side of it your on.
very quiet
Don’t forget to wear your “I’m with Stupid” t-shirt for XO pride day!
This is your chance to show how you feel about XO by wearing your “I’m with Stupid” t-shirt, a pair of clown shoes. or a jester’s hat!
Do you need a hat, shirt or for XO Pride Day? You can find a variety here:
Just heard there WERE more layoffs last week. Does anyone know how many? Or names?
who cares!
The riddler strikes again!
Field Services, Supervisor – Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (13586) 3657 Plymouth Meeting, PA May 31, 2012
still available lol
Folks – thanks. it was a great ride. Today’s my last day. God bless, good luck and people lets party! (This really isn’t Ernie but he was fired today). Good luck MOFO.
Ortega is out
Ernie was not fired. His wife is ill, and must tend to his families needs. Have some class and be respectful.
Lets hope his wife is ok … that really stinks he lost his job during a difficult time. Hopefully he will land on his two feet quickly.
along with all the other who have “left”
Also, Ernie wasn’t fired/let go, etc.; he got an offer with Cogent. He has, essentially, landed on his two feet quickly.
Why does this blog owner allow this thread to continue when all it is basically is just gossip, innuendo, speculation and in some cases, dangerously close to defamation? Who can take anything that is posted here seriously? It’s like reading the writings on a bathroom wall.
Listen people once and for all I quit, well kinda. I fired the top leadership. Then brought in a bunch of pimps and ho’s who were my friends. Collected some CASH from XO and cogent and vacationed in France.
Hahaha…worked it!
What about funk and riddler. Are they safe?
This is a surprise to anyone? The savior for XO … the leader who was going to reverse all that Wagner, Toplisek and Hobika did is now out? the guy who said that those three destroyed the company is now dealing with a HUGE sales & revenue miss? So i guess he didn’t have the ear of ichan ? So i guess destroying the results of creating a growing company, increasing enterprise valuation and moving the business forward into a force to be made of aware of was not a good approach by wagner and rather ernie took it apart piece by piece in his infinite wisdom …. wow, guess ichan really is interested in results. I guess the savior of XO was really just another sacrificial lamb. The lesson here is no one has ichan’s ear. Produce or get shot. Oh and he was fired. He can say what he wants but it came from NYC that he had to go. Bye.
who is the riddler
who cares!
it must be you
The Cat from L3 southeast is leaving to join XO. Not sure why XO does not keep anyone at that level for very long.
Toplisek, Hobika and now Ernie.Who do we have left to ground this ship? Maybe, Boy Wonder Langon!
yeah he has contributed nothing but yet collects big bucks because SN covers him. both need to go.
It appears that they tend to their leftover web garbage with the same care that they give to their employee health insurance.
and everything else
anyone hear any details about the layoff
This thread needs to be retired, just wrong at this point
Wrong why? Just because it’s a place where the rank & file can share frustrations about the way they’re treated and how weak the current leadership team is so demoralizing for the chumps (I use that term with no disrespect) who really do put forth solid effort to at least try to satisfy customers. People at XO are truly concerned about the company’s poor performance in regard to installs, repair & elsewhere not only because customers leave as a result, but even worse, because it’s obvious that senior leadership is wearing rose colored glasses, which means nothing will ever improve. Again, demoralizing.
very well stated. XO makes every effort to hide or cover some of the things they do and this is the only forum to share.
speaking of senior leadership, now that they have gotten rid of those who spoke out and had good experience with quality companies the decline will continue at an ever increasing pace because they will pick others in their own likeness. CI needs to put a knowledgeable exec in charge who has no ties with the current management and hold the weak management accountable. see how fast they run or get chopped if that happens.
disagree. its a good way to share info. keep it going
Fundamentally, the problem with XO is Carl Icahn not wanting to invest. If he had, he woudn’t be losing all the good people. Now, Ernie is a good guy, but way over his head when it came to running the combined business. Watch for Don Macneil and David Allen to join Ernie in the next few months … that is of course if he is truly loyal and does bring them over.
Ernie probably has a non-compete clause. Bringing Allen or MacNeil over, at least in the next few months, would violate that.
anyone know what is going on with the XO R2 lawsuit?
who cares!
those of us with a financial interest in it.
Apparently you…. MORON!
you must work there. who’s the moron?
Aaaannnddd we’re back to the equivalent of “I know what you are, but what am I?”
Perhaps next will be some innuendo of someone sleeping their way into their current job.
Someone let me know when this thread is back to something of substance. If this is the only place where the “rank and file” have a chance to vent their frustration and this is an example of it…well, there is a lot more wrong with XO than its senior management.
Again, why is this blogger allowing this thread to continue? I guess journalist integrity is not his strong suit.
The actual problem, “mr/ms Aaaannnddd”, is that people like you who don’t care continue to not only look, but contribute. And sorry to inform you, but there are a good many of us who do have a financial stake in XO and their success/lack thereof. We know how to sift through the BS without any of your sanctimonious “help”. It’s interesting to hear what people have to say when they feel free to say whatever is on their minds. Let them talk.
I think there is a pretty remarkable statement being made here. Yes, there is tons of innuendo and things that are pure nonsense. However, the fact that people are upset enough to bother venting their concerns – regardless of anyone’s perception of their validity – is a statement, like it or not. We can figure out what said statement means to us without your cries of injustice.
I believe the Trial is this week
thank you for the civil response. I thought there was another meeting also scheduled for 8/13
wrong – expert witness reports due today
rebuttal – 8/29/13
expert depositions – 9/30/13
pretrial order def – 11/13, plaint. 11/26
trial date TBD
& so on & so on & so on
This baby may never end.
correct. Icahn will drag this out forever. Because he can.
This is much like XO’s internal goals. Forever outlined, never achieved. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Awfully quiet… something’s up
Hopefully what is up is a lot of people keeping their jobs and some sense of security.
Re-Org Announcement to come out today
Do tell!!!!!
Isn’t it bigger news when we DON’T re-org? = )
they need to clean out the stale management in edison and herndon. a long record of poor choices, failed policies, weak leadership, and nepotism.
they got rid of geller, sweeney, fritz, etc. they now need to turn to nocella, langan, funkhouser, etc. from there they need to sell. buh bye.
they really need to clean out HR, Nash, schaffer. they let the above mentioned run wild making seriously bad, immature decisions based on relationships not qualifications. neither nocella, langan are ready for this level of responsibility. can anyone even count the number of reorgs, all to no avail. the problem starts with leadership and they need to go.
I heard that the medical plan choices this fall will either be Obamacare or Medicaid. Or, XO can reduce our hours to 29hrs a week and not give us anything.
I hope the valuable, skilled management are enjoying their retention bonus, surely they were worth paying in addition to their bloated salary. After all they did a great job.
im in the field and will say things are a little better since the vp change however now we are stuck with the leftover. this is a perfect example of what someone said about poor decision making on nocellas part. he put the old vp in place and should have know better, did nothing to coach him then put him in another spot where he is over his head again. where was/is HR?
HR was where they always are, in the pocket of the north east gang. no adult supervision.
Reorg after reorg, year after year. Numerous layoffs. Mixed signals. Losing key people. The uncertainity factor will continue. Some management teams initiate a reorg so that they look like they are doing something, other than just repeatedely missing their numbers. Got to be somone else’s fault. Good company with some fine people so they better stabalize soon.The good ones leave first.
EVP to VP … nice work Ernie. Bravo.
Cogent Communications Hires New VP of Sales & Chief Revenue Officer
WASHINGTON, D.C. August 1, 2013 – Cogent Communications Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CCOI) today announced that Ernest Ortega has been hired as Vice President of Global Sales and Chief Revenue Officer.
“Ernie is a great addition to our senior team and we know his experience in the industry will contribute to further sales growth,” said Dave Schaeffer, Cogent’s
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Prior to joining Cogent, Mr. Ortega served as Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at XO Communications where he had been employed since 2003.
Ernie , take me with you……
Fred == David Allen
He should take the GM he hired with him….that would be dumb and dumber part 2
Before Carl, XO had real talent like Dan Akerson, Nate Davis & Craig McCaw.
You get what you pay for and Carl is too much of a tightwad to hire real and proven executives. As a result, XO has a bunch of talentless hacks playing “work”.
Think “Money Ball” but with no real data to make educated selections, so it more like a game of bingo ball – crap shoot – lottery ticket – bend over and pray.
In a real organization with a real board of directors, the enormous mistakes that are constantly happening at XO would result in the R&R of the entire executive staff.
There are only two logical conclusions a person can deduct: 1. Carl thinks he has a buyer; or 2. Carl is playing one huge mind-screw game on 3k people for his own amusement.
Hearing a lot of rumors today that TW Telecom is buying this dog with fleas…
the thing is with these execs is they get paid a lot and for what they pay CI could get a lot better. the market is weak and there are a lot of talented people who can fill the rolls.
Do you feel XO is the best prize available in Fiber based telecommunications industry ? This aside from opinions about current leadership etc an dteh ruin that has become of XO. I believe they are, national backbone, Metro Fiber assets in all major cities that is unparalled. What value can be placed on this and if sold now would Icahn realize maximum value of the asset he owns. I would no and if Carl Icahn is as smart as I think he is he is not selling now unless he gets large junk of the future company. I dont thik TW is going there with carl Icahn. Saying that what proven Seasoned excecutive team could he bring to turn around XO , perfume the pig and then sell for maximum value i 3-5 years ? One guess would be he merges with a small player with solid leadership and turs over the reigns to that team. Where I am headig with this chat room type commentary is Kevin Ohara and Integra. Big time exec likley looking for a splash and challenge ad possibly selling to Icahn what he has done on small scale with integra.
When will the Telstra queen be joining Ernie?
lol, she is a bull in a china shop!
would fit in perfectly at Cogent.
and take the SE queen with her!
Rumor… XO will be sold to Dish Network.
If Dish does buy XO, I guess I was the guy that got everyone to the party. First Dell and now Dish. Uncle Carl must have a lowjack on me. Moved on to a new company last month. This if the rumor is true makes perfect sense.
What experience running a telecommunications service provider would allow Dish to turn around the failing XO. Not a goof fit but money is money and if they bid more than others who on the sell side cares after the deal closes.
I’d say probably about as much experience as “Nextlink” had at running an internet/data company when they stuck the dagger in Concentric. Although Dan “give me $48 Billion of taxpayer money and I’ll right this ship” Akerson will (and did) say that he saved a “dinosaur”. At least he had the decency to only imply that we should bow at his feet before he turned tail.
NAS was dissolved on Monday morning in announcement by Mike Riddell, at Noon on SAME DAY, Laura Thomas announced that Geoff Wahl is new SVP of NAS!
Folks, we cant make this stuff up!
Gee, maybe Riddell now reports to Geoff. Stay tuned.
I hear from a rep that works in NYC..Management knows how to spend..60″ inch TV..Hotel..Cash Money to reps who don’t sell for 6 mos and those who had hand me down lead…
its pretty clear Laura is being manipulated by Icahn and is afraid of Geoff W. I am actually surprised that Mike R. is taking on Geoff W. as it must be that he has a strong desire to be fired. The next few months are going to be fun to watch except if you are the employees who are dealing with the BS … BTW, i am hearing that reps (if any good ones are left) are leaving by the minute. I also heard a few folks in other roles are being pushed out.
How about the compatibility of Ernie’s NYC Mama Queen & Benito Mussolini?
Who is really running the newly expanded NYC region?
anything new happening? I hear there have been some big sales losses of late and more important people are flowing out the door?
im in the trenches here and there is NOTHING going on. chasing the “new” objectives . got a wimp and a blimp for leaders
whos the wimp
Layoffs on Friday. CSM, OSM, and Sales reps were let go. Some of the leadership started to leave.
what leadership?
what leadership is right. there is none there.
“could be worse…..could be raining”
hooray! and are experiencing ‘service outages’! …is the nsa trying to pressure them into giving up customer passwords???
is there anyone left to work on it
Funky Brewster ?
so no one
another xo communications e-mail outage you people are worthless. three hour hold time for support. time to go elsewhere.
ha. maybe they can have the edison folks manage the giants
another layoff this am in XO.
Article in Forbes for all the XO haters to enjoy
You know the telcoramblings rant is not just an anomaly when FORBES calls you out, wow….
And another thing. Quite sure it will not be a lesson learned, but the article says XO handles a lot of smaller businesses. Being in a competitor to XO, we get the same old “but they are cheaper” line so often. Enterprise people, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Commoditizing network services only works up until the first problem encountered, and then you are up poo creek. Think on that next time you’re signing a contract because some slickster sales rep was going to get you another 10% off to close the deal. What will it cost when they are not there to help you?
WOW. that article lays out XO plain and simple. Thing is its true. How can CI pay anyone VP and above one more check. This is the payoff of poor inexperienced management placing weaker, less experienced people in positions because of favoritism and relationships rather than skill. They should all go including HR for seeing it and letting it happen over and over.. Shameful!!!!!!
2 NYC based Sales Reps fired in a week from the same sales team. Ethics violations are among the reports/rumor: fraudulent orders, rogue business partnerships with competing sales reps and agents.
Houston has the same issues. Wonder if that’s the next target.
I previously worked at XO Houston and know the high level of character of each and every person in that office. The previous remark is blatantly false and unfounded!
Spoken like someone who feels the microscope looking into things
Heard Houston is about to have new management. Looking like the city manager from L3
its a circus!!!! whats fraudulent and ethically wrong are the managers who dont perform and the continued nepotism/favoritism. thats the real issue here.
and that is the truth. they all need to go and start with HR who looks the other way when the favoritism happens. Edison is a great starting place.
its hard to clean house when those making the decision to clean house are the ones who need to go
Such a joke
was there any repercussions to any management for the worst outage in xo history?
In regard to the Funk’ster, can someone please tell me why she still has the job as “VP of Customer Experience”? As a former employee & most importantly now a customer, I just don’t get it and that was before last weekend.
again the corrupt inner circle
Nash, Schaffer and Berry need to go
I can’t speak for Nash but Shaffer and Berry are good human beings. Ethical, integrity and professional who are handcuffed by Icahn.
no way. if they had ANY of those qualities they would put an end to the favoritism, blatant selection of who stays and goes based on relationships, the abuse by some of the VPs and the reprisals on those who spoke up. has nothing to do with CI, he couldn’t care less about day to day issues. it is HR top to bottom refusing to reign in horrible, incompetent Edison management.
amen. well said
Quiet, as no one’s left. Another round of layoffs, restructuring and consolidation last week. A lot of folks still on ramp, and/or just out of training.
you might think XO would update their blog on their web page saying randy nicklas is the CTO.
HA! nice work NYG! bad as the XO mgt, maybe edison is managing them lol
Siemens’ board obviously didn’t read this thread…!
nothing wrong with selecting CFO or COO to run a company: the real issue is quality of those in the role and the general management team in the organization. look at XO thru that prism and its not pretty.
I’m hearing tons of rumors about departures are happening this week? Anyone know anything?
Really? Departures? Who’s left?
I’m always somewhat surprised by the kernels of knowledge that are actually here when someone is about to get axed. So, who are you hearing is getting the boot?
It’s not like morale could sink any lower…
im here and I would say dont bet on moral not sinking lower.
Hear the entire access mgmt team is gone?
At XO, our employees work together as a team using their unique blend of talents, which enables everyone to contribute to and share in our many successes. We strive to maintain the winning culture of mutual respect, receptiveness to diversity, and inclusion of all employees, which enhances our relationships with customers and fosters a workplace environment of which we can all be proud.
Damn! Some one be drinking deeply from the Kool Aid! Nom nom nom nom nom. I’ve never dealt with such a corrupted culture in my long life. Yet I refuse to sup from the cup of Kool Aid; maybe that was my problem while there……
i was let go recently and had a laugh as I read this statement that is on the XO web page. nothing could be further from the reality
John “Mr. Access Management” Dobbins has left the building … permanently.
Dobbins is an arse.
Earthlink to buy XO anyone?
Earthlink isn’t buying anything. Earthlink maybe in worse shape than XO.
ELNK has dreamed of buying XO forever, cant imagine that happening now. In fact it might be the other way around – Icahn has the powder if he wants to double down. Fred may be right about ELNK being worse off than XO they are in trouble for sure.
XO does have a tremendous amount of assets that would make acquisition attractive especially for a company that would require additional fiber and network assets. The challenge, however, is the ultimate acquirer will have to deal with the terminal end state of the prior fiber IRU’s b/w Level 3 and XO whereby when that prior agreement expires Level 3 has total negotiating strength. That said, given the state of the business and its subsequent decline over the last 2 years its likely no one would buy into XO at the price Icahn is expecting due in large part b/c the EV of the business has sunk dramatically due to loss in customers, revenue, top talent and depricated infrastructure.
I would love to see Zayo or another up and coming provider to acquire XO b/c they would absolutely know what to do with the assets to drive maximum pull through synergies. Sadly, i am sure icanh will not sell it.
Agreed. The IRU issue is a major problem for most potential acquirers however recent movement within the company has me more suspicious than in the past that some type of M&A is brewing. I realize high level departures is par for the course at XO but something feels different this time around.
I suspect Icahn is looking to change out the CEO as there has been a significant miss on sales and revenue for the full year. My sources are telling me the gap b/w what she committed to the BOD and the actual performance is around 50M to 75M miss full year.
The challenge, however, is how does Icahn attract the right kind of talent without giving some type of cash or equity position. There is much work to be done right now and the person who ultimately will replace Laura and possibly the entire management team will require some type management package to recruit the right people so that the painful transformation can begin.
I wonder if Icahn feels after 11 consecutive quarters of growth under the former regime before Laura took the helm he made a mistake moving them out. Perhaps he will take that to his grave b/c i suspect he will never admit it.
Any incentive for L3 to scoop up XO? Only a matter or time until their next purchase.
when does the iru expire?
From Original Level 3/XO agreement. Not sure if this is superceded after Banckruptcy, It appears XO has rights to own Fiber and Conduit if they chose. But I am not a lwayer and can be confused by language
5.04 Absent a determination by Grantee under Section 5.03, at the end of
the Term for each Segment, at Grantee’s option, (i) Grantor shall transfer all
of Grantor’s right, title and interest to the Grantee Fibers and the Grantee
Conduit within such Segment not then owned by Grantee to Grantee for $1.00
(except if Grantee has given written notice as to such Segment described in
Section 5.03), in which case Grantee shall assume, and Grantor shall be relieved
of, all obligations in connection therewith, or (ii) Grantee shall transfer all
of Grantee’s right, title and interest to the Grantee Fibers and the Grantee
Conduit within such Segment not then owned by Grantor to Grantor for $1.00.
If the value of the company depends on existing long term IRU’s then Icahn may have a problem getting what he believes is an adequate return on his investment. But, I have a dim recollection that the courts determined that XO actually owned the fiber that was initially under IRU with Level 3. Maybe it was an issue that began in the bankruptcy proceedings but only resolved later after much litigation. Regardless, XO’s backbone is almost totally on Level 3’s path and riding in the same conduit. So, it might make sense that Level 3 simply pick up the remains of the company when things appear the darkest, if that ever really happens. I have no inside information as to how true this blog’s reports on their status or employee morale but they may be indicative of some serious issues at play. Who knows?
i think the concern is that when the IRU expires XO will have a difficult time pertaining to extending such agreement. Level 3 has a good negotiating position b/c even though the court affirmed the ownership of the fibers by XO it did not reaffirm that XO would continue to enjoy the same costs for maintaining the regen/hut sites that Level 3 provides. As such i would expect that the angle Level 3 will take will be to raise substantially the maintenance and rent costs associated to huts and regen sites which are wholly Level 3’s thereby making it difficult to compete favorably and as such impacting there ability to leverage such assets in a competitive way. If you felt the last court process b/w both parties was acrimonious look out fella’s … a whole new drama unfolding in the courts will be entertaining. Thus why i believe the overall EV of business will be impacted.
Good points Steven. My thoughts left out the significant assets and services that Level 3 provides now, one major one being repair of frequent fiber cuts. The “deal” could quickly become prohibitive if Level 3 chooses to push those costs up.
Its not a question of if rather will and when. There’s a compelling reason to trigger an event. By the way, this is where Mr. Icahn is not connecting the dots and why the terminal value of the business is tied to balance of IRU’s and how its aggregate value is being negatively affected therein.
Options? My opinion at this point, it could change, is that a merger with a large, publicly traded company like Google who is already a large customer of Level 3’s may give the organization a way to ease into a more comfortable existence. And, also give a possible upside to Icahn down the road. Any attempt to survive is futile given that the cost basis of the existing fiber will increase and destroy any possible profits that assume existing costs will remain stable. This refers to their entire customer base today.
I can think of other companies that might fit the bill also.
This is a moot point. XO is migrating the backbone to Zayo as the Level 3 IRUs expire.
i think “Anonymous” is confused though the comments are amusing. That said my feelings are as follows:
1) There is no way that icahn would approve the capex required to transition the backbone from network investment perspective in its entirety to Zayo. He takes money out of it and only invests what is absolutely necessary.
2) Assuming one could create a plan to swap the fibers with new fibers from Zayo how would they do this exactly? There isn’t enough capacity on the long haul network to swap on the same equipment in a majority of long haul routes in the south from east to west. There might be in the north from east to west on the new NSN gear but i do not believe it would be practical to do such a thing given the total amount of traffic being delivered via the infrastructure. In fact it would seem counter intuitive to be in the process since XO carries north of 28 Billion minutes of VoIP annually across its infrastructure to risk that much traffic to hot swaps from one route to another route without testing. Thus one would have to deploy new gear to ensure the infrastructure was setup properly and traffic could be transported without issue therefore its unlikely. See item 1 above for rest of discussion.
3) Icahn prefers relief via the courts and would be diametrically opposed to any other route because its about the challenge for him of fighting “Goliath”. In this instance he is “David” and level 3 is “Goliath”.
4) I suspect if it became so acrimonious b/w Level 3 and XO i would not put it past Icahn to sell XO to Level 3 in return for cash and board positions. Watch out Jeff Storey if you are reading this … you don’t want him on the board as an activist investor b/c you can say goodbye to your private jets, your lavish stock compensation and your defined benefits plan. Say hello to austerity budgets and coach travel. Oh and Obamacare via XO’s CDHP that requires the first born of your entire set of siblings as your family deductible before the benefits plan pays a penny.
they can do exactly that in Stratford, TX – all 3 major rings meet here (L3 and XO)
Well, it is over then. Any speculation is over.
Thank you,
It’s official Dobbins and his access team are joining earthlink. Note went out yesterday.
CI is waiting on the outcome of this suit before he does anything! He is in a death match with R2 and he plays for keeps. Stay tuned
0601296/2009 – R2 INVESTMENTS, LDC, vs. ICAHN, CARL C.
Appearance Date: Monday October 21, 2013
County: New York / Part: STATUS CONFERENCE 53
On For: SUPREME TRIAL / Action:
thanks for the update on the suit, info is hard to come by.
Not really. All you need to do is register here:
Once you register – its free – you can then perform a search on all litigants/litigation by searching on one or more names. In this instance, all you need to do is search on Icahn. Voila … all the cases are there including this one.
great thanks for the tip.
Last Appearance:
Appearance Date: 10/21/2013 — Information updated
Appearance Time:
On For: Supreme Trial
Appearance Outcome: Status Conference Held — Information updated
Comments: — Information updated
Future Appearances:
Appearance Date: 12/17/2013 — Information updated
Appearance Time:
On For: Supreme Trial
Appearance Outcome:
Comments: 4:00 P.M. — Information updated
NOI/EXT 01/11/2014 — Information updated
So, as the news spreads through the market how will this affect XO’s operations? Most importantly, how will the uncertainty affect sales to enterprises? What about personnel morale? Lots of good people left there who have to be wondering.
anon4, what is exactly news?
New CEO coming. next week possibly.
New CEO? Where are you getting this from? I have a Magic 8-ball and that’s not one of the answers available to me.
What appears to be a barrier to IC’s options as far as what he can or can’t do with XO, the lawsuit. It seems to be dragging on and on and I believe it is having a very negative on XO’s ability to operate as a normal company.
That is the news I am referring to.
Thanks captain obvious. The clarification was truly profound.
Well, you appeared to be struggling.
i dont believe the management at XO give a thought to the lawsuit let alone it hampering operations. its a very minor event for CI and most management are not even aware of the basic issues surrounding the suit. Its a non event.
Thank you for the clarification. But, if you own a company that has a lawsuit pending it can restrict your options going forward. And, your ability to recruit good execs and, maybe, to lose the good ones you have. If management is not aware of it then they are not paying attention. Makes me wonder about the “new CEO”. Could happen but I doubt it also.
Captain Obvious
im not the one who called you captain O. i see your point and dont disagree, but this suit has been dragging on for 5 years and I dont think it would take a lot to settle. I just dont think CI is concerned about the suit or XO.
Maybe XO is small change to him. Who knows? If I were to guess, I might say that it seems to be the case. Good point.
CEO today?!?!?!?!?!?
So, it’s two weeks later, where’s this illusive new CEO?
This particular lawsuit is personal for him. He and Mr. R2 go way back. This is a full on grudge match. And the biggest thing it stops CI from doing is selling. If he settles, he gives R2 more than he thinks they deserve. Therefore, because its personal, he won’t settle and XO will be stuck in this limbo for years to come.
Also, CI has NEVER attracted top quality management. He’s never been good to work for, and never will. Except for this grudge match with R2, he’s always about the bottom line and won’t pay top management top management $. In his life, management are people, and people are pawns.
well said John.
OK, from this it looks like XO is an ant in the scheme of things with IC. There is no mention of telecom on his web site. It seems to me that there may be no market for these XO assets after all. Level 3 would not make sense since all XO’s fiber is on their network anyway. Just pick up the customers as they drop off. Google is a big enough customer but what’s the point? After thinking about it may IC can just write it off as small change.
I respectfully disagree there isn’t value for Level 3. On the contrary given how many potential synergies exist with respect to XO’s network footprint and Level 3 there is a large amount of opportunity for cost reduction. Think about it … 1.3B in revenue, likely 500M in cost savings for managing and supporting the network, reduction in capex annually as well as maintenance (OPEX) and significant personnel reductions. Seems like the longer icahn waits the terminal velocity value associated to a sale reduces and the opportunity improvements for Level 3 increases.
I agree with the cost savings Grant if such a transaction could be negotiated. It is a very good point. Just wonder though how much IC will want in compensation.
And, when considering the capex/opex equation I think the cost of absorbing all the Infinera, Cisco CRS’s, and Ciena equipment plus the old Nortel crap will be a long, expensive, and involved process. Not like absorbing a relatively small regional fiber player.
I completely agree, Grant. If Level 3 gets XO, they’d layoff the vast majority of it’s employees and fold the work into its existing operations. Additionally, the saving from long term consolidation would be significant and could mostly be done by their existing teams. And, I agree that the longer IC waits, the cheaper it gets.
Yes, John. That I think is what happened with Global Crossing. Lots of folks on the street. And, with all the consolidation in the telecom market many will have to move from telecom into other careers.
The question is how a deal agreeable to both IC and Level 3 could be structured. Maybe a stock swap and seat on the board giving IC a future upside. The seat on the board may be difficult to swallow though as IC can be a bull in the china shop.
IC has already made billions (believe it or not) off of XO. He sold the vast majority of the valuable real estate XO had (i.e. XO’s old HQ and various downtown switch sites around the country). And then there are the tax credits, which was the whole reason he went after XO in the first place (around $3B, as I recall). Once he fully utilizes those credits, I don’t think he’ll care about XO one way or the other. I think he’ll mostly just want to stop the bleeding (the capital he puts in each year) and get out. I’d bet that he won’t fight to hard for an upside. And, I agree that Level 3 would be very hesitant to let this bully on their board.
what real estate are u referring to, I was involved with RE and I dont know of any big sales as most of the sites were/are leased.
Old HQ in Herndon and then several old Allegiance sites.
Sorry, Reston, not Herndon.
For the record ALL real estate (ALGX included) was leased even Sunsethills Rd. Icahn bot the building from Lincoln Financial then leased it to XO and later sold it to EOP.
Interesting update:
Court: New York Civil Supreme
Index Number: 650181/2010
Case Type: Cd-Econtract
Track: Standard
Upstate RJI Number:
Disposition Date: 01/29/2013
Date NOI Due: 04/01/2011
NOI Filed: 04/01/2011
Calendar Number: 2011L-01259
RJI Filed: 05/27/2010
Looks like XO finally won judgement against a former employee for acting alone and against company policy. The judgement is in the amount of $335k … i wonder how Scott’s going to cover that? Or if he even knows? Regardless a small victory for Icahn and his minions of attorneys.
so what is the new deal on XO benefits
We have benefits?
reading through these posts. perhaps if you all put as much energy in speculating the news rather creating news (sell something) XO would be better off. And so would you.
no offense. This gossip group is fun and all. But you are tearing things down.
I dont work at XO anymore. But good people. They try very hard. Long hours. show respect..
give me a break XO is getting “torn down” by the inept management. maybe if they stopped promoting friends and held weak managers and directors responsible there would be progress but that is unlikely since it starts at the top.
perhaps you are weak Anonymous for spewing this shit all day.
funny some people are really good at pointing out the weaknesses of others. But not willing to play the game and get exposed.
I enjoyed my stay at XO in the NAS team.
These people you tear down are all players on the field. Helping shape the way companies compute.
sure it is frustrating…I would know. Imperfect.
But Jeez man. tap the breaks. smell the flowers. time is fleeting.
CA out.
i worked there over 10 years and enjoyed it also BUT it is the management that is tearing the company down. im not spewing anything all day and i’m not weak, its past due that someone clear up the management problems. if you think the team there is strong and in the best interest of XO fine, I dont and neither do most of those left. get real!
A company with as many reorganizations as XO has experienced in the last 4 or 5 years is suffering from a serious problem at the very top. There is no denying that.
As is confirmed in this blog, there are many very fine, loyal, and highly competent people that remain in XO. There are also many who have left XO after many years there.
There are some silly strategic decisions made in this period of time that limit XO’s ability to compete across the board with other major players.
If IC is distracted and not paying attention the value of the company will decline until his options are even more limited. As has been pointed out he may have already received all the monetary benefit he required and may just let it continue to suffer. Not good for all those loyal employees at all. Maybe Pacnet will save them.
Pacnet ? Thought BT ?
XO is nothing more than a small zit on Carl’s butt. He got the $3.5 billion in net operating losses (NOLs) that he wanted. Now he has a shell of a failing company and isn’t sure how to get rid of it. Think spent uranium – nearly worthless and hard to discard.
In January 2004, as a result of an unexpected oversubscribed XO rights offering, Icahn’s equity and voting power in XO fell from 83% to 61%. Consequently, Starfire and XO were unconsolidated for tax purposes and Icahn lost the ability to use the NOLs. Icahn would not be able to reconsolidate Starfire and XO until January 2009 because of a 5 year waiting period imposed by the Internal Revenue Code.
The Plaintiffs allege that after the oversubscribed XO rights offering, Icahn attempted a sale of XO’s Wireline asset and proposed amendments to XO’s operating agreement in an effort to reacquire 80% of XO’s equity and voting power and thus, again enjoy the use of the NOLs (Zheng Complaint, ¶¶ 44-48). Both transactions were enjoined by minority shareholders and eventually abandoned by Icahn (id.).
By the end of 2006, Icahn and the Affiliates owned 51.5% of XO’s common stock, approximately 80% of XO’s Class A preferred shares, and over 90% of XO’s debt maturing July 2009.
Concurrently, the XO Board formed a special committee consisting of Knauss, Gradin, and Dell (the “2008 Special Committee”) to discuss possible financing alternatives to fund XO’s expenditures. The 2008 Special Committee first retained Cowen and Company LLC (“Cowen”) and later retained Morgan Stanley (“Morgan”) as its financial advisers.
The Plaintiffs allege that the 2008 Special Committee failed to protect minority shareholders and allowed Icahn to reacquire use of the NOLs for minimal consideration. Between December 2006 and July 2008, the 2008 Special Committee ignored the recommendations of five investment banks to conduct the smallest rights offering possible (Zheng Complaint, ¶¶ 58-65). In addition, it failed to implement cash conservation measures in light of XO’s lack of permanent financing (id. at ¶ 68), and failed to explore offers from third party bidders and “repeatedly found reasons to defer action and suppress the unsolicited offers that it or XO received” (id. at ¶¶ 68-85). Lastly, it failed to inform itself of the actual amount of financing that XO required and the actual value of the NOLs (id. at ¶¶ 101-102).
Around May 2008, Icahn proposed a super-sized preferred rights offering as an alternative to a sale of XO (id. at ¶ 98). The 2008 Special Committee began considering Icahn’s proposal, ignoring the advice of Cowen and Morgan to consummate a smaller, common stock rights offering.
In June 2008, with multiple potential purchasers for some or all of XO, the Icahn-dominated XO Board decided that it was too distracting to consider the potential sale and Icahn’s proposal simultaneously and voted to discontinue the sales process so that XO could focus on its negotiations with Icahn.
Cowen issued a limited fairness opinion on the 2008 Recapitalization, and specifically did not opine on the value of the NOLs or the fairness of the transaction with respect to the minority shareholders (id. at ¶ 144). Nonetheless, the XO Board approved the transaction proposed by Icahn.
On July 25, 2008, with the approval of the 2008 Special Committee, XO consummated the 2008 Recapitalization. Pursuant to the terms of the 2008 Recapitalization, XO issued $780 million in two new preferred classes of stock, Class B convertible preferred stock (the “Class B Stock”) and Class C perpetual preferred stock (the “Class C Stock”) that Icahn purchased in exchange for the retirement of XO’s Icahn owned debt. Icahn’s equity interest in XO increased from just over 50% to approximately 85% (on a fully diluted basis). As a result of the increased equity interest, Icahn obtained use of the NOLs subject to the Amended Tax Allocation Agreement (the “ATAA”).
The ATAA provided that Icahn’s obligations to pay for the $450 million in NOLs already used by Icahn remain unchanged. For the next $900 million of NOLs, Icahn would have to pay to XO 30% of the tax benefits obtained, and for anything above $900 million, Icahn would only have to repay XO when it had taxable income and could have used the NOLs itself.
Furthermore, both the Class B Stock and Class C Stock were senior to XO’s common stock and contained pay-in-kind dividends. Thus, in December 2008, the Class B Stock conferred 381 million votes for 381 million shares and the Class C stock conferred 150 million votes for 225,000 shares. In March 2011, as a result of the pay-in-kind dividends, the Class B Stock and Class C stock increased to 445 million votes and 193 million votes, respectively.
The Plaintiffs allege that the 2008 Recapitalization “was designed to transform Icahn from a debt holder with no voting rights to a shareholder with super voting rights” (id. at, ¶ 153). It “diluted the minority shareholders by means of the issuance of excessive numbers of preferred shares with excessive voting power, depriving the minority shareholders of their voting power in XO” (id.). The Plaintiffs argue that the issuance of the preferred stock “constituted an overpayment by XO to Icahn of economic value and voting power, improperly extracting that economic value and voting power from the” minority shareholders and transferring it to Icahn (id.). That extraction was crucial to Icahn obtaining use of the NOLs.
The Plaintiffs allege that, as early as 2007 and continuing after the 2008 Recapitalization, Icahn intentionally depressed XO’s stock price with the goal of enabling him to acquire 100% of XO’s equity and voting power, and thus to obtain the use of the SRLY-NOLs. In 2009 and 2010, Icahn attempted to structure additional improper transactions to accomplish this goal (id. at, ¶¶ 162-176), which were challenged by minority shareholders and were, ultimately, unsuccessful.
On January 21, 2011, XO disclosed that Icahn, through his affiliate, ACF, made an offer to purchase the remaining shares of XO that he did not own for $0.70 per share. ACF requested that XO initiate a process for reviewing the proposed buyout, but also indicated that, in no event, would it or any of the Affiliates sell the shares to a third party or vote for a transaction involving a third party. The XO Board formed a special committee consisting of Knauss, Gradin, and First to review the proposed buyout (the “2011 Special Committee, together with “2008 Special Committee”, the “Special Committees”).
On July 12, 2011, despite objections from the minority shareholders, XO consummated the 2011 Merger by announcing that it had executed an Agreement and Plan of Merger with Icahn (the “2011 Merger Agreement), the Affiliates, and XOM. The terms of the 2011 Merger Agreement provided that minority shareholders would be cashed out at $1.40 per share in cash and receive an uncertificated, non-transferable, contract right to receive a pro rata distribution of certain proceeds in the event that XO was sold to a third party on or before July 12, 2012.
Icahn’s acquisition of 100% of XO through the 2011 Merger accomplished his ultimate goal of obtaining the use of over $2 billion of XO’s SRLY-NOLs. Icahn previously obtained the use of the NOLs when he reached an 80% equity and voting interest in XO, but he could not use the SRLY-NOLs unless he owned 100% equity and voting interest in XO.
The Plaintiffs allege that the consideration for the 2011 Merger is grossly inadequate and unfair to minority shareholders because the price of $1.40 per share is less than what was offered in 2008. Furthermore, XO’s share price cannot be properly evaluated due to Icahn’s scheme to depress the XO shares, which negatively impacted XO’s share price in the market.
The 2011 Special Committee also failed to consider the value of the SRLY-NOLs to Icahn and the value of the Plaintiffs’ causes of action with respect to the 2008 Recapitalization. Moreover, the Plaintiffs allege that the value of the right to receive a pro rata distribution upon the sale of XO is illusory because Icahn merely has to wait one day after July 12, 2012 to sell XO in order to completely avoid making the distribution to the Plaintiffs.
IC and lawyers are winning this battle. IC has what he wanted and how the heck will the court(s) sort this out? If I were a potential buyer I would have to look elsewhere. In spite of this though, the operating company seems to me like a gem with faults. If one could negotiate the plaintiffs into a settlement then a deal might be possible and IC could get rid of the zit.
I was in a similar mess once when a block of investors owned 50% of the company and just as we were closing on a big recap they became “bad guys” in the eyes of the SEC. Everything went on hold immediately. They refused to negotiate out and the company eventually folded. They lost everything as did the other investors, employees, and customers.
Greed wins.
I hat eto continu this string and speculation about XO future but thinking about it an ideal suitor came to mind.
Centurylink- Out of ILEC and Embarc acquired territories the Metro Fiber networks of XO woudl be a nice add fit for them, major Northeast markets and other areas where they have LH qwest routes but really never developed metro networks would benefit from this. If there is a question of LH routes with Level 3 the Qwest LH route could be the answer. Additionally Centurylink product set aligns closer to Xo then companies like Level 3 or Zayo or even TW Telecom.
They would appear to have the money also
Good point! I didn’t think of CL but that would be a logical choice.
So whats happening with the new CEO? Icahn blow yet another opportunity to recruit talent?
I really hope it is an outside who can look at the operations and management with an objective eye and clean house. If that does happen the current staff should freshen their resumes.
My bet would be that CI brings in someone off is current staff. Question, what successful, self-respecting CEO would take this job under CI? We know he’s not going to open up the wallet. So, my guess is that he’ll simply appoint one of the people that run his various companies to run this one.
you may be correct but that at least would be a fresh look by someone and not the failed reworked policies of the inexperienced, unqualified bunch that sits in the top management now.
It will probably be his nephew…
Excellent !
it would be an improvement
Does anyone know if XO employees have received their 2014 benefits info yet?
No it wouldn’t…he’s incompetent and the reason why Ernie is gone
Ernie is gone because of bad numbers, his fault or not.
correct. new ceo starts in early december.
Yes XO emplyees have received their benefits for 2014 and yes we are getting benefits.
are the benefits better or worse
Benefits aren’t much different from last year. Premiums went up a little and if you smoke your tax doubles from 50 to 100 dollars. I don’t smoke so I don’t have to worry about it. Question, who said there is a new CEO coming in? Really haven’t heard that until I read it here.
Chris Ancell will be the new CEO
Christopher Ancell Joins XO Communications as Chief Executive Officer
HERNDON, VA–(Marketwired – Nov 26, 2013) – XO Communications, a leading nationwide provider of IP and data solutions, announced today that Christopher Ancell has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer. Ancell will join the company effective December 2, 2013. Ancell is an accomplished leader with an impressive track record in the communications industry. His background will be key to advancing XO’s expertise in managing high-capacity, dynamic network services, as telecommunications and information technology converge in the marketplace.
Ancell joins XO Communications after a career encompassing nearly 30 years of operational and sales leadership in the communications and technology services industries. Most recently, he served as senior vice president of sales and sales engineering for CoreSite Realty Corporation. Prior to CoreSite, Ancell spent 12 years in a variety of leadership roles at both CenturyLink and Qwest, including president of CenturyLink’s business markets organization and executive vice president of Qwest’s business markets organization.
Ancell has also held management positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers and with Oracle’s Telecommunications Consulting Practice. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the University of Denver.
Current Chief Executive Officer Laura W. Thomas will remain with the company and assume the role of Chief Financial Officer, a position she previously held at XO.
May be a prelude to a sale to Century Link
hope he cleans out the incompetent, nepotistic management in edison, HR and a few other places.
Why would anyone take this job? He doesn’t know it, but he just became Carl’s pauper trying to run a destitute company with a senior leadership team made up of misfits reminiscent of the characters from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Call him McMurphy. I give him 10 months until he is looking for a new career.
*** 6 months from now with a Top Gun correlation***
(Goose) Ancell: “I really enjoyed that, (Mav) Don, thanks a lot … Holy shit! … Maybe I could learn how to be a truck driver.” Don, you have the number of that truck-driving school we saw on TV? Truck Master, I think it is… I might need that.”
No idea who the guy is, but I would assume anyone willing to take such a position has a very lawyered up golden parachute and set of protections built in. You have to with CI.
or has nothing going on and nothing to lose
Nothing going more like it.
XO is a great company it has the best salespeople in the industry.
just look at NY. Simon is Top Dog, Fred is MCI legend and JT is take no prison approach is outstanding.
Kathleen is a Spectrum of a rep, Joe is the best manager-rep combo ever.
Quite revealing that an example of how “great” XO is, is a litany of the most egotistical, backstabbing, and selfish org there is at any telco: sales reps. Instead of customer satisfaction, innovation, ability to pivot and cater to enterprise needs, or other metrics.
That said, I bet you’re right on one note: anyone who can manage to successfully sell XO’s crap must be pretty good at what they do, regardless of the ethics involved in getting it done. “take no prison” indeed – potential customers take note.
Small game company that is not capable of providing Global Services on a world wide basis….
uh? Global Services on a world wide basis …. sounds really special luv L3! 🙂 is that the L3 compelling sales value?
so LUV L3, then XO is providing Nationwide Services on a Country wide basis?
Ahh Care repair trio [personal references removed]. This trio of blood sucking azz licking got to make my piss mark on the company is going to drive the last bit of any talent away. If they actually stood on the floor where the business end of repair happends they would see that every time they have a “idea” or open their mouth the reps lose more respect if there is any more to lose, The moral in Saginaw is gone that been missing id say for about 4- 5 years. Someone needs to come in and clean up from managers on up The supervisors are fantastic its just above them all the way up to CIO LT that needs to be outed. I’m really impressed someone hasn’t snapped in Saginaw. As soon as the thumb club moves on the better off XO will be.
signed love my job and teamates, dispise the management
well spoken and accurate. the same applies to the field management. there are a lot of hard working folks at the tech and lead level. from there it is a mess up to edison and LT. for the most part the management is weak and ineffective keep in place by a department head who plays favorites and refuses to see the problems. we are talking about the same stupid problems that existed 5 years ago. there are management that can barely write a full sentence let alone manage.
yeah we work for a boasting, bullying no nothing that would have been let go years ago at any other place for his behavior let alone performance but with the edison gang and HR the beat goes on.
gee who could it be?????????
Does anyone know if there is any truth to the rumor that Carrier in Denver is being sent to Dallas?
Not sure why they would do that considering the entire management team is interviewing at L3
What is the go-forward message from the new CEO??? Is that why folks are interviewing?
How is Laura liking her new (old) CFO role?
Date Time On For Appearance
Outcome Justice /Part
Comments Motion
12/17/2013 Supreme Trial RAMOS, CHARLES E.
NOI/EXT 01/11/2014
It is in reality an awesome and practical bit of details. I am grateful that you simply provided this useful data about. Make sure you continue being us informed like this. Appreciation for revealing.
any changes at the exec level with the new CEO?
i wonder if the new ceo has discovered most of the managers and directors in the field rarely even come to the office.
really? who cares. He’s too busy trying to drive traction in the partner channel and he’s going to lose money doing it. Remember the qwest days? Qwest paid too much in channel spiffs and incentives and ultimately when they were sold the business suffered b/c they couldn’t afford it. Watch what Icahn does when he finds out he’s giving business away. I hope this guy owns vaseline.
The Xo Director in DC who used to be in Philly would show up a couple days a week in flip flops and a Tshirt. None of the reps ever knew where he was, even his admin didn’t know where the guy was 1/2 the time
he’s gone now. now he’s comcast’s problem
i do remember those days and the days when the xo channel was bringing in deals we made nothing off of. if CI dosent know by now hes giving the business away I doubt anything will change.
check the wholesale side of the business. Slim margins that just cover the direct costs.
XO pays their VAR’s/Agents around 20%! That is pretty much unheard of. Level 3 and AT&T rarely do anything over 15%. No wonder XO is in the tank!
they have to pay them above and beyond other wise they wouldn’t sell them
VAR’s are like any other sales: amoral and coin-operated. If XO pays 20%, surprise! XO suddenly has a great product for you, mister enterprise.
Regardless of the VAR % or wholesale margins, this is not some exclusive issue to XO – every telco faces the same pissing matches between channel, wholesale, and direct sales. Get over it.
if XO suddenly had a great product they would be paying less NOT more.
XO has some great products and some great people. Whats clear is XO has a bad owner and weak leadership team except for a few like Don.
Let’s face it…new CEO or not, this is a horrible company to be a customer of, or to work for. In the Riddlers short failed stint at running the show, he pretty much destroyed the direct enterprise channel. He blindly, and amateurishly caused the resignation of some of the most talented people in the company, without ever stepping outside the confines of his nice Rochester office. They face a dilemma of not being able to deliver or make money off their core products, yet are stuck with the remnants of a sales force that is being tasked to sell products they can’t make money selling. XO wants to sell cloud, but other than their cloud voice products, there is no way to make money selling resold cheap products. They need a new person running service delivery, and Mr 4th time’s a charm needs to demote himself out of the company this time…before that 1 hour meeting ends. Once again the new comp plan will be a “luck” based disaster…that will never pay a full comparable commission, as most sales(Q2, 3 and 4) are only paid for a short period, before the new JOP starts and they are now built into that new JOP! There is not one successful market in the company.
Bay Area, New York and Dallas hold 90% of the revenue are are all over plan
Yet NONE of it installs, none! Especially in New York, where the managers are writing fake deals to appease their ridiculous VP!
As Grant Lewis states: “there are a lot of good people in the company”. Good and competent people at mid and lower levels. Any higher than that you find politics and incompetence. The wagons are circled. The new CEO has a real challenge if he sees this and he may not get the support he will need from the board, or IC, to make the necessary changes. It is an imbedded culture that still exists and won’t go away without some very real upheaval.
Revenue means nothing if its declining and returning sub par margins.
Reps bailing in Denver and Chicago
Imminent Layoffs coming – 500-700 people to be impacted
where can they possibly take them from. at this point i hope im one if its true
so infuriating listening to our director tell us for the last 6 months how good things are going and we are past the hard times now this…………again.
Wow! Sales leadership is probably back to the old days. Whatever works!
Leadership in flux, morale out the window, sounds familiar. Can the new “organizational effectiveness” VP clean this up? She has a history with the new CEO. What does that mean?
we know what it means. by the way isn’t organizational effectiveness his job and all the other overpaid lumps. if they haven’t created an effective org (and they haven’t) why are they there. did they all get a fat bonus this year.
It may also mean that IC is in discussions with Century Link. The CEO and the new VP could be early plants pending a deal.
Regardless, a whole bunch of current employees will be former next week.
I process applications and background checks for a cable co. We usually have a broad mix of people applying for jobs. In the last 45 days or so, the vast majority of applicants have been XO employees. When this happens the company usually has had a large layoff or an M&A announcement. I Googled XO expecting to see news of the such only to find nothing but disparaging remarks about the company from customers and employees alike. If it is so bad, why don’t they just close the doors and walk?
Not surprised most of your applicants are XO people as I do not know of a single person in my group who is not actively looking
Those who are not, should be.
As far as shuttering the doors, XO is owned by Carl Icahn, who won’t take a penny less than what he thinks he should get. So, no takers and the company hobbles along and continues to reduce head count to try and make numbers.
easy to say “close the doors” BUT there are a lot of people who depend on their jobs to live. I’m as demoralized as the next person here but I need my job while im looking elsewhere.
its so shameful the top management has been well fed after running the company into the ground with their lack of experience and placing of people who are friends and not qualified or deserving. We here all know the names!
where do you guys come up with these predictions? They same ones have been spewed since 2011 when this was first posted.
Ooops! Are you still there?
its called discussion. goes on every day between people.
After being in multiple groups at XO for 13 years, I can tell you what I see is we have thinned down tremendously but the folks not cut have stepped up to fill the gaps and have learned to work smarter.
I know it’s easy to hold a grudge when you are asked to leave a company and against those that you feel have wronged you but there has to be a point at which you let it go and you move forward in a positive matter.
XO went into bankruptcy soon after I joined the company but we are still alive and kicking and moving forward.
13 years, I was a top producer for 13.5 years at Xo and was shown the door a few years ago. And this was after they doubled my workload. If you think everyone is going to be positive after getting the shaft from that smoke and mirrors, garbage, good ol boy company, think again. The only advice I can give current workers is get out while you can, XO does not give a rats a#@# about you. And BTW, I now have a much better job.
Enjoy your 3 day weekend, layoff announcement coming on Tuesday. Those that are leaving may be the lucky ones as those left behind will have to pick up the pieces with nobody left to do the work.
Anybody have details of the trial start date? Reason to believe R2 talks have started? Looks like we are finally there with the certificate of readiness filed last Friday.
At best the trial starts in June. Icahn has been delaying and delaying. The plaintiff attorneys have complained to the judge because Icahn won’t agree to a trial schedule. Icahn’s ethically challenged (imagine that) has been playing semantic games to delay as much as he can. He is now claiming he needs to get the judge’s view on a trial issue when the case status conference call occurs at the end of the month before he can do anything. I am betting the judge tells him to quit screwing around. But even if that happens there is no way the trial starts before summer.
I left out the word “attorney” after “ethically challenged”. It was Freudian. I think they are synonyms.
Now it’s Tuesday? Is this one of this things where you guess a 100 times and on the 99th time when they layoff 20 people you can say I told you so? Must feel awesome taking pleasure in others misery
Unfortunately it appears to be true 🙁
I take it you have trouble with the concept of a 3 day weekend. As you are probably aware, YES that Tuesday there was a round of layoffs.
I wanted to give folks a heads up, so that makes me a sadomasochist? That is laughable.
I guess you think I shouldn’t let people know that there is another round scheduled for the last week of February.
Take a good look at the backgrounds of the CI folks coming in and out of the offices. You won’t see anyone with M&A experience, but you will see people with “salvage” accounting and finance experience.
It doesn’t appear that we have a suitor. Broad sweeping and continued layoffs paired with odd budget cuts are signs of a last ditch effort to shore up a sinking ship.
You might have several suitors were the Icahn ask not so stupid.
Not every smarmy, filthy takeover can be a success, Carl old buddy. Just cut this loss and go ruin Apple, or something, instead.
Most of XO’s problems are internal poor decisions by the executives at the top. No amount of heroics can be overcome by the many capable souls that staff the business. And the entire “customer experience” leadership team has never made serious inroads to solving provisioning and repair issues. You might think they would tire of not making any improvements over a decade’s time?
Spot On
they dont get tire of failure because they are rewarded with high pay, bonus and no accountability. get get that deal to many places.
Well, I am out of a job today (XO) and so are several others with more to come. For me this is an opportunity and one that I welcome, I just hope others view it the same.
Good vibes to all that are affected today. I got kicked in the gut before the holiday season last year but am now employed again at 40% more pay. XO pays below market so I think many will experience a similar positive adjustment.
XO employees are some of the hardest and most professional workers I have had the pleasure to work with and other companies are quick to recognize and reward such talent. May the road rise to meet you all!
Seems like a routine affair, every year. In the front door, out the back. Not sure this is the best management practice as any employee is subject to such treatment, and you never know who is getting the ax. But, good luck to all that are hit this round. I hope you had the foresight to be looking already.
Who got the AX, what locations and what areas?
10% of total staff, across all areas.
Well, 17 years and out, but not feeling shocked or sad. I will not miss a job that always had me wondering when the bullet would target me. Won’t miss the work culture that xo has devolved into, will miss the good people I worked with.
Sounds like XO is stack ranking. The “top 20” percent of the workforce is most productive, and 70% (the “vital 70”) work adequately. The other 10% (“bottom 10”) are nonproducers and should be fired.
XO should be focused on team building and culture.
Stack ranking will increase profits but will eat at the company like a rotten apple, rotting from within.
Gee whiz that sounds so logical in the comment section of a blog, but in reality is complete and utter BS. When it comes to RIFs, however, there’s NEVER a pareto optimal outcome. That’s something management tells those who survive so they feel special (until they look around and see some of their best colleagues not there) or tell investors (or BOD) so they believe that this weeding did not hurt the company.
I’ve survived many a layoff and have had to let many go in same exercise. Here’s how it works.
(1) CEO has dollar amount of opex to reduce.
(2) That number translates into a headcount.
(3) Each Executives is given a magic number (could be dollar amount or hard number of reductions) by which to reduce.
(4) HR follows up by making sure the distribution of reductions satisfies whatever flavor of the day philosophy is currently in vogue.
(5) Many managers take the opportunity to eliminate employees that have challenged them in the past. Other managers don’t want to spare a single head so apply some random method to achieve the reduction. Some of the best employees will tell managers they’ll leave when they really just want the severance before they take the other job they have already lined up.
The one thing that doesn’t happen…the most productive remain. But if it makes you feel better believing that, you go right ahead.
There was in fact some dead wood cut today. However, there were also some powerhouses shown the door. The common thread seems to be that all of them have been around for a LONG time. Why keep all these people who have followed the “career path” and are now making a decent living, when there are unemployed people everywhere begging for scraps? This is purely about sparing dollars at the expense of quality.
And, since this is XO we’re talking about, there is likely a few grudges being settled on the local level.
Best wishes to all affected today. As the cuts are past flesh, muscle, and deep into the bone now – its not bottom 10. It’s well into highly skilled staff. WTH? Already missing these wonderful people.
XO has had large layoffs for eight consecutive years in a row going from 6,000 employees in 2006 to 2,900 employees in 2014. That should say something in and of itself about the upper management of this company.
And down to roughly 2600 this week. For the first time the layoffs included sales and customer facing support. The money has run out and the death march is in full swing.
Best wishes to those let go today. From the few names I heard, there were indeed quality people, and not the bottom of any stack ranking impacted. The hard facts about how telecom reductions typically occur is that all functional areas are expected to make the same percentage cuts – in the name of fairness. Unfortunately, that’s not the way you would engineer a company if you had to build one from scratch. They should be looking at what it takes in terms of personnel and automated systems, and determine what that looks like first, then cut. But that’s certainly not the XO way.
The real shame it it’s no longer a public company so outsiders won’t be able to see the financial impact as this dinosaur wilts away.
“Wilts” is a great word for XO’s condition Melinda. Wilting away as the years pass seems an appropriate description of their path. Note: I have seen evidence of IC’s influence in the day to day operation of the company through the efforts of his staff who have a serious impact on any decisions made by management. One person in particular, not a telecom head for real but certainly an “expert” in his own mind in all things related to management and telecom. And as one who has the power to constantly screw things up, has probably contributed heavily to the confusion. Second guessing and questioning any decision by those with the power can destroy the effectiveness of even great management. I stand by my prediction that Century Link has planted new management in the upper ranks in preparation to a take over with IC’s blessing and cooperation. IC has no business being in a business he does not understand.
a centurylink buy would be a breath of fresh air for the company, hopefully its employees, industry pricing and industry risk.
That theory holds true until you understand that the CL plants are washouts who were booted from CL for gross mismanagement and underperformance. Wilting is an understatement looks more like an implosion to me.
i hope our sit at home leader survived.
not exactly sure who ur referring to but I think I know, and yes he did survive.
Been doing pretty well selling XO products over the past few years, but I now here a slew of PMs were released from the service delivery dept. Also now our local support people report to some distant out-of-market manager. Tough enough selling in this industry but losing so many from an already struggling implementation and no local support leadership, the time has come for me to start returning those weekly recruiter calls. Hope to be out of here within the month.
This is obviously the big slimdown for the merger.
agreed!. How can it be anything else the company cant operate as is.
most of the people let go were the longer tenured ones. we received a severance of a weeks salary for each year we worked. get that off the books and make the balance sheet look better.
i can only hope the people at the top get kicked to the curb as they deserve when/if there is a merger or sell
But on a high note , CL buys 500M of Apple stock last week. What a great guy.
Nothing like seeing it down $48 2 days later.
Current XO people, you must come to reality, the ship has sunk, how on earth can it keep going. If you are waiting to see a renaissance at XO or have no where to go then keep hanging on. The unfortunate fact that the the place has been decimated by poor management, a bad board and the selfish ownership is nothing short of a modern day business tragedy.
One that should be documented and studied as a glowing example of how self serving corporate governance (activist investing) can be abused for the benefit of a single individual. So braze so cruel and despotic that it sickens everyone who works there and knows the truth.
Senior leadership is handing out spiffs to keep key people in place as they inventory and audit the assets for imminent sale.
If you still work there give yourself 3-6 more months to find a new job and get out. Yeah you could get a week for every year when they RIF.
Good luck…I am sure HR will be commenting shortly.
hr wont comment they are guilty and complicit with the downfall. i challenge them to comment.
You guys are delusional thinking you can incite your HR department to comment on a whiny, self-indulgent comment thread. We all get it, XO sucks every which way from Tuesday. Go find work elsewhere, already.
Slay the wimps. Move on.
For those who are extremely upset by the frequent layoffs and (those who remain) uncertain status I think you could give them some respect. This is a good forum for discussions and grievances to be aired.
Give us a break, tough person.
i doubt if this person is very “tough” out from behind an anonymous keyboard.
correct, again…
Another lay-off is scheduled for the week of 2/17. The conversation was about how operations is already running really light on staff, so this round will be primarily focused on sales, sales management & pre-sales support.
Can we say sale/merger, usually this is what happens when a company is being sold or merging with another company. Glad I am gone from that place.
thanks Captain Obvious
The Riddler and his merry men ?
How will Nick Shaffer and his gang of Chicagosales bandits fare with this layoff?
Burn ’em & Churn ’em…
Most left already.
Gee, how did they end up with so many extra people? People who aren’t needed? I bet some of those people who are let go actually do something of value. They are downsizing in the extreme it appears. No demand for their products? That is probably the problem.
Denials on the sales/sales management R.I.F.! February sales numbers are terrible …. Regional Directors and VPs are in panic mode.
Morale in the sales ranks are an all time low, can it get any worse? Thanks Ernie, Mike Riddel
Yes it can, you could be spared in the R.I.F and have to endure additional time at X.O
Having worked at XO previously I can tell you there are a ton of highly skilled, capable and passionate individuals who only want to succeed. It’s unfortunate that the current ownership structure prevents the type of investment that could truly make the company and by proxy the people successful but it is not their fault. If you can blame anyone for anything its hanging on to the slimmer of hope that they will reach the end of the tunnel and emerge into the sunlight of success. Along the way we shouldn’t kick them, berate them and certainly not blame them for what is clearly not their fault. The folks who are XO are good people. Layoffs or not, its tough in telecom no matter where you are. Its just that simple.
XO issues are with 2nd level management and above. You have “good intention” individuals who have no skills in terms of customer negotiations, large – solution type sales and the process it takes. They are managing to a number, which is how they have been taught or managed by. They fear for their jobs, so in turn, they instill fear to their direct reports.
OK, so customer churn was horrible in 2013 and not much better the prior year. So aside from the usual snarky responses, does anybody have any legitimate theories as to why Funkenstein, who I’m sure is paid very well, is still here????
Her missteps have been very costly. She talks the talk very well but then really does not have a clue.
And the new guys is obviously falling for that empty talk. Clearly Ichan as no eye for talent.
thats why she fits in. all talk and management who does not have the experience or background to make sensible changes.
Any news on the rumored sales management/sales RIF this week?
Probably won’t happen until Friday.
They fired all of Chicago and San Francisco sales teams. I hear XO is looking for sales talent on Telecomramblings.
that would be an interesting approach, given this thread as a job reference tool…..
might actually help explain this thread’s content
Does anyone know what actually happened ?!?!
HAHAHA! Instead of looking for more revolving door Order Taker Reps, they may want to look at hiring some competent Customer Service Reps… you know… the ones that speak English, and have a vested Interest in Keeping us Customers??????
Wow !
Except that this didn’t happen… at least not as of Friday.
heard that sales leadership was impacted today. any confirmation?
heard there are ton’s of changes over there … some good people lost to impacts.
Anyone know why?
yeah, his incompetence & empty talk finally caught up with him
I used to work at XO and elected to leave on my own so I have no right or justification to gripe but I think you should accirately assess the career of Mike Langan. Particularlly the changes Mike implemented recently while leading IT. In less than 1 year, IT has become an organization of listeners and doers that have delivered exceptional work. Mike should be commended for leading a cultural change rather than condemned.
so is
Mike Langan was there a long time. I worked with him occasionally and found him competent, fair, and customer smart – and a real person. I hope he has gone to something better as he deserves better.
In terms of Mike Langan’s IT influence, it used to be that IT created projects that were either not wanted or that didn’t work the way users needed them to. After Mike implemented a communications bridge between users and IT and made it his focus, the work created, the projects planned, and especially the continual feedback has created a cultural change in IT that has left a mark on both development and the internal customers that I think speaks to Mike’s strength. Having dealt with Mike for many years, he always came across as a real person who was fair, who spoke his mind, and personally, he always helped me out when I needed it. Thanks for all you did, Mike, and wishing you and your family the best.
Yes, I have been with Langan on sales calls. When things started floating into outer space he would bring it back to earth. He has a charming Irish personality so he could do that without offending anyone.
I heard that Mike and Riddel have gone. I worked with Mike when I was at XO and he was a decent guy. He helped with installations/escalations internally and also went on customer meetings. He always was direct with customers in regard to delivery expectations which they appreciated. I hope he finds something that he wants to do soon. I don’t know Riddel, so I’m not qualified to comment on his success/failure at XO. After being at XO and after leaving voluntarily, I’d say that there are some good people there, but even with the best management in the world, which they don’t have, XO just doesn’t have the assets or solutions to survive.
he also hung tight on the coat tail of a certain svp
What about the Riddlers merry band of east coast “home based” managers ????
Bring back Wagner!
get rid of all of them. they failed!
Wagner, Mike T. and Tom H. were the ones who sunk the company in the first place. XO was a successful company that could have been a player but for the “horrible” leadership and lack of industry vision that caused in inevitable collapse. Had they understood the market place and lead instead of always trying to play catch up XO could have survived and been a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately the 3-5% layoff strategy has kept the company afloat but with the worst customer satisfaction in the industry there was a price to pay. Market share… I am sure that reputation department will say the usual ” hey stop complaining” stuff….but it is true!
Justdeparted –
I find your comments to be inaccurate, untrue and uninformed. The leadership team you note as well as those prior to their arrival as well as post their departure were directed to assist with a transformation strategy that was determined by the BOD in 2008. As such that plan was already underway prior to their arrival and continued post their departure. You can reference this plan in the ongoing litigation b/w R2 and CI/XO but it clearly discusses the overall plan to an extent along with some hyperbole’s around dilution and equity ownership for the purpose of gaining access to the NOL’s and by proxy the full dispositive position of the remaining tangible assets.
I believe the company has experienced the difficulty of the broader macro and micro economic conditions affecting the industry. Nonetheless the employees at XO are quality human beings who take pride in their work and support of the customers that are of XO. Yes, its true, incorrect decisions were made – not just by one leadership team – but by many in the companies history. But as i said in a prior post many months ago its really not about the leadership but its about what the BOD and CI want to do.
Wagner, Toplisek, Hobika, Laura Thomas, Grivner, etc – the list goes on and on … all were pawns in the overall CI scheme. You want to blame someone don’t blame the folks who were forced to make changes blame the owner.
Grant, you hit the nail on the head. The owner and his pawns have destroyed a good company. Many who left are doing well without that anchor.
Correct, Grant. The only thing I’d like to add in response to “justdeparted” is that this company has NEVER been “successful”. How can anyone even suggest that there has been any success here? XO has often had potential, but never – NOT ONCE – has it been realized. Whatever potential that may have ever existed has been squelched by constant changes in “focus” (and use that word loosely), management that is like kids getting to pretend they are adults, and –worst of all — the few really good execs who mysteriously became so disengaged that they were better off gone.
Justdeparted is right on the money! The 3 Global Crossing stooges destroyed Xo. They fired many of the most productive leaders at Xo and brought in garbage to replace them. I have never met a more arrogant group of leaders in my life and I am amazed they still have jobs in the industry after destroying not 1, but 2 companies.
The only real constant at XO is the former CEO LT who seems to be sinking the ship all on her own.
No, do not point fingers at individuals or groups of individuals within the XO exec ranks. There was significant, daily meddling from IC’s management people in each and every decision made, or attempted to be made, by any and all executives. Power corrupts absolutely and one individual in particular had inordinate power to interfere. It was a good company at one point for all employees but was destroyed by IC. He should not get a dime from its sale/merger or whatever.
Mike Langan is a Senior Executive that actually gets things done, and follows through on what he promises. He is a straight talk executive that is extremely customer facing and always tried to solve issues. He also took responsibility and held his folks accountable.
His only flaw is the never ending Love for the NY Football Giants!
Yes, he was not treated well. You comments reflect my experience. A shame really but that is the MO at XO.
That is a serious flaw indeed.
another Centurylink exec has moved in. Wonder what that means?
Simply means that XO gave them a larger job title, a title they would not see at CenturyLink. A chance for a Director to be a VP at XO or an SVP to be the CEO at XO. Once again XO attempts to have these new executive titles “learn on the job’, when they do not have the time or patience for a long honeymoon.
is the XO Comm debt raise just carl refi’ing? L+325 seems awfully tight for me.
can you please elaborate
Carl’s in the market today to raise $500mn in debt.
2014-03-04 17:48:31.334 GMT
Information from person familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified because they’re not authorized to speak about it.
Interesting… Yes, I’d have to guess it’s just a refi. But on the other hand it’s just the right amount to go shopping for something like Broadview. I’m not saying that would be a fantastic idea for them, just remembering that Icahn was poking around in Broadview’s debt not so long ago.
Perhaps he might use $400M to pick up EarthLink? It is ripe for take out since management their set the bar low and dropped all confidence in investors. Icahn would likely synergize the CLEC assets while benefiting from the small but fast growing Cloud business. I would not bother with Broadview as its not going anywhere fast.
An interesting idea…
Earthlink’s mgt is filled with Xo castoffs-Toplisek, Hobika, etc Not surprised that co has quickly become Xo 2.0
because XO’s complete miss of sales and revenue resulting in an entirely new leadership team once again is doing so much better. How many more times can you guys deflect blame from whats really happening? Its Carl Icahn … not toplisek or wagner or laura or ernie or hobika or langan. You are morons for thinking.
or settle the law suit
I would hope so. For those who remember, my “schmuckinsurance handle” was derived from my large helping of humble pie regarding XO from this website.
While XO was a very successful investment, I was also ignorant enough to think I was going to see additional value in the NOLs that belonged to the shareholders. Someone(maybe en_ron) called it schmuck insurance.
It was, is and just a reminder that Icahn not only stole this company from employees but also the shareholders at that 5x ebitda multiple(Cowen today calculated the 7 transactions last year came at 10.5x) and no value for the NOLs.
EBay is worst-run company I have ever seen: Carl Icahn
CI said this at 7:30 am
This scum bag has the nerve to talk about conflicts of interests and weak corporate governance. It’s amazing how the media has never mentioned the hypocrisy.
*He also took issue with the sale of Skype in a September 2009 deal valuing the business at $2.75 billion to an investor group that included Andreessen. Eighteen months later, the group sold it to Microsoft (MSFT) for $8.5 billion.
500 M may be just the number to buyout Searchlight from there position in Integra. With that buyout Carl Icahn gets Kevin O’Hara as CEO and his leadership to to tackle the larger XO issues. I know KOH will make some laugh at the thought but if you want deep rooted industry veteran with relationships with many many successful leaders in all areas of running telecom company at his disposal you might say it is appealing to Icahn. Not saying it woudl be successful, but I woudl say KOH and his ego would love to get back in the game on a larger stage like XO.
XO needs techs that are more technology focused and customer oriented. XO has a lot of seriously lazy/unfriendly techs that could not hold a technical conversation outside of a process flowchart if their life depended on it. These same people look to do the bare minimum and are shielded by their management.
XO needs higher standards. Ask anybody who is good at their job, they’ll tell you who the turds are.
Better than the enquirer or days of our lives.
This is a serious forum. We will exceed 2000 replies by end of year.
503 and counting. You maybe qualified for Nostradamus status.
Please post only unfounded information. Maybe turn this into a wiki.
Rob charge a small nominal fee for people to post on this thread. You could make millions.
So what ultimately is XO’s end game?
In the end there can only be one.
Chinese checkers
15 million comments and we might the Guinness Book of World records,
Jager has too much time on his/her hands. Maybe an adolescent who is tired of Twitter and Facebook. An attempt to subvert this forum? An XO employee trying to get Rob to remove this forum? A shame but it needs to remain open since it is very useful for folks to be able to distribute information that helps some, and important for others to be able to just vent.
Jäger ?
CNBC just talking about how Andreessen hit back at CI this am concerning his self dealing in XO during 2009. First time I ever heard CNBC mention XO and CI and the situation there but it was forced out by Andreessen.
The blog post was discussed but here is the link to Andreessen Horowitz:
wow quiet
So the Riddler gets the Axe on his return from Punta Cana, and he leaves behind a trail of the worst management moves in history. Nice Job Mikey the Meat Eater! So now we have capped commissions with a cool BANKING system, and a revenue plan that makes no sense?? A quote desk that is employed at EarthLink, a sales force that doesn’t know what to sell, some of the best managers in the company now employed elsewhere, Musilini working for a new woman..>WHAT…..(3) RVP’s that just got the shaft after 3 months….more Layoffs….what a great place we work at!
This post made my day !
U said meat.
everyone should be glad to know management will get their bonus next week for a job well done
Glad I lost my job so the execs can get their outrageous bonus
wonder if our director who sits home all day has to go to the bank to cash the check
I’m sure SHE avoids that with direct deposit. Why burn the gas.
well ours is a HE but same comment. why burn the gas
maybe the new CEO will have enough interest to look at what is going on.
While I’m sure it can be difficult to hear about bonuses when you are not bonus-eligible, these are not just for the executives; most everyone at XO who is overtime exempt is eligible for a bonus. For me, a bonus expectation was something that was set during my compensation plan. It’s not guaranteed, but for those of us who may work 40+ hours a week, but are not eligible for time-and-a-half, a bonus offsets those extra hours.
If you seriously have a slacker of a boss, that impacts all of us. Watching good people get let go in January means I very much don’t want someone at the company not pulling their weight. Create a free email account, log in to it from a Starbucks, and send a note to Chris and Debbie with the details on your director. You could even go old school and send an actual letter. Only posting about here is not going to do anything to change the situation whatsoever.
Everyone knows if you complain or try to be inovative, you’re marked. My HR manager tried to make a difference and now she is no longer. I hear it’s because she got into an argument with my worthless director. Whatever happened, we don’t trust you anymore.
you got it. the east HR management needs to be replaced. They support weak management when they know they are in the wrong and retaliate against th0se that speak up, even when it is thru the hotline. you can not trust the hotline or HR to investigate. They are a big part of the problem and everyone knows it.
HR is a staff function, not a line management group. Where is the operational and sales management in this picture? Politics starts at the top, CEO level. Whatever MO exists at the top filters down to all levels of management. I have been a CEO for several companies and much of my time was spent making sure politics did not affect the mission of the company. At XO I suspect the top executives are struggling and way over their heads with the challenge.
many people here feel exactly that way, its no secret edison politics have had a very negative influence on XO and HR was supportive of the MO. it needs to be cleaned out starting with the top.
bring back the cowboy
Do you mean Dan the Man? I liked his team but Icahn’s meddlers were too much for them.
Bring back the Prince of MSG (Madison Square Garden) !
Hr at Xo is nothing but a slew of yes sir folks. Not one of them will speak up, if they do, they will be shown the door. Terry Burke-got the axe when she spoke out against the Global Crossing tyrants. Recruiting-shown the door due to thier constant complaining about cronyism/politics and turnover. Hr Generalist-the ones that opened thier mouths were downsized. You don’t think that HR was notified about corruption on the ethics hotline? What did they do? Nothing
For those of you who do not know, HR does not get involved in Ethics except when they may be asked to help with an investigation. Ethics is run by Chuck Wilcox who is a member of the legal team. When you make criticisms of groups, be sure you are criticizing the right folks for the function they are responsible for.
If you folks are still at XO, do you think it’s okay to be getting paid while you are at work and not doing your job, but you are using your work time and complaining about HR not doing their job. Interesting. I am going to take a stand on the department’s behalf and say things are better here and they do make a difference. if you are not happy then go find another place of employment. It appears that all of your messages are occuring during core work hours. I am going to go back to work for the money I am being paid….why don’t you guys do that so the company can move forward.
“Who Cares”, the fact that you close out your commentary stating that you are “going back to work” makes me assume you’re doing exactly what you condemn. Based on your comments, I would guess that you are a member of XO’s HR department and if so, the hypocrisy illustrated here makes you a perfect fit.
And I’d also like to hear precisely how “they do make a difference”?
first of all you are making a leap that any of these people are working at XO or are in “working hours” now. Few would be so careless to post using an XO IP. Second its easy to say go somewhere else but this kind of exposure does some good in a lot of cases by putting pressure on those that hide behind titles. I say everyone, who can,should join the chorus and maybe there will be change.
It is so sad that people on this site continuously maligned individuals for failures that are outside of their control. From the HR attacks, former GC’er attacks, current management attacks, etc the list goes on and on. Its been stated many times on this board the failure of XO rests not with these individuals noted above or the current or former employees of XO but rather Carl Ichan himself.
I think people who have tried to change XO have failed historically b/c Icahn did not support the change not because the former employees in management, HR (current or past), etc etc are inept, wreckless, on the take, etc. Sure there have been some bad hires – Scott C. – but there are some very good people past and present who wanted and or want to make a difference at XO.
I am not advocating that what Icahn has done is ok. I believe so much more could have been done with such a great set of assets. What i am advocating is being respectful of all those folks who have been noted previously and trying to remember they are not the problem. Icahn was and will continue to be until he sells XO.
CI is not running HR or directing them to look the other way on abuse, inept hires, management bullying, unfair practices on promotions, special treatment of some and the list goes on. He couldnt less about these things it is the management and HR.
CI focuses on the “deal” not day to day management. He has a minion for that who does meddle day to day. A “management” guru in his own mind.
CI may not be running HR (or anything other dept) directly but his actions around lack of equity ownership, non competitive benefits and pay, etc indirectly affects the quality of employees he can attract and retain. By proxy he does “run” the company.
Grant You are correct his self serving autocratic dominance resonates throughout the entire company. As said a fish stinks from its head 1st.
Yes, true. My experience is that all crap flows downhill from the very top.
I’m willing to bet that WhoCares must be the HR Director (starts with a “N”) in Edison or one of his other folks who typify the yes-man, ineffective, look the other way, corporate brain dead zombie, useless minion that wreaks of Edison HR. So what if I am using company time to write this because this is how XO employees feel about HR, specifically Edison HR ingeneral. It’s about time that someone tells it like it is and the great part is that I can write this during business hours because management (starting with SVP) is either too dumb to know any better and Edison HR doesn’t hold anyone accountable even when they are told these things through their so-called hotline. It’s all about who you know not what you know in Edison. The good folks who try to make a difference here are just tires and fed up so in addition to writing this, we’re also looking for better jobs at other companies who actually cares and listens to employees. Get a clue HR and management, your best folks have already left or will be leaving soon. Go share that with the Directors and VPs on the outer walls while all their people in the cubicle farms post their resumes and actively look for jobs on company time.
never been a big union supporter BUT if there was ever a company that deserves one it is here. since there is no effort to reign in the inner dealings described in the last post, along with the mistrust in the hotline and hr, there needs to be a counter balance and union may be the way. no way they would get away with the behavior
I just heard that Rafael Visbal is leaving XO.
Another great leader leaving the organization. big lose for XO, they keeping losing great people and only bad ones are staying. what a shame
good, they dont deserve him
Totally agree, they really don’t deserve him, they deserve folks like Carl True who took the SE Org to the dumpster.
Rafael is truly a good leader and manager. He was pushed out of the job after years of excellent service but should have been the VP or SE’s. Carl always seemed like a good man but he was not a communicator. I hope Rafael lands somewhere that allows us to work together again.
Rafael was a class act. Simply a class act. Knowing Rafael he will be fine. I am sure he landed in a great opportunity. Big loss for XO. Great pick up for where ever he landed.
was he fired or left on his own
Where did the riddler end up?
Rafael was not fired, he left on his own, I heard he got a great offer at a competitor, but not sure where.
as for Riddler, I am sure he is going to end up at some restaurant that has all you can eat steak buffet.
Now Regional Vice President Of Sales – Commercial Development at Comcast. congrats Rafael
Wow, good for him… he was truly one of the best leaders that ever worked at XO.
Good for Rafael. I reported to him for awhile and then remained on his team afterwards with another manager. He always had my back, regardless.
i wonder if anyone is asking why good people are leaving or why morale is so low. Of course at XO HR would ask and answer and be satisfied with the exercise.
i remember the last survey when our org came in poorly and our boss asked for names of those who were negative and HR gave them to him.
yes, I recall one where I made two comments. One was accepted the the other just rejected. It was a criticism that was not taken well by whoever was reading the things.
you can thank our local HR Dept in Wyo and Edison for that. wonder if the new ceo will flush the hopper on these people and make a much needed positive change.
No way he will. He’s here for only one purpose & that’s to cash in after CI unloads. There has been no indication that he wants to fix anything except the spreadsheet.
yeah too bad, just shows how little they care about “the most valuable asset” how many times have we heard that
whatever happen to the 100 best places to work project. lol
That was just a lie.
thats where the people who left or were downsized went
hilarious and sad
were there more layoffs monday
im aware of only one that was long overdue
who was that?
Rhymes with “ain’t fair”.
aint fair got what he deserved finally! he got a free ride for years. hope they are looking at HR and asking why the behavior and looking the other way was allowed to go on for so long.
no clue, more hints? department, location, title…
First name rhymes with doe & he was a dir (former vp) in east ops
The $220M that CI gave XO in 2010 lasted 3 years. That’s a $73M burn after absolutely gutting the place.
With interest and inflation factored in, $500M just bought them another 5.56 years.
Nothing will change.
XO will continue to strut around in Payless high heels, torn stockings & stolen costume jewelry with a Parliament cigarette hanging out of its depressed face, shaking its flabby fat ass while praying that some old sugar daddy telecom will pick it up.
Nothing will change.
CI will continue to run through executives like a hooker goes through condoms and KY Jelly.
Nothing will change.
The sales folks will churn like a sailor’s stomach after a hard night in Tijuana.
Nothing will change.
Worthless people with zero accountability will sit there like Gibraltar’s Rock.
wow! way to call it out
It doesn’t matter who the executives are, they are not in charge.
“XO will continue to strut around in Payless high heels, torn stockings & stolen costume jewelry with a Parliament cigarette hanging out of its depressed face, shaking its flabby fat ass while praying that some old sugar daddy telecom will pick it up. ”
aint fair got what he deserved finally! he got a free ride for years. hope they are looking at HR and asking why the behavior and looking the other way was allowed to go on for so long.
And why would they start doing their jobs now. Mr. “ain’t fair” milked it for over a decade which is indicative of the lack of XO leadership.
Amazing that Mr Ain’t Fair lasted that long. I would say he milked that job for 2 decades. The last guy on the bench for an NBA team, stealing money!
Just learned that after Funky RIF’d most of the ACSMs less than 3 mos ago, they are bringing the position back. She truly is a wonderful leader with lots of foresight, isn’t she. Just can’t understand how she has kept her job after that and so many other failed initiatives, but maybe her newest boss will sift through her BS & finally rid us of this disease.
my hope is the new ceo will continue to clean up the mess. at least he started with “aint fair”. he really needs to get to the root which is HR
HAHAHA… why dont you Control F to see how many times THIS great idea has been posted….. I.E> “new CEO will clean up this mess” priceless… dream on
very true, start with wyo and edison HR
anyone in particular. 🙂
How about Gina and then quickly followed by Steve (not HR) but should be fired b/c he’s about as inept as they come.
Steve H. could be the worst, laziest, full of BS of any employee at XO!
But he’s the only one left!!! And he has walked across the entire network, so he know everyone… LOL
all the usual supects
STL could use an enema
Steve Nocella as CTO. Dumbfounded. Stupifying. Rediculous. Bad bad bad.
just a place marker till resignation
Doubt it. He’s buddies with the COO.
but not with the new ceo who is breaking up that old gang
its still a mess here
worst commission plan in telecom!
You guys are all wusses. If you’re still at XO now, why don’t you just leave today – walk out the door today if you don’t like it. And if you’re not at XO now, then who cares whats happening at XO – move on with your life.
Yeah, “Peter”.. Everyone except you is a wuss. Why don’t you check to see if you still have any portion of your balls left after you’ve clearly been castrated by Ex Oh.
your here
Don’t you mean “you’re here” or “you are here”? I guess judging by your lack of understanding of the correct words to use in the english language you are either not that smart and deserve to be at XO and or a computer automating replies.
or maybe your to dense to get the meaning Shakespeare
I think he got it “genius”. You’re is not the same as your.
Heard sales was reorg’d….but don’t have any details…Anyone ?????
Really? another re-org? wow. All kidding aside what do you expect? seriously? move on.
the new ceo seems to be taking an interest in the culture with meetings and actions. good start
Does he have a four point plan? Is one of them to be one of the “Top 100 Companies” to work for? Seriously, even I Love Lucy hasn’t been rerun as much as this nonsense.
It all starts at the top. If he is active and visible, and makes sense, those below will follow. The key will be if sales picks up soon.
i hope he takes a look at the wyo and edison HR leads and ask why they let the horrible behavior go on for so long.
…and question why in hell the funk remains after her yrs of failure & her version of cronyism.
her boyfriend was let go so no reason for her to remain. when does the hammer fall on nocrella?
when the new ceo looks at HR in wyo and edison and sees how abusive policies of edison were supported or ignored by them.
I just hope the meetings only last an hour, and being respectful of time they try to keep them to an hour, because the meeting invite was only for an hour, so we are coming up to an hour, and the meeting was only set for an hour so seeing that we are at an hour, that is the end of the hour meeting.
Ah, someone with a grasp on reality at last. Nicely put.
I heard there were some layoffs today. Anyone know about it?
not saying there weren’t but I didn’t hear about them and I’m here.
Layoff’s were in Circuit Design. The week before that it was in the sales org. You would think they would clean out some of these management layers. New CEO needs to get head out of sand and clean out the upper management. Especially the layer of senior managers in Dallas, Wyo, NJ and Saginaw. Soon the company will be full of managers, senior managers and directors. There wont be anyone left to do any work, and all they know how to do is fix numbers to make themselves look good. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid folks, read another spreadsheet and tell me I need to do more work, with sub par systems and consistent badgering. We all just riding the wave until the end.
I hope you don’t think Ancell is going to do much to change the problems and issues that plague XO. Well, the only way I could potentially see that happening were if he had some more cronies from CenturyLink or Qwest to bring over. If you think the Marias and Steves are the problem, you obviously haven’t met the Doves et al yet.
And please don’t fool yourselves into thinking that HR is going to go to bat and point out ineffectual leaders within the regional office. They would never consider that their problem. Just think of them as hired henchmen to be ready to escort you out when the next layoffs hit.
And they wonder why they have an employee morale issue. Yet fail to grasp that everyone knows they could be next to be let go.
Especially the layer of senior managers in Dallas, Wyo, NJ and Saginaw. well said and lets not forget the HR leaders in wyo and edison who looked the other way when good managers tried to do the right thing and got kicked out for going against the mob.
Constant layoffs indicate that sales and margins are not covering labor costs. How about another reorg? There seem to be enough arrogance in management to keep this cycle going.
So what happens to xo ultimately?
XO will continue to limp along as long as Icahn has it over-valued, and no one stepping up to buy it at his price.
I thought everyone was all pumped with the new On Net inititative, which will save the company! Light ’em up….smoke ’em if you got ’em…
who knows
So what are there now – 7, 8 new VPs/SVPs from CLink? And the majority of the TC’s and OEC’s were let go. They want all of that process in Dallas and have OE be outsourced to the group that notoriously fails time and time again. I don’t see how this will ever make XO a better place to work if you continually remove workers and add Directors, VPs and SVPs.
Same issues – the XO management team(s) current, old, and new simply start off by EMPIRE BUILDING…too many new staffers, “yes people”, that never really focus on solution selling or improving the process. They have received a position at XO that is “above their previous title” so they feel the need to begin to build their empire.
In part, these new titles & positions that XO gives to the new “executives” would never have been earned at CL or VZ, L3 etc… and look at the results, this is a true fact.
You are off your rocker if you think anyone except Carl Icahn will make a difference here. Carl allows the CEO to do what Carl wants him to do. period. So no matter what title is created, what person is hired, what person is promoted from inside, the results are what carl wants. period.
One of the biggest problems the telecom industry has had historically: IC is hiring what we use to call “Bell Heads”. Investors want CREDENTIALS so a few years at AT&T, an RBOC, Century Link, etc makes people qualified to run what is basically an entrepreneurial company. These folks are accustomed to relying on a manual for a guide to their management duties. They bring no imagination or management skills to the table. This creates an endless downward spiral to oblivion. Painful to watch.
I find it humorous that the dagging throwing knife stabbing is now pointed at the “chronies” from Clink and not Global Crossing any longer. Yet with an entirely new management team, the problem still remains the point Grant Lewis made some months ago … XO will achieve what Icahn allows it to and the management team (no matter where they are from) are not in control … Carl Icahn is. So stop your whining, focus on your role and ride it out. If you don’t like it then get a new job. But for goodness sake nothing is what it appears with icahn running/owning the company.
Tom, many comments seem to be from those outside XO, not disgruntled employees. Yes, IC’s staff meddle in the day to day decisions of the management team, with IC’s approval. But, love it or leave it seems kind of cold given the uncertain day to day existence of employees at all levels. I suspect you are in a comfortable, protected(?) perch that allows you to judge others who aren’t.
very good point – one that seems to be missed all to often
Finally an investigation into IC and his questionable (activist) actions. If he does not act illegally, he has acted immorally for decades. I hope the Chairman’s liaisons take notice and realize they may have exposure as be the conduits for activities that might be interpreted as influence peddling. Good luck guys!
wonder if this investigation will affect the R2 suit
it might make one think about settling rather than face a jury.
Icahn lost his appeal on the refusal of the court to grant a summary judgment dismissing the R2 lawsuit. The appellate court ruled that the judge was correct in not dismissing the lawsuit. The appellate court did remove the BOD committee from the lawsuit as the XO charter protects the board from being sued individually. But the appellate court ruled that the trial judge was correct in everything else. Looks like this thing may reach trial this year yet. I bet Icahn tries to settle rather than have a jury hear the case. Even my grandmother understands how Icahn screwed his fellow shareholders at XO.
Here is a link to the court order:
this is a big deal!
seems like when “big money” knows they are going to pay, they take every possible action to delay the actual payment event – have to believe what brian boru said above about a future settlement
Yes. They will delay and delay. After losing the appeal I think any more phony delay tactics will just piss off the trial judge. Icahn will either settle or have a NY jury decide the case. The odds with a NY jury cannot be in his favor so he will probably settle but play a game of brinksmanship and do it right before the trial.
Plus. Even if Icahn wants to sell he isn’t going to be able to with the lawsuit hanging over the company. A lost appeal isn’t going to let him minimize the probability of losing the lawsuit. Methinks Carl has a problem. So sorry.
this going to a jury might be the best thing. there is little to no soft spots for wall street titans among the folks.
Dobre artykuły o firma. Największy precel z artykułami o firma i wszychkim co związane z firmami. Każdy artykuł jest bardzo wartościowy i wnosi wiele informacji dotyczących firm. Jeśli posiadasz wiedzę na temat firm powinieneś dodać swój artykuł na ten temat.
is this the XO mission statement?
so TWTC goes for ~7 Billion. Zayo IPO 7 billion ( which by the way is that valuation hurt by TWTC transaction)What would prevent a smart investor like Ichan from investing nd actually improving XO communications. The upside value is obviously huge. If xo Billion $$ compnay today what coul dthey be in 3 -5 years with an actual startgey and growth
dont forget he got that 500m loan a few months back that is being invested in the co. He clearly sees the long term value.
or perhaps signalling buy me now or pay me later to intice someone to up there offers
The $500M loan indicates that CI has no faith that he’ll ever get his money back. If he felt it was a good investment, he would have loaned they money himself.
XO will blow though this money and have nothing to show for it, but a bunch of mistakes, another re-org and past due payment.
its a private company, he will be ultimately be responsible for the loan.
Don’t know the terms of the loan but if margins are not there to service it then another layoff, reorg, etc is in the wind.
yep. thats the plan
it always is
what is XO doing with the 500k?
Probably going to use a chunk of it to settle the lawsuits. :>)
Hopefully that scum bag will have to use all 500 million to settle.
Icahn has probably figured out a way to pull the loan proceeds out of XO for himself and stick the costs of any lawsuit settlement to the lender through a XO BK or something.
Interesting angle.
its hard to believe this suit has been dragging on for 5 years come july.
not hard to believe when you have the resources and funds to fight it out
no news?
who cares!
Need to start a pool on who guesses the date when this string hits 2000 comments, this is comment is 1652.Got to be a guiness record…. Ramblings for sure.
This may be the longest this thread has gone silent. What happened? Everyone got laid off?
Heard they’re getting rid of teleworking. That must be going over well.
laura thomas is no longer the CFO.
Laura Thomas should have been terminated. Maybe now that a new set of eyes will be over the Finance team, issues will be addressed and not swept under the rug. Someone really needs to look into the reason for some department’s (tax) high turnover rate.
they should start by firing linda r. … she’s a sales obstacle to success.
Apparently the Organizational Effectiveness Czar has been tackling the work from home policy. She wants to do away with it. With so many other great employee benefits to boast of at XO, you can tell why such a heavyweight and seasoned exec would want to rid XO of this scourge. She’s a tool.
Changes are not over by a long shot. Lots of weaknesses in the company. Don’t know if it is strictly political with Laura, or incompetence. She took it through a rough period. But, that does not matter when the new regime has their own management Century Link dogma. I suspect they brought the manual. XO is still groping for a future. It could be a great company.
Laura did nothing wrong at XO, she brought it through a very rough patch and CI rewards her with a firing. But what do you expect from “The High Priest of Greed” XO has had so many opportunities to turn it around and succeed, but yet it always fails. Sad very Sad.
LT was/is a bean counter and numbers person. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but she definitely does not have the stuff that strong leaders/CEOs are made of to effectively rally the troops. Icahn placed her in the roll to balance the books and when she couldn’t/didn’t grow revenue, she was demoted.
So, what about the new regime? To continue to complain about Laura, Linda, etc doesn’t really matter because they aren’t running the store.
It seems XO will be a place where new leaders come in, throw some spaghetti at the wall in the guise of a “new” strategy (which was probably attempted by a predecessor three regimes ago), surround themselves with yes men who get inflated titles and big paychecks, then get the boot to go try it all over again at another telecom.
But, at the end of it, it doesn’t matter because Icahn and his New York folks are the ones really running everything.
I feel for those of you who are left.
Does XO really have an SVP of Organizational Effectiveness? What does it do?
To make employees want to leave !…that’s the XO way !
I’m sure “certain people” will have the ability/approval to simply ignore this new policy.
Is Debbie still conducting those stupid quarterly surveys, where they find out everyone is miserable, but they do nothing to change the culture except give it lip service? Why bother asking people what they think if you take no steps to make improvements?
Is there anyone left at XO who isn’t actively looking for a new job?
Heard xo is being bought…..anyone know by who?
Not heard that but if being bought I would gues Centurylink. Many reasons but tier market access outside of legacy LEC footprint, an ability if the level 3 DF contract goes south to develop solutions to migrate traffic to Long haul network, Centurylink and Windstrean deal cratering at last minute showing an appetite and $$ to do a deal to name a few.
That would be consistent with reports of CL walking away from rackspace, CL’s low multiple would limit dilution, CL investors probably prefer a deal of XO’s size, network expense & capex synergies, and with the Zayo roadshow to come it seems like it is going to just get more expensive to be a buyer.
Laura is due to be replaced by an Icahn plant named ‘Fong Lee’ who is apparently a friend of Board member and lead Icahnette, Sung Cho. Considering Ancell’s obvious taste for hiring his old crew, specifically women from his old crew, this might be a show of non-faith from Icahn that this guy is incapable of managing the company, but also the $500 million investment for the soon to be failed on-net project without some adult oversight. Typically you get to make your own hires as a new CEO for at least a year. Icahn must be smelling the incompetence on this crew early. Hopefully the SVP of Organizational Effectiveness approves of this guy, or Ancell’s “Love Dove” might have to go to NY herself to show why he just wasn’t passing her tough standards of what constitutes effectiveness.
This is some of the best stuff recently on this insanely long comment stream! “Love Dove” is cracking me up. Great moniker.
Icahn is probably expecting results because the on-net project was to have been well underway before Chris and his all girl band showed up on the scene. Instead, it was stagnating. So, Carl is expecting some returns but even just a few months ago, the project was barely underway. Guess he needs one of his own to come in and mind the shop.
That place is a real $hit show and although there are still some very great people that work there – I am glad I have no part in it. The new regime seems to be coming in with an ax and hacking away at places where they potentially should not and focusing on areas like “teleworking” which appears to be the topic of convo and a way to Organizationally Effect the business.
“Telework” ??? Some work from other states other than their own…Some work from other countries…Wonder how the Organizational Effectiveness Office is managing that ??
What was the deal with CTL and WIN? Which one was doing the aquiring?
who cares… they all suck!
i thought it as ctl as acquirer
in sept 2012 CTL was attempting to buy TWT but no offer was formally made (at least in public)
“There are two very complicated and very different issues to try here,” Judge Ramos said.
The minority shareholders, including hedge fund R2 Investments LDC and two classes of investors, allege that Icahn used a $780 million refinancing of the struggling telecommunications company in 2008 and a 2011 going-private deal in order to gain control of XO’s net operating losses for the tax benefits they’d give to his affiliated companies.
An attorney for R2, Jeffrey I. Ross of Ross & Orenstein LLC, told Judge Ramos that the claims were all interconnected, with the same primary defendants and the same key witnesses.
“I respectfully suggest it’s all one ball of wax,” Ross said.
But the judge said from the defendants’ point of view, there was too much of a risk that Icahn could be prejudiced in a joint proceeding.
*********However, before any trials begin, Judge Ramos ordered both sides to sit down for mediation to try to reach a settlement.************
Hopefully this Ahole Icahn settles.
All I can say is that this doesn’t look good. Word is that they are taking the teleworking away. This is going to lower moral especially with employee’s that aren’t salary with not know if merit raises will be given or not. The rate that this company is going they will never be a 100 top company. Hire and Fire and never PAY your employee’s what they are worth. How about thinking about the everyday Joe who has family and is just getting by on 40K or less a year? These are the people that actually give a damn!
Oh, they were *never* going to be a top 100 place to work. With no perks, a bad healthcare plan, constant layoffs, few raises, etc., there was never a possibility that XO would be honored with such a recognition. Who knows why the leadership team agreed to add that to one of their strategic goals. They are not focused at all on attracting or retaining talent. If they were, they would work on at least offering similar benefits as the competition.
It’s sad but not surprising that they spent money traveling all over the country to ask employees what they thought about XO and they came back from those discussions to take away the one thing employees name again and again as a benefit – working remotely.
Granted, this won’t apply to all. Some, who are favored, will be allowed to continue to telework.
Organizational effectiveness at its best!
Their interest in being a top workplace is just about as important to them as being customer focused. As in, no interest whatsoever. The only way the company makes its revenue goals is through RIFs. That’s all you need to know and I hope anyone who is thinking about coming to XO to work is googling and finding this thread along with the reviews that are on Glassdoor. Save yourselves!
Maybe we should have a meeting???
I just hope the meetings only last an hour, and being respectful of time they try to keep them to an hour, because the meeting invite was only for an hour, so we are coming up to an hour, and the meeting was only set for an hour so seeing that we are at an hour, that is the end of the hour meeting.
Yes, another meeting! That’s it! Don’t need an agenda as it will become apparent that we don’t know what we are doing. Groping in the wilderness. Not my fault. RIF’s show we are doing something by the way. Customer service and repair have too many people.
Looks like Love Dove has imposed her will on Dandy Don and forced Michelle Davis out of Service Delivery, and into a PM leadership role. Was only a matter of time, with her geographic proximity to Michelle, and keen eye for organizational effectiveness. No successor has been tagged yet, but if they go internal, they have a host of bad choices to choose from. If Dandy Don goes the nostalgic route, he can pluck Jay L. off of the Carrier bench to see if he can resurrect old glory from days gone by when plans were set so low that all you had to do was wake up, put your Carrier shirt on, and without hitting a triple, or even getting an at-bat, you were automatically sitting on 3rd base year after year. They can also go with Chris Coon, as she has been telling stories of her glorious Qwest past as VP, SVP, to anyone who would listen since joining XO, and has been held back here of course only by politics, with her shear delivery genius being hidden behind talentless hacks. She even has boasted of mentoring the Love Dove at one point in her career. If Coon can do half of what she did for the Dove’ster for SD, we are talking NEXT LEVEL sh*t here people. Smart money says they try to go external, but have no luck landing anyone worth their weight in frog piss, so they settle for a re-tread.
So, with Love Dove calling all the shots as far as employee policies and procedures go, why the need to keep Debbie around? She seems like a figurehead at this point since she holds no sway. Or were they keeping her around so someone could walk Laura out to her car?
Who’s this “Love Dove”? and wow, Michelle Davis is out?? Sounds like a hostile take-over of some sort. All of the legacy folks are being dismissed… one…by…one. Shame
Here you go:
Ya know, when you are sleeping with the boss…you have a lot of power….
Heard that it’s official. Work from home has become a 1 day a week policy. Add that to your list of prior benefits that have been taken away, but make this one part of a new list, as this one cost the company nothing, and required no approval from Icahn. This was just a bitter and vindictive person, who wanted in the worst way to make an impact of some kind on the org, who went to Daddy, said there was a problem, and instead of solving it through productivity reporting to make sure that people were doing their jobs while working remote, pushed for a one size fits all solution to a problem that wasn’t really a problem for most at all, and shut it down. My advice for the center employees is to monitor the winter weather forecasts, and if you are due to get hit with significant snowfall, make sure your WFH day happens before the storm hits, and when they ask you to log in from home when it hits, and roads are closed, tell them that you cannot, as you are only allowed to work 1 day a week. Adherence to this important policy change is a must for folks on both sides of the policy, and you wouldn’t want to bend the rules like that.
lol… “Love Dove” sounds like “Love Dove” is running things from the CEO chair. She is calling the shots. Everyone who reports to Ancell is a figure head because sounds like love dove is running everything, everybody, every department..but wait its the first SVP/CEO role for her..too bad..scary..good luck
That’s one way to stop the constant RIFs; let Love Dove run everything! Fire all the SVPS, EVPs, etc and let her run the entire show! Millions saved! Whoohoo! Solutions you want. Support you need.
I was part of the 2011 RIF and never looked back. These have been on of the 3 best years of my life. I changed careers, jobs and companies and making 25% more money. Get out of Telecom! There is more to life than getting sh**-on every morning by the bozos that run XO. As far as Chris Coons, yes, she did get a little tiring about telling about the good old days as a VP. But, the lady did know her stuff and saved my ass twice with ATT install in CA. She is a keeper.
What good is a work from home policy when they are already looking to give exceptions to people who live 50 miles or more one way from their office or have family commitments that don’t allow them to work 4 days in the office. What about the people who work 30 or 40 plus miles away from the office, their costs will go up too. What happened that we all had to be in the office to work together and communicate. The policy is a joke and is only going to cause separation of employees who have to be in the office 4 days while others receive the exceptions.
who cares.
those who work here
Rumor is some of the Earthlink people are coming back to XO !
No chance.
If you’re riding layoff waves between XO and ELNK, that’s one vicious cycle. back and forth between crap and crapola. But which is which?
Wrong kemosabi it is happening!
Who ? Names would be helpful. I doubt very much any one would return to XO who left … why would they?
“why would they?”
for a paycheck. not exactly inspiring, but its not hard
there are easier places to earn an paycheck.
Mindy Power hired her “friend” to run sales for the west. Kristine..something. She made such a bad impression that the GM leaves along with top reps. Bahahahahah. Nice hire Mindy!
maybe that was the point – get rid of a underperforming GM. fallout sucks but if you have an addition then subtraction perhaps it was part of the plan.
I know its hard to believe if you’re not from XO then you can’t be any good … but i am sure there are capable people who can add value. The question that the gentlemen above asked is why would anyone worth their weight in commission join XO at tihs point?
Actually the number of telecom players has been dropping over the last 15 years so that those who have built skills and knowledge in the telecom industry have fewer places to go. The giants are no bed of roses to work at and there is, at any given time, a finite numbers of positions. It is no longer a growth industry and most products have become commodities. Yuch! I would look elsewhere.
Trust me folks, XO isn’t being bought anytime soon. CL is into it for much more than it will ever be worth. Market Cap is under $2B revenues are falling, and the other Telecom’s dont see value in XO, because the assets overlap everyone else’s network. The latest idea to start an on-net sales team is about as dumb as they get. I give it 9 months and those folks will be gone. Remember the Nextlink idea in 2008 or 2009? More dumb ideas from a bunch of fools.
Oh no Kevin I harass out at integra replaced by bob guth. Not quite sure what happened , asked to leave, decided to leave, forced out ? Just know he is out
That meant to say kevin o’hara
The same guy that helped set Level 3 back years from their infamous toe stub right?
if xo is not able to be sold for the reasons mentioned above (doubtful) then it is also not sustainable. something has to give.
so Suzanne ” love dove” thinks she is going to save the day…lol. that is joke!..folks run for the nearest exist door.
XO has no value prop at this point what so ever. They can only sell on price when the stars align. The unfortunate part is that this once capable company has been striped down to the bone and has no place to go but down. They just realized that they have to light buildings and data center with a bag of quarters they don’t even have. IC is not spending a dime on this outfit. He’d rather lose his money at the track. Short of a meaningful acquisition this shop is done. It’s the slow death into oblivion. But you folks already know that!
didnt CI just put 500k into xo
CI didn’t risk putting in $500k. He got some bank(s) to open a $500k line of credit for XO. This is the first step in his spreading increasing risk away from himself, gets him some of that credit to have XO pay off some CI debt before closing the operational side of XO (minimum support staff from Network/Engineering) as he sells off assets (and a hand full of large customers).
CI doesn’t like losing…EVER. And XO has become a losing proposition as an operational entity due to CI being greedy and waiting too long to maximize the XO network back when overlaps were much smaller. So, now his “win” is to claim to profit from an asset/customer sell-off. And since most of those deals will be under nondisclosure, CI can make any claim he likes.
IOW, Karma’s a bitch!
A dismal outlook for all the employees if CL is walking away from what could have been a great company. Operationally he sucks.
So can someone say what happened to the plan to light 2000 buildings and where is the $ 500 M? Are the new Guys and Gals going to make their numbers??? October and March are the tell tale months. More layoffs, will they clean house again? Can the playboys keep faking it? Great drama…Unfortunately, IC might be too busy manipulating the Apple stock to care!
Who cares?
I saw someone a few weeks ago who is still there. He said that the calls with Ancell are always so rah rah that it’s hard to know what to believe. Everyone is just supposed to drink the koolaid – just like the old days when I worked there.
They think they’ve done all this housecleaning and gotten rid of the naysayers, so if you see any of these new guys doing something that you are sure is not going to work, you’re just supposed to smile and nod in agreement. They only want yes men.
Just give it time. These guys won’t make their numbers and that’ll be all it takes.
No, they will not make the sales plan. They’re plan an across the board rate increase on all products to try and makeup for the shortfall. Plus, I’m sure this forced attrition tactic of taking away the remote work policy is working for them. Several resignations submitted because of it.
Layoffs started last week..
Well, there you go. So much for what the CEO was saying.
What areas? How many people?
marc andreessen comments on CI
Carl’s like literally the exact opposite,” he added. “Remember the ‘Star Trek’ episode where they’ve got the good Captain Kirk and the evil Captain Kirk. … Carl’s like the exact opposite. … He lies, he just makes stuff up. He slanders. … It’s like his inner 6-year-old comes out.”
In the 1966 “Star Trek” episode, “The Enemy Within,” a transponder malfunction beams up two versions of Captain James Kirk, one of which conspires against the USS Enterprise crew.
Andreessen said that Icahn cared little for the companies in which he becomes involved. “He’s not in the details of any of this stuff.”
New Fiber sales group was cut…Sales OPS was cut
Is it what the CEO says or what the “love dove” says……… I hear they think they have all the answers on how to change things but not sure how to grow the company… ground hog day all over again… who are these new clowns.. I also heard the love dove designed a new executive suite in Herndon and her office is part of the CEO/CFO suite….SWEET! I thought her office was in Denver
Bad move getting rid of Nocella. He was the only exec we could trust
What Nocella was let go? Did they fire any of his chronies ? If XO didn’t have such awful reputation they could seriously upgrade their talent pool.
this new ceo seems to be looking at the whole operation without any bias. lots of changes for the positive. maybe he can look at HR in Edison and Wyo now that SN is gone.
…..and Ms Dove, guessing you posted that reply? The “whole operation” is a train wreck and you & the boss are just regurgitating failed initiatives of the past. But you wouldn’t know that nor would any of the pussy leadership who have been there more than 8 yrs tell you that for fear or their own hides. Earn your mahagony walls & be imaginative. Oh yeah sorry, you folks aren’t that good. Ichan won’t pay for that kind of talent. Good luck all.
Classic !!
Look it is bitter STEVE A who is so against all the leaders he got fired by for being a slacker
Nocella wasn’t perfect, and no leader is, but what he was far outweighed any of the bad that can be said. He was honest, caring, thoughtful, and took the time to get to know all of his people, and the details of what their roles were in the org, and always tried to make their jobs easier, and to deliver a better experience for XO’s customers. The best thing that can be said about Steve is that he never let XO change him, and that is the ultimate statement of his character and makeup as a person. All the best to you Steve. You’ll be better off without this shithole.
I agree with what anonymous just said. He was a man who whom while i did not personally agree w/ all the time I did appreciate his integrity, ethics and values. He was a good man and he did not let XO change him nor did it me. Good luck Steve. You will do well.
Tom & Anonymous, you both hit the nail on the head. Steve was not perfect, but he was always willing to help & always came across to me as having strong ethical values. Also heard he left of his own volition, so even more power to him for having the audacity after 17 years to start anew.
There have been more than a few execs who have left from XO in the last year or so. Many get barely a “meh” or a “good riddance” here. I think it’s a testament to Nocella’s character that he’s gotten this much attention on this never ending thread. I imagine that the day comes when Ancell and Love Dove get the axe (and yes, it’ll happen as long as Icahn owns the company) there will be nothing as nice or congratulatory. I do think that the true leaders that were once there have already left.
Ancell is the most disliked CEO that XO ever had …his All Employee calls are a joke and most hang up in the first 10 minutes …he let Nocella go bc he was good at what he did, most knowledgeable about the Network, he was liked by his Employees and Vendors and a true leader that did not make false promises and was always honest when asked questions..he did not try to sugar coat things…he was a threat to Ancell.. let’s face it Dove is a joke she is the Hillary in this relationship and most of the company knows they are together behind the scenes ..under Ancell if you do not have a Vagina you prob will not remain at XO …the employees are waiting til Ichan gives him the boot and most will cheer hip hip hooray!
His position was eliminated he did not leave on his own
Well if that’s the case them, a big FU to the big A & Steve, you truly are better off & god speed.
Wahl is already privately complaining to Carl and the Board about Ancell and his harem. Mostly claiming that they are incompetent first before they try to spin the same story about him. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out, as neither Wahl or Ancell has seen a number lately that they couldn’t miss by a mile, but if Ancell thinks he can force Wahl out, then his ego might be as big as his waist.
If ancell thinks he is going to remove geoff wahl he has another thing coming! wahls like the grandson icahn always wanted. he’s a plant. he’s an inside guy. there’s a reason he (wahl) makes more than the majority of the exec team – icahn wants him to tell him the truth about what is going on no matter what happens. So ancell you need to be careful and understand if you go down that road come prepared with vasoline. b/c the rectal exam is going to be painful even with the lube.
Wahl is and has been poison to XO management. The most expensive turnover a company can have is at the executive level. How much has this cost XO over the years? Carl I, wake the F__k up! You have the makings of a fine company but your man treats it as his toy. Want to make some money on that deal then pull Wahl back, hire some top drawer management and let them run with it. This ain’t brain surgery.
WOW, I cannot believe that everyone is ignoring the obvious bounty on Asian female VP’s in Finance that has gone on lately at XO. First Kim Anderson, and now Winda Witzert. All at the hands of Asian CFO Phong Le. I guess when Phong sings Wu Tang, it’s “Me NOT so Horny”, and he does not love you long time.
racist nonsense!
a new thought for the future XO, Comcast/Timewarner purchases them. Mainly for the LH fibers on the Level 3 backbone ( if that can be sorted out) and with the bonus of customers and revenue with opex reductions in huge magnitude. As i thought about the future comcast seems they need that connectivity betrween all the major markets they own or will own. I suppose you can always procure on your own and stay away from M&A but somehow that gap has to filled,
XO NY/NJ management team is a bizzaro version of the Wizard of OZ! Don’t listen to the man “Behind the corner office” taunting the legacy days of the benefits of phone blitz Thursdays! Miss Meita-Meita Gulch will be attending everyone’s 1 on 1 to justify existence, contributing no Value Add to reps pipelines nor legitimizing the forecasts. All organized by the flying “bobble head” monkeys nodding those superior ideas equaling the performance as to dress in super hero costumes! Business as usual to the delta force commando /mayor/sales-rep/mgr/ representing the lollipop guild.
If this movie disappoints, all: comments complaints and suggestions can go to your local queen of HR where they will be filed into the tornado that swooped up Dorothy and Toto.
HA, good one! and sadly quite accurate starting with the all bark no bite VP Sales whose claim to fame is he doesn’t get involved with customers.
The reality is the girl band does not appear to be getting along…the lead “love dove” wants all the attention… Word is ….she wants to be HR/CEO/COO/ORG EFF. She thinks she can run it all…it would be nice if our CEO could run her out of town…. Can someone tell him…the buzz is…she is his downfall. If she visit your site…run fast and don’t talk to this chick. She is going to take XO down. I hear she is trying to plant her spies throughout the company….God bless XO and God Bless NJ.
if Mama is the wicked witch of the west, is Love the good witch of the North? Chicks with d__ks?
Give us poor readers some real information. The XO drama has enough without all the silly comments.
Love Dove has convinced daddy to hire a consultant to review just Don Macneil’s COO org. Span of control, what everyone does, etc. Essentially anything that she can add her two cents on given her absolute wealth of experience in all of these areas of operations, because anyone who has been lucky enough to meet this EXECUTIVE POWERHOUSE and survive it knows once they meet this coat tail riding zilch that she is one thing at her core, an operator. If you are Don, or report to Don, or report to anyone who reports to Don, or report to someone who once mentioned Don, get the hell out. This woman is an absolute cancer covered in incompetence.
You want facts about how horrendous the Ancell crew has been, here it goes. They will miss EBITDA by $50 million in 2014. Sales are down 20% since last year. They will make the revenue plan, but plan was set way down from what it was last year, 1.415 billion versus 1.45 billion, and they only made it because of churn management, which to their credit, these morons were at least smart enough to not F up by trying to change it, aside from that joke with Jake taking on centralized on the org chart. XO did not know how good that they had it when Wagner was there, or Laura for that matter. Ancell and his girl band are finding out quickly that the CLEC and RBOC worlds are very different to manage in. Sit tight folks, things can and will get worse
Ancell was in Nashville a couple of weeks ago. You cannot fully appreciate how fat he is until you see him live. The guy that was here looked like he ate three of the guys in his executive headshot. That picture must have been his high school yearbook picture, because the guy who showed up here looked beat up, and not healthy at all. Apparently failing on an epic level takes its toll on a guy. His comb over also seems to be missing a good chunk of “the over” part.
Ancell’s next biggest failure will be this on-net project. The plan initially was to use the $500 million investment to target buildings where sales were already made. Immediate ROI. Desperate times though call for desperate measures, and seeing as they cannot sell anything anywhere, lit or not, they are betting on the come, and targeting buildings using the “if you light it, they will come” technique. This will be his undoing, because this is the most important thing that XO has going on, and Carl is depending upon it showing some success to raise the value of this distressed asset to sell it for more than it is worth and get out. It won’t work, and they’ll lie and get away with it just long enough to get paid for a bit longer before being exposed as the in over their head frauds that they are, and get walked out. Want to know how you know that I am right? In the latest reorg Ancell rolled all of the on-net project under Don MacNeil, and insulated his princess Love Dove from taking any of the shrapnel for what she under planned for while owning the PM function over this project for the first 8 months or so. With failure looming, and Ancell looking to scapegoat Don, this could get interesting. Don is no dummy though, and has been aligning with Wahl for months now. Smart money says Don outlives them all.
Aligning with Wahl carries its own risks. Don is clever and has survived this long in impossible circumstances but Wahl is a snake with the power. As long as Wahl has the reins XO will flounder.
The only thing Wahl has to fear is Icahn dying. Until then he’s going to continue to be the “inside guy” who will feed information on the inner dysfunction of the current executive team. So the reality is Don needs Wahl more than Wahl needs Don …. and Don needs to ensure that he is aligned with Wahl. Bottom line is Ancell is trying to eliminate Don by placing the failure of the on-net build out on him by virtue of putting the project on Don’s shoulders. That aside, Don put the burden on a guy who is a recent addition to XO a few years back and is clearly a sacrificial lamb – George “of the jungle” K. Regardless of what happens to Don expect the current leadership team to be shook up in next 2 to 3 quarters.
R2 won a jury trial in one of the cases they have against I-Con. Let’s hope this bodes well for all the other cases against this mean spirited old crook.
So does anyone think this is more than a couple insiders whining to and responding to themselves?
This being the never ending thread, that is.
As a former employee (not executive management), I know of several who are posting besides me (who are also not executive management).
It isn’t just a couple of people posting at each other. It’s an ex-employee/employee way to anonymously post things they know to help their friends who remain trapped within XO. It’s gotta be a PITA for XO executive management.
There are many, many ex-employees who spent years with XO. I suspect many of the posts here are from those who were disappointed that the ride did not continue. It was an exciting place at one time.
XO sales to close 2013 under previous leadership for what used to be called Commercial Services were $1.2, $1.3, and $1.4 million in October, November, and December. So there was a growth curve exiting the year. Sales now under Mindy, who by all accounts is a super nice gal with a positive can do attitude, an antiquated hairdo, an aversion to travel of any kind, and lots of long winded phone calls and video conferences attended by an absolute army of recently hired staff people that are a drain on EBITDA and produce no revenue, that talk about things like cadence, health of business, and lots of other buzz terms to distract folks from all of the nothing that’s going on, consistently struggle to hit the $1 million mark. Once you back out cancellations, they are nowhere near it, and the number they report as sold is all self-reported by the Sales Leaders. Failure may not be an option in 2015 Mindy, but it’s a certain fate for you and your entire Sales org, and staffies as long as you have Wahl owning national accounts, which is where at least 50-70% of your quota should sit, producing goose egg after goose egg, missing every call that you schedule, and all of you being powerless to do anything about it because he owns you all. Oh, and all the while, as he’s assuring you of a certain fate by not performing, and you being completely neutered when it comes to being able to manage him, he’s using his relationship with CI to tell him what losers you are, and to make it even more disrespectful he’s able to do it while he’s ditching all of your calls and making the rest of your direct report team see you as weak for ignoring it. Mindy, you seem passionate about what you do, and to actually care about your people and about moving the needle forward. Get out while you can, and leave Ancell and Dove to clean up the mess that they’ve created. You have a great rep in the industry and strong ties to the agent world, so you have options. These two have neither. Don’t let these amateurs stain you.
Sounds like an insider who has it nailed. What a debacle. I think the advice to Mindy is “move on nice, competent person”. The mad hatter is in charge.
Suzanne Dove listens to calls in stealth mode. That gal is just creepy as shit, but folks need to be aware that she does this, so that you are always on your best behavior, because as we enter the holiday season, Santa is not the only one watching and listening at all times, and while Saint Nick might keep you from getting your XBOX One, this hollow vessel of a human being will try to use anything you say against you in an attempt to ruin your professional life. It’s all part of her efficiency agenda.
CI would make money on XO if he offered up the rights for a TV reality show.
Or if the leadership team actually, ya know, lead, instead of these back stabbing, cover your a$$ tactics that have been mentioned here.
What a mess! No wonder most of the rank and file just hang out and hope to outlast the latest regime. But what else do you do? Go to HR? Hah! Although, speaking of HR, I’m surprised there’s been no mention of DPB here – or is she just trying to stay clear of the Love Dove?
Ancell’s failure to man up with Icahn as it related to giving Wahl something less impactful to the business shows that he’s a weakling, and perhaps not only looking to set Don up, but Mindy as well. If I am right, she was not super close to Ancell and his Love Dove in their past lives, and is a fairly recent addition to his “girl band”. So he has a someone set to take the fall both from a sales and operational perspective before his fat ass takes a hit.
Anyone have any insight to share on what’s happening with the on-net project? How many buildings have been actually lit? How many sales have been made, and what does it equate to in revenue, etc? They make it sound like it’s great on the all employee calls, but rumor has it that they are playing games with the numbers, and what’s defined as sales and revenue tied to the initiative to manipulate the Board, and to hide the fact that it’s failing.
Define “it’s failing”. Or even define “success”.
As with anything as big and complex as “double the number of on-net buildings” (from ~3,000 to ~6,000 in 24 months), there will be all sorts of “failures” depending upon how the metrics are being “exaggerated” by the metric collectors/collators; i.e. all layers of management, not just executive management.
You get what you pay for. And Carl Icahn/XO hasn’t been paying much for many years now. And the $500m line of credit doesn’t instantly change the years of underfinanced effects in XO, especially IT. Even Carl Icahn cannot trick XO IT past Brook’s law; “Nine women can’t make a baby in one month.”'s_law
You get what you pay for and sometimes you don’t get that. Remember that old adage. Deciding which buildings to light becomes political. Who is recommending the building? Will I got noticed?
While I am sure there are some politics involved, I personally saw and worked with the real people doing the real work over 15 months ago (fall of 2013) to genuinely find which buildings were optimal for XO’s bottom line the fastest. It was a large amount of very boring and difficult demographic processing and culling involving IT. IOW, there were real people doing real work with integrity. If there were politics, this core team was protected. It wasn’t occurring at the data processing, profiling and suggestion levels.
That said, XO IT had been on a starvation budget for so long, most of the key talent has walked because the Dallas market for technology workers is HOT. The DFW area is at -5% unemployment for tech workers. Yes. It’s negative unemployment; i.e. there are more jobs than there are competent technologists. And XO IT has been bleeding their best minds now for over three years. And there were some awesome minds…who are now all working with XO competitors.
Carl Icahn is super old school. He doesn’t have a clue how much things have changed in the last two decades. An *operating* company is now largely whatever the levererageable value of the IT department is. And IT is now one of the first things “outted” as a large measure of risk during any sort of take-over/merger due diligence. And XO’s IT is now WAY behind and falling even further behind. So, XO is becoming increasingly difficult to sell as an operating concern due to Carl Icahn’s team not paying attention to this strategic “fundamental”.
Aye, fundamentals. What the heck is that? You hear a lot of “MBA Speak” about this stuff but when is the last time you met an MBA who knew what they were talking about? Wahl is probably an MBA – would not surprise me. How do you create stockholder value in a company? Run it into the ground with umpteen management teams? Lost a big deal once because the CEO resigned or was let go and the customer felt XO was too “unstable”. Typical of Wahl. CI was probably bugging Apple about giving him more money.
If you haven’t met an MBA who knows what he/she is talking about, then it leaves me even MORE convinced this entire thread is just a couple of bitchy NOC and/or IT mid managers.
Big talk from somebody who also posts as Anonymous. More convinced? You have NO clue. Next.
You’re right. I am not so convinced. I take it back. It probably is more than just a couple of bitchy NOC and/or IT mid managers. Now that I am thinking about it, I don’t know what I am talking about. 🙂
XO Care and Repair is in shambles. Half the systems are broken, morale in the shitter.
I personally think most everybody has vodka in their coffee at this point.
It’s not just Care and Repair. Talk to people in different offices – morale is non-existent. I’ve been with XO a long time and this is the worst it’s ever been.
When will you dummies realize you work at the phone company. XO is not exactly an exciting company doing cool things. If you don’t want to work at the phone company then leave and get a new gig. Pretty pathetic to see you all yammering on here for years now.
Same could be said of many of the ones on here, but XO seems especially dysfunctional.
When you have an analyst praising the newest entrant to the space for publishing fiber miles and buildings added, you know you’re in a pretty flat, dull industry. “I built a new app that anyone can use and that changes how transportation logistics work”…versus… “I managed to put a highly proprietary box that no one knows how to use in the basement of 500 buildings and charge less and less for it!”
Yay you.
Guessing you’re either retired or just completely ignorant to the realities of securing a job these days. Calling these people “dummies”…pleazzz! If this string is that pathetic, why are you still reading after 3 years? ‘Nuf said you d-bag.
Anon, XO is not, technically, a “phone” company as a LEC could be defined. As far as I know, it provides various shades of transport for applications like data and voice for customers as its main purpose. PSTN access is provided as a product but that is a commodity like internet access. We dummies have all been touched by the endless gyrations at XO and this forum is a useful outlet for their frustrations and a way to follow the dismal progress IC is making with this once upon a time jewel.
I heard the CEO wanted to force the the Icahn Group to gain better healthcare benefits, but when it came down to it, the benes got worse. As a former XO’er, I can’t imagine it being worse than when I was there, but it appears to be continually falling down the pipe. Mindy isn’t known to be good at all in the sales circles, forcing Pook out and replacing him (without posting the position) to her pal from CL. Another corner office in Denver filled by one of the BFF’s. Dove is seemingly destroying this company. She’s the bad seed. What happened to Michelle D? What is she over now and why?
It isn’t a single person or persons causing XO’s issues. XO has been moved from pursuing being competitive in a hyper competitive market into a holding pattern (with a supposed OnNet Building Initiative as an hopeful ace in the hole), attracting parasites at all levels of the company. That’s what happens when you get shelved. Lots of micro-organisms begin the process of decomposition.
My guess is that Icahn is now in a holding pattern hoping for something to fall out of the current FCC Net Neutrality battle to give him some form of better leverage to sell XO off as assets (especially long haul, if things go Verizon’s and Comcast’s way). What else explains his not giving a nickle about the viability of the company as an operating concern?
Icahn might be good for shareholders. But he is awful for everyone else; executive management, employees, vendors and customers. He should stick with what he’s good at, investing, and give up operating companies…at least give up operating a telecom company (which hasn’t been a “phone company” in a decade, Mr. Dated-Yourself-Well-Into-Your-Sixties commenter above).
Oh, I agree that XO has many parasites on every level. Always has, probably always will. We’ll see how Icahn waits out the Net Neutrality outcome. As for being a Mr. Dated-Yourself-Well-Into-Your-Sixties moniker … you couldn’t be further from the truth. Anyone male or female, 25 or 65, can see what is happening with the new CL leadership. It’s definitely not age or gender-specific, but very clear. Dove runs things – that is all.
Pook is gone ??? He is a class guy & great mentor. I hope he finds a new gig that he enjoys !
From what I understand, Pook left on his own, but was immediately replaced with a CL’er. He is a class guy and I’m sure he’s much happier wherever he is.
I wasn’t referring to you as the “Mr. Dated-Yourself-Well-Into-Your-Sixties”. That was for a prior commenter claiming XO was just a “phone company”. XO stopped being a “phone company” at least a decade ago. The crossover where Internet traffic became larger than POTS traffic at XO was in the 2004 time-frame. XO is just one more ISP among the many MANY other former POTS providers who themselves became ISPs.
Well, this is getting cleared up in a way. Selling POTS (lines) is old hat. Many CLEC’s in the 90’s and early 2000’s were line counters, with DSL as an internet delivery system. XO moved from that to selling transport (MPLS) and providing internet free if bundled with MPLS services in 2007. They later began adding a hodgepodge of other services so much so that a customer once asked “what are you selling today?” So, it was no longer a “phone” company. What is it now, I ask you?
It depends upon who’s asking, honestly. Stripped of all marketing and sales hype, it’s just another niche ISP (Internet Service Provider) with some dissipating POTS-like specialized products/services.
The general market no longer needs a “phone company”. Human communications has drastically transformed in the last 18 years (since the 1996 telecom act). And the Internet was designed to disintermediate; i.e. remove the middle man. So, the telecoms have been rendered just pipe handlers while the rest of the market has rapidly moved on. This is why the telecoms are pushing so hard at the FCC to block net neutrality. If Net Neutrality becomes the final say, the telecoms as ISPs have very very little room to wiggle to differentiate their offerings. There is only a very limited way to say “We move your bits better than everyone else.” All bits move the same way with bandwidth being the only real differentiator.
Net Neutrality made the Internet what it is today. To change that in favor of what the big carriers want will drive the market, eventually, to an Internet III. The NAPs will favor those who pay for priority. If you don’t or can’t pay the piper then your traffic may slow to 9.6 – Today, if my customer sends a request to a customer on your network, you as an ISP are required to carry that traffic without requiring a toll. What happens to the NAPs if this rule is corrupted? Tier 1’s rule the roost?
I agree. I complete support moving all ISPs under Title 2. And then those that don’t think their capital is maximally utilized within telecom companies will move it elsewhere. And the market will find a supply/demand generates reasonable price equilibrium without giving too much power, control and influence to the mega-corps AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, TimeWarner, etc.
Regulation is a result of bad behavior. Best way to avoid it is play fair with others and provide the service your customers already pay you for.
Kind of a libertarian rule. Won’t work in a competitive market cause not everyone is inclined to be nice if it affects their profit and market power. That’s why, in a regulated world, we have tried to mitigate market, monopoly power thru anti-trust.
XO posted a $725K sales month. I thought that Ancell was supposed to be good at that sales shit? With 17-20% standard fallout from what they flash, these results are beyond abysmal. The place is imploding.
I thought things were going gangbusters over there, or at least that was the word via the all employee calls. And the On Net initiative was supposed to save everyone’s bacon. What happened?
On Net initiative is gone. This place is such a shit show. SF market, Chicago, and New York tenure sales folks have all left and the numbers are showing it. It will only get worse!
Massive layoffs coming again. $50 million EBITDA miss for this year rolls to next year to be made up, and with anemic sales months like they’ve been posting, the jump off for 2015 will be beyond horrible. 2015 plan is missed already, and everyone but the Board knows it. Look for Director and VP levels to be hit hard, anyone considered overlay, which is apparently a dirty word to Ancell, and the usual areas of the business that get stripped bare every year at this time, CARE, Repair, SD, etc., because who needs to care for customers when you don’t have any? Love Dove will make sure that XO remains ‘efficient’ through the process of cutting the people assets of this company to the bone. That miserable sheet stain might even force a center closure or two. Laura Thomas was announced as CEO of a west coast based telco. I hope she writes Carl Icahn a check for his paltry severance and raids this place of all value that’s left. We didn’t know how good we had it when she was here. Ancell is an RVP at best. Maybe they’ll let MacNeil have a shot at CEO once these losers go home.
I’m not surprised given what I know of how moral across the entire organization plummeted to new lows this year. Any idea of the timing of the layoffs; before Christmas or in January (like this year)? And how far off was the revenue miss?
I wouldn’t wax too nostalgic for Ms. Thomas. She wasn’t all that great and was just a placeholder beancounter for Icahn.
So, when does someone take this company out back and put it out of its misery?
Right after Carl Icahn is ready to unclench…which given his age and his irrational fixation on XO, should be about 15-20 minutes after he takes his last breath.
Wahl will have this group out on their ears in no time. Between their failing on the numbers, and his disdain for them all, it’s really just a matter of time. It might be the first time in my life that I am rooting for that little drunk.
Serial management changes, constant reorganizations, layoffs, not meeting goals, losing key personnel, are all absolute indications that someone in control has no idea what they are doing. Wahl would be my guess but why would Icahn allow him so many failed efforts to make something out of XO?
You are absolutely wrong. Icahn is the one manipulating the leaders for a reason that as of now is not clear but will be apparently some day (possibly?). Wahl is a Icahn plant who serves the purpose of being a vehicle for insight into what is happening in the company.
To suggest that wahl got wagner, grivner, toplisek fired would be an incorrect suggestion. Its possible, however, that he laid the foundation for Laura Thomas’ termination. But i can assure you i don’t think he (wahl) had a choice of who would become CEO b/c if he did then Toplisek would be the CEO.
Bring back Camerotti !!!!!!
He’s a big shot at Software AG. He wouldn’t waste his time with the losers at XO.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter who’s zooming who. The outcome is the same; increasing business incoherence and chaos which is resulting in a rapidly deteriorating sales pipeline. Nothing but a cash infusion and a management overhaul is going to pull this XO bomber out of its deadly dive. I don’t think even a M&A would be able to fix the mess.
am I the only one out there who thought that the CEO missing his own all employee call yesterday with the CFO, to handle a “customer issue” was a bit strange and possibly bullshit?
nope, you are not the only one. Another great example of the amount of focus there is on employees at this company – NONE.
Thanks God they had the Love Dove filling in for him to make things less awkward, said no XO employee ever.
Arrogant POS reschedules the All Employee call, joins, and never once mentions standing the entire company up yesterday for his “customer issue” other than to just say a “hey sorry”. This clown is a piece of work. Powell, take some credit, clearly the Ramblings forced this jackass to reschedule at least. Sounds to me like Ancell being made CI’s bitch conflicted with yesterday’s call.
How stupid does this guy think everyone in the company is that he thought it was a better idea to tell us all that he had a customer issue, rather than just being straight with us, telling us it was a Board discussion, and letting us all move on? It just adds to his reputation as a complete liar. We’ve been here a while Chris, and we’ve seen other people forced to kneel before CI, so while it might make you feel like less of a man, we couldn’t think less of you anyway, so it doesn’t affect our perception of you one bit. Nice 4th quarter pal. Start packing.
Ancell doesn’t speak to customers, so that should have been your first clue. He hears of issues, and gets them to his girl band of leaders, who then contact their staff minions, who then schedule a conference call (actually a series of them) to define what constitutes an actual issue, and to establish issue categories to put said issues into. They then ask for volunteers who have full time jobs to own the issue categories that they just defined, even though none of them has actually had a real job where they have had to hit numbers, or have ever spoken to actual customers theselves. They then launch a program to track the issue categories, hire more staff in the form of Project/Program Management to status senior leadership and themselves on the issue, all the while doing nothing about the actual customer issue. The customer then gets frustrated, cancels their service, and the issue and revenue goes away, but the staff folks stay and take credit for having fixed the issue through their efforts and the wild success of their program, their personal and professional grit, and the collective tenacity of staff. It’s the new world order at XO.
Outstanding summary!
Ancell is the most incompetent asshole to ever grab the top spot at XO. Icahn must be slipping or he’d have sniffed this trouser stain out immediately.
So is it safe to assume all is not well at XO? I am a little surprised they haven’t been swallowed up yet by another company. Or is it on purpose and better to just let the company implode itself and stay away?
The only “safe” way to purchase any of XO is to just target specific assets. Stay away from the whole mess. There have been so many changes in management, and with IC, that you would never know what is hiding.
What assets are worth buying? Their two most strategic platforms are their long haul backbone, and their Hosted PBX platforms, and both are leased. Long Haul is all on L3 leased fiber, and Hosted PBX is all actually hosted by legacy Adaption/Broadsoft. Icahn has held his cards too long on this rags hand. He’d be lucky to get 3-4x EBITDA, which will limp in this year $50 million off of target BTW at approximately $200 million. This company is in a death spiral. Keep cashing checks folks, but be actively looking to engineer your out. Life was better for those on the Titianic that boarded lifeboats early.
XO has quite a few assets that would be attractive to a potential buyer. The spectrum licenses and metro fiber come to the top of my mind. Obviously there isn’t any intellectual property :).
The issue is that CI needs much more money for XO’s assets than the company is worth.
That results in purgatory for XO for two basic reasons:
CI has no reason to sell XO at a loss, because he can always use right offs.
He is not going to make any substantial investments or acquisitions to better XO’s position, because he can’t throw good money at bad money. XO having to go to institutions for the latest round of funding demonstrates that.
I looks like CI has invested domwhere between $1.%B and $2B in XO. As working capital the value of that money would normally be worth $3B today.
There is a huge delta between $3B and what XO is actually worth – $900M???.
Fortunately for XO they were grabbed from the gates of hell with that $500M “gift”. Once that is gone, it is check mate. How much do you think they burned through this year?
Apparently layoffs happen so often anymore they don’t bother addressing when they have one.
Been hearing of a significant number of cuts in Plano just before Christmas…nice huh?
Can anyone shed more light?
Layoffs will have to continue with the lack of sales coming from Mindy and team. Another sub million dollar month, and the apathy just oozes from this gal. She was so concerned that she took the last 2.5 weeks of the year off. I’ve heard that the teams inputting the orders have also been encouraged to throw out the rule book and reject nothing, to inflate their shitty performance as well. These folks are so incompetent and disconnected that they are making Wahl’s job of throwing them under the bus to CI easy.
Miss me yet XO?
Truth is that the last time this shithole showed any growth was under Wagner.
9 consecutive quarters in a row of growth under the Wagner regime. First time in the history of the company that the QoQ growth was more than 1.5%. Under Wagner the growth was 10+ percent for almost 2.5 years. Too bad Laura backstabbed and destroyed Wagners opportunity to make something of this POS. Say what you want but its done nothing since then except go backwards.
Post Wagner I think they’ve had 9 consecutive quarters with massive layoffs. So let’s give LT and CA some credit !?
Dan was a CEO you could talk to and even ask a question that he would take the time to answer. I really believe that he and Toplisek made a political mistake by taking on the very, very arrogant Ernie and his carrier team who thought they were the only team that mattered in the XO universe. Ernie eventually had to leave as he could never get the carrier and enterprise groups to work together. Lots of confusion everywhere when Dan left and that has not changed.
Ernie wasn’t arrogant. He was a traditional sales guy full of bravado and trying to measure body parts. The problem was Ernie’s bravado got in the way of logic and he took offense to Wagner’s approach to everything. They (Laura, Ernie, Geller, etc) felt threatened b/c of the relationship Carl Grivner and Wagner had. In the end the teaming of Laura and Ernie got Wagner moved out and then they in term felt the wrath of Icahn. BTW, Icahn has successfully managed to run this POS even further into the ground. Congrats Icahn.
Well, I did not know Ernie so you may know better Hindsight. But, I recall Dan and Toplisek pushing Ernie out of the elevator with Grivner looking on in the very self congratulatory video presented to the troops. Riding bicycles as if they were on the Tour de XO. Big mistake and I thought beneath them. Where the arrogance was most visible was in the carrier SE force, and some of the sales people. Still, some very good, loyal people left XO after all the management changes that followed. Ichan has had his head in the clouds thinking Wahl knew what he was doing.
Dan wasn’t CEO. He should have been, but egos and lies got in the way of what was right for XO.
The bicycle video was supposed to be funny, and Ernie participated in making it. You do things like this to convey a message and to rally the troops at a kickoff. More proof that XO is a stodgy, backwards culture that anyone thinks that is what did me in. Laura, Geller, and Ernie were all power hungry and scared of me, so they conspired against me and told lie after lie. Well, I own my own company now, and they’re all gone, so I win. Go, Go, Go!!!!
Good for you Dan! XO is one big political mess. Some of those who left after you, e.g. Randy, Jeff Collins, Visbal were very good people who couldn’t tolerate it any longer (my guess). I loved the company back in your days and felt that the future was bright. XO coulda been a contender.
I personally think it’s great that while Dan Wagner was run out of town for nothing but success that in the end he has had the last laugh, as it was under his regime that Toplisek took Wahl from an order statusing clerk for Icahn and used him to communicate real info to the head cheese, thus making him into something other than the meaningless drunk that could take Icahn’s brow beatings that he was prior to their arrival. As Dan’s last act of vengeance the diminutive monster that he and his guys created has already run out Laura as CEO, and has one of Ancell’s feet out the door as well.
good! bring back wagner for CEO!
nobody who ever leaves XO would ever come back, and it’s not because in every case XO wouldn’t have them back. It’s because once you leave that place, you’d never consider going back. Nobody in history has ever even attempted to break back into prison.
Dave Salustri did in NY!
Dave was sold a bill of goods by Ernie, who out and out lied to him and then quit. All of this happened within weeks. He regretted it immediately I am sure, and now has to fake laugh his way through Mindy’s 18 calls a week where she treats “her people” one way, and everyone else like they’re accountable for actual results. Said simply, he hates his life like everyone else here does. But Dave got a rare screw job by Ernie. He should be pitied, not made an example of. He’s a good dude who made a bad decision.
Yes, Dave is a good man and a fine executive. If someone on his team has a idea and can support it with evidence Dave will go to bat for them.
good man? maybe!
fine executive? questionable!
More layoffs this week.
What areas are being hit? How many? Have they gone so far as to shutter locations?
Is XO having a National Sales Kick Off meeting for 2015 ?? Just trying to defuse the tension…..
Yea Right…Kick off of what….Shit
Place is a shit hole!
I agree. I heard HR screwed some new engineer with his benefits and he quit this week. Didn’t they want to make XO a top company to work for?? Hahaa
This is nonsense..
Rob – The last 2 postings here seem inappropriate and should be taken down IMO.
It’s the truth
Salustri might be a good man, but he’s afraid of Mindy. He has a good bark, but is a really WEAK when it comes to talking the talk. He came back cause he’s always afarid of getting WHACKED at TW! It will happen to him soon!!!!!!!!! Mindy BTW is a POS.
It might help his cause if he was involved in the business, was involved with customers/prospects, knew the market or XO’s products. Long winded?
His east region calls are an embarrassment! Oh, he’s good at pleading or demanding sales numbers and threatening or bulling to get them if is usually not the case.
WHO CARES, Salistri’s Vertical team was the #1 team in the Nation at TW Cable. TW Cable is the Anti Xo, Business leaders rarely leave TW Cable as they have a fantastic bonus program, a pension, A 66.6% match on thier 401K and Bus SVS growth that is projected to double to 5.5 Billion by 2018. Ortega must have promised him the moon to leave, I’m sure Dave is kicking himself in the A%$ every day for leaving TW Cable.
Dave hated his boss and I think the feeling was mutual. So Ernie threw Dave a lifeline and big comp and bonus as they were close friends. Don’t kid yourself Salustri knew his days were numbered at TWC. Why else would he go back to the Chaos and nastiness of XO. It was the money and the fear.
I heard that Mindy was a little frosted when folks at the recent management kickoff gave actual feedback when asked to give it by Ancell in a general session. Apparently hearing the truth out loud about how staff heavy she is during lean times (when the incompetent moron isn’t even selling) was too much for her to take. She epitomizes weak leadership, because not only can she not perform in her own job, but she refuses to take feedback constructively without becoming visibly butt hurt. But if she thinks she has career advice for you, settle in, because all of Ancell’s pom pom girls are big on giving advice. They’ll talk for days about how you can improve, but they tend to get really quiet when it swings towards their opportunities. It gives new meaning to the old adage “those that can’t do, teach”. I give credit to the folks who spoke up, because this fragile crew of interlopers have typically rewarded honesty with severance details since their arrival. Seems like people are starting to just really not give a @#$%……. With Mindy’s track record of horrible sales #’s she might want to focus less on what people think of her in general sessions at XO management kickoffs, and instead update both her hairdo and resume.
And an updated LinkedIn picture.
Time for a Sales Blitz!
Fill the funnel with fictional or fantasy opportunities so the sales leadership can boast of all of activity in the marketplace without their involvement!
Is Mindy’s failing really hers, or should the failure be attributed to the fact that ‘Love Dove’ as the Organizational Effectiveness leader has not made her org effective enough? Makes you wonder. I mean they both clearly suck, but it’s kind of a chicken and the egg discussion when you look at it this way. Where is Dove hiding all of the damned effectiveness people? #oneteam
Well, Gary Cooke resigned. So the NOC has lost its only leader since XO created one. Well, a real NOC anyway. And while Gary may not be irreplaceable it’s what leaves with him or soon will leave to follow him that will be irreplaceable for XO. It’s nearly 20 years of institutional knowledge on where the bodies are buried in this patchwork network, and how to keep that team motivated, which has been on life support and single threaded over all critical platforms for years. and the real shame of it is that Gary would have died in his chair had this new cast of characters shown even the most basic of respect to anyone with tenure here. They didn’t have to worship the ground he walked on, or listen to every idea that he or others had. They just had to hold fewer meetings with their condescending staff people doing eye rolls every time “an XO person” spoke or relayed how they saw things. So Mr. Ancell, not only are you likely heading for the door because both Mindy and Dove suck at their jobs and are not producing the numbers you need to stay, but you are hastening the exit of others that XO cannot afford to lose whether you make it or not. The Sales leaders have ZERO respect for Mindy, and that’s slightly more than she deserves. and Dove, well you know that you are the only one that’s sweet on her big guy. If you want to save yourself, stop trying to fight a war you’ll never win with Wahl, get your head in the game, and stop listening to these empty heads you brought with you. Everyone sees it but you.
Well said, One thing is for sure the past several leaders have never missed an opportunity to let real talent and leadership get away from them. At least LT and CA are good at something.
Oh right, you’re the same 2-3 NOC idiots who keep this thing alive. No one knows except you who this guy is.
I’d pay money to see how they ruined your hire-ability if/when they ever find out who you are.
Are you including yourself in that, given you just responded? And you would be incorrect. I personally was not in the NOC or involved with it. And yet I knew of Gary Cooke and his accomplishments.
Perhaps it’s you who was and are clueless and oblivious. Perhaps you don’t get that the real work done at XO is done by unappreciated peons who put up with the organizational and executive disrespect and morale apathy every day and STILL show up to do a quality job and do their best with just duct tape and close hangers to keep the ship operational.
HA! The fact that you losers are still posting here and working at xo and caring is the best part. If you are still employed at this turd you are the biggest joke of all loser!
But you stopping by to comment on all of the losers makes you hip, trendy, cool, aloof, etc. an Internet hipster of sorts. Well played cool person who is clearly above it all. Well played.
More xo layoffs tomorrow….Gaylynn is coming to headquarters.
A lot of great managers were let go today. Not sure where the leaders want XO to go these days. Doesn’t make sense.
Whats the number today?
And knowing some of the more well known names would also be nice. Was it targeted to only part of the business or across the entire enterprise?
The “leaders” don’t have a strategy, but when they didn’t make their revenue numbers for last year, the writing was on the wall that there would be layoffs. “Good people” doesn’t matter, it just matters that they were a number on a spreadsheet and that the “leaders” need to make somewhat good on what Icahn wants, which is money.
Seems to me they are doing these folks a favor. Let’s face it this is not a place one would make a career out of.. Maybe at one time it was but now it seems to be on a spiral downhill. There are plenty of good positions open at their competitors and other IT companies. I don’t understand why folks wouldn’t leave as soon as possible. Better to leave on your own terms then be part of insolvency or be part of a a buy out and dismantling.
Will the love dove last during this purge?
Love Dove will be there as long as Ancell is.
A rumor is circulating they are looking to close the Edison National Activation Center….Does anyone know if this is true?
NO but today is the last day at XO for the VP of Sales & Solutions Engineering. Did he resign or was he let go?
C.T. did not resign. Terrible day for xo.
xo has only terrible days left. This executive team has no integrity, no morals, no clue, and no conscience.
Carl T. was fairly vocal in the recent offsite management meeting, and some might say at times at least bordered on critical. A week and a half later and he’s gone. Hmmmm. Could be retaliatory. Would you put it past this crew?
The topic that CT stood up and communicated was a topic that was spawned out of a round table discussion of 9 people. It wasn’t his alone. He simply acted as the spokesman for his group. The exercise was part of a Director level leadership event, being facilitated by a consultant. Before the “team building” event started the consultant made a specific announcement saying “all thoughts and ideas are welcome, no retaliatory actions will be taken”. Yes, it was retaliatory. This new executive leadership is hostile, narcissistic, arrogant, and closed to outsiders who aren’t part of the inner circle. Anyone who has not come in with them, particularly management, are at risk. But the closed door decisions they’re making, which was the topic of the commentary CT gave, will ruin the company if dramatic leadership changes aren’t made in the next month or two.
If it was genuinely retaliatory, then the social cohesion of the actual individual contributors is further negatively impacted; i.e. morale goes down so a loss in productivity and quality follows it. C level executives are not actual producers. contrary to their narcissistic self-talk and back patting. While I find it consistent with the Carl Icahn way of doing business, I still find it very disappointing as there were awesome teams doing stellar work trying to genuinely add value to XO. Carl Icahn’s poor choices lead to the C-level executive musical chairs for the last 4 years. So, he’s made his financial bed. And now he has to lie in it.
A few months ago, in speaking with someone still there, it was mentioned that the monthly Ancell calls were all about how great everything was and that there were no layoffs projected. How much credibility did this exec team lose with this recent round? Actually, they probably don’t even care; they are just there to draw a big paycheck and bleed the last little bits dry.
The place was so shoestring when I was there, I cannot imagine how much it feels like everything is just bandaided together at this point! I think it became “XO normal” though, but having come from a more stable company before XO, I could quickly tell that the place was dysfunctional, at best.
The place has always been very “kill the messenger” so this doesn’t sound too surprising. But why even bother with an offsite at all if all they wanted was a bunch of yes men blowing smoke? Why waste company money, resources and time, just to spend Icahn’s money on steak dinners…actually, I think I just answered my own question!
Remember, keeping up appearances and being able to put happy things on status reports that end up in front of Carl Icahn helps keep one’s C-Level paycheck flowing. Any and all those non-Rah-Rah neggy-negs need to be teased out and eliminated as quickly as possible. The sooner it’s sunshine only meetings and conference calls, the sooner things will be peachy and dreamy. And the sooner real revenue will magically start appearing.
this will be offsite # 2 for these blowhards. The first was just for management, and this one is a sales kickoff. My advice for all in attendance is if asked to speak openly about how you feel, do the opposite of that sh*t. How you feel only matters if you happen to feel that they are doing a great job, and how would that be possible? Just remain muted, enjoy the bad food, and leave as soon as they allow you to book your flight.
Pretty rational way to spend money if you ask me. Two large offsite meetings in one of the most expensive markets to hold meetings in (Herndon), and instead of combining them, you do them separately, and bring in guest speakers to talk about things like “One Team” when there clearly are two teams. When does the Board and Icahn just man up and admit that they hired the wrong people and cut bait with these morons?
Didn’t Icahn bring in one of his own to run Finance/replace Laura? Wouldn’t that guy have the real picture, so any window dressing put on by Dove and Mindy be seen for the sham that it is?
Edison is a toxic hell hole. They should blow it up with a bomb to eradicate the toxicity.
How much ad revenue would Rob lose if pissed off former employees quit bitching about XO?
Who cares? How is this even slightly relevant? It doesn’t cost the viewer or the posters anything. And Rob makes money from a speculative advertising mechanism. It sound like win-win to me.
These are probably more pissed off CURRENT employees than former. There is no open door policy at XO and most folks, even while unhappy and nervous, just try and keep their heads down and off the chopping block.
The reason why this thread continues on is because it’s the only place anyone can legitimately find out what is going on with the company. Yes, there are some people here with only an axe to grind but even as the comments just above yours illustrate, you can also find out some actual information (see C.T. info above).
total retaliation. Mindy and Dove are both insanely weak. Hopefully Wahl wins in this battle with Ancell and the Icahn Board, because as much as it sounds ridiculous to say this, Wahl coming out on top is XO’s only hope. Ancell and Dove need to go, and they need to take their “Mindy Project” with them. I feel bad for Carl, but leaving will likely be the best thing for him. Best of Luck C.T.
Yes, Carl T – you deserve better.
Carl T was a fully disengaged, left behind, non significant contributor to the Sales Engineering organization. He essentially dismantled the great work done by others and only showed up to golf … never engaging with customers and never doing right by his staff except for only those whom he brought along the way of his ridiculously stupefying rise to a level of management in which his total ineptness afforded him. He may not have deserved to be fired in the way he was … but he certainly held on to a job he clearly shouldn’t have had for a very long time.
As a manager who worked under both of of the last two VP’s of SE’s, Forgettaboutit is completely off base. He’s been spouting venom for 3 years since he and his IT leadership team posing as SE leaders were removed with the previous in inept sales leadership cronies who brought them in. CT worked with us last Spring to get equity adjustments for a third of our employees who were hired at well below market value, promised raises as part of promotions up a convoluted SE title game, then left out to try. The previous SE leader, who had a nice company bonus plan for SG&A containment and EBITDA performance, was more concerned about his own pockets than those of his team. Nice! CT’s help in taking care of the team cut our attrition from more than 20% avg. annually over the last 4 years, to less than 5% in 2014, because of his focus on his people’s well-being. CT was not fired, his position was eliminated for cost cuts, just like our current executive leadership is doing to any sr. executive outside their inner circle. He was all about the best interest of our entire SE team. Our team made almost 95% of our incentive target this year, where in past years we made 60%. We’ve kept good people as a result. Oh, and we continue to run most if not all of the programs, albeit they’ve continued to be enhanced, as we did 3-4 years ago. And his strong internal and customer relationships helped us to get many big deals done. He will be missed. Yes, and the previous leader was moved out of his new position after only a year or two.
Having worked for the prior SE leadership you are completely off base. The function of an SE was not even understood until the changes that were made in 2009 took place. The organization was relegated to a order taker position rather than being a true SE. What the prior SE leadership team did was improve the image tremendously.
You also talk about equitable total targeted compensation improvement? Prior to the last SE leadership team there was effectively no baseline salary analysis done on a SE position b/c the SE position did not exist in HR job description functional definition. The prior SE leadership completely wrote from the ground up the job descriptions and job functions of what an “sales engineer” is and then benchmarked it against the industry to help improve the overall salary and bonus opportunity achievement. Prior to 2009 that had never been done and there was no ability to achieve payouts beyond 100% with acceleration.
Additionally, the compensation plan that was defined for the SE team in 2009 was the first of its kind in XO’s history where an SE could be paid on booked revenue and billed revenue with the opportunity to over achieve via acceleration. Again, it was a dramatic improvement from many years ago.
You speak about base salaries … well lets talk about that. The base salaries were meaningless until the jobs were benchmarked. once the jobs were benchmarked by the new definition of the functional responsibility the opportunity to shift salaries was then enabled. In managing organizations you never do an across the board salary increase for all individuals b/c not all individuals deserve to receive a raise and more importantly you can’t b/c you don’t have the SG&A flexibility associated to your overall run rate. So you target the most important SE’s first who are the biggest contirbutors and then follow on where you can annually with the rest. None of that would be possible if you didn’t have new job descriptions and job benchmarkings.
Its true that attrition was a significant problem under prior SE leadership teams – but i would argue that the majority of the issues were largely due to the tremendous benefit reductions, limited pay for performance and inability to receive competitive salaries. The prior SE leadership couldn’t address the issues with benefits b/c thats a function of the ownership (ie Icahn) but they did begin the process of addressing the salaries and commission. Additionally, the prior leadership rolled out training and certification programs to help enhance and certify the SE team to help them improve their overall careers.
Having worked with Carl T. he wasn’t a bad guy but he clearly was disappointed that he didn’t get the position when Ernie took over. He felt like Ernie left him behind and became rather disgruntled. Carl isn’t a bad guy, but certainly the benefits of his work as you describe above are the results of the foundation put in place from his former boss. So say what you want but i doubt very much Carls impact on his team wouldn’t had been possible had it not been for the hard work from his former management.
One final thing, the prior SE leader was offered the CIO position at XO. Instead of taking that role, he resigned and took another job elsewhere. As i understand it he wanted to get away from the Icahn effect.
Thanks for all of those clarifications Tom Hobika. Everything is crystal clear now, and you managed to stay brief in making those clarifications as always.
I think you misread above. The person said they worked for the former leadership … likely Sam Maraghy, Bal Atwhal or possibly Wes Jensen. Either way they are correct. Carl i am sure is a good guy but his contributions are likely built on the foundation of others. not a bad thing nor does it mean he wasn’t looking out for his people but it’s really calling it as it was seen based upon facts.
Man Tom, let it go buddy, it’s been years.
Let me throw in rude, arrogant and had a huge disdain for sales. Was he Ernie’s guy or Don’s? One thing I can say is that he was definitely not an asset to sales. What goes around comes around.
Goodbye and good riddance!
To the poster “Hobika wrote that ….” …. wrong again fella. I wrote it and its the truth. Why don’t you stop lamenting on the past and identifying folks to blame when you are to blame Carl. Its yours to own so own it like a man.
Hysterical, as when I read that long winded dissertation the first person I called out was Hobika as well. That guy could take an hour and a half to describe this weeks episode of 60 Minutes and loves tooting his own horn. It was totally him.
same with Wahl, If he had any influence or power all that happened would not have. Or he is OK with it. Do u really think he is in conflict with XO management and has so much influence but cant change anything.
Wahl is your answer to XO’s woes? The guy who for 15 years has done nothing to attempt to build any synergies between himself and the rest of the organization because he thinks he smarter than anyone else, but in reality is simply an egomaniac. The guy who, whether the past CEO’s are competent or inept or not, is the most insubordinate asshole in corporate america’s history, and who is allowed to do so with repercussions. He would be fired by any other company for his behavior. A guy who knows nothing about XO’s business outside his lavish jet setting “I’m here on behalf of Uncle Carl so you need to give me your business” corporate lifestyle, using XO as his playground and allowed to burn through T&E money like he has an unlimited bank account, despite continually missing his number. He’d have no clue as to how to solve XO’s real sales problem, that being why is XO so unsuccessful at selling to the mid-sized business market. His only two closes are “because Carl said” or “we have to give this business away at no profit or a loss, trust me we’ll make it up on follow-on business”, where every deal is a loss-leader. Talk about inept, a guy who despite having his creepy Carl relationship and a bat phone to the old guy at any time, still only managed to hit his quota a couple times at most in 2014. A guys who’s basically been allowed to operate outside the same rules that his peers are required to follow, but still can’t manage to make his numbers. A guy who has been responsible (in his own mind) for closing every big sale XO has ever had. He and his management morons are incompetent at best. XO’s demise starts at the owner and flows from there, and the bizarre Wahl situation is a textbook example of the venomous atmosphere that exists. Ancell and his clown posse need to go, but so does cancer Wahl and his goon squad.
GW is not a business person, not a numbers man and certainly not a great leader. He is a good salesman with one big account “Uncle Carl”. The eccentric billionaire who keeps people around because he uses them to do his dirty work. To rat, manipulate and keep his interest above all. That’s what GW does very simply. Hey go talk to so and so, get that guy to do such and such. Go squeeze that XYZ Company the owe me or I’m about to do a deal with them. It plain and clear that these are not above board dealing by a professional organization. How on earth does someone have the audacity to go to major institution and say “Carl wants you to….”. That is illegal, morally unacceptable and unethical. But this is what GW has done for 14 years. Carry out Carl’s dirty work. Can he run sales? NO! Can he manage a large enterprise? NO! What strategic value or industry knowledge does he bring. How is XO going to disrupt, improve, or displace? GW has no clue. He and his team of has been playboys do nothing but peddle influence and carry out Carl’s wishes and that all. GW has nothing but a big obnoxious and moronic laugh to cover up his stupidity. Nice job Geoff…huh huh huh huh Keep losing money so Carl can laugh all the way to the bank.
ok – all together now. any angst beyond now is my own fault. time to start looking.
That’s the problem with all you people still at XO. You’re all so cordial and friendly to each other’s faces, but like rattlesnakes behind each other’s backs. Look in the mirror if you want to see why you’re failing. Glad I got out some time ago. The biggest rattlesnake is the owner, and he breeds rattlesnakes in his org. And who uses the gay phrase “goodbye and good riddance”? Losers do.
Heard Mindy and Team threw up another sub million dollar sales month, and WAY below as well. That ought to create some momentum going into the Sales Kickoff. Take the usual 15% off for standard fallout and these months are nothing short of an embarrassment. Maybe she should seriously consider assigning her staff people quotas.
heard it was just north of $800K. Worst sales results and XO sales leader ever. and that’s saying something when you consider some of the folks that have held this job. WOW!!!!!!
And the mass exodus continues, a multiple President’s Club NYC sales manger departs to a competitor. Recurring theme, the good ones keep leaving.
I love XO
Yes, many of us, current and ex-employees love XO for what it could have been, and could still be. It seems that management without a clue is also management without imagination. XO is committing itself to commodity hell and that will have a negative effect on sales now and in the future. Obvious turmoil in management ranks has to be hurting sales as well. Many telecom companies have hired what we use to call “Bell Heads”, arrogant and stupid. XO has fallen into that trap. If you have read “Catch 22” you may see some similarities to what we have seen with XO the last few years. My favorite question applies: “Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?” I bet Icahn has read that fine book.
For any of you above doubting Wahl’s power, let me take you through it. Wahl is still employed there, and has had a direct hand in driving the last two CEO’s out. He has also emasculated the current CEO several times, but most recently when Ancell played the “it’s him or me card” with Icahn and the Board and had it end with GW being promoted (wait for the announcement) as Ancell’s direct report. His professional specialties through all of this are being a snitch for Icahn, taking credit for sales he was never a part of, discrediting his enemies, and being drunk and inappropriate at all times while being protected by Legal and HR through all of it as they worship him out of fear for their own pathetic lives here at XO. He also blows off meetings as if he’s untouchable, and it’s because he is. Has anyone seen him yet at the Sales Kickoff, because I haven’t. Anyone who thinks that the current move of him into a “Business Development” role has neutralized him is delusional. He’s one step closer to Ancell, and is therefore one step closer to the info he needs to derail him. He’ll outlast them all. That’s power.
This meeting is Another example of how incompetent Ancell and Powers are. Spending Ichans money on two kickoffs in two weeks?? The company is falling down around us and we’re learning how to do presentations with stick figures. Empty suits everywhere you look. Leaders running scared. If you have an opinion, dont let them know. Right CT??Leaders doing what they do best…smile and look stupid. Haven’t seen HR here yet…except the Ultimate empty suit…how does he dodge the bullet after all these years. Keep smiling. Ship is sinking….you keep singing Choir boy.
An embarrassment. HR is here. DPB & MS. DN I presume is the empty suit…useless. The Mindy project doesn’t want the HRGS around. They are the only folks who know and care, but are totally Powerless…just like the executives want it. Get out while you can Ladies.
Ancell lost his job in April, 2012 to CenturyLink because of disappointing sales results. Unable to help leverage assets. Is the same happening at XO?
Ancell was also a Qwestie. The integration of executives from Qwest to give the impression of a friendly takeover was only a temporary thing. They aren’t part of the Monroe insiders club and are slowly (or quickly in the case of Ancell) being weeded out in favor of CenturyTel-ers.
Ancell is a lightweight in every sense of the word, except for his actual weight, which has to now be pushing 400 lbs. those at XO who knew him beforehand from their Qwest experiences were shocked that he was hired, and warned everyone what we were getting on the way in, including his coattail rider, Love Dove. Nobody should be surprised at this stage. Wahl will never be CEO, but can hopefully keep using his influence to get someone in here who not only knows what they’re doing, but who cares about people.
why hasent GW used his influence beore
Don MacNeil will be out as COO today. The carnage continues. Best of luck Don, as you were the last Exec with a soul left. You’re too good for this shit hole.
Wow. Don seemed like a cat with nine lives when it came to XO. He had outlived quite a few regimes.
lets hope not. he’s the glue that holds XO together.
Better get one last whiff of that glue, as he’s a goner.
Is there anything at XO that’s worth saving ?!?!?!
perhaps the fact that there was no announcement yesterday means that there is something being done to try and save Don. They’ve also yet to announce Wahl’s promotion to SVP of Business Development, and a direct report to Ancell, so I’d assume they’d want to announce together. Perhaps Wahl went to CI and made him insert himself in the Don scenario to save him. If true it would be the second time in as many weeks that Wahl made Ancell his b*tch. Third time if you count his “in and out” performance at kickoff. #teamwahl
Don is a good man. If this is true he will do well for himself where ever he lands. Big loss for XO.
the announcement has just been made.
GEEZ Louise folks. Can’t I ever get to announce my own information without you spoil sports beating me to it? You’re taking all the fun out of the 18 months or so that I’ll get to be a CEO.
Suck it up “Chris”. It comes with the territory of working for Big Carl. Most of the pain was self inflicted before you arrived. Now, it’s a new set of BFFs.
More layoffs to come. What a great company. NOT
What makes you say that?
One of the big wigs had their door open and people heard him talking on the phone.
You know what I find interesting is Griv left an email to everyone years ago about how Icahn had told him to keep profits down so the stock would dive and he could pick it up for cents on the dollar. That was in the email. It seems he now has the company he wanted and keeps getting the rejects from other companies to fill his coffers. There is a war at the top in this company and no one is safe from collateral damage.
This couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, that Carl Icahn. He dehumanizes the organization and then wonders why the company become toxic hellholes of utter despair.
What I really like is that now that social media has taken off and filled all sorts of unanticipated niches (think LinkedIn, Glass Door, etc.), his company’s reputation is now being broadcasted to potential new recruits with a megaphone. And anyone who has even a slight bit of social media savvy will be almost immediately put off by XO’s rapidly deteriorating reputation.
Like I said, “It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!” 🙂
Chris prettied his announcement up, but this was not Don’s decision, and was 100% Ancell’s. He’s bringing in another Qwestie, Amador Lucero. The guy has been in telecom since 1971, so his ideas should be cutting edge and fresh for sure. Maybe order status index card catalogues for Service Delivery using the Dewey Decimal System, etc. Do not believe the hype that they will try to sell you that this was Don’s decision, or that he had a great opportunity to grow by leaving, as it’s complete BS, just like everything else this Executive Team tries to sell you. They are all about appearances and attempting to save face with what and who is left behind, as they know that Don is well liked and respected. But know the truth, because it’s fact. They wanted Don out, period, and in the end Don will be better off for it. Best of luck Don MacNeil.
I heard this new guy actually knew Alexander Graham Bell personally. That’s exciting.
OMG, thank you for the laugh.
And thanks for the insight about D Mac and if this was his decision/he had something else lined up or not. Many people liked him, and he does know the industry well and could speak to it with experience. Maybe not as much as having actually sat in the room with Alexander Graham Bell himself when he told Watson to come to him, but knowledgeable nonetheless.
He’ll find a new gig very fast with his connections.
I don’t know MacNeil, but Amador’s a good guy. Started off as a field technician for a number of years before working his way up. Crack all the jokes you want, he isn’t stuck in the past nor is he a sit back and collect a paycheck guy. I’m sorry to hear that he’s stepping into the XO hornet’s nest.
He’s stepping into it from retirement, so if it doesn’t work out he can just go back to playing pinochle and waiting for the buzzards to start circling. If he is in fact a great guy, he will be the first great person that Ancell brought over with him, and one in an area of the business where he needed it the least.
It feels like XO has been in a death spiral forever. I wonder what will truly be the actual, final nail in the coffin. Or will CI keep it on life support so he can keep the tax breaks he receives?
XO will live just as long as Carl Icahn’s alive. He’s too proud to say he effed up and has waited too long to let XO go.
Both the FCC Net Neutrality decision to move ISPs under Title II AND the fact that XO’s strategic footprint advantages from pre-2009 have now almost all been completely overlapped by competitors makes XO unattractive as either an ongoing concern or shutter-and-sell-off-assets proposition.
More layoffs are an attempt to keep Carl Icahn from having to dump more cash to keep XO operational. There isn’t any long-term thinking left in the company. And the only way a sale is going to happen is if the buyer is very careful and avoids doing too much due diligence. IOW, even if a buyer appears and successfully obtains XO from Carl Icahn, it can only get worse as it means the buyer really didn’t know how to genuinely evaluate XO’s intrinsic value (as either an operating concern or a set of telco assets).
Wrong. Once the 2 lawsuits against Icahn are resolved and all the NOL’s are exhausted this turd will be put up for sale. The idiots at Windstream will most likely over pay for this POS like they did with Paetec.
The NOL’s have already been transferred to another entity (special purpose vehicle) that will therefore Icahn to use those to help cover proftis elsewhere amongst his investments. If you review the court filings as i have there are a number of document that show the complex legal entities that have been created that own the assets of XO and its subsidiaries as well as debt such as NOLs.
The R2 lawsuits have prevented Icahn from utilizing them fully and completely but once they are settled (the lawsuits will be ultimately settled) there’s no reason to think Icahn wouldn’t sell XO.
The challenge is going to yield substantive value as the overall enterprise valuation has been diminished significantly as the end of the IRU rights with Level 3 for the regen huts and network maintenance come to expiration. I believe a deal will ultimately involve Level 3 for the remaining fiber and metro foot print at some point but not until the R2 litigation is finalized.
You are spot on in your observations. The bench trial is set for Feb 26th the last time I looked at the docket. Judge Ramos must be looking forward to putting a bullet in this long drawn out feud between Icahn and Raynor. Which goes all the way back to the required (ALGX) secondary offering where R2 stepped in and diluted Icahn’s equity below 80% therefore losing his ability to use the NOL’s for 5 years. Someone needs to write a book because this fight really goes back to Federal Mogul days. It is like a Wild Bill Hickok – Davis Tutt shootout.
Not getting a jury trial is a true shame but I understand why it was important to keep them coupled. Best of luck to all of those seeking vindication and those of us with our sights on rightly sharing the economics of the NOL and even those fewer parties who can participate from the confiscated op losses and the rigged refi.
I have a tendency to believe he will keep the company, because, ultimately, doesn’t every billionaire need his own communications company in the future…..
not many left at the basis he has in this one.
Icahn has a philosophy and it goes something like this … if someone wants to buy something from you tell them its not for sale and eventually they will be back. The idea of a large fiber network being potentially up for sale when all the rest have been acquired and or merged is what Icahn believes makes XO more valuable than it really is. The challenge is the terminal enterprise valuation diminishes each year he approaches the IRU end of contract which i believe might be sometime in the next 8 to 10 years. The time to have sold for maximum pull through valuation (and subsequent settling of the lawsuits for minimal collateral damage) was more than 5 to 7 years ago when the overall EV was at likely an all time high.
I believe the end result will be a much lower EV multiple but ultimately will end in a transaction post litigation settlement/finalization.
Grant, I recall the dispute several years ago re: the fiber that XO has in the Level 3 conduit. The end result as I remember it then was that XO “owned” the fiber. Now I see that it is on an IRU with a termination date per your note here. Is my memory incorrect? Must be.
Sorry for the confusion. Let me try to clarify.
You are correct that XO won a lawsuit against Level 3 seeking injunctive relief to enable it to operate the fiber it acquired from Level 3 in the original IRU. In the rulling the court determined that XO Communications has the unfettered right to light fiber it acquired from Level 3 and required Level 3 to provide XO Communications the power and access it needs in order to continue to light fiber for its own network use and use of third party customers.
What court did not say but what i am implying is the term of the relief is through the remaining contract length. In other words Level 3 is only obligated to perform the above duties through the end date of the contract assuming they don’t renegotiate with XO and agree to terms. What if Level 3 chooses to raise the cost of performing the above services to a point where it is cost prohibitive to continue operating as cost effectively as possible? what if Level 3 at the end of the term raises its rates ? What future potential buyer would want to “inherit’ something that could be potentially significant in so far impact on the bottom line if the economics change?
Thus my comments above were oriented around end state terminal velocity impact. I certainly don’t know all of the issues but this could be a big one in getting a deal done without having it impact the overall economics of any future deal to be done (unfavorably towards icahn).
How will this end
The Mindy Project is the worst thing that ever HAPPPEND TO XO!!!. She has zero clue and needs a new hair due. The RVP’s all in private except for one of them roll their eyes every time she says a word. She is the biggest POS I have ever met in my life….
Rob, you should beat your chest a little. This new Executive Team is apparently obsessed with your web site and the things said about them on it. It specifically bothers them that there are so many accurate things said about them, as it indicates that much of what gets out here comes directly from their own staff calls. They are pushing IT to find out ways to determine who is posting. So instead of just taking the whole “let’s not be duplicitious douche-wads who only listen to our Qwest friends” path, they want to find out who keeps pointing out that they are. If anyone is posting from an XO owned computer, beware, as Love Dove is apparently not an appreciative reader, and we all know how petty and vindictive that zilch can be. The truth hurts I guess, because fiction would be ignored by a normal, balanced person. Keep fighting Wahl!!!
Nice to hear a company in trouble finds their IT teams’ best use of time to track down anon webposters here. That isn’t the type of behavior that will lead to have more focus on their business and I guess we should expect continued eroding sales numbers.
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Rob, Rebecca seems out of place here.
Please tell us more Rebecca, this sounds legit.
So let me understand the new regime at XO let go of all the talent that made the place actually worth something go and helped the company function? They did add value to the company by bringing in Orgazatonal Effectiveness?! Which apparently helped create office beautification…such a made up title just to receive a paycheck and 95.5 % of the employees are waiting for the contract to end and a new round of people to come in because anything is Better than the people running this place now? Sounds like a great place and environment to work in! The owner and board should read the comments on here get a clue what is going on and make some changes quick before this place is run to the ground
They didn’t let the talent go. Most of the talent has walked out of their own accord as the market is pretty damn hot right now. What they did was let go what tiny remaining LOYAL talent that kept the place operating with bailing wire and duct tape. And morale has been in the dumpers now for +36 months…ever since Grivner left and it’s been musical chairs in the executive suite.
And XO is just a distracting speck in the overall Icahn empire. Just observing his behavior, he isn’t concerned about XO running into the ground. That presumes he is actually concerned with XO at all…which is a poor assumption. As long as it continues to operate with as little cash bleed as possible, he doesn’t have to give it any concern.
speaking of talent, Lucas Curell resigned yesterday. He’s following others to Windstream. He’s a big loss to XO whether you knew him or not, and I hope he gives HR the same reasons for him leaving on his exit interview that those who know him already know drove him out. They are as follows: slightly more pay, lack of faith in the direction and integrity of Executive leadership, and the ability to work from home. I say again: the ability to work from home. So essentially he’s leaving to lead a “Dove-less” life. Best of luck Lucas. You served XO well, and we will miss you.
so WIN is the collector of XO “talent”?
Loved Lucas, know he will do well.
As bad as the Love Dove is, and she is certainly a terminal cancer, the Mindy Project will sink XO first, as she has not hit a number since she came here. Love Dove doesn’t have a number. Ancell has to make a move. Soon. Unless he’s just resigned to his fate and engineering his out, and the next stop for these grifters.
Ancell, who has publicly stated that he hates overlay groups, just announced that Wahl is the SVP of the FMI group (Financial Markets and Icahn accounts), which will be nothing but an overlay. So basically Wahl just bent our CEO over for all to see, and Ancell had to act excited about it while he awkwardly announced it. He actually said how excited he was to have Wahl in place, which illustrates how disingenuous this bloated windbag is. He waited his whole life to get a CEO title, and he finally gets one and instead of running things, he gets run over by Icahn’s immovable lackey!!! Priceless to watch.
Stupid is a Wahl does!
i think al cervic said it best
“this place sucks……that’s right – it sucks!”
how are the sales numbers looking for February? I’m assuming that they’re good, as rumor has it that Mindy is on vacation again. Any update to be had?
Heard that half of the NOC in St Louis resigned yesterday. Some heavy hitters too, and most if not all of Tier II data support. 10 people I heard, maybe more. This comes a week after Lucas left for the same destination. It looks like Cooke is putting the band back together. Another show of NO FAITH for this leadership team. Couldn’t happen to a nicer crew of absolutely horrible leaders and worse human beings. XO customers have no idea how single threaded they were over these data platforms before, but right now they are completely exposed. The next widespread data outage will be the network equivalent of the fall that did Humpty Dumpty in. Only when Humpty fell, there were still all the kings horses and all the kings men around to give putting him back together again a shot at least.
This may have a silver lining – Amador Lucero has an extensive background with NOC from Qwest and Century Link and implemented TL9000 at Century Link to some success -while the short term brain drain may be problematic this may give XO the opportunity to implement some structural improvements as opposed to being mired in “how it has always been done”
Also hopefully this will send a message to the executive team at the same time that implementing the polices that failed Marissa Meyer at Yahoo (ending work from home etc) is not a good policy for XO
Implementing things, and hiring folks with these skill sets takes cash that XO doesn’t have. People at Qwest aren’t smarter for having done these things, they just had deeper pockets. Lucero will not get properly funded here to do what he wants to, or needs to. I’m sure that he’s a great guy, but the net net is that they pulled this guy out of retirement for this gig. So the brightest network mind they could find to follow these jokers had to be dusted off first. He’ll find out quickly that he should have stuck to crossword puzzles. I do however agree that in most situations new blood, and an infusion of fresh thoughts helps orgs like the NOC. My bet here is that it fails miserably because it will be funded with empty words only. No matter where you fall on this discussion opinionwise, could Cooke possibly be a bigger fly in the ointment for XO right now? I love it. Navid and DPB are likely typing up a tersely worded cease and desist letter with outside counsel right now to send to windstream. They’ve been thinking about it together for days, and so far they’ve come up with “you better stop, or else…..”
free market economy … randy’s been gone long enough where he’s not facing any non-solicit violation. so let them pencil a letter as best hey can … it won’t help.
@Dan -you may be right about the funding -but then this is the litmus test for Ancell’s tenure -can he deliver the funding to allow Lucero a chance to succeed. I am not as worried by the fact they pulled him out of retirement; he’s a fellow exec from Ancell’s Qwest days and they have history -given XO’s market reputation it was probably the safest choice they had-proven track record; personal experience with, and someone who might not be discouraged by XO’s limitations since he is not necessarily looking to leverage the position into a spot somewhere else.
SO if the new Executive team comes out straight shooting, no bs -puts some definite funds to solve the issue (no excuses that it wasn’t budgeted or the old “doing more with less”) that’s a plus. At the same time they need to openly address the fact that their is a retention issue at XO and how they are going to address it (and if they were smart they’d know they need to do sooner or later because it may not just be Windstream for long-I expect down the road TCNI will start recruiting from XO as well). If they can do this, I think it will get generate some positive feeling among the rank and file.
if they don’t immediately propose a plan to redo the NOC with real $$ attached, if they gloss over the retention issue, if its all more of the same “rah rah rah” with no action; then it’s pretty clear that Icahn is content to let XO limp along ; shrinking to the lowest possible workforce and the least possible acceptable service and the current executive team is just a caretaker team for that initiative.
It will be business as usual, shuffling the deck chairs and every year RIFs to meet Icahn’s #s which will get harder and harder because he doesn’t put the money into XO to let it stay competitive and he definitely doesn’t value the human capitol he has.
I guess we will all see in the next few weeks and months.
So far Mindy has $500K keyed, and less than $75K pending keying in sales for the month of February. This is against a $1.1 commit and a $1.3 plan number. If Ancell doesn’t fix that problem, he can get all of the funding Lucero could ever want or need, and it won’t matter, because they’ll all be gone.
Can you say material non public information?
What does that mean? It sounds like legalese.
The author does not know either b/c he is taking a securities law concept and wrongly applying it. Nothing here is material non-public information as XO is not public.
can you say blow me?
What is TCNI?
TNCI is where LT landed as CEO.
but TNCI is located in CA unless she opens an East Coast division which would be great for most who would go
Does anyone not agree that at this point XO is a complete laughingstock? The only people I know who disagree are still working there and have their heads in the sand. For the non-ostriches, is there any way that this reputation can recover?
Well, just when you thought that you were out of reasons to hate XO as a place to work, this Executive Team keeps giving you new reasons to hate them and this place more. Today’s reason was an all time low for pettiness though, and might have actually overtaken the removal of the work from home program as an act of nothing more than vindictiveness. I was just informed today via email that I will be downgraded on my performance review not because I underperformed against my goals and objectives for the review period, but because HR mandated that we hit a performance review distribution, whether it applied to your group or not, to make sure that we had enough people at the bottom levels, in the middle, and at the top. I was downgraded because by XO standards I was late with this task, even though I was actually on time, yet had to keep doing it over and over until I backed my way into their ridiculous distribution. So because I didn’t falsify my performance reviews the first time to tell people they performed poorly when they didn’t, just to check a meaningless box for these self important a-holes, my review gets knocked down. My Team actually met their goals for 2014, which makes the task of fitting the distribution harder, which is likely difficult for most teams at XO to understand, because hitting goals isn’t exactly what we’re known for. I plan to call the Ethics Hotline, and will also be speaking to an employment lawyer, as I work my way towards leaving this hellhole. Enough is enough. I’m no longer pissed at this place, I am actually pissed at myself for staying. My direct leadership is awesome, but that’s no longer enough.
I’m really sorry this happened to you but it does seem to be how XO “rewards” its employees. The execs will ensure that they make their bonuses, but the people in the trenches are always nickled and dimed. A similar thing happened last year, when people were not informed that their department had goals, which if not met, meant they personally did not get their entire bonus potential.
Be careful about giving out too much information about yourself here, though. They are petty and will try to find out who you are. I’m sure calls are into XO IT right now.
I was laid off from XO last year, and I can honestly say it was the worst job I’ve ever had in my career. While I got swept up in a lay off before I was able to exit on my own, there’s not be a single day since that I’ve missed that place! I also know that the people whom I liked working with are also no longer there anymore, either. So, good luck to you and know that leaving is the best decision. Don’t put a ton of faith in that “Ethics” hotline though. XO’s “Ethics” guy is as greasy as they come.
You were not the only one hit by this. Several I know were. Some have rationalized it as “who cares, we’re not getting raises anyway”, or “hey, bonuses are not guaranteed and likely not getting paid this year”, but that’s not really the point. The point is that someone, or a group of heartless someone’s, decided to define you other than how you should have been defined. They changed the description of your year to fit their task, and to some that is unforgivable, and has nothing to do with money. It’s about what’s right, and principle. This Executive Management lacks principles. To be the worst Executive Leadership Team ever at XO is a special monicker, when you consider the suck that came before them.
Stacked ranking is an employee evaluation method that slots a certain percentage of employees into each of several levels of performance.
Because the ranking is inherently somewhat arbitrary, the model is also sometimes referred to as a forced distribution. Such a model might assume a normal distribution, for example, in which 10% of employees are high achievers, 80% are satisfactory and valuable, and 10% are actually deleterious to the company. When evaluating the staff, administrators assign individuals to those categories in such a way that the percentages assigned to each category remain constant.
People who cannot move the needle on the important stuff tend to focus solely on the insignificant stuff. This Executive Team epitomizes that. They can’t sell, ONB sales are non-existent, and revenue is shrinking, so let’s end work from home, and change reviews. The place is a train wreck. Just a shame that nobody in HR has the balls, or political capital to stand up to this nonsense.
HR’s only role is to do the dirty work of handing out the pink slips.
HR is one seat at a very large table, treated as the child who is not permitted to talk during super. HR championed the work from home thing when it was rolled out in the first place…You don’t seriously belive it was Their decision to take it away. Heartless describes the new Executives, not those who came before.
HR’s primary role in a corporation is to keep the company’s rear from being litigated. Everything points back to that.
HR is the biggest rumor mill in the place. They are not “human resources” anymore, they are “RIF Coordinators”. They have not been resources for anything human there since the Icahn Team took over. They care about nothing but self preservation, and anything you tell them, specifically in NJ will be shared and used against you.
You obviously have not had any interactions with HR. My first hand experience with my local HRG has always been positive and in the best interest of the employees and company alike. You must be another disgruntled employee who has nothing better to do than troll ramblings looking for other miserables.
STFU, apologist jerk…
HR at XO are all avid readers of this blog, and it’s good to see that they’ve branched out and begun to comment as well. Because clearly the defense of HR was written by a member of that team. Any wagers on who wrote it?
I was part of the RIF in 2011. Thank God! This blog post is amazing, it really is. Did anyone see that video up in Michigan of the car wreck on the highway? Car after car after car kept piling up. It reminded me of XO!
Which XO Execs fit these habits?
You are all looking at this backwards. You blame my execs, but there is only so much we can do with the low brow, D list, team of players we are stuck with.
I overpay your island of misfits that are all one step from welfare food stamps, so how about you scumbags show me a little appreciation by getting off your asses and doing something for this company, so I can at least get some of my money back.
Very well played Mr. FakeIcahn! You see, the premise that Carl would actually take the time to give XO a second thought, much less hunt down an insignificant forum and then post on it is already way beyond the pale. The idea that he would defend his execs shows whomever wrote it doesn’t really know Mr. Icahn.
But, good try. It made me LOL pretty hard!
What’s the latest on the Mindy Project? Does anyone know what the YTD% numbers are? Got to go get my hair done going to ask my barber to replicate the Mindy due.
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0601296/2009 – R2 INVESTMENTS, LDC, vs. ICAHN, CARL C.
Appearance Date: Wednesday March 11, 2015
County: New York / Part: IAS PRE-TRIAL 53
Calendar Number: 2014L-00105
On For: SUPREME TRIAL / Action:
Comment(s): 4:00 P.M.
Looks like mid way through the month the Mindy Project is tracking to finish at 50% of plan for Q1.
Q1 is basically over. Did she break 50%? I’ll take the under on that bet.
It is tradition for XO to over state the goal for the year and gradually revise it down. Since the number is never hit, there is a big layoff mid-year in an attempt to fix the numbers.
Nobody knows what the numbers are any longer, as we hear about things like ‘commit’ versus ‘plan’, and the numbers never match. Mindy and her staff people also changed the way we count sales, as they now report a “ready for OV” number which just means that something is ready to be reviewed for order entry, not that it’s actually ready for keying or counting. I’ve heard estimates that ranged from 60-75% to sales plan for the year. This lady supposedly doesn’t even attend her own staff calls anymore and has one of her lackeys run them. So if she’s not out meeting customers, and she’s not speaking to her people, and she’s not making anything close to her numbers, what is she doing?
Rumor has it that while Mindy is extremely busy failing, she has time to attend training that was organized by her gal pal, Love Dove, to learn about things like “energy circles”. If you think that I am making that one up, ask one of your leaders who have been forced through the training to explain it to you. These people have no clue about anything other than how to spend money frivolously on garbage. Unless these “energy circles” are filled with potential customers, Mindy and Team should step out of them.
Amador Lucero’s eyebrows are so thick and lush that I am entranced by them. They are more than just eyebrows, they are eye sweaters.
Ancell was in Edison recently. It was very weird. It’s like he came there just to eat, and eat he did. That guy likes mayonnaise, and mayonaisse apparently likes him too. He didn’t speak at all, and almost rarely stood up. He had Phong Le speak, who was OK, and a female sales leader from NY who basically re-affirmed what sales people were all about by telling us essentially that we needed to move faster and work harder so that they could sell more, earn more, and be happier doing it. She really didn’t know her audience for that one, and basically cracked herself up. It was a very strange visit, and Ancell being as quiet as he was really made the crowd feel good considering that he has gotten rid of all the old Edison leaders, and rumors persist that the site will be closed soon. His visit did not nothing to quell those fears. He basically just put a dent in what would normally have been leftovers after an Exec visit. The whole room was awkward, and nobody asked questions. It’s the worst that it’s ever been from a culture and environment perspective. It’s not just in Edison either. Everyone is miserable here.
What are the initials of the account exec in nyc?
when does wahl take over as CEO?
Martin you nailed it. The M project is failing fast. Bring back Toplisek that guy knew what he was doing.
Lilly – That person from N.Y just likes to rambling and act like she’s got it going on.
Toplisek is having a great time at EL. He isn’t going anywhere.
Leaving XO is similar to driving down the freeway and seeing a huge accident in you rear view mirror.
a huge accident full of assholes.
This place is a complete disaster. I wasted a few months of my life there. Embarrassed to even mention the company.
Wait until all the sales people realize they are not getting commission and have charge backs if they dropped below 85% at anytime throughout 2014. You can be over 90% all year and be at 84% and guess what? All the commission you earned will have to be paid back in 2015.
wow is telecom dead
Telecom is doing great. XO is dead.
This is hilarious. I found this presentation in my old files this morning.
XO Vision: Think Customer
Strategy: Be the trusted high value provider of IP and data solutions to mid-market, enterprise and carrier customers.
**Themes 2011-2013**
-Outpace industry IP and data services revenue growth rate.
– Achieve #1 in telecom customer experience
– Improve EBITDA margin by 60%
– Become Top 100 Workplaces contender
Cultivate an open and ethical work environment that inspires teamwork, diversity, fun and recognition.
Build customer loyalty by delivering exceptional service and solutions that meet our customers’ needs.
Promote corporate and social responsibility and accountability through volunteerism and charitable giving.
Maintain the highest standards of excellence for our customers, employees, and out community
10% / F-
WRONG X – XO Vision: Think Customer
WRONG X- Strategy: Be the trusted high value provider of IP and data solutions to mid-market, enterprise and carrier customers.
**Themes 2011-2013**
WRONG X -Outpace industry IP and data services revenue growth rate.
WRONG X – Achieve #1 in telecom customer experience
WRONG X – Improve EBITDA margin by 60%
WRONG X – Become Top 100 Workplaces contender
WRONG X Culture:
Cultivate an open and ethical work environment that inspires teamwork, diversity, fun and recognition.
WRONG X Customer:
Build customer loyalty by delivering exceptional service and solutions that meet our customers’ needs.
NOT SURE Community:
Promote corporate and social responsibility and accountability through volunteerism and charitable giving.
WRONG X Commitment:
Maintain the highest standards of excellence for our customers, employees, and out community
There are two rumors about folks that use to work in Nashville. Is there any truth to them?
1. BL was up to some much no good with channel accounts that after he left, XO either sued him, or contemplated suing him.
2. KR’s 300% months came tumbling down when a customer offed himself, because an affair and/or some sort of fraud were being investigated.
Any substance to those rumors?
BL negotiated as part of his departure taking lower end SMB customers over in a new company launched with the permission of the leadership team b/c at that point they were moving away from SMB customers. It wasn’t until Laura T took over as “interim” CEO that she started saying the means by which this transaction occurred was “shady”. It was absolutely not shady and it was entirely above board. And i don’t even like BL b/c i think he’s a total a$$hole but can’t slander him in this case b/c he was 100% ethical.
KR-total windbag full of shite. Worthless. 1000% leach. Liar. Totally unethical. Complete and utter train wreck. Liar liar pants on fire. Who cares what pier she’s fishing off. She can’t catch a fish if her life depended on it.
I can’t speak about Brian … but above is absolutely true about Kara. She’s about as unethical as they come.
BL terminated a bunch of partner contracts to create that bulging list of orphaned accounts.
False. XO was exiting a business segment that was highly negative. He was told to cancel contracts of unprofitable partners that were higly negatively accretive, not meeting their contractual obligations and frankly not worth maintaining. So he did what the company was communicating their stratgy to be. Those who think otherwise have a personal vendetta against a guy who didn’t do anything wrong.
Anon – You are correct re BL and XO’s exit of low performing agents. He did all their dirty work then LT threw him under the bus as she always does. Quite frankly BL had a case against XO and won. He is a pro with high moral character and anyone thinks he’s an asshole must have been poor performers.
Nashville – you are clueless in your comments so don’t spew foul rumors you know nothing about.
Agreed. BL was the last real sales leader XO had.
This string has lasted forever. Those of us who have experience with XO prior to the current management team may have had positive experiences. I recall the Dan, Toplisek, Hobika team who generated a huge uptake in morale with their positive approach. I personally liked an earlier team but became a bit more knowledgeable about the challenge of dealing with the Ichan/Wahl challenge so I was not surprised about team disruptions. Lost a big deal when CARL GRIVNER was tossed. An unstable telecom company is not one to bet the farm on if you are a telecom manager.
Caught wind of this endless blog and felt compelled to not only read it, but to share as well. I’ve read or skimmed the last year or so of comments and first of all have to say that whoever came up with the name “Love Dove” is a pure genius. That is not only hysterical, but totally true. The only explanation for her career is an inappropriate relationship between her and you know who. These rumors are not new, or exclusive to XO, and have swirled around the two of them forever, but originated here at Qwest. Whether it’s true or not is irrelevant, as perception is reality in these matters, and the perception at 4 companies in a row now is that they are, or were an item, and worse yet have used that inappropriate relationship to elevate one of them to levels they have absolutely no business being elevated to. CA was a creep here too, but he was a decent sales guy. The fact that he has risen to C-level is a bit scary. She is a project manager at best. The two of them are just horrible people regardless of their relationship, and I’m just glad that the folks at XO were able to identify it as quickly as you all did, and more importantly that you spoke out about it. If Qwest people are reading this, and I can tell you that they are, you can bet your bottom dollar that “Love Dove” is as well, and just know that it’s likely killing her. She’s all about appearances, like appearing as if she’s qualified, a nice person who cares about people, warm blooded, not vindictive, or somehow has earned her way. It’s all a farce. We never bought it here either, we just didn’t have a blog like this to air it out so publicly. Good luck XO, and keep the comments coming. You’re entertaining the people that used to have to put up with their nonsense before they got sent packing here.
haha oh boy someone is really working hard cranking out the comments to keep “former qwestie’s” remarks off the front page. Who could it be? hmmmm….
Not that it matters. It automatically emails everyone on the list every time there is a new post. And those emails go very far and very wide. I personally am VERY grateful for the Internet and social media. It outs the kinds of people and facts needed to make their moving on to infect and destroy another healthy corporate organization much less likely. And that’s better for all of us, regardless of what industry we might be in beyond Telecom.
Normally I hate when people attack people personally on here, unless the person is a completely horrendous human, and it all happens to be true. So well done “former qwestie”.
I heard that Mindy is about to throw up another miserable sales month. Just over $1 million, against a $1.3 commit. Forget the plan number I guess, as she obviously has. This lady is a disaster. “Commit” is a number that she gives to the business as well, so missing it this tragically month over month is almost impressive in ways.
If they keep focusing on the ‘energy circles’ and the ‘poise groups’, the sales will come. Trust me, once you are truly ‘poised’ inside of the ‘energy circle’, this telecom stuff basically sells itself. 🙂
I am loving these comments above about sales haha too funny
yeah they are awesome, make sure to read em all!
Mindy has not hit a number since she’s been here, and she’s not even ever close. Is she the first disciple of Ancell to get scapegoated by the worlds sweatiest CEO? Smart money says yes.
Wait until you all hear about the corporate bonus payouts. The max that anyone can receive is 60% of their potential, but only if you are a CE review. If you are a CM review, you only get 90% of the 60% max payout. Lower than CM is rumored to be getting nothing. So remember when you got pressed by your manager to change reviews to fit their forced distribution of CE’s, CM’s, etc., now you know why. They will screw us all every chance that they get folks.
Welcome to the glory of the maximized misuse of the bell-curve distribution in all of its demotivating and demoralizing glory. There’s a reason Microsoft (where the horrid practice was originated) finally saw the light and got rid of it. The bell curve distribution is intended to observe effects in data, not to force-mold the data in an attempt to creating dehumanizing actionable choices by narcissistic C-level executives.
Jack Welch institutionalized the bell curve far before Microsoft. And yes, most companies that done any research have concluded this is a destructive practice that does not move their business forward, so it would seem a perfect fit for XO.
thanks for the update!
This is so funny. While up in the castle issuing edicts to my people, I will sit here and gorge myself on this fine wine and steak, while the little people (anyone under a manager level is lucky enough to get a bowl of porridge and some table scraps. Time to hang it crew and move on to another better kingdom. What an excuse for an organization.
Whispers are everywhere that service delivery, not sales is the real problem at XO. Most of the whispers are from Mindy and her army of staff pukes who wouldn’t have the stones to say “Maybe you should just try to sell more lady”, so it will now apparently fall on the new VP to explain why he cannot install more of what she doesn’t sell. The real exciting part about this development is that it is likely being fueled by the recent teaming of the former VP of SD, none other than Michelle D., and the Love Dove. They both excel at pointing out what other people aren’t doing correctly, and nobody has been doing it longer at XO while throwing groups, peers or groups of peers under the bus than Michelle has. She should easily be able to put a list together of what ails SD, as she created most of it either as the leader of the group, or author and supreme defender of the process. The two of them together, manufacturing numbers in decks that fit their narratives will be more toxic than a lazy river in Chernobyl. Nobody manages UP better than Michelle does, and no leader ever required it more than the Love Dove. Weak leaders love being told how right they are. Should be fun to watch.
Managing up better than….. It’s a tie for 1st place as that’s what XO management does best!
Service delivery has been bad at XO since the bankruptcy. That’s not to make excuses for sales, but it is always going to be difficult to sell big numbers without reference accounts.
XO is the place where management goes to die.
Metaphorically speaking. of course.
Very confusing and I’m one of Mindy’s SP!
The 2015 plan, the monthly forecast or the commit? Is one more important than the other? Especially when you miss badly on all!
Maybe one of the double digit VPs she hired to be on her staff can answer that question? My question is; can any of them sell?
Great scoop!
Rumor has it that Mindy lost a chunk of her org today. Not sure what part, but speculation says that it’s national accounts. I’m sure the official account will be that she’s fine, and that this was just to allow for more focus. But remember that when grandmas Diabetes kicked in, and they had to take her leg off from the knee down, they told you that she’d be fine too. and we all miss grandma. Mindy is done. Beginning of the end for Ancell too.
The grandmas’ leg analogy might have just made me pee a little. Completely true though. The staff team she brought over has to be in full blown panic mode. She’s toast. Nice gal, completely in over her head though. She’s done. So is anyone looking for a bonus next March.
that maria funk-how-zer is still employed at XO? she’s so worthless.
Grandma’s leg is a good analogy. I heard another one that was pretty spot on as well.
I recently attended a round table session with XO. The consensus from the panel was that no one understood XO’s direction or strategy. The XO folks could not verbalize the plan and they seemed to contradict one another.
The analogy-
It a decent ship that is a little rusty, needs some upkeep, and a new paint job. We’ll call it SS XO.
SS XO is that boat run by a drunk captain and a skeleton crew. Maybe Captain Ron, maybe Exxon Valdez, who can tell.
The guy who should be mopping the decks is driving the boat while the captain pours more drinks and plays grab ass with the cabin boy. His long term goal is to pee of the bow of the boat when no one is looking.
The girl who might be good enough to paint the rails on SS Level 3 is in charge of the engine room and doesn’t know a wrench from a screw driver. She shut of the the engines, because they make noise.
In the meantime, the boat is slowly sinking, because no one has been in the bilge to see that it is full of greasy water.
Apparently the recent Icahn Board meeting did not go well for Mindy, or Ancell. The stripping of national accounts from Mindy sounds like an interim step to give her a chance to turn things around, when what the Icahn Team likely really wanted was her fired. I’m kind of assuming that last part, but how can it make sense to just pull national accounts away from her, and in essence make all areas of support now disjointed unless there’s a second move pending in the near future? The directors over national accounts will now report directly to Ancell. That ought to fix it. (feel free to add your own smiley face here) What a complete sh*t show this place is.
I heard layoffs will be taking place in the next week or two. Any truth to this rumor?????
More good news on the employee morale front. The LTIP, short for long term incentive plan, will not be paid to anyone. I’m not sure that anyone was shocked by this, as it was viewed by even the people tagged from the beginning to collect against it, which were special Directors and above only, as a wing and a prayer at best to ever be paid. What is shocking though is the level of blame that Ancell is apparently assigning to prior leadership, namely LT for this miss. He is apparently playing the Obama card and blaming his version of Bush (LT) for everything that is wrong, while waiting anxiously to take credit one day for anything that is going right. America seems to be eating that sort of narrative up these days, and Ancell notices trends, and is apparently introducing empty DC rhetoric to the Icahn Board room. I heard that they fired LT’s former leader of Corporate Accounting, and are telling people, or at least insinuating that they played games with the numbers for many years, and that they are just the unlucky souls who have been handpicked by Jesus himself to clean up their mess. and all of this right after the resurrection. So sad. #prayersforancell
Ancell is a lying, disingenuous piece of sh*t. He’ll outlast Mindy, but he’s running out of runway and knows that his days are numbered. He posted a $187 EBITDA result against a plan of $250, and couldn’t even make the cash number for 2014. How he even found the balls to show his face with Icahn to present these numbers, along with his sales numbers since taking over, while attempting to assign blame to others is beyond me. He’s professionally and personally bankrupt. A total zilch. It seems as if Mr. Icahn is starting to see through him now though, as while Mindy’s world just got smaller, Ancell is now on the hook for getting national accounts moving too. One less area of the business he can now blame others for. Though he will certainly try. Which area director eats a bullet first? Wager anyone?
How about nominations?
Then odds! 🙂
Too bad about XO , that was a good place to be back in the day. I hope that one day soon CI will sell the joint and let someone else spin the wheel.
The partner community doesn’t even consider XO for multi-market deals any longer, and most of the financial markets customers only accept bids on business from XO to use their known “drop their drawers” pricing to leverage better deals with Level 3 and others. So as bad as Mindy is, and she sucks for real, the deck is kind of stacked against her here. She seems to be a nice person, but when Love Dove and Ancell become the measuring stick for who is naughty or nice, that’s not really saying much. None of them see 2016 unless this ONB project speeds up and starts yielding new revenue and margin recovery on existing revenue. At their current pace though, bet the under on all of their careers.
Those poor saps who were hired to sell ONB are doomed. I feel bad for them every day.
With each new regime XO tries the ONB initiative and fails each time, because it is fundamentally flawed and no one in VA has the balls to stand up and tell them why.
XO spun up Nextlink fixed wireless, but had to price it higher than type II circuits, so it died in about 15 months. That was the best effort at an ONB plan.
What they don’t understand:
There is no value in the XO metro fiber network other than “we’re there too.” With the exception of TN (in which XO wasted $3B building fiber into Hickville 1 and Hickville 2) XO’s metro footprint was built to match the competitors.
Poor build decisions are made using inaccurate and irrelevant data.
No one takes the time to understand how to win the ONB business. If they did, they wouldn’t waste their time. Big hint -you have to nearly give it away while greasing the hell out of property managers & commercial realtors.
XO’s plan is to get on one knee and pray that a $25 savings will win the business. Hope is not a strategy.
The partner community long ago stopped taking XO seriously.
I am sure Mindy is doing the best she can. At the end of the day, she lacks the proper skill set for this job. It isn’t her fault she was put into a position she isn’t able to hold down.
Have it on high authority that this blog site has people at XO livid. Namely Love Dove. She apparently wants XO’s IT team to invest money in finding out who is writing on it, and to take active measures to stop it. That’s right folks, a senior LEADER who is missing every single number and commitment to the business is so consumed with what anonymous a-holes, myself included, think and write about her that she feels a solid investment of money, time, and resources, all of which are in short or no supply at XO, would be to invest here in preventing her feelings from being hurt. Perhaps someone should inform her that not being an ineffective and vindictive douche bag is free, and would yield essentially the same results. You cannot make this stuff up folks.
Wait until she finds out that 95% of the posts are coming from the same IT team she wants to task with fixing it. The biggest rumor mill in the company by far is Plano.
Love Dove just needs to ask HR for list of former employees, and current ones. They are all represented. She could fix the problems instead?
Blocking Telecom Ramblings from internal staff doesn’t stop them from viewing the site. They can still look from home. It just has the effect of making them more curious.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Ancell, Love Dove & Mindy need to plan and execute their exit strategies carefully. They are all at the end of their corporate ropes.
Taking the thankless job of being an executive at XO can be big stepping stone or career suicide. In this case I think the gun is loaded and the pills are on the night stand.
HA! Dan Akerson was the last one to use XO as a stepping stone.
CI kills careers!! Note from captain obvious CI kills careers!! Extra, extra, CI kills careers!!
Let’s look at the previous senior executives since the early 2000’s,
3 unemployed
1 in Asia (and one of the best execs we had)
2 at Earthlink or were there, rumor is both are gone
2 created fly by night start ups and then both had to create second ones
2 at small telecoms you will never hear of.
If I am wrong, please let me know. Was there an executive since CI took over who was able to leave XO and get a real job?
It is awesome others are finally seeing just how bad CI (Carl Icahn) is for ANYONE but his fellow shareholders. And even then, he’s been bad for a good percentage of those. He’s bad for customers, employees (all levels) AND vendors.
And nowadays, with all the social media, CI’s nasty reputation will proceed him as he tries to find more and future talent with which to work. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. I do feel sorry for the C-Level execs that had/have to work with him. They cannot help but have their own reputation tarnished by having worked with (or near) CI. It must especially suck to be one of them.
BTW, while the current crop of C-Level execs are class A failing, they are hardly the cause. What the inherited when they arrived was the years of fallout from CI poorly managing XO right into a nose dive. Regardless of how skilled you might be, even at Olympian levels, there is only so much you can do to save a bad play. And CI has been engaged in bad plays inside and outside XO for years now. The current crop of execs never had a chance.
The current group is worse than any others for a few reasons. The first is their sheer arrogance. The second is that Ancell is a lightweight who could not recruit top tier talent because they’d never follow him, and he gave too much power to the losers tht did, and third, and most importantly the Love Dove is a personal and professional cancer, and this guy hangs on every word this gal says. Icahn can take the blame for a lot of things, but Ancell will have only himself to blame when this finally implodes on him.
Randy made it out.
Allen and Jim Delis both upgraded well, but to the cable side.
Wagner, Thomas, Cromwell, Nocella, Hobika, MacNeil, not so much.
Let’s get this correct – Dan Wagner leaves XO as a BU President to become CEO of his own company, Laura Thomas leaves XO as CFO to become CEO of TNCI, Tom Hobika from VP of Engineering to COO, Don MacNeil from COO to CTO, Mike Cromwell from President of Direct Sales to Chief Sales Officer at ANPI, etc. At worse, these are lateral moves and does not include Wayne Rehberger, Randy Nicklas, Mark Sweeney, Doug Cox, or Toke Vandervoort – all VPs that have left XO for better surroundings. The executive talent pool at XO was one of the best in the industry and its current trajectory should not be blamed on them.
AMEN @Let’s get this correct-
I’ll bet they all have benefits and equity as well. Toplisek is rumored to have just gotten a $4.5 million buyout to go home as well. I’m sure he’s feeling like XO “killed his career”. Such a dumb statement.
BTW, I’m not sure that Matt Harty is floundering economically either.
TNCI what? ANPI who? I can get a DBA and be a CEO tomorrow too.
Couple of observations from the LTIP call. Ancell arrives to just about every call both extremely late and extremely winded. It was also obvious that he is weak on the financials of the company. He was getting obviously flustered on very basic questions about ONB investment funds, and why we missed the 2014 cash objective by $4 million when there is a supposed $500 million devoted to that initiative, and separate from the standard capital budget, which seems to have funded buildings we’ve lit so far. He’s so in over his head that I almost felt bad for him.
He can say what he wants about LT, but if she was going to miss EBITDA by a mile like he did, she’d have found $4 million to make the cash target. She likely wouldn’t have funded the ‘energy circles’, or allowed her sales leader to hire an army of people to manage programs that yielded no benefit. He’s a hack.
It’s not just you. Not only did he sound clueless, but he sounded annoyed and slightly combative that there were questions too. The arriving late part has been on full display since his arrival. The guy lacks complete respect for employees, and the sounding winded part comes from the complete lack of respect that he obviously has for himself. Said simply, he’s a moose.
The Mindy project is coming to an end. Feel bad for all those 1st level managers who left CentryLink. They all came here to become Directors and above. The boat is sinking and Mind is a P.O.S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any guesses which region counts upgrades full value and later has the CSM’s issue a Disconnect?
All regions is my guess. Churn is only thing saving this disaster and that’s not coming from sales it’s the CS teams.
The desperate Sales Management will take any and all that looks like an order, short term cheating buys a few more weeks.
XO’s churn is either the worst, or near the worst in the industry. To lower the churn levels, management decided to stopped counting all churn and only counts a small portion of it based on product and customer type. Being private allows them to cloak the gross revenue, but I bet a dollar it is under $1.3B
XO made their revenue plan for 2014 in a year where sales absolutely tanked. XO also counts churn way more aggressively than most carriers in their space, as they count churn as partial customer loss, where others only count it when a customer totally leaves. If your sales and new revenue, or your “in’s” sucked, and you still hit your revenue number, there are only three levers that could have gotten you there and they are all related to managing your “out’s” which are churn management, credits, and write down’s of the existing revenue base. All three levers were pulled to great success in 2014, or XO would have missed on all 3 major Board measurements with EBITDA, cash, and revenue all missing. The first two were missed tragically. A possible fourth lever would have been to do price increases, but they were not done in 2014 to the best of my knowledge, but will likely hit sometime this year due to the current sales trajectory, and the ultra-aggressive revenue plan. To deny the companies’ success on churn management is to create your own set of facts.
Churn is absolutely high, and there are more disconnect dollars than new sales. It doesn’t take an MBA to know more out, less in yields a smaller number. The $1.3B may be generous. Wagner also kept 2 sets of books and played a shell game with billed revenue and total billed revenue, adding in taxes, surcharges, misc. fees, and counting letters of intent. That along with the industry stand by that led to the initial Nextlink bankruptcy in booking estimated LD revenue, created a year over year gain on paper, while the company actually backslid. The problem was LT was not smart enough to pick it up, or didn’t have the fortitude to address the issue. The funny thing is Icahn is a financial smart guy. Why he allowed the clown parade to continue as long as he did is a mystery. Now, he has the Centurylink Qwest refuges running his toy, and with all due respect, they don’t have the right background to fix it.
Wow! Keep drinking the purple kool aid.
It is easy to hit when the bar is set low and Herndon plays number games.
Repair EBIDTA by laying a ton of people off in Q3 and eliminating or minimizing benefits.
Any of that sound familiar?
XO’s revenue has declined an average of 4% year-over-year since 2008.
2015 is an XO growth year with a 2% revenue growth projection according to the CFO.
Nashville is infamous for booking the full sale and doing a disco later. Kara supposedly sold a million, but most of it was booked a few times over. John was the one booking real deals and he was in her fake shadow.
Poor Wagner thought he was getting an ace. I wonder if she ever showed up at his offices with that split-ends, dried out rats nest and kiddie pajama slippers calling everyone a MF.
We love reading this post. Most if it is spot on. Jobs are not officially being posted, but interviews are quietly being held at 767 5th Ave
Century Link-NYC?
IC Enterprises
I think the company has officially reached the point of no return.
The Project if DONE!!!!!!!! She’s TOAST!!!!!!!!
Nobody should feel sorry for Mindy in all of this. She is in way over her head, and instead of realizing it, and listening to people, or asking for help she continues to act arrogantly as if she knows better, and can fix all that ails her through a series of BS programs, wasted meetings, travel dollars, training that is fluffy and geared towards blaming the ‘sales culture’ for her failure is all that she’s done. She is acting like her big company role models, instead of the sales leader of a small competitor who needs to move swiftly and aggressively. When she should have been getting out there meeting with customers (prospects and existing), and hearing about things firsthand, she chose to insulate herself from it with staff and hide from her problems. She may be the nicer person compared to the Love Dove, but she did way more real damage. Damage that she should be held accountable for, and damage that Ancell should be held accountable for as well. I hope that I am here to see it happen for them both
How long before nationals goes to Wahl? Will it be before or after Ancell is fired? This is exciting folks! and if Mindy had to give up a chunk of her org, will Love Dove have to divvy up her “Effectiveness Org”? I mean why should she get to keep all of her Effectiveness when Mindy had to lose a large portion of her Sales group? It’s just not fair DAD! I mean shouldn’t a large portion of Mindy’s failure be a shared one being that Love Dove didn’t make her ‘Effective’ enough? When you really think about it, it’s kind of all Love Dove’s fault……… I think that they are all in their last 90 days. Let’s savor them peeps.
Maybe Love Dove will hire a consultant to come in and evaluate what their next career moves will be, because Lord knows she has done nothing but hire them for everything else since coming on board. When you really think about it, what original ideas did this team bring from Day 1? Answer = NONE. What exactly did Icahn pay them for? Aren’t leaders supposed to come in with perspective and a plan? He could have hired consultants himself. This crew is the absolute worst that XO has ever seen.
Mindy is supposedly having another offsite (well, offsite for everyone else attending, as she doesn’t ever travel) to meet with her team about poise groups and energy circles. After a year of acting like she had all of the answers, she apparently now knows that she has none, and is ready to listen to people. Sounds a bit “Custer’s last stand-ish”. So there will be 3-4 more days of leaders not closing new business, while she tries to bond with people she has ignored or rolled her eyes at while looking at her staff geeks in amazement over how much better they were than everyone in the room. Sounds like a good use of time for someone who should really be spending it plotting her out. I wish that I could be there to see the masked desperation on her face and hear it in her speech tones. Most disengaged, under qualified, and poor performing Sales leader in XO’s history. Bye bye Mindy.
Word on the street is that CI wanted national accounts to go to his favorite dwarf, Geoff W., but Ancell fought it. He was then told he could have his way for now, but that he’d have to report the national directors to himself, and could not bring anyone in to run it, so he might end up regretting not letting the ‘drunken munchkin’ get his way. At least he’d have had a number, which he could have been managed to. Now that’s just another number for Ancell to miss, thus hastening his own exit.
Geoff W. sitting in a Business Development role is a joke. The only ‘business’ that he’s ‘developing’ is the ‘business’ of making Ancell and his all girl band unemployed, and right now I’d say that ‘business’ is looking pretty good.
What are energy circles
They are like crop circles. Aliens drop down from spaceships to join hands with the XO gang to energize them into cold calling and writing bogus orders.
The project does like to think she knows it all. She also thinks XO is the third largest carrier in the U.S. She has no clue what it takes to be successful in the XO space. She was invited to a $150k a month biller and declined the invite due to a conflict (a stupid training class)…….. Idiot.
The training class was the prepaid “energy circle” and “poise group” one I’ll bet. She didn’t attend Channel Partners in Vegas either, and indirect sales are worse than ever. This lady only travels if Ancell mandates it. It will be a load off of her chest when she gets fired, and it’s coming. Tick-tock…..
Ancrell and Wahl in NYC this week for a CI meeting Thursday night. How about Wahl taking over the Mindy as Sales VP?
The damage is done this company needs new Leadership before the ship hits bottom….
Amen! And the new leadership better be bringing 10s of millions of dollars with irresistable enthusiasm. Things are now well beyond repair. It’s rebranding and fundamental restructuring time. In such a hugely competitive market, XO’s reputation is now sunk.
Speaking of ships hitting bottom, today is the exact anniversary of the Titanic sinking. Seems to be some symmetry there.
It’s a wonder why sales are so robust under Mindy, one of her 3 regional sales VP only contribution is cheerleading or begging for results:
TOOOOO many zeros.
We need contribution from everyone….
· 30% of every Sales Professional at 100% of Plan
· 75% of all Sales Professionals at 50% of plan or greater
Do you want to be number 1??????
If so get it done in East Region style!!!!!
I don’t want to be number 1. I just want to be a number; an invisible and unaccountable contributor. Why? So I can be just like my executive management, looking busy producing nothing (or just above nothing). And I avoid the idiotic blaming coming from the nonsensical direction coming from on high. I’m milking it for everything I can before I move on…
Fiddle Fiddle Fiddle Fiddle – by Nero
Move on? Who wants or needs Sales VPs who are out of touch with the market, who do not want to be involved with customers or prospects? Counting the sales numbers or lack of them is not a valued sales executive skill especially when it’s your best or only contribution.
How about Wahl takes over fucking CEO peeps, he fucking rules! Haters… The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves BITCHES!!
WAHL as CEO? 1st task: fire all of those redundant VPs and Directors. That would quickly improve EBIDTA. Just in NYC, there are at least 6 sales leaders for something like 13-14 reps and the East Sales VP’s goal is to 4 of them to be 100% of plan and 10 in total to be 50% of their plans. is that a JOKE?
2nd task- Purchase suite at Madison Square Garden
Wahl must be very excited for this CI meeting with Ancell on Thursday. Rumor has it that he flew in Gary Coleman’s former personal tailor to fit him for a new suit for it. Of course he expensed the tailors travel, and the suit, but Wilcox knows better than to make a big deal of it.
Wahl is already having meetings with the National Account Directors, so Ancell isn’t running anything. He’s just saving face on the org chart, and with his people. Wahl has a track record of doing whatever he wants at XO, and is protected from on high. He’s an absolute cancer, and no management team that they bring in will ever have a chance of succeeding unless he’s on board with them, and his ego has inflated to such levels lately that he might be too far gone for even that to work. That was no defense of this current crop of retards though. Maybe Icahn should bring his “ooops I lost my laptop right when Ethics asked for it to copy the hard drive” friend Toplisek back to run things. GW & MT hit it off pretty good when he was at XO, and they’re both Atlanta based. In many ways MT created the Wahl problem, so he’d be a natural to help in fixing it. MT is also a free agent again, and his ego would love a CEO title. Carl, I think that I just solved your problem for you. Call MT. He’d sell WAY more than these folks as well. This is as win-win as it gets people.
Very True Anonymous nothing but a cheerleader!!!!! D.S is running scared and will take anyone down to protect his N.Y sorry ASS.
D.S is the only one hitting or even coming close to his numbers. If his ass is “sorry”, what does that make the rest of them? If Nick, or “N.S” to stay in line with the secret name code (wink wink) got paid by the spoken syllable, he’d be killing it. The gal out West is nice, but a trainer at heart, and stuck in perpetual neutral/reverse. None of them are world beaters, but XO has no advertising, absolutely NO or horrible brand recognition in the marketplace, and no referral accounts. Throw in the fact that the LSO footprint is such that we cannot compete on price with the cable companies, or the incumbent telco’s who own their own assets to the demarc, and what do we really have to sell that’s unique or compelling? It’d be easier to sell ice to Eskimos. But anyone going after D.S here is doing it personally, and on style only, because his results are consistently at the top of the heap in this particular scrap yard. He’s also a very good person. He may scream at you, but he’ll also scream at others on your behalf.
Thanks, Dave. And BTW, I agree with you.
I’m quite sure that Dave would never lower himself to posting here. Plus, even as the guy with the best numbers, he’d likely be so scared to have his IP address associated with this site, and lose his job for defending himself at the hand of this vindictive regime that even if he was inclined to, he’d think better of it. I’m glad that someone spoke up though, because there are enough horrible people to attack there without attacking the ones that aren’t. Dave is a good guy.
I really don’t agree with you that Dave would never reply here…there are such things as home computers that actually have internet access. And yes, Dave may speak up at times, but he is smart enough to do so carefully. He is a policitcal animal & knows how to survive. But again I agree, Dave is a good guy.
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A good guy, maybe. A leader, a good sales VP? Hardly, he’s terrible! A ass kissing self promoter? Exactly! Stands up for his people? Yeah right!
My experience with Dave S was very good. I had a lot of respect for him. He will listen to his people and go to bat for them if he agrees with them.
He will only go to bat for someone if it’s within his peer group He can’t manage upwards and is a coward to even attempted to do so. D.S is a self promoting with ZERO substances.
AH, you don’t know Dave do you? If you do did he complain about your numbers? Ask you to work for a living? My experience is different. An idea that Product Marketing was refusing was then implemented once Dave understood the idea. Crossing management boundaries is risky in XO now but, back in the day, it was welcomed.
DS is a classless boorish bully. He has not been to a customer meeting in 10 years and has no clue about the business and the industry. He is a political animal and manages his position through threats and fear. His managers are some of the most ineffective and unproductive leaders I have ever witnessed. How on earth was this guy allowed to return to XO NYC? Was Ernie helping out his bro? He is incredibly unimaginative, apathetic and unmotivated. The worst thing about Dave is he is a back stabber and bad mouths everybody behind their back. He submarined a peer and made sure he did not get a promotion. Yes Dave…It was overheard. Why did he leave TWC if he was such a rock star there? He’s a cancer that needs to be amputated!
what happened to the big meeting in nyc last thurs?
Word has it that Icahn had them both come into town to have a grown man play date, to begin bonding & burying the hatchet. It likely started tense, but because both of them drink excessively loosened up rather quickly. My guess is that the night ended with them doing an open mic night at an after hours comedy club, with Wahl on Ancell’s lap, in a very weird, and slightly erotic puppet show. Oh, and Wahl likely officially got national accounts.
It probably means that CI is going to settle the lawsuits and sell XO in the next couple months.
It’s gone WAY beyond too late to sell XO for anything but scrap, now. There’s almost no leverage left in the fiber footprint. There is no leverage left in the “LMDS” wireless spectrum. And the operating value of the company went negative about the time when LT took over. Grivner’s exit timing was damn near perfect.
The only thing fighting an asset fire sale is that some of CI’s other companys are still using XO. They don’t pay enough to meet the base XO bills. So, they will have to begin the arduous process of finding another telco vendor.
All in all, CI has made this about as low value/high cost as it is possible to make this scenario…with it being focused on essential business utility that not a single one of his businesses can afford to be without for even a day or two. This is precisely where his “age” is directly affecting his intuition around the day-to-day operating details of his enterprises. Sure seems like Karma is making a personal call on CI’s empire. Again, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Excellent commentary, you have hit the nail on the head here. Icahn will never hire a quality leader and continues to cheapen the brand the same way he cheapens everything he tries to manage. He is not a buy and hold guy. He does not do well in the micro-organizational day to day management of a company. He does well garnering “attention” and promoting his target du jour. In other words Carl manipulates the market under the guise that he is a take over artist. B.S. he is a con-artist and know how to influence the market. Why is his face all over CNBC or the WSJ. Does he have plants? You bet. None the less Carl Icahn has fail miserably with his toy XO and has devastated a jewel that had major importance in a new telecommunication world. In todays IT driven world “XaaS”. XO does not have long. The Neutrona deal does little except offer them Type II to a LATAM POP. Not much value! Carl does have to interest or the time to save this freak show.
Anonymous he complains just to complain….. You nailed it “once he understood the idea”… That could take a decade he’s on delayed MODE!!!!!!
DS can always return to TWC, no wait he already tried that 2 times and rejected both times.
What are the effective Sales VP attributes that Davide brings to an organization? Above are claims he is a “good guy”, he has it claims to have your back, anything else?
How is he with customers? Does he leverage his many customer relationships to garner more XO business? Does he develop his team? Does he make his team more effective thru his vision, expertise, leadership? Is he a role model for the underperforming sales force? What initiatives has he introduced?
Demanding sales from the comfort of his office, threats of performance plan, dismissal, saying how embarrassed he is of the numbers. Taking credit or trying to position himself as involved, walking around the sales floor checking up on reps who are in the office, intimidating folks just by looking at them.
Yeah, he’s awesome!
sounds like he’s doing his job. I’ll bet that the folks at quota don’t feel intimidated.
All 20% of them?
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Every bit as legit as all the other posts on this horse corpse.
I am SO glad you posted this here. I have been looking and looking for a loan to help our entire government. Please give me a ring at the Big African American House (personally renamed it…I love being King), and we can talk details.
Oh, and Michelle says “Hi!”
This thread has officially jumped the shark.
Josephine & Josh are common names in Singapore and that is totally legit. Maybe Josephine can loan XO the next $500M, b/c you know they are burning through that cash like wildfire.
Anonymous you nailed it. He can’t go back to TW they don’t want him. He came back because his position was being downsized. It was coming down to him and another VP. He was going to be the odd man out. E.O saved his ASS by bringing him back. What value does he bring? NOTHING! Does not even travel to other cities and when he does it’s just for show. He’s in and out the same day. No top 10’s customer meets and just B.S in a all hands.
DS’S Vertical Group was #1 in the US at TW Cable. He made a huge mistake in leaving. His position was not going to be eliminated at TW Cable. Xo can’t get the sales talent to make their numbers no matter how much they offer in base pay, everyone in telecom knows as a sales rep your on borrowed time at Xo. Xo is getting nothing but washed up retreads and the remaining talent there is looking to get out quick. Look for an Icahn retirement package coming soon……an Xo fire sale.
Debbie Pollock Berry resigned and left on her own without a job as SVP of HR. She came to this decision after deciding that she just couldn’t do it anymore. That will let you know all that you need to know about what life at XO, specifically under the “Ancell/Love Dove” regime is like, where you constantly had to cater to what side of the “terrible two’s” bed that the Dovester woke up on that day. Between the work from home program being pulled back needlessly, and the way they downgraded people for not completing Sucess Factors on time, I give her credit for saying F%^* YOU, and going home. Was never a fan until right now. Good for you DPB.
who’s bright idea was it to do that forced bell curve performance evaluation BS? if it was DPB, then good riddance, but i doubt M is going to be any better. and execs wonder why people look so downtrodden when they at the office.
You cannot lead HR at XO and have ideas or you will be incredibly frustrated because you are dictated to by Icahn, and the Ancell morons. DPB has been here 4 years and had ideas when she came on board. XO beats creativeness out of you. Do you recall dealing with the bell curve prior to the first full year of ‘Ancell bliss’? She likely got tired of big company tactics, and having to listen to Ancell’s ‘special friend’ on every issue. I wish DPB well.
DPB was a fairly competent woman, but even if she wasn’t, she happened to be an African American woman in her 40’s. Said simply, she was there as long as she wanted to be unless they had cause to fire her, whether the Love Dove liked her or not. She left on her own because she could no longer follow their mindless direction, and fight through the complete lack of common sense, or lack of human decency and still look at herself in the mirror, or pretend to support it all while smiling.
Every time you think that they have hit rock bottom, they prove you wrong and start digging again. DPB was no world beater, but I honestly think that she came in with passion, and just had it beat out of her by an org that won’t change until leadership and ownership does.
In today’s business world, you do not leave a 6 figure salary unless you have something else in the works. Maybe DPB does, or maybe Love Dove cut her days short. It is a LinkedIn world now so she will connect with all of the other ‘has beens’ and find something if the bird was behind this.
It was not DPB she did not agree with going backwards in time and had gotten rid of the very old school bell curve the new dinosaur regime brought it back As they are all stuck in a time warp and can not figure out how to get in the current decade… and she did Not leave on her own the bird did not get along with her and we all know how that goes best of luck to her she will be missed
Forced Bell Curve was there in the 2007 range. It’s embedded XO DNA. Dumbest idea ever. It’s been refuted by virtually every group that ever studied the issue.
Don’t cry for Miss Berry. She’ll do fine, she has contacts and as an AA Female within an HR business role, some company that wants to shore up their diversity within leadership will scoop her up fast, regardless of her actual credentials and abilities. DPB won’t be eating cereal or going on the dole. Heaven forbid!
She could have gone to bat for the “individual contributors” when XO gave up remote working. She didn’t. She could have gone to bat when it came to performance reviews. She didn’t. Actual people under her management lost their jobs when Ancell/Dove come on and start pushing them out. Did she go to bat for them? No.
The day Love Dove walked in with the title of Organizational Effectiveness was the day that everyone should have looked at DPB and realized her role was totally redundant. In many ways, DPB was drawing a check for doing nothing, for about 18 months. She had no power or no control the day that Love Dove took over the shop.
So, the only “old school” leader is Haghigi now?
I totally disagree with this comment as I know DPB and BTW it is MRS Berry not Miss…did you even know her. She did what she could. This statement is a little concerning if you thought it was about her being a diversity leader… What do you know about what she did… I never read this blog and it is probably a good thing. I am glad not every one thinks like you do. She moved on…maybe you should also, if you are not happy. Sounds like you are drawing a paycheck to be miserable. SAD. BTW if this is how you get results…looks like you have no power either :_). I actually miss her. No worries I won’t be back to this site but I had to post a comment. First time reading this junk. Get a life.
If you know that DPB broad, PLEASE help her get a makeover!!! It will not cost much to get that mold, or wort or booger of her face! I am sure she can can afford it, also what is with her hair??? She needs a Raquel Welch wig!! Totally embarrassed for her.
More cost reduction, they won’t backfill her. I thought XO was supposed to be one of the 100 best places to work!
I can’t believe she left a company with such a great culture. Such an open and great place for ideas to thrive.
I can…she was smart. If can’t change them or improve them…move on. Well Wishes DPB.
That’s 100 “rest” of places to work, not “best”. LOL on the Best places to work.
Heard that Maureen is taking over for her. Between her and Mindy on Ancell’s team, their live staff meetings from a hairdo perspective will look very much like the mid 80’s. Whitesnake should do a video shoot.
And someone tell Ancell how sloppy he looks …. For a CEO hire someone to button your cuffs if you can be bothered to do it yourself.
He looks like a guy who smells like cat piss from afar.
DPB was not perfect, but far better then what we have now. No one is right. She stayed because I think she wanted to make a different in a positive way. For a short run, the bell curve went away and we had some flex work arrangements. She is taking the high road and moving on. Before this new crew arrived, things were better then what we have now. She will be missed by most. I wish her well. Hey MacNeil left his 6 figure salary. Real leaders make tough decision. I hear he is looking for a real job but he got out.
Someone mention “Navid” being the only “old school” don’t worry he won’t leave, but not sure how much it will help us that he is staying. They either kill your passion or you better jump on the bandwagon.
If Mindy comes from the channel and she was such a success, where are the sales? Cut the ties and let the sales teams get back to selling instead of conference calls. CI is wasting time and money on her and these people she brought in. And Dove, besides her “relationship” with the boss she has done nothing but open the doors and let folks like Don go, we blame her for that! Thanks Dove for all your help our only customer deal guy and one who got it. Put that on your “effectiveness” resume!
Hey guys it’s Friday, why don’t you all post, I mean work from home today? I’m totally cool with it. I have to run out to the mall to buy a bunch of cuff links anyway.
R2 INVESTMENTS, LDC, vs. ICAHN, CARL C. Supreme Trial is Monday April 27th CI’s running out of runway to cut a deal, Remember this is a bench trial and Judge Ramos must have formed his opinion by now especially since he’s overseen this boxing match for 6 years.
I have always contended that the settlement of this lawsuit is a major milestone in the life of XO. Once settled CI will sell XO. He and Raynor are mortal enemies going back to early the Fed Mogul days, so this is bragging rights. CI could give a s***t about the value of XO’s assets or the people, the NOL’s have been and still are far more valuable to him than anyone is willing to pay him for the infrastructure. It would be interesting if someone would go back and do an analysis of the total dollar contribution XO’s NOL’s represent in his net worth since he bot XO in 2003.
Remember CI screwed Raynor in Fed Mogul so Raynor screwed CI in 2004 from using the NOL’s for 5 years. R2 aggressively bot minority shares in the ALGX secondary that was required in Qwest’s stalking horse bid for ALGX. CI had no clue it would be over-subscribed. This dropped CI below the 81% equity requirement to use the NOL’s for other gains. Once you fall below that threshold you’re restricted for 5 years from using them. Is’nt that funny how that 5 year window coincided with CI taking XO private. He is not an operator by any means however he is a very shrewd vindictive investor.
The extremely weak leadership CI has put in place since Akerson left has only destroyed; value , careers and peoples lives for his sole benefit of offsetting capital gains taxes on his other “investor activist” gains. He is exactly the profile of a self serving board and incompetent leadership he targets in the marketplace. I guess that’s why he’s so good at finding the targets because he runs simulation drills at XO. Now that Ancell has failed on the heals of LT’s failure (it’s no secret there’s a mass exodus of talent that kept the deteriorating assets running) I believe CI has 2 choices to save face. 1. hire a competent leadership team and get out of the way or 2. sell XO in parts or in it’s entirety. My money’s on #2 What does everyone else think?
Its only a pre-trial conference.
What’s a NOL? And why does CI value it?
And not understanding those, I’m with you on option #2.
Is a NOL a Net Operating Loss, as in defined here?
Yes it does. If memory serves me correctly XO originally had close to $8B in NOL’s pre bankruptcy but not sure their value post BK but I believe it exceeded $4B. Grant Lewis or Rob would probably know more about those facts.
Hey, NOL guys, can you go play “we’re smart and know how this stuff works” somewhere else? We need to get back to talking smack about every Executive ever, and of course smear the current group of asshats. Thanks.
Complement of the day, My name is Jimmy Wallace, I am from Texas USA, I have been searching for a genuine loan for the past 5 months now and all I got was bunch of scams who made me to trust them and at the end of the day, they took my money without giving anything in return, all my hope was lost, I got confused and frustrated,then i find it very difficult to feed my family, I never wanted to have anything to do with online loans again, so I went to borrow some money from a friend, I told him all that happened and he said he can help me, that he knows a honest lender that can help me, that he just got a loan from Mrs Julian Smith, he directed me on how to apply, I did as he told me, I applied, I never believed but I tried and to my greatest surprise I got the loan of $87,000 on the 23rd of April 2015 within 48 hours, I could not believe, I am happy and rich again and I’m thanking God, because i don’t believe honest lenders like this still exist upon the high rate scams all over the globe, I would recommend this honest lender to everyone! here is the email that i used in contacting her:
Thanks for the tip Jimmy. You know that it’s legit with your endorsement, the fact that you’re from “Texas USA”, and a Hotmail address. I’m applying now!!!!
I work for XO in Operations in California. I have been with the company for more than ten years. The current OnNet project makes no financial sense except in the context of the R2 lawsuit. Chris Ansel said two weeks ago that XO was looking into getting another round of bank loans for the OnNet project. So XO may go into debt more than a billion dollars with a New York bank that eats businesses for breakfast. When you look at the numbers, essentially XO is exchanging this borrowed money for a billion dollars worth of Net Operating Loss that CI can write off before he dumps XO, and of course he leaves the debt behind. There is no way the On Net revenue can pay off the on net debt. When CI looses the R2 lawsuit tomorrow, he will offer to take XO public and give back to R2 it’s 21% of the stock. That way he can keep the ten billion in write offs he already has, and pay R2 no cash. He will then sell his 79% of stock and pocket the money. XO Inc will get none of it. R2 and the new stocholders will be left with a company that has been set up to fail and nobody wants to buy, and is destined to fall into the hands of New York Bankers who are not nice people. They will loose everything. CI has bragged that he is the most competitive guy in New York; and he has said that money is winning. And R2 definitely went after him. It was personal. With XO CI will have made about twelve billion total on less than a billion dollar investment. It has been a honor and a privilege to work with the great bunch of people I work with at XO. We are the salt of the earth. We are the victims caught in the crossfire of the R2 lawsuit. Carl Icahn I think you are a decent guy with an intelligent, loyal, lovely, beautiful wife and a son and daughter to be proud of. Your involvement with the two inner city gates schools and with the crisis pregnancy centers you sponsor is duly noted and appreciated. You only owe me my next pay check and my remaining vacation pay. I gave you my best effort because I strongly believe there needs to be an alternative to AT&T and Verizon. America needs that. No hard feelings, sir, on what has happened. You were decent with us. I am proud of the role you have played on the stock market.
SALES, SALES, SALES!!!!!!!! Earth calling Project Mindy! Where are the Sales???????? Let D.S oversee Sales he’s a better cheer leader then the B.S Project……..
Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP
Chief Secretary to the Treasury
HM Treasury
1 Horse Guards Parade
London SW1A 2HQ
Under the authority of HM TREASURY Executive Council/Parliament of UK, and
my own capacity as the Chief Secretary to the Treasury/Director in charge
of payment Hm Treasury, I hereby took liberty to address your good self on
the above subject matter.
We got petition letter included death certificate tendered as your next of
kin to divert your fund to account in Iran, and diversion of payments
meant for foreign contractors in to their relative or friends account
oversea living contractors perpetual penury.
This informed recent crucial Executive/Parliamentarian meeting held
11th February, 2014. The purpose of this meeting was to have
critical look on several petitions, trace origin of levity or improper
handling of payment procedures and to fashion out impressive way to effect
payment of fund as envisaged in Government policy.
On the strength of the above, during council meeting has resolved to
accede contractors demand to have their part payment of US$ 15,000,000.00
be paid process/release payments to contractors through HM TREASURY
account with their paying bank in London as follow — payment master list
is been categorized A,B & C and already provided for effective completion
of transfer.
Furthermore, I am willing to assist you get this funds transfer to you
hence you assure me you will compensate me as soon as you receive your
funds in to your account, hence I am writing you from my private mail box,
I must confess that I am interested in the transaction.
Await your urgent response. EMAIL; ( )
Thank you.
Rt Hon Danny Alexander
I think it’s cute that Love Dove keeps posting erroneous loan related things, or fake will passages on here to throw off topics and to add jibberish. It’s quite a clever tactic for someone who has proven since day one that she is anything but clever. Most “effectiveness” any of us have seen from this empty pantsuit since her arrival.
Check this out another one from CENTURY-LINK………..
Amador Lucero
Chief Operating Officer
Amador Lucero is chief operating officer for XO Communications. In this role, he is responsible for leading the technology team, product and service innovation, service delivery, field operations and repair. Lucero’s organization drives the company’s strategy and delivers industry-leading services that help enterprise customers maximize productivity by leveraging the advanced XO IP communications network, security and information technology solutions.
Lucero has a career spanning more than 40 years in the telecommunications industry where he has developed leadership expertise in network operations, outage management, disaster recovery, human resources, information technology, and sales and support. Before assuming his current role, he led his own telecommunications consulting firm, Adaptonomix, LLC.
At CenturyLink, Lucero served as vice president of the network reliability operations center (NROC) and national field operations, and was responsible for the reliability, stability and performance of the network operations centers. He was also responsible for the operational excellence of the CenturyLink products, voice and data network, hosting centers, hosted customer IVR platforms, and internal data and voice/call center network support.
Prior to CenturyLink, Lucero was vice president, network operations and engineering at Qwest, where he was responsible for the NROC. At US West, he implemented local number portability and served as chairman of the Western Region Local Number Portability Committee, which consisted of all local exchange carriers in 14 states. Prior to US West, Lucero held many positions for Mountain Bell and Mountain States Telephone Company.
He holds his bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix and a master’s degree in business administration from Arizona State University
The trial date for the shareholders lawsuit is October 19, 2015.
Another All Hands call to spin the fact that sales is failing, is someone ignoring the fact that Mindy has a playbook that doesn’t work and that’s why sales are going to continue to sux. And now we in service delivery are being looked at as a problem with the new consultant sitting in our offices yesterday and today. How much money will we waste on them hiring people to do what they all seem so good at? We don’t have enough sales to install and MACs are not new business and the majority of what we are processing.
Project Mindy………
Who do you think is next to leave? Any bets? come on this could be fun.
Anyone who is smart…should get out now. Why would any leader want to stay connected with those clowns. What PIOS # will get activated this week.
50% of plan with 8 hours to go!!!!!!!!
more MACD orders going in today?
They attempted to de-emphasize the impact of bad sales numbers on the Director Call as well. It’s amazing to anyone with a brain that these words would ever come out of their mouths. All of a sudden when they cannot sell, sales are not an important or leading indicator of where the business is going. We’re doomed.
it’s easy to make plan when you move the goalposts. the rest of the year won’t be as forgiving.
This is better than any day time soap. Keep up the dialogue.
It should be interesting to see how Jake ultimately ends up with this new crew. I mean whose crotch is he clinging to in order to hang in here now anyway? It was certainly Don’s before when he made his unexplained and meteoric rise to the top of the Product Marketing world, but after he turned his back on Don and sold him out completely, I’d have to assume that he’s now clinging to Ancell’s, because it’s not as if shitty sales isn’t eventually directly tied to a Marketing problem. In the short run it likely was to his benefit to sell Don out, but once these ass clowns get driven out, or are forced to blame someone other than themselves for continued failure, Jake might be left wondering if losing Don and his network of Navy boys as allies was really worth it. I mean would Goose have ever done Maverick like that? NO WAY!!!! I love working here. It’s exciting and unpredictable, unless of course it’s related to the sales and revenue results. Then it’s completely predictable.
Jake totally turned his back on Don. Was disgusting to watch after Don essentially made the guy. Snakes prosper in that shithole.
Kind of Don’s fault a little, as how could you not hear a guy like Jake coming when he stabs you in the back, with all of the shallow and heavy breathing he does?
NYC Sales is down to 8 reps and counting as other departures are coming.
Job fair coming to a 7-11 near the NY office. All comers welcome, and please join us for a free hot dog from 11am – 1pm.
Heard a director told a couple of his SM’s to do what ever it took to book sales in April. If an Audit is done I’m certain the books are cooked badly……. What’s up in N.Y? Why is everyone bailing? Meanwhile other Cities have reps at 10% YTD and not on plan. No one wants to work here so they are afraid to cut dead weight. What’s the latest on THE M PROJECT? Heard finish around 40% for the month.
What’s up in NYC? One bad MAMMA!
And Steve rogers……moron
If I recall, XO gives the SM quota relief when they lose/RIF/fire reps. Is this still the case under this new regime?
Where’s XO?
MSG – Nope that’s not the case that’s Mindy way of saying FU and get out of here as well…….
Bad Mama? Is she talented or weak? The other Director is weak.
Nobody knows what Mindy’s final number was, because with all of the moving around of national accounts, etc., nobody knows who owns what target anymore, and what percentage of the commit. I heard that they came in at over $1 million combined, and got close to their combined commit. The real problem for XO is that the plan # was still $1.4. You can make yourself feel good temporarily on meaningless victories like hitting or coming close to you commit, but there’s only one set of numbers that matter, and they are the plan numbers.
Don’t worry about sales folks, as in today’s world they don’t really matter. I’ve personally hired a team of consultants from Accenture and paid them to come in and review everything. I’ve even paid extra to have them point to SD as the root of all evil at XO. Once their report is complete, Amador will comb his eyebrows back so that he can see it, he will read it completely, and will then implement all of the changes that they told him to. We’ve got this people!!!!!!!!
Sad to see what happened to the Survey Monkey CEO. Tragic and sad death of a true leader, but made sadder for XO employees who know that our CEO would never get on a treadmill.
latest rumor/semi-confirmed fact is that Mindy is on a short leash, and could be gone via Icahn Board mandate as soon as June. Apparently Icahn finally put together that not only haven’t actual Sales followed her arrival, but so far no Sales people or leaders of magnitude have either. She was only able to lure over a bunch of staff humps. So long Mindy.
Mindy just quit no respect for you here. You were fired when NAS was taken.
She’s not the only one gone a couple of RVP’s on a short one as well. Also a few markets are attaining there number, but only selling the same account month in and month out are being looked at as well.
I’m one of the producing reps at XO And I am looking because this So called cadence talk is all ineffective and has very little to do with me selling. Carl she needs to go before you lose the good ones.
The Cadence initiative was taken from Qwest. Appears all things normal at the good ship (XO) Lolipop….
Business reviews are being conducted……. Lot’s of B.S being hidden by the so called Exe leaders…… They know the B.S just want no flashlights on them.
Working at XO is like being in a good Agatha Christie murder mystery: “Murder on the Implosion Express.” Suddenly, the lights go out… Somebody screams in the dark. The lights go back on, and we get an email, “…so and so has decided to spend more time with his/her family.” We think, “Oh no, not so and so, no way.” But they were already gone before the lights went back on. We never get to say good bye or hear their story or tell them how much we appreciated the job they did. Then a little while later we read in the newspaper that this person has landed a great job elsewhere. It is like being in an orphanage. Suddenly you realize that your best friend just got adopted, but he is already gone and you never get to find out the details or say goodbye. You are happy for him, but you are crying at the same time. The orphanage will never be the same for you. XO is like the scene at the end of the movie, Titanic, when in the murky water at the bottom of the sea, the band started to play for the ghosts that were still there. Mr. CA do you really expect us to act like nothing has happened? No disrespect for the wonderful surviving Jewish people who suffered such horrible atrocities at the hands of Nazi’s in WWII, but we have our own little holocaust going on.
Per my sources – East Region killed for the first 4 months and so did NAS – NYC is rebuilding, Boston was covered in snow and somehow they still killed it.
Thanks Mamma!
We couldn’t have done without you! Your the best!
What is “killing it”? NYC is down to a handful of reps without much recruiting since all the bridge jumpers have already been at XO and anyone resembling a sales professional wouldn’t go near that place or work for the cast of misfit sales management. Only the desperate will apply.
I call BS. Why do you think they did all of the moves with NAS? NAS obviously didn’t perform. Who is running the east now? If they are performing it is with paperwork games.
The only major corporations doing business with XO (more than once) are owned by CI.
We met with a fortune 500 customer last week. The DM & his team revisited numerous horror stories about their experience with XO care over the last 2 1/2 years.
Quote – “The cost savings were lost OVER & OVER in the soft cost associated with doing business with a company that continues to eliminate resources and not take our business seriously.”
Go out and win the business, have delivery screw the pooch, then have care chop its head off. Work day and night to revive it .. a day in the life at XO.
The last comment was actually fairly lucid, but similar to what you’d hear from any member of a broken family of alcohol of chemical dependency. Mom blames dad, dad blames mom, the kids blame them both, the youngest gets pregnant, and nobody ever mentions the fact that every problem relates back to the actual dependency. In the case of XO, Icahn is the crippling dependency. It’s why you have to continually cut heads, and under fund programs to deliver short term results just to stay afloat. It won’t get fixed until Icahn sells or dies, and frankly the latter is more probable than the former. But to blame each other, or put the onus for failure on one group versus another is as stupid as stupid gets. Just like staying in such a toxic environment for as long as half of you have. Quit blaming others, take your lives back, and leave.
Reading these comments really puts me on the “back side of my energy map”. I try to stay within my “energy circle” at all times, and when I am feeling down in the dumps will often times contact the members of my “activation team” for words of encouragement. Even that’s not working lately. I think it’s the knowledge that I am working with an end date looming that just has me down in the dumps. I’m feeling desperate lately, and panicked about the results. I realize that I am at least 6-8 months late in feeling this way, as had I looked at a # (basically any #) back in October or November of last year and been real about what I saw, I might not be in this pickle right now. I’m so low right now, other than my hair of course, which still points gloriously towards the heavens like the head feathers of a cockatoo. I’m just glad that I still have this on-line diary to share my innermost thoughts and feelings. I used to be able to call Love Dove and talk through these things, but since she knows that I am marked for death, she has kept her distance. Even my army of staff folks are looking at me weird lately. #lonelymindy
That is hysterical. Slightly cruel in nature, but so factually accurate on all fronts that it cannot be ignored. I’ll bet that Mindy actually wrote it.
The number of people that were in Herndon yesterday was alarming, this better show in improved results for sales. Many of us are wondering how spending this kind of money makes any sense when we have telepresence. You are reviewing failing results and and how to get on plan when you all should be in the field selling. Money out the door once again, resulting in lost people who we will have to layoff. Mindy also travels in packs which tells you that she is not qualified for this job. Time to make a change in sales leadership before we lose a chance at correcting to make plan in 2016.
The HOB (health of business) reviews are a joke. You do not need medical training, or 12 hour meetings to diagnose this one. YOUR BUSINESS IS FAILING AND FAR FROM HEALTHY LADY!!!! Stop spending money and wasting people’s time and energy. Activity without results, and just for the sake of saying that you were active is wasteful. But being a big company person who is way in over her head, like they all are, she sees this as a useful tool. She’s the tool. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock…..
East is nothing but B.S paper change. They sell existing customers upgrades and claim full value. Then the AM team comes in and does a Disco. The AM team then marks as a product change not a disco. Hence; the reporting metrics are COOKED!!!!!!…. This goes for the entire leadership teams both AM’s and Sales…… No one is innocent here it’s a scratch my back and I got yours. The SE’s know what’s up as well.
Just ask CS leaders they have been calling this out for awhile and no one listens. They also take churn when disco happens and they have to just swallow it.
HOB’s are taken from Qwest. Funny…Keep it coming. Great reading material..
billy is smoking some weed….reps get paid on tbr. 99% of the numbers are legit. #hatershate
Captain you’re pretty messed up on something. How’s Morgan? 75% is sales and 25% is TBR. In addition they get to keep their seats by exceeding 70% of plan on a 90 day AVG. If they fall below 70% they go on the LOVE DOVE coaching for idiots plan…….
Captain must not be aware that some larger deals are being booked by managers and directors at the request of VPs after the reps advises them that the deal is dead. In most cases they back the deal out after another decent size deal books, but on occasion they forget and then we have to clean up the mess. This must be top down messaging, because it is happening across the board.
Here’s how it all plays out. Mindy gets fired late in June. Wahl takes credit for a few big wins that he had absolutely nothing to do with, and gets NAS officially when he does. His flaccid Icahn scepter goes further into Ancell’s rectal region when that happens, as Chris has sworn up and down that it would never happen on his watch. Once he is emasculated one last time by GW, he and Love Dove are on the clock. CI would be taking them all out at once if it wouldn’t cause too much of a disturbance, so instead they start getting dragged through the “what have you done for me lately” mud by the CI Team. While this is happening, those in the know who are observant notice that Phong and Heinz 57 start sitting further and further away from Chris and Suzanne in meetings, like loved ones tend to do subconsciously when a family member is diagnosed as being terminally ill. By that time, if they’re smart (they’re not), they will be spending equal amounts of time preparing decks to blame their current failures on LT, as they are on finding their next career failure. By the time 2016 rolls around, Ancell leaves one way or the other, bloated, bald (but stealthfully combed over for the lady friends), with his shirt sleeves unbuttoned, reeking of tequila and Taco Bell, wondering where it all went wrong. Picture Elvis in your thoughts here, only fatter and far less talented. Love Dove, as always, will be close by blaming “the XO people”, and the fact that folks worked from home too much.
Brilliance, and totally true BTW. Some of these comments make me literally laugh out loud.
Big rumor that Steve Orlando coming to XO to be CEO! Is it true? He has crushed it at Level3.
More likely being considered to replace Mindy. He’d be a huge upgrade. Not in character, but in production.
Here’s how this all worked out. GW cannot stand Mindy. Lucky for him, that means something at XO, specifically with the owner. Her #’s happen to suck as well, so it means even more than normal, as GW’s bond has been strong enough in the past to get rid of people with good #’s. So, GW also happens to be great friends with Toplisek still, who happens to be best buds also with Orlando. So in a weird way, GW, by being BFF’s with Toplisek, is automatically by proxy blood brothers with Orlando as well. So GW essentially was able to pick Mindy’s replacement if and when this goes through. Now folks, that’s power. Picking your own boss is next level stuff people. When you factor in GW’s height, or lack of it, he might be the most powerful man per square inch in Tier II/III Telephony.
Gee Wiz…very well thought out and up GW’s alley. He picks Camo 2.0. Except the bimbo eruptions, the lurid episodes and finagling. The freak show might not be as grandiose this time. Does this guy know where they left the keys GLBX box @MSG? I think he can’t pass up the title or the moola. Who will follow him from L3 and how much time will they have to get the NAS story up and running again. It’s another bloodbath in the sales rank and all new people. It’s a 2016 story, yet to be told. Gee I hope it’s true. XO needs some new material and characters. The best and most sorted come via GBLX….
no way would orlando leave L3 for XO. He’s got a good thing going and besides XO has no stock and therefore couldn’t even come close the overall package required to bring him or any other competent leader.
People do weird things for job titles and expanded control. I’ll never personally understand it, but people leave successful, high paying sales leadership roles all the time to take on more challenging roles making less even. I am sure that Icahn could sweeten the pot not with equity in the traditional sense, but to compensate him for getting the company in shape to sell. The current Ancell core folks were all rumored to get paid handsomely if the company sold for north of current dollar figures. He runs sales for a while with the top spot, has a successful run, gets to assess the damage caused by Hurricane Chris, then assumes the CEO role, and they get rid of dumb & dumber. It’s possible if not probable folks, and titles + egos = bad decision making.
Cookie DEAD ON!!!!!!!!
Icahn is not going to sell XO until the R3 Lawsuit is resolved. You guys are making an incorrect assumption. You assume that Icahn does not know what is going on, and if he did he did know he would be angry and heads would roll. I think the horrible condition of XO is exactly what Icahn wants. It has taken us many years to get to this point. Selling XO is not the only way Icahn can dispose of us and make money. XO is borrowing heavily and generating huge tax write-offs for CI through the On Net project. It is a pretty good bet Icahn is expecting to loose the lawsuit with R3. If he was going to win, it never would have gone to trial. He fired his big guns trying to get it dismissed. He is the most competitive guy in New York. He would rather die than loose. To Icahn money is winning. In his mind, he can loose the battle and win the war. After he has benefited from the tax write-offs he will hand R3 a company that is hopelessly in bankruptcy and has no chance to recover. Icahn wins, R3 looses. Icahn has already made billions from XO in tax write offs. His war with R3 has been going on for thirteen years. You people do not understand how important it is. Dumb and dumber and Mindy (what a great name for a rock and roll band) are doing exactly what he wants. Icahn is laughing all the way to the bank. You think I am crazy? OK. But if he does not fire them in the near future, you will have to ask yourselves why? And replacing only Mindy does not negate what I just said. It only means Icahn has to stretch it out for a year or two longer.
Once I understood how CI was attempting to (allegedly fraudulently) use NOLs AND how he has a deep hatred based feud going with the person behind R2 Investments, I began predicting the exact same thing as you, NimbleTech. CI could see that he was going to lose the court case…so, he is setting up conditions so his loss is an even bigger loss to the person who thinks they are gaining XO. CI is ensuring that XO is as operationally defunct as is possible (as the assets have been rapidly losing value as competitors are now overlapping most of XO’s coverage footprint). As I have said in an earlier thread, CI never loses. And even if you think you won against CI, you just aren’t looking hard enough to see where he actually bamboozled you into thinking you won. Somehow you lost. CI cannot play win-win. He can only play CI-win/you-lose.
Honestly, though, knowing about the NOLs and the intense personal hatred he has for the person(s) behind the R2 lawsuit (a hatred which long preceded XO’s existence), it now helps explain so many weird and ineffective things XO continued to do over the years. XO had tons of competitive advantages early on which kept being “sabotaged” through the weirdest internal decision making. But, only weird if one was to incorrectly assume the goal of the business was to make money and to produce a profit. It’s not so weird once you understand XO was never intended to make money. The intention for XO was strategically lose just the right amount of money to help CI with his other companies.
What a completely dysfunctional way to run a specific business. CI never cared about XO or the people in XO. As classic power hungry narcissist, he used and abused XO as a dehumanized pawn in his grand financial chess games. He literally embodies all that is wrong with capitalism and our government taxation/regulation system. XO is the illegitimate child of father CI and mother Fed/IRS.
Your entire message lost any credibility that it might have had when it became painfully obvious that you do not know the difference between ‘loose’ and ‘lose’.
Heard that longtime XO’er and current SD leader T. Edwards resigned and announced it to his team recently. Another leader supposedly leaving the business voluntarily and not after being told to. Seems to be a new pattern, with the tide turning on this scumbag Executive Team, and people telling them to F off. Any inside info as to whether it’s true or not?
Yup, he’s a goner. Ancell is currently on a ‘quest’ to put a positive spin on why he’s leaving, and will announce it Monday. But rest assured that whatever they tell you is the reason, the real reason is that he hated this leadership team, didn’t trust them, and couldn’t continue to work for them. Just like DPB and Don. These people are beyond incompetent, but worse than that, they are NOT good people.
Sorry for the typo.
Very sad if true about Trent! He’s always been a solid leade for us in Ops. I hope that all the new leaders (yea you, Dove and Mindy) are reading this and realizing how we all only hope to wake to the Announcement that you are gone. CA you are weak surrounding yourself with these folks. It’s
A Disgrace, we all know they suck but you care nothing about morale here.
Believe me, these people are SO weak that they all read this. Especially Love Dove, who is seemingly obsessed with it. I’m happy for Trent, as he was able to do it on his terms, and not wait around to be walked out and blamed for what is clearly a SALES PROBLEM by these assholes because he was ambitious enough to step up and take on Service Delivery 5-6 months ago during Mindy’s reign in Sales, which has been missing the “sales” part since her arrival. Happy Trails Trent. F@ck these losers!!!!!
Another spot for a retired Qwestie to fill. YEAH!!!!! I wonder who Amador will convince to un-retire and come run SD, because nobody with a job and a brain at Centurylink is leaving to work for these nitwits. I’ll bet that thoughts of re-retiring hit Amador every day right around nap time.
I have to say that in my experiences at XO, and on the Ramblings, there has always been a lot of hate expressed towards the various leaders and their regimes. XO has always played musical chairs at the top, so we’ve seen our share of leaders come and go, and they always bring their folks with them. Some leaders have taken it worse than others, and some have taken it for reasons more personal than for their actual results. Taking that all into account, this current leadership team has to be the most universally disliked/hated of them all. It seems that the general consensus is that these people not only suck at their jobs, but suck at being people as well. Well done Ancell. You’re finally the best at something.
Let’s have some fun with this. There are so many smart, skilled, honest, hard working, good, decent people working at XO. In the trenches, we have such a treasure in our working relationships with each other. We have been working together for such a long time. We have been through so much together. We are family. We have a core that has what it takes. I think together we can make this company shine and succeed and survive. OPS and SD and SALES can work together. We have done it before. We can do it again. Let’s together make XO a success story despite CI’s scheming, and dumb and dumber’s utter stupidity. Let’s stop blame shifting and making snide remarks about each other and work together. Jake Heinze and Amador and Phong have made a very brave and bold decision together and I think it is something we can all get behind and support if we choose to, and be grateful for. I think what they have set in motion could turn things around and save this company. They have made the decision to develop and sell our own cloud based virtual hosted voip pbx. We are not going to put our brand name on and sell someone else’s service. We are going to create and sell our own. And what they have come up with is well done, something to be proud of. None of the other big name telco’s are doing what we are doing. Copper and TDM are going away in about five years. We need to accellerate and expand the On Net project to survive but we need to pay for it out of pocket; out of our increased cash flow. We cannot get to where we need to be in the time we have on borrowed money. Other companies are still selling TDM IADs. Let’s put together a hosted PBX DIA small business bundle that competes with TDM. It will be competitively priced but will also save our customers tons of money because they will no longer need to own and maintain their own PBX’s. We can temporarily put a given customer on Ethernet over copper for the last mile until we can get fiber to his building. Let’s cannibalize our own TDM customers and shut down and get rid of the expense of our TDM switches. Let’s be the first. Let’s do it before anyone else does. Let’s force Chris Ansel into expanding the On Net project out of our expanded income. If XO takes off, Carl Icahn is not going to get in the way. Money and success “talks” to him. OK. There is a powerful scene in the movie “Gettysburg” where a major (Jeff Daniels) gives a speech to his weary and disillusioned troops. He says: “Why are we fighting in this war? As near as I can tell, we are fighting for ourselves, our wives and children, and for each other.” I think it is like that. We can make this a great company, a great place to work. Many of us have stuck around a lot longer than we thought we would because we have really enjoyed the people we are working with. The company sucks at the top. The people at the bottom are a treasure.
Nice try. I was one of those who had that attitude for years. However, without the direction and attitude coming from above me, I couldn’t get anyone around me interested in doing much more than the status quo; i.e. show up for the paycheck, do as little as possible and stay under the radar. I doubt you will motivate those who have chosen this pathway as their morale hit the dumper YEARS ago. And anyone who does value genuine motivation and who values authentic motivation was unfulfilled and has now left XO. And I find it very difficult you will attract any of them back.
And this appears to be all part of CI’s plan, anyway. He doesn’t need or want to XO to make money. He needs the shareholder lawsuit to go away. And since it isn’t, he is now motivated to destroy as much XO value as he can before he has to dump the company after jury find against him and grants the maximum penalty they can given he will be seen as a class A bad-guy who has been intentionally immoral.
That was like the Bill Murray speech in Stripes. You almost had me inspired for a minute. ALMOST…..
Does anyone know why they are hiring outside the company forProject Managers in Service Delivery, when they have seasoned Service Delivery Coordinator IIs who are more qualified. They’re creating a hostile environment in the SDC World!!!
Are they hiring through a temp agency to avoid paying higher wages and benefits?
No, they are not going thru a temp agency. The recruiters will not receive their commission if they go thru the temp agencies.
Xo outsourced it’s recruiting team a while back in a cost cutting measure which killed recruiting, only 1 FT recruiter and 1 manager…, a manager for 1 recruiter, are left. Only retreads/ramp jumpers/ BS artist would join that broken glass bottom boat!
You mean someone like Simon FitzS.?
Why would you bring his name into this? He worked his butt off for this stupid Co. and got shafted by some folks who couldn’t deal with someone telling them the truth about XO’s ONB Program.
“Killed Recruiting” was funny to read. It implies that Recruiting was actually living prior to this cost cutting exercise. I needed that laugh. Thanks.
It fits CI’s model of rapid devaluation of XO’s tribal knowledge before he sells it for a firesale price later this year (which will be right after settles just prior to the jury trial).
IOW, the more seasoned peopled who have left XO or remain and feel disrespected, demoralized and retaliatory, the more it serves CI’s “accelerate the internal moral and value destroying cancer” intention.
He’s playing a dangerous game, one where he knows what he is doing is immoral and illegal, but is VERY difficult to actually turn into successful litigation, and even if it did would take years to prosecute, which by when he would likely be either dead or senile…which means little to no downside risk. Again, he’s a master at the CI-wins/you-lose game.
Anon – Last I looked it is to be a bench trial not a jury trial unless they’ve gone back to that format which I doubt. You are right though he will cut a deal w/R2 on the steps of the court house. R2 doesn’t have anything to lose at this time and he does.
Maybe the existing talent pool sure sucks.
No, existing SDCs do not suck!! The current pool of SDCs know their job inside out. I don’t understand why I wasted my time replying back to you, you must be in sales!!
The announcement was sent, and the Trent resignation is official. Good for him. Take some of us with you ASAP!!!! Steve P. will assume the VP role over all of operations, and there is a vacancy to now be filled over service delivery, so they’re splitting it out again. With this being Amador’s area of least expertise and career experience, as he’s more of a Repair guy, it could be interesting to see how he goes about filling this role, as anybody worth a damn that is left has either tried already and failed, or wouldn’t take the job if you put a gun to their heads, as it’s a no win job at XO, as they cannot sell, and tend to always blame that leader for it rather than doing something like maybe selling more. My keen insight tells me that Chris C. will get a new perm to be at her ’tilted to the side executive head shot’ best when she throws her hat in the ring, and even though she hates Chris and the Love Dove, the Qwest experience on her resume and Denver address might be enough to vault her to the top of the scrap heap. Bud also likes to have his feelings hurt every time this job opens up as well, so he’s likely chomping at the bit to be told NO again. But if either gets it, I’d be shocked. They’ll likely go outside again, and bring over a Qwest/Centurylink re-tread, but even that gets harder to do when everyone who has followed Chris and the Love Dove over are privately talking about how much they hate it here, and how much they regret the move. Amador himself is already sounding like a tired old man who didn’t realize what he signed up for, and is asking people out loud if they believe that Chris and the Love Dove really did all of this damage in such a short period of time, and he’s not asking defiantly, he’s asking because he sees it. He sounds like he’s ready for the porch swing they snatched him out of already. So anyone that they do get from their old stomping grounds might be worse than Coon or Bud. It sounds like there’s BIG trouble in River City kids. All of these recent defections cannot look good to the Icahn crowd, and word has it that some of the more visible ones were very candid when the Board contacted them about why they were leaving, and that they were warned that everyone was looking to get out, and pointed to the ‘John and Yoko’ of telecom as the reason for it.
“John and Yoko of telecom” was pretty damned good. Everyone over 40 immediately knew exactly who you were referencing, and in what context. I actually had less of a hard time listening to the real Yoko sing, with her Plastic Ono Band, than to hear the voice of the far less talented version that we got stuck with at XO speak. Her voice is so soulless and void of human emotion, it goes right through me.
Comparing Ancell to John Lennon though is a stretch. He’s more of a Julian.
R2 and CI are not going to settle out of court before the trial starts. R2 is going after CI and has been relentless for twelve years. R2 has a good case. CI is on the defensive. There is some serious money involved. For instance, if the judge decides XO is worth say five billion dollars, CI will have to pay R2, if he loses, one billion dollars. By the time the trial starts our (XO) balance sheet, our net worth, will be zero. CI will have already extracted and benefited from another huge NOL. He will have “cashed out” through the NOL. He will say, “Your honor, all we can do is give R2 back 21% of the company. If you want to punish me, heck, give them 50% of the company.” XO will then intentionally alienate a bunch of customers. R2 will get 50% of a company with too much debt, and not enough income. XO will go into bankrupcy and the banks will take over and sell off our remaining assets, and R2 will get nothing. If there is a way, where Icahn can set it up so that R2 will be forced to pay off the XO debt, CI will set it up that way. CI is the most competitive guy in New York. R2 is going after him. Icahn does not want to have to pay R2 a single dollar, yet alone up to a billion dollars. If R2 had not bought 21% of our stock, the XO story would have been a completely different compared to what has happened. There is not going to be an out of court settlement.
Kind of odd when a new CEO comes in and is able to attract no real sales talent to follow him. Aside from Mindy, which by now we know doesn’t fulfill the ‘talent’ portion of that description, who followed this guy? The answer is NOBODY. He brought his ‘special friend’ Love Dove, and nobody else. Wouldn’t a heavyweight (sarcasm) sales leader CEO be almost assured of having 1 or 2 proven sales leaders or even account managers with strategic relationships follow him??? How about just new logos that he brought with him from his prior sales life??? Said simply, did he bring anything but Love Dove with him??? Wagner was just a business unit President and overhauled the whole org. I think that it tells you all that you need to know about Ancell that nobody followed this guy. People who aren’t complete scumbags who take a step up always have people looking to follow them, sometimes even if they are scumbags. It’s usually the fact that they took a step up, and tended to drive results and success in their past that leads people to follow regardless of how nice they are. When you are just a scumbag who fails everywhere you go, you have slim pickings. Seems like if you are running a company that needs to specialize in creating large staff orgs, energy circles, and inappropriate superior/subordinate relationships, Ancell is your guy. He should be free soon too.
I never really thought about it in that context, but you’re right. This guy has really added nothing to the mix. Everyone, and I mean everyone who is even mildly talented and slightly ambitious is spending at least a 1/3 of their day looking for jobs. It’s as bad as I have ever seen it.
So, I wonder if there is a way to notify a critical person at R2 to let them know about what Icahn is doing to the company by seeding it with incompetence and intentionally sabotaging its value so once this case ends, R2 is left with little or nothing for its ownership stake. It sure seems like there is plenty of evidence of negligence, at least, such that R2 could begin a criminal case against Icahn and his minions for his intentional destruction of property and property value. He cannot be the first a-hole that has used this strategy, so it stands to reason there would be some sort of Federal laws he is violating.
Nobody from Qwest who knew him or Suzanne would have followed either of them across the street, or to happy hour, much less to another company. Mindy was at least liked and respected there, but her job is way too big for her at XO. Ancell and Dove are just bad people.
Not only has Chris A not brought in any new sales talent he and Mindy have driven away sales talent. At least in our market our sales talent did not just leave, they were “drummed out of the core.” Mindy and her assistant walked into a sales meeting in progress and her assistant aggressively started a conversation by saying to a very good rep: “What is wrong with your face.” After he finished expressing his shock. She sent him home to “Think about if he wanted to work for XO.” We had a pretty good sales organization at one time. Now, in our market, our best sales people are mostly gone and they are working for our competitors, and taking our customers away. I agree that CI and CA have crossed over the line, and what they are doing is criminal behavior. In the R2 trial, if the Judge gets angry enough he could end up giving a criminal referral — not just for this but also for how CI took us private. This is certainly worse than what Martha Stewart did. If I were CI I would be worried about that. Let’s start a web page where we can detail all the things CI has done to drive us into the ground, so we can help the SEC and DA when they go to investigate. CI and R2 are not the only parties involved in this. There are also the employees and the customers. There are victims here. CI is opening himself up to several class action law suits. This is why I proposed that we make XO succeed despite CI/CA. CI has to appear to the judge like he was trying to build the company even though he was secretly tearing it down. If we do our jobs well, and make XO succeed, he can’t really come against it. If he does, he goes to jail.
Seriously? laymen layering like Icahn’s professionals haven’t drilled strategies for contingencies? There isn’t any room to “get over” when These elephants start dancing. All any of us can do is speculate before the hammer falls
Carl Icahn, please look at the big picture. What good does all that money do you if the economy is in shambles, and you are not actively making it better? You are actually contributing to its demise. Are you going to put it under your pillow? I understand that the people behind R2 are attacking you. I understand that you have a right to defend yourself. But isn’t there any other way that is better for the economy, to do it? You have a son. What kind of world is he going to live in?
One in which he inherits wealth that is immune to market downturns. Are you seriously posing that question as if he would give a f*&k?
Yes I am. In his personal life, Carl Icahn is a decent guy, in a tight family, married to a good woman. He sold his yacht and race horse operation and personally got involved in sponsoring, and running two gate high schools for underprivileged youths, and he is also sponsoring and supporting two homes for unmarried young women with children. In high school and then in college he had a part time job in a sports club. At that club he was invited to play poker with some high power New York businessmen. They cleaned him out — took all his money. But he is is very smart. After he got over the shock, he found and read some books on playing poker, and he realized it was mostly math. He applied what he learned and he then started winning at poker. He paid for his room and board in college with his poker winnings from that sports club. This shaped his thinking. Later he famously said: “In poker and in business there are no nice guys.” He also said: “If you want a friend, get a dog.” But there are clues that he suffered inwardly for all the pain he caused people at TWA. I am not asking him to drop his discipline. I am not asking him to be a nice guy. I am not asking him to let R2 walk all over him. He is a very specially honed and shaped, one of a kind talent, with an important role to play. I am asking him what kind of a world does he want to leave for his son Bret? If the economy collapses his money is going to be worthless. “Fiduciary responsibility” isn’t about greed alone. It is also about building up the economy and helping your country. It is not about taking, it is about giving. It is about doing the right thing, in the right way, for the right reason, and watching something good happen. It is about bringing people along, mentoring. If XO is given half a chance with the right leadership, it could become a contender. Carl Icahn is very creative. There are other ways he can defend himself from R2. This is not his only option. I think he is a bigger man than what is going on would indicate. I believe that. Doing what he is doing is stooping to their level. That is not winning. His goal should be to make XO really take off and succeed but also find a way to deny R2 any of it. That is winning.
good guy or bad guy – I don’t know
but one thing is certain, if you can own a national/international communications network going forward, it will be worth keeping
look at the way the networks keeps being aggregated in fewer and fewer hands….I would be surprised if he EVER divests of XO
You should ask the wife he dumped for a younger woman how nice a guy he is. It isn’t just R2 in the lawsuit. It is hundreds, if not thousands, of other shareholders Icon screwed. Icon STOLE XO from the rest of us. He is a greedy, selfish man with the money to hire good publicists whose job is to sell an image. Looks like it has worked with you.
Ancell sounds skinnier on the Director and Above call. Almost less winded than he has in the past. Is he giving that FitBit of his a workout lately or is he just using shorter sentences while evading answering any real questions to conserve his breathe? He seems to be pausing more, while turning the tide and asking us more questions too. Maybe that’s part of his new technique. Who knows? One thing is for sure though, if we have a most annoying voice contest at XO, it’s Love Dove or Nic Jackson. Nails on a chalkboard folks.
Some of us love Nic Jackson. She is a class act.
What does her being a class act have to do with her voice sounding like a muppet that is being tortured?
A cruel, insensitive thing to say on a public forum. Her voice is her voice dummy. Don’t lump her in with the Dove.
Herndon employees beginning to circle the wagons and protect their own. Warms the cockles of my heart to see. #herndonstrong
Hey Love Dove, we all know how obsessed you are to find who the culprits are that write on here, so here’s an easy one. Simply have IT check the internet history of the 50 or so Herndon based employees who know who Nic is, and make your first arrest. Very few outside of Herndon do. You can do this!!!!!
Everyone knows Nic and nearly everyone has posted crap about Dove.
Agreed. Most everyone knows Nic, and most everyone who does know her thinks that her voice is very squeaky. Doesn’t make her a bad person, or bad at what she does, but hard to dispute the voice thing. Dove just sucks all the way around.
Has anyone else noticed how Ancell has started combining the wholesale and business markets sales numbers in an obvious effort to keep trying to deemphasize how poorly that Mindy is doing, while throwing garbage like “I don’t care where the sales come from, we just need $2 million in sales monthly”, when margins are so poor on wholesale that anyone who knows their a*s from a hole in the ground should care. Him also fumbling on the question of new logos was embarrassing. Bringing up Amazon and USPS (neither of which are A. NEW, or B. Had anything to do with him) was really sad. Someone should have asked where both sales orgs were against this months commit or plan. Word is that BMS is struggling to get above 50% of COMMIT. Joke!!!!! A CEO failing this badly should know order level details on anything close to a logo. So much for all of that “let’s be prepared for calls” BS. oh, and the cheering from each location nonsense needs to stop. we have very little to cheer about. These All Employee Calls are rough to sit through.
Today’s conference call was pathetic. I am just going to say this about Carl Icahn and then I am through. I think the life lesson he learned as a teenager, “In poker and business there are no nice guys” is his excuse and rationalization for doing horrible things — borderline criminal things. His lawyers can say to a judge, “Well technically what he did is not a crime” but judges know criminal intent when they see it. I think he is treading on thin ice and is in danger and he has no idea of the danger he is in. He is a very intelligent, competitive, stubborn and complex man who has his rationalizations all lined up. But I think he knows the truth and has a conscience too. He deserves respect for many of the stands he has taken, and many of the things he has done. I think what he is doing to XO to “stick it to” R2 is beneath him, and will ultimately cost him that respect. A champion would find a way to make XO a great success story, and also at the same time beat R2 at their game. True champions find a way to beat teams who play dirty without stooping to their level. Carl Icahn is playing dirty against a dirty team. I think he is better than that. Yes, he went through a horrible divorce, but he survived it and has a great marriage and family now; and most importantly, he brought his son from the previous marriage through it, and has a great relationship with his son now; and by all accounts his son is someone to be proud of. That is so much more important than a divorce to a temperamental flaky woman that took place a long time ago. If I could say one thing to Carl Icahn I would warn him: “R2 has you figured out and you are playing into their hand.” I have taken up enough space. I will now zip my lip…..
Wow, so glad I read this forum – I am going to take your advice to heart immediately!
Icahn certainly doesn’t read this, but rest assured that Ancell and his band of CenturyLink cast offs do. Love Dove is terrorized by it.
Hi everyone hope all is well! I’m so glad to see how happy everyone still seems to be. Hugs and kisses!
Heard that Mindy and Team are now looking to measure sales differently, and create the illusion of progress by using “month over month”, and “quarter over quarter” stats. We’re screwed. Anyone who understands even basic sales and revenue planning knew that 2015 was done when she posted goose eggs in Q4 of 2014. You don’t make up a first full year of utter failures by having a better June than you did a May. You cannot change reporting to circumvent the problems, specifically when you have people left that understand what you are trying to do, and will continue to call it out as BS. She is the most incompetent sales leader that XO has ever had, and some of them only spent 2 hours a day sober, so that’s saying something. Thank God that this project is almost over.
She’s reading from the desperation playbook, and has a team of people like Fisk to help try to buy her time. Smart money would still bet the under with regards to her XO career longevity if you can find someone dumb enough to handle your action on that particular bet. She’s cruising towards another sub $1 million sales month. She’s toast. Interviews are currently underway for her replacement.
She’s another heavyweight who brought exactly NO sales talent with her. She brought an Agent Channel leader with no Channel experience, and a Trainer to run the west. She brought both but a bunch of staff people to explain her shit performance. She’s never in the field, and rarely speaks with customers either. Time to make a move before 2016 is blown too!!!!!
F MINDY SOOOOOOOOO GLAD her day is coming…… Also all the bogus B.S of sales 101 reporting is going to blow up in her face.. Organic growth YTD vs New Logo’s is at a 88.2% vs 12.8%!!!!!
The order desk will be open all weekend to key the bogus orders too. As of earlier today if everything magically went in, they were at $840K. If they get anywhere near $1 million, it will be criminal.
NYC chipped in with a respectable $20k! What is that story DS loved to tell? The East region was the joke of the company before he can back and turned it around. Priceless!
That’s $3k a rep since NYC is down to 6 reps with more departures soon.
DS thinks that’s a great story.. The others did it by the book.
Cringed everything he told that and an insult to real sales pros like PaulK, JimS as well as to the few remaining top performers. Not hard to see thru the self promoting, A-kissers that head up NYC sales.
My all time favorite XO story (past regime) – Sold triple my annual quota (600K vs 200K) in 6 months and in November, they wanted to put me on plan – because nothing came in Aug/Sept/Oct…
What’s up in the NYC sales office? How did it detoriate so quickly and why so few reps?
You mean other than the obvious stuff about the company sucking and not having anything useful to sell?
Sad truth is that people research who you are when shopping their services, and Rob should take a bow, as thanks to this endless blog, one of the first things that pops up when searching for XO is this thread. If you didn’t know who XO was, and nobody really does, as we don’t advertise, would you buy from a company with this many obviously upset employees (current and I’m sure former) writing about how bad everything is???? I know that I wouldn’t. XO used to win on cost, but now that they cannot do that any longer due to lack of on-net footprint and telco access charges, what do they really have that’s compelling??? The answer is nothing, because aside from the fact that the product suite is average at best, and price is high compared to the cable companies, the service sucks once you have it too.
That’s what I keep wondering about: what is the rep of XO amongst buyers of telecom services? It’s one thing to have employees and ex-employees hate the supposed leaders of a company – which are totally valid complaints, by the way – but it’s entirely another when it comes to the rep of a company externally amongst potential or current customers. The telecom space isn’t that big, and I imagine CIOs and CTOs talk to one another and are pretty knowledgeable about their landscape, so what would possess them to pick XO over one of its competitors? How is XO staying competitive?
Well, the mystery surfaces. I have wondered this myself. A good, convincing sales rep may be able to overcome this objection. But, on the other hand, an intelligent buyer may stay in touch with the news. Their job is on the line if they make a bad decision. It is a relationship sale. How many sales reps, SE’s, managers can put their careers on the line for XO. Would you?
Tom Schlatter, Leader over data planning/engineering resigned. Just another “manic Monday” at XO.
Shame. A good man. Always willing to answer questions and attend customer calls if asked.
Heard that the sales number came in at $980K, with Mindy hitting $700K for her piece, and Ancell’s (it’s actually Wahl’s) national number coming in at $280K. Can anyone confirm? Once you factor the standard 15% fallout from the BS they jammed in for just the optics of a less shitty number, you’re staring $800K in the face if these numbers hold up. What a disgrace.
While sales and revenue continue their descent, the executive team is hosting training for critical business leaders in Herndon. They are doing puppet shows, playing Wheel of Fortune, and performing assorted skits as part of this vital training. Even the people in the training have to be like “WTF”. More big company BS and wasteful spending by people who are in WAY over their heads. The best part is that aside from travel costs, and lost production is that we’re paying an outside agency to show us how to have puppet shows and how to copy a game show that’s been in syndication for 20 years. Will XO stay afloat under these morons???? Survey says: XXX
Love Dove is a big Wheel of Fortune fan. It has been the inspiration and driving force behind her entire career. She’s essentially Ancell’s Vanna White. So while this may seem nuts to the people going through it, it actually makes complete sense.
I’m pretty sure that you just melded a Wheel of Fortune reference with a Family Feud reference there, but the point still stands. Money and time wasted while the companies financials continue to bleed. Maybe they should see whose service the corporate trainer has at their HQ, and make them reciprocate spend!!! There’s a sales lead for you Mindy.
They identified the candidate to replace Mindy . She has about 30 days. Love Dove is on the chopping block. Why isn’t Ancell? Did he throw them under the bus?
Pretty ironic that the guy that they brought in to be a sales leading CEO has failed at the one thing that he was supposed to be good at. Icahn knew that he wasn’t getting Jack Welch from a rounded Executive perspective, which is likely why his CFO was hired for him, but he was supposed to be the anti-Laura and revitalize sales. Well done Ancell. Well done.
Maybe Love Dove and Mindy can use the puppets from the training class if they are taken out to express how the XO experience made them feel. I think Mindy is way better odds to get clipped than Ancell’s play pal. But we shall see. They both suck and have ZERO respect of anyone in the company.
It is time for Toplisek to come back with Orlando and Fiacco and save this thing.
Bring Toplisek back and a lot of good people will come back.
WIndstream seems like the place to be….
Ha, the grass is always greener…
Windstream is about as old school, dull telco as it gets. The most creative idea they’ve had in years on how to try and make money is to become a REIT.
Good lord this industry blows.
Yep, Windstream is still a “Rural LEC” mindset at the top. Even with the likes of Randy they still target low end “lines” and DSL like an out-of-date CLEC. Pretty much still CO bound. Lots of promise with their footprint but they need someone to shake them up.
The most recent addition to the exec team is a CMO whose recent accomplishments include widespread employee hatred and mediocrity at Level 3 and Integra, where he was walked out of both.
I’d say a shake-up is unlikely.
Maybe XO could take him next?
The situation is so bad, Mr. Icahn has to do something. There are five things he can do. He can sell us, but who wants to buy us in our current condition? He can break us up into pieces and sell the pieces. He can chose to do nothing and we will implode and disappear on our own. On a positive note, he can give us the leadership and resources we need to claw our way out of the hole we are in. The fifth option is really fun and creative, and will cost Mr Icahn nothing — not one penny. It is something I thought up. It is both legal and ethical and can be accomplished in less than three days. It effectively will pull the rug out from under R2, and will end the law suit, and make Carl the winner. It lets us keep our jobs and turn XO into a huge success. I was at a church meeting tonight and we prayed specifically for XO and for Carl Icahn for almost an hour. We prayed for Mr. Icahn’s health, and inner peace, and clarity of thinking. I think we prayed it through.
Icahn IS doing something. He is passively/aggressively devaluing XO as quickly as is possible so as to screw arch enemy Geoffrey Raynor (of R2) over the NOLs (discussed in detail above) when the lawsuit is heard this fall. Given the NOLs+R2/Raynor_Hatred explanation is the only thing I’ve heard that pulls together and explains all of the vast number of weird and incongruent choices made by Icahn and his executive management team, I’m thinking it’s going to take a whole lot more than prayers to get Icahn’s punishment fixation with R2/Raynor to abate.
Prayers equate to nothing more than wishing that something were so. They are a tool for the weak, the hopeless, or for folks who are out of concrete thoughts of how to change their personal plight. Spend less time praying and more time working on your resume, networking, and orchestrating your out. Stop waiting for someone else to do something, or for divine intervention to intercede and do something yourself.
So if XO still sucks in 3 days, should we assume god does not exist – or that he just hates you?
I can just see God up there on a cloud right now: “Yeah yeah, so people are having their heads chopped off for believing in me or not having a long beard or being gay… but I’ll be DAMNED if I am gonna let XO fail! Those whiny operations bitches need jobs! Jesus, get down there and help out with their PnL.”
Well, NimbleTrek, it seems you’ve hit a nerve. Rereading your original post, I’m beginning to think you might have been trolling for the kinds of disrespectful and juvenile responses you received. I sense you went just a wee bit too far and crossed the Pollyanna threshold.
And if you were in fact being authentic, then while I admire your childlike enthusiasm and positive envisioning, I don’t think XO or this form are going to be a very rewarding or fulfilling places for you. That said, may your endearing positive outlook find a more hospitable and appreciative environment.
NimbleTech should change his online screen name to “NaiveTech”. Reading these posts make my asshole itchy.
XO who??? XO use to be a real foe and building steam. I haven’t run into you guys in the market place in years, 2011 or 2012?
A customer asked me if you were still in business and I didn’t know. When I searched the web, this string was one of the first results. My oh my, you guys have ever so terribly shit the bed!
I would give you some advice like say … pick up the phone and make a cold call, but heck, it makes my life easier not having to steer customers around the web, allowing them to better understand how badly XO has fallen.
Funny how your timeline coincides with the departure of Carl Grivner and Rob Geller (and the arrival of Laura Thomas) as CEO.
What I really like about what you wrote is that this thread comes up so high in a search about XO now. That means that customers are no longer blind to what they could be getting themselves into should they decide to try XO. If I was a competitor, I would be totally leveraging this site to my advantage if/when I did run into XO.
mentioning Geller here is laughable. That guy was nothing but a well spoken obstructionist who specialized in telling people what couldn’t be done. Grivner was the last REAL executive this company had for sure, but even his last couple of years he was beaten down by the Board, and was just cashing checks. These current leaders are a special brand of shitty, but let’s not get too nostalgic for the past, as none of them were ever able to make, and sustain positive changes for the company, the employees, and the customers, because this owner, and Board have their own agenda. Geller???? REALLY????
You clearly don’t know what you are talking about, at least from an IT perspective and the shoe string budget and minimalist crew he had to use to pull off miracle after miracle. Sure, he got jaded at the end. You would too if you had to effing pull off stupendously hard miracles SEVERAL TIMES A YEAR and lay off all of your contractors at least once a year (which is a severe dislocation in IT project management). Honestly, he would have been way better off if he had left when Grivner left. At least he wouldn’t have been left with the ignorant association you just posted.
Geller wasn’t perfect. In fact, sometimes he was an utter a$$hole. That said, he pulled off getting XO IT a huge industry award (IT and Telecom) not just once, but twice. I give kudos and respect where they are due, even if I don’t entirely like or agree with the person who earned them. Excluding the time after Grivner’s exit, Geller earned a ton of respect from all over the company, not just IT.
Good to see that Geller is posting on here. Hi Rob. Anyone else posting like this about Rob doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. IT under Geller was a joke, and instead of working with the user community tried to dictate in every discussion what they couldn’t do, and what people would get in the face of their needs. Nice guy maybe, but a complete blowhard and politically motivated hack. IT was never going to change until he left, and a bunch of his mainstay cronies left too. I’m with the other poster and cannot believe you are referencing Grivner and Geller together. JOKE. They left at least 18 months apart as well. Sales and customer facing service orgs hated IT under him. Sales especially.
Out of curiosity I did a search. There were a handful of obviously paid ads for XO, followed by GLASSDOOR’S 2.5 star review, Indeed’s employee complaints, Yelps 1 star rating all with sprinklings of Randy Nickolas going to Windstream and an old article about the BK. Great online presence.
Xo down to 1 Sales Manager-Mr. “Ramp Jumper” in Ny City. My God, If I’m Salustri I would go on FMLA quick for mental health purposes.
Steve rogers is the biggest moron!
Icahn is going to have XO transfer $500 million it borrowed to him through some form of financial shenanagins. Then he will settle the shareholders lawsuit with the $500 million. Then he will sell XO freshly loaded with the debt. He got the use of the NOL’s which was what he wanted in the first place. He didn’t get a bonanza but he will have made money. Grivener’s term as CEO was dedicated to keeping the share price of XO down so Icahn could capture the NOL’s. Anyone can read the court documents to get the details. It is really a sorry story. Icahn is a complete fraud. At one time I admired him but I learned better.
Icahn will now have a tough time doing that. Given that revenue has tanked, cash flow is tanking due to extraordinarily high churn (which is the politically correct way to frame the rapid continuous loss of customers to competitors) and the operation has to continue basic functioning until the court case (lest he then get plastered with another lawsuit based on fiduciary negligence) which is requiring lots of cash (which is no longer coming from revenue or new business), that $500M bank loan won’t last long. Additionally, the bank is going to have a very strong opinion and position on this.
Thinking about that, I wonder if anyone at the ($500M loan) bank has been made aware of this thread. It might be useful to them as a start for accumulating evidence and then to begin gathering willing witnesses (i.e. low morale employees and former employees) should they need to begin litigation and/or criminal prosecution against Icahn and/or any of the executive management team. There are now SO many shenanigans flying about the executive suite, it ought to be especially easy to get low morale employees with strategic access to provide internal evidence which could later be used to prosecute fraud, malfeasance, etc.
I think the “take the $500K and exit” strategy might have worked 18 months ago…maybe even as recently as 12 months ago. Now, though, too much damage to XO, too much money burned from the $500K bank loan and too many people (mostly long-term employees) injured in the resulting debacle for this to die quietly now. Icahn’s too distracted with his NOLs revenge fixation to see how disgruntled employees working with bank litigators is now going to come back around to kick his a$$.
Sadly, the next thing to watch for is when XO misses payroll (which will be framed as “postponing it through the weekend” at first, and then through “just a week”…and so on as cash starts getting more and more scarce). I’ve seen this spiral before. I definitely feel for those non-executive employees who haven’t escaped yet and still completely depend upon XO. Sure hope they get out soon.
It was $500M as in half a Billion (not $500K which incorrectly appears twice).
Half a Billion will definitely motivate a bank to persue charges where half a million probably wouldn’t (at least not with Icahn, anyway).
I don’t think it would be all that difficult for Icahn to do it. He doesn’t have to worry about “fiduciary negligence”. There are no other shareholders. He can structure it in a variety of ways that would be perfectly legal depending on how his ownership is structured. I am sure no sense of morality would come into play. The bank could pose a problem depending on what he does and what the loan agreement is. But probably the worst outcome for the bank is they might wind up owning a chunk of XO (if not all of it).
It will be interesting to see how he negotiates this to an ending. It’s difficult to believe there isn’t some degree of financially off color activity which if viewed by attorneys would lead to criminal liability for Icahn and/or the executive team.
If the right data (emails and financials) were to “leaked” to the right people…whacha wanna bet they’d dig really hard and “find” a reason. It’s a dangerous game he’s playing.
Icahn could probably also work it into the lawsuit settlement.
Here is a brief outline of the NOL issue. In 2003 XO emerged from bankruptcy. Icahn gained access to the NOLs and used $450 million of them that year. In January 2004 there was an oversubscribed rights offering and Icahn’s ownership dropped below the 80% threshold to be able to use the NOLs. For the next couple years Icahn refused to allow XO to restructure debt. (Icahn owned the loans that should have been restructured).
In the meantime he had XO make capital expenditures that were not properly financed and he had XO make accounting changes that reflected poorly on the company. In late 2007 and early 2008 he allowed XO to pursue refinancing but XO unexpectedly got three unsolicited buyout offers. Icahn refused to allow the company to pursue the offers or outside financing and forced XO to accept a package from himself which got him back over 80% ownership. He also took action to deliberately depress the share price. CEO Grivner stated in a memo at the time: “If you read the Preferred Stock Agreement and understand the tax issues, there is significant reason for keeping the stock below $2 for as long as possible.”
CFO Freiberg put together a helpful spreadsheet where he says “I put this model together to show the impact of the XO stock price going up against the % Value Voting that Icahn affiliates have in XO. The key point here is for Icahn to maintain at least 80% in order to keep the ability to consolidate NOLs…..Below 1.55 per share, Icahn is at 80 or more. If the XO stock price goes above that, the potentially you lose the ability to consolidate NOLs.”
In 2009 Icahn attempted a buyout that he withdrew after a lawsuit was filed. In 2010 he tried for another rights offering and reverse stock split which he also withdrew.
Finally in 2011 he forced a merger with no vote allowed minority shareholders.
This is a brief and very simplified sketch of the shareholder lawsuit. The shareholders are more than just R2. They include employees of XO who owned shares as well as many other investors. You can clearly see that Icahn is no “shareholder advocate” unless the shareholder is Carl Icahn. He is a complete and utter fraud.
It’s sure looking like there is plenty of people looking to take Icahn down with XO. And he sure seems to be holding on to a degree that is out of character for him. If it looks like a fraud and it smells like a fraud…something’s going to turn up.
Here is the thing. It is like this. Carl Icahn has secretly dug a pit for R2 to fall into, but he has fallen into it himself. He can’t sell XO because no one wants to buy us, and if he did sell us, he would have to give up to 21% of whatever he gets to R2. He would rather die than do that. He is very smart but we are not dumb. We have figured out what he has been up to. And that, just in itself, really changes everything. What he has been doing is now out in the open and well documented. XO used to have a vision, and esprit de corps. We are now demoralized. We are unraveling and falling apart faster than he planned. He has lost control. With all his scheming, he has destroyed the heart and soul of a company. I think Carl Icahn is a complicated and head strong man who wants to believe all the the things he has been saying about who and what he is to Wall Street. Also, he has been sincere, and has done some really amazing and decent things and had a lot of success with his charity work. But I think he has crossed over a red line with XO, and has done some things that are both illegal and criminal. But here is the thing that is important. He has been lying to himself. He is in denial. He does not see himself as a hypocrite or a criminal. In his mind he is completely justified. A good lawyer putting him on a witness stand and cross examining him can and will destroy all his allusions and rationalizations and justifications — and lies. A good lawyer can do more than that. He can destroy this man. This is so unnecessary. it is a psycho drama. It is something he is doing it to himself. He not only could loose the lawsuit he could go to jail. I have figured out and can give him a course of action that will get him out of this mess gracefully, but he is going to have to find a way to humble himself and ask me to tell it to him. He does not see himself a greedy evil force of nature. He sees himself as a decent human being with a heart and soul. To me the whole situation is really sad. This is his moment of truth, and I hope he survives it.
Nimble- I think you misunderstand the lawsuit. Icahn owns XO. If Icahn loses which he probably will as he lost his appeal on whether the “complete fairness” doctrine applies. (BTW his own advisors told him it did). The judge completely understands the issues. He was initially skeptical that the doctrine applied but subsequently ruled that it did. He was upheld in appeal. He also noted that the shareholder’s case depended on the doctrine being applicable. The likely outcome is Icahn will have to pay damages to the shareholders as well as attorney’s fees. The question is how much in the way of damages. He forced the shareholders to accept $1.40 per share when his own advisers valued the company at $2.25 per share. This did not include the value of the NOLs. They were probably worth somewhere around $9 per share. Icahn had to share his records so there will be a precise value for the court to consider. The $9 was the value one of the unsolicited bidders placed on them. No one wants XO anymore. We just want our money that Icahn stole from us. The likely outcome is the difference between the price Icahn paid and what HIS advisers said the company was worth plus a share of the value of the NOLs which can be precisely determined from Icahns tax records. I think the odds are pretty good we are going to get our money.
As far as Icahn’s so-called charity work goes. What a bunch of BS that is. He puts his crooked name on anything he does. His image is simply the result of PR work and once he loses this lawsuit it will be very clear exactly what he is. Frankly I hope he doesn’t settle. I want to see him exposed for the dishonest corrupt scumbag that he is.
I sure hope you’re right. And I personally hope he doesn’t settle, either. The settlement will be to Icahn’s favor including relieving him of any XO liabilities which in turn reduce the risk of discovery turning up criminal behavior; accidental and/or intentional. By the case completing before a jury, he doesn’t get any of those benefits. AND the loss will predispose any future case to see him much less generously, especially should those case(s) end up in front of juries (which also assumes he is still alive…these kind of civil cases drag out years). By settling, he can arrange to have his ducks in a row, ensure that future sniffing around is less likely and he can be on his way.
I’m REALLY pulling for his “superiority complex” to keep him hate+power-fixated and he ends up in front of a jury who won’t be buying his carefully constructed and marketed public identity. This pathway has about 60% odds. They are only low because there is a remote possibility he will wake up to the danger and pull the eject handle just in time.
The case is going to be heard by the judge who has been handling it. The case is actually comprised of two cases, the original one on the first aborted buyout and then the final buyout. The judge was going to sever the two cases because he thought that together they were too complicated for a jury. He didn’t sever in return for the plaintiffs agreeing to have the case heard by a judge. Trial is scheduled for October in front of the same judge whose has been hearing the case all along and whose ruling on the “complete fairness” doctrine Icahn appealed and lost.
By way of explanation the “complete fairness” doctrine puts the burden of proof on Icahn to show that the transaction was completely fair to minority shareholders. This will be a very heavy burden. As another poster already said, Icahn used his big guns on the appeal and lost. The $500 million is probably already in his hands and he has a brinksmanship plan to offer a settlement at the last minute to avoid the trial in October. He is now replacing a rebuttal witness to Stanley Keller who is a nationally known corporate law expert on corporate governance. One could speculate that his previous witness failed to adequately rebut Mr. Keller. The shareholders have some big guns too.
Icahn’s new rebuttal witness produced a whole 13 page document!!! ROTFLMAO
Why are the SM’s all leaving in the East? I heard that D.S is god like and one of the greatest cheerleaders ever?
Brian and Anonymous, I very much appreciate these posts on the XO trial. There are many shareholders, some of which were employees, that are economically exposed to the outcome.
You are quite welcome.
Folks should understand there are 2 classes in the lawsuit.
If you fit the definition of either class you may want to gather documentation proving your eligibility for the class. Sometimes brokerage records are incomplete or hard to track down. Best wishes.
Class A: All persons and entities who were holders of XO common stock on July 25, 2008 other than Defendants and any person, firm, trust, corporation or other entity related to or affiliated with any of the Defendants;
Class B: All persons and entities who were holders of XO common stock as of the date of execution of any agreed-upon merger or going private transaction between XO and any affiliate of defendant Carl C. Icahn as of the date of any said merger agreement.
When you R2 guys hijack the blog, it really starts to suck BIG-TIME. Can we get back to bashing Ancell’s all girl posse, and perhaps mention that he’s added another one to run Service Delivery. Keeping with his genius plan of “get anyone from Qwest no matter what they did, as long as they sit when they pee, then give them a job 3X bigger than they are qualified for”, he’s bringing in a gal with no SD experience whatsoever, and a background in small jobs in the NOC world. The only GUY that Ancell got to follow him was Amador, and he admittedly barely knew Chris, and was retired and playing shuffle board when enticed to come over. Ancell cannot get men to follow him, not because they wouldn’t for the right money, but because he won’t recruit them because they’re immediately competition for this weakling. His ego cannot take being around other strong male personalities. The only way that he can ever be the most interesting man in any room he’s in is to be the only man in any room that he’s in.
Ancell is, always has been, and will forever be a self obsessed TOOL. He loves his harem though for sure. Strong women scare the shit out of him too though, so it’s not just a man thing. His inner circle is as weak as it gets, and nobody who knows any of them does anything but roll their eyes and laugh when hearing the titles they received over there.
This is offensive to actual “TOOLS” out there that are at times useful. Hammers come to mind. He’s nothing more than a slick talking, cheap suit, alcoholic with a comb over.
That’s great.
The job was never even posted internally. Stay classy XO. So often this company gets the opportunity to do the right thing. The stretch of consecutive times they have chosen to do the wrong thing is almost Ripken-like. They don’t even try to go through the motions to appear as if they give a shit about morale. Everyone should revolt. #impressive #douchebags #hypocrites
Can you get us a name of the new SD leader? We’ll get you the scoop.
Heard that the new mystery SD VP left them holding the bag and decided not to come. Apparently she was either countered somehow by CenturyLink, or just decided to do her research on how bad off the company, culture, and balance sheet was and told them “thanks but no thanks”. Not sure if it’s true, but the contact I heard it from is fairly reliable. It supposedly ruined puppet show training for the Love Dove, and left her walking around with ‘bitter beer face’ the whole time. Maybe they’ll be forced to post the job now internally after-all. Conversely, Amador seemed to take it all in stride, went home, had some warm milk, and was fast asleep by 8:30 local time. He supposedly dreamt of a puppy he had as a kid. The dream was of course in black and white, because the first 2/3’s of his life was as well.
Good for her. Sounds like the smartest potential member of Ancell’s harem yet.
I thought it might be interestin for people to understand Icahn’s claim to the NOLs.
Icahn believes the NOLs should go to him alone. This is a thumbnail of his logic. XO has several billion in NOLs. XO will never make money so it can never use them. I am never going to sell XO so no other company will ever be able to use them. However, I can use them to offset profits in my other enterprises by virtue of the IRS regulations. No other owner of XO can do the same. So the NOLs have no value to anyone but me. Therefore, I should be given the NOLs for free because they are worthless to anyone but me.
I know this sounds riciculous but this is the essence of his case.
Heard that Mindy came in at $670-680K in sales for May, against her $1.1 million plan. This lady is a tragic mistake all around. The worst part is that you can just tell that she has no idea what to do to improve things. It makes you almost feel bad for her in ways. I also heard that she is not even forecasting plan this month, and is currently well under $1 million, which means that June could be way worse. At some point Ancell needs to just end her suffering as well as ours and pull the plug before her apparent acceptance of defeat and failure start to impact 2016.
XO has very few problem solvers left. There are a ton of ‘problem discussers’ though, so if you are in the market for long conference calls, off-site meetings every other month, and outside consultants/trainers to come in and rehash everything that you already know is broken, with no proposed fixes, XO is your place. People who talk about problems thrive there.
Lot of those discussers are here, too.
Another thing to consider – if I was HR at some other telco firm, I would be smelling the taint of XO all over any candidates who have that on their resume after this thread has dragged on for so long. Especially both sales and operations, who appear to be the two parties sniping at each other here. NO HIRE
You would be “smelling the taint of XO”? That’s a really poorly worded sentence.
and for the 18-year-old version of what that means, even more NO HIRE.
So I hear Consultant Phong Lee thinks he can fix everything in the company yet he is confused that the company is doing so well…wait he is no longer a consultant but the CFO. Who gave him that job. He has never been a CFO. The last company he worked for filed Bankruptcy. I hope Ancell is not depending too much on him to help the company. Do not trust him.
Phong was never a consultant. He was hired directly as the CFO. You are getting him confused with Amador who went from contractor to permanent employee. Phong seems like the only one that they brought in that has added any value.
PL has a consultant background. Yes, do not trust him and he is a know it all. And everyone talks about this…including his own team.
PL is sneaky do Not trust what yu see and never confide in him he will tell all
It’s a pretty well established plan for me to never confide in any of the XO Executive Leaders. Herndon has become a cronie laden viper pit of incompetence and angling. Would you feel better confiding in Love Dove? C’mon now!!!! That lady is three types of dead inside.
I would not confide in any of them. You are right PL was a consultant and he is clueless. He thinks he knows it all. I hear he is in a battle of “know it all” with the Love Dove.
Wow…he will not win against her so he will smile and pretend he likes her.
I appreciate the information, explanations and clarity other contributors have made. It has really helped. Yes, I understand that CI has taken us private, or at least is acting like he thinks he has, but the R2 trial is about what he did when we were not private, when a different set of rules applied. There is more than one issue. If what he did is found to be unfair to the minority shareholders, that is one thing. Then he owes R2 money. But what if his actions could also be found to be in violation of the rules? Then he has not just defrauded the minority shareholders, he has defrauded the US Treasury. This is important because if he isn’t careful, all the NOL’s he has already written off could come back into play, and he could end up owing the government BILLIONS in back taxes. All it would take is one referral by the Judge, to the IRS, and/or the SEC and CI would be in a world of trouble. I think this is what is keeping him awake at night. This is why he can’t settle out of court, and why he has to vigorously defend himself. He cannot admit to any wrong doing whatsoever. But this will be a wide open, out of his control trial. People like Carl Grivner, Laura Thomas, and Michael Dell will be deposed. These are not necessarily happy, loyal people. The truth will come out. Depending on what they say and on what he says under cross examination, there could also be a criminal referral. He needs to be able to say to the judge “Our process was proper and what we payed them was fair. XO is not worth as much today as it was then. It has never been worth more since we went private.” People, this is why he has run our business the way he has. There is a reason why there were three different auditors involved in our last year end report. This trial is not a casual distraction for him. He is fighting for his life. And it is not going well. And I think R2 knows everything that I just said. If they let him off the hook, he would gladly give them their money, and he would gladly settle out of court. But I don’t think they want to do that. This is a vendetta, and they are enjoying themselves. It is not about the money. I think Carl Icahn’s charities are the real deal. I think he is a complex but basically decent guy. I hope he survives this.
I wonder if you are correct. The question would be if the court found that the merger was a violation of the Delaware “complete fairness” doctrine would that invalidate the merger, thereby making consolidation of the NOLs unavailable, or just mean Icahn owed us compensation. Somehow I don’t think it invalidates the merger. I think it just means he has to compensate us. If some subsequent chain of events somehow resulted in him failing to compensate us and the merger was ultimately unwound then i think he would have the scenario you raise. I now hope this happens. :>)
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Folks, XO writes these loan apps, and might even have someone on staff paid to write as Nimbletech.. Do not be distracted. Let’s pick up where we left off. Phong is an untrustworthy, short egomaniac, and Love Dove has one use. Stay strong.
OK. Dear Mr. Anonymous from R2. I think at one time it may have been all about the money with Carl Icahn, but I think it no longer is. He has had so many setbacks in court, he has to be questioning the legal advice he has been getting. He is a street smart guy and has to be worried. If your attorneys went to him and offered to settle out of court, and offered that you would be willing to accept that the process he put together was legitimate, but the value of the stock was wrong, I think you would get your money, if what you were asking for was fair and was not too high, if it was around what the judge would probably award you. My best guess is he would jump at the chance to put this behind him without the risks of a trial. And if he turns it down, then by all means go for the brass ring.
I want some of what you are smoking. I am NOT from R2. I was a shareholder in XO. We got less than what the stock was worth and received no value from the NOLs which we owned by virtue of being shareholders. R2 is publicity shy so I have no clue as to what their position is but I would gladly settle for the value Icahn’s own advisors put on XO ($2.25) less what we got ($1.40) and plus some reasonable share of the NOL’s. The XO BOD “independent committee” estimated them at $3.34 per share and there was an unsolicited offer the valued them at almost $9.00 per share. I am willing to let Icahn have them at some discount to the full value to him in recognition of his ownership but not ALL the value. I wish you would stop portraying this as just R2 vs Icahn. It is Icahn vs the shareholders which include many present and former employees. I think you do not understand what happened to us.
I also think you have swallowed Icahn’s self aggrandizing public relations. He is nothing more than a greedy, selfish crook.
Good to see everyone honoring Father’s Day by leaving these ‘Mother F*ckers’ at XO alone………………..
Here we go again…. Dismal June numbers with 6 days to go. There seems to be no end in sight for the free falling sales numbers, no matter who puts what spin on it.
Couple that with the real churn number and we have a problem. (Yes management is playing shell games to hide it, but how long does that game last?)
I’m sure they have to report a certain amount of income, or minimum loss, or the loans comes due. I can only think of one way to get that done.
How many layoffs will hit in July? Will I be included this time? Would that be a good or bad thing?
Only relevant in the context of following the NOLs and Icahn’s explicitly looking for XO to lose value…
If they do post another bad month of sales and Ancell doesn’t do anything about it then this place it because he brought them here….. Means he is weak and doesn’t have a back up plan for a sales leader and how can that be if he ran sales? Btw the bet isMindy S*its the bed again. She is just not a sales leader.
Only relevant in the context of following the NOLs and Icahn’s explicitly looking for XO to lose value…
What’s amazing to me, and to many others is that in the face of shit results on EVERYTHING, they keep being allowed to bring in more former Qwest people to run vital pieces of the business. They just tried and failed to bring in a Service Delivery leader, which was hysterical, because she left them hanging BIG TIME, and that sort of thing makes me smile, especially when it really seems to visibly bother the Love Dove, but they also just took Access Management away from one of the best and brightest leaders that XO has, and hired another legacy member of the Dream Team that ran a LEC into the ground and made it ripe for buyout to run it. This all after another planning miss by Finance that had Access scrambling to make it up, and closing the gap as well. At some point failure to address his Mindy problem will make it an Ancell problem, and that guy is such a snake that he won’t let that happen. He’d sacrifice whatever he had to in order to save his own skin.
Only relevant in the context of following the NOLs and Icahn’s explicitly looking for XO to lose value…
Ancell was tackling the tough issues of “consensus versus collaboration” on his call today when he seems to never mention “sales versus no sales”. I think that the “consensus” amongst XO employees is that we should sell more. How about “collaborating” with Mindy on that one BIG MAN??????
This sort of talk in circles, soft nonsense has got Love Dove written all over it. Consensus management is for weaklings. That’s who is leading us folks: WEAKLINGS
All Employee call tomorrow how many people actually still dial in??
The above comment actually referenced the Director and above call today, and basically nails it. All they deal in is fluff. Ancell never mentions that sales sucks, or that Mindy and team are a huge problem. He’s a joke.
Truth. Like a good pimp, he protects his girls.
It’s the true elephant in the room that is never addressed. Ancell makes himself look weak and stupid by not tackling it. Everyone knows the important cockpit dials in this business, and to continually avoid even mentioning one of the most important, if not the most important one, makes him look ridiculous, and his own staff and every employee rolls their eyes and continues to cash checks while waiting for the next round of cuts, or the next leadership musical chairs event. This Executive Team is THE WORST EVER…. and Ancell is clearly protecting one of his own at everyone else’s expense.
If Ancell was really interested in finding out what was wrong with Sales, he’d speak to Mindy’s directs in the field and find out when the last time they spoke with her was other than on team calls. She is an “e-mail only” leader who never digs in, has one on one’s, etc. Instead she just talks with people like Jim all day about new reports, as if viewing shit results differently will somehow make them better. She’d be the worst tailor ever, as she’d never stop measuring her suits. Measure twice, cut once Mindy. She’s lost.
Thank God for this site, and knowing that as a current employee that I am not alone in feeling as I do about how under communicated with we are, and how under managed certain aspects of our business are for no other reason than relationships. As bad as things might have been in the past, I feel like we were always told the truth under Carl & Laura. They called out bad performance areas, and spoke plainly about what was being done to fix them. They even fired people who didn’t perform better. This crew just continues to blow smoke. I’m even more grateful that a lot of the information on here seems to come from folks who are in the know, meaning that we have leaders who are tired of their act as well, and using this site to expose their BS.
I sure don’t! Oh, wait I was laid off. Darn.
Repair management in Saginaw needs to be cut in half. Buncha lazy do nothings half of em are.
lol Saginaw is an XO “market” – no wonder you guys suck
Agreed, too many chiefs, not enough Indians.
I don’t always read the Telecom Ramblings, but when I do, I like to read about how much people hate Ancell and the two basic bitches that he brought with him. This place is a full blown shit show. Heard Mindy has [confidential information removed]. Lord help us.
I think it’s [confidential information removed]. She’s flat out KILLING it!!!!! With July 4th looming, she’s likely getting the normal cavalcade of report based excuses ready, as you cannot expect anything heroic Monday or Tuesday. This month could be it for the Mindy Project. She’ll be lucky or cheating to post [confidential information removed].
XO sales are not rebounding. To get a little understanding, just look at the NE region. The regional sales management is so pathetic that anyone who could sell has left. There was a good internal candidate for an open SD role in NYC earlier this year who actually wanted the job, but weak sales middle management will do anything to avoid hiring someone who might be an eventual threat. Remember, they’re incompetent, not stupid. They too are amazed they have their current job and will do anything to avoid having to actually sell themselves. So New York got Capt. America, ramp jumping resume and all to save the day instead. Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, pretty sure it is a duck. That was the last nail in the coffin. Anyone with an ounce of self preservation instinct made their exit plans.
At this point the only people who will work at XO are those who can’t get a job somewhere else. Any sales pro who wants to avoid ruining their career will get out while they can. The rest will continue taking XO’s money as long as they can while they try to get out. No one has any confidence in this management or the future of the company so no one is really trying to sell anything. Everyone is looking out for themselves because no one else, especially management, does. It’s not rocket science.
It is a fact that customers will never love a company until that companies’ employees love that company. This is XO’s biggest problem, aside from the douche bag owner, and incompetent leadership team.
This is without a doubt THE WORST place in the Telecommunications industry to be an employee. The CEO is hiring [inappropriate characterization removed] as they tickle his fancy and probably more than that. They hold puppet shows for training and have monthly calls that give ZERO information on whats really going on! Yes as the Hulk had mentioned at this point everyone working at XO that isn’t looking for a Job can’t go anywhere else. They keep hiring all these Colorado Cowboys and Cowgirls and all they bring are empty Metrics! Leave while you can is what I say abandon ship while there are still lifeboats!
The contributor who keeps saying: (This is) “Only relevant in the context of following the NOLs and Icahn’s explicitly looking for XO to lose value…” is exactly right. That is the whole story. And if you had any doubts, the last all employee conference call proves it. There is no way Carl Icahn does not know what is going on. There is no way they are hiding the company’s terrible performance from him. The fact that these people are still employed, and are trying to spin their horrible sales numbers to us of all people, proves that they are doing what Carl Icahn wants them to do which is “Only relevant in the context of following the NOLs and Icahn’s explicitly looking for XO to lose value…” I laughed out loud when Chris Ansel compared business growth to a trickle of water carving out the Grand Canyon over eon’s of time. I can assure you none of Carl Icahn’s other companies are allowed to have that attitude. Until the R2 lawsuit is settled, or tried, nothing is going to change. The thing is, we do not know who is hiding behind the R2 lawsuit on the other side, or if whoever it is has a hidden agenda. I can assure you Carl Icahn has figured it out. It could be Icahn’s crazy, bitter, xwife for all we know. I doubt it is but we don’t know who it is, or what their motives are. Clearly they were stalking Icahn when they bought the number of XO stocks they bought. People who have said they are from R2 have come on this forum and said they are only interested in the money. If that is the case they should make a reasonable offer to settle out of court. A long drawn out, expensive law suit, and the destruction of XO is in nobody’s best interest. It is very risky for Carl Icahn to fight it out in court. I think he would jump at a reasonable offer. As things stand, with what Carl Icahn has done to XO, R2 could win the lawsuit and get nothing. Carl Icahn has made so much money in the last twelve years from his other investments, and NOL’s, his settling with R2 out of court will not be anywhere near as painful as it would have been twelve years ago. We won’t know what Carl Icahn’s true intentions are with regard to XO until this R2 law suit is behind us. Carl Icahn may be a good guy, he may be a crook; he may be both. If he is put on a witness stand and is cross examined the truth will come out. It is in his best interest to settle out of court but I am not sure what R2 wants to accomplish.
Several folks have provided insight regarding the relationship between R2 and Icahn…it’s still about the bad blood between insanely wealthy investment gurus. The NOL’s aren’t chump change, but are just t he latest in this passing match. We don’t need to speculate on how “good of a dude” Icahn’s publicists may make him appear to be to you. All that really matters is that these folks could care less about business and people that depend on it s health for their livelihoods. Appealing to their morality is a joke, and you’re not going to unravel whatever their motivations might be.
My name is Ethan Camel from USA am 39 years old i got married at the age of 22 i have only Two child and i was living happily .After six year of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange and I don’t really understand what was going on, he packed out of the house to another woman i love him so much that i never dream’s of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail, i cry and cry seeking for help, i discussed it with my best friend Linda and she promise to help me. She told me of a man called DR Shadow, she told me he is a very great man and a real man that can be trusted and there is nothing concerning love and Cancer issues he cannot solve and she told me how he has help countless numbers of people in restoring their relationship etc. I was really convince, I quickly contacted his cell phone +2348166292265 or email address at . I explain all my problem to him, he told me that I should not worry that all my problems will be fine and now am very happy I with my husband and my family.
It’s inspirational stories like the one above from Ethan Camel that make our lot at XO, and our constant bitching about Love Dove’s hidden talents, Mindy’s suckage, and Ancell’s cover up of all failures related to his posses pale in comparison. Thanks for putting things back into their proper perspective Camel!!!!!
Can’t wait to see the final sales numbers. I’d love to say that Mindy was sweating bullets waiting to see them as well, but instead she’s preparing for yet another vacation. She should know though that if my memory serves me correct, her more successful predecessor was fired the day that he returned from vacation. So when Ancell tells her to enjoy it, don’t let the smile on his face fool you. We can only hope that he has a firing pattern in this area.
What’s the over/under on the sales #? I’m betting less than $800K. Assuming standard BS and fallout, and what’s left is an embarrassment for all involved. But Ancell will remind people to “trust the process”, or something else incredibly dumb to excuse make for his harem. Nothing will change. Happy 4th of July.
Last day of the month. How many calls to members of her staff will Mindy think about making, right before just defaulting to only e-mail, speaking to nobody, and then failing catastrophically against her commit to the business?
NAS has now hit their number 3 consecutive months since being taken away from Mindy. BMS continues to flounder, along with Indirect. At some point it ceases to be a Mindy problem, and becomes an Ancell problem. Against a $1.1 commit, Mindy will be lucky to post $750-800K tops. This leadership team is beyond inept. They’re the most dangerous type of ‘suck’, as while they suck, they’re convinced that they’re hitting triples. Phong should backdoor these nitwits and present the reality of the business financials to Icahn.
The NAS number is WAY too low. So that helps. Doesn’t change the fact that Mindy couldn’t hit even the low number though. she is weak and under managed by Chris.
They didn’t hit the real number. The total quota was lowered to make it look like they are successful. Big difference.
Great news XO employees!!!!! XO has launched a new long term incentive plan for all VP’s, and ‘select Directors’. It will be a 3 year term, and paid on revenue and margin. So essentially it’s another 3 year carrot that Ancell will dangle in front of you to keep you in your seats, that you have absolutely no shot at ever getting paid out on. He will also pound his chest to let you know how hard he fought for you to get this too. Congrats folks!!!! If you are not a ‘select Director’ or above, you’ll get nothing and like it. NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!!!! But kindly stay in your seats as well.
You all may *have* to stay in your seats; because most of the rest of the industry would rather hire cell phone sales reps from the mall kiosks than you. XO on a resume = NO HIRE
That seems more than a bit overblown. Plenty of people have moved on after life at XO to do great things, specifically in sales. XO sucks, but having it on your resume doesn’t stain you. Stop being so dramatic. It’s not Enron for God’s sake.
I disagree. I have XO on my resume. The response I have gotten is that if you can sell XO successfully, then you are really good.
That is totally inaccurate. Level 3 chased me to down for two years and gave me a $20k salary increase to make the move.
My last year at XO, I was contacted by a few recruiters each week. Many of them stated that XO has the best fishing grounds, because there are numerous quality candidates who are ready to make a move.
Most of the rest? Who is that? I can tell you that most of the rest does not include AT&T, Verizon Business, Centurylink, Level 3, Comcast, Zayo, Telepacific, IBM, Cisco, or Gartner Group. All of them have been banging on my door for years.
After making a ridiculous blanket statement like that, one can assume that you are selling phones from a mall kiosk, or making no more than that kind of money.
Yes, like everyone else, I despise Ancell, Dove & Mindy and think they are totally worthless, buts its hard to leave XO when you are making FAT money.
I’m confident that my W2’s can eat your W2’s as a mid morning snack. >$250k in 2013 & >$300k in 2014.
Crawl back in your 3 bedroom apartment that you share with 4 other guys and STFU!
Oh, and don’t forget to make that full paycheck payment on that old BMW that you think makes you look cool, but is actually devaluing by the minute and not yours, b/c it is OWNED by the bank.
Childish insults, bragging about your stacks of cash as the measure of how great you are, bad mouthing each other, and continually divulging confidential information about your company….
Those are certainly qualities I look for in an employee and to help build the culture at my office!
Yeah, that seems exciting. I think that we saw this movie already. These people clearly came with no ideas of their own, have hired consultants for any that are somewhat new, and are now recycling old ones. DOOMED………….
this incentive program was offered several years ago and when it came close to the time to pay out the bonus they fired pretty much everyone who was eligible to receive it. XO has always been a company loaded with lying sacks of shit. this company is a joke and the joke is on you, the employee.
For sales in NYC the resume critique cuts both ways. If you had success prior to XO I think you get a pass on a relatively short stint at XO. For a short window of time,” it sucked and I had to get out” is more than believable. If you were jumping around a lot and wind up adding XO to that pattern, that may be a different story. In that case XO most certainly looks like the last act of the desperate. Either way the XO experience is well known within hiring circles, and I don’t mean just telecom. Just ask the Captain.
his former fellow stockholders even if he waited until the 1 year period expired to formally consumate a sale. He can shop the company around but if the sale process is substantially completed before the year is up simply waiting for the clock to run out wont let him escape having to share the proceeds with the people he stole XO from.
So the long term incentive plan for VP’s is less than half of what it was the last time we didn’t get paid on it, so all of ancell’s claims (actually it’s his mindless drones claiming it for him) that he fought so hard for this is BS. So basically he’ll only make you feel half as bad when you don’t get paid this time around as the last CEO did.
VP Love is missing on the org chart via web site. What happened? No comments?
They’ve probably just temporarily removed her to re-post her new title of “Efficiency Emperor”. Either that or there was a bad breakup with you know who.
Wouldn’t that be “Effectiveness Emperor”?
We couldn’t be lucky enough to have this useless bitch leave on her own, and Ancell would never let her go, literally or figuratively mind you, so I’m sure they were just doing org tool maintenance or something.
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This is all small change to CI. He is dabbling in Apple, Netflix, taking positions in CVR, Achillion, and eBay…XO is small time and his only concern is everything referenced on this site.
I might dabble in Netflix later. Trying to catch up on Sons of Anarchy.
The weekly exodus of employees doesnt even surprise anyone anymore, it has become comical. I was on a conference call and a manager mentioned the departure of another employee on the call and several of us including the manager just laughed. What else can we do at this point. All of us are just cashing the checks and staying under the radar, no point in calling out managerial issues because nothing will change until the wind bag and his worthless skirts leave, although I hope to be long gone by then just waiting for the right fit and I’m gone.
Brady Weinmeyer. Minneapolis sales. 12 year employee. Went to Level 3.
Mindy can’t keep our best and she knows not one good person to bring to XO or even a customer deal. We all know even the partners think she is not a fit for XO. She spent years in the channel and what help has she been with increasing sales there? Say something because even Toplisek and Cromwell brought new logos and teams of people who sold new customers. Get rid of this woman she and her bestie Dove are ruining the ability to grow XO.
Here’s some good news for the week. Mindy is back from vacation (her 3rd of the year thus far), so she’ll be missing numbers, not speaking to her team, and traveling to meetings to discuss meaningless shit that she intends to do, but never actually does in no time. Traveling with an army of staff, she will continue to under deliver against her objectives while speaking about programs and initiatives that will one day make her and the team successful. The date of that day is never specified in the PowerPoint deck. Wait for it!!!!!
I think that nobody deserved a week off to just let their hair down (in her case she literally lets her hair stay down for a full week) than she did. I’m sure she’s getting some air under that 1980’s man mullet right about now and is ready to take the fight to them. Go Mindy Go!!!!!!
“man mullet” just made me spit on my screen. Do you think that she asks her barber for that haircut by name?
Hey barber, please give me the Joe Dirt.
Love Dove supposedly is still obsessed with this site, and investing XO dollars in finding out who is writing about her and her friends. Please make sure that you are not using your work machines, or clicking on any hyperlinks added to comments here. Would not put it passed XO IT to add links here to take you away from this site, and to one where they can grab your machine IP address, as that is really the only way that they can catch you, unless Powell gives people up, and he’d ruin his site if he did that. Be smart, and keep giving these A-HOLES hell.
You guys need to understand two things. Mindy’s hair is not a man mullet, it is 80’s hair band hair and she needs it. She also needs all of that vacation time, so she cam make her tour dates as the bass guitarist for Warrant.
she’s my cherry pie
LOL, Warrant! When I see Dove all I see is David Spade.
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Brady is gone? Is there anyone left who can sell?
It is pretty apparent that “Jake the snake” is forming a new Survivor inspired alliance with Phong Le. He’s openly going after Mindy and her performance in meetings, and seems to sense that much like Don Macneil, and Laura Thomas before him that Ancell is wounded if not weakened. So being the master of siding with strength (real or perceived), is sliding over towards the numbers, and Phong. You have to give him some credit, he has a way of pointing out how nothing that’s wrong is ever his fault, really owns nothing when you think about it, and doesn’t let things like relationships or nostalgic feelings get in his way. I mean Don brought him in, Laura gave him a seat at the table, Ancell promoted him, and he took part in slitting all of their throats, and will soon do the same to Chris. He’s a lock to be ‘last man standing”. This place is filled with creeps.
Completely agree. Jake is the ultimate opportunist. Meeting in Herndon this week. Word is that Mindy was bringing just staffers, and Jake went behind her back and personally invited her whole team. He’s taking her on. Meanwhile, Hosted PBX is the most convoluted sale in telecom at XO, they line item charge for everything, are out of line with the market rates, so while Mindy clearly sucks, so does Jakes offer on just about every core strategic product. But he doesn’t see it. XO is 25% higher and less flexible than every major provider.
Update on the XO shareholders lawsuit. As you may recall the trial judge ruled that the “complete fairness doctrine” applied to this case. This means that Icahn has the burden of proof that the transactions were completely fair to minority shareholders. Icahn appealed the ruling and lost. Typically the party in court that has the burden of proof presents their case first. In this case that means that Icahn has to make the case that his actions met the standard. Now Icahn is refusing to present his case first and the shareholder’s attorneys have asked the judge (the same one) to rule that Icahn presents first as is the common practice, You have to believe the judge is going to tire of Icahn’s silly gamesmanship.
Here are some excerpts from the motion filed by the shareholder’s attorneys that help explain the issue:
Plaintiffs challenge two transactions entered into between XO and Carl Icahn, XO’s controlling shareholder, that ultimately allowed Icahn to acquire 100% of XO’s shares and its net operating losses (the “NOLs”). On October 31, 2011, Defendants moved for summary judgment and to dismiss both pending actions. This Court denied defendants’ motion, and in doing so, held that the proper standard of review for analyzing the Challenged Transactions is entire fairness. This Court further held that “the burden of persuasion remains with the Defendants
with respect to the unfairness of the Challenged transactions”, explaining that Delaware Courts have held that ‘if the record does not permit a pretrial determination that the defendants are entitled to a burden shift, the burden of persuasion will remain with the defendants throughout the trial to demonstrate the entire fairness of the interested transaction.'”
The Appellate Division, First Department, affirmed this Court’s ruling with regard to both the entire fairness standard of review regarding the Challenged Transactions and that “the burden of persuasion remains with Defendants.”
CPLR Rule 4011 provides that “[t]he court may determine the sequence in which the issues shall be tried and otherwise regulate the conduct of the trial in order to achieve a speedy and unprejudiced disposition of the matters at issue in a setting of proper decorum.” Thus the
introduction of evidence and the time when it may be introduced are matters generally resting in the sound discretion of the trial court. The party who has the burden of proof ordinarily is required to complete his or her prima
facie case before the opposing party is required or allowed to present his or her proof.
“Ordinarily, the party bearing the burden of proof is obligated to complete his prima facie case before the opposing party must present his proof.”) “A party holding the affirmative of an issue is bound to present all the evidence on his side of the case before he closes his proof and may not add to it by the device of rebuttal evidence.”
“The party holding the affirmative of the issues, usually, but not necessarily, the plaintiff or prosecution, should introduce all the evidence on that side before
resting.” The order of proof may be varied, as the occasion requires, being a matter of discretion resting in the trial judge. (The trial court has broad discretion to control the courtroom, rule on the admission of evidence, elicit and clarify testimony, expedite proceedings, and to
admonish counsel and witnesses when necessary).
Since this Court has determined that Defendants have the burden of persuasion throughout the trial to prove that the Challenged Transactions were entirely fair to XO’s minority shareholders, Plaintiffs maintain that Defendants, who clearly “hold the affirmative of all the issue[s],” are “bound to present” their evidence or proof first at trial.
This will facilitate “a speedy and unprejudiced disposition
of the matters at issue.”
Common sense supports this approach. Although plaintiffs traditionally go first at trial because they usually have the burden of proof with regard to their claims, where, as here,
Defendants have the burden of persuasion, they should put their proof on first as to why the Challenged Transactions were entirely fair.
…. (“the burden of proving, by a fair preponderance of the evidence, the existence of the fact or facts upon which the rights and liabilities of the parties depend is upon him who has the affirmative of the issue which forms the basis of the controversy, without regard to whether he is plaintiff or defendant in the suit.”).
…In a subsequent commentary, Chief Judge Markey argued that not following the rule that the party with the burden of proof goes first frequently results in cluttered records, irrelevant detours, undue burden on the judicial process, and unnecessary work for the trial court. Specifically, Markey stated: “Trials are simplified when each party attempts to carry its own, and only its
own burden, and when each party’s evidence is presented in proper order at trial.” …….
Similarly, here, where Plaintiffs must be prepared to counter Defendants’ case in chief on entire fairness, they should not be made to prove that the Challenged Transactions do not meet that standard before Defendants present their prima facie evidence. Plaintiffs should not be put in the position of disproving a defense that has not yet been presented. Nor should this Court be forced to waste its resources because plaintiffs, in most instances, put their cases on first. In the interest of judicial economy and fairness, Defendants should be ordered to put their evidence on first at trial.
For the foregoing reasons, Plaintiffs respectfully request that their Motion for an Order directing Defendants to go first at trial be granted.
thank you Brian
I interviewed for a job at XO in May. I think it went well, and the opportunity sounded good, but I haven’t heard anything since then. I’ve contacted the hiring manager who interviewed me a couple of times, and was told that there isn’t anything to tell yet. It’s been two months, is this standard procedure at XO? After reading parts of this thread I don’t have a great feeling about them, but this just seems really odd to me, and very discouraging.
I dont work there anymore but here’s my hunch as it happened about 36 times.
1. Management fought tooth and nail to get a job posted
2. They posted a job
3. Upper management pulled the job before they could hire
SOP over there
When you fail the back ground check they can’t tell you, so they either say there is a hiring freeze or there isn’t anything to tell yet.
Just wondering – the sales org seems to be in turmoil due to low production and political infighting. I wouldn’t be discouraged. They have a problem with weak leadership at the top that may be resolved soon.
It cannot happen soon enough. Mindy’s unexplained staying power is farcical at this point, and nobody internally has any respect for her at all.
She’s almost done. She’s been the butt end of jokes from Finance leadership in the company for months now. Ancell cannot hide her or deny her any longer. Look for an announcement in the coming weeks where Mindy apparently looks to pursue other interests.
I am beginning to think that the game playing in the shareholders lawsuit I have attributed to Icahn is in reality his attorney’s retirement plan. Icahn’s attorney responded to the motion and then his response was demolished by the shareholders attorney.
Nah. It just so happens that the attorney maximizes his billing revenue (assuming he isn’t on salary) by being as passive/aggressive as is possible to delay this case in every conceivable way. Icahn has no downside to pursuing every possible option, the more the better. He knows there is an endpoint. And he knows that his opponents get another day of butthurt each additional day these cases drag out.
Ichan’’s known he was going to lose in front of a jury about the NOLs a long time ago. Hence, the utter foolishness you are witnessing in the XO executive team. At this point, when his passive/aggressive legal options run out, he will attempt a settlement knowing the shareholders are beyond tired of this whole mess. Hopefully, their being tired doesn’t have them settle for something foolish. In fact, I would hope that once Icahn finally waves the white flag, they go for blood. He’s hurt a huge number of people with his petty narcissistic antics. Hopefully the shareholders will consider how much damage he has done to the employees, to vendors and especially to customers and kick his a$$ all the way into fraud charges and criminal liability (via a whole “lifting the corporate veil” angle of legal attack).
I agree with what has been so well said about the R2 trial, and I think Icahn is in danger and does not see it. But there is another aspect to what Ichahn’s attorney’s have been doing. If they can goad the trial judge into intemperate behavior or get him to make a stupid mistake, or to look like he is picking on Icahn, then they have something they can appeal. Any determination of the Judge can be appealed, but unless the judge makes a mistake most appeals will be denied rather quickly. In my opinion Icahn’s attorneys are trying to build a case for as many appeals as they can get away with. This case is going to be dragged out. Icahn is going to eventually loose at this level. And then it will be appealed if he can find something he can appeal. It could go on for years. They are going to make it as expensive as possible for R2. Icahn will settle out of court only if there is nothing he can appeal or when it looks like he is going to loose the appeal. I seriously wonder if XO is going to last as long as this trial.
Most appeals are never heard because the appellate courts refuse to waste their time by hearing them. Icahn has already lost the only appeal out of the shareholders case so far. Actually, if you read the court docs it looks more like Icahn’s attorney has been playing the flatterer with the judge. Probably the same way he plays Icahn. I doubt the judge is susceptible to that kind of BS. Once Icahn loses everyone will see what a lying, conniving, cheating, phony bastard he is. With a win the shareholders will also likely win attorneys fees.
The Icahn lawyer who is managing the defense has been with Icahn a long time and is a failed wannabe actor/director. He went through severe financial problems in the 1990’s. Keeping this thing going plays very well for him.
Closed door meetings in Herndon yesterday and today to forecast a re-plan for the remainder of 2015, and to get a preliminary view of 2016. Phong is heading into the lions den (Icahn Board Room) alone to present the numbers later this week. Layoffs and cost cutting exercises all being mapped out. Mindy and her mini Finance/Excuse Team are all clearly on the chopping block, as the entire reasoning behind why this re-plan is required is her failure to block and tackle. HUGE cost savings tied to that entire group, and NO loss of productivity when they leave. Phong going in alone doesn’t bode well for CEO, Chris Cantsell.
bye bye birdies
Why have the Love Dove comments disappeared, Circles of Influence, Mindy’s sales abilities? Come on folks, we all enjoy reading this 5 yr blog…
They haven’t disappeared, they’re buried behind these assholes who obsess over the Icahn/R2 BS.
Ancell playing Alex Trebex on the Director and Above call made me ill, but once I heard why June was Phong Le’s favorite month, I actually felt worse. These guys are ass clowns. and Phong should be bitch slapped and then arrested for telling folks that he’d buy stock in this shithole. I thought that all was lost until Chris Coon gave Proce and Cemil a shoutout. Her emotion was so raw and touching that I cried a little.
What’s worse, the awkward and unfunny jokes told by our Executives on these calls, or the fake laughter from all of the ass kissing knob jobs in the room with them? It’s all pretty bad.
I posted on this site when I worked at XO on the NAS team. Moved on to greener pastures. I think those that post on this deeply care for XO and see its potential. I certainly did. The mix of assets are great. The problem as I see it is that people were too worried about selling something. They missed selling opportunities.
Give me 6 months with this company I can turn this entire business around. All XO needs is some vision and focus. They have to destroy half their business, shed the snakeskin and go hard on a more limited number of products.
Sounds good jacob. But, I suspect you have never run a company so you really don’t know the challenge. Vision is essential as is focus but they take time to trickle down into the culture when the company is as demoralized and fragmented as XO. Ichan is not an operator. He disrupts. The NOL’s were all he was interested in and now that has become a legal problem. But, he will prevail, as always.
XO missed out on the cloud and colocation market. Meanwhile their data centers are sitting empty and they have onerous policies of interconnection. One can only wonder, WTF?
Nobody but Icahn can turn this place around. It’s a status quo, consensus seeking, loser culture by design. Anyone who has ever tried to rock the boat there, or to impose their will has been driven out. One of XO’s biggest advantages should be their size, and ability to be less rigid and more nimble than their competition. They are all too scared to act, so they just talk continuously about problems, and where blame should be assigned. Ironic that their corporate tag line used to be “not just talk”. Extremely ironic.
Completely nailed it!!!!
Ancell was also tackling email etiquette on the latest Director and Above call. This guy is such a useless tool. Everyone is looking to get out. It’s insanity here. Ancell came in originally with his bravado about “not negotiating with terrorists” in reference to employees leaving and being counter offered, etc. He’s now approving loads of stay bonuses for Network Services employees. If you work in the field or one of the centers and have any special skills and haven’t gotten one yet, just offer to give your boss 10% of your net, and he/she will get you one.
This is the worst leadership regime EVER!!!!!
They’re a few key people away from having the network break and not being able to fix it. XO is in serious trouble.
God Bless XO
Ancell wears an Apple iWatch now. Could this guy be a bigger asshat?
Douche Bag Magazine did name it Editors Pick for Watch of the Year, so he apparently renewed his subscription. That thing has a heart monitor that has to be working overtime.
Rumour has it that “Phresh off the Boat” Phong Le is out as CFO……poor guy didn’t even last a year. He goes from leading one sinking ship (Nextel) to the next (XO).
That was pretty phunny.
Phong knows what a piece of crap the company is. He’s been looking at the numbers every day so can’t blame the guy for leaving! Be nice to get rid of the loser CEO and his skirts/heels! Ancell is big time loser, makes me want to vomit.
Ancell lost another exec to resignation today. CFO Phong Le packed it in, and rather curiously did so after two consecutive weeks of 2016 planning in Herndon. That’s 3 execs in a row to leave on their own under Ancell, with 2 of them leaving without new full-time jobs. Total show of faith for his leadership. and while losing Don as COO may not have seemed disastrous to some, and losing Debbie as the head of HR might have seemed mild as well, when the guy who is balancing your books leaves in a great big hurry, it’s typically a sign that the environment is just not healthy, and that the plan is unachievable. Doesn’t give me complete faith that our newly released Long Term Incentive Plan is worth much, but stay excited if you are feeling it. Looks like Chris is going to have to check his black book to see if he has any other incompetent females that he can bring in at 2-3 levels above anything that they are qualified for to fill his open roster spot. Hey Chris, can Mindy count? We already know that she can’t sell, but maybe you can slide her over and get her a Quicken license and a used calculator.
The conspiracy theorists are at it again I see. If you want to see why Phong left check out the exec comp history for Microstrategy where he is landing. It’s a publicly traded company so Morningstar or any financial site has the info. Bigger role, publicly traded, more growth oriented industry. Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one.. he got a better offer. The idea that he decided to leave this past two weeks as a result of planning is idiotic. Use your heads.
The idea that he’s been looking almost since he got here is not a conspiracy, it’s a fact. He rekindled conversations with a company that he was chatting with before coming to this shit hole. Hope that the next CFO has the balls that he didn’t to come in and say “HEY CHRIS, WE HAVE A SALES PROBLEM”………..
Stop arguing folks, Ancell is about to tell us on the All Employee Call what we are supposed to believe about why Phong is leaving. But know this, Phong could not stand Ancell, but hated Mindy. Sounds like there will be trivia again too. First VOIP call???? Anyone????
Some of these people should not be allowed to speak at home, to themselves out loud, much less on All Emlpoyee Call. This lady Bea’s voice is making me homicidal! Is she just nervous, or is her voice this annoying when ordering Starbucks too?
“Role Clarity” sounds like something that Love Dove created to make herself seem useful. Total horseshit!
She is useless, but has been largely invisible lately. This site, along with the “Love Dove” nickname seemed to hit her pretty hard, so maybe she went into deep cover to avoid more exposure. If she’s looking to provide clarity on anyone’s role, she should start with her own, as outside of her ‘wink wink’ activities, nobody knows what this b@tch does.
That “frequent flyer” joke by Ancell would have killed had he told it 2-3 more times.
The fact that Phong addressed the rumor mill reasons given for his leaving on the call is a total sign that these weak MFer’s read this blog. To address anything on here during an All Employee Call is just weakness personified.
What a joke this place is!!!!!
Jokes are actually funny. There is nothing funny about this place. It’s cloaked in failure. Icahn and his Team should reach out to Laura, and she was certainly no world beater either. This crew is rudderless.
The fact of the matter is that XO is a dead company, it was allowed to die for the benefit of the disgusting miser and maleficent financial anarchist that puts money above anything. What tax code is it that allows an individual to decimate a fine company for his own financial gain.
Bring back Grivner, XO went to hell after he left! He was the best leader XO ever had….
Grivner left because after hitting EBITDA, Cash, and having a slight revenue miss, he was denied his bonus along with Dan Wagner and told Icahn to F off. He was a shell of himself the last 2 years here though, but even at half speed would put Ancell to shame. So would Wagner, and so would Laura. If Icahn wasn’t worried about changing the entire Executive Management Team out again, and what might fall out as a result, these clowns would be gone, and that is a fact, and an exact quote from the man himself. He has acknowledged his mistake with hiring this crew.
[confidential information removed] Good luck folks.
It was an exciting company when Grivner/Wagner were running it. The enterprise side was on a roll. Carrier was a bunch of arrogant idiots who thought they were God’s gift to telecom, low balling all services for volume over profit that enterprise had to make up. What a F**king shame. There oughta be a crime.
Carl, if you got any sense at all you will reconstruct the management team to include Grivner/Wagner and Randy and dump the losers. The majors are lost and groping for a direction beyond cell phones and XO has an opportunity to rule. Just need some management with imagination and ability. Sounds simple doesn’t it?
Carrier was elevated and put on a pedestal by Carl who bought Ernie and Don’s “we’re great, just ask us” story hook, line and sinker. Ernie learned very quickly how good he had it in wholesale once he, Geller, and Laura conspired against Wagner., and he ended up with BSU. He failed catastrophically and took a lot of people down with him in the process. Wagner could totally fix this place, and would.
Ernie could not let go of his loyalty to the carrier group so a battle ensued. Not pretty. Mucho confusion about who was responsible for what and who could make “The” decisions. Horrible time for XO.
Maybe Icahn could buy Level3. lol
Some of you guys don’t get it. Carl Icahn does not look well in recent photographs. He looks worried, haunted, nervous. I do not think it is the stock market. He has lost every major battle in his lawsuit with R2. Clearly R2 has been stalking him for years and is out to get him. Carl Icahn has a fight on his hands. Carl Icahn would rather die than loose a good fight. Way back when Icahn bought up XO’s debt for pennies on the dollar, R2 bought just enough XO stock to deny Icahn the right to transfer and writeoff XO’s debt. Icaln has been entireley predictable to R2, and R2 has not been predictable to Icahn. Icahn was arrogant and heavyhanded and stupid how he took XO Private. He gave R2 a club to hit him with and they have been hitting him hard. Their lawyers have done their job well. The judge has not made any mistakes. If Icahn looses big, it could cost him billions, and there could be a criminal referral. Martha Stewart, Michael Milken and others all believed and were wrong that “only little people go to jail.” The current reality is that Icahn is driving XO into the ground to minimize the damages that he will owe. The current regime, Hansel & Gretel, was put in place and will remain in place because they are doing what he wants. But Icahn is hedging his bets like he always does. The On Net project is creating massive debt but is also something that will make XO more competitive if we survive the R2 lawsuit. Forget about bringing back Wagner or Grivner. Icahn is not going to turn the company around until the R2 lawsuit is resolved. But when it is over, assuming He survives, he has to turn XO around even if all he wants to do is sell us. Then things could happen. But, currently, moral is so bad, and so many key people are leaving, XO could implode. Carl Icahn has a lot to think about.
I don’t think Icahn is thinking of XO. Icahn is thinking of Icahn.
He STILL thinks the lawsuits are a game. He’s arrogant and thinks the financial size of XO is so small, it’s just a noisy annoyance. He still thinks he has lots of time remaining around XO before he must fast the music. He still thinks there is lots of legal delay options remaining. He still thinks he will be able to buy himself out of whatever outcome arises from the _eventual_ resolution of the R2 lawsuit.
He’s an arrogant lopsided win/lose narcissist. And R2 has played him on this from the outset likely knowing full well Icahn was going to underestimate his own criminal vulnerability in this area. And I think Icahn, like any typical self-absorbed narcissist at his level, is just “waiting for my luck to change”. It’s always been that way for him. So, it stands to reason, it will be that way again. Except reality, math and evidence say differently.
There isn’t much wiggle room remaining for Carl Icahn inside of XO, not that he has cared or that it has been his vision EVER. However, there are now deep fiduciary responsibility consequences for having left XO languishing for so long…if/when the R2 lawsuit concludes.
Carl Icahn’s star is burning out. His influence in the financial world is waning. His mind is still acting as though he’s in his 40s deceiving him that he’s safe and got it all figured out and under control. Except reality, math and evidence say differently. He used to be their master. Now he is becoming their beeotch.
Folks, Icahn doesn’t give a s*it about XO. Eventually he will pay some money on the R2 suit, but XO accounts for what 5% of his wealth? He doesn’t care.
Were the July numbers stellar? Where is the great commentary on the lackluster sales leadership?
Really well said, Anonymous. Thank you. If it goes to trial, the people whose testimony he needs to win are not on his side. They will not lie. They will tell the truth. His scheming will unravel, there will be a criminal referral, and he will go to jail. It is all catching up with him. It is fun to imagine him negotiating with China for President Trump, from inside his jail cell. LOL.
It’s more fun to imagine him with his cellmate Big Bubba aka Horny Dog.
Another bust on Mindy’s part in July numbers and still Ancell does nothing. It’s getting comical she is a joke and everyone continues to talk about how weak her and Ancell are for not dealing with it. Hey Chris, Leadership 101:Not dealing with weak leaders is a reflection on you.
she is out of ideas and has no experience for a growth company.
Growth company????????
The fact that Mindy still works here is an embarrassment.
She is so out of her depth it is crazy. They all are, but she is the worst of them all.
Here that sound. It is XO sucking.
Nasty comments. Anything to back it up?
Mindy’s sales numbers back it up.
It’s Friday night so Mindy’s husband is posting again….
You give Mindy a plan number, any number, and she’ll go out and achieve 60% of it. She’s useless.
She has missed plan by an average of $400K every month. She doesn’t even use the word plan any longer unless she “plans” another vacation, “plans” to bring in another Qwest lackey, or “plans” to blame another group for her myopia and constant failures. She’s a loser from the word GO.
She is at least 30% off plan YTD. Hasn’t brought in one person who is making their number or near it. They move slow like the company they came from.
It’s absolutely shocking, and deflating for everyone who monitors the numbers for this business that aside from taking Nationals away from her that she has faced no consequences from CEO Chris Cantsell, and is still around at all, along with her band of staff cronies. I used to think that she was a nice person who just sucked at her job. Now that I’ve gotten to know her, and see more about how much she operates through the constant blaming of others, while deflecting away from her own poor performance, I just think that she sucks and have dropped the nice person part from my assessment. There’s no reason for anyone worth their weight in spit to stick around for 2016, as that plan is missed already, and it’s all thanks to Mindy.
Did you drop the mic after writing that, because if not, you should have.
The two ops guys circle jerkin each other again
Some of these posts are a bit too specific, and accurate to be “two ops guys circle jerkin each other”, but keep trying to convince yourself. Ops people are likely the least negatively impacted by these asshats. Half of them likely don’t know who Mindy is.
Maybe not ops, but you are correct, definitely the same handful of insiders
The ops guy comment was Mindy’s husband posting again, or one of her staff loyalists. The Qwest crew has to dismiss anything critical of them, or attempt to discredit it, as failure to do so would require taking a long hard look at themselves. Here are the facts:
1.) the rest of the Executive team thinks that she’s incompetent and in way over her head. They’re incredulous that nothing has been done to take her out.
2.) her own team (less staffers) cannot stand her and rarely if ever even speak to her. Maybe “cannot stand her” is a stretch, but clearly do not understand her, her desired direction, or have anything other than a tepid, forced relationship with her.
3.) nobody can speak openly and honestly about their concerns regarding sales performance because Mindy gets openly butt hurt about it and claims to be offended either publicly or privately if you do, and others simply fear retribution from Chris, as they are all perceived to be as thick as thieves.
The numbers tell the story, and math does not lie. It’s also not an ops guys’ strong suit to review company financials. This lady has singlehandedly destroyed the channel, ran nationals into the ground before ultimately losing it, and is now so desperate that she has direct reps mining the existing base for write downs that she can claim as new sales. She’s the biggest disaster in XO sales history. PERIOD!!!!
Maybe Maureen should do some skip levels……… Doesn’t HR love to do that shit when someone in a center says that their manager is mean? There’s usually no evidence of meanness prior to launching the investigation there, but with mountains of evidence of poor performance, and lack of team cohesion, HR sits it out. I wonder why. Oh wait, no I don’t………..
Icahn is in a real bind. XO is imploding under the executive team he installed. There has been no indication he will clean out the executive suite. Selling XO is an option but he cannot sell it with the shareholders lawsuit unsettled. What’s a supreme (I)con artist to do?
Most of the OPS techs and above do not know who Mindy is, but they are painfully aware and nervous about how slow it is. Chris Ancell in his last conference call bragged about how OPS techs are averaging nine installations a day. That was/is a lie. The OPS VP is cooking the WFM books. We are lucky to have one install a day per tech. Recently, Mindy dispatched two techs and a supervisor in a hurry to a customer site to see if there was a tie cable to an adjacent building so she could add that building to the “New On Net Buildings” list. Upper Management seems desperate to us. Based on our observations it seems that Icahn is more concerned with the On Net Project than he is with sales. He wants to be able to prove to the judge in the R2 lawsuit that his On Net NOL is justified and is getting results. It looks to us like XO is driving up expenses, and driving down revenues. Don’t think for a minute that Icahn does not know what is going on. He is the one behind it. It would be pretty funny if it turns out R2 does not want to settle out of court and Icahn is forced to go to trial. Trump’s new Secretary of the Treasury could end up in jail. Things could get very strange around here in the near future. What they tell us is the opposite of what is happening.
You raise an interesting point. The shareholders are in court to claim their share of the NOL’s that existed at the time Icahn stole XO. But if the judge determines they deserve a share of the value Icahn realized from those NOL’s are they entitled to share in the NOL’s created after the sale to Icahn? It seems that if the sale is ruled to be invalid and we get a portion of the value to Icahn of pre-sale NOL’s we ought to get a portion of the post sale NOL’s value as well since he had no right to take the company in the first place.
There once was a man named Chris Ancell, who hired some ladies who can’t sell
They talked a good game, but in the end could just blame, and revenue fell off the map
When the pressure it started, they acted retarded, and their words are now perceived as if a mouth farted
So when Chris finally gets fired, and is forced to retire, and begins his short journey to when he’s sure to expire, he’ll think about life, and the decisions he made, and if his female hires should have had to have gotten him la!d
What he’ll likely surmise is that he should have hired some guys, and kept his oversized ego in check
But if you are looking for a leader, who sweats through his wife beater, your balance sheet he will gladly come wreck
You have a gift. 🙂
I’d like to see someone explore other areas of poetry and perhaps write a Haiku about how bad this place is, and how much worse the people are who are running it.
under the visor,
bloodred eyes and incisors
a dream met its death
the leader exposed
by hiring a seducer
thinking with little head
My, this thread just won’t quit! However, I’d like to ask everyone to please try to keep the tone at a more respectful and professional level. That means no slanderous, racist, or sexist comments. And please, no confidential information.
Yes, It is sad a lot of this info is cofidential and could only be shared by director and above employes. This thread continues to be mean spirited, sexist, racist and juvenile?! XO who do you have working for you?
Dear friend,
Greeting to you and your family. I am Miss Sarah Daniel,the only daughter
of mr late parents. I am twenty years old, I need your help to transfer
the fund that my late Father deposited in the Bank before he died.I want
to invest the money in your country and continue my studies. The money is
(Eight million dollars).I will tell you more about this project Once you
get back to me and also send you my pictures to know whom i am, I am
waiting for your Urgent reply
Rob Powell thank you for your important web site and for letting this string continue. I think it is very important; at least to us. Speaking the simple truth is a very powerful thing.
While not everyone at XO reads this post, everyone knows someone who does, and that is just as good. The word has gotten out that Icahn has been working us; that we are his write off, and that he is intentionally driving us into the ground. No one I know believes a single thing Chris Ancell says. Most don’t even bother to listen to his conference calls. Everyone understands that if he were not doing exactly what Icahn wants him to do, he would have been fired by now for our performance. He keeps trying to spin his way out of how slowly we are (not) growing, but everyone can see it. We all understand that the ON NET project and its huge debt, and what they have done to our sales organization, is Icahn’s way of posturing for the R2 lawsuit. Every one I know to a person sees what is going on. Things are so crazy and convoluted, knowing all this helps us to keep our sanity and our sense of humor and our peace. And that is why we are so grateful for this web page. When things have been so wrong for so long in such a consistent way, we have to conclude that someone, somewhere is doing something on purpose. There is a reason and a purpose behind it. The sad thing is that, left to our own devices, we could have been a 60 or even an 80 billion dollar company by now. We really do (or did) have the talent to be the best at what we do. I am not sure Icahn has completely destroyed us, but we are wounded, and demoralized, and right at the edge of a cliff. We have been able to help and comfort and be nice to, and support each other, despite corporate, and that is what has kept us going. That is the secret to our success. Every corporate initiative so far is unfinished and buggy and does not get the job done, and people have had to be creative and work harder to make it work. Every system gets politicized and corrupted before it gets to us. We have stuck around for each other. We have made it work. Chris Ancell’s speeches are pure “Bulla Bulla”. I have no respect for him. I do my job well. I am in it for my next pay check and for the great people that I work with, and for nothing else and if I get laid off I will shake the dust off my feet at them and move on. They need me more than I need them.
Nimble – you are insufferable. Your ridiculous posts come across as someone thinking that they’re providing the new gospel. Please quit repeating and restating the adults’ comments. BTW, Icahn’s wife still isn’t the puppet master behind the R2 suit.
“They need me more than I need them.” Really? Just talk to some of the hundreds of talented people that XO has shed over the years and you will find that XO doesn’t give a rat’s butt about who they cut. One more thing, get over yourself. There have been far more “important” people than you that have been shown the door.
A good portion of this applies as confidential information that Rob asked to keep out of the post.
Tysvm, NimbleTech, for continuing to speak your truth, even in the face of so much resignation and negativity. I’m with you in that it makes it SO much easier to know the overall strategic arc Icahn is using with XO. It makes all the inanity, chaos and outright stupid decisions make sense.
So, ignore these yahoos that are either Icahn shills, irritated impatient stockholders or current employees who are secretly afraid of what happens when they, too, are let go as just meaningless pawns in the Icahn-vs-R2 lawsuits.
And your sharing hasn’t crossed any confidential lines of which I know. All of what you have said is either public knowledge or sharing of personal experience (which, unless it quotes trade secrets or actual financials is NOT assumed confidential).
So, keep on keeping on! I love reading your posts, as do a number of others both inside and outside of XO. And eff the neggy-negs if they can’t handle your truth! And best of luck to you if/when you eventually have to shake the XO dust off your feet!
I agree there has been no personal or confidential information disseminated here. I think you do a great job of reigning in the ridiculous and protecting the First Amendment. The only reason this blog has had the legs it has, is that XO’s management were the one who brought it up on internal calls and communications. That’s how I got wind of it. I has become the vehicle for venting out all of the frustration and negativity one see in all the mismanagement and abuse that can possibly take place at a modern day communications company. National Security is at stake for goodness gracious, I wish the New York Time or Wall Street Journal would do an honest expose and finally nab Icahn for the phony, self-absorbed miser that he is.
Dear friend,
Greeting to you and your family. I am Miss Sarah Daniel,the only daughter
of mr late parents. I am twenty years old, I need your help to transfer
the fund that my late Father deposited in the Bank before he died.I want
to invest the money in your country and continue my studies. The money is
(Eight million dollars).I will tell you more about this project Once you
get back to me and also send you my pictures to know whom i am, I am
waiting for your Urgent reply
Dear friend,
Greeting to you and your family. I am Miss Sarah Daniel,the only daughter
of mr late parents. I am twenty years old, I need your help to transfer
the fund that my late Father deposited in the Bank before he died.I want
to invest the money in your country and continue my studies. The money is
(Eight million dollars).I will tell you more about this project Once you
get back to me and also send you my pictures to know whom i am, I am
waiting for your Urgent reply
XO web site cannot display management team. Anyone know what’s happening?
And, I thank you Rob for allowing this to continue even with the trash that gets posted. The trashers are either immature readers or management trying to debase the forum.
Who knew that poetry is what would bring a stern warning from the site owner?
parrying the blade
underdog struggling for truth
the pen proves its worth
Even after four years I cant believe this thread is still around. Never saw so much hatred and anger towards a company before. Does anyone know if the Wyo office still exists did they lay more people off from there. I hope everyone curves their feelings, I understand people want vengence at XO, just like I did but its time to move on people.
Icon’s ego at least matches his bf Trump’s and he is so emotionally invested in beating R2 he will never settle. It will take the judiciary to settle this case and then all will see what a fraud he is. Maybe at that point we will see the articles that describe him for what he truly represents.
I think the ego is in some peons thinking that their posts on an internet site about a company no one cares about will result in the downfall of a billionaire.
I wish that this site gave me the ability to “like” your last comment.
Carl…it’s nice to know you read this thread.
Much like Michael Corleone at the end of The Godfather, today Mindy settled all family business by capping the heads of the âFive Familiesâ in her world when she canned Nick Shafer, Karen Farrar, Jeremy Pollster, Dave Schroeder, Lisa Havlieb, and Jim Fisk. (technically Ancell capped Karen) Now some of you might be counting those names and saying âhey buddy, I count 6â, and youâd be right. The last two names listed though were people that she personally hired to run On-Net sales, and her now former Chief of Staff respectively, so they were part of the âQwest familyâ, with the last name serving as clear evidence that she is capable of capping just about anyone in an effort to save her own skin, as Fisk was her right arm. There is no more dangerous of an animal than a wounded animal, and Mindy is clearly bleeding out at this stage with her fangs exposed while cornered. The only true difference between Michaelâs actions in G-Father, and hers today, is that after making his moves Michael took the family to Vegas and onto a path of greatness that included legitimate business ventures and ruling the casino business, while Mindyâs were just made to say that she did something, and to buy her some time before Chris has the manila envelope discussion with her. Said simply, sheâll still suck, but she will have a new PowerPoint Deck with different bullet points (excuses) as to why. Bullet # 1 will be âwe have to let these changes settle inâ. The most shocking part in all of this, aside from the fact that her training friend, who is currently running the west sales team into the ground was picked over Nick, is that Ancell was weak enough to let any of it happen. <— âyou broke my heart Fredoââ¦â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦
The central region team is beyond shocked at the Nick move. People cannot believe that he was taken out over the other two RVP’s, but more surprised that Mindy still has the political capital to make adult decisions in this org. Everyone is ultimately replaceable though. Our region is looking WAY forward to hers.
Which one got it in the revolving door – that was my favorite of the 5.
Don Cuneo. This Godfather post was a tough read with the obvious punctuation issues, but I’m glad that I read it.
WOW, Farrar was fired by the CEO? She must be moving up in the world, as she usually gets fired by people well below that level.
Phong Le is still on the list of execs on the website….lol
The bigger joke there is that Mindy is too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That Chicago team will all leave. The good ones will anyway. This lady Mindy is just a terrible leader.
Ancell – this may be your dumbest move yet. Removing a good sales leader will not solve the problems Mindy and her minions have created. Face reality, your all girl band is a failure.
This sales team from coast to coast has given up on Mindy.
The sales team coast to coast sucks. Always has, but that’s because any good sales professional is not going to join XO, and if one occasionally does, they’re out within a few months because they recognize they’ll never make any money selling Enterprise at XO, because XO will never compete at $1.5-$2 billion revenue levels in Enterprise. They should have gone the Zayo model 10 years ago, sell fiber, build custom networks and cheap IP.
Using a broad brush to describe the sales teams weakened your otherwise poignant observation. XO is at least 10 years late to the On Net Party. With the remaining RVPs in place, soon to be focusing on a 10 year old sales model (don’t come back to the office until you have 50 new business cards), any deals that might come from this effort will not be in the buildings that XO wants to put ON NET anyway. Total lack of direction by the C-Level Suite – and i use that term loosely. What was once an innovation company has been reduced to a “me too” organization. Truly a shame.
This is the absolute worst Executive Team in XO’s history. Bar none. Icahn should bring back Wagner. Ancell is a low grade hack.
Wagner was a used car salesman. Other than giving away free or underwater business to the biggest logos, his success in growing overall Enterprise sales, particularly in XO’s sweet spot mid-size Enterprise, was anemic as well. It’s an overall company weakness with regard to a real value-prop beyond “cheaper”
I disagree Wagner was not good. I didn’t personally like his style nor did i like his inability to develop and foster relationships due to his shallow personality. But underneath all his imperfections he made some difficult but critical decisions around the enterprise team. Its true there were deals that didn’t impact the bottom line from a positively accretive perspective. But i would argue there were far more of those deals from the carrier wholesale side of the house that were zero to single digit if at all margin deals. Moreover i would suggest that the momentum the enterprise team made in the 3 or so years wagner had the helm were some exciting times. Talking to customers we had never talked to before. Winning the USPS deal, winning the Webex deal, etc etc were movements that were significant accomplishments for all to be proud of.
Yes, its true, there were challenges in delivering some of the wins from an operational perspective. But good companies that become great work together to achieve success. Isn’t that what hard work is about ? We can’t all just sit back and think that change occurs without sweat equity right?
As for toplisek – great guy, great sales guy, would never come back.
Cammarotti – worthless, lying POS. Any man who has beautiful children with a woman then abandons them for a sleazy whore is no person you want around your team. Worst decision of Wagners career hiring that slime ball …. and i bet Wagner regrets it and will for a long time.
XO used to be great. Go wait for icahn to define your destiny make it happen on your own or forever be known as quitters.
Fisk getting taken out by Mindy is kind of interesting. Back story/rumor is that Jim was never loved by Love Dove back at Qwest, and that she was never a fan of him coming over here, nor was he a fan of the fact that she was here, and might be in a position to hurt him one day. Apparently he recently misspoke at a meeting, and that was all the ammo that Love Dove needed, so she utilized her power with Chris, and took advantage of Mindy’s weakened state to take him out and get her way like the true 9 year old that she is. She is and always has been an evil, twisted @#$%^……..
People like Fisk left jobs for this lady. Jobs that they didn’t have to leave, and this is how she takes care of her own people. Anyone who doesn’t see this as the ultimate betrayal, and the lowest of the low scumbag maneuvers is just fooling themselves, and if she’ll do that to her folks, there’s no telling what she’ll do to you all. The icing on the cake is that she kept Quine around to run the west. I guess that she needed to keep someone on her team that she was smarter than. Jesus Christ people, RUN!
Couldn’t agree more. Anyone she brought over should be looking over their shoulders at all times now. This lady has no pride, no parameters, and obviously so shame in her game. The ultimate self preservationist. She’ll get hers.
WOW.. Cant believe Nick was taken out before D.S!!!! What a joke the two of the are. Two idiots trying to be leaders.
Bring back Cammoroti! Him and Brian Dolan owned Atlanta with Toplisek.
LOL, good one! More of the “sell it, who cares if the company makes money as long as my pockets get filled” mentality. Just what XO needs!
Glad I got the hell out of there years ago…… Sounds like this place is a mess. Good luck to the gang.
Everyone should watch their backs, but sales should really. Mindy taking out a staff person she brought here is spineless. Lay your head on pillow Ms. Powers, the rest of us can. Oh and remember people show their true colors and strength when times are tough. You just sunk to Dove levels.
Its been nearly 4 years since this thread was created. You’re still all a bunch of wusses. If you’re posting these comments and you’re still at XO then you’re a wuss. If you’ve left XO then who cares ?
All these execs that you’re wining about – why are you letting them control your lives. Sounds like you’re trapped. All you need to do is walk out the door, flip them the bird then say hasta la vista ! Then forget about them and live your life.
I am going to make a prediction. Icahn is a very smart man. He is a poker player and a bit of a gambler. He knows how to calculate the odds. He knows how to intimidate, threaten and bluff and that makes him a good negotiator. He has accomplished what he has accomplished on his own without anybody’s help. You cannot take that away from him. Despite his success, he has NOT been a wall street insider, BUT HE MAY HAVE JUST BECOME ONE. If this is true, it could impact XO and the R2 lawsuit. All treasury secretaries for at least the last six presidents, both Republican and Democrat, have been Wall Street insiders from the SAME investment firm. Donald Trump is running as an anti-establishment candidate, and is gaining traction. The presidency appears to be his to loose. Carl Icahn is street smart. He has to understand that he would not survive a Senate Confirmation hearing as Donald Trump’s nominee being a Wall Street outsider and that is why he quickly turned it down. He has a big ego but he is not stupid. He correctly, obviously, did not want to go anywhere near that fight. He turned it down because he knows how things work. But then something weird happened. After a while, he changed his mind, and said, yes, he would like to be Trump’s Treasury Secretary. Think about it, the only logical explanation why he would do that, is that insiders came to him and talked him into it, and in the process he he agreed to be an insider. He negotiated with them and they with him. They probably think he is the best they can hope for. Being the leading possible next Treasury Secretary, right now, in New York City, opens doors, and gives him influence, clout and prestige, and leverage he can use right now. I predict that R2 is about to be severely audited by the IRS and the SEC and who knows what. And I predict that things have just gotten an order of magnitude more intense and serious at XO. Until something happens or changes, Icahn is going to keep the same course but there is more at stake and more insanity to follow. Have a nice day.
You are absolute torture to read. Talking to you must make people’s skin chafe.
And you, Sir, must be a masochist as that is the only type of person who would choose to spend the time to read something they find torturous.
You might look in the mirror. Should you do so, you might discover how it’s you make other people’s skin chafe and your projecting that disowned characteristic onto someone else due to your inability to consciously own it yourself.
BTW, this reply was also intended to be torturous. If you read it and you felt tortured, consider me the sadist to your masochist! 🙂
If NimbleTech got paid by the word, he’d be right up there with Icahn and Trump. It’s speculation and conjecture by and for idiots. Period. Use your internet time for porn boys. That stuff always pays off.
Are you kidding???? Trump isn’t going anywhere. He will have enough support to play in the early primaries but he has effectively hit a ceiling. Why in the world would the IRS and the SEC go after R2. Obama hasn’t liked Trump since he stole Obama’s lunch money when they went to middle school together in Kenya. If anything, you will see Icahn pay a price for his relationship with Trump. Once they start dumping on Trump some of it will spill over on his buddies. Look for the Dump on Trump program to begin after Labor Day.
Tell that to the 30k that showed up for last event. He beat Sanders by 2,000 . Think again TRUMP 2016.
Some of us are completely comfortable with our inner masochistic child. So keep up your sadistic (i.e. torturous) writing so we can keep getting our jollys!
You’re engaging in some pretty long odds speculation. Thanks to Icahn’s narcissistic superiority complex, he’s still hedging his bets and “waiting for my luck to turn”. He’s lived his whole life that way. I don’t see him changing that right now. And he is STILL not believing he’s going to lose. Until he believes he’s going to lose, he has not reason to be concerned or spend time and energy chasing down highly speculative political chaotic nonsense.
If Icahn’s concerned, it has remained strictly a ROI evaluation. He STILL thinks he can buy himself out of any turn this takes and is counting on his legal team to have written contracts to protect him from this taking a criminal liability turn. And the general climate currently favors the way he is speculating…unless something surprising surfaces headed or during the jury trial itself.
Again, please keep posting and speculating. At least we can know that both his team and R2 are mining this to try and find any sort of leverage they can as they fight this lawsuit to the “death”.
It seems like it has been forever since XO ruled the Ramblings message board.
I appreciate the perspective and opinion that people who post here are “wusses”. I have a different perspective though. I think that they are people who care, whether current or former employees about the place that they worked/work for years, and hate seeing it mired in failure, and driven into the ground by people who clearly only care about themselves. They come here because going to HR, or the Ethics Hotline is a joke. Anything you tell these people gets discussed immediately with your name attached in groups. So in the absence of being able to speak out publicly about what’s wrong without fear of retribution, this forum serves as a place for them to vent. Can some of the posts be more professional and less personal at times, sure. But when people stop posting here XO is really done, because that means that nobody who cares is left.
Has anyone in this company been disciplined or fired due to an ethics investigation? Can anyone name anyone? I complained about a former Director in Chicago years ago through the ethics hotline and zip was done about it. I wish someone from the outside would come in an investigate HR, who has been in Icahn’s back pocket for years.
This Wuss gave up, finally left and nothing has felt better since i started with XO 5 years ago! I recommend anyone still there do the same. With every new executive and reorg, I would think, ‘ok, this has to get better’, and each time I was wrong again. I’m taking my life back to a more positive place, it feels good. I have 27 years in telecom and for anyone who hasn’t been elsewhere, don’t believe, ‘it’s the same everywhere’, because it’s not! The sales made don’t make money, a large percent get cancelled. Anyone who thinks this is a growth company, you’re fooled and have drank the kool-aid. Some of my worse Directors and VPs over the years certainly have been at XO. Good luck to those still there, you’re going to need it!
Where’s the little director in the East? Heard he recast lots of his B.S and the AM team is afraid of him lmfao…….. Recast may be over his head.
Heard that Bud Gibson was named VP of Service Delivery, proving once again that A.) these people are out of ideas and have NOBODY left that would consider following them, and B.) that the mere act of hanging in there for 20 years until everyone else leaves can work as a career strategy. Well done Bud. He should have no problem manipulating reports and spinning off numbers to prove that he’s installing the absolute highest amount of the backlog that Mindy hasn’t given him to work. All kidding aside, let’s all be glad that they didn’t promote Coon. She’s not a good person.
Give him some credit for getting knocked down once before from VP to Senior Manager, then working his way back up. Most people wouldn’t survive that sort of ego bruise. Not the best choice in the world, but likely the best choice given what XO had to choose from internally. It actually works to XO’s advantage that nobody from Qwest/Centurylink will follow these yahoos anymore, as it’s a clear indicator that even their cronies know that they are failing and likely short timers. Good luck Bud.
If you have worked with Bud and depended on him you would know and admit that he is good at that job. He was always responsive, polite and he knew how to get things done. I worked with him on many occasions and had absolutely no complaints. He does not take himself as seriously as many who would been crushed by a demotion. Lighten up on those who have been loyal to XO.
Wow, good that people started talking about other areas than Sales….so Finance, the current CAO is such a joke! Not a good leader. Everyone who works under him, hates him! He throws people under the bus, stabs in employees’ backs, and sets up employees against each other. Teamwork, trust and truth do not exist in his vocabulary. I don’t think I ever heard “thank you for your hard work” out of his mouth. His attitude seems to me “everything is wrong and needs to be fixed by me”. Wow, laying off people who worked in finance for years and pointing fingers at them for everything that is wrong – of course is easier than working together as a team and “fixing the problems”. He set up on hiring new directors who has to deal again with limited resources, constant changing priorities, and not enough time to handle all the problems at the same time. Hope the new cfo sees straight through this, and make some changes soon! If not, God, please give us strength!
it’s about time someone put a spotlight on that idiot.even before the new management people in his department as well as others regarded him as an asshole.
Absolutely agree! Worst boss I have ever had.
oh yeah, you can see that well by at least one metrics – turn-over rate at his dept. the tax dept completely changed from when he started there. most of them in tax are all new, except 1 or 2 folks. if you haven’t noticed that, it looks like 1-2 years are the average span working for Bob….not a lot of people can tolerate him for a long period of time!
True, he is a joke. He can’t even answer any accounting related questions from the audit committee. Hopefully the new CFO will realize that he could save a lot of money by getting rid of him and replacing him with someone who knows what they are doing.
i second that too. he told that he could go on a street and find all of our replacements. great, thank you Bob for pointing at-will employment. what a great way to show how the leadership values current employees and improve morale! agree that HR and Ethics Hotline are useless…going to them does not stand a chance for the change.
Does Ethics even exist at XO?
OMG Not Bud Gibson!!! Whatever he says, Bud is not your bud. Mr. Reporting King. The reports will look great. Shine the report on everyone else but himself. He failed and was promptly removed before and now he’s back. Good luck everyone.
Bob has two lawsuits against him….Google his name both are from past XO employees and ethics investigations yet Ancel lets him run his accounting department. I’m sure bob’s knees must be sore.
Ethics?! what ethics?! ethics started from the tone-at-the top….what have we seen from the top?
Well, we can all see what sort of ethics exist at the bottom.
Heard that Mindy is at $500K in sales against an almost $900K commitment to the business which is well down from her plan number which is never even a number that’s discussed any longer. Today is the last day of the month, so she’s TANKING again! The fact that she still has a job indicates that she must have pictures of Ancell or something, as there’s no other plausible explanation for it.
Nobody on her team has any respect for her as a leader, or now as a human being after how she dirty deal’d Fisk. Nothing begins to be corrected or even stabilized until she’s gone. Enjoy watching the largest percentage of the company bleed out until you act Ancell.
Mindy came in at $680K, which when you back out her usual 20-30% fallout, is beyond a disgrace. The central used to do more than her on their own.
Hey, lighten up! Maybe it is like buying a sick cow. If customers keep up with industry press and Telecom Ramblings, they would be reckless to purchase anything from XO.
Mindy has her newly renovated team in Herndon this week. If getting together live and expending travel budget was the path to fixing things, this lady would run the tightest ship in telecom. She’s just a wasteful retard.
Mindy just seen leaving Herndon crying. Something is up.
Maybe she finally got canned.
Maybe she just got around to reading these threads again and forgot to turn on her depersonalizer, first.
Her and Love Dove are both rumored to be out. If true, it feels like Christmas.
Powers is out.
Hopefully her in flight movie is a comedy. Something to perk her up from all of the crying. Pretty classy move by Ancell to fire her while in Virginia at her own team meeting. That guy is a complete POS.
Could her firing technically be classified as a “Powers outage”?
That comment is F’ing GREAT, and the answer is YES!
Love Dove is out as well.
Heard that Ancell seemed weepy around Herndon as well. Apparently Neil Sedaka was right, and breaking up is hard to do. I’m assuming that this was all the Boards call, as this guy wouldn’t have the stones to fire anyone but strangers unless his ass was personally on the line. You’re next Chris.
It took me a while, but I got rid of both Mindy and the Love Dove. To tie back into an earlier Godfather reference here, “they both now sleep with the Fisk’es”. I won’t be taking any firing requests for a while, but rest assured that I’ve got Ancell where I want him, which is on a very short leash.
i wish this site had a “like” button!
I’d have paid money to see Love Dove walked out. I hope that she was both shocked and devastated. She likely wasn’t as bad at her job as she is at being a person. Later!!!!!!!
pics or it didn’t happen
Hey are you both celebrating tonight with that old vintage bottle of champagne from last year? I bet a lot of people at XO are celebrating and handing out some of their own bottles today now that you are gone!! Cheers!! How does it feel?
That is great. Apparently karma is real. I hope that champagne is as bitter as Dove’s face, and as full bodied as Mindy’s mullet. Enjoy it losers. I’m sure that today’s moves “were necessary to move the business forward” as well. I’m glad that story got out. Two complete subpar humans who also sucked at their jobs.
It’s really hard to decide whether I am happier that Mindy got fired, or that Dive got fired. Suffice to say that I’m just really HAPPY. Just a shame that Mindy was still able to impact the org just weeks before getting what she should have gotten months ago. Now we’re stuck with her stupid org decisions. At least for now anyway.
The board just sent Ancell a less than subtle message; you’re next.
Getting rid of his BFFs, Mindy and Love Dove, puts him in an extremely uncomfortable position especially after his handpicked CFO just left him. His clock is ticking. He has to tread water on his own now without his ladies.
Firing your girlfriend has to be rough. #prayersforchris
Karma is everything F- MINDY…… She has really f up a lot of peoples life’s and is getting what she deserves. The other to Sales VP’s are next.
Quine for sure. She is useless.
Hey, if Dove is gone, does that mean that all of our organizations’ effectiveness is gone too?????? Hopefully folks took notes while watching this rare telecom maestro…..
Bravo! Thank you for the entertainment. I just found this today and I’ve spent much of the day reading these comments and they are pretty spot on. The assessment of Ancell and Dove are spot on. Ancell was a lousy sales VP and was way in over his head at that level at Qwest. When he was promoted to SVP when most of us expected to see him fired was quite a shock.
Good luck. Keep the comments coming!
Move on.
Some of us are still here waiting for Chris to leave so we can get back to a life Suzanne, but thanks for stopping by with a late night bitter & drunk post.
So who’s next is this P.O.S Company?
Taff and some IT/PMO management would be my guess. Group has been in steady decline for well over a year.
The next level of incompetent sales executives? Clean house and reset.
Glad that someone referenced the Mindy and Love Dove wine/champagne bottle story after leadership changes were made. Acting as if they had reason to celebrate after tenured folks lost jobs showed how truly soulless and classless both of these asshats were. Enjoy unemployment, and the completely damaged reputations you both have in the industry. Both were well earned.
It must be official. They have both been removed from the XO web page.
Ancell sent the org announcement and told Mindy’s team of directs with Mindy in the room basically holding back tears. He’s a classy guy. He can’t even fire people correctly. He’s a royal douche.
I bet Ancell doesn’t last six months. Someone should start a pool on his departure date.
6 months is a total stretch. Bet the under in that pool. He has been 100% emasculated by Icahn here, and Wahl. The fact that he stayed through this and didn’t go out with his team via resignation tells you all that you need to know about this guy. Enjoy the end of your XO reign Chris, because we most certainly will.
Wahl is more powerful than people give him credit for. He was the one that unwound things for ancell …. first emasculate him by forcing him to fire his peeps then get him fired. payback is a burn … enjoy the show. its about to get real.
After he is gone too can we finally get rid of this ugly cyber bullying thread? Will it be out of your systems by then?
no. there are still more turds in this punch bowl of a company that need to taken care of.
They’re also about to go through more layoffs, as Suzanne Dove apparently confided in folks (while completely full of shit mind you) that she was completely fine with being taken out, as it “saved jobs”. She likes to pretend at times as if she cares about anything but herself. Layoffs always create new people to hate and blame.
Ancel’s last task (to attempt to ensure his Icahn bonus) will be to get the layoffs started, and then to resign. That way, having his been the person making the call will supposedly removes as much “blame” from the next Icahn interim-CEO as is possible. Honestly, there cannot be ANYTHING enjoyable about Ancel’s position from the day he started until he finally resigns. I wouldn’t be surprised to find him writing (anonymously) on here at some point, LOL!
He is already writing here. He is NimbleTech.
LMAO! You wish.
Bullying? seriously? its the truth. The guy is politically powerful. No bullying there. You hide behind the bullying comment for reason other than you are a weak, incompetent, inept turd.
The shit you people have said about the two women in particular is unconscionable, and it kept going well after Rob asked you to chill.
Can you provide a list of the unconscionable things that have been said about these two women please?
They were doing a good job?
LMAO! That’s a pretty henious claim given their reputation on this forum.
Not a chance. You can get rid of this thread right after you figure out how to get rid of Donald Trump. Whatever is effective at killing the drama machine that is Donald Trump is likely to be just as effective at killing the drama machine that is this thread.
I think that this “forum” is very interesting. It’s turned into an XO employee comments/suggestions medium, quite possibly because of a cancerous environment or culture within the leadership that does not welcome feedback or criticism. Unfortunately people can go too far and start to personally attack individuals such as Ancell on his weight and Mindy on her hair. There is so much legitimate criticism of Ancell’s lack of leadership it’s cheapened when people get personal.
I’ve never worked at XO but I know these players. Ancell is out of his league and Dove is a snake. That’s a consistent opinion on those two. However Mindy is actually a very smart and capable person and cares deeply about people. I’ve known her for years. Who knows why she didn’t do well at XO? I guess if you take an otherwise good person and put them in an impossible situation they will fail. She’s above all else a sales person and I know a lot of great sales people that know and respect her. If she was doing a lot of crap with “energy circles” and reports she was being pushed to do it. She was doing her job. All the crap I’ve read here about Mindy and what Mindy was doing sounds like Dove to me. The head of the snake is Ancell/Dove. Anyone else’s actions were just people going along doing what they were told. Just my opinion.
I do find some of the personal insults going beyond the pale. It’s sufficient to just state the truth with what they say and how they behave. That speaks volumes already. Spiteful attempts to make it personal devalue the post (and poster) more than it devalues Ancel, Dove or Mindy.
Well said.
I agree on Mindy being the best of the bunch, but that’s kind of like being # 1 in your class during summer school. She was incompetent and failing, yet refused to listen to anyone who was trying to help her. She thought that she had all of the answers and wasn’t even close. It becomes personal for some after its apparent that something should be happening and isn’t for a long period of time due to nepotism.
Mindy, stop posting positive messages about yourself. Mindy may have been good at sales but that doesn’t translate to knowing how so develop a sales strategy that is successful. Selling (shooting fish in a barrel) at an RBOC doesn’t translate to selling at an “also ran” ILEC. She never took one second to learn about who she was going to work for, what the challenges were and how to attack the market. She assumed that cadence and micro-management of people would work at XO, like babysitting order takers that are Qwest sales people works anywhere. Anyone can sell when you’re the default provider. Mindy refused to adapt. And she didn’t care about people.
Carl Icahn is a very good negotiator. He finds ruthless ambitious people who are in over their heads and are not as smart as they pretend to be. He has a lot of fun with them. He does not pay them very much but offers each an office, a title, and significant bonus if they perform. He then gets them to commit to impossible goals without giving them the meaningful financial support they need to achieve them. So everyone is running around with their “hair on fire” trying to make their commitments at every body else s expense. They are trying to squeeze every drop of performance out of their direct reports. They often do much better than could be expected under the circumstances, but they never come up to his impossible demands. The company advances on the cheap. Carl Icahn pretends to be unhappy with the outcome. Eventually he fires them, often without paying the bonus. He then moves on to the next sucker. This bonus system is what makes it so dysfunctional to work here. And it is why there have been so many desperate, irrational lay offs. Carl Icahn may think he has gotten somewhere, but his company is teetering on the edge of a cliff. Factor in all he has done to us to posture XO for the R2 lawsuit, and we enter into Alice in Wonderland territory. But at my level, it is just a job that has good days and bad days. I have been looking for a job elsewhere. It is very hard to find a job that pays as well. I want to get out of here. I wish I could get out of here. The terrible economy is why XO still exists. If Donald Trump succeeds at “making America Great Again” XO could disappear rather quickly. How ironic.
While I followed you on the Icahn comments, you lost me at the “The terrible economy…” assertion. By many measurements, the economy isn’t even close to terrible. 2009/Jun, that was a terrible economy. While there is certainly economic instability and even anxiety right now, it pales to insignificance compared to any time in 2009.
As to Donald Trump following through with his campaign assertion; I find it very difficult to believe he will do that any better than he has done in either his personal or professional life. IOW, he leaves a long and very vocal trail of failures, bankruptcies and failed propaganda (personal and corporate). If he gets anywhere NEAR the White House, it will only be a short time before you could validly make a claim about “The terrible economy…” and have me buy it.
XO has been in the dumps for years. I’ve watched them fail year after year for nearly a decade. My advice to anyone working there is to go work for a telecom company that actually gets things done because you deserve better! Every deal I go up against XO on, is an instant win. Keep up the good work XO, you’re lining my pockets…..
Anybody left working at XO is doing so because they don’t have to work hard. They can collect a paycheck without scrutiny, objectives or responsibilities. Or, they’re not worth being hired elsewhere.
YIPEE Mindy that bitch is gone!!!!!! Who’s next?
Haven’t checked in on this thread in a while. Have Grivner and Wagner right-sided the ship yet?
Amazing how much of what gets said here, and railed about on here actually ends up being the truth and/or happening. Well, I guess it’s not that amazing when half of the comments are from current members of the leadership team who absolutely hate Ancell and most of the people that he brought with him. Lucero is OK though, and if I’m that guy, I go back to my porch and start sipping iced tea again real soon, because he doesn’t need this place.
Icahn’s filings in the shareholder lawsuit are becoming noticeably more sarcastic and shrill. His balls must be getting squeezed.
I sure hope it’s true. It makes me happy if he’s squirming even the slightest bit about XO. I’m SO hoping to see Karma beeotch slap him on his rearend.
Hear Grivner and Toplisek are heading back to rescue this thing. More to follow.
There’s been WAY too much damage, technologically and moral-wise, now. Unless, Grivner is bringing a HUGE amount of money (on the order of several billion, as in “B”) with him, he’s dead in the water.
To attract back sufficient talent to get just Network Engineering and IT back into a state which could support a rejuvenated sales/marketing focus, a huge amount of cash up front will be required to overcome XO’s reputation on places like Glassdoor (which is where *real* talent does their homework making risk assessments about where to choose to work next). So, to get serious talent interested in taking the extraordinarily high risk on the extraordinarily bad reputation XO has created, nothing but cash is going to create any sort of real change.
I’m sure Icahn, and probably Grivner, are cluess about this, but…techies have been calling their own shots for the last 24 months. And sans a catastrophic financial market event, it’s not going to change anytime soon.
If he is bring Grivner back it certainly is a coincidence that the shareholders lawsuit trial begins October 19th. Icahn needs Grivner to lie for him at the trial.
Toplisek just got his walking papers….and a huge package for doing a lousy job. The Global Crossing Exec team…(which Toplisek was part of) that took over Xo was hated just as much as Ancel, Mindy and Co. Toplisek is another telco retread, amazing how these guys continue to get hired anywhere. The GC Exec team put the stake in Xo years ago, Ancel and crew were put in charge of a dead carcass.
So Toplisek messed up at EarthLink. It must make him all the more attractive to Icahn.
Whats up with D.S? Wonder why he made the cuts so far?
D.S.? He is staying afloat with his NAS team. The rest are backstabbers, dishonest.
Light Reading published an article on Ancell yesterday. This could be the funniest quote I’ve ever read.
Ancell has been on the front lines with XO for just over a year and a half, during which time he’s increased the company’s growth, and also driven its transformation into a nationwide provider of advanced IP communications services.
Hysterical, especially when you consider how emasculated he has been, first by Wahl, and now by Icahn after being forced to send his chick posse home. Not familiar with “Light Reading”, but it evidently writes about industry “lightweights” who have just been officially put on “light duty”. What a joke!!!!!!
So you work at XO in telecom, and you are not familiar with Light Reading?
Quality workforce you got there
Maybe someone just really wanted to use the word “light” a bunch of times to make their joke slightly more effective.
Icahn’s lawyers are looking even more desperate in the shareholders lawsuit that goes to trial next month. They recently announced the wanted to bring in two new witnesses 2 years after depositions were closed and to testify about matters they previously refused to give information about. Looks like Icahn’s lawyers work about as well as Icahn’s XO Communications. This is becoming a real clown show.
Icahn’s lawyer appears to be worse at practicing law than he is at making low budget films.
The witnesses Icahn and his lawyer want to now include are Laura Thomas and Robert Burkett. They want Burkett to testify regarding over stated accounts receivables from 2008-2014 and Thomas to testify about Icahn’s efforts to sell XO in 2012 to Level 3, Frontier, and Windstream. The shareholders lawsuit is about events and manipulations that occurred from 2008 to 2011. None of this information is relevant to or part of the lawsuit. It is hard to imagine that it will admissible as the XO BOD Special Committee completed its screwing of the shareholders in 2011. What relevance do revisions made in 2014 to reported 2008-11 receivables have? What relevance does any attempt to sell XO after 2011 have? The only relevant information is the information the Special Committee used before selling 100% of XO to Icahn and the manipulations they and Icahn engaged in prior to the 2011 sale. You have to wonder what they are smoking over there.
If you want to look for ulterior motive in bringing Grivner back the testimony Icahn desperately needs from Grivner is to retract or explain why the memo he wrote at the height of the stock price manipulation is wrong. In the memo Grivner stated: “If you read the Preferred Stock Agreement and understand the tax issues, there is significant reason for keeping the stock below $2 for as long as possible.”
Frieberg backed him up with a spreadsheet where he says “I put this model together to show the impact of the XO stock price going up against the % Value Voting that Icahn affiliates have in XO. The key point here is for Icahn to maintain at least 80% in order to keep the ability to consolidate NOLs…..Below 1.55 per share, Icahn is at 80 or more. If the XO stock price goes above that, the potentially you lose the ability to consolidate NOLs.”
But perjury is a serious crime and convincingly retracting the statements will be difficult to say the least.
Windstream adopts shareholder plan to protect tax benefit
By Chelsey Dulaney
Windstream Holdings Inc. said Friday that it has adopted a shareholder rights plan meant to protect a tax benefit if a shareholder takes a big stake in the company.
Windstream (WIN) , which provides cloud computing, broadboad and voice services, said it has more than $1.2 billion in net operating loss carryforwards, or NOLs, which a company can use to reduce its federal income taxes.
Windstream said its ability to use the NOLs would be limited if a shareholder holding a stake of at least 5% increased its holdings by more than 50% during a three-year period, which would constitute a technical ownership change.
Under the plan, Windstream shareholders would receive a right to buy a preferred share for each common share held if a person or group takes a 4.9% in the company. The rights plan is meant to significantly dilute the value and voting power of the company’s shares.
Windstream noted that the plan isn’t a takeover defense, and said it has a plan in place to exempt certain stock purchases.
An expanded version of this report appears at (
-Chelsey Dulaney ; 415-439-6400;
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
September 18, 2015 10:33 ET (14:33 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Don’t think hes coming back!
Effective 1 May 2015, Mr Grivner will join the Executive Committee of Colt and will lead Colt’s Network Services business, which provides data connectivity services to businesses and wholesale carriers across Europe, Asia and North America.
Awesome week for xo!
Anyone want to be a circuit designer III at the Wyomissing office, there is a job listing on
Rumor has it that layoffs are supposed to take place in October. Does anyone know when and which departments will be hit. It’s not like any departments can afford losing people however this is XO and if they need to books to look good they will do layoffs and rehire in the summer.
October is a bad month if you work at XO. I was laid off October 20, 2011.
As in, when this blog post, now with 2,682 comments attached to it, was written?
I am Christabella, i am using this medium as a means to share my
testimony and give a lasting solution to those of us who are really in
need of financial aid, This is a must read.
I was so confused and into severe poverty about a month ago. I was
just going through some blog online when I met a testimony of this
BLANK ATM CARD made by STAR TECH of email I contacted that very address
and I got one at an imaginable rate.(compared to what the card
carries,the rate is minimal) At first I thought,it was gonna be some
scam or something. But when I got the card I could get nothing less
that $10,000 in a day. (Ten thousand usd). Here is the testimony I
saw; “Its the programmed ATM card that can hack into all ATM machines.
Its works with any currency and in any country where you might be
living. Its is programmed in a way that when transaction is carried
out with the card ,it can’t be traced. To make use of this card ,you
need no account number or even pin of anyone. Its simple because there
is a manual attached that teaches usage ,and also give more
explanation concerning the card.” So friends,its a new year and a new
beginning. If you need funds to start up some business,pay up bills
and loans or money to live a good life? Then you have got to make this
opportunity yours. Though is illegal as you and I know ,but since
government can’t satisfy my whole needs, I have to do what I have to
do,to get what I want and for my family to be happy..Though this post
is not for everybody,but for those who truly need change from a poor
state to a wealthy life. The email address once more is Much love From Christabella.
Ah, Christabella. I’m so glad you had the courage to post here. I am in great need of some illegal assistance right now. My legal assistance has been letting me down as of late. Seems I can’t buy good help these days. So, I am very pleased to hear you are offering some bad help. Perhaps that will get me out of the huge mess I have created for myself. And the idea of being able to just go to any ATM and get $10,000 at any time makes me weak in the knees. I used to be able to do that. But since the oil futures market tanked, and Wall Street is giving me the stink eye and the Feds are trying to find a way to pin criminal charges on me, I’ve had a rough couple of years and could use some of those $10,000 withdrawals. I especially love how your ATM card is able to bypass the typical $400 limit per 24 hours placed on ATM machines. Whoohoo!
Again, thank you SO much for sharing this awesome bad opportunity. I can’t wait to give you some Icahn love, if and/or when I meet you in person.
Thank you Christabella…great post.
These ATM transactions are paid for through a fund called Access Recovery Charge. Any shortfall is paid for via a program called NRI.
Supposedly the Icahn team reads this blog, or at least entertains hearing about certain posts from specific people (Wahl) who call their attention to them. This site was also more than just slightly instrumental in getting rid of Love Dove and Mindy. We should all take pride in that. Apparently when they saw how universally hated and lacking in even the most basic of human respect both were, they forced Ancell’s hand. I’m sure that Mindy’s numbers didn’t help, or the fact that every time Love Dove’s name came up Icahn had to ask “what does that gal do again” had to be asked again. But aside from their obvious failures, the constant re-enforcing of said failures here helped. We did solid work, and I’m proud of each and every one of you sons of bitches. Well done. Who is next now? Navid & Wilcox maybe?????
You seriously believe that the ichan team reads this? They have better things to do than read an anonymous blog. It’s been obvious over the years that they don’t give a rat’s butt about the people in the trenches or they would have done something about it. All that matters is the bottom line and keeping xo afloat long enough to keep it halfway attractive to sell. Beyond that, all employees, from top to bottom, are just insignificant cogs in a machine.
Icahn endorses Trump. This will mark the peak of Trump’s polling. Icahn knows as much about presidential politics as he does running a telecom.
Things seem to be circling the drain. Within the last 4 months XO has had a CFO resign, SVP of Enterprise Sales (Mindy) and SVP of Organizational Effectiveness (Suzanne) postions got canned, the CIO has been replaced, SVP of Human Resources (Debbie) resigned, and today we get the notification that Doug Hollcroft, VP of Wholesales services has resigned. I am sure I’ve missed some departures, but what organization can survive this pace of leadership exodus? A vacuum is developing. Chaos is already ensuing and it is widely becoming evident that morale is beyond rehabilitation. More departures can be expected, I’m sure–the Titanic has too many holes. A lot of the dialog as of late has focused on the external (lawsuit, etc.) or front end (sales) challenges. I’d be interested in hearing what everyone’s view is on a deeper analysis of the core. Certainly, if one were to do an autopsy of XO, there would be not only glaring leadership deficiencies, but also structural issues, incorrect strategy and mismanagement of human and capital resource issues as well. Marketing is also supposed to help drive sales. Poor marketing can contribute to how successful the sales channel can be? A cursory google search of “XO Communications”, after you get past its own Linked in, homepage, facebook entries still has the Forbes article about “How NOT To Handle A Crisis” front and center. Second page results include a 1 1/2 star rating link from the site and 130 complaints about XO Communications, a 1 star rating from entry, a 2 1/2 star rating on glassdoor entry, and a link to XO Communications outages and problems, a down detector of sorts…and that is just within the first 15 google results. Is marketing doing enough to foster a positive online image? If I were a business owner looking for service, I would definitely google a potential provider…and I’m not so sure I would be comfortable with what XO seems to provide. In fact, I would be scared as hell.
Hollcroft is a great guy, and the second guy in a row (Trent E. being the other) who left after being promoted to their current level under Ancell. So they were kind of “his guys”. Don and Debbie left without jobs, which is also fairly telling about how toxic the environment is there at XO. It’s a complete show of NO FAITH in this guy, or the direction of the company. Such a shame, but wish Doug well. Comcast grabbed a good one all around. For those who keep track of these things, XO now officially has more defectors than Cuba.
Word is out that when told that he was resigning Ancell basically begged him not to. Not because the companies’ future rested on Hollcroft riding out his leadership post over a declining wholesale business unit, but because Ancell’s career at XO when looked at as a 3-legged stool is basically now resting on nothing but the nub of the 3rd leg that Hollcroft just took out. He’s now as lame as a lame duck leader gets. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Should see the cardboard arriving in his office in no time, unless Wahl and Carl decide to make him stay for the fun of it.
The near future of XO DID rely on Hollcroft keeping stability in Wholesale. XO has nothing else. Hollcroft had already lost a few key reps, and my guess is he knew there would be more, and he knew he couldn’t replace the mind share of those who have been around and could get through the manual processes to get orders in, provisioned and through and outage or dispute. So, whether he liked Ancell or not, he had no choice but to leave, he could not succeed and carry the weight of what everyone expected Wholesale to deliver. His accounts are tapped and he knew, time to move to a growth company. Good Luck Doug!
Makes me smile to think of Ancell begging. That guy is an absolute horrible human being. It’s unfortunate that he happens to be a worse leader than he is a person.
Makes me laugh…..
How many direct reports does Ancell have now without being able to backfill defections, or board mandated firings? 50????
State of business is bad but the way they make it seems as if it’s ok is pure comedy. No sales leadership, deals aren’t closing due to high pricing. And pricing. O.M.G. After they let Ritzert go, the only one with any sense, the new guy Hubble. “The YES man” ain’t getting it done. Latest rumor on that team is another senior manager under him exiting. Can anyone confirm? No one left to make deals. LOL what kind of deal desk is that?
The one in access.
Check out this decision by the Delaware court. If this is at all persuasive, the end of the R2 litigation should be very near.
This case is a nice comparable. I think the XO shareholder case will benefit from it and the court judgment against Icahn will beat it and Icahn will be exposed for the fraud that he is.
I read the decision and it has many similarities to our case. I particularly got a laugh out of the judge saying that the controlling shareholder poisoned the process by saying he would not be a seller of his shares. This is a fundamental part of Icahn’s defense. He has a high mountain to climb in our case. The shareholder’s case against Icahn goes to trial on Monday. Icahn will surely lose this case and the shareholders, including the XO employees who held shares, will surely win and recover what the “great shareholder advocate” stole from us four years ago as the “advocate” will be exposed as the crook and fraud that he is.
A quick recap of the shareholders case against Carl Icahn, the self proclaimed “shareholder advocate”:
1. Icon refused to accept that the entire fairness doctrine applied even though his own advisers told him that it did.
2. Icon refused to allow a vote of minority shareholders. The reason? According to his OWN filings in court was that he would probably lose.
3. Icon refused to provide the BOD committee the value of the NOL’s to him. Thereby depriving the BOD committee of highly relevant information. A big process issue for him.
4. Icon said he was not willing to sell. Another process issue in and of itself.
5. Icon refused to shop the company around because he said he would never sell. A process issue.
6. His own CEO is on record saying it was important to keep the value of the stock down to benefit Icon. A fraud issue.
This is likely to be a historic outcome as the largest court award in a case of its type. And the great self proclaimed “shareholder advocate” will be forever known as a conniving scoundrel. I wonder what his bombastic sphincter ani of a lawyer is telling him now. ROTFLMAO
The tragedy is that in all his conniving and manipulation he has destroyed what was a promising company and cost many good people their jobs. I only wish that criminal charges arise out of this.
Keep us updated on the case and what you think the impact to the company will be
It will be interesting to see what the outcome of a judgement against Icahn will be but the truth is that every day you can see the impact he has had on XO. Just look at what he has done here, consider his shady reputation and ask yourself “If I were in the market for telecom services would I buy from Carl Icahn?” XO sales since he took it private gives you the collective answer of telecom managers. Sales will never improve as long as Icahn runs XO.
Icahn seems to be ashamed of what he has done with us. He never mentions us when he is bragging about all the companies he owns — never.
Thats because XO is a shitty, no name non entity. You guys continue to have a very inflated sense of how much your whining matters.
And another ICB pricing deal desk finance manager, whatever they are called, is leaving. When’s JH going ask the question, what is RH not doing right that the entire team is breaking up? Doesn’t this make 4 in 2 months for that team?
Any word on the next steps for the Love Dove and Mindy?
Any word on the trial?
I’m positively giddy the trial is imminent. It will finally end years of misusing/abusing the tax system by Icahn and his cronies. Whether he settles or ends up in the jury trial, he loses significant value, both financially and reputationally.
If anyone has a link to be able to follow the publicly available details of the trial as it starts and continues, there are many here who would sincerely appreciate it.
Keep in mind this is a bench trial not a jury trial. Icahn would be crucified in a jury trial.
Okay. I didn’t realize that. Any idea why it is a bench trial instead of one in front of a jury?
Icahn wanted to consolidate the plaintiffs plus he knows a jury would favor the plaintiff in a suit against him.
The trial began on Monday at 2:00 PM. It is a bench trial because the the two lawsuits had been combined. There was a motion to sever and the judge gave the plaintiffs a choice of severing the lawsuits or trying them together in a bench trial because he thought together they were too complex for a jury. The plaintiffs chose to try them together in a bench trial because it is clearer to follow Icahn’s machinations to take the NOL’s for himself. The trial will run for at least one week and, more probably, two weeks or more. You can follow the trial to some extent at the nycourts website but I suspect that not much info will show up there until the trial is over. It will probably be some time from the time the trial ends to the issuing of a judgement. The stakes are high and the judge will want to be sure he is correct in his decision. That means reading all the precedents submitted by the parties, the depositions submitted by the parties, considering the evidence, and ruling on pending objections. No simple task.
Carl Icahn has been investing the money he saved from taxes. The XO NOL’s have let him keep a significant amount of money which he has invested. This has been going on for more than eight years. Suppose he ultimately has to give back say 20% of the NOLs he has taken. Well, he has had the use of that 20% for eight years. It has been like an interest free loan. He has been getting a 30% return per year. The longer this case is drawn out, the more money he makes. In his mind, and this is something he himself has said, making money is winning. I don’t expect this case to end anytime soon. It is like he has been gaming the legal system. It’s like he’s shorting the legal system. What he has done to us at XO to posture for this trial is horrible and wrong. But now he is in a new situation where neither he nor Donald Trump can afford for this to be blown up onto the front pages of all the newspapers and TV News as a scandal. Before he didn’t care. Now he is vulnerable. Furthermore, if someone on his side says something stupid under cross examination, then a criminal referral is possible. He now has political enemies where he did not have them before. I think his game plan has been to carefully drag this trial out for as long as he possibly can and then settle out of court at the last minute. That is, assuming R2 will go along with it. If he can make continuing the trial very expensive for them, then maybe he can get them to negotiate a settlement. There are a lot of moving parts. There is a lot that can go wrong. This could become for him the perfect storm. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is keeping him awake at night. If it isn’t, it should.
Nimble – again, you are insufferable.
“Carl Icahn has been investing the money he saved from taxes…have let him keep a significant amount of money which he has invested.”
Groundbreaking analysis.
I think that he and Trump are afraid of facing He-Man or Skeletor’s cross examination. Your penchant for dramatic retelling of other’s informed posts is the stuff of legends.
Mindy is sniffing around the Comcast Org.
hi am here to share my real TESTIMONY ..
my name is sandra am here to share my testimony by usmanhubar spell temple
I was heartbroken that my boyfriend decided to leave the relationship, so I had the Retrieve A Lover spell cast. Within a week of the spell casting, he called “just to talk.” After some pleasant talks and catching up, he asked to see me again thank very much go ive you more piwer to help more ibn life email..usmanritualist@gmail.
The trial continues. The trial has been running half days so there will probably be at least another week of trial.
Are you sick? Have you been battling with strange and funny illnesses? Are you in a situation whereby the doctors have done necessary tests and said there isn’t anything wrong with you? … These were all my stories until I met with a total cure for them all… His name is Dr. Payo Shalo says my mom… I was almost at the point of death. It was that serious that I was just placed on life support even as the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me. My mom just came to my hospital bed one morning and said she had found a solution to all of my sufferings (because that was what I referred to the situation I was in then)… She said she was going through the internet and she came across some testimonies of how some people who had similar cases as mine were all cured off their illnesses through the power of this voodoo man. Without hesitation, I told her to contact the man, Which she did and she went on with the procedures as instructed her by this voodoo man (these procedures, I wasn’t aware of because I was in a really bad shape then, And whenever I asked my mom she would say I shouldn’t bother myself about that…that it was something she could handle). Not to bore you readers with too much of my story, in seven days from that day my mom told me about the voodoo man, I was cured off this killer disease that was at the verge of taking my life. Want to share your testimony like me? Contact the voodoo man on his direct email address… payospiritsshalospells’’AT’’yahoo’’DOT’’com (rewrite the email in its right form)… I AM NOW A HAPPY AND HEALTHY YOUNG MAN ONCE AGAIN…THANKS TO DR. PAYO SHALO
Icahn initiated a superpac and Trump calls for the end of superpacs. Pretty soon Ican will lose a shareholder lawsuit and the headlines will be Trump Treasury Nominee Robbed Shareholders. Trump is probably wishing he had never mentioned Icahn.
When scheduling the shareholder case against Icahn the judge set aside one week of full day trial or two weeks of half day trial beginning October 19. According to the NY Courts website there has been half day trial on October 19, 20, 21, and 26. This is very odd since there is a mountain of material in a very complex case. I bet there are settlement discussions going on.
Remember Icahn, undoubtedly spurred on by that supercilious sphincter ani he has for an attorney, has dug himself into a very deep hole. Icahn thought he was being clever by maintaining that since he wasn’t a seller the NOL’s had value to him only and no one else since he wouldn’t sell. In the Dole case that someone else posted this was precisely the position that Dole Food CEO David Murdock took that the judge in that case said poisoned the process. Icahn’s lame attempt to introduce testimony regarding alleged attempts to sell a year or two later after he used the NOL’s is laughable.
Icahn has the additional problem of his CEO Grivner, in an e-mail, that it was good for Icahn to keep the value of the stock below $1.50 per share. Subsequently claiming he misunderstood just doesn’t pass the smell test. In court he would have alot of explaining to do. Why did he write the e-mail? Where did he get the idea? Was the big boss concerned about the share price? etc, etc,……
So I am speculating there is a settlement in the offing. The value of the NOL’s has been estimated to be between $3 and $9 per share. The value can be easily ascertained from Icahn’s tax records where you may be sure he squeezed them for every penny they were worth. So far he has refused to provide them but the judge will undoubtedly order them to be produced. There may also be the difference between what Icahn paid for the shares and the value at the time less the value of the NOL’s. My own estimate is that this is, at best, 80 cents per share. Plus there are court costs and attorneys fees to be considered.
I could be wrong but I think a settlement is being discussed. Frankly, I would rather the case be decided by the court and Icahn, the self-proclaimed Great Shareholder Advocate, receives a judgement against him and everyone will see what a fraud he is. Also, I would happily take less if somehow this were to lead to a criminal trial and Icahn were to get jail time.
Maybe Trump could go into the private prison business so his buddy Carl gets a nice cell and doesn’t have Bubba (aka Horny Dog) for a cellmate.
According to the NYCourts website there was no trial in the shareholders lawsuit this week other than an appearance on Monday the 26th which was not annotated as “trial”. This past week had been previously scheduled for half day trial. It is obvious there is something in the wind. What that would be is settlement negotiations. A settlement would be good but I would prefer a formal judgement against Icahn. He has fooled so many so long with the phony claim he is an advocate for shareholders. The public needs to know what a fraud he really is.
Agreed however when you have his scale and influence it’s difficult to expose his dark side to take him down.
Rob I have a hunch, as I’m sure you do as well, this story is about to explode. Guess it’d take over your landing page content.
BrianBoru thanks for your informative, and well explained posts during this journey.
Thank you. Here is another piece of irony to this travesty. In a way Icahn’s own stinginess provided some of the best evidence against him. The reason Grivner wrote the e-mail saying the company was being managed in a way so as to keep the stock price depressed rather than to increase the share price was that he was protesting stock options as compensation for executives plan. Because the executives were never making any money on the stock options the BOD was awarding them Griver wrote the e-mail to the chair of the BOD compensation committee (Shea) asking the BOD to compensate the executives in some other way since they were being ordered to run the company in such a way as to devalue the share price. Frieberg followed up with his even more explicit spreadsheet containing email. The essence of their message was we are keeping the share price down like you want us to but the compensation plan assumes that we manage in a way to increase shareholder value please do something to have our compensation reflect the directions you give us. It’s ironic isn’t it?
Thank you for your informative posts Brian! This is getting really interesting! There is a reason why Icahn has refused to provide his tax records. He has been cooking the books and writing off much more than what you would think – more than a million dollars a day. It is pretty obvious to the people below the people who are helping him. They see what’s is going on. It is not just fraud, it is colossal fraud. Besides defrauding the employees and shareholders, he has defrauded the government. And now he is negotiating to save his life, but he is negotiating with people who hate him and are more interested in revenge than money, except money is revenge. It is very hard to imagine what Icahn can say to them that will make any difference. They hold all the cards. If what he has done ever comes out in the open, Reuters and the AP will blow it up into Watergate scandal proportions and use it to try to bring Donald Trump down. Carl Icahn has to eat crow and give them whatever they want. Like I said, this is getting really interesting.
I wish I had said “in my humble opinion” rather than make it sound like it was a fact. Also, something may be barely technically legal, and seem highly unethical and smell fishy and in essence make you think he is cooking the books, but it would take an actual jury trial to sort out. I do suspect there is colossal fraud, but I do not know for a fact, nor am I qualified to have a technical opinion. Very intelligent, highly educated, highly paid, specialized lawyers would have to fight it out in court before we would know. But I still believe there is a reason why Carl Icahn has refused to turn over his tax returns. He is in a very complicated situation, to say the least.
I was able to do some checking and the odd court scheduling is NOT due to settlement talks. It is simply a result of a change in the court scheduling plan. The current plan seems to be to proceed with half day trial but the days will not be consecutive. It is anticipated the trial will run another three or four weeks.
I worked for a large Fitness Company which provided me with a good salary, a company car, laptop, mobile phone and a residence were i stay. All I had to do was work 7 days a week, 10 hours aday. The company was very ‘sales driven’ and as long as I created good ‘numbers’ nothing could happen to me. But making sales meant that the people who already joined our clubs didn’t get the attention they needed, and left. I preferred to embrace the existing members instead of the stress of gaining enough new members. To make a long story short, I wasn’t useful for the company anymore (although my clubs gained profit month after month) so I got kicked out of the company in a very bad way. They took the company car, laptop, mobile phone, and the residence. I thought to myself i am good at what i do any i can get a spot at another company but i was wrong every interview i went for all i heard them say was that i am too old to make the number of sales that will be required that they needed younger and vibrant person. They did not even give the chance to prove myself and calling me old , i am just 46 . I had my family to care for my part time work was not doing it for me i knew i needed a job with go pay it was the only way out of the mess i was in. I came across an article on the Internet were some one was talking about how he got the job he lost back and that a spell caster called Akpe Osilama helped them casted a spell that get him is job back. Honestly it sounded crazy to me and impossible because i did not even believe in all those kind of stuff. But things began to go bad i was always fighting with my wife over silly things and i was not getting call from any company no body wanted me. Out of desperation i contact the spell caster with hopes that some how some way i was going to get something out of it . I just want to say this, world is bigger that we all think there are forces and power we can not explain i say this because Akpe Osilama got me back my job and also made me the assistance sales manager of that same fitness Company that fired me. He did not ask me to pay anything for the spell he did for me which was surprising but he told me those who gave him the power did not ask anything of him so he is just trying to help helpless as much as he can. However i was to get some materials that was going to be used for spell but i asked him to get them for me with the total cost i sent to him because if i was to get them myself i would have broken some laws and gotten into trouble. Just after he finish the spell he sent me a package with instructions on how to use make it effective. Just after 24 hours the CEO of the company came personally to my house asking me to come and work for the company again and promising to increase my salary and making me the assistance sales manager. Just like that my life was back on track. Call me a fool or anything you please i do not regret contacting the spell caster for help my advice, do the same using this as contact medium { chiefpriestakpeosilamaspellcast at yahoo dot com } this is a spelled out email address convert to email address format. PLEASE ALL OUT THERE THAT WISH TO USE THE SERVICES OF THIS GREAT SPELL CASTER CALLED AKPE OSILAMA, BEWARE OF SOME PEOPLE THAT MIGHT COPY THIS COMMENT AND CHANGE JUST ONLY THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER AND HIS MAILING ADDRESS. AND ALSO READ CAREFULLY AND OBSERVE THE DATE IT WAS POSTED. BE ORIGINAL AND NOTE THAT THERE ARE SEVERAL PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT ARE NOT REAL SPELL CASTER APART FROM AKPE OSILAMA THAT HELPED ME, I CAN BOLDLY SAY THE REST ARE CON ARTIST AS IT WAS ONLY AKPE THAT HELPED ME. I AM TRYING TO EMPHASIS ON THIS BASE ON THE FACT THAT I DONT WANT YOU THAT NEED HELP TO FALL INTO THE WRONG HANDS. BE WISE !
This is BS take it somewhere else!!!!! Rob hard to believe this is appropriate for your blog or this string.
LOL, as opposed to the rest of the great, enlightening, and professional comments, you mean?
Maybe Mindy and Love Dove should use this guy!
Mark Saffell, Sales Development Director, and former VP of Sales Operations resigned and departed XO on Friday (11/6). The exodus continues… We may not see any corporate announcement as it is getting kind of embarrassing with all of the departures lately.
Saffell is a great loss, one of the best at XO, we will miss you. i can’t believe they did not do everything they can to keep him
There is a standing policy throughout XO to not attempt to counter-offer any employee who is departing for another opportunity. This is consistent with their attempting to keep the company from becoming dependent upon any particular employee resource. It is inconsistent with attracting and keeping top talent from a booming thriving market.
As has been pointed out here numerous times, XO stopped trying to pretend it was about making money or valuing its employees when Grivner left. Everything that happened after that has been an intentionally distracting side-show attempting to take the focus off of Carl Icahn’s clear intention to keep XO poorly performing to meet his own stock value manipulator needs.
XO is done.
Mark is a 1 of a kind talent. He has done every job at XO…sales coordination, sales engineering, product mgt, sales operations, and sales development. Whoever is adding him to their organization will be significantly better for it.
When asked about employee churn in an all hands in the first few months as CEO, Ancel said himself he was not concerned as it created opportunity for others. Phong said that as well when he first got to XO. Maybe they wanted certain folks to move on, but neither could have predicted how many would resign. XO has lost a lot of good employees in the past 12 months, good job leadership, way to motivate.
Anyone know where Saffell is going? I agree, he was one of the better assets at XO. We are experiencing what is referred to as “brain drain” in economics…where a lot of the skilled workers are leaving and not being replaced, or if they are it is not with commensurate talent. This inhibits growth, forces XO to continue to struggle, lowering revenue, and causing the chain reaction of further downsizing in the future….we are in a vicious cycle that has no good ending. Darker days are yet to come. Put on your seat belts and freshen your resumes…a bumpy ride is ahead.
Here is an update on the shareholders lawsuit against Icahn. Half day trial was held on the following days with the next appearance scheduled for a half day on November 12.
The trial has been put on hold until January. Icahn’s lawyer needs surgery.
I bet, Icahn probably took a chunk out of his ass,
Nah. It’s just another Icahn delay tactic.
Another sad day, pricing team is another member short and it’s starting to hurt us, sales folks. 3 weeks to get ICB pricing. That’s unheard of even if we gotta do a site survey. They are down to what 5 to support, BMS, National, Wholesale, OnNet and inside sales? Someone wake up JH, please. Something is not right. Keep it up, JM & AP will be next. We can’t loose all that knowledge. Any takers, I say first quarter they all out. RH prove me wrong and keep them happy so they will stay.
Wake up! Everyone is replaceable. Surely, you’ve heard that before!
Inside person claims that Mindy was not chosen for a RVP at Comcast.
Comcast probably didn’t hire Mindy because they read this blog.
Where is the Love Dove interviewing?
Myself and another ex XO employee are working together at another company and…KILLING OUR NUMBERS…it speaks to the horrible environment at XO in NYC, moron of a manger that has had 5 jobs in 5 years and a director who cant speak or spell proper English.
word has it Ancell got Dove a PMO job at Equinix, can anyone confirm
I work for Equinix and I sure hope not she is not listed in our address list.Someone please put feelers out before you make this mistake we all know each other in Denver!!
Icahn would have a heart attack if one of his companies did this….
You could show him the ghosts of Christmas past present and future and he still wouldnt give a fraction of what the CEO in that article gave.
Icahn figures the employees ought to pay him a Christmas tribute.
Anyone know how are sales? Who’s running the show now that Mindy project is gone?
OnNet is a major failure. The VP is flying his team all over the country for training they already attended, twice. But he has the keys to the kingdom and an open purse… Ichan would surely appreciate hearing that.
If they are wasting money it is because Icahn either owns the training vendor or the sites where the training is being conducted.
I am a little to the party, but let me get this straight: Nick in Chicago was canned, Dave in MI was canned and Karen in TN was canned, but that retarded corn pone in Minneapolis still has a job at XO??
The shareholders lawsuit against Icahn resumes trial on January 13.
Will Carl Grivner be testifying when the trial resumes? Are the odds in favor of a favorable outcome for R2?
R2 is one of many shareholders. It is the largest and, I think it is safe to say, if R2 were not involved Icahn would have gotten away with screwing all the rest of us. That would include the XO employees who also owned shares of XO. I think it is better to refer to this as the shareholders lawsuit otherwise you play into Icahn’s game of pretending this is just a game between two investors rather than a serious matter of egregious violations of securities law and fiduciary responsibility.
I think the odds favor the shareholders but than again I once thought Icahn was an honest man who had the best interests of shareholders at heart. You can read the complaint at NY Courts (6th amended complaint) and the response and form you own opinion. It is very interesting reading.
Best wishes.
Word is that Morgan, interim leader of wholesale called Ancell to give him a heads up that he’d be resigning over the holidays and never received a call back. Ancell keepin’ it classy as always.
Not shocking when you consider that when Morgan didn’t get the job because the Board said no, Ancell didn’t even call him, and had HR do it instead, and he was reporting to Chris at the time, and was the guy that he personally recommended for the job. This guy is a loser. He’s also a dead man walking there. Classless all the way.
Ancell is by far the worst CEO i have worked for in almost 25 years of a Telecom career.
Was wondering where Steve Taff was, so I did some research and found out that they severed him out of the business. They never even sent an email acknowledging that he left. These people sucking at their jobs is the least of what they suck at, as they suck at being humans first and foremost. it’s also quite clear that HR under Maureen has taken steps backwards, as Debbie would have never let someone at that level leave the business without classing it up a bit and sending a note. That is all. I now have to go back to the worst kickoff meeting in the history of kickoff meetings and listen to John Grady attempt to be funny as MC. Energy level = 0.
I found out today my favorite pricing manager has resign. :-(( She was my last hope to getting deals and pricing done even after loosing other great support staff and with the mass departure happening in the every group. This places sucks!!
It probably doesn’t help that their sales reps cannot create a coherent sentence or spell correctly.
How are XO sales these days?
Confirmed; Morgan interim leader of wholesale has left XO. Senior management continues to exit under the current leadership. What else is there to say….
The evidence incriminating Icahn continues to move outside of his reach with each long term employee’s departure. He might have been able to manage to keep a small number of former employees from “speaking against Icahn” per his carefully crafted employment agreements. However, there are many of us who are no longer bound by the agreement, or will outright ignore it knowing that he cannot possibly afford the high costs of attempting to litigate each employee individuals; a thousand cuts and all that. And we are able to talk willingly and openly about how he has mismanaged XO into the ground with seeming intention. The court case can only deteriorate for him over time. Lucky him. He gets to relive XO over and over again as there are now so many out for his scalp. I don’t think he anticipated this series of unraveling and compounding consequences.
I just heard the same about Steve Taff, so again with Morgan and now Taff, no notification. Looks like they don’t want the rest of XO to know because they’ll start looking. And if they do, they “will” find something better. This management team and Icahn doesn’t care about anyone at XO, just the dollar that is put in Icahn’s pocket.
Morgan left to become a sales manager at Fastly. So he stepped down a level to work at a place with upside, equity, etc. Good for him. I guess the last act of classlessness by Ancell not fighting for him, and then not calling him himself about not being promoted was the last straw. Everyone who isn’t content sitting still, and occasionally working for a company stuck between neutral and reverse should be looking constantly.
Any Update on the trial proceedings?
Trial was scheduled for January 13 and 14. The plaintiffs attorneys estimate that it will take another 4-5 full days to complete the trial. When trying to schedule dates with Icahn’s lawyer they were told he was now unavailable until May. They have asked the judge to set a full week in May to finish up. I can’t believe the judge would be happy about Icahn’s lawyers availability so maybe he will schedule earlier trial dates. Will post as i learn more.
Thank you for the update.
The judge apparently scheduled five full trial days for February.
Ring side seats for me!
We can’t be too far away from a decision. Waiting for the headline “Trump Billionaire Buddy Schlonged Shareholders”.
Is the SE still selling the big account in Tampa and DC ?
Which big account that be?
Some of you may have noticed that Toke Vandervoort, XO’s Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, left just last month, after 15 years, to go work for UnderArmour. She stated to a few before leaving that “the doors are falling off” at XO. Now if legal counsel who sees virtually everything transiting the company at the highest levels is saying this, some gravity must be added to her statement. Her LinkedIn profile:
She was pretty invested in the hand off to others folks in legal. It’s just not the kind of comment she’d make. Besides, she left for a killer opportunity Under Armour … and who wouldn’t?!
We ended up in a lot of trouble with our last SEO
company we hired, been doing a bit of research on it in my spare time and next time
we are going to hire a junior to sort it
Are you active on any forums?
Something is going on. I could be wrong but It looks to me like Icahn has been setting us up for bankruptcy. What would being under bankruptcy protection do to the shareholder lawsuit? If the bankruptcy judge determined that XO is worth less than what the shareholders were paid, could Icahn then petition to have the suit dismissed somehow? Could he somehow force the merits of the shareholder case to be argued in front of the Bankruptcy judge? Could the shareholder lawsuit be shut down or postponed while we were under bankruptcy protection? Just a thought. Just curious.
I don’t know but I bet that Icahn used the $500 million loan XO got last year to pull more cash out of XO. If he BKs XO it will be interesting to see how much he stuck the banks for.
The lawsuit is not against XO it is against Icahn. A bk of XO would be unrelated to the lawsuit. Bankruptcy protection would not extend to Icahn, bankruptcy courts have no jurisdiction. It would be completely unrelated. A bk doesn’t change the value of the NOLs that Icahn took. I suppose one could argue that a bk might color a judges view but it would be a pretty dim witted judge to be taken in by such shenanigans. The lawsuit is about what XO and the NOLs were worth five years ago.
I might add so far this judge has shown himself to be anything but dim witted. He ruled the entire fairness doctrine applied and was upheld on appeal. And this month he put the brakes to Icahn’s lawyer attempting to delay the trial several more months.
Has anyone heard about Jan sales? Rumor out of NY has it not looking good. Could this be the last straw for Icahn for this management team? Lawsuit trial not going well, XO not going well, will he finally just sell…..
who’s overseeing sales at this POS place?
Party starts tomm
0601296/2009 – R2 INVESTMENTS, LDC, vs. ICAHN, CARL C.
Appearance Date: Tuesday February 02, 2016
County: New York / Part: IAS TRIAL READY 53
Calendar Number: 2014L-00105
On For: SUPREME TRIAL / Action:
Comment(s): 11:00 A.M.
This is a hearing on motions by the plaintiffs to exclude evidence about 2008 loses that were “discovered” in 2014, attempts by Icahn to sell XO after he took it private, and some testimony by an “expert” that basically ‘me toos’ testimony from another expert who cannot testify. Interestingly enough Icahn’s own expert says his testimony would be inadmissible in Deleware. It is the Deleware fairness doctrine that must be met in this case. More trial is scheduled for feb 11. So things are moving forward.
Rumor from a good source at XO says Verizon is buying them for 1.9B. They want the wireless spectrum for 5G trials starting next year. XO owns the spectrum that the FCC is going to approve for 5G. Deal should be announced in the next 4 weeks.
why would they bet on the come of FCC approval or has it already been determined and publicly stated?
Interesting rumor. XO does have a lot of spectrum.
From time to time XO seems to have this rumor of being purchased, wondering if this has any truth to it.
It’s real
Great news for XO. Now all the loser will be out as Verizon lays off every Q………
I’m sure not everyone at XO is a loser. Agree with you if you are talking about that management team, but I would guess the front line people are hard working
Not all losers but 90% of the talent has already left for other opportunities
As a former employee (left two years ago), I can confirm that is the case. All of the deep talent has departed. There are still some good people left. But, the place is now a shell of what it was 5 years ago. Laura Thomas as CEO was definitely the beginning of a the large talent exodus. It was the worst possible decision Icahn’s management team could have made in terms of keeping the existing technologically competent talent and attracting new talent. The loss in talent depth and the resulting loss in business momentum would take billions of investment and years of very focused rebuilding, two things Icahn doesn’t seem to have any interest in whatsoever. It’s very sad to see such an awesome company and team dissolve this way. Ichan losing his R2 lawsuit can’t come soon enough for some of us.
Ernie O. firing out of spite key sales leaders & hiring some if the worst in the industry replacements before he jumped to Cogent.
Xo hasn’t been Xo since the day Icahn took over and started hiring and churning incompetent sales heads every few years. We went from known leaders like Ackerson, Nate Davis, Joc jacquay to known losers in the Industry like Dan Wagner, Toplisek, Ortega and Ancell. I think that Icahn had plan all along, hire bums to run Xo into the ground, reap the NOL benefits and sell the place. Looks like that is happening now. Go R2!
What would be the spiral effect of the Verizon acquisition?
The network assets? The management team? The sales team? Operations team?
I’d like to guess at this:
The network assets are old and not much use to Verizon
Management team? Not likely
Sales team? Very possible. I doubt you can ever get enough experienced sales people
Operations team? The lower tiers would be let go due to overlap. The higher tiers would be offered positions elsewhere. You can never get enough experienced techs.
Network, they want spectrum, nothing else
Management, they will keep 40% of middle management during transition of customers. Good luck fitting in.
Sales team, most will be let go. They wont keep people not making their numbers, and they have a sales force already, with most of XOs accounts are in Verizon territory and already covered. If they take the sales people, 90% wont last past 3 months anyway.
Operations, will keep 50%-60% to transition customers. They dont know how to integrate systems or networks so will need people to manage existing base while moving them to vzb network
They – VZ – want the Spectrum.
Sales – I doubt it
Executive Management Team – who would VZ want? Based on these posts seems the good ones have already gone so the current crop would be the first to go. It would also appear middle management and the XO employee wouldn’t care as they haven’t been good to anyone.
Operations – Agree with the previous statement with the tech teams; they would need to remain in place (smaller teams) through a transition which could take anywhere between 6 months to 18 months to complete. I would guess if an announcement is made of this purchase, people would start looking (if they haven’t already)
Talk, talk, talk, talk. Won’t believe it until the FCC has to approved the buy of XO. Icahn still wants the NOLs as long as he can.
Good luck R2 with the trial, a lot of shareholders are on your side.
NOLs are all used up. R2 lawsuit won’t matter. If they get a few bucks, so what? It’s not a huge windfall, and there will probably be all kinds of accounting obfuscation even if they win that will lessen the damage. It’s still just a cost of doing business for Icahn anyway. Don’t lose too much sleep over it.
Wouldn’t the Long Haul backbone with 100G capabilities be attractive to a MSO such as Time Warner Cable or Comcast? As there assets are mostly Metro in there respective footprints.
So do they still survive on selling a couple of the same accounts month over month in the East?
Does anyone have an update on both the rumored purchase by Verizon and the R2 trail?
It appears XO Communications’ assets were just purchased out from under the operation by Verizon! I sure wouldn’t want to be one of the people still there. Given how crappy Icahn treated the company before, it’s hard to imagine he’s going to do anything but make things much worse for those pesky costly litigious employees.
There were five days of trial in Feb. Next day of trial is Mar 3
I took a fucking blood bath dumping you bitches, so good night, the parties over!
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– Gilda –
Great article… surprised to see little reaction on this thread to this news. What are the employees thoughts and opinions about this?
I think it depends upon who you are. For those who know they are transitioning to Verizon badges, they are feeling an immense sense of relief. XO’s been an Icahn induced hell hole for years.
For those who are uncertain if they will be transitioned to Verizon, this is likely pretty anxiety provoking (assuming they weren’t already looking and focused on an exit anyway), but not much more than the Icahn induced layoffs hell hole they were already experiencing. That said, they will likely get an awesome severance package now, as opposed to the horrific things XO would offer (which I am certain was the result of Icahn’s ownership).
All in all, while there will be increased anxiety and a drop in moral during the transition, I think every employee will end up much better off than they were prior to this deal. While most won’t say it, most are definitely feeling “Thank God and thank Verizon! And good riddance to Carl Icahn!”
If anyone thinks they will be rebadged, they have never been involved in a merger or aquisition. XO is a blip to Verizon, the dont need any of them, they have groups already to all the tasks. They will layoff 60%+ on day one. The rest transition till they get laid off by Verizon.
The morale already sucks, so this is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that is XO. Probably alot of employees are happy to see the end of this company. Icahn made it impossible to run it in a manner that was anything that was normal.
Awesome article. Hilarious this thread was brought up.
I have been following along on this for quite some time and I have been thoroughly entertained. I’ve also been baffled. Why in the hell has anyone stayed at this turd of a company? All of the whining and belly aching and yet it seems like people just hang in hoping that nothing bad happens to them. In my experience in situations like this the good talent moves on to other places because they are desirable and the incompetent employees that aren’t really employable elsewhere dig in and pray.
I would expect that most XO employees may be shown the door prior to the merger so as to avoid larger severance packages afforded by Verizon. Most XO employees will be deemed undesirable.
Everyone has their reasons for hanging on this long. A lot of talent has moved on and all that is left is the B team. Moral is terrible and still management tells everyone this is a great opportunity for everyone. Such bullshit. They just don’t want people to start bailing now, but people are waiting for their bonuses.
The shareholder trial is getting close to being wrapped up and it is starting to appear that Icahn’s lawyers game playing with the court is catching up to him. His “expert witness” testimony on the “fairness doctrine’ was not allowed by the court. Icahn’s lawyer thought he was being clever by not objecting to the shareholders expert’s deposition on the “fairness doctrine” when it was introduced last fall. But now he is belatedly objecting to it. Too late. Last fall he told the court it was a “strategy decision” not to cross examine or object to the witness. Now he wants the same court to allow an objection that he declined to make when it was in order. This guy is a joke. If you are interested in detail you can find it at the NY courts website. If I have the time I will try to summarize it more fully.
BrianBoro Thank you for the insight. Keep it coming if you can.
XO’s remaining leaders are waking up to the fact that there’s nothing for them in this merger. Verizon wants the spectrum only, and there’s no retention, etc. I hope that the line workers find spots, but seeing this leadership team squirm gives me a massive woody.
Leaders, what Leaders, i don’t see any Leaders! …. Say what? XO has Leaders? Where? Where? Show me a Leader?
Management was spinning it as a great opportunity and the usual suck ups piped in with the same bullcrap.
Hopefully the relatively low overhead in XO’s Saginaw, MI office offers some insulation to the looming transition to Verizon but I’ve not much confidence it won’t end up an empty building.
Any update on the trial?
There is another half day trial scheduled for March 22. It could be the last one depending on what happens.
Verizon has made it abundantly clear that all they want is the spectrum. The deal could still fall through, but if it doesn’t, anyone telling you that this will be a good thing for XO employees is a bold faced liar.
Rumor has it VZ and XO execs will start meeting late March or early April. Assuming this is the beginning of the end.
The judge in the shareholders case ruled against the motion by Icahn’s lawyer to exclude the deposition of the shareholders expert on “total fairness”. He recently ruled to exclude the testimony of Icahn’s expert on total fairness. Icahn’s sphincter ani of a lawyer has been trying to game the court and it looks like it caught up with him. He did not object to the deposition of the shareholder’s expert when it was entered (this is when the objection would have been timely) and told the court it was a ‘strategy’ move not to object. He then called few witnesses which forced the plaintiffs (shareholders) to call those witnesses as their own which is awkward. Subsequently he tried to introduce the testimony from his ‘total fairness’ expert. He then claimed he planned to do it all along if the shareholders expert’s testimony was admitted in contradiction to what he earlier claimed was “strategy”. This is the testimony that was denied. Looks to me like his gaming the court has got him in the deep do-do. I bet the judge has the same view and is tired of the game playing. I would love to hear how he describes this turn of events to Icahn.
There are a myriad of possible rulings in the the shareholders lawsuit. But the more I think about it I think if the judge rules in the shareholders favor the most logical outcome is to rollback the share ownership proportions to 2008. This would be very good for us and give us a fair share of the value of the company. I want to say again, however, there should be some way to punish Icahn for all the harm he has done to the employees of XO by playing this greedy, vicious game. He has hurt many good people. I wish them well.
I don’t think my earlier posts were very clear so here goes again. Recall that the crux of the shareholder’s case is whether or not the Delaware “complete fairness” doctrine applies. Initially the judge expressed skeptism that it did. However, after hearing the evidence the judge ruled against dismissing the case and ruled that the “complete fairness” doctrine applied. This placed the burden of proof on Icahn to prove he met the standard.
Subsequently both the shareholders and Icahn retained experts on “complete fairness”. The first expert hired by Icahn became unavailable. Icahn wanted to introduce his report into evidence but the shareholders objected because the expert would not be available for cross-examination. The objection was upheld. Icahn then hired another expert. This “expert” simply said he had adopted the report of Icahn’s previous expert. When he was deposed he further stated that his report and testimony would not be admissable in Delaware.
The shareholder’s expert’s report was introduced in October without objection from Icahn’s attorney. Icahn’s attorney asked him no questions in order to prevent the shareholder’s attorney from being able to ask him questions to elaborate on the report. Since he had no questions to ask the shareholder’s attorney could not ask the expert to elaborate. The report was simply introduced as it was. Icahn’s attorney told the court at the time that his declining to cross examine the expert and his failure to object to the report was a “strategy” decision. He clearly stated he had no objection to the report being introduced.
Somewhat later Icahn’s attorney on at least two occasions implied he was going to object to the shareholder expert report in the event his own expert’s report was rejected. He implied the judge was aware of this potential objection even though it would not be timely. So he was attempting to saddle the judge with the responsibility for his previously announced “strategy” decision not to object to the report.
Later he tried to introduce his expert’s report and it was ruled inadmissible. The judge upheld the shareholders objection that he was not an expert on process and it was simply an attempt to get the first report into evidence. He then objected to the shareholder’s expert report claiming he had all along said he was going to do this. The transcripts don’t bear this out. At the time his objection was in order he announced a “strategy” decision not to object. He was obviously gaming the court. It is quite unethical behavior. If it isn’t unethical it is incompetence. (or maybe it is because he has been preoccupied in trying to make awful movies and not paying attention….he fancies himself a director) The judge ruled the shareholder expert report was indeed admissible. So now the situation is that the shareholder’s expert’s report on whether or not the transactions met the “complete fairness” standard in in evidence and there is no counter report from Icahn in evidence.
If Icahn loses the case he will likely appeal. The appeal will probably be based on the judge ruling against the objection to the shareholder’s expert being admitted into evidence and ruling that Icahn’s expert’s report was not admitted. But the transcripts will put the lie to the claim that he had the judge’s permission to object later and Delaware case law allows the admission of a real expert’s report. In fact, the shareholder’s expert has given evidence in Delaware cases and in at least one case over the objection of the defendant. Just as in our case.
Icahn reportedly pays close attention to what goes on in court cases he is involved in. He must be livid about this state of affairs where he has no expert report in evidence on the core issue of whether or not the “complete fairness” standard was met and the shareholders do. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy and his sphincter ani of an attorney.
Love your updates. Thank you
Another laughable move by Icahn’s attorney: He is desperately attempting to exclude the specific advice given to the BOD Special Committees of 2008, 2009, and 2011 by the counsel they hired to give them advice. On one hand he tells the court the Special Committees had “the benefit of highly regarded legal and financial advisers to help them evaluate the the Challenged Transactions.” Then he wants to exclude the specific advice that the adviser gave them. What a joke! We are just a few months away from what i think will be a landmark decision of its kind that exposes the great “shareholder activist” as a greedy con man (like his buddy Trump).
I hope you are right, i am no longer at XO and those years under that man were terrible, there was no regard for employees at any level. Overworked, stressful circus. It will be nice to see justice work properly. Please keep us informed of the verdict as Icahn probably keeps the media reporters under his thumb too, and they will be afraid to report on it.
Hear any interesting rumors?
I heard that the on net sales team was canned, any truth?
The entire acquisition organization was let go last Friday. Worst kept secret as everyone knew way in advance.
BrianBoru – What’s happening re the trial? Any updates worth sharing?
Testimony is complete. Waiting for decision. Hard to tell how long a wait it might be.
I am amazed they went all the way through. I figured a settlement eventually would get hammered out.
Yes. I expected a settlement as well. I thought Icahn would not want to have his reputation as a “shareholder advocate” tarnished by a judgement against him. I think this case is likely to be a landmark case of its kind with a judgement that completely exposes Icahn for the fraud that he is.
The boat is sinking and many of those idiots aren’t jumping ship. Swim for your life, or grab a life ring.
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. Anyone there can now wait it out. First, free paycheck with much less to do (as things are winding down naturally). Second, playing the “I could get an XO severance package, or even better a Verizon severance package or possibly be hired by Verizon before XO lays me off” lottery has pretty good odds, much better than the normal lottery. So, for those who can find other work easily (and the job market remains pretty hot nationwide), why leave a second sooner than the end of the lottery for you?
Granted, if you value stability, fulfillment by doing meaningful work and/or a place of work where it is enjoyable to participate, then perhaps you should look elsewhere. Guess what? Those that hold those values left long ago. There are very few of them left. So, my advice to those who have remained all this time, stay and play the XO lottery. The worst case is you get a guaranteed paycheck for months where the amount of work and the pressure to produce that work is greatly diminished.
Hey Clueless. You are clearly delusional about your advice to any one waiting for a severance package from Icahn worth hanging around for. The severance pkg is now 1 week for every year of service, hardly could call that jackpot lottery winnings. If you have an opportunity you better take it sooner than later. The freeloader pay concept you mention certainly telegraphs a poor message to any potential employers in the future. Also not sure what “Hot Market” you refer to, last I checked Telecom has the highest % unemployment of just about any industry out there.
It is a hot market because you are working in the computer networking field, not the telecom field. Unless you are working on TDM all day then you should have had the brains to switch to VoIP. If you are willing to follow the jobs, then the jobs are all over the place; even in telco.
I should have mentioned that written arguments in the shareholder case are not due until the end of June. The judge will rule sometime after that.
The employee handbook states: No severance package will be paid out if the company is sold in whole or in part. Once the ink is wet they can hand you your last check and say thanks for your service have a great life.
How utterly Icahn-ic! Screw them the employees down to the very last penny. No wonder he has such a glowing admirable reputation in so many industries.
Meetings with Verizon are getting heated.
In what way?
any updates on this? is that true about severance in the event of an acquisition?
Severance will be provided in the event of the acquisition and next meeting with VZ is the week of June 6th.. Bonus (if any) will be paid at the purchase close
The deadline for filing briefs in the shareholders case has been extended to July 15.
thanks Brian. seems like it will never end
It has been a long march.
they may be negotiating
That’s my bet
Anyone know what’s going on with the XO/Verizon merger? Meetings, close date, will people be kept or let go?
As of now…Meetings are still going down, close is expected early 2017, and as long as you are not on a PIP plan you will become a Verizon employee.
The deadline for filing of briefs in the shareholders case has been extended to August 2.
i dont think the judge would allow this if they were not negotiating
I don’t know if there are negotiations going on but I tend to doubt it. Although my doubt may be the result of hoping this results in a decision against Icahn. I want to see his self promoted image as a “shareholder advocate” exposed for what it really is. Just a constructed cover for greed and theft. Icon is a fraud.
thanks for the update Brian, is there any news/rumors or just total blackout other than official documents
Nothing that I have heard.
Icahn is all about Icahn. People should have known that but hopefully with the proper outcome of this trial all eyes will now see the true Icahn. A man who doesn’t care about people, especially the people who work at his companies to create value for that company. He only cares about people that give him money to invest. No respect for Icahn in any sense of the word.
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said Thursday it is pausing its review of Verizon Communication Inc’s planned $1.8 billion acquisition of Carl Icahn’s XO Communications fiber-optic business.
Anyone know why and what specific material they are asking for?
What happens after the the deadline for filing of briefs in the shareholders case on August 2?
The judge will issue a decision. This is a complex case with mountains of evidence and high stakes. The judge will want to be sure his decision is correct so I think it will be several months before we see a ruling.
The deadline for submission of briefs was extended again to August 12. Some have speculated that this may be an indication that settlement negotiations are going on. I doubt that but as I have said before my doubt may be the result of wanting a decision against Icon that forever labels him as the fraud that he is. A decision against Icon will be a significant would be a real boon for true shareholder rights and expose Icon for the phony “shareholder activist” he purports to be. And it would likely get widespread attention in the financial media so all will see what a crook this guy is.
Anything new on the Verizon merger?
The briefs were filed on August 12 in the shareholders lawsuit. Besides the briefs and proposed finding of fact there are over 100 exhibits. It will be a while before there is a ruling. I quickly scanned the memorandums and there isn’t much new to report. But there is more detail. Also, Icahn’s seemed to primarily focus on attacking the process expert called by the shareholders. You may recall that Icahn’s process expert was not allowed to testify and Icahn’s legal beagle failed to object to our expert due to some sort of “strategy”. I have a hunch “error” is a better characterization. Here is a link for those wanting more information.
Heard there were some Layoffs today, true?
Not true, no layoffs. People just leaving on their own as the close of the VZ deals approaches.
Also, any update on the trial? The last update were the briefs were filed on August 12th.
VP of IT was let go today. This is the start of the end. Verizon is already pulling the strings and letting go of good folks with long tenureship. The clueless CIO is doing the dirty work.
I heard the same when I called one of my IT friends. This just proves what our execs lie. They say all is good and everyone has a job, unless you’re the clueless CIO who then says XO and VZ don’t want you. From what I’ve heard I don’t think the CIO is clueless probably more just DUMB. So don’t believe Chris Ancell and any other exec when they say Verizon want our people as it looks like they don’t. So good job to Chris Ancell, CIO – Noel Wong and all of the other execs, you now have the rank and file in fear of their jobs. No one is safe between now and when VZ buys this sinking ship.
Word reached Nashville yesterday the IT VP that was laid off was Bill Buckley. Everyone here can’t understand why given he and his team are so good. The only answer is either Version is now pulling all the strings before deal is closed or Noel Wong is as clueless and dumb as previously noted. Either way how can our management team allow this to happen, oh it’s because they have no backbone or no brains.
Are you saying that Noel made a “Wong” move here?
Plaintiffs lost. Justice is served.
Can you elaborate?
That wasn’t me. Someone used my name. But it is true that the court ruled against the shareholders. What a travesty.
Icahn is like Trump. Twin sons of different mothers. (or sob if you prefer) Not a fan.
Icahn is a dick.
Has Verizon shown what direction they in going in regards to the xo employees? I wonder how many they will keep and in what rolls. I don’t see them keeping any sales folks, but what do I know.
The shareholders are appealing the decision in their lawsuit against Icahn.
Verizon has begun to expose their plans. Several roadshow meetings and basically Verizon is saying they will “try” to place as many XO’ers as possible, but if there is no position they will give notice so you can look throughout Verizon and if you can’t find anything you will get the XO serverance plan (one week for each year of service).
But I’ve heard there are a lot of meetings happening between Verizon and XO, so it sounds like the deal is getting close to closing.
Any updates on what Verizon is doing/planning? Heard the deal is closed, when do the layoffs begin?
There’s really been no sign of incoming layoffs up to this point. The mapping they are doing will force their hand a bit so the next 90 to 120 days will be more telling.
I hear April 21 will be the day layoffs commence.
Layoffs today.
Bloodletting has begun. Mgr’s and technicians going out the door one after another. So much for wanting to keep us all.
Any offices closing i worked in wyomissing
anyone hear anything on the appeal?
Verizon spinning off XO it seems – anyone have details?
They should spin it off the nearest cliff.
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Now that Breauninger parted ways with his protege Pang, time for Orlando and Breauninger to create a powerhouse at Zayo! Toplisek might be joining.
Does anyone have any tickets for Madison Square Garden?