1547, Harrison Street Acquire South Bend Carrier Hotel

September 5th, 2024 by · 1 Comment

There was a bit of M&A in the data center space yesterday out in the Midwest. fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty and the investment management firm Harrison Street have teamed up to acquire the Union Station Data Center out in South Bend, Indiana.

The Union Station data center, which was owned by Global Access Point, sits on one of the key intercity fiber routes connecting Chicago with the entire east coast of the US. It’s a carrier hotel and interconnection facility built out of a rail hub that closed back in 1972 that now anchors the technology ecosystem of northern Indiana.

The facility’s deeply networked infrastructure and its position within the regional ecosystem make it the sort of interconnection hub that 1547 CSR specializes in owning, operating, and upgrading. Growing infrastructure investments in the region by the industry as a whole in response to AI and Quantum Computing are no coincidence of course.

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Categories: Datacenter · Mergers and Acquisitions

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