Wednesday Bytes: Grid, Dawiyat, SVI, LCB, Gateway, Yondr

July 24th, 2024 by · Leave a Comment

Two international bits of infrastructure news, and two FTTH builds of domestic interest:

Grid Telecom and Dawiyat Integrated have signed an MoU to build a cable system between Saudi Arabia and Greece. Both companies are fiber subsidiaries of energy utilities, and they are looking to create an alternative gateway between Europe and the Middle East. Details of the project are, however, limited to the fact that it will land on the Greek island of Crete.

South Valley Internet and LCB Communications will be building FTTH and middle mile access out in central California. The two have lined up $30M in grant funding that will go toward bringing fiber to underserved areas throughout San Benito County. That’s southeast of San Jose but not along the coast, an area that doesn’t get a lot of infrastructure attention.

Gateway Fiber is expanding into a new piece of the Minneapolis metro area. They have started construction on fiber network in Plymouth MN, which straddles I494 to the west of the twin cities. The expansion builds on infrastructure they’ve put in place in the northern and northwestern suburbs over the past year or so.

And Yondr Group has completed the first phase of its first data center in the UK. It’s 20MW of what will eventually be a a 30MW facility on a 100+MW data center campus in Slough, the data center hub to the west of London. The second 30MW facility is already under construction. Yondr also has a 300MW project in the works in Malaysia among other things.

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Categories: Datacenter · FTTH · Metro fiber · Undersea cables

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