GIX Opens New Route Across the Hudson

July 10th, 2024 by · 1 Comment

Connectivity between New York City and New Jersey is a critical piece of the nation’s infrastructure. But it has been a while since we’ve seen new infrastructure built across the Hudson River. Yesterday that changed as Global InterXchange announced it’s new carrier neutral dark fiber deployment has officially gone live.

The project takes a diverse route through PATH tunnel F to lower Manhattan, connecting the two iconic data center facilities at 60 Hudson Street and 165 Halsey Street. The new route leverages SMF-28 Ultra fiberoptic cable from Corning in a cable provided by Prysmian. Diverse routing on the Manhattan side provides two entries to 60 Hudson Street.

A public-private partnership with the Port Authority of NY and NJ enabled the buildout, which benefits from 16-ton flood gates on both sides of the river. The construction was also designed to withstand extreme weather and meet post-9/11 security standards. GIX has been working on this since 2018, with Hylan adding its engineering expertise a couple years ago when things really started moving


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Categories: Engineering & Construction · Fiber Networks · Metro fiber

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