Wednesday Bytes: Bluebird, Colt, iBasis, Hurricane Electric

February 22nd, 2024 by · Leave a Comment

Three expansion projects and a contract renewal: Bluebird Network has been busy underneath the Mississippi River. Working with an unnamed ‘major hyperscaler and social media company’ (gee I wonder who that could be) have completed a new river crossing 100 feet below the river’s bed, connecting St. Louis with the east bank in Illinois. Bluebird says its next project is a new fiber route from St. Louis down to Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Colt has expanded its NaaS services to another 10 countries in three different parts of the world. In Europe they are moving into Luxembourg, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Hungry. In North America it is the US and Canada, and in APAC it is Australia. Meanwhile they have launched vRouter capabilities in the UK and France as well.

The global service provider iBasis and the Dutch giant KPN have renewed their outsourcing deal for another three years. KPN formerly owned iBasis, selling it to Tofane Global in 2019. iBasis will continue to handle voice and data traffic for KPN’s mobile roaming needs for both phones and IoT devices. iBasis says it saw its Diameter traffic grow by 80% last year.

And Hurricane Electric has added a second PoP in the state of Maine. They have deployed a presence in the city of Portland within Deep Edge Realty. Deep Edge Realty’s facility has 52K square feet of space and sits 4.1 miles from the airport. From there HE will be able to better serve enterprises across southern Maine.

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Categories: Internet Backbones · Metro fiber · SDN · VoIP

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