FiberLight says it is investing $20M into new infrastructure near Austin TX. But this isn’t just a new fiber route, this is a project of the Autonomy Institute aimed at next generation municipal and transportation infrastructure.
Basically, in order to really support things like automated vehicles and all that they imply for public services and safety, the Autonomy Institute believes we need to think through the infrastructure we build into our transportation corridors. Backed by industry expertise from all over the IT map, they have designed a system based on Public Infrastructure Network Nodes that will provide the basis upon which software can reliably do what is needed.
In order to connect those PINNs, you of course need fiber. FiberLight will be helping build out that part of the infrastructure on 92 miles of State Highway 130, which passes from north to south along the eastern edge of Austin. On that fiber they will offer 10G and 100G connectivity in support of what is described as an ‘intelligent infrastructure zone’, with 240 PINNs spaced out by about 2,000 feet.
Just where all this will take us is an open question, but you can’t know unless you take those early steps. The Autonomy Institute is working on related projects elsewhere around the country. One day, smart roads will be much, much more a part of the public consciousness than programmable signs displaying notices and questionable humor … we hope at least.
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Categories: Metro fiber · Smart Cities
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