What do you get when you pair an edge data center platform with a cable operator’s depth? Well, we may find out before long as Vapor IO and Comcast are teaming up in two major metro areas to demonstrate the possibilities.
The idea is to leverage Vapor IO’s Kinetic Grid platform deep within the last few miles and close to enterprises and businesses. There the modular facilities can leverage Comcast’s metro depth to interconnect with each other and back to a national fiber backbone. Third parties would then be able to offer XaaS services to enterprises within easy, low latency reach.
The initial projects will be in Chicago and Atlanta, with an eye toward expanding nationwide. The question of course will be how third parties will choose to leverage such assets. Distributed ecosystems like this take some work and time to develop. The initial pilots are targeted to be ready in Q3 of this year.
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Categories: Cable · Datacenter · Metro fiber · SDN
Sounds like Comcast picked up a nice customer there w/ Vapor.