Some new fiber, a couple new customers, and of course more cloud connectivity:
DQE Communications is expanding eastward toward Philadelphia from its home turf in the Greater Pittsburgh metro area. This week they announced a fiber buildout between Indiana, PA and Harrisburg, PA, reaching halfway across the state to within 100 miles of Philadelphia. Along with that intercity build, they have plans for 90 route miles of metro fiber in Harrisburg itself.
Southern Telecom has picked up a significant win in the higher education space. An unnamed ‘major southern state university’ in Atlanta has picked STI to support the expansion of its network infrastructure. They will be leveraging STI’s steam system conduit, 10-15 feet below ground, for greater security and protection. It’s an expansion of an existing relationship, and is probably with Georgia State University given the geography etc.
GTT has picked up an enterprise customer from the retail space over in Europe. The global networking operator will be managing the wide area network of the women’s clothing retailer Caroll. Caroll’s network connects not just its online business and headquarters, but also 173 stores across nine countries: Andorra, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.
And Colt has hooked up more cloud connectivity to its global network. They are now supporting direct connections to the Alibaba Cloud from the Asian markets of Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Alibaba’s cloud business continues to grow, challenging the big western-based cloud operators within the APAC region.
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Categories: Cloud Computing · Fiber Networks · Internet Backbones · Metro fiber
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