Two of the networking world’s key organizations have joined forces to further advance SD-WAN. MEF and UNUG announced yesterday a collaboration aimed at accelerating development of MEF 3.0 standards and certification programs.
MEF recently published its MEF70 SD-WAN standard, trying to provide a unification path to the various technologies and implementations that have arisen in the past few years in the vendor and service provider spheres. That’s just the first step of course, there is plenty left to do on the standardization front and certification programs are just getting started.
Meanwhile, ONUG’s SD-WAN 2.0 Working Group has been actively gathering information on SD-WAN’s actual use within enterprise hybrid multi-cloud environments. Enterprise demand for SD-WAN has been driving adoption faster than we usually see for new technologies, and the things that enterprises want out of it are still evolving — often faster than vendors and service providers realize.
By teaming up, ONUG’s extensive use case expertise will become more readily available to those working on MEF’s managed services standards and certification projects, helping ground everything in reality a bit further. That could help SD-WAN maintain its momentum, reducing the gap between hype and actual capability. We had ONUG co-founder and co-chairman Nick Lippis here for an Industry Spotlight just last week.
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