The world of software-defined networking got a new consortium today up in northern New England. The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory has kicked off the effort in order to help vendors and network operators work together to solve the problems that will inevitably arise with the coming deployments of both SDN and NFV.
The UNH-IOL will be making its test-bed and professional services available through the consortium, with interoperability and testing being the first order of business when the consortium officially opens next month. Later will come things like conformance and benchmarking.
But perhaps the biggest thing here is the fact that we don’t see universities directly involved enough in this sort of thing, and thus it is an opportunity to work with students that will soon make up part of the next generation of engineers in the industry. I’ve had more than one conversation with vendors regarding the gap between the software talent the industry needs and what our education system is producing.
The UNH-IOL hosted an AppFest in May testing ONF member software against several OpenFlow switch environments and SDN controllers.
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Categories: NFV · SDN
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