FirstLight Fiber announced an expansion into a new region this morning, and this time the vector isn’t M&A. They have added new fiber in Westchester, Rockland, and Orange counties in the state of New York.
FirstLight’s home turf has been in the northern part of booth New York and New England, with dense metro in Albany in particular. This organic expansion takes their footprint southward almost all the way to New York City by adding new dense metro in the densely populated areas straddling the Tappan Zee Bridge.
They have added an additional 36,000 fiber miles, boosting their total by more than 15% to 260,000 across 5 states. In particular, they note that the new fiber is in close proximity to some 4,000 tower and enterprise locations.
Now that they’ve moved down the Hudson in some force, I wonder which direction they will be looking next. They could complete the triangle to the east by adding depth in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, they could look west toward Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo, or they could even continue southward into the NYC/northern New Jersey markets.
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Categories: Fiber Networks · Metro fiber
? 36,000 fiber miles vs 36,000 route miles
big difference
Corrected. Sorry about that!