Tuesday Bytes: Verizon, Infinera, Birch, Equinix

March 24th, 2015 by · 2 Comments

It’s time for a set of quick takes on news from the first part of this week:

Verizon says it is going 100G in the metro. They’ll beleveraging Ciena’s packet optical gear and Cisco’s network convergence technology to do in the metro what they’ve spent the past few years doing in the longhaul. They’re not in a big hurry though, with live traffic expected to hit the new systems in 2016.

Infinera has been busy in the lab it seems, resulting in the introduction of two new PICs yesterday. The ePIC brings sliceability to the operator’s 500G superchannels, while the oPIC brings 100G slices to the spoke. The combination is intended to give network operators more scalability and flexibility in the metro.

A year after announcing the purchase of Cbeyond, Birch is busy boosting its service delivery with some new faces and a streamlined organizational structure. Kristin Richie will take the reins as VP of Order Processing, with Chris Bussel also brought in as Director of Order Processing. With Cbeyond, Birch added dark fiber to its diet complete with 640 on-net buildings in seven metro markets along with a whole lot of revenue they hope to do good things with.

And Equinix formally launched its first facility in Melbourne, Australia. They spent some $60M to buy the land and put in an initial 105,000 square feet, and have more than 40 customers in place. ME1 complements its three brethren over in Sydney, giving Equinix some geographical diversity down under.

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