Telefonica Taps Allied Fiber for Southeastern Dark Fiber

January 28th, 2015 by · Leave a Comment

Allied Fiber has won a big dark fiber contract for its ongoing fiber roll-out in the southeast.  Spanish-based Telefonica is coming ashore in North America and onto some new terrestrial dark fiber, taking up residence on Allied Fiber’s growing footprint.

map-alliedfiber-FL_GA-withLegendTelefonica has a big presence in Latin America of course, and they’ve got two big cables landing in Florida these days:  SAM-1 in Jacksonville and PCCS in Boca Raton.  They’d like to improve their connectivity to the various peering and interconnection points further north, however.  Allied Fiber’s Florida route was built for just this sort of thing, and the initial dark fiber purchase will get them on up to Atlanta when it is all in service in a few months.  I say initial because I rather doubt that Telefonica’s final goal is Atlanta, but rather Ashburn and New York City.  They’ve been looking for a dark fiber entry into the US markets for some time

Allied Fiber remains on track to finish its fiber build to Atlanta pretty soon.   They’ll have all the fiber installed sometime in the next month or so, and the colocation huts will be put in place through spring.  Everything will be ready for service by summertime, at which point Hunter Newby and crew will need a new build-out to work on.  I suspect we’ll be hearing more about phase 2 shortly, now that they’ve proven the concept in Florida and Georgia.


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Categories: Fiber Networks · ILECs, PTTs

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