Teliasonera International Carrier announced today another expansion of its global network. They’re expanding further in the Middle East with a new PoP in Qatar, partnering with Ooredoo.
I say further because it was just two days ago that they did the same thing in Dubai with Datamena. And a mere two weeks ago launched a PoP not far down the coast of the Persian Gulf in Oman with the help of Omantel. One PoP in the region is an opportunistic move, three in a week is clearly part of a larger plan to expand the company’s IP network presence in the Middle East as a whole.
TSIC is expanding its global network footprint on all fronts, including that dark fiber purchase they made last year in the USA. So far it has all been via organic means. But I wonder if Teliasonera ought not be higher on the list when it comes to speculation about assets like Reliance Globalcom or Tata Communications over in India, or for whatever comes available back in their European home turf too.
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Categories: Internet Backbones
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