Here’s a quick roundup of news items from the data center world so far this week:
CyrusOne picked up a key client back in its former parents’ home territory in southwestern Ohio. The Dayton-based CINgroup has selected their North Cincinnati data center to help power their cloud-based legal data and software applications. CyrusOne was of course a part of Cincinnati Bell before its IPO a couple quarters ago, and has a strong presence in the area.
Compass Datacenters has teamed up with Fieldview to boost efficiency. They’ve integrated Fieldview’s DCIM solution into their building management system. The additional monitoring and advanced management capabilities will help their data center customers better manage their infrastructure.
Meanwhile, ADVA Optical Networking has been busy in the world of software-defined networking. Along with IBM and Marist College they have demonstrated a virtualized optical transmission network with OpenFlow-based control. The idea is to bring dynamic provisioning and management of optical circuits between geographically dispersed data centers. I sense lots of such demos of various flavors by industry participants of all types are in our future.
And in Europe, Interxion picked up a key certification on its southwestern front. They’ve secured LEED gold certification at their MAD2 facility in Madrid, demonstrating superior energy efficiency. In this case, 100% of that energy apparently comes from renewable sources.
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Categories: Cloud Computing · Datacenter · Energy · SDN
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