China isn’t the only big market in which Pacnet is looking to add depth to its regional footprint. This week they announced a deeper presence in India as well. They have enhanced their PoPs in Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, and New Delhi to offer high speed international connectivity.
Pacnet gained the necessary licenses back in 2010 and built an international gateway in Chennai in 2011, giving its EAC-C2C and EAC Pacific cable systems a foothold on the Indian subcontinent. The latest expansion brings their IP backbone, MPLS, IP VPN, EPL, and private lines to bear on the Indian market, which has long been a difficult nut to crack for outsiders.
The regional provider has been pouring resources into its presence on the Chinese mainland this year, building new data centers and adding services. Having depth in India as well will further their regional coverage. It has only been a little over a year since their colorful former CEO Bill Barney got the boot, and less than a year since former XO CEO Carl Grivner took the helm. Lots has happened since.
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Categories: Internet Backbones · Undersea cables
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