PEG Bandwidth says it has won a big Ethernet backhaul deal with a major wireless carrier. They’ll be bringing fiber to some 473 additional towers in support of the carrier’s expanding 4G market coverage, giving them 700 in all with this particular carrier and a leg up toward the 3,000 milestone.
The Ethernet pipes will go in across a baker’s dozen of states across Texas, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. When complete, PEG will have added 1,900 route miles to its fiber network.
PEG Bandwidth has been fairly quiet about it over the years, but they’ve got quite a bit of fiber (some 13,000 route miles after this project). I’ve clipped their network map to the left here, which suggests that of those 13 states North Carolina, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin are new terrtory for them.
PEG specializes in wireless backhaul outside of the major markets, and thus as 4G providers move beyond the edges of the metro areas they started with. They use a combination of new fiber builds, available dark fiber, and wireless backhaul to get where they need to get.
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Categories: Metro fiber · Wireless
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