Last week I posted maps of fiber-based networks in the British Isles alongside each other as a means to better understand potential consolidation in the European telecommunications market beyond wireless and the incumbents. Today it’s time for a similar look at Scandinavia and the Baltics. Once again, if one looks one can easily find at least a couple dozen, ranging from a token presence in PoP or two to deep local infrastructure:
![]() KPN |
RosTelecom, TTK? |
I suspect I am missing more here than I was for the UK and Ireland, as the further from English the websites get the less likely Google Translate is to get me far enough to drill down to a map. In particular I’m guessing a few more of the Russian carriers ought to be here than I’ve got so far, and that there’s more fiber on the eastern side of the Baltic Sea than I’m currently showing. Iif anyone sees a network that ought to be here yet has been missed, please leave a comment below! (Preferably with a link to what’s missing…) Obviously Teliasonera has much more than their picture indicates, however I’m lacking a more detailed graphic so far. [Update: Teliasonera has provided a more detailed map with their main Nordic fiber routes. And I’m missing details for Telenor and for FT/Orange Business maps, both of whom I already know ought to be here.
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Categories: Fiber Networks
Global Connect covers most of Denmark, a bit of Sweden and northern Germany.
Thanks! I have now added Global Connect both here and on my overall European maps page.
Hmm, Stockholm metro fiber I was unaware of – thanks! Added.
Added. Always thought of them as only mobile. Thanks!
Rostelecom IP Transit Network Map:
Rostelecom Fibre Backbone Network Map (Europe, Central Asia, East Asia):
This network reaches from London in Europe, Astana to Afghanistan in Central Asia to Hong Kong/Tokyo in East Asia.
Rostelecom TEA (Transit Europe Asia):
Transtelecom network:
Transtelecom EurAsiahighway:
GTS also have a presence in the Nordics albeit through partners.