Infinera (NASDAQ:INFN, news, filings) continued its assault on the 100G market with a win in the Mediterranean Sea. TI Sparkle is deploying the vendors flagship DTN-X gear on its MedNautilus network, leveraging those 500Gbps super-channels to meet rising traffic needs.
MedNautilus operates a protected submarine cable system that hooks up Italy, Greece, Israel, Cyprus, and since 2011 Turkey (Istanbul) as well, and covers about 6,000km route miles in all. This is one of those systems I didn’t have on the European page of my network map links collection, a situation which has now been corrected.
With 6 fiber pairs, it had previously had a theoretical capacity of 3.84Tbps, and although they didn’t give an update as to what it is now it’s certainly quite a bit higher with 100G technology powering it.
The subsea market has been getting a lot of 100G attention lately, which makes sense given that it is a fiber-poor business from the start (just a few fiber pairs for each cable system). And with the relatively short hops in the Mediterranean, the technical hurdles for 100G are lower than elsewhere.
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Categories: Telecom Equipment · Undersea cables
do they dominate in LH market AND in Metro gear equipment market?
does metro gear lag LH until demand requires upgrade?
who dominates the metro equipment market?
I must visit “Isarael” sometime. I bet not many have been there!
It’s next to Palastein and Ejypt, now go away. 😉